Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dealth anda quality off life"" "subject:"dealth anda quality oof life""
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Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos vuxna personer efter en svår brännskada : En litteraturöversikt / Health-related quality of life among adults after a severe burn injury : A literature reviewSamawi, Nora, Toscano Westman, Claudia January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: En svår brännskada innebär en djup hudskada där kroppens underliggande organ kan komma att påverkas vilket kan resultera i ett kritiskt tillstånd. Skadan kan ge konsekvenser som berör den fysiska, psykiska, sociala och existentiella hälsan. Då en svår brännskada bedöms utifrån varje enskilt fall utgår sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsinsatser från de olika konsekvenser som brännskadan medfört. Med sjuksköterskans holistiska förhållningssätt i omvårdnaden kan det identifieras olika aspekter och faktorer i patientens hälsotillstånd som denne upplever vara av ett lidande. Det är då av vikt att sjuksköterskan ser till patientens hälsorelaterade livskvalitet, då detta beskrivs som ett subjektivt mått på hälsa och utgör således patientens unika upplevelser av sitt välbefinnande. Syfte: Att beskriva den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten hos vuxna personer efter en svår brännskada. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts enligt Fribergs analysmetod. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar har valts ut med samtliga bestående av kvantitativ design. Artiklarna har sökts fram i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. Som en teoretisk utgångspunkt har Katie Erikssons omvårdnadsteori valts ut och använts som en referensram i resultatdiskussionen. Resultat: Tre huvudteman med underteman har identifierats: fysiska aspekter av livskvalitet med underteman ”smärta och rörelseförmåga” och “faktorer som påverkar den fysiska livskvaliteten”, psykosociala aspekter av livskvalitet med underteman “psykisk ohälsa” och “faktorer som påverkar den psykosociala livskvaliteten” samt generella aspekter av livskvalitet med underteman “sjukhustiden, vårdinsatser och tid sedan skadetillfället” och “ålder/kön”. Diskussion: I metoddiskussionen har författarna diskuterat för- och nackdelar med utförandet av denna litteraturöversikt. I resultatdiskussionen har det diskuterats de resultat som har varit mest intresseväckande hos författarna. Dessa har diskuterats utifrån Katie Erikssons omvårdnadsteori, litteraturöversiktens bakgrund och tidigare forskning. / Background: A severe burn is defined as a deep dermal damage in which the body's underlying organs can become affected and can result in a critical condition. The consequences of a burn can affect the physical, psychological, social and existential health. Since a severe burn is evaluated on a case to case basis, the nurse's caring interventions are based on the specific consequences from the burn. With the nurse's holistic approach on caring, he/she can identify different aspects and factors in the patient’s general health of which the patient experiences as suffering. Therefore it is of great importance that the nurse cares for the patient's health-related quality of life, since this is described as a subjective measurement of health and compounds the patient’s unique experiences of his/her wellbeing. Aim: To describe the health-related quality of life among adults with a severe burn injury. Method: A literature review was done in accordance with the Friberg analytical method. Ten scientific articles were selected, all of which consisted of a quantitative design. The articles were found in the CINAHL Complete and PubMed databases. As a theoretical base, Katie Eriksson’s caring theory was selected and used as framework in the results discussion. Results: Three main themes with subthemes were identified; physical aspects of quality of life with subthemes “pain and movement capability” and “factors that affect the physical quality of life”, psychosocial aspects of quality of life” with subthemes “psychological ill-health” and “factors that affect the psychosocial quality of life” and general aspects of quality of life with subthemes “length of hospital stay, caring interventions and time since injury” and “age/gender”. Discussion: In the method discussion the authors have discussed the pros and cons of the execution of this literature review. In the results discussion, the results that were of greater interest to the authors have been discussed, in accordance with Katie Eriksson's caring theory as well as the background in this literature review and previous research.
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Resource utilization in the treatment of open angle glaucoma in Finland: an 11-year retrospective analysisHagman, J. (Juha) 11 December 2012 (has links)
The aim of this 11-year retrospective study was to evaluate the impact of two spending patterns in glaucoma care on patient outcomes. Two cities were selected to the study because the statistics of Finnish Social Insurance Institution have repeatedly shown a difference in their mean costs of glaucoma medications per patient, i.e. Oulu spending more and Turku less than the national average.
