Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heattransfer"" "subject:"datatransfer""
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Condensation Heat Transfer Of R-134A On Micro-Finned Tubes : An Experimental StudySen, Biswanath 06 1900 (has links)
Eco-friendly non-CFC refrigerants were introduced in the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration industry during the last few years to reduce damage to the stratospheric ozone layer. The HFC refrigerant R-134a, which has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), is being used extensively as a replacement for R-12 and also in some centrifugal chillers as a replacement for R-11. However, the disadvantage of R-134a is its comparatively high global warming potential (GWP). Owing to energy crisis and also to reduce the indirect warming impact resulting from electrical energy usage, the new refrigeration systems should be operated at the lowest possible condensing temperatures. In view of this, several active and passive techniques for augmentation of condensation heat transfer and reduction of condensation temperature are gaining increasing attention. Passive augmentation methods are more popular than active ones. To this end, micro-finned tubes of various geometrical shapes are being explored for compact heat exchangers in the refrigeration industry as the best choice.
Towards understanding the enhancement in condensation heat transfer coefficients in micro-finned tubes, a test facility has been fabricated to measure the condensing coefficients for R-134a refrigerant. Condensation experiments have been conducted on single plain and finned tubes of outer diameter 19 mm with a refrigerant saturation temperature of 400C and tube wall temperatures 350C, 320C, 300C and 280C respectively. Water is used as the cooling medium inside the tubes with the flow rate varying from 180 lph to 600 lph. The condensing coefficient typically ranged from 0.9 – 1.4 kW/(m2 K) for plain tubes and from 4.2 to 5.8 kW/(m2 K) for the finned tubes. The results of the plain v tube are found to compare favourably with the Nusselt’s theory, leading to a validation of the experimental procedure. Upon comparing the results of finned and plain tubes, it is found that provision of fins result in an enhancement factor of 3.6 to 4.6 in the condensation heat transfer coefficients. This level of enhancement is larger than that resulting from the enhanced surface area of the finned tube surface, suggesting that, apart from the extended area, the surface tension forces play an important role in the augmentation process by driving the condensate from the fin crests to the valleys in between the fins. The measured augmentation factors have also been cross-checked using the Wilson plot method. Detailed error analysis has been performed to quantify the uncertainty in the condensation heat transfer coefficient.
The performance of a bank of tubes has been determined based on the measurements carried out on practical condensers of two large chillers with refrigerating capacities of 500 TR and 550 TR. On comparing the finned tube bank results and the single finned tube results, it is found that the average condensation heat transfer coefficient in a bank of tubes having N rows varies as N ¯1/6. The deterioration is in agreement with the relation proposed by Kern.
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Flow Obstruction Effects on Heat Transfer in Channels at Supercritical and High Subcritical PressuresEter, Ahmad January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this thesis research is to improve our understanding of the flow obstacle effect on heat transfer at supercritical and high subcritical pressures by experimentally studying the effect of different obstacles on heat transfer in two vertical upward-flow test sections: a 3-rod bundle and an 8 mm ID tube. The heat transfer measurements cover the region of interest of the Canadian Super-critical Water Cooled Reactor (SCWR). A thorough analysis of the obstacle effect on supercritical heat transfer (SCHT) was performed. In the 3-rod bundle, two types of obstacles were employed: wire wraps and low-impact grid spacers. Wire wraps were found to be more effective than grid spacers to enhance the SCHT. In the tubular test section, obstacles appeared to suppress the heat transfer deterioration (HTD) or decrease its severity; obstacles also generally enhanced the SCHT both in the liquid-like and the gas- like region. The experiment in the tubular test section revealed that, at certain flow conditions (low mass flux, low inlet subcooling), flow obstacles can have an adverse impact on the SCHT. A criterion to predict the onset of this adverse effect was developed. At high subcritical pressures, obstacles increased the CHF and reduced the maximum post-CHF temperature. A comparison of the experimental data with prediction methods for the SCHT, single phase heat transfer, CHF and post-dryout heat transfer was performed. Lastly, a new correlation to predict the enhancement in SCHT due to obstacles was developed for heat transfer in the liquid-like and gas-like regions.
