Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heattransfer"" "subject:"datatransfer""
821 |
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as transferências de momentum, calor e massa num canal bidimensional inclinado, onde escoam um filme líquido descendente e uma corrente turbulenta de ar de sentido oposto, ou de mesmo sentido oposto, ou de mesmo sentido. O filme líquido, suposto laminar, consiste numa solução fraca, ou degenerada, de trietileno glicol em água. A placa inferior do canal é mantida aquecida numa temperatura uniforme, de modo a facilitar a remoção de água do líquido para a fase gasosa. A corrente de ar deve ser turbulenta, para garantir taxas convenientes da massa de água transferida. Considera-se, não obstante, a possibilidade do ar também escoar liminarmente. A placa superior do canal, ou cobertura é adiabática e ambas as placas são impermeáveis à transferência de água. A parte hidrodinamica do problema é resolvida separadamente. Atribui-se maior importância à determinação dos perfis de temperatura e concentração de águas nas duas fases.
Pretende-se que a aparelhagem acima descrita opere como um regenerador da substância líquida higroscópica, tendo este sido previamente usado num secador de ar, em aplicação de fim industrial ou agrícola. A tarefa proposta pelo problema é a simulação das condições operativas do trocador de massa. Como resultado desta simulação, tenciona-se predizer os valores dos coeficientes de transferências de calor e massa, variando amplamente as taxas de escoamento, tanto da fase gasosa, quanto da líquida.
Na verdade, diversos pesquisadores têm revelado, nos últimos anos, um grande interesse no estudo de regeneradores do tipo aqui analisado. Toda vez que se tem disponibilidade de energia a temperaturas moderadas e baixo custo, como energia solar ou calor de rejeito industrial, parece indicado regenerar desta forma o desumidificante líquido nas instalações de condicionamento de ar por resfriamento evaporativo.
Estabelecidas as equações diferenciais parciais do problema e as condições de contorno pertinentes, elas são resolvidas através de algoritmos obtidos por diferenças finitas, dentro do enfoque de volumes de controle. O procedimento numérico é interativo, usando-se o computador digital na obtenção da solução. Verifica-se que os resultados se mantêm dentro da analogia entre transferência de calor e massa, conforme era esperado. A partir dos resultados, podem-se estabelecer algumas correlações para os principais parâmetros do problema.
Propõe-se, por fim, uma metodologia para o projeto do equipamento. Para isto, não é necessário fazer uso direto do método numérico, pois existem algumas poucas equações analíticas, simples, que podem ser facilmente manipuladas num microcomputador ou, até mesmo, numa calculadora eletrônica. Estas equações são deduzidas a partir da aplicação da teoria de penetração ao problema. As correlações dos resultados numéricos são, entretanto, essenciais ao bom emprego da teoria penetração. / [en] The combined momentum, heat and mass transfer is analysed in a two domensional inclined channnel for a countercurrent, or co-current turbulent air strem flowing past a liquid falling film. The film flow, supposed to be laminar, consists of a weak, or co-current tubulent air stream flowing past a liquid falling film. The film flow, supposed to be laminar, consists of a weak, or degenerate, solution of triethylene glycol and water. The film flow, supposed to be laminar, consists of a weak, or degenerate, solution of triethylene glycol and water. The lower plate of the channel is maintained at a constant, relatively high from the liquid to the gas phase. The stream of air is usually turbulent, thus assuring convenient rates of tranferred mass of water. Nevertheless, the possibility of laminar flow in the gas is not avoided. The second plate of the channel is considered as adiabatic and both plates are impervious to water. The hydrodynamic part of the problem is solved separately, and the determination of temperature and concentration of water profiles in the two phases is of major importance.
The apparatus above described is intended to be a regenerator of the hygroscopic liquid, previously used in an air dryer, for industrial or agricultural purposes. The tash suggested by the problem is then to simulate the conditions, under which this mass exchanger will operate. Following the simulation, heat and mass transfer coefficientes can be predicted for a large range of flow rates of both gas an liquid phases.
