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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A cognitive semantic assessment of עִם and אֵת's semantic potential

Lyle, Kristopher Aaron 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis provides a critical assessment of the semantic potential of two Biblical Hebrew lexemes: עִם and אֵת . Previous lexical inquiries of the target lexemes provide the impetus for the current research; this is because the linguistic frameworks assumed by these studies are outmatched in the amount of explanatory power accompanying more recent theoretical developments, primarily evidenced within Cognitive linguistics (and semantics). As its methodological framework, the current study then appropriates these new advances and demonstrates a semantic potential of the target lexemes that can be determined through criteria offered by Tyler and Evans (2003). This criteria specifically aids in the task of semantic demarcation as well as identifying the primary sense, from which the remaining network of senses are derived. Furthermore, not only is an attempt made at representing the range of עִם and אֵת 's semantic potential, but a proposal for the development of these senses is offered as well. This is done primarily through an implementation of the theory of grammaticalization, as posited by Heine et al. (1991). The identified semantic networks are then analyzed from two different perspectives of lexical inquiry: 1) as a monosemy-polysemy cline, and 2) from both a semasiological and onomasiological point of departure (the latter method of onomasiology represents a unique contribution to the assessment of עִם and אֵת since most Biblical Hebrew lexical inquiries are limited to being a semasiological endeavor). The investigation uses the Pentateuch as its data-set and reveals a representation of (at least) eleven distinct senses in עִם 's semantic network as well as אֵת 's. Even though each lexeme's semantic potential is comprised of primarily the same senses, these eleven distinct senses are not completely synonymous and represent different meanings. Significantly, it is determined that 1) both target lexemes share the same primary sense (i.e., proto-scene), 2) both indicate the same core senses and consequently, 3) the target lexemes may rightly be considered as near synonyms. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Hierdie tesis bied 'n kritiese evaluering van die semantiese potensiaal van twee Bybelse Hebreeus lekseme: עִם en אֵת . Gebreke in bestaande navorsing ten opsigte van hierdie twee lekseme het die impuls verskaf vir hierdie projek. Onlangse ontwikkelinge in teoretiese taalkunde, in besonder kognitiewe taalkunde (en semantiek), het aangetoon dat die modelle in terme waarvan die bestaande beskrywing van die lekseme gedoen is, agterhaal is. Hierdie studie gebruik die perspektiewe wat kognitiewe semantiek bied om die semantiese potensiaal van hierdie twee Bybels-Hebreeuse lekseme te beskryf. Kriteria wat deur Tyler en Evans (2003) geformuleer is in hulle beskrywing van ‘n aantal Engelse voorsetsels, word as metodologiese vertrekpunt gebruik. Hierdie kriteria is veral nuttig in die semantiese afbakening, asook die identifisering van die primêre betekenis van die lekseme. Lg. bied die basis in terme waarvan die res van netwerk van betekenisonderskeidings beskryf word. In die studie word nie net die gepoog om die verskillende betekenisse van die lekseme te beskryf nie, maar daar word ook gepoog om aan te dui hoe die verskillende onderskeidings ontwikkel het. Dit word primêr gedoen in terme van die grammatikaliseringsteorie van Heine et al (1991). Die semantiese netwerke wat geïdentifiseer is, word vanuit twee verskillende perspektiewe van leksikale ondersoek gedoen: 1) die mono-polisemiese klien (“cline”) en 2) ‘n semasiologiese en onomasiologiese vertrekpunt. Laasgenoemde benadering tot onomasiologie verteenwoordig ‘n unieke bydrae tot die beskrywing van עִם en אֵת aangesien die meeste bestaande Bybels-Hebreeuse beskrywings van die lekseme semasiologies van aard is. Hierdie ondersoek is beperk tot die gebruik van עִם en אֵת in die Pentateug. Ten minste 11 verskillende betekenisseonderskeidings word vir beide lekseme geïdentifiseer. Alhoewel beide lekseme se semantiese potensiaal in baie opsigte dieselfde is, is dit nie presies identies nie. Wat wel merkwaardig is, is 1) dat beide lekseme dieselfde basiese betekenis (dit is die sg. “proto-scene”) het, 2) dat beide dieselfde kernbetekenisonderskeidings het en dat gevolglik 3) hulle as naby-sinonieme bestempel kan word.