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Effects of Surface Engineering on HFE-7100 Pool Boiling Heat TransferMlakar, Genesis 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimentelle Untersuchung von auftriebsbehafteter Strömung und Wärmeübertragung einer rotierenden Kavität mit axialer DurchströmungDiemel, Eric 23 April 2024 (has links)
The flow and heat transfer within compressor rotor cavities of aero-engines is a conjugate problem. Depending on the operating conditions buoyancy forces, caused by radial temperature difference between the cold throughflow and the hotter shroud, can influence the amount of entrained air significantly. By this, the heat transfer depends on the radial temperature gradient of the cavity walls and in reverse the disk temperatures are dependent on the heat transfer. In this thesis, disk Nusselt numbers are calculated in reference to the air inlet temperature and in comparison to a modeled local air temperature inside the cavity. The local disk heat flux is determined from measured steady-state surface temperatures by solving the inverse heat transfer problem in an iterative procedure. The conduction equation is solved on a 2D mesh, using a validated finite element approach and the heat flux confidence intervals are calculated with a stratified Monte Carlo approach. An estimate for the amount of air entering into the cavity is calculated by a simplified heat balance. In addition to the thermal characterization of the cavity, the mass exchange of the air in the cavity with the axial flow in the annular gap and the swirl distribution of the air in the cavity are also investigated.:1 Einleitung
2 Grundlagen und Literaturübersicht
2.1 Modellsystem der rotierenden Kavitäten mit axialer Durchströmung
2.2 Ergebnisgrößen
2.3 Strömung in rotierenden Kavitäten
2.4 Wärmeübertragung in rotierenden Kavitäten
2.5 Fluidtemperatur in rotierenden Kavitäten
3 Experimenteller Aufbau
4 Messtechnik
4.1 Oberflächen- und Materialtemperaturen
4.2 Lufttemperaturen
4.3 Statischer Druck
4.4 Dreiloch-Drucksonden
5 Datenauswertung
5.1 Kernrotationsverhältnis
5.2 Wärmestromdichte und Nusseltzahl
5.2.1 Finite-Elemente Modell
5.2.2 inverses Wärmeleitungsproblem
5.2.3 Anpassungsmethode
5.2.4 Testfälle zur Validierung
5.2.5 Validierung Testfall 1 und 3 - ideale Kavitätenscheibe
5.2.6 Validierung Testfall 2 - Reproduzierbarkeit
5.2.7 Validierung Testfall 4 - lokales Ereignis
5.2.8 Bestimmung der Wärmestromdichte-Unsicherheit
5.2.9 Anwendung der Anpassungsmethode auf experimentelle Daten
5.2.10 Wahl der Randbedingungsfunktion
5.2.11 Wärmeübergangskoeffizient und Nusselt-Zahl
5.2.12 Zusammenfassung
5.3 Austauschmassenstrom
6 Experimentelle Ergebnisse
6.1 Dichteverteilung in der Kavität
6.2 Massenaustausch Kavität
6.3 Wärmeübertragung in der Kavität
6.3.1 Fallbeispiel
6.3.2 Einfluss der Drehfrequenz
6.3.3 Einfluss des Massenstromes
6.3.4 Einfluss des Auftriebsparameters
6.4 Wärmeübertragung im Ringspalt
6.5 Drall im Ringspalt und der Kavität