In fact, in recent years several investigators have manifested an increasing interest in developing studies of such equipment. In situations where a source of energy at low temperature is freely available, and this is the case of solar energy or industrial rejects, the employment of liquid dehumidifier regenerators is particularly attractive for evaporative cooling air conditioning systems.
The partial differential equations of the problem, accompanied by suitable boundary conditions, are solved by a finite difference scheme, based on the volume of control approach. There are iterative procedures involved and solutions is reached in a mainframe computer. The results seem to be in accordance with the expected analoggy between heat and mass transfer. Some correlations are presented for the principal parameters of the problem.
Lastly, a methodology is proposed for the design of the equipment. In spite of the complexity of the problem, it is possible to provide the user with a few simple analytic equations, which can be solved in any micro-computer or even in a pocket calculation. Theses equations arise from the employment of the penetration theorym briefly discussed and compared with numerical results. Indubitably, the use of this theory must be in compliance with the previously obtained numerical correlations.
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A parametric study of oil-jet lubrication in gear wheelsBiju, Dona January 2018 (has links)
A parametric study of oil-jet lubrication in gear wheels is conducted using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to study the effect of the different design parameters on the cooling performance in a gearbox. Flow in oil jet lubrication is found to be complex with the formation of oil ligaments and droplets. Various hole radii of 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mm along with five oil velocities is analyzed and it is found that at lower volumetric rates, velocity has more effect on the cooling and at higher volumetric rates, hole size has more effect on the cooling. At higher velocities, the heat transfer is much greater than the actual heat production in the gear wheel, hence these velocity ratios are considered less suitable for jet lubrication. At low velocity ratios of below 2, the oil doesn’t fully impinge the gear bottom land and the sides leading to low cooling. Based on the cooling, impingement length and amount of oil lost to the casing surface, 2 mm hole with a velocity ratio of 2.225 is selected for a successful oil jet lubrication. Varying the inlet position in X, Y and Z directions (horizontal, vertical and lateral respectively) is found to have no improvement on the cooling. Making the oil jet hit the gear wheel surface at an angle is found to increase the cooling. Analysis with the use of a pipe to supply oil was conducted with circular and square inlet and it was found that the heat transfer decreases in both cases due to the splitting of oil jet caused by the combination of the effects of high pressure from the pipe and vorticity in the air field. A method has been developed for two gear analysis using overset meshes which can be used for further studies of jet lubrication in multi-gear systems. Single inlet is found to be better for cooling two gear wheels as it would require a reduced volumetric flow rate compared to double inlets. Oil system requirements for jet lubrication was studied and it was concluded that larger pumps have to be used to provide the high volumetric rates and highly pressurized oil required. On comparing the experimental losses from dip lubrication and the analytical losses for jet lubrication, dip lubrication is found to have lesser loses and more suitable for this case. Good quality lubrication would reduce the fuel consumption and also increase the longevity of gearboxes and hence more research into analyzing alternate lubrication systems can be carried out using the results from this thesis.
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Heat transfer tests on EPS material and massive timber wall componentAlkhado, Luqman, Boussaa, Youcef January 2018 (has links)
Timber walls are known to be an energy efficient component in the building envelope. These building elements are essential in the passive design and have been pointed out to their ability to regulate the indoor climate and reduce energy demand. Heat transfer measurements of thermal transmittance value of Iso-timber wall component have been performed with the climate chamber at three temperature differences. The influence of temperature variations on the thermal conduction of the wall were investigated. The temperature on the warm side was kept at room temperature 20 °C while the cold side temperature was decreased from 0 C to -20 C during the tests. As the temperature difference is increased, the thermal transmittance value of the timber wall component decreased slightly due to decrease in the thermal conductivity value. The effect of density and porosity on the thermal conductivity may be related to the presence of air voids and cell boundaries inside the timber wall. Results have showed that the U-value of the timber wall component decreases at higher temperature differences which indicates the higher degree of insulation of the timber wall component.