Patients with newly diagnosed open angle in 1994–96 were identified from the national register for reimbursement of medication costs. Patients were 45–74 years old when treatment was initiated after which they had consistently used glaucoma medication ≥ 10 years. For availability of cost data, their place of residence was required to remain unchanged during 1994–2006.
In 2006 Social Insurance Institution sent invitations to 360 patients of whom 168 patients (47%) participated and completed the protocol (85 in Oulu and 83 patients in Turku). All patients underwent an ophthalmic examination (visual acuity, intraocular pressure, visual field test, retinal nerve fiber layer and optic disc photography). In addition, patients filled out the 15D health related quality of life questionnaire. All costs of glaucoma care during 11 years were collected for each patient individually. For each follow up year, the total cost was added up including medications, physician visits, diagnostic and follow-up tests as well as laser or surgical procedures.
The total 11-year costs of glaucoma care per patient were 35% higher in Oulu (6010 €) compared to Turku (4452 €). Total costs increased with worsening of the disease. After 11 years on treatment, 40% of patients did not show any structural or functional damage. Medication costs accounted up to 73% of total costs. In addition to 29% higher medication costs in Oulu, other than medication costs were also 46% higher in Oulu. In different stages of glaucoma, more treatments (medication, laser and surgery) and more tests (photographs and visual fields) were taken in Oulu. In spite of the higher resource consumption, the 15D instrument did not indicate better quality of life in patients living in Oulu. There was actually a statistically significant counterintuitive difference in the early glaucoma group, i.e. patients using more resources reported worse quality of life.
This is the first study evaluating the impact of high resource utilization on quality of life and reporting 15D utility values in different stages of glaucoma. Results from this study indicate that the higher resource allocation may not always lead to measurable benefits to the patients or society in terms of less glaucoma-induced visual disability and/or better quality of life. Further data from randomized trials with both unselected populations as well pragmatic randomized trials of ‘usual patients’ with large sample sizes are required. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän 11 vuoden retrospektiivisen tutkimuksen tavoite oli arvioida kahta eri kuluttamismallia glaukooman hoidossa ja niiden vaikutusta hoitotuloksiin. Tutkimusalueiksi valitut kaksi kaupunkia ovat vuosia erottuneet toisistaan Kansaneläkelaitoksen (Kelan) tilastoissa glaukoomapotilaiden keskimääräisten vuosittaisten lääkekustannusten osalta. Oulussa kustannukset potilasta kohden vuodessa ovat olleet korkeammat kuin Turussa. Turussa vuosittaiset lääkekustannukset ovat vuosia jääneet alle kansallisen keskiarvon.
Kelan lääkekorvausrekisteristä poimittiin potilaita, joilla oli todettu tuore avokulmaglaukooma ja aloitettu hoito vuosien 1994–96 välillä. Potilaat olivat 45–74-vuotiaita lääkityksen alkaessa. Tämän jälkeen he olivat käyttäneet lääkitystä yhtäjaksoisesti yli 10 vuotta. Kustannustietojen saatavuuden vuoksi potilaiden tuli olla asunut samalla paikkakunnalla 1994–2006 välisen ajan.
Vuonna 2006 Kela lähetti kutsun tutkimukseen 360 potilaalle, joista 168 (47 %) osallistui (85 Oulusta ja 83 Turusta). Kaikki potilaat kävivät silmätutkimuksessa (näöntarkkuus, silmänpaine, näkökentät, hermosäie- ja näköhermonpään valokuvaus). Lisäksi potilaat täyttivät 15D-kyselykaavakkeen elämänlaadusta. Kaikki glaukooman hoidosta aiheutuneet suorat kustannukset kerättiin potilaskohtaisesti 11 vuoden ajalta. Jokaisen seurantavuoden osalta määritettiin kokonaiskustannukset, sisältäen lääkityksen, lääkärikäynnit, näkökentät, valokuvat, laser- ja kirurgiset toimenpiteet.
Kokonaiskustannukset 11 vuoden seurantajaksolla olivat 35 % korkeammat Oulussa (6010 €) verrattuna Turkuun (4452 €). Kokonaiskustannukset nousivat glaukooman vaikeusasteen kasvaessa. 11 vuoden lääkehoidon jälkeen 40 %:lla potilaista ei ollut glaukoomaan viittaavia vaurioita silmissään. Lääkekulujen osuus kokonaiskuluista oli jopa 73 %. Oulussa lääkekustannukset olivat 29 % ja muut hoitokustannukset 46 % korkeammat kuin Turussa. Jokaisella glaukooman vaikeusasteella hoitoresursseja käytettiin Oulussa Turkua enemmän.
