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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Behavioral and Educational Treatment to Improve Adolescent Mothers Supervision and Home Safety Practices With Their Young Children

Gulotta, Charles S. III 27 April 1998 (has links)
Injury is the leading cause of death and disabilityamong American children, and most injuries to children aged 1-5 years occur at home. Factors associated with increased risk for unintentional injury to young children include an overcrowded home environment, low SES, and living with a mother who is young, less educated, more emotionally overwhelmed, and less protective in her supervision, attributes characteristic of many adolescent mothers. Previous research suggests that teaching parents basic child behavior management techniques can reduce child dangerous behavior (Mathews, et al., 1987; Powers & Chapieski, 1986), but these interventions have not addressed the lack of knowledge about child development common among adolescent parents. The current study employed a multiple-baseline design across subjects to assess the impact of a 6-week in home educational and behavioral treatment. Observable home hazards, supervisory skill, maternal efficacy, parenting stress, and cognitive readiness to parent were examined in four adolescent mothers (aged 16-19), in addition to the dangerous behavior of their children (aged 16-24 months). Mothers received education about child development and sensitive parenting, as well as training in home safety and child behavior management. Child dangerous behavior and maternal supervisory skill and positive behavior were assessed in weekly 20-minute videotaped mother-child interactions. Pre- and post- measures of parenting stress, cognitive readiness to parent, and maternal efficacy related to parenting and child safety were assessed by self-reports. Treatment resulted in improvements in mother positive behavior and knowledge of child development and in reductions of parenting stress, observable home hazards, and child dangerous behavior. A 2-month follow-up revealed some minimal maintenance of treatment gains suggesting additional booster sessions are needed for longer-term gains of reduced injury risk. / Ph. D.

Integrating safety and BIM: automated construction hazard identification and prevention

Zhang, Sijie 27 August 2014 (has links)
Safety of workers in the construction environment remains one of the greatest challenges faced by the construction industry today. Activity-based hazard identification and prevention is limited because construction safety information and knowledge tends to be scattered and fragmented throughout safety regulations, accident records, and experience. With the advancement of information technology in the building and construction industry, a missing link between effective activity-level construction planning and Building Information Modeling (BIM) becomes more evident. The objectives of this study are 1) to formalize the safety management knowledge and to integrate safety aspects into BIM, and 2) to facilitate activity-based hazard identification and prevention in construction planning. To start with, a Construction Safety Ontology is created to organize, store, and re-use construction safety knowledge. Secondly, activity-based workspace visualization and congestion identification methods are investigated to study the hazards caused by the interaction between activities. Computational algorithms are created to process and retrieve activity-based workspace parameters through location tracking data of workers collected by remote sensing technology. Lastly, by introducing workspace parameters into ontology and connecting the ontology with BIM, automated workspace analysis along with job hazard analysis are explored. Results indicate that potential safety hazards can be identified, recorded, analyzed, and prevented in BIM. This study integrates aspects of construction safety into current BIM workflow, which enables performing hazard identification and prevention early in the project planning phase.