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Desenvolvimento de software de simulação da solidificação de aços no processo de lingotamento contínuo de tarugos / Development of simulation software for the continuous casting process of steel billetsBarcellos, Vinicius Karlinski de January 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento e aplicação de um software de simulação para o processo de lingotamento contínuo que seja capaz de simular com precisão e confiabilidade a solidificação de tarugos de aço, possibilitando a otimização do processo de fabricação dos produtos siderúrgicos. Para a validação do software, utilizou-se de resultados obtidos experimentalmente de medições de temperaturas em planta e de amostras de aços lingotados. As medidas de temperatura foram realizadas com a inserção de termopares ao longo da parede de moldes e com uso de pirômetro óptico posicionado em diferentes regiões da máquina de LC. O modelo desenvolvido mostrou-se bastante coerente e preciso quando seus resultados foram comparados com os dados experimentais do processo. Foram analisados lingotes de seção quadrada de 240 mm, 180 mm e 150 mm. Com a simulação de uma seqüência de corridas monitoradas foi possível obter resultados para ajuste de parâmetros térmicos como os coeficientes de transferência de calor nas interfaces metal/molde e metal/ambiente. Posteriormente, aferições foram realizadas com dados reais de processo e com outros programas numéricos da literatura aplicados ao processo de LC. Com o programa de simulação devidamente aferido, correlações numéricas e experimentais foram realizadas para verificar a influência de parâmetros térmicos (ρ, c, k, TL, TS), parâmetros de processo (TV, VL, CQ) e parâmetros estruturais (λ1, λ2, TCE) na evolução da casca solidificada e perfil térmico dos tarugos. Dessa forma, equações empíricas que correlacionam esses parâmetros foram analisadas e posteriormente adotadas no programa numérico. / The development and application of simulation software for the continuous casting process is proposed in this work. The heat transfer and solidification models were validated with experimental results of temperature measurements in an industrial plant as well as with steel billets samples. Thermocouples embedded in the mold walls were used to measure temperatures along the mold length and non-contact pyrometers positioned at different locations along the machine were used to monitored the strand surface temperatures. The model seemed to predict quite accurately the continuous casting simulation when calculated results were compared with experimental measurements. In this study, steel billet with square section of 240 mm, 180 mm and 150 mm were analyzed. Some of the monitored heats were used to adjust thermal parameters as the heat transfer coefficients. After, the model results were compared with results from a heat transfer model of literature. With the simulation software properly calibrated, numerical and experimental correlations were performed to analyze the influence of thermal parameters (ρ, c, k, TL, TS), process parameters (TV, VL, CQ) and structural parameters (λ1, λ2, TCE) in the evolution of solidified shell and thermal profile of the billets. Therefore, empirical equations that correlate these parameters were analyzed and subsequently adopted in the numerical model.