15D-mittarilla tutkittuna Oulussa elämänlaatu ei ollut parempi kuin Turussa suuremmasta resurssikulutuksesta huolimatta. Tutkimuksessa todettiin yhden alaryhmän (varhainen glaukooma) kohdalla jopa viitteitä siitä, että elämänlaatu on huonompi suuremman resurssikulutuksen alueella.
Tämä on ensimmäinen tutkimus, joka arvioi suuremman resurssikulutuksen vaikutusta elämänlaatuun. Tutkimus myös raportoi 15D-arvot eri glaukooman vaikeusasteilla. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että suurempi resurssikulutus ei aina johda mitattaviin hyötyihin potilaan tai yhteiskunnan kannalta, kun päätetapahtumana on glaukooman aiheuttama näkövammaisuus tai parempi elämänlaatu. Tarvitsemme lisää suuremmalla potilasmäärällä tehtyjä satunnaistettuja tutkimuksia.
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Looking beyond social support: examining dimensions of relationship quality in kidney transplant recipientsKellerman, Quinn Dione 01 December 2012 (has links)
Perceived availability or receipt of tangible or instrumental social support has generally been associated with favorable outcomes in kidney transplant recipients, yet there has been insufficient attention in the literature to other social relationship processes beyond support that may contribute to mental and physical health. The overall objective of the current study was to examine whether specific dimensions of relationship quality, such as emotional closeness, sexual relations, support transactions, respect/acceptance, and conflict/negative communication, within the context of a close interpersonal relationship, were associated with psychosocial and medical outcomes in kidney transplant recipients when accounting for the effects of global social support. Participants had received a living or deceased donor kidney transplant and were 6 months - 5 years post-surgery at the time of enrollment in the study. A total of 93 participants completed self-report measures and a semi-structured clinical interview via telephone that assessed each of the aforementioned dimensions with regard to a specified relationship. A subsample of 67 participants were married or involved in a committed dating relationship and responded to interview questions with their partner in mind; the remaining participants selected the person to whom they felt closest over the preceding 6 months (e.g., friend, sibling, parent).
Structural equation modeling and linear regression were used to analyze the data. Results suggested that the distinct yet highly correlated dimensions reflected an underlying 'relationship quality' construct. Poorer relationship quality was associated with increased symptoms of depression, decreased feelings of well-being, and worse mental health-related quality of life for both the full sample and the subsample of participants in a romantic relationship. The path between relationship quality and depression remained significant for romantic relationship participants when global social support was included in the model, but global social support was more strongly associated with depression, well-being, and health-related quality of life for all participants. Relationship quality was not associated with adherence or graft function in this sample. However, interesting interaction effects were found, such that high conflict and lack of emotional intimacy were more strongly associated with poorer self-reported adherence in women. In addition, women who reported higher conflict in their relationship also endorsed increased depression, decreased well-being, and worse mental health-related functioning compared to men. These findings are consistent with previous research that has cited the importance of global social support for patients who have received a kidney transplant. The present study also provides novel evidence that other dimensions of relationship quality contribute to outcomes in this population. A comprehensive assessment of recipients' close relationships throughout the transplant process, particularly of conflict and emotional intimacy in women, would allow clinicians to recommend psychosocial interventions that could improve patient outcomes.
