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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A melatonina atenua o estresse oxidativo, ativa o estresse de retículo endoplasmático e a apoptose na hepatocarcinogênese experimental

Moreira, Andréa Cristiane Janz January 2015 (has links)
O carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) é a quarta causa mais frequente de morte por câncer em todo o mundo. Este estudo teve dois grandes objetivos, o primeiro foi estabelecer o carcinoma hpatocelular experimental por indução química e o segundo estudar os efeitos da melatonina sobre o estresse oxidativo, estresse de retículo endoplasmático e apoptose durante a hepatocarcinogênese. Foram realizados dois experimentos, ambos utilizaram dietilnitrosamina (DEN) mais acetilaminofluoreno (2-AAF) em ratos Wistar machos pesando 145-150 g. O primeiro estudo testou 3 protocolos de indução do câncer hepático. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos testes: DEN50: que recebeu DEN 50 mg duas vezes por semana até a 6ª semana e uma vez por semana nas semanas 11 a 13. DEN75: recebeu DEN 75mg uma vez por semana nas semanas até a 6ª semana e um reforço nas semanas de 11 a 13. DEN100: recebeu 5 doses de DEN 100mg uma a cada seis semanas por 28 semanas. Todos receberam 2- AAF dose única de 100 mg na 4ª semana. Após a indução foi comprovado por testes bioquímicos, macroscópico e histológico que o protocolo DEN50 desenvolve CHC avançado em 19 semanas, apresentou a fase inflamatória na 5ª semana e cirrose na 12ª semana. O protocolo DEN100 exibe padrão de lesões pré-cancerosas com cirrose em 28 semanas. O protocolo DEN75 foi o mais heterogêneo dos três, pois desenvolveu lesões pré-cancerosas, cancer inicial e CHC avançado. O segundo estudo, repetiu o protocolo DEN50 e administrou melatonina 20mg/L. Os tratamentos começaram nas semanas 5 e 12. Ao final de 19 semanas foi observado que animais do grupo que só recebeu DEN+2-AAF (DEN-CHC) desenvolveram carcinoma avançado, exibiram mais expressão de proteinas pró-inflamatórias (iNOS, COX-2 e NFkB). E animais tratados com Melatonina (DEN+MEL5 e DEN+MEL 12) apresentaram padrão histológico de cirrose e reduzida expressão destas proteinas. Quanto ao comportamento oxidativo foi observado que grupo DEN-CHC apresentou menor lipoperoxidação (LPO) por redução de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, maior oxidação proteica, menor atividade da SOD e maior índice de danos ao DNA. O tratamento com melatonina ao longo da hepatocarcinogênese se mostrou efetivo para proteger a membrana lipidica, reduziu a oxidação proteica, aumentou a atividade da SOD e atenuou o dano ao DNA. Por fim, referente ao estresse de retículo endoplasmático e apoptose, animais com DEN-CHC não apresentaram ativação das proteinas de estresse de retículo (BiP, ATF6 e CHOP) nem acionaram as rotas apoptóticas. Entretanto, animais tratados com Melatonina tiveram aumento significativo na expressão de proteinas como BiP, ATF6 e CHOP, assim como proteinas pró-apoptóticas. Nossos resultados apontam que a melatonin, durante o processo de hepatocarcinogênese experimental, atuou como anti-inflamatório, antioxidante e pró-apoptótico. E estas ações contribuiram para evitar a progressão do carcinoma hepatocelular. / Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fourth most frequent cause of cancer death worldwide. This study had two main objectives, the first was to establish the experimental hpatocelular carcinoma by chemical induction and the second study the effects of melatonin on oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis during hepatocarcinogenesis. Two experiments were conducted, both used Diethylnitrosamine (DEN) + acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) in male Wistar rats weighing 145-150 g. The first study tested three induction protocols of liver cancer. The animals were divided into three test groups: DEN50: DEN that received 50 mg twice a week until 6 weeks and once a week during the weeks 11 and 13. DEN75: DEN received 75mg once a week during the weeks to 6 weeks and another reinforcement in weeks 11 to 13 DEN100: DEN received 5 doses of 100mg one every six weeks for 28 weeks. All received 2 AAF single dose of 100 mg at week 4. After induction was confirmed by biochemical, macroscopic and histological tests that DEN50 protocol develops advanced HCC in 19 weeks, presents inflammatory phase in the 5th week and cirrhosis at 12 weeks. The default display protocol DEN100 of precancerous lesions and cirrhosis in 28 weeks. DEN75 The protocol was the most heterogeneous of the three, as developed precancerous lesions, early cancer and advanced HCC. The second study, repeated the DEN50 protocol and administered melatonin 20mg / L. The treatments began on week 5 and 12. At the end of 19 weeks was observed that animals in the group that received only DEN (DEN-CHC) developed advanced carcinoma exhibited over expression of proinflammatory proteins (iNOS, COX-2 and NFkB). And animals treated with melatonin (DEN+ MEL5W and DEN+MEL 12W) showed histological pattern of cirrhosis and reduced expression of these proteins. As for the oxidative behavior was observed that DEN-HCC group had lower lipid peroxidation (LPO) by reducing polyunsaturated fatty acids, higher protein oxidation, lower activity of SOD and higher rate of DNA damage. Treatment with melatonin throughout hepatocarcinogenesis was effective to protect the lipid membrane, protein oxidation decreased, increased SOD activity and attenuated DNA damage. Finally, referring to the endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis, animal DEN-CHC did not show activation of reticulum stress protein (BiP, ATF6 and CHOP) or triggered apoptotic routes. However, melatonin treated animals had a significant increase in the expression of proteins and BiP, CHOP and ATF6, as well as pro-apoptotic proteins. Our results indicate that melatonin, during the process of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis, acted as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and pro-apoptotic. And these actions contributed to prevent progression of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Expressão de hsp70 e hsp83 no desenvolvimento de Drosophila em resposta ao estresse químico causado por disseleneto de difenila e paraquat / Hsp70 and 83 expression in Drosophila development in response to chemical stress caused by diphenyl diselenide and paraquat

Golombieski, Ronaldo Medeiros January 2007 (has links)
Visando contribuir para o conhecimento da dinâmica do estresse celular por agentes químicos e físicos e suas possíveis implicações sobre a mobilização de elementos transponíveis presentes em Drosophila, foram realizadas diferentes abordagens experimentais utilizando a espécie cosmopolita Drosophila melanogaster, e as espécies neotropicais do subgrupo willistoni, D. willistoni (três linhagens) D. equinoxialis, D. paulistorum, D. insularis e D. tropicalis. Foi verificado o efeito tóxico de disseleneto de difenila ((PhSe)2) durante diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida da Drosophila melanogaster e das espécies do subgrupo willistoni. Em D. melanogaster, as moscas adultas foram mais resistentes a intoxicação por (PhSe)2 do que larvas e pupas. De uma maneira geral as espécies do subgrupo willistoni são mais sensíveis à intoxicação por selênio do que a D. melanogaster, possivelmente explicado e de acordo com a recentemente demonstrada ausência de homologia de genes para selenoproteínas no genoma de D. willistoni com todas as onze outras espécies sequenciadas. O potencial do selênio para promover estresse celular em D. melanogaster foi evidenciado através da transcrição do gene hsp83 por Northern blot. Nas espécies do subgrupo willistoni a expressão deste gene e do hsp70 foi abordada através de Real Time PCR em resposta ao selênio e ao paraquat, que igualmente foi mais tóxico nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento. Os resultados da expressão dos genes de estresse, entretanto, não foram conclusivos, bem como a procura da transposase do elemento P em resposta aos tratamentos. Apesar disso foram estabelecidas às condições experimentais para a realização de experimentos futuros. / Aiming to contribute to the knowledge of the dynamics of cell stress caused by chemical and physical agents and the likely implications thereof in the mobilization of transposable elements present in Drosophila, different experimental approaches were adopted using the cosmopolitan species Drosophila melanogaster and the Neotropical species of the willistoni subgroup, D. willistoni (three strains), D. equinoxialis, D. willistoni, D. paulistorum, D. insularis and D. tropicalis. The toxic effect of diphenyl diselenide [(PhSe)2] was observed in the different life cycles of Drosophila melanogaster and of the species of the willistoni subgroup. D. melanogaster adult flies were more resistant to intoxication by (PhSe)2 as compared to larvae and pupae. Generally speaking the species belonging to the willistoni subgroup are more sensitive to intoxication by selenium as compared to D. melanogaster, which is possibly explained and in accordance to the recently demonstrated absence of gene homology of selenoproteins in the D. willistoni genome with all that of the other eleven species sequenced. The evidence of the potential exhibited by selenium to promote cell stress in D. melanogaster is shown by the hsp83 gene transcription analyzed by Northern blot. In the species of the willistoni subgroup, the expression of the hsp83 and of the hsp70 genes was analyzed by Real Time PCR in response to selenium and paraquat, which was equally more toxic in the early development stages. Nevertheless, the results of the stress gene expression were inconclusive, as well as the search for P element transposase in response to treatments. In spite of that, the experimental conditions required for future research have been established.