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Die Strömung und Wärmeübertragung in den Verdichterkavitäten von Flugtriebwerken ist ein konjugiertes Problem. Durch die radialen Temperaturunterschiede in der Kavität wird die Menge der in die Kavität strömenden Luft stark beeinflusst. Somit ist die Wärmeübertragung abhängig von den radialen Temperaturgradienten der Scheibenwände und umgekehrt ist die Scheibentemperatur abhängig von der Wärmeübertragung. Die Nusselt-Zahl in diesem System wurde aufgrund der schwierigen Zugänglichkeit in der Historie auf die eine Referenztemperatur vor der Kavität bezogen. Dies ist insofern problematisch, da hierdurch die thermischen Verhältnisse unterschätzt werden können. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Ansatz zu Berechnung der Nusselt-Zahl mithilfe einer modellierten lokalen Lufttemperatur innerhalb der Kavität verwendet. Die lokale Wärmestromdichte auf der Scheibenoberfläche wird mithilfe eines validierten zweidimensionalen rotationssymmetrischen Finite-Element Modells auf der Grundlage von gemessenen Oberflächentemperaturen berechnet. Dies stellt ein inverses Wärmeleitungsproblem dar, welches mithilfe einer Anpassungsmethode gelöst wurde. Die Auswirkung der Messunsicherheit der Temperaturmessung auf die berechnete Wärmestromdichte wird durch eine geschichtete Monte-Carlo-Simulation, nach dem Ansatz der LHC-Methode, untersucht. Neben der thermischen Charakterisierung der Kavität wird zudem der Massenaustausch der Luft in der Kavität mit der axialen Durchströmung im Ringspalt sowie die Drallverteilung der Luft in der Kavität untersucht.:1 Einleitung
2 Grundlagen und Literaturübersicht
2.1 Modellsystem der rotierenden Kavitäten mit axialer Durchströmung
2.2 Ergebnisgrößen
2.3 Strömung in rotierenden Kavitäten
2.4 Wärmeübertragung in rotierenden Kavitäten
2.5 Fluidtemperatur in rotierenden Kavitäten
3 Experimenteller Aufbau
4 Messtechnik
4.1 Oberflächen- und Materialtemperaturen
4.2 Lufttemperaturen
4.3 Statischer Druck
4.4 Dreiloch-Drucksonden
5 Datenauswertung
5.1 Kernrotationsverhältnis
5.2 Wärmestromdichte und Nusseltzahl
5.2.1 Finite-Elemente Modell
5.2.2 inverses Wärmeleitungsproblem
5.2.3 Anpassungsmethode
5.2.4 Testfälle zur Validierung
5.2.5 Validierung Testfall 1 und 3 - ideale Kavitätenscheibe
5.2.6 Validierung Testfall 2 - Reproduzierbarkeit
5.2.7 Validierung Testfall 4 - lokales Ereignis
5.2.8 Bestimmung der Wärmestromdichte-Unsicherheit
5.2.9 Anwendung der Anpassungsmethode auf experimentelle Daten
5.2.10 Wahl der Randbedingungsfunktion
5.2.11 Wärmeübergangskoeffizient und Nusselt-Zahl
5.2.12 Zusammenfassung
5.3 Austauschmassenstrom
6 Experimentelle Ergebnisse
6.1 Dichteverteilung in der Kavität
6.2 Massenaustausch Kavität
6.3 Wärmeübertragung in der Kavität
6.3.1 Fallbeispiel
6.3.2 Einfluss der Drehfrequenz
6.3.3 Einfluss des Massenstromes
6.3.4 Einfluss des Auftriebsparameters
6.4 Wärmeübertragung im Ringspalt
6.5 Drall im Ringspalt und der Kavität
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Development of model for large-bore engine cooling systemsKendrick, Clint Edward January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering / Kirby S. Chapman / The purpose of this thesis is to present on the development and results of the cooling
system logic tree and model developed as part of the Pipeline Research Council International,
Inc (PRCI) funded project at the Kansas State National Gas Machinery Laboratory. PRCI noticed
that many of the legacy engines utilized in the natural gas transmission industry were plagued by
cooling system problems.
As such, a need existed to better understand the heat transfer mechanisms from the
combusting gases to the cooling water, and then from the cooling water to the environment. To
meet this need, a logic tree was developed to provide guidance on how to balance and identify
problems within the cooling system and schedule appropriate maintenance.