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LIVSKVALITET HOS PERSONER MED FETMAKiara, Pamela, Yan, Miao January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Prevalens av fetma ökar i världen. Fetma har både fysisk och mentalpåverkan på individen och förknippas med samsjukdomar såsom diabetes, hjärtochkärlsjukdomar, depression och dåligt självförtroende. Livskvalitet påverkas avfetma.Syfte: Att sammanställa studier som har undersökt samband mellan fetma ochlivskvalitet.Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie baserad på artiklar med kvantitativ ansats.Tre databaser användes till litteratursökningen; PubMed, CINAHL och PsycInfo.Efter kvalitetsgranskning sammanställdes resultat utifrån de fyra mestförekommande mätinstrumenten för livskvalitet; IWQOL-Lite, EQ-5D, HADSsamt SF-36/SF-12.Resultat: Personer med fetma upplever sämre livskvalitet, särskilt inom denfysiska komponenten av HRQOL. Inget uppenbart samband mellan den mentalakomponenten och fetma kunde påvisas. Prevalens av ångest och depression blandpersoner med fetma observerades.Konklusion: Det är viktigt för sjuksköterskan att vara uppmärksam på hurpersoner med fetma upplever livskvalitet för att kunna rikta sinaomvårdnadsåtgärder. / Background: Obesity is increasing on a global scale. Obesity has both physicaland mental consequences for the individual and is associated with co-morbiditiessuch as diabetes, coronary diseases, depression, and low self-esteem. Quality oflife is affected by obesity.Aim: To compile studies that have examined how obese people experience qualityof life.Method: A systematic review based on quantitative studies. Three databases wereused for the literature search; PubMed, CINAHL and PsycInfo. After qualitycontrol, results were compiled based on the four most commonquestionnaires/surveys; IWQOL-Lite, EQ-5D, HADS and SF-36/SF-12.Results: Obese people experience impaired quality of life, especially in thephysical component of HRQOL. No obvious relation between the mentalcomponent and obesity was found. Prevalence of anxiety and depression wasobserved in obese people.Conclusion: It is important for nurses to be aware of how obese people experiencequality of life, so they can tailor their nursing actions.
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Predictors of cochlear implant outcomes in South AfricaLe Roux, Talita January 2016 (has links)
This research focused on the identification and description of predictors of pediatric and
adult cochlear implantation outcomes in a South African cohort and the depiction of
profound childhood hearing loss in terms of risk and intervention profiles.
Study I described profound childhood hearing loss in a South African cohort of pediatric
cochlear implant (CI) recipients in terms of risk profile and age of diagnosis and intervention.
A retrospective review of patient files for 264 pediatric CI recipients from five CI programs
was conducted. For all subjects, permanent congenital and early onset hearing loss (PCEHL)
was confirmed under the age of five years old.
The most prevalent risks for profound PCEHL were neonatal intesive care unit (NICU)
admittance (28.1%), family history of childhood hearing loss (19.6%) and prematurity
(15.1%). An associated syndrome was diagnosed in 10% of children and 23.5% had at least
one additional developmental condition. Hearing loss for most (77.6%) children was
confirmed as congenital or early onset, while 20.3% presented with postnatal onset of
hearing loss. Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) was diagnosed in 5% of
children, with admittance to NICU (80%) and hyperbilirubinemia (50%) being the most
prevalent risk factors for these cases. Hearing loss was typically diagnosed late (15.3
months), resulting in delayed initial hearing aid fitting (18.8 months), enrollment in early
intervention services (19.5 months), and eventual cochlear implantation (43.6 months).
Delayed diagnosis and intervention predispose this population to poorer outcomes. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / DPhil / Unrestricted
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Background: Stroke is one of the largest health concerns, and the number of stroke cases is increasing globally, especially in development countries. Stroke can lead to permanent disability or death, and physical therapy is vital in order to regain functions. Patients’ mental condition post-stroke is a strong predictor of the rehabilitation progress. Physical activity (PA) and exercise has shown positive effects on a biopsychosocial level and may improve patients’functionality. Objective: To investigate the level of PA, health related quality of life (HRQoL), and to clarify the relation between PA and HRQoL in people with stroke in Thailand. A secondary objective was to investigate the correlation between PA and depression in the same population. Method: PA was monitored objectively with accelerometer for 7 consecutive days, and subjectively with the Physical Activity Scale for People with Physical Disabilities. HRQoL and level of depression was assessed by index-score and Visual Analog Scale (EQ-VAS) from the EuroQoL 5-Dimension 5-Level questionnaire. Results: The group was not physically active but experienced a high HRQoL. A significant positive correlation was found between HRQoL assessed with EQ-VAS and PA assessed both subjectively and objectively. No correlation was found between PA and depression. Conclusion: PA was associated with a higher HRQoL in stroke patients in Thailand. The participants showed an overall low PA compared to WHO guidelines, and an overall high HRQoL, including low depression. Stroke patients in Thailand should be