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Otimização geométrica de cavidades e caminhos de alta condutividade empregando Design Construtal e algoritmos genéticosEstrada, Emanuel da Silva Diaz January 2016 (has links)
No presente trabalho propõe-se empregar algoritmos genéticos em associação com o design construtal para a otimização de geometrias em problemas de transferência de calor. O objetivo principal de todos os estudos deste trabalho é minimizar a máxima temperatura que ocorre no domínio computacional. Investigou-se, inicialmente, uma cavidade isotérmica em forma de Y inserida em um sólido retangular com geração de calor uniforme a uma taxa volumétrica constante, onde foi feita uma comparação e validação do algoritmo genético frente à busca exaustiva para poucos graus de liberdade. Após, foi feita uma otimização usando somente algoritmos genéticos considerando todos os quatro graus de liberdade do problema e diferentes valores para suas restrições geométricas. O estudo seguinte foi feito considerando a mesma geometria anteriormente discutida, porém considerou-se as paredes da cavidade Y com uma condição de contorno convectiva. Da mesma forma anterior, foi feita uma validação do algoritmo genético frente à busca exaustiva e na sequência uma otimização de todos os quatro graus de liberdade e diferentes valores do parâmetro convectivo a, empregando somente algoritmos genéticos. No terceiro caso, estudou-se um caminho assimétrico em forma de V de um material de alta condutividade. A geometria tem sua base recebendo um fluxo de calor constante e o remove através das extremidades de dois braços ligados a um sumidouro de calor. Otimizou-se a forma pelo método exaustivo considerando quatro graus de liberdade e uma restrição constante . Após, usou-se algoritmos genéticos para otimizar a geometria considerando os mesmos graus de liberdade e diferentes valores para a restrição de ocupação do material condutivo. Similarmente ao caso da cavidade convectiva em forma de Y, por fim, estudou-se a otimização geométrica de um corpo cilíndrico onde cavidades convectivas retangulares com dois pares de braços são inseridas. Realizaram-se otimizações de até sete graus de liberdade e também se estudou a influência de um parâmetro convectivo e das frações de ocupação das áreas do corpo e braços da cavidade. Deste estudo, concluiu-se que quanto maior o número de cavidades, menores são as máximas temperaturas que ocorrem no domínio. Destaca-se, também, a dependência do parâmetro convectivo, que influenciou na forma da melhor geometria encontrada. Para todos os estudos feitos, os resultados mostraram que a busca por meio de algoritmos genéticos levou a uma redução significativa do número de simulações necessárias para obter a geometria ótima com resultados concordantes aos obtidos com busca exaustiva. Além disso, foi possível estender o estudo para problemas com mais graus de liberdade, restrições e propriedades térmicas. Conclui-se que o melhor design é altamente dependente dos graus de liberdade e restrições, este sendo alcançado de acordo com o princípio construtal da ótima distribuição das imperfeições. / In this work, we propose employing genetic algorithms in association with constructal design for geometry optimization in heat transfer problems. The main objective of all studies is to minimize the maximum temperature that occurs in the computational domain. It was investigated initially an isothermal Y-shaped cavity intruded into a rectangular solid conducting wall with heat generation uniformly at a volumetric rate, where a comparison and validation of genetic algorithm against exhaustive search for few degrees of freedom was made. Then, an optimization is performed by means of genetic algorithms considering all four degrees of freedom of the problem and different values for geometric constraints. The following study has been done considering the same geometry as previously discussed, but it is considered the walls of the Y-cavity with a convective boundary condition. Thus, a dimensionless heat transfer parameter to study (a) was added. Similarly, foregoing study, a genetic algorithm validation was performed comparing to the exhaustive search. After, all four degrees of freedom and different values of a parameter only using genetic algorithms were optimized. In the next investigation, an asymmetric V-shaped pathway of high conductivity material was studied. This geometry receives a constant heat transfer rate in its base and removes it by the end of the two branches that are in touch with the heat sink. The shape was optimized by exhaustive approach considering four degree of freedom and a constraint. After, we used genetic algorithms to optimize the geometry considering the same degrees of freedom and different values for the restriction. Finally, similar to the case of the Y-shaped convective cavity, rectangular convective cavities with two pairs of arms inserted into a cylindrical solid body were optimized. Optimizations of up to seven degrees of freedom were performed and the influence of the convective parameter and of the area fractions of the body and arms of the cavity, were also investigated. From this study, it was concluded that the higher the number of cavities, the lower the maximum temperatures occurring in the domain. Also, the dependence of the convective parameter, influenced in the form of the best geometry, is highlighted. For all studies carried out, the results showed that the search using genetic algorithms led to a significant reduction of the number of simulations required to obtain the optimal geometry. Moreover, it was possible to extend the study where it was considered other degrees of freedom, constraints and thermal properties. We concluded that the best design is highly dependent of degrees of freedom and constraints, and this has been achieved according to the constructal principle of optimal distribution of imperfections.
