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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution to the study of waste heat recovery systems on commercial truck diesel engines / Contribution à l'étude de systèmes de récupération d'énergie sur moteur Diesel de véhicules industriels

Espinosa, Nicolas 24 October 2011 (has links)
L'augmentation du prix du pétrole ainsi qu'une possible future réglementation des émissions de CO2 encourage les fabricants de véhicules industriels à trouver de nouvelles solutions pour améliorer encore la performance de la chaine cinématique. Dans ce cadre, deux solutions de récupérations d'énergie prometteuses sont très souvent rapportées dans la littérature: le système de récupération d'énergie par cycle de Rankine et le générateur thermoélectrique. Après un rappel des conditions limites du fonctionnement d'un camion long routier, cette thèse démontre tout d’abord la modélisation 0-D et 1-D (logiciels commerciaux utilisés) de ces deux systèmes de récupération d’énergie. Pour le générateur thermoélectrique, des études paramétriques (hauteur de jambe thermoélectrique, prix, puissance électrique produite) sont effectuées se basant principalement sur l'utilisation de deux matériaux prometteurs. Une conception du système Rankine est présentée et modélisée avec le solveur 1-D. Des validations partielles sont réalisées sur les composants (turbine). Ce modèle a ensuite permis d'étudier les transitoires du système ainsi que la charge en réfrigérant et un système de contrôle possible. Cette étude montre que le générateur thermoélectrique n’est pas encore mature pour son utilisation dans un camion long routier. Le système Rankine doit quant à lui être testé sur un camion prototype pour pouvoir véritablement estimer son potentiel final / Fuel price increase as well as future fuel consumption regulations lead truck manufacturers to further enhance the current powertrain. In such a context, two waste heat recovery technologies appear as promising: the Rankine system as well as the thermoelectric generator. After a reminding of truck boundary conditions, this thesis work defines 0-D and 1-D modeling (commercial tool used) for both systems.For the thermoelectric generator , parametric 1-D studies are done on the integration/design (number of thermoelements, price, electrical power) of a thermoelecric generator upstream the existing engine exhaust gas recirculation cooler. Main studies are done with thermoelectric materials but other materials are also considered. A Rankine system design is presented and modeled under a 1-D solver. Preliminary validations are presented. Transient aspects are evaluated to better understand the behavior of the system and its bottlenecks. The amount of refrigerant in the circuit and the control schematic are also addressed.From these studies, it appears that the thermoelectric generator technology is not yet mature for a long haul truck due to the low performance of thermoelectric materials. The Rankine system technology should handle a complete truck prototype testing to estimate its potential

Etude des machines à absorption pour la valorisation de la chaleur fatale basse température / Study of absorption cycles used for low grade waste heat valorization

Wakim, Michel 15 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à étudier la valorisation des rejets thermiques de basse température (inférieure à 100 °C) par les machines à absorption, dont principalement les transformateurs de chaleur à absorption (AHT) pour générer de la chaleur à une température plus élevée, et les cycles de réfrigération par absorption (ARC) pour la production de frigories. Les performances des machines à absorption sont exprimées suivant les températures et les COP qu’elles peuvent atteindre. Ces deux paramètres dépendent de l’architecture de la machine, des composants utilisés et de la paire de fluides réfrigérant-absorbant circulant dans la machine. L’objectif principal de ce travail est une nouvelle génération d’AHT qui puisse rendre utile la chaleur avec une différence de température par rapport à la source de chaleur disponible (rejet thermique) d’au moins 50°C. Pour l‘ARC, on cible une nouvelle génération de cycles capables de produire des frigories à une température inférieure à -20°C.Les résultats obtenus représentent une avancée majeure dans le domaine des cycles à absorption. En effet, les objectifs fixés de valorisation de chaleur basse température, jusqu’à 45°C, en rendant disponible de la chaleur haute température (supérieure à 120°C) et basse température (inférieure à -20°C) ont été atteints. Ceci représente une différence de température entre le rejet thermique et la chaleur utile de 75°C minimum. L’utilisation d’éjecteurs avec certains fluides de travail a permis le développement d'une nouvelle génération de cycles à absorption. / This thesis aims at studying the low temperature waste heat recovery (less than 100°C) by the use of absorption machines, mainly absorption heat transformers (AHT) to generate heat at a higher temperature, and absorption refrigeration cycles (ARC) to generate chilling power. The performances of absorption machines are expressed according to the temperatures and the COPs which they can reach. These two parameters depend on the cycle configuration, the components used and the refrigerant-absorbent pair of fluids circulating in the machine. The main objective of this work is a new generation of AHT which can produce heat with a difference in temperature compared to the available heat source (heat rejection) of at least 50°C. For the ARC, a new generation of cycles capable of producing chilling power at temperatures lower than -20°C is aimed.The results obtained represent a major progress in the absorption cycles field. The objectives set for this work of low temperature heat recovery, up to 45°C, by making available high temperature heat (above 120°C) and low temperature (below -20°C) have been achieved. This represents a minimal temperature difference between the waste heat and the useful heat of 75°C. The use of ejectors with specific working fluids allowed the development of a new generation of absorption cycles.