Final sentences in biblical Hebrew narrative prose form Genesis to 2 Kings

Payle, Kenneth David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Final sentences are a neglected area of research in Biblical Hebrew. Apart from an investigation by Mitchell (1879) in the previous century, and a more recent article by Muraoka (1997), this is certainly an area of Biblical Hebrew grammar in need of research. Biblical Hebrew grammars propound a variety of ways final constructions can supposedly be expressed. The main thesis of this study is that the diversity of final constructions in Biblical Hebrew is not merely different syntactic realizations of the same semantic meaning, but that each syntactic construction carries definite semantic nuances. Traditional grammars, because they are sentence-based, present some shortcomings in the description of final sentences. I will briefly expose some of the linguistic presuppositions of traditional grammars, and their inherent limitations with respect to the study of final constructions. Recent developments in general linguistics, especially the variety of approaches subsumed under the broad classification textlinguistics, create new opportunities to address Biblical Hebrew grammar. I will explore this relatively recent developments to the study of language, in order to determine whether insights from studies conducted in terms of this paradigm can be used to describe final constructions more adequately. A number of theses are presented in Chapters 2 and 3, which are evaluated in Chapters 4 to 6. The findings are presented in a summary of at the end of each chapter. The final results of this investigation are summarized in Chapter 7. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Finaalsinne het tot dusver min aandag geniet in Bybelse Hebreeuse navorsing. Afgesien van 'n ondersoek deur Mitchell (1879) in die vorige eeu, en 'n onlangse artikel deur Muraoka (1997), is hierdie 'n navorsingsgebied wat vra om nadere ondersoek. Volgens Bybelse Hebreeuse grammatikas kan finaalsinne op verskeie wyses uitgedruk word. Die hooftese van hierdie studie is dat die verskeidenheid van finaalkonstruksies in Bybelse Hebreeus nie bloot verskillende sintaktiese opsies is om dieselfde semantiese betekenis te realiseer nie, maar dat elke onderskeie sintaktiese konstruksie 'n besondere semantiese nuanse weergee. Omdat hulle eng op die beskrywing van die sin gebaseer is, hou traditionele grammatikas tekortkominge in vir die beskrywing van finaalsinne. In hierdie studie wys ek kortliks op die linguistiese voorveronderstellings van die tradisionele benadering, en op die inherente tekortkominge van so 'n benadering ten opsigte van die ondersoek van finaalsinne. Onlangse ontwikkelinge in die algemene linguistiek, veral die verskeidenheid benaderings saamgevat onder die begrip tekslinguistiek, bied nuwe moontlikhede vir die beskrywing van Bybelse Hebreeus. Ek sal hierdie nuwe benadering tot taalstudie ondersoek om vas te stel of dit aangewend kan word om finaalsinne beter te beskryf. Verskeie tesisse word in Hoofstukke 2 en 3 geformuleer en dan in Hoofstukke 4 tot 6 geëvalueer. Die resultate word aan die einde van elke hoofstuk saamgevat. Die uiteindelike konklusies van hierdie studie word in Hoofstuk 7 saamgevat.

The meaning of the biblical Hebrew verbal conjugation from a crosslinguistic perspective

Moomo, David O. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the questions that have challenged scholars of BH for many years is whether the language should be regarded as a tense, aspectual or modal language. In this thesis, I argue that the lack and application of a metacategory for describing any language in general, and BH in particular, has been the main problem of the debate. A sound methodology is needed in order to be able to make an argument that can be tested empirically. The present study presents such a viable methodological approach. Using Bhatian parameters for tense, aspect and modal prominent languages, crosslinguistic metacategories of tense, aspect and mood were developed. These were applied to BH and the outcome was the hypothesis that BH is an aspect-prominent language. After formulating the above-mentioned hypothesis for BH, a corpus had been selected in the light of which the hypothesis was tested. The result demonstrates that BH consistently maintains perfective and imperfective aspectual distinctions. It was found that even where aspectual distinctions are extended to modal categories, the distinction in meanings between the perfective and the imperfective forms of the BH verb are not neutralised. From these observations, it has been concluded that there is the need to revisit the semantics of Proto Semitic. A model like the one used in this study could be replicated in the study of Proto Semitic. Such a revisit, it is hypothesised, may give fresh insights into the verbal system of Proto Semitic in general and BH in particular / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die vrae wat reeds vir baie jare vir kenners van Byblese Hebreeus (=BH) In uitdaging is, is of die taal 'n tempustaal, 'n aspektuele taal of 'n modale taal is. In hierdie tesis voer ek aan dat die gebrek aan die toepassing van 'n metakategorie vir die beskrywing van tale in die algemeen, en BH in die besonder, die hoof probleem in die debat is. 'n Deeglike begronde metodologie is nodig om 'n hipotese daar te stel wat empiries getoets kan word. Hierdie studie wil so 'n metodologie formuleer. Deur gebruik te maak van Bhat se parameters vir tale waarvan die tempus, aspek en modaliteit prominent is, is kruislinguistiese metakategorieë vir tempus, aspek en modaliteit ontwikkel. Hierdie metakategorieë is op BH toegepas en die resultaat daarvan was die hipotese dat BH 'n aspek-prominente taal is. Nadat die bogenoemde hipotese vir BH geformuleer is, is 'n korpus geselekteer in die lig waarvan hierdie hipotese getoets kon word. Die resultaat demonstreer dat BH konsekwent die perfektiewe en imperfektiewe aspektuele onderskeid handhaaf. Daar is gevind dat selfs wanneer aspektuele onderskeidings uitgebrei is na modale kategorieë, die onderskeid tussen die perfektiewe en die imperfektiewe vorme van die BH werkwoord nie geneutraliseer word me. Vanuit hierdie waarnemings is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat dit nodig is om weer te gaan kyk na die semantiek van Proto-Semities. 'n Model soos die een wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, kan ook in die studie van Proto-Semities bebruik word. Die hipotese is dat so 'n hernude ondersoek nuwe insigte kan gee in die werkwoordsisteem van Proto-Semities in die algemeen en BH in die besonder.