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Utilizing an experimental facility which was prepared to conduct performance tests on heat exchangers; experiments were completed in an attempt to see verifiable improvements in overall heat transfer coefficient in engine coolant with nanoparticles suspended at different weight percentages. The different fluids tested were: base ELC (Extended Life Coolant), ELC with 0.002 wt% CNT (Carbon Nanotubes), ELC with 0.02 wt% CNT, ELC with 0.02 wt% MWNT's (Multiwalled Nanotubes) and water. The volume percents range from 0.00164 volume% to 0.0164 volume% which seemed quite small, but according to Caterpillar representatives, were the best concentration. These fluids were tested at standard flowrates which this type of heat exchanger would be used in as well as a higher air flowrate and lower coolant flowrates in an attempt to gather more verifiable data. Results were obtained regarding the change in heat transfer ability of engine coolant with suspended nanoparticles. For this system under these specific conditions, there was verifiably no increase in UA as nanoparticles were added to the coolant. The benefits of adding nanoparticles to engine coolant have potential to be great, but the cost of nanoparticles and difficulty keeping them suspended may outweigh any benefits obtainable in this type of set up.
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Modélisation du refroidissement des pistons haute performanceOsmar, Ludovic 28 June 2012 (has links)
De manière à respecter les normes européennes en matière d’émission de gaz polluants, les constructeurs automobiles pratiquent le downsizing. Cette pratique consiste en une réduction de la cylindrée des moteurs tout en maintenant un bon niveau de performance. Il s’en suit des puissances spécifiques moteur importantes, l’objectif cible étant de l’ordre de 100 kW/l. Pour de telles puissances, les températures atteintes au niveau des pistons sont élevées, ce qui pose alors le problème de leur tenue thermomécanique. Le refroidissement du piston devient donc un acteur important de la fiabilité du moteur. Le procédé le plus répandu actuellement est le refroidissement par jet d’huile. Le piston est alors refroidi par un écoulement turbulent diphasique incompressible (Air/Huile) dans un environnement mobile. Il s’agit de phénomènes physiques complexes qui sont pour l’instant mal connus. L’optimisation du refroidissement nécessitant une bonne compréhension des phénomènes physiques concernés, nous nous proposons dans ce mémoire de le modéliser au moyen du modèle 1-Fluide diphasique couplé à l’équation de l’énergie. / The present work aims at studying the cooling system used in cars engine to ensure piston thermo mechanical resistance by numerical simulation. Most of actual engines use an oil jet cooling system coupled with 'cocktail shaking' to extract heat from piston. This cooling method brings into play a two-phase incompressible turbulent flow in a mobile environment, due to motion of pistons in the cylinder. The need today for more effective cooling of pistons involves an accurate understanding of the physical mechanisms which are concerned. Modeling could be a good way to achieve it. The idea is to support the engine design process to account for advanced technologies to improve turbine or engine performances, less fuel burn and green house gases. In the present work, a numerical model dedicated to the simulation at small scale of oil/air two-phase flows and related heat transfers is proposed to characterize the cooling of engine elements under fragmented jet impact.
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Modelling the viability of heat recovery from underground pipes : deterministic modelling of wastewater temperatures in a 3000 sewer pipe networkAbdel-Aal, Mohamad January 2015 (has links)
Modelling wastewater temperature variations in a network of 3048 sewer pipes was achieved in this project. Recovering heat from sewers presents attractive options for producing clean energy. However, heat recovery from sewerage may result in wastewater temperature drops which may reduce the influent temperature at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). This drop in the WWTP influent temperature may result in the degradation of the biological treatment stage. Therefore, it is vital to predict the impact of recovering heat from sewers on the wastewater temperature. Sewer temperatures along with hydraulic data were measured for up to a year in four different Belgian sites. The measured data was utilised to calibrate a deterministic sewer pipe model that estimates the wastewater temperature variation along the sewer pipe profiles. The latter model was calibrated using data from two sites and then validated using independent data from the other two sites. The sewer pipe model was then further developed to model wastewater temperature variations in a large (3048 pipe) network. The large network model was tested by implementing three different heat recovery scenarios. It was observed that 9 MW may be recovered from the 3048 pipe network, serving a catchment with a population equivalent of 79500 inhabitants, without impacting negatively on the biological processes.