encouraged to be more physically active, in order to gain the health benefits that PA can give. / Bakgrund: Stroke är ett av våra största hälsoproblem, och antalet strokefall ökar globalt sett,särskilt i utvecklingsländer. Stoke kan leda till permanent funktionsnedsättning eller död, och fysioterapi är avgörande för att återfå funktioner. Patientens mentala tillstånd efter en strokeincident är en stark faktor till hur effektiv rehabiliteringen blir. Fysisk aktivitet och träning har visat positiva biopsykosociala effekter och kan förbättra patientens funktion efter stroke. Syfte: Att undersöka graden av fysisk aktivitet, hälsorelaterad livskvalitet (HRQoL), och relationen mellan fysisk aktivitet och HRQoL hos strokeöverlevare i Thailand. Ett sekundärt syfte är att undersöka korrelationen mellan fysisk aktivitet och depression i samma population. Metod: Fysisk aktivitet mättes objektivt med accelerometer under sju konsekutiva dagar, och subjektivt med Physical Activity Scale for People with Physical Disabilities (PASIPD). HRQoL och depression mättes genom index-score samt Visual Analog Scale (EQ-VAS) från frågeformuläret EuroQoL 5-Dimension 5-Level (EQ-5D-5L). Resultat: Gruppen var inte fysiskt aktiv men upplevde en hög HRQoL. En signifikant positiv korrelation hittades mellan HRQoL bedömt med EQ-VAS och fysisk aktivitet genom både subjektiv och objektiv mätning. Ingen korrelation hittades mellan fysisk aktivitet och depression. Konklusion: Fysisk aktivitet var associerat med en högre HRQoL hos strokepatienter i Thailand. Deltagarna visade en övergripande låg fysisk aktivitetsgrad jämfört med WHO:s riktlinjer, och en övergripande hög hälsorelaterad livskvalité, inklusive låg depressions grad. Strokepatienter i Thailand bör bli uppmuntrade till att bli mer fysiskt aktiva, för att få de hälsofördelar som fysisk aktivitet kan ge.
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Upplevd livskvalitet hos njurtransplanterade patienterBärjed, Julia, Wilhelmsson, Viktoria January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund:Njurtransplantation är den lämpligaste behandlingen vid kronisk njursvikt. Efter njurtransplantationen påverkas patienternas livskvalitet. Syftet:Att undersöka upplevd livskvalitet hos patienter som genomgått njurtransplantation, vilka faktorer som påverkade livskvaliteten samt om det fanns någon skillnad i upplevd livskvalitet hos njurtransplanterade patienter jämfört med normalbefolkningen och dialyspatienter. Metod:Litteraturöversikt där tio artiklar från databasen PubMed valdes ut, dessa artiklar kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades. Hälso-relaterad livskvalitet användes som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Resultat:Studiens resultat kategoriserades i fysisk livskvalitet, psykisk livskvalitet, social livskvalitet samt läkemedlens påverkan på livskvaliteten. De njurtransplanterade rapporterade en förbättrad livskvalitet jämfört med innan transplantationen. Dock uppnådde de inte samma livskvalitet som normalbefolkningen då faktorer i samtliga kategorier påverkade de njurtransplanterades livskvalitet negativt. De njurtransplanterade upplevde sämre muskelstyrka, komplikationer efter transplantationen, högre grad av psykisk stress samt ett ökat behov av emotionellt stöd. De upplevde även biverkningar från den immunsuppressiva medicineringen vilket sänkte livskvaliteten. Njurtransplanterade patienter upplevde dock att deras livskvalitet förbättrades i hög grad jämfört med innan transplantation då de inte längre var i behov av dialys. Slutsats:Trots att livskvaliteten inte uppnår normalbefolkningens upplevda livskvalitet ökar de njuransplanterades livskvalitet tillräckligt mycket för att en njurtransplantation ska förbättra livet för en patient med kronisk njursvikt. / Background: Kidney transplantation are the most suitable treatment for chronic kidney failure. The kidney transplantation affects the patients’ quality of life. Aim:To investigate experienced quality of life amongst patients that has undergone kidney transplantation, which factors that affected quality of life as well as if there were any difference in experienced quality of life among kidney transplanted patients compared to the general public and dialysis patients. Method: A literature review where ten articles from the database PubMed were selected, these articles were examined and analyzed. Health-related quality of life were used as a theoretical basis. Results:The results of this study were categorized in physical quality of life, mental quality of life, social quality of life and pharmaceutical effects on quality of life. The kidney transplanted patients reported an improved quality of life compared to before the transplantation. However, the kidney transplanted patients did not achieve the same quality of life as the general public because of various factors that affected the quality of life negatively. The kidney transplanted patients experienced reduced muscle strength, complications related to the transplantation, a higher level of psychological stress and an increased need of emotional support. They did also experience side effects from the immunosuppressive treatment which affected the quality of life negatively. Kidney transplanted patients did however experience that their life quality improved to a great degree compared to before the transplantation, because they were no longer in a need of dialysis. Conclusion:Although the quality of life doesn’t reach the general public's perceived quality of life, the kidney transplanted patients experience an improved life quality. A kidney transplantation therefore improves the life of a patient with chronic kidney failure.
