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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Chiang, Jung-Shun 17 January 2008 (has links)

Ekoturizmo integravimo į sveikatos turizmą galimybės / Possibillities of ecotourism integration into health tourism

Biekša, Justinas 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: Ištirti ekoturizmo integravimo į sveikatos turizmą galimybes. Tyrimo objektas: Ekoturizmo integravimo galimybės. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti sveikatos turizmo ir ekoturizmo sampratas. 2. Apžvelgti sveikatos turizmo ir ekoturizmo situaciją Lietuvoje. 3. Atskleisti ekoturizmo integravimo į sveikatos turizmą galimybes. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, individualusis giluminis interviu, aprašomoji statistika. Rezultatai ir išvados: Sveikatos turizmas tai keliavimas siekiant gydytis jau esamas ligas ar traumas arba siekiant prevenciškai pasirūpinti savo sveikata. Jo ištakos siekia ankstyvąsias civilizacijas, tęsiasi ir plečiasi iki pat šių dienų. Ekoturizmas turi daug bendrų bruožų su nuotykių turizmu, gamtos turizmu, paplūdimių turizmu bei kultūros turizmu, tačiau yra išskirtinis dėl savo tikslų, kuriais siekiama mažinti iki minimumo keliaujančiųjų daromą neigiamą įtaką aplinkai, užtikrinti natūralią vietovės aplinkos išlaikymą, naudą vietinėms bendruomenėms bei turistų švietimą ekologiniame kontekste. Sveikatos turizmas ir ekoturizmas turi daug bendrų bruožų (švari aplinka, žmogaus gera savijauta ir kt.), todėl gali būti apjungiami. Lietuvos sveikatos turizmo potencialą lemia gamtinė aplinka ir ištekliai bei įgyta patirtis bei teigiamas įvaizdis tarp turistų. Šalia tradicinio Lietuvoje sveikatinimosi (sanatorinių) paslaugų, didėja klientų, kurie domisi sveikatingumo paslaugomis. Atlikus empirinį tyrimą ir išanalizavus gautus rezultatus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective of research: Examine possibilities of ecotourism integration into health tourism. Object of research: Possibilities of ecotourism integration. Tasks of research: 1. Analyze conceptions of health tourism and ecotourism. 2. Review current situation of health tourism and ecotourism in Lithuania. 3. Explore possibilities of ecotourism integration into health tourism. Conclusions: Health tourism is defined as travelling in order to cure current diseases or traumas or take care of health. It’ origins reaches ancient civilizations but continues and develops to the present day. Ecotourism has lots of common features with adventure, nature, beach and culture tourism branches. Nevertheless it’s unique due aspiration to minimize damage or negative influence to environment which might be done by travelers. Lithuania’s health tourism potential is determined by nature environment and resources and also experience and positive image among the tourists. Lithuanian health tourism potential is determined by nature environment and resources and also gained experience and positive image among the tourists. Together with traditional Lithuanian medicine services amount of clients who are interested in wellness also increases. After empirical research and analyze of results cleared out that the wellness experts of different companies marketing departments agreed that ecotourism could be integrated into health tourism. They pointed out that it should be offered as additional service... [to full text]

Le potentiel de développement durable du tourisme de santé en Libye : son influence sur l'attraction des touristes européens : étude en géographie touristique / The potential sustainable development of health-related tourism in Libya and its influence on the European tourist's attraction : a study in touristic geography