Modélisation et optimisation d’un système de récupération d’énergie à l’échappement des moteurs de navires en utilisant la thermoélectricité (effet Seebeck) / Modeling and optimization of waste heat recovery system using the thermoelectricity (Seebeck effect) for marine application

Nour Eddine, Ali 25 October 2017 (has links)
Les gaz contenus dans les lignes d’échappement des moteurs Diesel pour la propulsion maritime peuvent atteindre des températures de l’ordre de 400 – 450 °C à la sortie du turbocompresseur. Une des voies possibles pour récupérer une partie de l’énergie contenue dans les gaz d’échappement est la thermoélectricité (effet Seebeck)avec des matériaux thermoélectriques côté chaud entre200 et 300 °C. Ce niveau de température correspond à des matériaux ayant de bonnes performances de conversion chaleur / électricité. De plus, l’eau de mer présente en abondance est une excellente source froide pour un générateur thermoélectrique (TEG). Par ailleurs, la consommation en carburant du moteur thermique est un poste de dépense majeure pour l’opérateur du bateau, et une réduction de cette consommation, même minime, peut générer des économies financières importantes.L’objectif de la thèse est de comprendre et analyser le fonctionnement d’un échangeur thermoélectrique,notamment en présence d’écoulement pulsés afin d’optimiser le fonctionnement du générateur thermoélectrique. A ce titre, plusieurs campagnes d’essais sur des maquettes de TEG ont été mises en place sur trois bancs d’essais (conçus particulièrement pour les travaux de thèse) où des mesures thermiques et électriques ont été réalisées. Le but de ces essais a été de tester les performances des modules thermoélectriques et les différents types d’échangeurs sur les points de fonctionnement d’un moteur Diesel pour déterminer (dans un premier temps) lesquels étaient les plus adaptés au fonctionnement moteur. Dans un second temps, les effets de la composition des gaz d’échappement et des écoulements pulsés sur le fonctionnement du TEG ont été étudiés. Un modèle de simulation a également été développé afin de modéliser le fonctionnement d’un générateur thermoélectrique. Des essais ont été réalisés afin de calibrer le modèle de simulation. / Thermoelectric energy (TE) harvesting (Seebeck effect)is a promising solution for waste heat recovery onboard ocean-going ships. On one hand, the marine Diesel engines reach around 400-450°C temperature at the turbocharger exhaust, corresponding to around 200-300°C on the hot side thermoelectric module (TEM)temperature, which is interesting according to recent studies on intermediate temperatures TE materials. In addition, seawater is available in abundance at low temperature, and represents an excellent heat sink. On the other hand, engine fuel consumption accounts today almost 50 % of ship operational costs; hence, a slight reduction of fuel consumption generates significant financial savings over the year.The objective of the Thesis is to understand and analyze the operation of a thermoelectric heat exchanger, especially in the presence of pulsations and to optimize the thermoelectric generator (TEG). Several test campaigns leading to different thermal and electrical measurement have been conducted. The campaigns were set up on three different test benches designed and fabricated during the thesis. The aim of these tests was to optimize the type of TEM’s and heat exchangers for Diesel engine application by investigating it’s the performances on engine operating points. In a second step, the effects of exhaust gas composition and pulsation flow on the TEG performances were investigated. A simulation model was developed to model the operation of a TEG. Tests were conducted to calibrate the simulation model.

