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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biotecnologia na região de Ribeirão Preto: um estudo sobre aglomeração de empresas / Biotechnology in Ribeirão Preto region: a study about the agglomeration of companies

Juliana Pavinski Miglioli 25 June 2015 (has links)
A literatura atual sobre desenvolvimento regional destaca as aglomerações empresariais como um importante mecanismo para o incremento econômico e tecnológico de suas localidades. Aliado a isso, tem-se a biotecnologia como uma ampla área do conhecimento que pode ser encontrada em diferentes atividades econômicas, sobretudo nas da área da saúde, sendo frequentemente citada como um dos segmentos mais promissores para o século XXI. Diante disso, e considerando que a região de Ribeirão Preto é reconhecida nacionalmente pela relevante atuação na área da saúde, esse trabalho reuniu as três variáveis citadas (aglomerações empresariais, biotecnologia e região de Ribeirão Preto) com o propósito de analisar se a concentração das empresas do setor de biotecnologia na região de Ribeirão Preto é significativa em relação ao estado de São Paulo e ao Brasil. Para isso, baseou-se em uma pesquisa do tipo descritiva, cuja técnica adotada para a coleta de dados foi a pesquisa documental, com abordagem quantitativa para o tratamento desses dados. A pesquisa documental foi realizada a partir da análise da base de dados da RAIS (Relação Anual de Informações Sociais) do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE). Tendo em vista a falta de consenso encontrada na literatura sobre a caracterização das empresas do setor biotecnologia, foi desenvolvido critério próprio para se definir as atividades econômicas das empresas desse setor, cujo resultado foi fundamental para o cálculo do seu índice de concentração locacional. Para se chegar a esse índice, foi adotado o quociente locacional (QL), calculado a partir do número de empresas e de empregos gerados pelo setor de biotecnologia na região de Ribeirão Preto. Como principais resultados, obteve-se que a região de Ribeirão Preto tem significativa concentração de empresas de biotecnologia em relação ao estado de São Paulo e ao Brasil, bem como, que esse setor possui mão de obra relativamente melhor em termos de grau de instrução e remuneração, quando comparada com outro setor econômico da mesma região. / The current literature about regional development highlights the business agglomerations as an important mechanism for economic and technological development of their localities. Allied to this, biotechnology was identified as a wide area of knowledge that can be found in different economic activities, particularly in the health area and is often mentioned as one of the most promising segments for the XXI century. Therefore, and considering that Ribeirão Preto region is nationally recognized for its significant activity in health, this work met the three mentioned variables (business agglomerations, biotechnology and Ribeirão Preto region) in order to examine whether the concentration of biotechnology companies in Ribeirão Preto region is significant in relation to the state of São Paulo and Brazil. To achieve this goal, the paper was developed based on a descriptive survey, used the technique of documentary research for data collection, in a quantitative approach. The documentary research was conducted based on the analysis of the RAIS database (Annual Social Information) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) in Brazil. Given the lack of consensus in the literature for the characterization of biotechnology companies, it was developed a criteria to define the economic activities of companies in this sector, which the result was essential for the calculation of its locational concentration index. To achieve this rate, it was used the location quotient (QL), that was calculated based on the number of companies and jobs generated by the biotechnology industry in the Ribeirão Preto region. As the main result, it was proved that the region of Ribeirão Preto has significant concentration of biotechnology companies in relation to the state of São Paulo and Brazil as well, and also that this sector has relatively better work hand in terms of level of education and remuneration compared to other economic sector in the same region.