A melatonina atenua o estresse oxidativo, ativa o estresse de retículo endoplasmático e a apoptose na hepatocarcinogênese experimental

Moreira, Andréa Cristiane Janz January 2015 (has links)
O carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) é a quarta causa mais frequente de morte por câncer em todo o mundo. Este estudo teve dois grandes objetivos, o primeiro foi estabelecer o carcinoma hpatocelular experimental por indução química e o segundo estudar os efeitos da melatonina sobre o estresse oxidativo, estresse de retículo endoplasmático e apoptose durante a hepatocarcinogênese. Foram realizados dois experimentos, ambos utilizaram dietilnitrosamina (DEN) mais acetilaminofluoreno (2-AAF) em ratos Wistar machos pesando 145-150 g. O primeiro estudo testou 3 protocolos de indução do câncer hepático. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos testes: DEN50: que recebeu DEN 50 mg duas vezes por semana até a 6ª semana e uma vez por semana nas semanas 11 a 13. DEN75: recebeu DEN 75mg uma vez por semana nas semanas até a 6ª semana e um reforço nas semanas de 11 a 13. DEN100: recebeu 5 doses de DEN 100mg uma a cada seis semanas por 28 semanas. Todos receberam 2- AAF dose única de 100 mg na 4ª semana. Após a indução foi comprovado por testes bioquímicos, macroscópico e histológico que o protocolo DEN50 desenvolve CHC avançado em 19 semanas, apresentou a fase inflamatória na 5ª semana e cirrose na 12ª semana. O protocolo DEN100 exibe padrão de lesões pré-cancerosas com cirrose em 28 semanas. O protocolo DEN75 foi o mais heterogêneo dos três, pois desenvolveu lesões pré-cancerosas, cancer inicial e CHC avançado. O segundo estudo, repetiu o protocolo DEN50 e administrou melatonina 20mg/L. Os tratamentos começaram nas semanas 5 e 12. Ao final de 19 semanas foi observado que animais do grupo que só recebeu DEN+2-AAF (DEN-CHC) desenvolveram carcinoma avançado, exibiram mais expressão de proteinas pró-inflamatórias (iNOS, COX-2 e NFkB). E animais tratados com Melatonina (DEN+MEL5 e DEN+MEL 12) apresentaram padrão histológico de cirrose e reduzida expressão destas proteinas. Quanto ao comportamento oxidativo foi observado que grupo DEN-CHC apresentou menor lipoperoxidação (LPO) por redução de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, maior oxidação proteica, menor atividade da SOD e maior índice de danos ao DNA. O tratamento com melatonina ao longo da hepatocarcinogênese se mostrou efetivo para proteger a membrana lipidica, reduziu a oxidação proteica, aumentou a atividade da SOD e atenuou o dano ao DNA. Por fim, referente ao estresse de retículo endoplasmático e apoptose, animais com DEN-CHC não apresentaram ativação das proteinas de estresse de retículo (BiP, ATF6 e CHOP) nem acionaram as rotas apoptóticas. Entretanto, animais tratados com Melatonina tiveram aumento significativo na expressão de proteinas como BiP, ATF6 e CHOP, assim como proteinas pró-apoptóticas. Nossos resultados apontam que a melatonin, durante o processo de hepatocarcinogênese experimental, atuou como anti-inflamatório, antioxidante e pró-apoptótico. E estas ações contribuiram para evitar a progressão do carcinoma hepatocelular. / Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fourth most frequent cause of cancer death worldwide. This study had two main objectives, the first was to establish the experimental hpatocelular carcinoma by chemical induction and the second study the effects of melatonin on oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis during hepatocarcinogenesis. Two experiments were conducted, both used Diethylnitrosamine (DEN) + acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) in male Wistar rats weighing 145-150 g. The first study tested three induction protocols of liver cancer. The animals were divided into three test groups: DEN50: DEN that received 50 mg twice a week until 6 weeks and once a week during the weeks 11 and 13. DEN75: DEN received 75mg once a week during the weeks to 6 weeks and another reinforcement in weeks 11 to 13 DEN100: DEN received 5 doses of 100mg one every six weeks for 28 weeks. All received 2 AAF single dose of 100 mg at week 4. After induction was confirmed by biochemical, macroscopic and histological tests that DEN50 protocol develops advanced HCC in 19 weeks, presents inflammatory phase in the 5th week and cirrhosis at 12 weeks. The default display protocol DEN100 of precancerous lesions and cirrhosis in 28 weeks. DEN75 The protocol was the most heterogeneous of the three, as developed precancerous lesions, early cancer and advanced HCC. The second study, repeated the DEN50 protocol and administered melatonin 20mg / L. The treatments began on week 5 and 12. At the end of 19 weeks was observed that animals in the group that received only DEN (DEN-CHC) developed advanced carcinoma exhibited over expression of proinflammatory proteins (iNOS, COX-2 and NFkB). And animals treated with melatonin (DEN+ MEL5W and DEN+MEL 12W) showed histological pattern of cirrhosis and reduced expression of these proteins. As for the oxidative behavior was observed that DEN-HCC group had lower lipid peroxidation (LPO) by reducing polyunsaturated fatty acids, higher protein oxidation, lower activity of SOD and higher rate of DNA damage. Treatment with melatonin throughout hepatocarcinogenesis was effective to protect the lipid membrane, protein oxidation decreased, increased SOD activity and attenuated DNA damage. Finally, referring to the endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis, animal DEN-CHC did not show activation of reticulum stress protein (BiP, ATF6 and CHOP) or triggered apoptotic routes. However, melatonin treated animals had a significant increase in the expression of proteins and BiP, CHOP and ATF6, as well as pro-apoptotic proteins. Our results indicate that melatonin, during the process of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis, acted as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and pro-apoptotic. And these actions contributed to prevent progression of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Expressão de hsp70 e hsp83 no desenvolvimento de Drosophila em resposta ao estresse químico causado por disseleneto de difenila e paraquat / Hsp70 and 83 expression in Drosophila development in response to chemical stress caused by diphenyl diselenide and paraquat

Golombieski, Ronaldo Medeiros January 2007 (has links)
Visando contribuir para o conhecimento da dinâmica do estresse celular por agentes químicos e físicos e suas possíveis implicações sobre a mobilização de elementos transponíveis presentes em Drosophila, foram realizadas diferentes abordagens experimentais utilizando a espécie cosmopolita Drosophila melanogaster, e as espécies neotropicais do subgrupo willistoni, D. willistoni (três linhagens) D. equinoxialis, D. paulistorum, D. insularis e D. tropicalis. Foi verificado o efeito tóxico de disseleneto de difenila ((PhSe)2) durante diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida da Drosophila melanogaster e das espécies do subgrupo willistoni. Em D. melanogaster, as moscas adultas foram mais resistentes a intoxicação por (PhSe)2 do que larvas e pupas. De uma maneira geral as espécies do subgrupo willistoni são mais sensíveis à intoxicação por selênio do que a D. melanogaster, possivelmente explicado e de acordo com a recentemente demonstrada ausência de homologia de genes para selenoproteínas no genoma de D. willistoni com todas as onze outras espécies sequenciadas. O potencial do selênio para promover estresse celular em D. melanogaster foi evidenciado através da transcrição do gene hsp83 por Northern blot. Nas espécies do subgrupo willistoni a expressão deste gene e do hsp70 foi abordada através de Real Time PCR em resposta ao selênio e ao paraquat, que igualmente foi mais tóxico nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento. Os resultados da expressão dos genes de estresse, entretanto, não foram conclusivos, bem como a procura da transposase do elemento P em resposta aos tratamentos. Apesar disso foram estabelecidas às condições experimentais para a realização de experimentos futuros. / Aiming to contribute to the knowledge of the dynamics of cell stress caused by chemical and physical agents and the likely implications thereof in the mobilization of transposable elements present in Drosophila, different experimental approaches were adopted using the cosmopolitan species Drosophila melanogaster and the Neotropical species of the willistoni subgroup, D. willistoni (three strains), D. equinoxialis, D. willistoni, D. paulistorum, D. insularis and D. tropicalis. The toxic effect of diphenyl diselenide [(PhSe)2] was observed in the different life cycles of Drosophila melanogaster and of the species of the willistoni subgroup. D. melanogaster adult flies were more resistant to intoxication by (PhSe)2 as compared to larvae and pupae. Generally speaking the species belonging to the willistoni subgroup are more sensitive to intoxication by selenium as compared to D. melanogaster, which is possibly explained and in accordance to the recently demonstrated absence of gene homology of selenoproteins in the D. willistoni genome with all that of the other eleven species sequenced. The evidence of the potential exhibited by selenium to promote cell stress in D. melanogaster is shown by the hsp83 gene transcription analyzed by Northern blot. In the species of the willistoni subgroup, the expression of the hsp83 and of the hsp70 genes was analyzed by Real Time PCR in response to selenium and paraquat, which was equally more toxic in the early development stages. Nevertheless, the results of the stress gene expression were inconclusive, as well as the search for P element transposase in response to treatments. In spite of that, the experimental conditions required for future research have been established.