Utilizing information taken from OEM operating guides, a cooling system model was
developed to supplement the logic tree in providing further guidance and understanding of
cooling system operation. The cooling system model calculates the heat loads experienced within
the engine cooling system, the pressures within the system, and the temperatures exiting the
cooling equipment. The cooling system engineering model was developed based upon the fluid
dynamics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer experienced by the coolant within the system. The
inputs of the model are familiar to the operating companies and include the characteristics of the
engine and coolant piping system, coolant chemistry, and engine oil system characteristics.
Included in the model are the various components that collectively comprise the engine cooling
system, including the water cooling pump, aftercooler, surge tank, fin-fan units, and oil cooler.
The results of the Excel-based model were then compared to available field data to
determine the validity of the model. The cooling system model was then used to conduct a
parametric investigation of various operating conditions including part vs. full load and engine
speed, turbocharger performance, and changes in ambient conditions. The results of this
parametric investigation are summarized as charts and tables that are presented as part of this
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Experimental investigation of heat exchange between thermal mass and room environmentsHudjetz, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
The different technologies of passive cooling concepts have to rely on a good thermal coupling between a building's thermal mass and indoor air. In many cases, the ceiling is the only surface remaining for a good coupling. Further research is necessary to investigate discrepancies between existing correlations. Therefore, the overall aim of the work described in this thesis is the investigation of heat transfer at a heated ceiling in an experimental chamber. Acoustic baffles obstruct the surface of the ceiling and impede heat transfer. However, there is nearly no published data about the effect of such baffles on heat transfer. Available results from simulations should be verified with an experimental investigation. Consequently, one of the primary aims of this work was to experimentally determine the influence of such acoustic baffles. A suitable experimental chamber has been built at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. The thesis describes the experimental chamber, the experimental programme as well as results from five different test series. With a value of ±0.1Wm⁻²K⁻¹ for larger temperature differences, uncertainty in resulting convective heat transfer coefficients for natural convection is comparable to that of results from an existing recent experimental work often recommended for use. Additionally, total heat transfer (by convection and radiation) results are presented. Results are given for natural, forced and mixed convection conditions at an unobstructed heated ceiling. Furthermore, results for acoustic baffles in both an unventilated and a ventilated chamber are shown. Natural convection results show a very good agreement with existing correlations. Under mixed convection conditions, convective heat transfer at an unobstructed ceiling decreases to the limiting case described by natural convection. Installation of acoustic baffles leads to a reduction in total heat transfer (convection and radiation) between 20% and 30% when compared to the case of an unobstructed ceiling.
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Simulation Of Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems Using Least Squares Finite Element MethodGoktolga, Mustafa Ugur 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis study, a least-squares finite element method (LSFEM) based conjugate heat transfer solver was developed. In the mentioned solver, fluid flow and heat transfer computations were performed separately. This means that the calculated velocity values in the flow calculation part were exported to the heat transfer part to be used in the convective part of the energy equation. Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations were used in the flow simulations. In conjugate heat transfer computations, it is required to calculate the heat transfer in both flow field and solid region. In this study, conjugate behavior was accomplished in a fully coupled manner, i.e., energy equation for fluid and solid regions was solved simultaneously and no boundary conditions were defined on the fluid-solid interface. To assure that the developed solver works properly, lid driven cavity flow, backward facing step flow and thermally driven cavity flow problems were simulated in three dimensions and the findings compared well with the available data from the literature. Couette flow and thermally driven cavity flow with conjugate heat transfer in two dimensions were modeled to further validate the solver. Finally, a microchannel conjugate heat transfer problem was simulated. In the flow solution part of the microchannel problem, conservation of mass was not achieved. This problem was expected since the LSFEM has problems related to mass conservation especially in high aspect ratio channels. In order to overcome the mentioned problem, weight of continuity equation was increased by multiplying it with a constant. Weighting worked for the microchannel problem and the mass conservation issue was resolved. Obtained results for microchannel heat transfer problem were in good agreement in general with the previous experimental and numerical works.