Resíduos de serviços de saúde (RSS): um estudo multicaso comparativo do gerenciamento em organizações municipais pública, privada e mista, diante da pluralidade normativa / Wastes from the health services (RSS): varied comparative study of municipal management organizations in public, private and joint in front of the plurality normative

Glauco Mateus Magrini Caldo 16 March 2009 (has links)
É inegável que as questões relativas ao meio ambiente têm ocupado um espaço cada vez maior na agenda das sociedades humanas atuais, gerando novas implicações no âmbito político, econômico e social para todo tipo de organização. No Brasil, a ausência de uma legislação compilada de caráter ambiental, cumulada com a permissão dada a vários órgãos e entes jurídicos para emanarem atos administrativos versando sobre o tema, levando inclusive a conflitos normativos, acaba por gerar uma série de problemas, que constituem verdadeiros desafios para gestores que lidam com questões extremamente importantes para a coletividade, como o gerenciamento dos resíduos de serviços de saúde, conhecidos pela sigla RSS. Desta forma, ante as conhecidas diferenças que existem no modo de se administrar organizações públicas e privadas no país, o presente trabalho estudou comparativamente algumas delas (instituições públicas, privada e mista), atuantes todas na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, verificando o modo como cada uma gerencia os seus resíduos de serviços de saúde e constatando se as diferenças encontradas são ou não ocasionadas por interpretações distintas da legislação vigente, mensurando-se, assim, o grau de sucesso de cada uma e concluindo se os procedimentos adotados se enquadram, na prática, ao texto das normas que versam sobre a matéria. Na parte empírica, analisaram-se, como indicadores, as visões macro (gerência) e micro (operacional) relativamente ao gerenciamento dos resíduos de serviços de saúde, através de entrevistas realizadas com os gestores e funcionários responsáveis dentro das organizações pesquisadas, além de terem sido visitadas várias instalações para se acompanhar, na prática, parte de todo o processo operacional envolvendo o tema. Como fora realizado também um levantamento prévio de todas as normas relativas aos resíduos dos serviços de saúde, concluiu-se que as diferenças no gerenciamento se devem muito mais à natureza das organizações do que ao modo como os administradores aplicam as várias normas existentes no seu cotidiano de trabalho. / It is undeniable that the relative questions to the environment have busy a space each bigger time in the agenda of the societies current human beings, generating new implications in the scope politician, economic and social for all type of organization. In Brazil, absence of legislation compiled of character ambient, cumulated with permission given to some agencies and beings legal to emanate acts administrative turning on subject, leading also to conflicts normative, finishes for to generate series of problems, that they constitute true challenges for managers whom they extremely deal with important questions for the collective, as the management of the wastes from the health services, known by the acronym RSS. Thus, before the known differences that exist in order to manage public and private organizations in the country, this paper studied comparatively few of them (publics, institutions, private and mixed institutions), all working in the city of Ribeirão Preto, noting how each manages a wastes of their health services and noting whether the differences found or not they are caused by different interpretations of existing legislation, measuring, therefore, the degree of success of each and concluded that the procedures adopted fit in practice, the text of the rules that deal with the matter. At the empirical, analyzed, as indicators, the visions macro (management) and micro (operational) for the management of wastes from health services, through interviews with managers and responsible officials within the organizations surveyed, beyond having been visited some installations to be accompanied by, in the practical one, part of all the operational process involving the subject. As the relative norms to the residues of the health services are also carried through a previous survey of all, concluded that the differences in the management if must much more to the nature of the organizations of what to the way as the administrators apply some existing norms in its daily one of work.

Tillsynsmetodik inom kommunalt miljö- och hälsoskydd

Horn af Rantzien, Katarina January 2012 (has links)
Syftet är beskriva och analysera tillsynen som arbetssätt samt att utifrån några miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörers tankar och erfarenheter reflektera över om det går att finna möjligheter att utveckla tillsynsmetodiken. Frågeställningar är: Vilka uppfattningar och erfarenheter har inspektörerna när det gäller tillsynsmetodiken? Hur ser de på sin yrkesroll och arbetsvillkoren? Hur tänker inspektörerna kring möjligheter och svårigheter när det gäller att utveckla inspektörsjobbet? Studien har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer, observationer och observationsschema. Resultatet visar att många miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörer ofta är utelämnade att på egen hand utarbeta sätt att arbeta på. Utvecklingsmöjligheterna för inspektörerna är begränsade. Inspektörsyrket uppfattas av många inspektörer själva som viktigt och intressant men också som ett yrke med låg status. Slutsatsen är att det behövs både utvecklingsarbete och forskning för att få till stånd en bättre arbetssituation för landets miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörer.