The old Babylonian mesarum-edict and the Old Testament

Olivier, J. P. J January 1977 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1977. / No Abstract Available

A cognitive linguistic description of purpose and result connectives in biblical Hebrew

Yoo, Chang-Keol 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study represents an investigation of a set of BH connectives (רוּבֲעַבּ, ןַעַמְל, and ןֶפּ) as well as other grammatical constructions relevant to the lexical items. This investigation seeks to establish the datatypes which are relevant for distinguishing the meanings and/or senses that the BH connectives רוּבֲעַבּ, ןַעַמְל, and ןֶפּ may display. A literature overview of BH linguistics and existing BH lexica demonstrate that although current resources provide some useful information, there still lacks an adequate framework for describing the lexical items. On the one hand, linguistic descriptions of the connectives in BH linguistics fail to define the word class(es) and scope of the target lexemes, as well as the relations they indicate. None of the studies have structurally described the paradigmatic relation between the different types of purpose constructions. On the other hand, BH lexica show a variety of data types that are assumed to contribute towards both defining and distinguishing the meanings/senses of the lexical items we are concerned with; however, this information only partly helps in this endeavor. To describe more adequately the meaning and polysemic relationships of the lexemes, we relied on cognitive semantics (e.g., conceptual view of meaning, prototype theory, and semantic potential). We were also concerned with purpose/result constructions across languages in order to establish criteria for describing purpose constructions. On the basis of these investigations, we established a model for a semantic description of the target lexemes in addition to some criteria for distinguishing between purpose, result, cause, and reason constructions so that the different relations the target lexemes indicate might be identified. We also established some typological parameters of purpose constructions – such as verbal forms in the matrix, participant encoding, and the positioning patterns of purpose clauses. The value and validity of these criteria were then tested in an empirical investigation. The investigation established that ןַעַמְל, רוּבֲעַבּ, and ןֶפּ have a semantic potential that prompts the conceptualization of multiple relationships (e.g., ןַעַמְל: purpose, result, and reason) with varying scopes, among different levels. We were able to distinguish between the different relationships that the lexemes ןַעַמְל, רוּבֲעַבּ, and ןֶפּ display by relying on the notions of purpose, result, cause, and reason, as defined in cognitive linguistic circles. We also identified the prototypical and less prototypical meanings of the lexemes. This study establishes the value of the model employed, but also reveals that our theoretical model has some limitations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie verteenwoordig ‘n ondersoek van ‘n stel Bybels-Hebreeuse verbindingswoorde (רוּבֲעַבּ, ןַעַמְל en ןֶפּ) sowel as die grammatikale konstruksies wat relevant is vir die beter verstaan van hierdie leksikale items. Hierdie ondersoek poog in besonder om datatipes vas te stel wat ter sake is vir betekenisonderskeidings wat רוּבֲעַבּ, ןַעַמְל en ןֶפּ vertoon. 'n Literatuur-oorsig van bestaande Bybels-Hebreeuse bronne (bv. grammatikas en lexika) demonstreer dat, alhoewel hierdie bronne nuttige inligting verskaf, hulle nie ‘n toereikende raamwerk bied vir ‘n noukeurige beskrywing van die leksikale items nie. Die grammatikale studies, aan die een kant, versuim om die items se woordklas(se) te definieer. Weinig aandag word ook gewy aan die reikwydte en/of ter sake sintagmaties en paradigmatiese verbande van die ter sake konstruksies. Die leksika, aan die ander kant, wys wel op 'n verskeidenheid van datatipes wat veronderstel is om by te dra tot beide die definisies en betekenisonderskeidings. Hierdie inligting is egter dikwels nie genoegsaam nie. Om ‘n meer toereikende beskrywing van hulle betekenis te maak, asook om die polisemiese struktuur van die lekseme te bepaal, het ons gebruik gemaak van insigte van die kognitiewe semantiek (bv. prototipe-teorie, en die konsep ‘semantiese potensiaal’). Ons het ook doelkonstruksies in ander tale bestudeer. Kriteria is geïdentifiseer om te onderskei tussen konstruksies waarin doel, gevolg, oorsaak en rede gerealiseer word. Ons het ‘n paar taaltipologiese parameters van doelkonstruksies vasgestel, bv. die werkswoordsvorm wat in die matriks gebruik word, die manier waarop deelnemers gekodeer word, en die posisie van die doelkonstruksie tov die matriks. Die waarde en geldigheid van hierdie kriteria is daarna in ‘n empiriese ondersoek getoets. In hierdie studie is vasgetel dat ןַעַמְל, רוּבֲעַבּ en ןֶפּ ‘n semantiese potensiaal het wat die konseptualisering van veelvoudige verhoudings aktiveer (bv. ןַעַמְל: doel, gevolg, en die rede), wat beide op verskillende vlakke mag wees asook met verskillende reikwydtes. Ons het ook die prototipiese en minder prototipiese betekenis van die lekseme geïdentifiseer. Hierdie studie illustreer die waarde van die werksmodel wat gebruik, maar het ook aangetoon dat die model enkele leemtes het.