Expressão de proteinas de choque termico 70 (HSP70) nas celulas uNK de camundongos na gestação normal e sob estresse induzido pela lesão embrionaria / Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression in the mouse uNK cells in normal pregnancy and under stress induced by embryon injury

Lima, Patricia Daniele Azevedo, 1984- 29 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Aureo Tatsumi Yamada / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T22:06:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lima_PatriciaDanieleAzevedo_M.pdf: 2003445 bytes, checksum: 597310400704b8df5b1e07544bd6caca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Durante a gestação em animais que possuem placentação hemocorial, a hipóxia no primeiro terço da prenhez é um dos fatores cruciais para indução da angiogênese e o adequado desenvolvimento da placenta. Contudo, esta hipóxia se contrapõe à intensa atividade das células que requerem elevado metabolismo, gerando um estresse fisiológico para estas células presentes na interface materno-fetal. Presume-se que estas células necessitem de mecanismos apropriados de citoproteção para sua sobrevida enquanto comprometidos ativamente no suporte funcional do útero gestante. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a expressão e a distribuição da proteína de choque térmico 70 (HSP70) na interface materno-fetal durante a gestação normal em camundongos e a sua possível variação em condição de estresse adicional induzido experimentalmente através da lesão embrionária. Sítios de desenvolvimento embrionário/fetal de camundongos prenhes do dia de gestação (dg) 6 ao 17 e, após 30 minutos, 1, 6 e 12 h dos animais submetidos à lesão cirúrgida do embrião (LCE) no dg 9 foram coletados para: - processamento histotécnico convencional de embebição em parafina destinados às análises citoquímicas (lectina DBA e reação de TUNEL) e imunocitoquímicas (anti-HSP72/73, anti-PCNA); - embebição em resina Lowilcryl- K4M para imunocitoquímica ultraestrutural (anti-HSP72/73); - obtenção de homogenados teciduais destinados à SDS-PAGE das frações protéicas e Westernblot (anti-HSP72/73) e, - extração de RNA de homogenados teciduais e de células uNK isoladas para análise de transcritos (HSP72 e 73) com amplificação pelo RTPCR. As análises imunocitoquímicas demonstraram que as células uNK eram as únicas células que expressavam de forma constante as isoformas HSP72/73 ao longo da gestação, sendo confirmada a expressão dos transcritos gênicos das isoformas HSP72/73 nas células uNK isoladas pelo RT-PCR. A imunomicroscopia eletrônica detectou marcação conspícua nas mitocôndrias das células uNK. A análise quantitativa demonstrou que a lesão do embrião reduz o número de células uNK positivas para HSP72/73 e, o SDS/PAGE/Western-blotting identificou as isoformas HSP72 e 73 presente nos homogenados teciduais do útero com uma perceptível redução na intensidade da banda correspondente ao HSP73 nas amostras de pós-lesão, sem afetar significativamente a isoforma HSP72. As análises realizadas com a dupla marcação de TUNEL e PCNA demonstrarm redução de células uNK PCNA positivas no útero submetido a lesão embrionária e aumento de núcleos marcadas positivamente pelo TUNEL. Estes resultados demonstram de forma inédita a expressão de HSP72/73 nas células uNK, sendo inédita também a constatação em leucócitos, sugerindo um papel citoprotetor para estas células importantes na manutenção da gestação. A redução de células uNK HSP72/73 positivas no útero gestante desencadeada pela lesão embrionária, consubstancia a hipótese da atuação da HSP 72/73 como chaperona citoprotetora nas células uNK sendo crítica a atuação da isoforma HSP73 presente na mitocôndria através da regulação negativa das vias de morte celular por apoptose nas células uNK / Resumo: Durante a gestação em animais que possuem placentação hemocorial, a hipóxia no primeiro terço da prenhez é um dos fatores cruciais para indução da angiogênese e o adequado desenvolvimento da placenta. Contudo, esta hipóxia se contrapõe à intensa atividade das células que requerem elevado metabolismo, gerando um estresse fisiológico para estas células presentes na interface materno-fetal. Presume-se que estas células necessitem de mecanismos apropriados de citoproteção para sua sobrevida enquanto comprometidos ativamente no suporte funcional do útero gestante. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a expressão e a distribuição da proteína de choque térmico 70 (HSP70) na interface materno-fetal durante a gestação normal em camundongos e a sua possível variação em condição de estresse adicional induzido experimentalmente através da lesão embrionária. Sítios de desenvolvimento embrionário/fetal de camundongos prenhes do dia de gestação (dg) 6 ao 17 e, após 30 minutos, 1, 6 e 12 h dos animais submetidos à lesão cirúrgida do embrião (LCE) no dg 9 foram coletados para: - processamento histotécnico convencional de embebição em parafina destinados às análises citoquímicas (lectina DBA e reação de TUNEL) e imunocitoquímicas (anti-HSP72/73, anti-PCNA); - embebição em resina Lowilcryl- K4M para imunocitoquímica ultraestrutural (anti-HSP72/73); - obtenção de homogenados teciduais destinados à SDS-PAGE das frações protéicas e Westernblot (anti-HSP72/73) e, - extração de RNA de homogenados teciduais e de células uNK isoladas para análise de transcritos (HSP72 e 73) com amplificação pelo RTPCR. As análises imunocitoquímicas demonstraram que as células uNK eram as únicas células que expressavam de forma constante as isoformas HSP72/73 ao longo da gestação, sendo confirmada a expressão dos transcritos gênicos das isoformas HSP72/73 nas células uNK isoladas pelo RT-PCR. A imunomicroscopia eletrônica detectou marcação conspícua nas mitocôndrias das células uNK. A análise quantitativa demonstrou que a lesão do embrião reduz o número de células uNK positivas para HSP72/73 e, o SDS/PAGE/Western-blotting identificou as isoformas HSP72 e 73 presente nos homogenados teciduais do útero com uma perceptível redução na intensidade da banda correspondente ao HSP73 nas amostras de pós-lesão, sem afetar significativamente a isoforma HSP72. As análises realizadas com a dupla marcação de TUNEL e PCNA demonstrarm redução de células uNK PCNA positivas no útero submetido a lesão embrionária e aumento de núcleos marcadas positivamente pelo TUNEL. Estes resultados demonstram de forma inédita a expressão de HSP72/73 nas células uNK, sendo inédita também a constatação em leucócitos, sugerindo um papel citoprotetor para estas células importantes na manutenção da gestação. A redução de células uNK HSP72/73 positivas no útero gestante desencadeada pela lesão embrionária, consubstancia a hipótese da atuação da HSP 72/73 como chaperona citoprotetora nas células uNK sendo crítica a atuação da isoforma HSP73 presente na mitocôndria através da regulação negativa das vias de morte celular por apoptose nas células uNK / Abstract: During the pregnancy of animals developing hemochorial placenta, the hypoxia in the first third of pregnancy is one of the crucial factor for induction of angiogenesis and adequate placental development. However, this hypoxia is contradictory to the great dynamism and metabolism of cells required in the pregnant uterus, conditioning a physiological stress for the cells present at the maternal-fetal interface. It is presumed these cells demand appropriate cytoprotective mechanism for their survival while are committed to actively support the pregnancy. In this way, the present work aimed to investigate the expression and distribution of the chapelone isoforms heat shock protein 72 and 73 (HSP72/73) at the maternal fetal-interface through the pregnancy in mice and its possible variations under additional stressing condition induced experimentally by embryo lesion. Embryo/fetus developing sites of pregnant mice from gestational days (gd) 6 to 17 and, after 30min, 1h and 6h of surgical embryo lesion (SEL) on gd 9 mice, were collected for: - conventional paraffin embedding for cytochemical (DBA lectin and TUNEL reaction) and immunocytochemical (anti-HSP72/73, anti-PCNA) analysis; - LR-white resin embedding for ultrastructural immunocytochemistry (anti- HSP72/73); - uterine tissue homogenates for SDS-PAGE of proteins fractions and Western-blot (anti-HSP7273) and; - RNA extratction form uterine tissue homogenates and isolated uNK cells for transcripts (HSP72 and 73) amplification by RT-PCR. The immunocytcchemical analysis showed the uNK cells as the only cell expressing constantly the HSP72/73 isoforms throughout the gestation, being confirmed the expression of both gene isoforms by RT-PCR in uNK cells. The immunoelectron microscopy detected conspicuous labeling in the mitochondria of uNK cells. The quantitative analysis demonstrated that embryo-lesion reduced the number of HSP72/73 positive uNK cells in the uterus and, SDS/PAGE and Westernblot identified the HSP72 and 73 isoforms present in the tissue homogenates with low reactive intensity of the band corresponding to HSP73 in the after-lesion samples, without affecting significantly the HSP72 isoform. The analysis of TUNEL and PCNA double labelling showed decreasing of PCNA positive-uNK cells in the uterus after embryo-lesion and increasing of TUNEL positive nuclei. These results confirms the expression of HSP72 and HSP73 isoforms in the uNK cells through the gestation and to date, this is also the first report showing HSP70 in leukocytes, suggesting a cytoptotective function to this cell while working actively as important cells supporting the pregnancy. The decreasing of HSP72/73 positive uNK cells in the pregnant uterus triggered by embryo lesion consubstantiate the hypothesis of HSP72/73 working as cytoprotective chaperone in the uNK cells, and the HSP73 isoform in the mitochondria seems to be critical on down-regulation of apoptotic cell depth pathway / Abstract: During the pregnancy of animals developing hemochorial placenta, the hypoxia in the first third of pregnancy is one of the crucial factor for induction of angiogenesis and adequate placental development. However, this hypoxia is contradictory to the great dynamism and metabolism of cells required in the pregnant uterus, conditioning a physiological stress for the cells present at the maternal-fetal interface. It is presumed these cells demand appropriate cytoprotective mechanism for their survival while are committed to actively support the pregnancy. In this way, the present work aimed to investigate the expression and distribution of the chapelone isoforms heat shock protein 72 and 73 (HSP72/73) at the maternal fetal-interface through the pregnancy in mice and its possible variations under additional stressing condition induced experimentally by embryo lesion. Embryo/fetus developing sites of pregnant mice from gestational days (gd) 6 to 17 and, after 30min, 1h and 6h of surgical embryo lesion (SEL) on gd 9 mice, were collected for: - conventional paraffin embedding for cytochemical (DBA lectin and TUNEL reaction) and immunocytochemical (anti-HSP72/73, anti-PCNA) analysis; - LR-white resin embedding for ultrastructural immunocytochemistry (anti- HSP72/73); - uterine tissue homogenates for SDS-PAGE of proteins fractions and Western-blot (anti-HSP7273) and; - RNA extratction form uterine tissue homogenates and isolated uNK cells for transcripts (HSP72 and 73) amplification by RT-PCR. The immunocytcchemical analysis showed the uNK cells as the only cell expressing constantly the HSP72/73 isoforms throughout the gestation, being confirmed the expression of both gene isoforms by RT-PCR in uNK cells. The immunoelectron microscopy detected conspicuous labeling in the mitochondria of uNK cells. The quantitative analysis demonstrated that embryo-lesion reduced the number of HSP72/73 positive uNK cells in the uterus and, SDS/PAGE and Westernblot identified the HSP72 and 73 isoforms present in the tissue homogenates with low reactive intensity of the band corresponding to HSP73 in the after-lesion samples, without affecting significantly the HSP72 isoform. The analysis of TUNEL and PCNA double labelling showed decreasing of PCNA positive-uNK cells in the uterus after embryo-lesion and increasing of TUNEL positive nuclei. These results confirms the expression of HSP72 and HSP73 isoforms in the uNK cells through the gestation and to date, this is also the first report showing HSP70 in leukocytes, suggesting a cytoptotective function to this cell while working actively as important cells supporting the pregnancy. The decreasing of HSP72/73 positive uNK cells in the pregnant uterus triggered by embryo lesion consubstantiate the hypothesis of HSP72/73 working as cytoprotective chaperone in the uNK cells, and the HSP73 isoform in the mitochondria seems to be critical on down-regulation of apoptotic cell depth pathway / Mestrado / Histologia / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Efeito do consumo das proteínas do soro do leite no sistema de defesa HSP 70 e parâmetros bioquímicos em ratos / Effect of whey proteins in the system defense HSP 70 and biochemical parameters in rats