Les conditions liées à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion offerte à la clientèle aînée par des CSSS du Québec : une étude de cas

Leblanc, Marie-Eve 03 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude de cas multiples est d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion (PP) offerte aux aînés par des organisations locales de santé du Québec. Le modèle de Scheirer a guidé l’étude réalisée dans cinq CSSS choisis en fonction de la dimension écologique de leur programmation PP. Une analyse documentaire et des entretiens semi-dirigés auprès de 38 professionnels et gestionnaires ont constitué la stratégie de collecte de données. Trois catégories de facteurs ont été examinées : les facteurs professionnels, organisationnels et environnementaux. Les résultats suggèrent que les normes organisationnelles, les priorités concurrentes, la structure des équipes, les partenariats avec l’environnement externe, les préjugés, de même que la formation et l’intérêt du personnel influencent le degré d’intégration de l’approche écologique au sein des programmations. Ces résultats permettront de dégager des leviers d'action en vue d’optimiser l’offre de services en prévention-promotion destinée aux aînés. / This multiple case study investigates conditions that influence the integration of an ecological approach in disease prevention and health promotion (DPHP) programs offered to older adults by local health organizations in Quebec. Scheirer’s implementation model guided the study in five CSSS that were selected to portray differing degrees of ecological character in their DPHP programs. Data collection proceeded through content analysis of thirty-eight semi-structured interviews conducted with professionals and managers as well as document analysis. Professional, organizational and environmental factors were explored. Results indicate that the ecological character of programs is influenced by organizational norms, competing priorities, team structure, external partnerships, preconceived ideas regarding DPHP for older adults as well as professional interest and training. These results suggest avenues for action to optimize the impact of services offered to an ageing population through disease prevention and health promotion programs.

A mudança organizacional em um estabelecimento de saúde: um estudo da preparação para acreditação / The organizacional change in hospital assistance: learning accreditation

Cledenir Formiga Casimiro 29 June 2005 (has links)
Esse estudo teve por objetivo analisar as dinâmicas de mudanças organizacionais transcorridas em um estabelecimento de saúde. Conduzido através metodologia de estudo de caso descritivo, teve como campo de pesquisa o Instituto de Hematologia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Buscando conhecer o papel da preparação para acreditação na dinâmica da mudança em uma organização de saúde essa pesquisa foi assim estruturada: abordagem dos problemas encontrados nas mudanças organizacionais em estabelecimentos de saúde; quadro teórico estruturado com uma revisão de literatura; embasamento da metodologia aplicada, com definição de instrumentos de coletas de dados, de material e atores implicados no levantamento para realização da análise qualitativa. O estudo analisou as seguintes variáveis: a natureza da mudança focalizando a extensão, ritmo e trajetória; as estratégias de ação, contemplando as situações de adesões e resistência e a concepção, verificando se as mudanças foram indutivas ou dedutivas. O resultado demonstrou que a preparação para acreditação naquele hospital, proporcionou mudanças com movimentos lentos, mas com continuidade em todos os setores do estabelecimento. Foi identificada participação mais ativa de um grupo de profissionais identificados como facilitadores, funcionando como multiplicadores. A abrangência das estratégias aplicadas foram desde as reuniões em assembléias gerais, á formação de grupos de estudo por setores para entendimento do manual de padrões de acreditação. Foram realizados processos internos de auto-avaliação com base no manual de acreditação. Em relação á concepção, o processo de mudança foi motivado pela determinação da direção do hospital para obtenção do certificado de acreditação internacional. Quanto á resistência e adesão, o estudo demonstrou que a participação de uma grande maioria dos profissionais foi motivada pelo desejo de aprender e desenvolver novas práticas que proporcionasse a melhoria da qualidade da assistência. A análise de dados aponta certa resistência da categoria médica no início do processo. Do ponto de vista organizacional, foram criadas novas estruturas. A conclusão do estudo: O processo de preparação para acreditação na unidade de saúde estudada demonstrou ser um instrumento capaz de promover mudanças em organizações de saúde. / This study it had objective to analyze the dynamic ones of which elapsed organizational changes in a health establishment. Lead through methodology study of descriptive case, the Institute of Hematology of the State of Rio de Janeiro had as research field. Searching this research to know the paper of the preparation for accreditation in the dynamics of the change in a health organization thus was structured: boarding of the problems found in the organizational changes in health establishments; structured theoretical picture with a literature revision; basement of the applied methodology, with definition of instruments of collections of data, material and actors implied in the survey for accomplishment of the qualitative analysis. The study it analyzed the changeable following: the nature of the change focusing the extension, rhythm and trajectory; the action strategies, contemplating the situations of adhesions and resistance and the conception, verifying if the changes were inductive or deductive. The result demonstrated that the preparation for accreditation in that hospital, provided changes with slow movements, but with continuity in all the sectors of the establishment. It was identified to more active participation of a group of identified professionals as providers, functioning as multiplying. They comprehensives, was applied strategies was since the meetings in general meetings, the training of groups of study for sectors for agreement of the manual of accreditation standards. Internal processes of autoevaluation on the basis of the accreditation manual were accomplished. In respect to conception, the change process was motivated by the determination of the direction of the hospital for attainment of the certificate of international accreditation. How much the resistance and adhesion, the study demonstrated that the participation of a great majority of the professionals was motivated by the desire to learn and to develop new practices that the improvement of the quality of the assistance provided. The analysis of data points certain at the beginning resistance of the medical category of the process. Of the point of view organizational, structures were new servants. The conclusion of the study: The process of preparation for accreditation in the unit of studied health demonstrated to be an instrument capable to promote changes in health organizations.