Abdalla, Khaled 06 July 2017 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur le potentiel de développement durable du tourisme de santé en Libye. Elle tente d’expliquer la différence entre le tourisme médical et le tourisme de santé dont les ressources naturelles et humaines sont une véritable richesse. Notre problématique de recherche part du constat qu’en Libye, le tourisme de santé pourrait contribuer au développement économique du pays et participer pleinement à une perspective de développement durable, du fait qu’il comporte moins d'effets négatifs sur l’environnement et la population. En effet, depuis 54 ans, l'économie libyenne dépend du pétrole. C’est pour cette raison que nous pensons que le développement durable du tourisme de santé est l'une des alternatives les plus importantes qui permettrait de diversifier les ressources financières à court et moyen terme en enrichissant progressivement l’économie du pays à long terme. Les enjeux de notre recherche s’articulent, donc, autour de trois aspects : écologique, économique et social. Notre objectif consiste à découvrir les ressources naturelles et humaines du pays pour envisager la possibilité de développer durablement le tourisme de santé de façon à ce qu’il ne soit pas uniquement rentable économiquement, mais que les conséquences écologiques ne dépassent pas le seuil tolérable. Sans être en contradiction avec les aspects sociaux, il devrait fonder le développement sur le respect réciproque entre le touriste et la société hôte ; dévoiler les obstacles qu'affronte le tourisme en Libye ; attirer l’attention des responsables libyens sur les ressources touristiques et les moyens de les exploiter ; enrichir la bibliographie francophone qui manque d'études géographiques sur la Libye, en général, et dans le domaine du tourisme de santé en Libye en particulier. Afin de répondre à la problématique de notre ce travail, nous posons six questions : la Libye dispose-t-elle de potentialités touristiques ? Quelles sont ses potentialités en tourisme de santé ? Les Européens ont-ils besoin de se soigner par des méthodes naturelles ? Qu’espèrent-ils trouver en Libye ? Jusqu’à quel point accepteraient-ils les conditions imposées par la société libyenne ? L’État libyen est-il crédible dans sa volonté de mise en oeuvre de développer le tourisme ? L’objectif de cette étude consiste à découvrir les éléments du tourisme et du tourisme de santé en Libye. Afin de confirmer cela, la méthodologie suivie part de deux types de démarche : déductive puis inductive. La première démarche nous a permis d’opérer des relations entre différentes variables puis de les appliquer à l’étude d’un certain nombre d’observations. Grâce à la deuxième démarche, nous avons pu généraliser les résultats obtenus sur les cinq pays de notre échantillon de recherche que sont la France, l’Allemagne, l’Italie, l’Espagne, et le Royaume-Uni, démarche qu’il est possible de généraliser sur le reste des habitants de l’Union Européenne. Pour prendre connaissance du problème et tenter de déterminer la possibilité de réussite et de continuité du tourisme de santé, nous avons mené une large enquête à travers le territoire libyen. D’abord, les questionnaires (support de l’entretien, interviews et échantillons) distribués ont touché les habitants des trois provinces importantes de la Libye : Cyrénaïque, Tripoli et Fezzan. Ainsi, près de 10.000 Km ont été parcourus pour rencontrer un maximum d’informateurs. Ensuite, nous avons réalisé des entretiens avec certains responsables du secteur. Enfin, des analyses chimiques ont été effectuées sur les eaux des lacs des régions citées. À l’issue de cette recherche, les résultats préliminaires obtenus jusque là et qui sont en cours de finalisation peuvent être très satisfaisants eu égard à la problématique posée au départ. / This study focuses on sustainable development potential in the health tourism industry in Libya. It attempts to explain the difference between medical tourism and health tourism, for which the country’s natural and human resources are a veritable wealth. Our research begins with the realisation that health tourism in Libya may contribute to the economic development of the country and participate in long-term sustainable development inasmuch as it has fewer negative effects on the environment and the population. Indeed, for the last 54 years the Libyan economy has been dependent on oil. For this reason and others, we believe that sustainable development in the health tourism field is one of the important alternatives available to diversify financial resources in the short and medium terms and for a progressive long-term replacement of petroleum resources as a source of it come for the country. The challenge in our research is found in three axes: ecological, economic and social. Our objective is to identify the country’s natural and human resources so as to sustainably develop health tourism in such a way that it is not only economically profitable, but that its ecological impact remains within tolerable limits. Development must take place with reciprocal respect between the tourist and the host society and not in contradiction with Libyan society. Our research is also aimed at lifting the veil from the obstacles which confront tourism in Libya today and to draw the attention of Libyan authorities to the country’s touristic resources and to the means necessary to exploit them. Finally, we hope to enrich the French language bibliographic corpus on this subject as few geographical studies are available in French pertaining to Libya in general, and pertaining to health tourism in Libya in particular. To examine this area of problems, we ask six questions : - Does Libya dispose of sufficient touristic resources? - Does the country have sufficient resources for health tourism? - What indicates that Europeans are looking for treatment via natural methods? - What do they hope to find in Libya? - To what extent would visitors from the European Union accept the conditions imposed by Libyan society? - Is the Libyan state sufficiently credible in its quest to develop tourism? The objective of our study is to identify the components of tourism and of health tourism in Libya. In order to meet this challenge, we propose a methodology that includes two approaches, deductive and inductive. The first allowed us to establish relationships between different variables and to use them in the study of certain observations. With the second approach, we generalised our findings and applied them to the five countries of our research sampling: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, an approach that could be applied to the rest of the European Union. Now, at the end of this investigation, the preliminary results obtained so far are being finalised and appear to be satisfactory with respect to the initial area of study. Indeed, our research could be the first of its kind in Libya. The existence of a touristic potential based on natural resources and the importance of sustainable development in Libya constitute the primary elements of this research. The seriousness of Libya in its development of tourism is yet another parameter that could be just as promising.