Moura, Carolina Soares de, 1988- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jaime Amaya-Farfán / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T15:34:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moura_CarolinaSoaresde_M.pdf: 1533232 bytes, checksum: 1141b4840c5a0f9342072967abfece65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: As heat shock proteins (HSPs), ou proteínas do estresse, correspondem a um importante sistema de defesa celular que é capaz de proteger e reparar danos causados ao organismo, conferindo à célula maior tolerância e resistência contra situações de alteração na homeostase, sendo também consideradas como um sistema antioxidante complementar. A glutamina é conhecida pelo seu potencial em promover o aumento na HSP70 contra diversas situações agressoras. As proteínas do soro do leite (PSL) contêm concentrações elevadas de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAAs), sendo estes substratos para a síntese de glutamina, por meio da enzima glutamina sintetase. Objetivo: o objetivo deste trabalho foi observar a influência do consumo das proteínas do soro do leite (PSL), na forma concentrada (PSLC) e hidrolisada (PSLH), na concentração da HSP70 em ratos exercitados em esteira rolante. Metodologia: foram utilizados 48 ratos Wistar machos (290g ± 8g) divididos primeiramente pelo regime de atividade física em sedentários (S) e exercitados (E), e cada um desses, subdividido em outros três grupos, segundo a dieta. As dietas foram baseadas na AIN93-G, com substituição da fonte protéica da seguinte forma: PSLC, PSLH e caseína (CAS), como controle. O período em dieta experimental foi de 3 semanas, e os animais exercitados foram submetidos a 5 sessões de exercício a 22m/min durante 30 minutos como fonte de estresse térmico, na última semana de vida. Resultados: os resultados revelaram que o consumo da PSLH no grupo exercitado promoveu o aumento da HSP70 em pulmão, e nos músculos sóleo e gastrocnêmio. O consumo da PSLH aumentou os níveis de glutamato, isoleucina e leucina livres no plasma dos animais sedentários. Quando exercitado, o grupo PLSH teve redução no glutamato, leucina e valina (substratos envolvidos na síntese de glutamina) plasmáticos e aumento da enzima glutamina sintetase (GS) no sóleo, sugerindo o provável uso desses aminoácidos para proporcionar o aumento na HSP70. Em adição à elevação da GS, houve também aumento concomitante da concentração de corticosterona no grupo PSLH exercitado, sugerindo a influência do hormônio na enzima. Em relação ao possível dano oxidativo, avaliado pela geração de proteínas carboniladas, os grupos que consumiram PSLC e PSLH reduziram seus valores no plasma e, somente a PSLH, no gastrocnêmio. Houve preservação das proteínas totais e albumina nos grupos PSLC, PSLH exercitados. O ácido úrico aumentou no grupo PSLH exercitado, enquanto que a creatinina aumentou na PSLC, independente do exercício. A glicose foi reduzida nos animais sedentários que consumiram PSLH, porém as variações dos parâmetros sempre permaneceram dentro da normalidade. Nenhum efeito adverso ao consumo das diferentes fontes protéicas foi observado no rim ou no fígado, oriundo da mensuração das enzimas AST, ALT e o metabólito ureia respectivamente. Conclusão: os resultados indicam que o consumo da PSLH pode potencializar a resposta da HSP70, sugerindo aumento na proteção endógena e antioxidante, e que a PSLH possa ser mais estresse-responsiva em ratos submetidos ao exercício / Abstract: The heat shock proteins (HSPs), or stress proteins, correspond to an important cell defense system, whose function is to protect and repair injuries caused to the body, conferring the cell greater tolerance and resistance against altered homeostasis states, and for this reason they have been considered as a complementary antioxidant system. Glutamine in turn has been found to promote the increase of HSPs associated to various situations of stress. The milk whey proteins contain elevated concentrations of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which can participate in the synthesis of glutamine via glutamine synthetase. Objective: the objective of this work was to assess the influence of the intake of the whey proteins either in the form of a concentrate (WPC) or a hydrolyzate (WPH) in enhancing the concentration of HSP70 in rats exercised in the treadmill. Methods: Forty-eight male Wistar rats (290 ± 8g) were divided, first, into two categories according to the level of physical activity: sedentary (S) and exercised (E), and each one subdivided into three groups according to the source of protein in the diet. The diets were based on the standard AIN93-G, formulated containing either WPC, WPH or casein (CAS), as the sole source of protein. The animals consumed the experimental diets for three weeks and those belonging to the exercised group were submitted to training 5 sessions on the last week of life. Results: the results showed that consumption of the WPH promoted the increase of HSP70 in lung, soleus and gastrocnemius in the exercised animals. Increases in plasma free glutamate, isoleucine and leucine of the sedentary rats were also observed. When exercised, the WPH group exhibited a reduction in the plasma levels of glutamate, leucine and valine (all involved in the synthesis of glutamine), plus an increase in the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) in the soleus muscle, thus suggesting a probable utilization of this amino acids, as a substrate, in the increase of HSP70. Considering that there was also an elevation of the corticosterone levels in the exercised cohorts that consumed the WPH, the concomitant increase of GS, suggested that the hormone exerted an influence on the enzyme. With regard to a possible oxidative damage, as assessed by the presence of carbonyls proteins, the group that consumed both of the whey proteins (WPC, WPH) exhibited lower plasma levels, but only the WPH reduced the levels in the gastrocnemius. Both total plasma proteins and albumin were preserved in the exercised animals. Uric acid was found to increase in the WPH exercised group, while creatinine increased in the WPC group, regardless of the exercise. Plasma glucose levels were also lowered in the sedentary animals that consumed the WPH diet, but at no time, did the increased or decreased levels of these parameters extrapolated normality. Additionally, from the AST, ALT and urea data, no adverse effects on either liver or kidney could be detected with the intake of the different proteins sources. Conclusion: from these results, it can be concluded that consumption of the WPH, in contrast to WPC or CAS, can enhance the HSP70 response suggesting a magnified endogenous and antioxidant protection, and that the hydrolyzed whey protein can be more stress-responsive / Mestrado / Nutrição Experimental e Aplicada à Tecnologia de Alimentos / Mestre em Alimentos e Nutrição