Les conditions liées à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion offerte à la clientèle aînée par des CSSS du Québec : une étude de cas

Leblanc, Marie-Eve 03 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude de cas multiples est d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion (PP) offerte aux aînés par des organisations locales de santé du Québec. Le modèle de Scheirer a guidé l’étude réalisée dans cinq CSSS choisis en fonction de la dimension écologique de leur programmation PP. Une analyse documentaire et des entretiens semi-dirigés auprès de 38 professionnels et gestionnaires ont constitué la stratégie de collecte de données. Trois catégories de facteurs ont été examinées : les facteurs professionnels, organisationnels et environnementaux. Les résultats suggèrent que les normes organisationnelles, les priorités concurrentes, la structure des équipes, les partenariats avec l’environnement externe, les préjugés, de même que la formation et l’intérêt du personnel influencent le degré d’intégration de l’approche écologique au sein des programmations. Ces résultats permettront de dégager des leviers d'action en vue d’optimiser l’offre de services en prévention-promotion destinée aux aînés. / This multiple case study investigates conditions that influence the integration of an ecological approach in disease prevention and health promotion (DPHP) programs offered to older adults by local health organizations in Quebec. Scheirer’s implementation model guided the study in five CSSS that were selected to portray differing degrees of ecological character in their DPHP programs. Data collection proceeded through content analysis of thirty-eight semi-structured interviews conducted with professionals and managers as well as document analysis. Professional, organizational and environmental factors were explored. Results indicate that the ecological character of programs is influenced by organizational norms, competing priorities, team structure, external partnerships, preconceived ideas regarding DPHP for older adults as well as professional interest and training. These results suggest avenues for action to optimize the impact of services offered to an ageing population through disease prevention and health promotion programs.

A mudança organizacional em um estabelecimento de saúde: um estudo da preparação para acreditação / The organizacional change in hospital assistance: learning accreditation