林育生 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣民主的多元深化,各種公共政策議題的倡議也愈趨複雜細膩,而利益團體及非營利組織在政策制訂過程的地位也愈趨重要,但實務上,台灣的非營利組織在政策制訂過程中的地位仍屬模糊,特別是在立法過程中的角色扮演與策略選擇,不僅在理論層次的研究中缺少關懷,在實務操作層次上也未獲一般的非營利組織重視,而使得非營利組織在政策立法過程中的未能適切的發揮其應有的功能。因此,本文希望透過非營利組織理論和議題倡導策略分析的結合,建構一個非營利組織在我國立法運作中倡導議題的基本框架,並作為未來相關非營利組織在立法過程中策略選擇的參考依據。 以非營利組織相關理論和公共政策類型區分,可知相關的組織角色和政策類型種類繁多,但本文限於研究範圍,主要將關注於「價值維護者」非營利組織對於「管制性政策」在立法過程中的倡導策略,並選擇以董氏基金會推動「菸害防制法」修訂作為主要的研究個案。本文並以立法過程作為時間的縱面,切割為程序委員會及院會一讀的「立法形成期」、委員會審查的「法案角力期」和黨團協商及院會二三讀的「折衝妥協期」等三個階段,分別分析董氏基金會在不同階段推動「菸害防制法」修訂所採取的各種議題倡導策略,並透過深度訪談等方式蒐集資料,對其所運用的議題倡導策略的利弊得失進行審視評估。 本文研究發現,董氏基金會在歷時兩年半的菸害防制法修法過程中所採取的議題倡導策略,主要有「道德化『困窘策略』的策略主軸」、「結合媒體訴求的行動策略模式」、「單一而執著的直線操作」等幾項特點,而可能忽略了立法院妥協的議事文化、並對於立法院議事技巧不夠熟悉,從而造成菸害防制法修訂的延宕與議題倡導的挫敗。從董氏基金會推動菸害防制法的案例中,本研究認為,有關國內非營利組織進行議題倡導及立法遊說時,最為缺乏而急迫需要的,就是議題倡導及立法遊說的專業化訓練,因此建議我國非營利組織應該加強對於在立法過程中議題倡導策略的專業訓練,使其能夠更為順暢地完成其議題倡導的使命。 關鍵字:非營利組織、議題倡導、立法過程、董氏基金會、菸害防制法 / As the democracy in Taiwan became more intensely diversified, the promotion of various types of bills on public policies turned more complex and more delicate. In addition, the status of both profit-bearing and non-profit organizations in the process of policy establishment also became rather important. However, practically, the status of Taiwan’s non-profit organizations in the process of policy establishment is still blurred especially in the role-play and the strategy selection in the process of the theories of non-profit organizations, bill promotion and strategy analysis, and to use the research findings as a reference for the relevant non-profit organizations in strategy selections in future legislation processes. It is evident that there are various types of relevant organization roles and policies if the categorization is divided into the relevant theories for non-profit organization and the types of public policies. Due to the limitations on the scope of research, this paper mainly focuses on the promotion strategies of the “value guardian”, the non-profit organizations on “control policies” in the legislation processes. Furthermore, the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” promoted by John Tung Foundation, is selected as the main case study for the research. This paper then takes the period of legislation process as the timeline and divides the time into 3 stages: the “legislation formation period” for the Procedural Committee and where the 1st Reading is passed by the Legislation Session; the “bill wresting period” where the bills are examined by the Committees; and the “negotiation period” where negotiations take place between the parties and the organizations and the 2nd and 3rd Readings are passed by the Legislation Session. The 3 different stages are used to analyze the various types of bill promotion strategies employed by John Tung Foundation in the promotion for the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” in the different stages, where information are collected through in-depth interviews and other methods to undergo examinations and evaluations on the pros and cons in the bill promotion strategies used. It is found in this research that a number of characteristics including the “strategy focus of a moralized ‘impoverished strategy’”, the “mobile strategy model that combines media appeals”, and the “single and persistent linear operation” are the main bill promotion strategies taken by John Tung Foundation in the promotion for the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” that took 2.5 years to get through. The bill discussion culture and the compromise of the Legislative Yuan may have been neglected and the unfamiliarity with bill discussion techniques in the Legislative Yuan may have caused the delay and the failure of the bill promotion in the establishment of the Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act. This research feels that from the example of John Tung Foundation’s promotion of the Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act, the most lacking and the most urgently required for local non-profit organizations in bill promotion and legislation persuasion would be the professional training for bill promotion and legislation persuasion. It is therefore recommended that the local non-profit organizations should strengthen their professional training for bill promotion strategies in the legislation processes in order for them to smoothly complete the mission in bill promotion. Keywords: Non-profit Organizations, Bill Promotion, Legislation Processes, John Tung Foundation, Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act.

