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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating Documentation Requirements & Practices in Swedish Long-Term Elder Care / Kartläggning av dokumentationen av patienthälsodata inom äldreomsorgen

Hussein, Yacquub Omar January 2024 (has links)
Background The aging population, particularly in Sweden, has heightened the need for innovative solutions in long-term elder care. This demographic shift results in a wealth of health data, from vital signs to social interactions. Accurate documentation of this data is crucial for providing effective care. However, there is a lack of systematic understanding of the types of health data collected in Swedish elder care. This study aims to bridge the gap between idealized and actual documentation practices. Methods The method combines literature reviews with qualitative techniques such as interviews, aiming to thoroughly understand the documentation of health data in Swedish long-term care facilities for older adults. By coding and categorizing the content into manageable data, researchers can identify patterns, trends, and relationships within the media being studied. Results Current documentation practices in Swedish long-term elder care were examined, revealing a variety of health data types collected, including personal information, assessments, care plans, and incident reports. Legal guidance from the Social Authority is deemed insufficient by managers, particularly concerning the Act on Coherent Documentation (SVOD).Documentation practices vary among municipalities due to operational differences and municipal autonomy. These findings highlight complexities and gaps, necessitating further research and improvement efforts. Conclusion Within the context of long-term elder care in Sweden, effective documentation practices play a crucial role. However, there is vagueness surrounding the specific health data that should be and is documented. This is what has been revealed in my study, drawing from interviews with multiple informants. While digital documentation offers promise, addressing complexity requires coordinated efforts. Streamlining regulations, enhancing interoperability, and improving usability are essential steps toward improving elder care documentation practices. / Bakgrund Den åldrande befolkningen i världen, och särskilt i Sverige, har ökat behovet av innovativa lösningar inom äldreomsorgen då denna demografiska förändring har resulterat i en ackumuleringen av stora mängder hälsodata. För att kunna tillhandahålla effektiv vård så är det viktigt att den samlade hälsodatan dokumenteras korrekt. Det finns dock en brist i den systematiska förståelsen för vilka typer av hälsodata som samlas in inom svensk äldreomsorg. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka klyftan mellan hur hälsodata bör dokumenteras enligt lagar och regler, och hur det faktiskt dokumenteras i praktiken. Metoder Studien kombinerar dokumentanalyser med intervjuer, och har som mål att djupgående förstå dokumentationen av hälsoinformation i svenska vård-och omsorgsboenden. Genom att koda och kategorisera resultatet från dokumentanalyserna och intervjudata kunde mönster, trender och relationer inom det studerade materialet identifieras. Resultat Nuvarande dokumentationspraxis inom svensk äldreomsorg undersöktes. Resultatet visade att en mängd olika typer av hälsoinformation samlas in, däribland personlig information, bedömningar, vårdplaner och incidentrapporter. Juridisk vägledning från Socialstyrelsen bedöms vara otillräcklig av chefer, särskilt när det gäller lagen om sammanhållen dokumentation (SVOD). Dokumentationspraxis varierar mellan kommuner på grund av operativa skillnader samt det kommunala självstyret. Dessa resultat belyser problemet med hur hälsoinformation dokumenteras och de brister som kräver ytterligare forskning och förbättringsåtgärder. Slutsats Inom ramen för äldreomsorgen i Sverige spelar effektiva dokumentationsmetoder en avgörande roll. Det råder dock oklarhet kring vad för hälsoinformation som bör och faktiskt dokumenteras. Detta är vad som avslöjats i denna studie, baserat på intervjuer med flera informanter. Även om digital dokumentation är fördelaktigt så kräver hanteringen av de påvisade problemensamordnade insatser. Förtydligandet av regelverk, förbättrad interoperabilitet och ökadanvändbarheten är viktiga steg mot att förbättra dokumentationspraxis inom äldreomsorgen.

Improving the Accessibility of Smartwatches as Research Tools by Developing a Software Library