Molecular profiling of calcific aortic valve disease

Ohukainen, P. (Pauli) 26 April 2016 (has links)
Abstract Calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) is the most common valvular heart disease in the Western world. Although it shares mainly the same risk factors as coronary heart disease (CHD), i.e. similar initial events in both diseases but with time, they lead to different clinical outcomes. Thus, when it affects the coronary arteries, the disease leads to an obstructive or rupture-prone plaque whereas in the aortic valve, it causes massive calcification and ossification. This obstructs the blood flow from the left cardiac ventricle, causing myocardial hypertrophy, and if left untreated, heart failure and death. Many of the pathobiological differences between CAVD and CHD remain unknown. Currently, there are no effective lifestyle- or pharmacologic treatments for CAVD and the only therapy is a valve replacement operation. In this thesis, several studies utilizing large-scale methods were undertaken to profile the molecular events leading to CAVD. Surgically removed valves from patients in different stages of the disease were obtained and gene transcripts, microRNA-molecules and several proteins were identified as being differentially expressed. Several of these were investigated further, including two pro-inflammatory CC-type chemokine ligands 3 and 4 (CCL3 and CCL4), microRNA-125b, several granzyme-proteins and heat-shock protein 90. The results of this thesis provide a large dataset of hundreds of molecular changes associated with CAVD. It is proposed that they can be used as a basis for the generation of new hypotheses and assist in the design of experiments to clarify the mechanisms driving CAVD. / Tiivistelmä Aorttaläpän kalkkeutuva ahtauma on länsimaiden yleisin sydänläppäsairaus. Riskitekijät ovat pääosin samat kuin sepelvaltimotaudissa, ja molemmat saavat alkunsa samalla tavalla. Ajan myötä ne kuitenkin johtavat varsin erilaisiin kliinisiin ilmenemismuotoihin: sepelvaltimoihin kasvaa ahtauttavia ja repeytymisherkkiä plakkeja, kun taas aorttaläppään muodostuu runsaasti kalkkia ja luuta. Se haittaa verenvirtausta sydämen vasemmasta kammiosta aorttaan, mikä aiheuttaa sydänlihaksen paksuuntumista. Hoitamattomana tauti johtaa lopulta sydämen vajaatoimintaan ja kuolemaan. Monet syyt eroihin sepelvaltimotaudin ja aorttaläpän ahtauman välillä ovat edelleen tuntemattomia. Tällä hetkellä aorttaläpän ahtaumaan ei ole olemassa tehokasta elintapa- tai lääkehoitoa, ja ainoa hoitomuoto onkin vioittuneen aorttaläpän korvaaminen proteesilla. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tehtiin useita laaja-alaisia molekyylitason profilointitutkimuksia, joilla selvitettiin aorttaläpän ahtaumaan mahdollisesti johtavia mekanismeja. Aineistona oli leikkauksessa potilailta poistettuja, erilaisissa taudin vaiheissa olevia aorttaläppiä. Niistä kerättiin tietoja kaikkien geenien ilmentymisestä, mikroRNA-molekyyleistä sekä koko proteomitason muutoksista. Useat tunnistetuista molekyyleistä valittiin jatkotutkimuksiin niiden tarkempien ominaisuuksien selvittämiseksi. Näitä olivat tulehdusta välittävät kemokiinit CCL3 ja CCL4, mikroRNA-125b, useat grantsyymiproteiinit sekä lämpöshokkiproteiini 90. Väitöskirjatyön tuloksista voidaan muodostaa ainutlaatuinen aineisto sadoista erilaisista aorttaläpän ahtaumaan johtavista molekyylitason muutoksista. Sitä voidaan hyödyntää uusien tutkimushypoteesien muodostamisessa sekä aorttaläpän ahtauman tarkempien mekanismien selvittämiseen tähtäävien kokeellisten tutkimusten suunnittelussa.