Význam lázeňství Slovinska - komparace s Českou republikou / The Significance of Slovenian Spa Tourism – Comparison with Czech Republic

Hnátková, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
The thesis concentrates on characteristics os Slovenian balneology and its comparison with spa tourism in the Czech Republic. It comes out of a hypothesis that balneology of both states has a similar tradition. The European spa tourism is identified as a health tourism on our continent. The thesis includes definition of basic ideas of balneology, health tourism and approaching Slovenia as a tourist destination. The second part concentrates on characteristics of Slovenian balneology, conditions of offering spa treatment and statistics of Slovenian balneology. It shortely depicts 15 Slovenian health resorts which are certified by the state. The comparison with Czech republic is based on table system. Firstly, the compared data are put for the Czech Republik, secondly there is the comparison with Slovenia.

Marketingová strategie wellness zařízení / Marketing Strategy of a Wellness Facility

Navrátilová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis is focused on analysing a marketing strategy of a specific wellness facility. The analysis itself and recommendations based on it are both aims of the thesis. The theoretical part consists of three main segments - health and wellness tourism, marketing and the location description. The practical part is introduced by characterizing the facility and its business environment, by using PEST analysis, among others. Marketing mix is then used for the description of the product. Above gained findings are summarized in SWOT analysis. The innovation of the product which took place during writing the thesis is mentioned in one subchapter as well. In the conclusion recommendation for the upcoming period and overall summary are presented. Comparative and analytic methods are used in the master's thesis.

Hälsoturism i Sverige : En kvantitativ undersökning om svenskars syn på hälsoturism

Antonijevic, Nevena, Milenkovic, Aleksandar January 2020 (has links)
At the present moment, a larger proportion of the world’s population resides in urban areas where there are both good and bad environments for health and well-being. A challenge in the rapid urbanization is the health and well-being of citizens, which has affected the trend of health tourism among tourists who want to improve and maintain their well-being. Research about health tourism in the Nordic region has mostly involved Finland and Norway, but there is missing research of health tourism in Sweden. Because of this, the purpose of the study was to investigate whether the concept of health tourism is established among Swedes and what affects their choice to travel to a specific destination that offers activities for health. In order to gain a distribution of respondents in Sweden, the quantitative method was considered most applicable in form of a web survey that was sent to Swedes on the basis of a convenience selection. The chosen theories Travel Career Patterns along with the Push and Pull contributed to an understanding of individuals’ behavior and motives behind the travel. Additionally, a literature review of previous research has been conducted on the concepts of health tourism, quality of life, physical activity, competitiveness as these were considered to be influential in individuals’ decision about travel. Based on the survey results, it was found that the majority of respondents know what health tourism is, and they believe that Sweden has resources to develop this kind of tourism. However, the results also shows that a part of Swedes does not know what is included in health tourism. Although most respondents believe that health tourism can be developed in Sweden, they still consider that foreign health facilities offer cheaper treatments and that warmer weather is the main reason for travelling abroad. / I dagsläget är en större del av världens befolkning bosatta i stadsområden där det för hälsan och välbefinnandet finns både bra och dåliga miljöer. En utmaning i den hastiga urbaniseringen är medborgarnas hälsa och välbefinnande, vilket har medfört att hälsoturism blivit en trend bland turister som vill förbättra och underhålla sitt välbefinnande. Forskning om hälsoturism inom den nordiska regionen har mestadels berört Finland och Norge, men det saknas forskning om hälsoturism i Sverige. Med anledning av detta har syftet med studien varit att undersöka huruvida begreppet hälsoturism är etablerat bland svenskar och vad som påverkar deras val att resa till en specifik destination som erbjuder hälsoaktiviteter. För att få en större spridning av respondenter i Sverige ansågs den kvantitativa metoden vara mest lämplig i form av en webbenkät som skickades ut utifrån ett bekvämlighetsurval. De valda teorierna Travel Career Patterns samt Push- och Pull-faktorerna bidrog till att få en förståelse för individers beteende och motiv bakom resandet. Dessutom har en litteraturgenomgång av tidigare forskning genomförts på begreppen hälsoturism, livskvalitet, fysisk aktivitet och konkurrenskraft då dessa ansågs vara påverkande vid individers beslut av resa. Utifrån enkätresultatet framgick det att majoriteten av respondenterna vet vad hälsoturism är och att de anser att Sverige har resurser för att utveckla denna slags turism. Dock visar resultatet även att en del svenskar inte vet vad hälsoturism är. Trots att de flesta anser att hälsoturism kan utvecklas i Sverige så tycker de ändå att hälsoanläggningar utomlands erbjuder billigare behandlingar samt att varmare väder är den största orsaken till att man reser utomlands.