Kravspecificering av avgaspannor / Specification of requirements for waste heat recovery units

Paulin, Peter January 2009 (has links)
This report describes the work of developing a specification of requirements for Waste Heat Recovery Units. The main part of the paper describes how the work with the specification of requirements has been performed. One specific question to be answered is: What are the customer’s demands in case of properties for the Waste Heat Recovery Units and how is that information collected as an order documentation to suit the business area Oil & Gas? The report begins with a description of the assignment and continues with the aim and background. A theoretical part describes the different areas and methods that have been important during the process. Work on the specification has been carried out on site at the company where interviews of staff and the study of internal documents has been a significant part of the implementation. The result is delivered to the company in the form of a specification of requirements for the Waste Heat Recovery Unit. This specification fulfills the requirements set initially and is a good starting point for the company to proceed with in contact with subcontractors. The conclusion of the work is that the establishment of a good specification of requirements is really important and that has been obvious during the work and progress of this project. The difficulty lied in getting the right information and to keep it simple and at same time durable.

Utredning av värmesystem i Boliden AB:s anläggning vid Tara-gruvan / Envestagation of heating-system in Boliden AB:s facility by the Tara-mine

Andersson, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
Sommaren 2009 besökte WSP en anläggning i anslutning till Taragruvan i Navan, Irland. Syftet av deras besök var att se över ventilationssystemet som var föråldrat. I och med besöket insåg besiktaren att även deras värmesystem var i behov av en uppdatering och den uppgiften resulterade till detta examensarbete.   Det övergripande syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur ett nutida värmesystem kan byggas upp och förbättra inomhusklimatet jämfört med ett äldre system. Uppgiften i arbetet består av att ta fram ett förslag på utformningen av ett nytt system som tar hänsyn till effektbehov och dagens klimatkrav.   Utredningen hänvisar en anläggning som används till omklädningsrum för gruvarbetarna samt kontorslokaler. Där är inomhusmiljön bristande, speciellt i omklädningsrummet där temperaturen och den relativa fukthalten är över rekommenderande värden. Omklädningsrummet är därigenom största fokus i undersökningen. Dessutom värms systemet upp med stora mängder olja vilket bidrar med stora utsläpp till miljön. Att kunna mildra anläggningens påverkan bidrar till ökad motivering för en eventuell investering. Utgångspunkten för arbetet ligger i att upprätta ett systems uppbyggnad utifrån anläggningens behov. Därefter läggs stor vikt vid att finna de rätta komponenterna för att optimera det tilltänkta systemet. För att teoretiskt kunna bygga upp ett system till anläggningen arbetas ett förslag fram via ett flödesschema för att skapa en tidig överblick. Efter detta ska systemets komponenter dimensioneras efter anläggningens behov, där uppvärmningen av tappvarmvatten, ventilationssystem och radiatorsystem samt luftavfuktning i omklädningsrummet inkluderas. För att undersöka möjligheten till ett energieffektivare värmesystem kommer arbetet att inkludera en utvärdering av värmeväxlare, värmepump och luftavfuktare samt inkluderingen av de befintliga ventilations- och värmesystemen.   I resultaten redovisas ett effektiviserat teoretiskt system som minskar energiförbrukningen och förbättrar inomhusklimatet i anläggningen. Genom att utnyttja befintlig värmeenergi kan arbetet redovisa ekonomiska fördelarna som uppkommer genom val av en effektiv värmepump inom systemet. / In the summer of 2009, WSP visited a facility adjacent to the Tara-mine at Navan, Ireland. The purpose of their visit was to control the ventilation system which was outdated. During the visit the inspector detected that their heating system also was in need of updating and that task led to this bachelor thesis.   The overall aim of this work is to investigate how a modern heating system can be assembled to improve the indoor climate compared to an older system, where the primary target is to develop a proposal for the formation of a new system that meet the power requirements and today's climate demands.   The study refers to a facility used as a changing room for the miners and as an office premise. The analysis focuses on the changing rooms as the indoor environment is especially inadequate with temperature and relative air humidity above recommendatory values for good indoor climate. In addition, the system is heated with large amounts of oil which contribute with large contaminations to the environment. Being able to moderate the impact the facility contribute to the surroundings is an additional motive for any investment.   The analysis began with an examination of the system demands from the facility’s needs, followed by a search of potential components which could optimize a contemplated system. In order to be able to build this system theoretically correct the thesis established a flow chart. On the basis of the flow chart, the system components is conform adjusted to the facility’s needs, which includes the heating of domestic hot water, ventilation- and heating systems, as well an air dehumidification unit in the locker room. To examine the possibilities of improving the energy efficiency of this heating system, the project will evaluate heat exchangers, a heat pump and a dehumidifier, and a coupling to the existing ventilation and heating systems.   The results are presented as a theoretical system that reduces the facility’s energy consumption and improves indoor climate. By utilizing the accessible thermal energy, the project also presents the economic advantages from choosing an efficient heat pump within the system.