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An oral health-related quality of life assessment of cleft patients at the Wentworth Foundation Clinic (Kwazulu-Natal)Singh, Leticia January 2020 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) / An analysis of the oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) of patients with orofacial clefts at the Wentworth Foundation in Durban, KZN is presented. Objectives: To assess whether the OHRQoL of orofacial cleft patients varies amongst different age groups, genders or cleft types as well as demographic factors. Method: 46 participants, aged 8- 18, completed a self-administered Child Oral Health Impact Profile (COHIP) questionnaire. Results: The most prevalent cleft type was the Unilateral Cleft Left, 45.7%. The COHIP mean score was 84.195 (SD 18.244) ranging from 35 to 110. The age related subscales which were statistically significant included Functional well-being (p value: 0.0456), School Environment (p value: 0.0145) and Treatment Expectancy. The subscale School Environment was statistically significant for: Transport (p value: 0.0267) and Place of accommodation (p value 0.028). The Oral Health subscale and the Educational level were statistically significant (p value 0.043). Conclusion: Statistically significant age-related differences and demographic factors were noted. The OHRQoL of cleft patients was low largely due to socioeconomic factors and difficulty accessing multidisciplinary care. Therefore, our findings highlight the importance of establishing a Cleft lip and palate multidisciplinary facility for these patients in the Wentworth foundation and subsidised transport to the Wentworth Foundation is recommended.
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Understanding the factors related to subjective well-being in the TB population: The South African perspectiveMatatiele, Motladi January 2020 (has links)
Masters of Science / Fifty percent of the world’s tuberculosis population is found in eight countries, one of which is South Africa. Of the eight countries, South Africa is said to be experiencing the highest burden of Tuberculosis, with an estimated incidence of three hundred and twenty-two thousand cases of active Tuberculosis. The Tuberculosis epidemic is driven by the following reasons, firstly poor living conditions which are a result of the wide gap between the rich and the poverty-stricken among some populations, and secondly late presentation to health facilities. Over the years, healthcare programs have made a meaningful impact in identifying patients presenting for Tuberculosis care, a global Tuberculosis report shows an estimated fifty-eight million lives were saved through Tuberculosis treatment and diagnosis, between the years 2000 and 2018. However, strategies to modify risk behaviour need to remain a main priority. In the South African context, it would be important to note the diversity of the individuals experience which is rooted in South African socio-political history and has resulted in high levels of social inequality and disparate socio-economic status groups, as a significant factor when considering the well-being of Tuberculosis infected South Africans. For policy makers to make data-driven decisions, with the aim of lessening the disease burden experienced by the populations they serve. They would require insights from an individual level, this way of measuring well-being requires the participants to rely on their own cognitive judgements and emotional reactions to characterize their well-being. Alatartseva and Barysheva in 2015 claim that subjective well-being is an internal evaluation of well-being, relating to one’s spiritual, personal characteristics and features. This approach is fitting since behavioural data is dynamic and relative as it tends to differ across populations and is often altered radically in short periods. Despite global advances in access to Tuberculosis treatment, Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death in adults with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the main contributor to antimicrobial resistance. This gap can be bridged by an understanding of the behavioural aspects tied to Tuberculosis infection. There is a lack of adequate South African literature on Tuberculosis infection and health related well-being. The current study notes and compares, the diversity of life satisfaction experience between participants from different socio-demographic status groups across South Africa, bringing forth the most influential variables on well-being. This paper explored the possible factors of subjective well-being in the Tuberculosis infected South African population. Data from the National Income Dynamics Study 2017 was used, with a focus on the Tuberculosis diagnosed sub-population across all nine provinces in South Africa. The study sample consisted of forty-four individuals who were measured against the following variables: age; gender; population group; place of residence in 1994; labour market participation, education; health; emotional health and well-being and social cohesion. The study employed, Multiple Correspondence Analysis to identify significant variables associated with the well-being of Tuberculosis infected individuals. The results show that the participants of African lineage presented with the lowest level of subjective well-being, followed by the Coloured population which was more likely to have a smoking habit to further decrease their level of well-being. Gender was a significant contributor to well-being with female participants reporting an overall lower level of subjective well-being compared to their male counterpart. Furthermore, those co-infected with Tuberculosis and Human immunodeficiency Virus while poverty-stricken presented with the lowest possible level as they are likely to be depressed, have a weakened immune system and experiencing medication non-adherence.