In the first computations with the solver / quadrilateral and triangular elements for two dimensional problems, hexagonal and tetrahedron elements for three dimensional problems were tried. However, since only the quadrilateral and hexagonal elements gave satisfactory results, they were used in all the above mentioned simulations.
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Experimental Investigations Of Aerothermodynamics Of A Scramjet Engine ConfigurationHima Bindu, V 11 1900 (has links)
The recent resurgence in hypersonics is centered around the development of SCRAMJET engine technology to power future hypersonic vehicles. Successful flight trials by Australian and American scientists have created interest in the scramjet engine research across the globe. To develop scramjet engine, it is important to study heat transfer effects on the engine performance and aerodynamic forces acting on the body.
Hence, the main aim of present investigation is the design of scramjet engine configuration and measurement of aerodynamic forces acting on the model and heat transfer rates along the length of the combustor. The model is a two-dimensional single ramp model and is designed based on shock-on-lip (SOL) condition. Experiments are performed in IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST2 at two different Mach numbers of 8 and 7 for different angles of attack. Aerodynamic forces measurements using three-component accelerometer force balance and heat transfer rates measurements using platinum thin film sensors deposited on Macor substrate are some of the shock tunnel flow diagnostics that have been used in this study.
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Spray and Wall Film Modeling with Conjugate Heat Transfer in OpenFOAMSjölinder, Emil January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis was provided by Scania AB. The objective of this thesis was to modify an application in the free Computational Fluid Dynamics software OpenFOAM to be able to handle spray and wall film modeling of a Urea Water Solution together with Conjugate Heat Transfer. The basic purpose is to widen the knowledge of the vaporization process of a Urea Water Solution in the exhaust gas after treatment system for a diesel engine by using OpenFOAM. First, urea has been modeled as a very viscous liquid at low temperature to mimic the solidication process of urea. Second, the development of the new application has been done. At last, test simulations of a simple test case are performed with the new application. The results are then compared with simplied hand calculations to verify a correct behavior of certain exposed source terms. The new application is working properly for the test case but to ensure the reliability, the results need to be compared with another Computational Fluid Dynamics software or more preferable, real experiments. For more advanced geometries, the continued development presented last in this thesis is highly recommended to follow.
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Design and evaluation of heat transfer fluids for direct immersion cooling of electronic systemsHarikumar Warrier, Pramod Kumar Warrier 02 July 2012 (has links)
Comprehensive molecular design was used to identify new heat transfer fluids for direct immersion phase change cooling of electronic systems. Four group contribution methods for thermophysical properties relevant to heat transfer were critically evaluated and new group contributions were regressed for organosilicon compounds. 52 new heat transfer fluids were identified via computer-aided molecular design and figure of merit analysis. Among these 52 fluids, 9 fluids were selected for experimental evaluation and their thermophysical properties were experimentally measured to validate the group contribution estimates. Two of the 9 fluids (C6H11F3 and C5H6F6O) were synthesized in this work. Pool boiling experiments showed that the new fluids identified in this work have superior heat transfer properties than existing coolant HFE 7200. The radiative forcing and global warming potential of new fluids, calculated via a new group contribution method developed in this work and FT-IR analysis, were found to be significantly lower than those of current coolants.
The approach of increasing the thermal conductivity of heat transfer fluids by dispersing nanoparticles was also investigated. A model for the thermal conductivity of nanoparticle dispersions (nanofluids) was developed that incorporates the effect of size on the intrinsic thermal conductivity of nanoparticles. The model was successfully applied to a variety of nanoparticle-fluid systems. Rheological properties of nanofluids were also investigated and it was concluded that the addition of nanoparticles to heat transfer fluids may not be beneficial for electronics cooling due to significantly larger increase in viscosity relative to increase in thermal conductivity.
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