Wanjara, Dhwan Devendra 13 June 2022 (has links)
Over the past 10 years, smartwatches have become increasingly popular for commercial use. Their ever-increasing capabilities, accuracy, and sophistication of smartwatches is making them increasingly appealing to physical activity researchers as a valuable research tool. The non-invasive nature, prevalence, and versatility of smartwatches is being utilized to track heart rate, blood-oxygen levels, activity and movement, and sleep. However, the current state of the art lacks a uniform method to extract, organize, and analyze data collected from these devices. The objective of this research was to develop a Python software library that is widely available, highly capable, and easy to use with the data collected by the Apple Watch. The library was designed to offer data science, visualization, and mining features that help physical activity research find and communicate patterns in the Apple Health data. The custom-built caching system of the library provides near-instant runtime to parse and analyze large files without trading off on memory usage. The Wanjara Smartwatch Library has significantly better performance, proven reliability and robustness, and improved usability than the alternatives discovered in the review of the literature. / Master of Science / Over the past 10 years, smartwatches have become increasingly popular for commercial use. Their ever-increasing capabilities, accuracy, and sophistication of smartwatches is making them increasingly appealing to physical activity researchers as a valuable research tool. The non-invasive nature, prevalence, and versatility of smartwatches is being utilized to track heart rate, blood-oxygen levels, activity and movement, and sleep. However, the current state of the art lacks a uniform method to extract, organize, and analyze data collected from these devices. The objective of this research was to develop a Python software library that is widely available, highly capable, and easy to use with the data collected by the Apple Watch. The library was designed to offer data science, visualization, and mining features that help physical activity research find and communicate patterns in the Apple Health data. The custom-built caching system of the library provides near-instant runtime to parse and analyze large files without trading off on memory usage. The Wanjara Smartwatch Library has significantly better performance, proven reliability and robustness, and improved usability than the alternatives discovered in the review of the literature.

La circulation de la donnée à caractère personnel relative à la santé : disponibilité de l’information et protection des droits de la personne / Free movement of personal health data : Information availability and rights of data subject

Brasselet, Renato 03 December 2018 (has links)
La e santé, la m-santé et la quantification de soi connectent le corps et bousculent le modèle traditionnel du soin. Ils le font glisser d’une médecine curative et monopolistique à une médecine préventive et adoptant une approche de la santé telle que définie par l’OMS. Par ce truchement, la personne n’est plus simplement placée au centre du dispositif de soin elle en devient l’un des acteurs y compris dans l’intimité de sa vie privée. Par ailleurs, sans cesse à la recherche de la réalisation d’économie mais aussi de qualité, le système de santé, a muté, sous l’effet du déploiement de l’e-santé. Il en résulte qu’il est désormais substantiellement décloisonné et ne peut plus être synthétisé dans la dichotomie classique entre le sanitaire et le médico-social. Le vecteur et la résultante de ce phénomène consiste dans la circulation de l’information de santé. Désormais majoritairement numérisée elle est devenue indispensable au soin ainsi qu’au fonctionnement du système de santé. Le soin est désormais conçu autour de l’échange et du partage catégoriel et inter-catégoriel, voire même homme-machine ou machine-machine et non plus sur une médecine fondée sur le secret. L’Homme devenu homo numericus n’en est pas pour autant dépourvu de tout droits et de toute intimité. Le droit et la techno-droit s’inscrivent dans ce jeu savant dont la moindre réforme inconséquente pourrait en bouleverser l’équilibre précaire / Health, m-health and self quantification connect the body and disrupt the traditional model of care. They are moving it from curative and monopoly medicine to preventive medicine and taking a WHO-defined approach to health. By this means, the person is no longer simply placed at the center of the care device he becomes one of the actors including in the intimacy of his privacy.On the other hand, in search of the realization of economy but also of quality, the health system, has mutated, under the effect of the deployment of e-health. As a result, it is now substantially landscaped and can no longer be synthesized into the classic dichotomy between health and social medicine. The vector and resultant of this phenomenon consists in the circulation of health information. From now on, it has become largely digital and essential for the care and functioning of the healthcare system. The care is now conceived around categorical and inter-categorical exchange and sharing, even man-machine or machine-machine and no longer on a medicine based on secrecy. The Man who has become a homo Numericus is not without all rights and privacy. Law and techno-law are part of this scholarly game, the slightest inconsistent reform of which could upset its precarious balance

Modelling cooling tower risk for Legionnaires' Disease using Bayesian Networks and Geographic Information Systems

Wilmot, Peter Nicholas. January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 115-120) Establishes a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) to model uncertainty of aerosols released from cooling towers and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to create a wind dispersal model and identify potential cooling towers as the source of infection. Demonstrates the use of GIS and BBN in environmental epidemiology and the power of spatial information in the area of health.

Evaluation of Health Data Warehousing: Development of a Framework and Assessment of Current Practices