Cledenir Formiga Casimiro 29 June 2005 (has links)
Esse estudo teve por objetivo analisar as dinâmicas de mudanças organizacionais transcorridas em um estabelecimento de saúde. Conduzido através metodologia de estudo de caso descritivo, teve como campo de pesquisa o Instituto de Hematologia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Buscando conhecer o papel da preparação para acreditação na dinâmica da mudança em uma organização de saúde essa pesquisa foi assim estruturada: abordagem dos problemas encontrados nas mudanças organizacionais em estabelecimentos de saúde; quadro teórico estruturado com uma revisão de literatura; embasamento da metodologia aplicada, com definição de instrumentos de coletas de dados, de material e atores implicados no levantamento para realização da análise qualitativa. O estudo analisou as seguintes variáveis: a natureza da mudança focalizando a extensão, ritmo e trajetória; as estratégias de ação, contemplando as situações de adesões e resistência e a concepção, verificando se as mudanças foram indutivas ou dedutivas. O resultado demonstrou que a preparação para acreditação naquele hospital, proporcionou mudanças com movimentos lentos, mas com continuidade em todos os setores do estabelecimento. Foi identificada participação mais ativa de um grupo de profissionais identificados como facilitadores, funcionando como multiplicadores. A abrangência das estratégias aplicadas foram desde as reuniões em assembléias gerais, á formação de grupos de estudo por setores para entendimento do manual de padrões de acreditação. Foram realizados processos internos de auto-avaliação com base no manual de acreditação. Em relação á concepção, o processo de mudança foi motivado pela determinação da direção do hospital para obtenção do certificado de acreditação internacional. Quanto á resistência e adesão, o estudo demonstrou que a participação de uma grande maioria dos profissionais foi motivada pelo desejo de aprender e desenvolver novas práticas que proporcionasse a melhoria da qualidade da assistência. A análise de dados aponta certa resistência da categoria médica no início do processo. Do ponto de vista organizacional, foram criadas novas estruturas. A conclusão do estudo: O processo de preparação para acreditação na unidade de saúde estudada demonstrou ser um instrumento capaz de promover mudanças em organizações de saúde. / This study it had objective to analyze the dynamic ones of which elapsed organizational changes in a health establishment. Lead through methodology study of descriptive case, the Institute of Hematology of the State of Rio de Janeiro had as research field. Searching this research to know the paper of the preparation for accreditation in the dynamics of the change in a health organization thus was structured: boarding of the problems found in the organizational changes in health establishments; structured theoretical picture with a literature revision; basement of the applied methodology, with definition of instruments of collections of data, material and actors implied in the survey for accomplishment of the qualitative analysis. The study it analyzed the changeable following: the nature of the change focusing the extension, rhythm and trajectory; the action strategies, contemplating the situations of adhesions and resistance and the conception, verifying if the changes were inductive or deductive. The result demonstrated that the preparation for accreditation in that hospital, provided changes with slow movements, but with continuity in all the sectors of the establishment. It was identified to more active participation of a group of identified professionals as providers, functioning as multiplying. They comprehensives, was applied strategies was since the meetings in general meetings, the training of groups of study for sectors for agreement of the manual of accreditation standards. Internal processes of autoevaluation on the basis of the accreditation manual were accomplished. In respect to conception, the change process was motivated by the determination of the direction of the hospital for attainment of the certificate of international accreditation. How much the resistance and adhesion, the study demonstrated that the participation of a great majority of the professionals was motivated by the desire to learn and to develop new practices that the improvement of the quality of the assistance provided. The analysis of data points certain at the beginning resistance of the medical category of the process. Of the point of view organizational, structures were new servants. The conclusion of the study: The process of preparation for accreditation in the unit of studied health demonstrated to be an instrument capable to promote changes in health organizations.

Nefinanční motivování zaměstnanců ve zdravotních a sociálních organizacích / Non-financial motivation of employees in healt and social organizations

Stará, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with non-financial incentives for employees in health and social organizations. For this purpose, is in this paper mentioned the issue of non-financial incentives for employees and its significance. Aim of this thesis is to analyze the role of tools focused on non-financial motivation of employees in social and health organizations and their occurence in Jedlicka institute. This thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part there is summarized characteristics of health and social organizations and specifics of its financing. It also discusses the issue of human resources in organizations, management and evaluation and its relationship to quality management. Moreover this thesis deals with motivation to work and presents important theories of motivation. The last chapter in the theoretical part is a key chapter of this thesis is dedicated to issues of character of financial and non-financial motivation, employees motivation, incentive rules and tools of motivation. The practical part consists of two types of research - an interview with managers and questionnaries among employees. Practical part of this thesis compares identical and different perception of area of motivation and motivating tools between employees and management. This part...