The Impact of Implementing Building Information Modeling (BIM) on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) During Construction / Påverkan av BIM på arbetsmiljö och säkerhet i byggproduktionen

Matthei, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Health and safety during construction remains a worldwide challenge that the construction industry is facing. The German construction industry recorded an average of 110,000 accidents per year in the period of 2010 to 2019. A discernible trend toward a decrease in occupational accidents is not visible. In this context, traditional safety planning does not seem to be able to guarantee sufficient health and safety during construction. In line with the BIM Roadmap published by the German Ministry of Transport in 2015, it can be recognized that Building Information Modeling (BIM) is supposed to be increasingly used in upcoming years. This paper aims to identify how BIM could positively impact Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) during construction. Therefore, a thesis procedure, combining quantitative and qualitative research with an in depth literature review is introduced. This study reveals a high added value of using BIM for (1) safety rule checking and design validation and (2) safety education, training and communication. BIM as a decision supporting tool has the potential to reduce the underestimation of safety hazards and improve safety reporting, which have been identified as current vulnerabilities in the construction industry. Furthermore, an added benefit to sustainability following the concept of Construction Hazard Prevention through Design (CHPtD) is illustrated. In practice, however, BIM for OSH remains unused, while those working with BIM are not familiar with safety planning. This study indicates that in order to fully utilize the potential of BIM, intuitiveness and standardization is required, while those implementing BIM and those using BIM need to be aware of and willing to exploit the potential of new technologies. The challenge now is to recognize the potential of BIM in relation to OHS and to actively use BIM for health and safety purposes. / Att skapa en säker arbetsmiljö på byggarbetsplatsen är fortfarande en global utmaning för byggbranschen. I den tyska byggbranschen inträffade till exempel i genomsnitt 110 000 olyckor per år under perioden 2010-2019 och det syns ingen märkbar minskning. I detta sammanhang verkar traditionell säkerhetsplanering inte kunna garantera tillräcklig hälsa och säkerhet under byggandet. I samband med den strategiska BIM-implementeringsplanen som publicerades av det tyska transportministeriet 2015 ska Building Information Modeling (BIM) användas i allt större utsträckning under de kommande åren. Syftet med den här artikeln är att identifiera hur BIM skulle kunna ha en positiv inverkan på arbetsmiljö och säkerhet (OHS) på byggarbetsplatsen. Studien kombinerar kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskning med en djupgående litteraturgenomgång. Resultatet visar att det finns ett stort mervärde i att använda BIM för (1) kontroll av säkerhetsregler och validering av konstruktionen och (2) utbildning, träning och kommunikation om säkerhet. BIM som beslutsstöd kan möjliggöra en mer realistisk bedömning av säkerhetsrisker och förbättra säkerhetsrapporteringen, vilket har identifierats som aktuella sårbarheter i byggbranschen. Det finns också fördelar med att implementera konceptet Construction Hazard Prevention through Design (CHPtD). I praktiken är dock BIM för arbetsmiljöfrågor fortfarande oanvänd, samtidigt som de som arbetar med BIM inte är tillräckligt bekanta med säkerhetsaspekter. För att BIM:s potential ska kunna utnyttjas fullt ut krävs en ökad användarvänlighet och standardisering av verktygen. Samtidigt måste de som implementerar och använder BIM vara medvetna om och villiga att utnyttja den nya teknikens potential. Utmaningen är nu att förstå potentialen av BIM för arbetsmiljöaspekter och att proaktivt använda BIM för att öka säkerheten på byggarbetsplatser.

國家公權力對於罷工之介入 ─以警察權限發動為中心 / Study on the Impact of Authority Intervene in Strike ─The Case of Exercising the Police Authority