Biochemical Characterization Of Heat Shock Protein 90 From Plasmodium Falciparum

Pallavi, Rani 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Molecular chaperones are a group of proteins which maintain cellular homeostasis by assisting de novo protein folding and their refolding to native state after destabilization due to external stress. They are also known as heat shock proteins as they were first discovered as a response to heat stress. It is now well established that the function of this group of proteins is not only restricted to protein homeostasis but also extends to diverse cellular processes such signal transduction, development and differentiation. Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is one of the most abundant molecular chaperones that is highly conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. Hsp90 is an essential chaperone and is required for the viability of all eukaryotes examined so far including yeast, Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. Hsp90 has emerged as an important regulator of cellular activities by virtue of its ability to interact with a diverse set of client proteins many of which include transcription factors, protein kinases and signaling molecules. Through interaction with these proteins it is involved in regulating cellular processes including growth, cell cycle, endocrine functions, apoptosis, differentiation and development. Further in Drosophila and plants, Hsp90 is thought to function as a capacitor for morphological evolution and phenotypic variation. Recently, it has also been implicated in the emergence of drug resistance in Candida albicans. Furthermore, the importance of Hsp90 in disease states, particularly in cancer, is strongly evident, where chaperoning of mutated and oncogenic proteins is critical for continuous proliferation of cells. This has led to the development of Hsp90 inhibitors as an anti-cancer drug. Geldanamycin (GA), a benzoquinone ansamycin was the first molecule shown to inhibit Hsp90 activity by binding to its ATP binding domain. A derivative of GA, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17AAG), has shown promise in clinical studies and has entered Phase III clinical trials. Hsp90 has been shown to be important for growth and development of many protozoan parasites. Inhibition of Hsp90 function in Leishmania, Emiera, Toxoplasma, Trypanosoma as well as Plasmodium causes a block in their developmental cycle. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that inhibition of Hsp90 function prevents growth of malaria parasite in human erythrocytes in vitro. P. falciparum Hsp90 (PfHsp90) has also been shown to regulate parasite growth during the febrile episodes that are characteristic of malaria. While most of the studies highlighting the importance of PfHsp90 have relied on its pharmacological inhibition, its biochemical characterization and quantitative measurement of its interaction with GA in isolated system has not been explored. It was also not understood whether the in vitro model of Hsp90 inhibition could translate into inhibition of the parasite growth in an animal model of malaria. Since Hsp90 is a split ATPase requiring proper co-ordination between the residues on its N-terminal and middle domains, it would be desirable to biochemically characterize full length PfHsp90 to gain insights into its potential as an anti-malarial target. The present study was initiated with an objective of understanding the biochemical properties of Hsp90 from P. falciparum in terms of ATP binding, ATP hydrolysis and its GA binding ability. We have also examined the potential of PfHsp90 to serve as a chemotherapeutic target using its clinically well-established inhibitor, 17AAG, in a preclinical mice model. Apart from using in vitro and in vivo models of malaria, we have also explored the efficacy of 17AAG in the P. falciparum samples collected from malaria patients. Additionally, we have examined the relevance of chaperones, in particular PfHsp90 in the samples collected from malaria patients. Finally, we have attempted to understand the unexplored biology of another malaria parasite P. vivax by a high throughput proteomics approach. Biochemical characterization of PfHsp90 and its comparison with host Hsp90 Hsp90 belongs to GHKL (gyrase, Hsp90, histidine kinase, MutL) protein family having a characteristic novel ATP-binding Bergerat fold. The ATP binding pocket of GHKL family differs from the conventional nucleotide binding fold in the formation of a cone shaped pocket made up of four anti-parallel β-sheets and three α helices as opposed to parallel βsheets surrounded by α-helices in the latter. The most distinctive feature of Bergerat fold is the presence of ATP lid. Further, even within the GHKL family members the composition and the conformation of this ATP-lid differs, leading to different solvent exposure of the bound ATP. All Hsp90s from different organisms, characterized so far, have been shown to posses ATP binding and hydrolysis activity but so far PfHsp90 ATPase activity has not been characterized. Using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence measurements, we found PfHsp90 to bind ATP with about 30% higher affinity than human Hsp90 (hHsp90). We further, 32 determined the ATPase activity of PfHsp90 by monitoring the direct conversion of (γ-P) 32-2 ATP to Pi. PfHsp90 bound and hydrolyzed ATP with a Km of 611 µM and kcat of 9.9 x 10 -1m . Interestingly, PfHsp90 showed six times higher ATPase activity as compared to its human homologue and more intriguingly the ATPase activity exhibited by PfHsp90 was highest among all the Hsp90s studied so far. Previous studies from our laboratory have provided sufficient evidence for inhibitory action of GA on Plasmodium growth inside the infected erythrocytes. GA is known to exert its inhibitory effect by binding to the ATP binding domain of Hsp90 thus inhibiting its chaperone activity. Earlier reports have shown that despite a high similarity between the ATP/GA binding region in Hsp90 from different organisms, there is a difference in their ability to bind GA. For example, in spite of all the hallmarks of ATP-binding pocket of Hsp90 family C. elegans Hsp90 does not bind GA. We have employed fluorescence spectroscopy to examine whether PfHsp90 can bind to GA. In parallel, we have also determined the binding affinity of human Hsp90 (hHsp90) to GA. We observed small but reproducible differences in the binding affinity of GA to Hsp90s from human host and P. falciparum with latter having fourfold higher affinity. A sequence analysis of the GA binding domain of Hsp90s from P. falciparum and human host showed a homologous substitution of K112 of hHsp90 to R98 in PfHsp90. In order to examine the effect of this substitution, if any, on the observed difference in GA binding abilities, we mutated R98 to K in PfHsp90. However, we did not find any difference in the binding ability of R98K PfHsp90 to GA, suggesting that this homologous substitution has minimal or no effect on drug protein interaction in vitro. However, in view of this phylogenetically conserved substitution, we cannot rule out its role in vivo. The chaperone function of Hsp90 is dependent on its ATPase activity which is susceptible to GA mediated inhibition. We next examined the extent of inhibition of GA on the ATPase activity of Hsp90s from P. falciparum and human host. Interestingly, we found the PfHsp90-ATPase activity to be three times more sensitive than hHsp90-ATPase activity to GA mediated inhibition suggesting that the malaria parasite, P. falciparum is likely to be more sensitive to GA when compared to human host. This result is in accordance with a recent study, which has shown that yeast expressing PfHsp90 in lieu of native yeast Hsp90 was more sensitive to GA than yeast expressing either yeast Hsp90 or human Hsp90. Acetylation of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp90 Post-translational modification of Hsp90 such as acetylation has been shown to affect its binding with GA. We first examined whether, PfHsp90 can be acetylated. With the use of various purified Histone acetyl transferases (HATs) of human origin, we have shown PfHsp90 to undergo acetylation in vitro. We found that among different HATs (pCAF, Gcn5 and p300) used, only p300 was able to acetylate PfHsp90 suggesting a role for it in PfHsp90 in vivo acetylation as well. We next examined the in vivo acetylation status of PfHsp90 from parasite lysate. To enrich the acetylated fraction of PfHsp90, we have used Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, trichostatin A (TSA). Immunoprecipitation of PfHsp90 followed by immunoblotting with an acetyl-lysine antibody confirmed that PfHsp90 undergoes acetylation in vivo. In order to identify the lysine residues which underwent acetylation we subjected the acetylation enriched fraction of PfHsp90 to in-gel trypsin digestion followed by mass spectrometry. Analysis of trypsin digested PfHsp90 from the parasites identified three sites of acetylation, one of which overlapped with PfHsp90 cochaperone (Aha1 and p23) binding residue, suggesting that acetylation could play a potential role in modulating PfHsp90 multi-chaperone complex assembly. Indeed, treatment of P. falciparum cultures with a HDAC-inhibitor resulted in partial dissociation of PfHsp90 complex as observed from size-exclusion chromatography. Adding to this observation, we also found that co-treatment of TSA and GA showed a synergistic and additive effect in inhibiting parasite growth in vitro. The above results suggest the possibility of using Hsp90 inhibitor in combination with HDAC inhibitor to arrest Plasmodium growth and development. Clinically tested GA-analogue 17AAG inhibits Plasmodium growth in vitro and in vivo The specificity of GA inside the cell has been a matter of debate since the discovery of its medicinal importance. In the past, Hsp90 has been implicated as a target of GA by carrying out immunoblotting of GA pull-down fraction with an anti-Hsp90 antibody. Crystal structure of GA with yeast Hsp90 has shown it to bind within the well conserved ATP-binding pocket of Hsp90. However, the specificity of GA inside the cell is still a conjecture. We have performed GA pull down assays from the parasite lysate followed by Coomassie Blue staining, which gave a single band corresponding to 86 kDa PfHsp90. The identity of PfHsp90 was further confirmed by immunoblotting with antibody specific to PfHsp90. This result indicates that inside the cells, inhibitory effect of GA is mediated by and large through its interaction with Hsp90. However, we cannot rule out the presence of other minor, less significant, interactors of GA. Earlier work from our laboratory has shown that GA inhibits Plasmodium growth inside the infected erythrocytes. However, issues related to GA toxicity have excluded its development as a therapeutic. Nevertheless, interest in this class of molecule has led to the generation of a large number of less toxic derivatives of GA. One classical example is 17AAG which has gained clinical importance over the years and has entered in phase III trial. Intrigued by the clinical success of 17AAG, we were interested in determining its ability to modulate parasite growth. Indeed, 17AAG was able to inhibit parasite growth in a manner similar to that of GA. We further extended our study to parasites isolated from patient samples. Here too, we found 17AAG to be effective in inhibiting growth of the parasite. Finally, we examined the efficacy of 17AAG at a pre-clinical level using a mouse model of malaria. Using Peters’ four-day test we found 17AAG, to be effective in attenuating parasite growth and prolonging the survival of parasite infected mice (n=4, p=0.00692; n=10, p=0.001). Clinical relevance of heat shock proteins of Plasmodium falciparum A recent study using in vivo expression profiles of parasites derived from blood samples of infected patients has revealed previously unknown physiological diversity in the biology of malaria parasites. According to gene expression profiles, parasites were clustered into three different physiological states – starvation, glycolysis dependent active growth and environmental stress response. In order to examine the clinical relevance of molecular chaperones in malaria, we reanalyzed the previously published gene expression data of clinical parasites from 46 patients. Our analysis of this data showed that organellar chaperones were up-regulated upon starvation (cluster1) while cytosolic chaperones such as Hsp90 were up-regulated in active growth conditions (cluster2) indicating up-regulation of distinct group of Hsps in response to different environmental cues. Interestingly, Hsp90 and its co-chaperones, previously implicated as drug targets in malaria, clustered in the same group. Further, some patients of cluster 3 (environmental stress response) showed higher expression of Hsp90 while others showed lower expression. In general, cluster 3 group of patients were heterogeneous in terms of expression of chaperones. Using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), cluster 3 was sub-clustered into two groups 3a and 3b. Cluster 3b showed up-regulation of cytosolic chaperones similar to cluster 2 indicating these two clusters are inter-related. Most of the Hsp90 dependent pathways such as trafficking, signaling, anti apoptotic and pro-survival found to be most active in cluster 2 indicating the dependence of this group of parasites on Hsp90. The two main outcomes of our chaperone analysis are (1) the up-regulation of molecular chaperones in parasites are not a general response to hostile conditions as perceived previously, but is largely determined by the host factors and may differ from one host to another (2) the disease specific pathways may exist in natural condition by the up-regulation of specific chaperone and its interactors as a response to different host environment. Clinical proteomics of human malarial parasites Much of our understanding about the life cycle of parasites and importance of parasite proteins have been gleaned from the studies in laboratory strain or with the laboratory adapted clinical parasites. Although, these studies provide us first hand information about the functionality and the importance of these proteins, but they often fail to mimic the actual disease environment. In the patient, parasites are exposed to host factors such as hormones, metabolites, inflammatory mediators which can influence the expression of proteins and thus parasite biology. Further, instead of parasite exposure to 37°C temperature throughout the erythrocytic cycle in vitro, it is exposed to several rounds of febrile episodes inside human, which can also influence the parasite life cycle. Furthermore, clinical analysis is important to validate the presence and expression of drug targets in actual disease environment. Therefore, analysis of malaria parasite from clinical settings has become an important component in our laboratory and this thesis. Proteomic analysis of clinical samples has emerged as an important tool to understand the proteins dynamicity as response to disease environment. We have initiated clinical proteomic study of P. falciparum, the cause of most common and fatal malaria in humans and extended it further to the neglected malaria parasite P. vivax. The study of P. vivax has largely been over-shadowed by the enormous attention devoted to P. falciparum. Notably, the drugs which have been discovered against P. falciparum are not as effective against P. vivax. Further several unique features of P. vivax such as dormant hyponozoites, reticulocyte host preference and formation of specialized caveolae vesicle complex structure distinguish its biology from P. falciparum and warrant concerted effort directed at this parasite. A major limitation in studying this parasite is the absence of a long-term culturing system. Therefore, research on this parasite requires samples obtained directly from patients. In spite of the inherent difficulty in obtaining such samples, this method provides us an opportunity to study this parasite in its real environment which has a huge effect on the expression as well as function of parasites and host proteins. Our current knowledge about the life cycle of this parasite has been gained from the recently published transcriptome study. Even though transcriptome analyses provide useful understanding at the level of gene expression, they do not reflect the active protein component of a cell. In other words, most of disease outcome is a result of interaction of the protein component with the environment. We therefore attempted to understand the protein component of this parasite in the disease environment to shed light on its pathogenicity. Despite facing several challenges in the way of proteomic analysis of this parasite such as availability of samples, low parasitemia, contamination of parasite proteins with abundant host proteins etc, we were able to identify 154 P. vivax proteins abundantly expressed in clinical environment using mass-spectrometry based approach. We found many proteins unique to this parasite along with known drug targets. This study is the first of its kind and could prove to be a very important step towards gaining insights into the physiology of this parasite.This study serves as a proof-of-principle method which in future is likely to help in identifying many more potential drug targets, vaccine candidates and diagnostic markers from clinically relevant samples as opposed to cultured samples. Summary Despite the importance of PfHsp90 in malaria biology, it has not been characterized in terms of its biochemical properties and its interaction with the inhibitor. In this study, we have successfully cloned, expressed, purified and characterized full length PfHsp90. We found that PfHsp90 exhibits a hyper-ATPase activity and is more sensitive to GA mediated inhibition as compared to human Hsp90. We have also shown that its sensitivity towards GA is dependent on its acetylation status as treatment of infected erythrocytes with HDAC inhibitors increases its sensitivity to GA. Using a pull-down assay, we have determined, unequivocally, that GA specifically binds to Hsp90. Most importantly, we have demonstrated that 17AAG, a clinically well-established inhibitor of Hsp90, inhibits parasite growth in a laboratory strain, field isolates and an in vivo mouse model of malaria. Overall, our biochemical characterization and drug interaction studies underscore the importance of PfHsp90 as a potent drug target and its inhibitors as a candidate drugs for the treatment of malaria, one of the deadly human infectious diseases. Our efforts to understand the importance of molecular chaperones in parasites isolated directly from patient samples (clinical setting) has revealed conspicuous association of Hsps with previously defined parasite physiological states. In particular, parasites obtained from a specific group of patients exhibited heightened dependence on Hsp90-dependent pro-survival pathways, indicating an increased response to host stressors in this group of parasites. Thus, parasite encoded chaperones, in particular PfHsp90, play a major role in defining the pathogenesis of malaria. A disease is an outcome of interaction between pathogens and its host, therefore it is important to study parasite in its real environment to understand disease pathogenesis. Our lab has previously reported the first ever proteomic analysis of P. falciparum from malaria patients. In this study, we have made an attempt to understand the unexplored biology of another important malaria parasite P. vivax. We have used a mass-spectrometry based approach to identify the protein content of this parasite. This technically challenging attempt has enabled us to identify many proteins. This study is an important step towards understanding the biology of this parasite in dearth of any information available on the proteins involved in this parasite’s pathogenicity.