Värmeförluster vid utvändigt placerade ventilationssystem / Thermal heat losses on exterior ventilation systems

Ahlgren, Tobias, Eliassi, Jalal January 2012 (has links)
To be able to handle tomorrows need for limited energy consumption we need to reduce our use of energy. The building sector stands for around 40 % of all energy consumption in the society. The government has put up a goal to reduce the energy consumption in our buildings with 20 % by year 2020 and 50 % by year 2050 compared with year 1995. To be able to do reach that goal we need a more energy efficient building stock. The main part of the energy used in our buildings is used for space heating. By installing ventilation systems with heat recovery on the exhaust air it is possible to use the heat-energy in the exhaust air to warm up the incoming air. This can contribute to a reduction in energy use. A ventilation system with heat recovery on the exhaust air is space demanding and there can be problems with finding enough space to do the installation indoors. Therefore it can be an advantage to place the aggregate and the ducts on the outside of the buildings climate shell. A placement exterior of the buildings climate shell or in an unheated space leads to thermal heat losses. The aim with this essay is to investigate how significant the heat losses are on exterior placed ventilation systems. The investigation has been done with help of theoretical calculations and measurements of the temperature difference in the ventilation ducts. Analysis has been made on life cycle costs on how to reduce the heat losses in an economic manner. To buildings, Höstvägen 14 and 22 in Växjö, which have been equipped with exterior placed ventilation systems have been studied. The two buildings have two different types of installation of the ducts. Our result shows that the heat losses through the ventilation systems on Höstvägen 14 and 22 are significant. The majority of the losses occur in the ducts. In the aggregate the thermal bridges in the framework accounts for the larger part.

The Conversion of Low-Grade Heat into Power Using Supercritical Rankine Cycles

Chen, Huijuan 10 November 2010 (has links)
Low-grade heat sources, here defined as below 300 ºC, are abundantly available as industrial waste heat, solar thermal, and geothermal, to name a few. However, they are under-exploited for conversion to power because of the low efficiency of conversion. The utilization of low-grade heat is advantageous for many reasons. Technologies that allow the efficient conversion of low-grade heat into mechanical or electrical power are very important to develop. This work investigates the potential of supercritical Rankine cycles in the conversion of low-grade heat into power. The performance of supercritical Rankine cycles is studied using ChemCAD linked with customized excel macros written in Visual Basic and programs written in C++. The selection of working fluids for a supercritical Rankine cycle is of key importance. A rigorous investigation into the potential working fluids is carried out, and more than 30 substances are screened out from all the available fluid candidates. Zeotropic mixtures are innovatively proposed to be used in supercritical Rankine cycles to improve the system efficiency. Supercritical Rankine cycles and organic Rankine cycles with pure working fluids as well as zeotropic mixtures are studied to optimize the conversion of lowgrade heat into power. The results show that it is theoretically possible to extract and convert more energy from such heat sources using the cycle developed in this research than the conventional organic Rankine cycles. A theory on the selection of appropriate working fluids for different heat source and heat sink profiles is developed to customize and maximize the thermodynamic cycle performance. The outcomes of this research will eventually contribute to the utilization of low-grade waste heat more efficiently.

Innovative Desalination Systems Using Low-grade Heat

Li, Chennan 01 January 2012 (has links)
Water and energy crises have forced researchers to seek alternative water and energy sources. Seawater desalination can contribute towards meeting the increasing demand for fresh water using alternative energy sources like low-grade heat. Industrial waste heat, geothermal, solar thermal, could help to ease the energy crisis. Unfortunately, the efficiency of the conventional power cycle becomes uneconomically low with low-grade heat sources, while, at the same time, seawater desalination requires more energy than a conventional water treatment process. However, heat discarded from low-grade heat power cycles could be used as part of desalination energy sources with seawater being used as coolant for the power cycles. Therefore a study of desalination using low-grade heat is of great significance. This research has comprehensively reviewed the current literature and proposes two systems that use low-grade heat for desalination applications or even desalination/power cogeneration. The proposed two cogeneration systems are a supercritical Rankine cycle-type coupled with a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane desalination process, and a power cycle with an ejector coupled with a multi-effect distillation desalination system. The first configuration provides the advantages of making full use of heat sources and is suitable for hybrid systems. The second system has several advantages, such as handling highly concentrated brine without external electricity input as well as the potential of water/power cogeneration when it is not used to treat concentrated brine. Compared to different stand-alone power cycles, the proposed systems could use seawater as coolant to reject low-grade heat from the power cycle to reduce thermal pollution.