Between policy and reality: a study of a community based health insurance programme in Kwara State Nigeria

Lawal, Afeez Folorunsho 10 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 268-317 / The challenge of accessing affordable healthcare services in the developing countries prompted the promotion of community-based health insurance (CBHI) as an effective alternative. CBHI has been implemented in many countries of the South over the last three decades for the purpose of improving access and attaining universal health coverage. However, the sudden stoppage of a CBHI programme in rural Nigeria raised a lot of concerns about the suitability of the health financing scheme. Thus, this thesis examines the stoppage of the CBHI programme in rural Kwara, Nigeria. Premised on the health policy triangle as a conceptual framework, mixed methods approach was adopted for data collection. This involved 12 focus group discussions, 22 in-depth interviews, 32 key informant interviews and 1,583 questionaires. The study participants were community members, community leaders, healthcare providers, policymakers, international partner, health maintenance organisation officials and a researcher. Findings revealed that transnational actors relied on various resources (e.g. fund and ‘expertise’) and formed alliances with local actors to drive the introduction of the programme. As such, the design and implementation of the policy were dominated by international actors. Despite the sustainability challenges faced by the programme, the study found that it benefitted some of the enrolled community members. Though, even at the subsidised amount, enrolment premium was still a challenge for many. The main reasons for the stoppage of the programme are a paucity of fund and poor management. The stoppage of the programme, however, signified a point of reversal in the relative achievements recorded by the CBHI scheme because community members have deserted the healthcare facilities due to high costs of care. In view of these, the thesis notes that short-term policies often lead to temporary outcomes and suggests the need to repurpose the role of the state by introducing a long-term comprehensive healthcare policy – based on the reality of the nation – to provide equitable healthcare services for the citizenry irrespective of their capacity to pay. / Sociology / D. Phil. (Sociology)

Building safer health systems : strategies used in the institutionalization of patient engagement for patient safety