Insights Into The Trans-Splicing Based Expression Of Heat Shock Protein 90 In Giardia Lamblia

Rishi Kumar, N January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are a class of molecular chaperones which were first discovered as proteins up-regulated in response to heat stress in Drosophila. Later, it was found that these set of proteins get up-regulated as a general stress response associated with destabilization of native protein structures. Over a period of time, intricate involvement of Hsps in various biological processes has been well established. Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is one of the important representative of this class of proteins. Hsp90 is an essential molecular chaperone which is evolutionarily conserved. It has a selective set of proteins to chaperone called as clients, which majorly include transcription factors and protein kinases. Through its interaction with its clients it modulates cell cycle, signal transduction, differentiation, development and evolution. Previous studies from Candida, Leishmania and Plasmodium have implicated Hsp90 to be involved in stage transition and growth. It is also critically involved in regulating growth of other protozoans such as Dictyostelium, Entamoeba and Trypanosoma. Thus, selective inhibition of Hsp90 has been explored as an intervention strategy against important human diseases such as cancer, malaria and other protozoan diseases. In Plasmodium falciparum, Hsp90 plays a critical role in stage transition. The parasite inside the human RBC develops from ring to trophozoite to schizont stage and inhibition of Hsp90 using specific pharmacological inhibitor arrests the growth of parasite at ring stage. In Dictyostelium, it has been observed that Hsp90 function is required for development. Inhibition of Hsp90 causes mound arrest and stops the cells from entering to its next developmental stage, fruiting bodies. In parallel, Hsp90 in Candida has been shown to be involved in morphogenesis. In nature Candida exists as a single cell yeast form and upon entry into the human host these yeast forms undergo morphogenesis to form virulent filamentous fungi. Inhibition of Hsp90 mimics temperature mediated morphogenesis. All together, these studies suggest that Hsp90 functions in a context dependent manner and each biological system explored has given new insights into the Hsp90 biology. Giardia lamblia, a protozoan parasite of humans and animals, is an important cause of diarrheal disease causing significant morbidity and also mortality in tropical countries. In the present study we focus on the biology of Hsp90 from Giardia lamblia. Giardia has a biphasic life cycle with infective cyst stage and pathogenic trophozoite stage. These cysts are present in the environment and enter mammalian host through oral route. They undergo a process called as excystation in the intestine giving rise to trophozoites. The trophozoites so formed colonize the upper part of the small intestine which causes the symptoms of giardiasis. Some of the trophozoites escape from the nutrition rich milieu of the upper part of small intestine to the lower part. In this region, trophozoites undergo a process called as encystation, wherein each trophozoite forms a cyst which escapes through faeces back into the environment. As seen in the life cycle of Giardia there are two major biological transitions, excystation and encystation; and till date no definitive player or pathway is known to regulate these processes. With the knowledge of Hsp90 playing an important role in similar biological transitions in other organisms we were encouraged to study role of Hsp90 in Giardia lamblia. Trans-splicing based generation of a full length Hsp90 in Giardia lamblia To understand the role of Hsp90, we first carried out sequence alignment of Hsp90 predicted ORFs in Giardia genome with yeast Hsp90. On alignment we observed that Hsp90 in Giardia is discontinuous and is annotated to be encoded by two different ORFs. Hsp90 in most organisms is coded by a single ORF with none to many cis-spliced introns. In a relatively intron poor organism G. lamblia, cytosolic Hsp90 is coded by two different ORFs separated by 777 kb in the genome. On multiple sequence alignment, we noticed that these two ORFs correspond to two independent regions of the Hsp90 protein. The ORFs are designated as hspN and hspC, containing the N-terminal and the C-terminal region of the protein respectively. We began our study by sequencing whole genome of Giardia lamblia clinical strain. Our genome sequencing confirmed the split nature of hsp90 and showed high ‘synteny’ between the other sequenced isolates. Using PCR based approach we have ruled out the possibility of having a full length gene in the genome. In contradiction to the genome result, we have observed a higher molecular weight protein in the lysate on proteomic analysis which was further confirmed by western blotting. The protein was observed to have a molecular weight of 80 kDa which could be a resultant of combination of two ORFs, suggesting the presence of a full length mRNA for Hsp90. PCR amplification using primers against both the fragments resulted in amplification of 2.1 kb product from the RNA pool of Giardia. Sequencing of this product showed that hspN and hspC were stitched together to form a mature messenger for full length Hsp90. In total our results suggest a post transcriptional process, trans-splicing, to be involved in the construction of Hsp90. The transition marked by this fusion coincides with the canonical GU¬AG splice site transitions as observed in other eukaryotes. Interestingly, a 26 nt near-complementary region was observed inside and upstream of hspN and hspC ORFs respectively. Put together these results suggest that the 26 nt complementary region acts as the positioning element to bring these two precursors in spatial proximity. With efficient spliceosomal activity these two precursor forms are trans-spliced to generate a full length cytosolic Hsp90 in Giardia. There are only four genes which have cis-spliced introns in the Giardia genome and the core components of the spliceosomal machinery are also present. The presence of canonical splice site in both the transcripts suggests that these transcripts are fused together by the spliceosomal machinery by the phenomenon of trans-splicing. The formation of full length Hsp90 RNA by its fragmented gene is the first example of trans-splicing in Giardia. To understand, are there any other genes which are also similarly trans-spliced we have carried out shotgun proteomic analysis of the total cell lysate obtained from Giardia trophozoites. Using Hsp90 as template, in our proteomic datasets, we have designed an algorithm for identification of additional trans-spliced gene products at the protein level. We have identified a total of 476 proteins of which hypothetical proteins constitute the major class followed by metabolic enzymes. We have compared the theoretical molecular weights for the identified proteins with the experimentally determined mass. Any discrepancy in the molecular mass was further analyzed and we assigned a gene to be potentially trans-spliced based on three criteria: if they were encoded by two or more different ORFs (loci), absence of a single full length counterpart and presence of splice sites with branch point and positional elements. Using this algorithm we were able to identify dynein as a potential candidate of trans-splicing reaction which was confirmed by the nucleotide sequence analysis of the predicted ORFs. Interestingly, dynein gene fragments were observed to be scattered on different chromosomes with minor splice sites unlike hsp90 genes. In vivo Expression of Hsp90 sub-fragments, HspN and HspC In the mature Hsp90 mRNA formed upon trans-splicing, 33 additional codons are present right between hspN and hspC sequences and they were acquired from the upstream region of hspC ORF. The 33 codons encode for an important region of Hsp90 which harbours the conserved catalytic “Arg” residue; suggesting that the full length Giardia Hsp90 (GlHsp90) formed could be an active ATPase. To confirm the same we have carried out in vitro characterization of trans-spliced Hsp90. Towards this, we have cloned, expressed and purified His tag-GlHsp90. As a first step, highly purified protein was used to assess its efficiency in binding to it cognate ligand, ATP, and the known inhibitors. Our binding studies show that GlHsp90 binds to ATP with a dissociation constant of 628 M and to its inhibitors, GA and 17AAG with 1.5 μM and 17.5 μM respectively. The bound ATP will be subsequently cleaved by Hsp90 which is an essential step in the chaperone cycle. As determined in our ATPase assay we observed that GlHsp90 hydrolyzes bound ATP with the catalytic efficiency of 4.4 × 10-5μM-1.min-1which confirms that Hsp90 generated upon trans-splicing is an active ATPase. The uniqueness of the hsp90 gene arrangement in Giardia posed a new question. Do these gene fragments also get translated? Our results suggest that HspN and HspC are poly¬adenylated. In order to determine the levels of these transcripts we performed qRT-PCR using primers specific to HspN, HspC and GlHsp90. We have observed that, in comparison with HspN transcript level, HspC and GlHsp90 transcripts are 15 and 75 folds higher respectively. To check for the presence of translation products of these transcripts, we have re-analyzed our proteomic datasets wherein we could identify peptides corresponding to HspN and HspC in their respective molecular weight region, 45 to 35 kDa. To confirm the proteomic data, western blot analysis was performed for trophozoite lysate on both 1D and 2D gels using anti-HspN antibody. Two specific bands (1D) / spots (2D) corresponding to the full length Hsp90 and HspN were identified. Gel filtration analysis revealed that HspN co¬eluted with full length Hsp90 thereby suggesting that both the proteins are in a same complex. With the background that HspN and HspC are present at the protein level, we asked if these fragments in combination can hydrolyse ATP. We reconstituted recombinant HspN and HspC in equimolar amounts and scored for the hydrolysis of ATP. However, no Pi release was observed. To determine whether HspN and HspC could modulate Hsp90 function, ATPase activity was monitored in the presence of HspN or HspC, in vitro. It was observed that ATPase activity was inhibited by both the fragments thus suggesting that HspN and HspC negatively regulate Hsp90 ATPase activity. Role of Hsp90 in Giardia encystation Giardia has a biphasic life cycle with proliferative trophozoites and latent cyst stage. In Giardia, in vitro encystation was established nearly two decades back by modulating the medium conditions. However, the mechanism and triggers underlying this transition are not well characterized. To understand whether Hsp90 has any role in this transition, in vitro conversion of trophozoites to cysts was achieved. The cysts obtained showed all the characteristic features of mature Giardia cyst with cyst wall protein 1 (CWP1) on the cyst wall and four nuclei as determined by immunofluorescence analysis. Further, the levels of Hsp90 in trophozoites were compared with mature cysts at both transcript and protein levels and it was found that cysts show more than 50% reduction in the level of Hsp90 in comparison with normal trophozoites. In accordance, exogenous inhibition of Hsp90 using 17AAG promoted the formation of cysts in vitro by 60 folds in a dose dependent manner; however, the window period of Hsp90 function compromise plays an important role in this process. Higher numbers of cysts were obtained from the cells treated with inhibitors during pre-encystation condition but inhibition of Hsp90 during encystation did not affect the formation of cysts, suggesting that Hsp90 down-regulation plays an important role during commitment towards encystation. To further show that cyst formation is a specific response to Hsp90 inhibition we have carried out encystation in the presence of metranidazole and from heat shocked cells; however, in both the conditions we did not observe any significant change in cyst formation, thus confirming that Hsp90 plays an important role during encystation in Giardia lamblia. Summary In Conclusion, Our study throws light on a unique aspect of Hsp90 biology in Giardia Lamblia, wherein the formation of the full length protein is dependent on a unique trans splicing reaction of its gene components representing different domains. We have also shown that HsP90 fragments, HspN and HspC, are also expressed in Trophozoites. Our in vitro data suggests that these fragments possibly regulate the function of Hsp90. Furthermore, the full length of Hsp90 plays an important role in stage transition in Giardia wherein inhibition of Hsp90 induces encystations. The study has opened many new avenues for research. Understanding the exact role of HspN and HspC in vivo will provide better appreciation for the evolution of such a complex biogenesis of an essential protein.