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The neutral zone for mandibular complete dentures: A clinical trialGeerts, Greta Aimée Virginie Maria January 2016 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Rehabilitation of edentulous jaws without the option of osseointegrating implants will remain the only treatment option within reach of many older patients for the foreseeable future. Many routine prosthodontic procedures are based on dogmas, because no high-level scientific evidence exists to either accept or reject them, among these is the “neutral zone” (NZ) concept. In spite of paucity of evidence using approved patient-based outcome instruments, it is generally agreed that the NZ should be respected when constructing complete dentures. The purpose of this research project was to determine how shapes of conventional and NZ mandibular dentures differ, and if the two different types of dentures impact differently on oral health–related quality of life by using an accepted oral health-related quality of life instrument as a patient-based outcome. Thirty nine edentulous patients were selected for his prospective, randomised, cross-over, single-blinded clinical trial. Two sets of complete dentures were made for each patient. One denture set was made following conventional biometric guidelines for determining the position of the mandibular posterior denture teeth in relation to the ridge; another set was made following a functional impression of the potential denture space. Each set of dentures was worn for at least two months. A similar number of types of dentures were delivered first. Widths of residual ridges and mandibular denture arches were measured using digital measuring software. Position of denture teeth was related to the ridge. Denture dimensions were compared by means of analysis of variance using the mixed procedure. Using formula of parabola, arch-widths were compared using paired t-tests. Pre- and post-treatment patient feedback was obtained by means of the 20-item Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20) and a preference score. Treatment effect size (ES) was established based on the OHIP-20 scores. Relevant associations among denture dimensions, OHIP-20 scores, preference, age, gender, marital status, education, income, period of edentulousness, and quality of denture-bearing tissue were done using the generalised linear model and correlation analysis. For all statistical analysis, level of significance was determined at p<0.05. The mean age of the sample was 62.3 years. Twenty four patients were female. Mean period of edentulousness was 31 years and mean number of denture sets worn prior to the trial was 2.5. Except for the canine region, NZ dentures were statistically wider than anatomic dentures. The difference in mean widths between the two types of dentures was larger for female patients. Older patients had smaller differences in denture dimensions. More unfavourable denture-bearing tissue was associated with a larger difference in the two types of dentures. Both types of mandibular dentures significantly improved the OHRQoL of patients. Both types of dentures had a high treatment ES. The OHIP-20 instrument could not distinguish a statistical difference in impact on OHRQoL between the two treatment options. There was a minute difference in treatment ES between the two types of treatment. The only domain representing a small clinical benefit between NZ and anatomic dentures was “physical pain”, with the NZ dentures scoring better. There was no correlation between pre- and post-treatment scores for both types of dentures. No significant associations were found between post-treatment OHIP- 20 scores on the one hand and tissue scores, gender, age, education, marital status, period of edentulousness and denture dimension differences on the other hand. Based on OHIP-20 scores, there was a significant association between denture preference and NZ dentures, but not for the other preferences. No significant associations were found between denture preferences on the one hand and tissue scores, gender, age, period of edentulousness and denture dimension differences on the other hand. Even though no significant relationship was found between preference and gender, the majority of female patients preferred the NZ denture and the majority of male patients did not express a preference.Providing new complete dentures improved OHRQoL of edentulous patients. The majority of female patients preferred the NZ compared over the ANA denture. The NZ technique appeared to have a higher positive impact on OHRQoL of female patients compared to male patients.
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