Aho-Glele, Ursulla 05 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Quatre patients sur dix qui reçoivent des soins de santé en milieu hospitalier sont victimes d’évènements indésirables et 80 % de ces évènements auraient pu être évités (OMS, 2019). Des données récentes montrent que 15 % des dépenses et activités hospitalières totales dans les pays de l'OCDE sont le résultat direct d'événements indésirables, ce qui représente des milliards de dollars US chaque année (Slawomirski, 2017). Selon un rapport de l'Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients publié en 2016, les incidents survenus dans les établissements de soins de courte durée et à domicile ont entraîné des coûts supplémentaires de 2,75 milliards de dollars chaque année. Il n'est donc pas surprenant que l'investissement dans le coût de la prévention soit bien inférieur au coût des soins dus aux préjudices. Aujourd'hui, la recherche suggère que l'engagement des patients (EP) peut contribuer à améliorer les résultats et à réduire la charge des établissements de santé. Cependant, l'utilisation de l'EP dans diverses stratégies de gestion des risques et de promotion de la sécurité des patients n'est pas encore totalement intégrée dans les organisations et systèmes de soins de santé au Canada, aux États-Unis et dans de nombreux pays de l'OCDE. Objectifs : L'objectif de cette étude de recherche est d'identifier les mécanismes et stratégies d'EP émergents et innovants mis en place par les dirigeants des principaux établissements de santé dans la province du Québec (Canada) après la mise en œuvre de la loi 10 en 2015, qui permettraient l'institutionnalisation de l'EP dans le système de santé pour la sécurité des patients (SP). Deux questions spécifiques ont été posées. Question de recherche 1 : Quels sont les différents mécanismes/stratégies d'EP mis en place par les dirigeants des établissements de santé (CISSS et CIUSSS) pour institutionnaliser l'EP pour la SP? Question de recherche 2 : Quelles sont les pratiques émergeantes et innovatrices (stratégies, mécanismes) ainsi que les facteurs limitatifs et habilitants mis en place par les leaders institutionnels dans un des centres de santé intégrés du Québec (étude de cas) qui permettraient d'institutionnaliser complètement l'EP dans la gestion des risques pour l'amélioration de la SP? Méthodes : Le projet d’étude est une recherche descriptive longitudinale avec des niveaux d'analyse imbriqués (stratégique, organisationnel et clinique) séparés en deux phases. Phase 1 : La phase 1 se divise en deux sous-étapes. La première sous-étape est le développement d'un outil pour les dirigeants afin d'identifier et d’évaluer les stratégies émergentes d'intégration de l'EP et leurs mises en œuvre dans les établissements de santé pour améliorer la SP (article 1 des résultats de la thèse). Suite à ce développement d’outil, la deuxième sous-étape est une collecte de données sur les stratégies émergentes et innovantes d'EP pour la SP dans les établissements de santé (N= 24 : 9 CIUSSS, 11 CISSS, 2 établissements de santé universitaires non intégrés) à travers le Québec (Canada) qui a été complétée en envoyant le questionnaire aux différents établissements participants. De plus, pour approfondir les réponses apportées par les participants, une collecte de données qualitative a été complétée en appui par le biais d'entretiens semi-structurés de 1 heure avec les dirigeants de ces établissements de santé (responsables de la qualité et de la gestion des risques, dirigeants ou équipes en charge de l'EP dans leur établissement (intégrant un patient partenaire (PP)) (article 2 des résultats de la thèse). Phase 2 : La phase 2 est une analyse d'une étude de cas, qui a commencé à mettre en œuvre des stratégies visant à faire participer un PP à la SP (analyse d'un projet pilote de prévention et de réduction des chutes par une équipe clinique intégrant un PP) dans leur établissement de santé, a été menée dans un établissement de soins de longue durée. Une approche de collecte de données qualitatives a été utilisée pour mener des entretiens semi-structurés de 40 min à 2 h 30 min chacun avec des responsables stratégiques, organisationnels et cliniques (N = 7) (article 3 des résultats de la thèse). Pour ces deux phases, l'observation, ainsi que l'analyse de documents internes et externes ont également été menées. Résultats: En phase 1 : 1) (Article 1 des résultats de la thèse), un outil d'évaluation des stratégies d'intégration de l’EP et leurs mises en œuvre dans les établissements de santé pour améliorer la SP a été créé, composé de 82 questions. 2) (Article 2 des résultats de la thèse), sept sous-stratégies émergentes/innovantes de l'EP pour la SP ont été identifiées et discutées à travers le processus d'acquisition, de partage et de préservation des connaissances aux trois niveaux de gouvernance : clinique, organisationnel et stratégique. Sept sous-stratégies principales ont été identifiées. Dans la phase 2 : (Article 3 des résultats de la thèse), une étude de cas mettant en œuvre une stratégie de processus d'analyse des chutes par l'équipe clinique intégrant un PP pour la prévention et la réduction des chutes, a été sélectionnée pour participer. Trois sous-stratégies principales ont été révélées ici. Conclusion : Cette étude est la première du genre au niveau provincial. Les travaux futurs devraient se concentrer sur (1) des études comparatives entre les provinces, les nations et leur évolution. Il existe actuellement deux projets de recherches en cours : un au niveau pancanadien et un autre au niveau brésilien, basés sur l’étude originale du Québec. En outre, la France a également mené cette étude pour décrire ses stratégies d'EP pour la SP en utilisant l'outil créé dans cette thèse. Des recherches supplémentaires devraient se concentrer sur (2) les mécanismes et stratégies de collaboration utilisés