章文傑 Unknown Date (has links)
所謂「罷工」,是指「多數勞工有計畫性的不履行其勞務」而言。至於「糾察線」,一般而言是指工會在進行罷工時,為了鼓勵其他受僱人支持該工會之行動,而由工會成員或參與「罷工」者,手持標語而在雇主之工作場所入口處所進行的說服行為。然而,一個可以想像、同時也是過去時常發生的問題─雇主可不可以直接請求國家主動介入,甚至進一步排除勞方所發動的各項爭議手段?若自警察權限行使的角度出發,目前學理上所存在的幾個重要的警察任務,除了傳統的「危害防止」之外,新興的「危害預防」以及備受爭議的「私權保護」,似乎都可以是警察介入勞資爭議事件的理由。除了前述思考外,若就勞資爭議事件的外觀觀之,由於爭議行為是屬於勞工集體性權利行使後的結果,因此在此一集體性外觀之下,以規範特定多數人集體意志行動的「集會遊行法」似乎就存有介入的空間。然而,若我們認為勞工的集體性權利在憲法上有其獨特的地位,而應受到特別的保障,但卻又允許充滿諸多不合理規範的「集會遊行法」恣意介入,這是否已經形成了「憲法上允許、但實定法上不允許」的矛盾結果?因此,在特定法領域內進行思考時,應同時考慮罷工背後所代表的獨特社會意義,並試著融入此一理念,不宜以該領域內的原理原理原普遍性的適用於罷工事件,而導致罷工遭到實質上架空的結果。在此一思考下,在具體的勞資爭議事件中,除了考量警察的核心任務要件外,勞動法領域內重要的原理原則,例如「團體協約自治」、「國家中立原則」、「爭議對等原則」等,也是重要的判斷因素。 首先,若我們面對的是「罷工」時,若就「危害防止」任務的角度,雖然勞工在調解不成立、且經過罷工投票程序正式取得罷工權後,將會形成外觀上可具體辨認的「危害」,但「罷工」本質上為單純的民事上債務不履行,不會對警察所欲保護的「公共安全」法益形成侵害,因此警察不得以「危害防止」為由介入;其次,若是「私權保護」任務,「罷工」雖屬純粹的私權爭執,因而落入警察之「私權保護」任務之範疇,但「罷工」所形成的危害不具有不可回復性,且因勞工主管機關在勞資爭議事件中的頻繁介入,實際上也不能滿足「輔助性」的要求,因此縱經雇主請求,警察亦不能以「私權保護」為由介入;其三,依據警察的「危害預防」任務,若罷工中的勞工若具有集會遊行的外觀時,警察可以依據警察職權行使法第9條針對在場的勞工進行資料蒐集,但其權限行使範圍不包括「不具集會遊行外觀的罷工活動」,例如工會幹部於罷工前私下進行的聯繫與討論等;其四,若有存在集會遊行外觀的罷工行動時,以罷工為目的的集會遊行雖不能與「罷工」本身畫上等號,但此類集會遊行的核心精神仍是在於強化罷工本身的效果,因此基於憲法上對於集體性同盟自由的最大保障,應認為此類集會遊行應不受集會遊行法所規範,因此警察不得以集會遊行法為由強行介入;退步言之,縱然是採取「以罷工為目的的集會遊行」應受集會遊行法所規範的見解,仍應認為該集會遊行屬於集會遊行法第8條第1項第1款之「依法令規定舉行」之例外,因此毋庸事前申請。但我們在以警察法的角度思考之餘,仍應進一步考量「爭議對等原則」及「國家中立原則」的立場,因此前述自警察法角度得出的結論應再進一步修正,亦即不應允許警察以「危害預防」任務以及「集會遊行法」為由,過度干預勞工的爭議權行使。 而警察若面對的是「糾察線」時,又應如何處理?首先,就「危害防止」任務而言,仍可以集體勞動法領域的「和平勸服說」作為警察的職權發動判斷依據;其次,在「私權保護」任務的部分,若糾察線的設置導致激烈的衝突,而使行為人因而該當特定刑法構成要件時,因已經經過刑法所保護的特定法益並非「未經刑罰或公法化」之私權,不能滿足「私權保護」任務之前提,因此警察當然不能以此為由加以介入;其三,在「危害預防」任務的部分,警察可以依據警察職權行使法第9條針對糾察線設置現場的勞工進行資料蒐集;其四,在「集會遊行法」的部分,本文採取與罷工相同的看法,亦即一個以罷工為目的的集會遊行,由於其核心精神仍是在於勞動條件的談判,基於憲法上對於集體性同盟自由的最大保障,應認為此類集會遊行應不受集會遊行法所規範,因此警察不得以集會遊行法為由強行介入。而糾察線屬於附隨於罷工的重要爭議行為,其既為同盟自由所保障的集體勞動行為之一,亦應為相同解釋,因此就此一問題應採取否定的看法。至於「爭議對等原則」及「國家中立原則」的部分,若考量個別糾察線的設置若因違反刑法而遭到警察介入時,不必然會影響其他正在進行的爭議行為,換言之,個別糾察線設置的排除不必然會導致勞方的整體抗爭力量被過度削弱,因此仍應允許警察在滿足「危害防止」及「危害預防」任務要件的同時,主動發動其職權,例如以強制力排除侵害以及事先進行資料蒐集等。

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