Hsp90 humana : interação com a co-chaperona Tom70 e efeito do celastrol na estrutura e função / Human Hsp90 : interaction with the co-chaperone Tom70 and effect of celastrol on the structure and function

Murakami, Letícia Maria Zanphorlin, 1984- 10 February 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Henrique Inácio Ramos / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T13:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Murakami_LeticiaMariaZanphorlin_D.pdf: 5383539 bytes, checksum: 1a45d203e6e3c5a992791b8ce893aa36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Chaperonas moleculares e proteínas de choque térmico (Heat shock protein, Hsp) atuam contra a agregação e o enovelamento incorreto de proteínas, que são os agentes causais de doenças neurodegenerativas, como por exemplo, Alzheimer e Parkinson. A Hsp90 é uma das mais importantes chaperonas moleculares, considerada essencial para a viabilidade celular em eucariotos, pois está associada com a maturação de proteínas atuantes na sinalização e ciclo celular. Além disso, foi demonstrado que a Hsp90 está envolvida na estabilização do fenótipo tumoral de diversos tipos de câncer, destacando a sua importância biomédica. A interação com co-chaperonas, proteínas auxiliares das chaperonas, permite que a Hsp90 atue como uma proteína "hub", ou seja, um ponto central de regulação de diversas proteínas. Muitas dessas co-chaperonas possuem um ou mais domínios do tipo TPR (do inglês, tetratricopeptide repeat) que interagem com o C-terminal da Hsp90. No presente projeto de doutorado, investigamos as características estruturais e termodinâmicas da interação entre o domínio C-terminal da Hsp90 (C-Hsp90) e a co-chaperona TPR Tom70 humana, utilizando técnicas de reação-cruzada acoplada à espectrometria de massas (LC-MS/MS), calorimetria de titulação isotérmica (ITC), espalhamento de raios-X à baixos ângulos (SAXS) e modelagem molecular. Os resultados de LC-MS/MS e ITC evidenciaram novas regiões na interação do complexo C-Hsp90/Tom70 que envolve a hélice A7 presente na Tom70 e experimentos de SAXS revelaram a estrutura em baixa resolução das proteínas C-Hsp90, Tom70 e do complexo C-Hsp90/Tom70. Além disso, investigamos o efeito do celastrol, um composto com potencial atividade anti-câncer, na conformação e na função da Hsp90. Na presença do composto, a Hsp90 sofre um processo de oligomerização e a natureza dos oligômeros foi determinada por ferramentas bioquímicas e biofísicas, tais como espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS), cromatografia de exclusão molecular analítica acoplada a espalhamento de luz em multiângulos (SEC-MALS) e eletroforese em gel nativo. Interessantemente, a oligomerização induzida pelo celastrol não afetou a atividade de proteção da Hsp90 contra a agregação protéica e a capacidade de ligação as co-chaperonas com enovelamento tipo TPR. Este é o primeiro trabalho a apontar um possível mecanismo para a ação do celastrol sobre a Hsp90. Coletivamente, nossos resultados e descobertas contribuem para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares relacionados à interação entre chaperonas e co-chaperonas, bem como, chaperonas e potenciais ligantes. / Abstract: Molecular chaperones and heat shock proteins (Hsp) act against protein aggregation and misfolding, which are the causal agents of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson. Hsp90 is one of the most important molecular chaperones, considered essential for cell viability in eukaryotes, since it is associated with the maturation of proteins involved in cell cycle and signaling. In addition, it was demonstrated that Hsp90 is implicated in the stabilization of the tumor phenotype of various types of cancer, highlighting its biomedical importance. The interaction with co-chaperones, auxiliary proteins of chaperones, allows that Hsp90 acts as a hub, being a central point for regulation of several other proteins. Many of these co-chaperones have one or more TPR domains that interact with the C-terminus of Hsp90. In this PhD project, we investigated structural and thermodynamic characteristics of the interaction between the C-terminus domain of Hsp90 (C-Hsp90) and the TPR co-chaperone human Tom70, using techniques of cross-linking coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and molecular modeling. The results of LC-MS/MS and ITC revealed new regions involved in the interaction of the C-Hsp90 with Tom70, which encompasses the A7 helix from Tom70, and SAXS experiments unveiled the low resolution structure of the proteins C-Hsp90, Tom70 and the C-Hsp90/Tom70 complex. In addition, we investigated the effect of celastrol, a compound with a potential anti-cancer activity, on the conformation and function of Hsp90. In the presence of celastrol, Hsp90 undergoes oligomerization and the nature of the oligomers was determined by biochemical and biophysical tools such as dynamic light scattering (DLS), size-exclusion chromatography coupled to multi-angle light scattering (SEC-MALS) and native gel electrophoresis. Interestingly, the celastrol-induced oligomerization did not affect the protective activities of Hsp90 against protein aggregation or the capacity to bind TPR co-chaperones. This is the first study to point out a possible mechanism for the action of celastrol on Hsp90. Collectively, our findings contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms associated to the interaction between chaperones and co-chaperones, as well as chaperones and potential ligands / Doutorado / Quimica Organica / Doutora em Ciências

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