dans l'institutionnalisation d'initiatives concrètes / meilleures pratiques ou pratiques innovantes (études de cas) de l'EP pour la SP, le rôle des groupes de patients, des bénévoles, ainsi que les modèles de compensation de l'EP pour la SP dans ces mécanismes et stratégies de collaboration. Il faudra aussi mener davantage de recherches sur (3) les meilleures pratiques de leadership afin d'inculquer une culture de non-blâme au moyen d'exemples concrets (études de cas) pour mettre en œuvre une culture de sécurité fondée sur des expériences pratiques de leadership. De plus, les recherches futures devraient évoluer vers (4) l'engagement des citoyens pour la sécurité, en particulier pendant ces périodes de pandémie (ex. Covid-19). / Background: Worldwide, four out of 10 patients are harmed while receiving health care in a hospital setting, of which 80 % could have been prevented (WHO, 2009; WHO, 2002; Slawomirski, 2017; WHO, 2019). Recent evidence demonstrates that 15 % of total hospital expenditure and activities in OECD countries is a direct result of adverse events, amounting to trillions of US dollars every year (Slawomirski, 2017). According to a Canadian Patient Safety Institute report in 2016, incidents in both the acute and home care settings resulted in additional costs of $2.75 billion each year. Therefore, it is no surprise that investing in the cost of prevention is much lower than the cost of care due to harm. Today, research suggests that patient engagement (PE) can help improve outcomes and reduce the burden on health institutions. However, the use of PE in various strategies to promote PS has yet to be fully integrated across healthcare organizations and systems in Canada, the USA and many OECD countries. Objectives: The aim of this research study is to identify emerging and innovative PE mechanisms and strategies put in place by organizational leaders in leading healthcare institutions after implementation of Bill 10 in 2015, that would allow the institutionalization of PE in the health care system for patient safety (PS). Two specific questions were asked. Research question 1: What are the different PE strategies/mechanisms put in place by leaders in health institutions (CISSS and CIUSSS) to institutionalize PE for PS? Research question 2: What are the innovative practices (strategies, mechanisms) as well as the limiting and enabling factors put in place by institutional leaders in one of the integrated healthcare centers in Quebec (case study) that would allow PE to be fully institutionalized in risk management for the enhancement of patient safety? Methods: The project is a longitudinal descriptive research project by design with interwoven levels of analysis (strategic, organization and clinical) separated into two phases. Phase 1: 1) development of a tool for leaders to assess emerging PE integration strategies implemented in healthcare institutions to enhance PS (Article 1 of the thesis results); 2) collect ongoing emerging and innovative strategies of PE for PS in health institutions (N= 24: 9 CIUSSS, 11 CISSS, 2 non-integrated universities health institutions) across Quebec (Canada) by using the tool created in phase 1, and collect qualitative data through semi-structured interviews with leaders of these health institutions. Phase 2: 3) Analysis of a case study, which started implementing strategies to engage patients for PS (analysis of fall prevention and reduction pilot project by a clinical team integrating a PP) in their health institution was conducted in a long-term care facility. A qualitative data collection approach was used to conduct semi-structured interviews of strategic, organizational and clinical leaders (N = 7) of 40 min to 2 h 30 min each. Observation, as well as internal and external documents analysis was also conducted (Article 3 of the thesis results). Findings: In phase 1: 1) (Article 1 of the thesis results) a tool assessing emerging PE integration strategies implemented in healthcare institutions to enhance PS was created consisting of 82 questions. 2) (Article 2 of the thesis results), seven main emerging/innovative sub strategies of PE for PS were identified and discussed through the process of knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, and knowledge preservation at the three levels of governance: clinical, organizational and strategic. In phase 2: (Article 3 of the thesis results), one case study implementing a strategy of fall analysis process by the clinical team integrating a PP for prevention and reductions of falls, was selected to participate (CISSS Montérégie-Est). Three main sub-strategies were revealed in this article. Conclusion: The research study is the first of its kind at a provincial level. Future work should focus on (1) comparative studies between provinces, nations, and their evolution. There is currently an ongoing Pan-Canadian and a Brazilian research project based on the original research project from Quebec’s. In addition, France, have also conducted this study to describe their PE for PS strategies using the tool created in this thesis. Moreover, additional research should focus on (2) collaboration mechanisms and strategies used in the institutionalization of concrete initiatives / innovative practices (case studies) of PE for PS, the role of patient groups, volunteers, as well as compensation models for PE for PS in these collaboration mechanisms and strategies. In addition, more research on (3) best leadership practices to instill a no-blame culture by way of concrete examples (case studies) will be required to implement a safe culture based on practical leadership experiences. Furthermore, moving from a hospital setting, future research should evolve into (4) Citizen’s engagement for safety, especially during these pandemic periods (e.g. Covid-19).

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