Leenaerts, Marianne 09 April 2015 (has links)
If knowledge has been gathered by the practitioners’ community in the area of health data warehousing evaluation, it is mostly relying on anecdotal evidence instead of academic research. Isolated dimensions have received more attention and benefit from definitions and performance measures. However, very few cases can be found in the literature which describe how the assessment of the technology can be made, and these cases do not provide insight on how to systematize such assessment. The research in this dissertation is aimed at bridging this knowledge gap by developing an evaluation framework, and conducting an empirical study to further investigate the state of health data warehousing evaluation and the use of the technology to improve healthcare efficiency, as well as to compare these findings with the proposed framework. The empirical study involved an exploratory approach and used a qualitative method, i.e. audio-taped semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted in collaboration with the Healthcare Data Warehousing Association and involved 21 participants who were members of the Association working in a mid- to upper-level management capacity on the development and implementation of health data warehousing. All audio-taped interviews were transcribed and transcripts were coded using a qualitative analysis software package (NVivo, QSR International). Results were obtained in three areas. First, the study established that current health data warehousing systems are typically not formally evaluated. Systematic assessments relying on predetermined indicators and commonly accepted evaluation methods are very seldom performed and Critical Success Factors are not used as a reference to guide the system’s evaluation. This finding appears to explain why a literature review on the topic returns so few publications. Second, from patient throughput to productivity tracking and cost optimization, the study provided evidence of the contribution of data warehousing to the improvement of healthcare systems’ efficiency. Multiple examples were given by participants to illustrate the ways in which the technology contributed to streamlining the care process and increase healthcare efficiency in their respective organizations. Third, the study compared the proposed framework with current practices. Because formal evaluations were seldom performed, the empirical study offered limited feedback on the framework’s structure and rather informed its content and the assessment factors initially defined. / Graduate

Fitnessindustrins hantering av personuppgifter i samband med införandet av gdpr : En kvalitativ fallstudie av utvalda gym inom fitnessbranchen i Skaraborg / The fitness industries handling of personal data in connection with the implementation of gdpr : A qualitative case study of selected gyms in the fitness industry in Skaraborg

Damberg Molin, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Den 25e maj i år 2018 träder den nya dataskyddsförordningen, även kallad ”General Data Protection Regulation” från EU i kraft. Det just nu rådande EU-direktivet som behandlar dataskydd är från år 1995, och mycket har förändrats sedan dess. Därför är det av hög grad aktuellt med en ny moderniserad förordning som passar bättre in i en växande digital värld. I dagsläget är det Sveriges personuppgiftslag, PuL som styr över hur personuppgifter skall behandlas. PuL kommer att ersättas av GDPR och detta kommer att medföra strängare lagar kring informationshantering av personliga uppgifter och även fler rättigheter till varje enskild individ. Ett exempel på det är att personer kommer att kunna ifrågasätta syftet med varför deras data hanteras och hur den skyddas. Det blir samtidigt en utmaning för företag att se över sina IT-system, så att informationen hanteras korrekt och lever upp till de nya regler som GDPR innefattar. I denna studie kommer detta problemområde att behandlas och då främst en djupdykning inom fitnessbranschen. För att kunna genomföra detta har fyra olika gym valts ut och undersökningen kommer att fokusera på hur de hanterar förändringar och utmaningar i sitt förberedande arbete för att uppnå kraven i GDPR. Det kommer även att vara inriktat på vilken typ av hälsodata som samlas in samt den tekniska hanteringen ur ett integritets- och säkerhetsperspektiv. / On 25 May in 2018, the new data protection regulation, also known as the "General Data Protection Regulation" of the EU, comes into force. The current EU directive dealing with data protection is from 1995, and much has changed since then. Therefore, it is highly relevant to a new modernized regulation that fits better into a growing digital world. At present, Sweden's Personal Data Act, PuL, governs how personal data are to be processed. PuL will be replaced by GDPR and this will impose stricter laws on information management of sensitive data and also more rights to each individual. An example of it is that people will be able to say that they want their data deleted and not have it stored. At the same time, it is a challenge for companies to review their IT systems, so that information is handled properly and meets the new requirements that GDPR includes. In this study this problem area will be addressed and then mainly a deep diving in the fitness industry. In order to accomplish this, four different gyms have been selected and the survey will focus on how they handle changes and challenges in their preparatory work to achieve the requirements of the GDPR. It will also focus on the type of health data collected and the technical management.

Sharing health data woes. Perceptions of data sharing barriers from employees in a Midwest health care system

De Wind, Lynell J. 22 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison of artificial intelligence and health data usage in healthcare public services between France and Sweden