Waste heat recovery from exhaust gases of a Diesel engine generator and its effects on emissions

Maina, Aggrey Katiechi. January 2010 (has links)
M. Tech. Engineering Technology . / Demonstrates through design and experiments the heat transfer effectiveness of energy recovery from waste gases by using a heat exchanger. To use the heat exchanger to intercept the waste gases before they leave the process, extract some of the heat in the gases and use the same for preheating/heating the process water. The experiment is also intended to demonstrate whether or not waste heat unit has an effect on the emissions released to the environment. Diesel engines have been widely used in heavy-duty vehicles for their better fuel efficiency and higher power output than gasoline engines. However, the emissions of gas (CO, HC and NOx) and particulate matter (PM) pollutants from the diesel engine receive much concern from the general public and environmental researchers because of the epidemiological and toxicological investigations suggesting a relationship between exhaust pollutants exposure and adverse health effects.

Šilumos atgavimo funkcijos galimybių šalčio mašinose įvertinimas ir pritaikomumas Lietuvos klimatinėmis sąlygomis / Heat recovery option on chillers and its availability in Lithuanian climate

Paškauskas, Artūras 29 January 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama tiesioginė šilumos atgavimo funkcija iš šilumos siurblio darbo ciklo ir jos pritaikomumas Lietuvos klimatinėmis sąlygomis. Apžvelgiami naudojamų šalčio mašinų tipai, technologiniai tiesioginio šilumos atgavimo inžineriniai sprendmiai. Taip pat detaliai paaiškinamas šilumos siurblio darbo ciklas ir tiesioginio šilumos atgavimo funkcijos veikimo principas. Taip pat šilumos atgavimo founkcija nagrinėjama konkrečiame jau egzistuojančiame administracinės paskirties pastate, kuriame sumontuota vandeninė šalčio mašina. Nustatomas šalčio mašinos darbo režimų grafikas skaičiuojamąjį Liepos mėnesį. Dviejomis nepriklausomomis kompiuterinėmis programomis sumodeliuojami šalčio mašinos freono konturų darbo ciklai. Pagal gautus rezultatus parenkami ir sumodeliuojami šilumos atgavimo šilumokaičiai ir randamos įmanomos atgauti šilumos galios ir šilumos kiekiai, kurie palyginami su pastato karšto vandens poreikiais ir atliekamas ekonominis šilumos atgavimo funkcijos vertinimas. Gauti rezultatai patvirtina, kad tokio tipo šilumos atgavimas didina pastato energijos vartojimo efektyvumą ir padeda taupyti pinigus. Taip pat nustatyta, kad Lietuvos klimatinėmis sąlygomis šilumos atgavimas įmanomas tik šiltuoju metų sezonu, kai pastate yra vėsos poreikis, tačiau nepaisant to, metiniai sutaupymai yra pakankamai dideli, todėl tiesioginis šilumos atgavimas yra efektyvi mikroklimato sistemų optimizavimo priemonė. / In this Master thesis a direct heat recovery option on the air cooled chiller and its availability in Lithuanian climate has been investigated. Also the review of chiller range, direct heat recovery technological issues and direct refrigerant vapor compression cycle has been explained in detail. Also the heat recovery option has been investigated in the specific administrative building with the chiller already installed. Chiller cooling chart has been calculated for the selected time period – a month of July. Chiller refrigerant circuits were modeled by using two independent computer applications. In accordance with the calcultated results, plate heat exchangers were designed. Possible amount of recovered heat was found and compared with building‘s heat demand for hot domectic water supply. The economical evaluation of heat recovery option was carried out. The results confirmed that the heat recovery option discussed in the thesis can increase energy consumption efficiency. Despite the fact that heat recovery in Lithuanina climate is only possible during the warm season, annual savings on energy consumption are sufficiently high to make the heat recovery measure an attractive option.

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