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Aplicação de filtros de partículas para a assimilação de dados em problemas de fronteira móvel / Application des filtres particulaires à l’assimilation de données en propagation de fronts thermiquesBetencurte da Silva, Wellington 29 November 2012 (has links)
Bon nombre de problèmes d’ingénierie requièrent l’estimation de l’état de systèmes dynamiques. La modélisation de l’espace des états du système est faite à travers un vecteur d’état qui contient toutes informations utiles pour la description du système. Les problèmes d’estimation d’état sont aussi connus comme problèmes inverses non stationnaires. Ils sont d'un grand intérêt dans de nombreuses applications pratiques, afin de produire une estimation séquentielle des variables souhaitées, à partir de modèles stochastiques et de mesures expérimentales. Ceci dans le but d’optimiser statistiquement l’erreur. Ce travail a pour objectif d’appliquer des méthodes de Filtres à Particules à des thermiques et de combustion. Ces algorithmes sont appliqués successivement à un problème de conduction de chaleur, à un problème de solidification et finalement à un problème de propagation d’incendies. / Many areas of engineering require state estimation of dynamic systems. State relevant information to describe the desired system. The state estimation problems are also known as transient inverse problems. They are of great interest in many practical applications, in order to produce sequential estimates of the desired variables through stochastic models and experimental measurements, in such a way that the error is statistically minimized. In this work we solve state estimation problems with the Bayesian class of particle filters, in heat transfer and combustion. These algorithms havebeen applied to problems of one-dimensional transient heat conduction, solidification and fire propagation.
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Flow boiling in straight heated tube under normal gravity and microgravity conditions / Etude de l'ébullition convective en tube dans des conditions de gravité normale et microgravitéNarcy, Marine 25 November 2014 (has links)
Des expériences d'ébullition convective de HFE-7000 dans un tube vertical chauffé ont été menées dans des conditions de gravité terrestre et de microgravité. Ces expériences consistent principalement en l'étude d'écoulements diphasiques dans un tube de saphir de 6 millimètres de diamètre intérieur, uniformément chauffé par effet Joule à travers un dépôt conducteur d'ITO. Des mesures de pertes de pression, de taux de vide, et de températures de paroi ou de liquide sont réalisées simultanément avec des enregistrements vidéo des régimes d'écoulement dans le tube. Les données correspondantes ont été collectées au sol et lors de quatre campagnes de vols paraboliques qui ont fourni des conditions de niveau de gravité proches de l'apesanteur. Les visualisations des films d'écoulement, ainsi que les signaux de température et de pression sont analysés afin d'obtenir des données sur les régimes d'écoulement, le taux de vide, les frottements pariétaux et interfaciaux, et les coefficients d'échange de chaleur. Ces résultats expérimentaux et les comparaisons réalisées avec d'autres jeux de données en microgravité sont utilisés pour proposer une modélisation de l'ébullition convective en microgravité. / Forced convective boiling experiments of HFE-7000 in a vertical heated tube were conducted in earth gravity and under microgravity conditions. The experiment mainly consists in the study of a two-phase flow inside a 6mm diameter sapphire tube uniformly heated through an ITO coating. Measurements of pressure drops, void fraction, and liquid and wall temperatures are performed, along with flow visualisations. Data were collected in normal gravity and during four parabolic flight campaigns providing near weightlessness conditions. Flow visualisations, temperature and pressure signals are analysed to obtain flow patterns, void fraction, wall and interfacial shear stresses, and heat transfer coefficient data. These experimental results and comparisons with other available datasets are used to attempt a modelling of flow boiling in microgravity.
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