Espérance, Aubane January 2023 (has links)
With the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence over the last decade, it is playing an increasingly important role in our societies. This technology can play a decisive role in the development of many sectors. However, it is also necessary to have a large volume of quality data available in order to obtain high-performance models. In the healthcare sector, useful, high-quality data is often subject to fairly high security and confidentiality standards, as it is personal data that is subject to legislation (such as the GDPR at European level). At national level, each country has its own strategy, approach and objectives for integrating artificial intelligence into public services. Here, we will be looking at two European Union countries, Sweden and France. Sweden is characterised by openness and transparency. In France, on the other hand, privacy is a very important concept. Comparing their approach to the subject can therefore yield some interesting results. To carry out this comparison, a state of the art was carried out. This state of the art was based on the reading of various documents, and was accompanied by conducting five interviews with players active within this system. The analysis showed that despite different healthcare organisational structures and approaches, Sweden and France are at similar stages and have similar safety standards. However, the major difference lies in the structure of the healthcare system, which results in different advances for the two countries, with, for example, the Swedish regions working independently and interpreting the legal grey areas individually. In reality, the legal framework remains a limiting factor for the development of this sector for both nations, despite the desire of all parties to maintain an ethical approach. Finally, the future political choices concerning artificial intelligence and its legal environment will be societal choices that correspond to the cultural values of each country. However, the AI Act (a draft European law) should harmonise the legal aspects, based on an approach to technology based on the risks it could pose to individuals. / Den artificiella intelligensen har under det senaste decenniet fått ett enormt uppsving och spelar en allt viktigare roll i våra samhällen. Denna teknik kan spela en avgörande roll för utvecklingen av många sektorer. Men för att få fram högpresterande modeller krävs det också att man har tillgång till en stor mängd kvalitetsdata. Inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn är användbara, högkvalitativa data ofta föremål för ganska höga säkerhets- och sekretessstandarder, eftersom det är personuppgifter som omfattas av lagstiftning (till exempel GDPR på europeisk nivå). På nationell nivå har varje land sin egen strategi, sitt eget tillvägagångssätt och sina egna mål för att integrera artificiell intelligens i offentliga tjänster. Här kommer vi att titta på två EU-länder, Sverige och Frankrike. Sverige kännetecknas av öppenhet och transparens. I Frankrike, å andra sidan, är integritet ett mycket viktigt begrepp. Att jämföra deras förhållningssätt till ämnet kan därför ge intressanta resultat. För att kunna göra denna jämförelse har en state of the art genomförts. Denna state of the art baserades på läsning av olika dokument och kompletterades med fem intervjuer med aktörer som är aktiva inom detta system. Analysen visade att Sverige och Frankrike, trots olika organisationsstrukturer och tillvägagångssätt inom sjukvården, befinner sig i liknande skeden och har liknande säkerhetsstandarder. Den stora skillnaden ligger dock i hälso- och sjukvårdssystemets struktur, vilket resulterar i olika framsteg för de två länderna, där till exempel de svenska regionerna arbetar självständigt och tolkar de juridiska gråzonerna individuellt. I själva verket är den rättsliga ramen fortfarande en begränsande faktor för utvecklingen av denna sektor i båda länderna, trots alla parters önskan att upprätthålla ett etiskt förhållningssätt. Slutligen kommer de framtida politiska valen om artificiell intelligens och dess rättsliga miljö att vara samhälleliga val som motsvarar de kulturella värderingarna i varje land. AI-lagen (ett förslag till europeisk lag) bör dock harmonisera de rättsliga aspekterna, baserat på en inställning till teknik som bygger på de risker den kan innebära för individer.

Use of health information for operational and strategic decision-making by division level managers of Kampala City Council Health Department.

Asiimwe, Sarah January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available.

L’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication à l’hôpital face au droit / The use of information and communication technologies in hospitals

Tilman, Laora 28 September 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation des TIC à l’hôpital prend une place de plus en plus importante et son développement ne cesse de croître. Le cadre juridique applicable se révèle cependant complexe à appréhender, composé à la fois de textes de droit commun et de textes plus spécifiques, le tout formant un ensemble pas toujours cohérent. Pour accompagner au mieux l’utilisation des TIC à l’hôpital, le législateur doit trouver le juste équilibre entre cadre propice pour le développement de ces pratiques, protection des droits fondamentaux et sécurisation des pratiques. Or, à l’heure actuelle, le cadre juridique applicable à l’utilisation des TIC à l’hôpital ne permet pas d’assurer cet équilibre délicat. Les pouvoirs publics ont donc un rôle stratégique à jouer dans la sécurisation de l’utilisation des TIC à l’hôpital. Une impulsion nationale doit être donnée en la matière, afin d’assurer la cohérence des projets développés, au travers d’une gouvernance forte. Le cadre juridique doit, quant à lui, être rénové afin d’accompagner l’innovation dans le numérique en santé et assurer la sécurité juridique nécessaire à la bonne utilisation des TIC. Dans ce contexte, les hôpitaux ont un rôle essentiel à jouer afin de sécuriser leurs pratiques / The use of ICT has become increasingly important in hospitals. However, the legal framework structuring its use is very complex to grasp. Indeed, it is made up of general laws as well as specific ones and makes this framework sometimes unconsistent. To provide an optimal legal framework for the ICT to expand safely, the legislator needs to strike the right balance between protecting fundamental rights and securing practices. As the current legal framework does not provide this delicate balance, public authorities have a strategic role to play to ensure a secure use of ICT within hospitals. To guarantee the development of consistent projects, a strong governance has to set up a national leadership. The legal framework needs to be rehabilitated to support digital innovation in Healthcare and to ensure a legal protection required for an appropriate use of ICT. Hospitals have then a key role to play in securing their practices

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