藍黛梅 Unknown Date (has links)
醫療旅遊,一種旅遊業中的利基市場,目前愈來愈受到全球的注意。 當年因為亞洲金融風暴的影響,一些亞洲國家的私立醫院幾乎不再有 病患光顧,於是另覓客源,開創了國際觀光醫療的新局面。至今,這 種新興行業正蓬勃發展且具有莫大潛力。造就這種局勢的原因主要為 歐美國家某些手術的等待時間過長,高昂的醫療費用,一些第三世界 國家醫療品質的提升,以及全球化的自然演進趨勢。 本論文以質性研究為主,初級資料由深入訪談的問答中取得,次級資 料則使用既有的資源,大量資訊由研究學術文獻、書籍、報章雜誌以 及網路搜尋的方式蒐集而得。 本論文分為以下幾個部分:研究台灣是否具備發展醫療旅遊的競爭力, 亞洲國家醫療旅遊發展概況及各別優勢及特色,在亞洲地區中發展旅 遊醫療,且具競爭優勢的醫療機構之一為泰國康民醫院,以4C架構研 究泰國康民醫院發展觀光醫療的成功因素,然後以對本地政府及醫療 機構的建議為結論。 / Medical tourism, a niche market of tourism, is a concept that is getting more attention nowadays. Actually, medical tourism in Asia is brought on in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis, that lets first private hospitals in some Asian countries to seek alternative revenue sources. The business of medical tourism is thriving nowadays and with great potential. Factors contributing to this phenomenon include long waiting lists for certain surgeries and costly healthcare in some advanced countries, improvements on health care standards in the third world, and the natural progression of globalization. The study was primarily performed by qualitative methods. Primary data was obtained by the answers from some questions via the in-depth interview; secondary data was obtained through the use of existing sources , large quantities of information were obtained through academic articles, books, newspapers, magazines and the internet. The structure of the thesis is divided in several parts: 1) This paper sets out to examine the competency of developing medical tourism in Taiwan in terms of cost and quality. 2) Figure out the status of medical tourism industry in Asian countries, and sort out the salient points and features of each one. 3) One of the established medical tourism destinations with strong medical and tourism capabilities is Bumrungrad Hospital International in Thailand, the effective factors for attracting medical tourists to this hospital were then determined via 4C structures. 4) The thesis was concluded as certain recommendations were given for Taiwan government and local hospitals.

Zdravotně orientovaný cestovní ruch / Health oriented tourism

Šemotlová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis charts the development and importance of medical tourism. The goal is to analyze the market of medical services for foreign clients in selected destinations especially in the Czech Republic and Germany. The thesis explains the basic terms related to health oriented tourism, consists of the information on target medical tourism destinations around the world, analyze the position of the Czech Republic and Germany in the market of health services for foreign clients. The practical part finishes with information on the operation of the particular agency that deals with incoming health tourism in the Czech Republic.

Strategy for the sustainable development of thermal springs : a case study for Sagole in Limpopo Province

Tshibalo, Azwindini Ernest 06 1900 (has links)
This research aims to investigate the diverse uses of thermal springs and to develop strategies to identify those most appropriate for Sagole with due regard given to the economic, social and environmental aspects. The aim specifically determines the optimum use of the Sagole thermal spring. The following potential uses for Sagole were identified, discussed and analysed in terms of the environmental, social and economic aspects: tourism, aquaculture and geothermal education. The potential cost and benefit of each were also analysed. According to the research finding, the establishment of a Geothermal Education Centre appears to be the most sustainable project with the highest Feasibility Index. It is followed by Health Tourism and then Aquaculture. / Environmental Sciences / D. Phil. (Environmental Management)

Polish aesthetic medicine market in the context of Swede's beauty tourism : High-quality, low-cost services towards demanding Swedish patients

Stockhaus, Karolina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis concerns Swedes’ medical tourism to Poland with an indication of  travelling for beauty treatments. Its goal is to study Swedes travelling to Poland because of aesthetic medicine purposes. Trips with medical background, e.g. surgeries, dental treatments or spa/wellness tourism were not taken into account in this assignment. However, in many aspects, some of this data were also included because of the unavailability of more precise sources. The aim has also been to try to reach an insight in what kind of factors and motivations cause that more and more Swedes choose to seek medical help in Poland. The goal has been also to show how the future of this kind of tourism could look like. The study is based on qualitative interviews with clinics and medical centres performing those treatments and patients/customers with such an experience. The theoretical framework concerns laws and regulations, also personal motivations and needs. I came to the conclusion that there are several reasons for people to travel to Poland for medical services: relative low costs of treatment, high quality of service and technology, short waiting periods, insignificant cultural differences and geographical proximity of both of the countries.

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