Idioms in Biblical Hebrew : towards their identification and classification with special reference to 1 and 2 Samuel

Van Den Heever, Cornelius Marthinus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to identify and classify idioms in the Hebrew Bible. Based on a survey of literature on idioms in general, and in Biblical Hebrew in particular, the necessary conditions for idiomaticity are identified as (1) multi-word character, (2) semantic noncompositionality, (3) unit status, (4) conventionalisation, (5) a verbal nucleus, and (6) a content message. Restricted variability and uniqueness may also be indicative of idiomaticity, although these are not regarded as necessary conditions. Accordingly, idiom is defined as a conventionalised multi-word symbolic unit with a verbal nucleus and a content message, whose global meaning is a semantic extension of the combined meanings of its constituent elements. These criteria were applied to 1 and 2 Samuel, and 104 idioms were identified. The results suggest that the proposed definition is an effective aid to identifying idioms, with certain caveats. In line with Granger and Paquot’s phraseological classification, the multi-word character of idioms is interpreted to imply a verb plus at least one more semantic (as opposed to grammatical) element. Semantic compositionality is shown to be a complex concept that should be understood as the overall meaning of an expression being an extension of the combined meanings of its individual lexical constituents. Conventionalisation and unit status prove to be virtually impossible to determine with certainty for expressions in the Hebrew Bible. Researchers should also be aware that there is an inevitable degree of subjectivity involved in the application and interpretation of the idiom characteristics proposed in this study. A preliminary semantic classification of the idioms found in 1 and 2 Samuel is proposed, based on the lexicographical system developed by De Blois (2000) for the Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew. The results of this study suggest that, with some improvements and adjustments, De Blois’s framework is suitable for classifying and representing Biblical Hebrew idioms. The greatest obstacle in using this system is shown to be the counterintuitive names of a number of categories. A complete alphabetical list of idioms from 1 and 2 Samuel is provided in Appendix A, together with the relevant semantic information for each. A classification of these idioms according to lexical semantic domains is presented and discussed in Chapter 5, while alternative ways of arranging them (viz. by contextual semantic domains, underlying conceptual metaphors, and terms for body parts) are provided in Appendices B to D. This study demonstrates that idioms are semantically motivated (by conceptual metaphor, metonymy, symbolic acts, etc.) although their meaning is semantically noncompositional. It also indicates the need for a more systematic treatment of idioms in Biblical Hebrew lexicons. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om idiome in die Hebreeuse Bybel te identifiseer en te klassifiseer. Die volgende noodsaaklike voorwaardes vir idiomatisiteit is geïdentifiseer op grond van ’n oorsig van die literatuur oor idiome in die algemeen en in Bybelse Hebreeus in die besonder: (1) meerwoordigheid, (2) semantiese nie-komposisionaliteit, (3) eenheidstatus, (4) konvensionalisering, (5) ’n werkwoordelike kern en (6) ’n inhoudelike boodskap. Beperkte veranderbaarheid en uniekheid kan ook dui op idiomatisiteit, maar dit word nie as noodsaaklike voorwaardes beskou nie. Gevolglik word idioom gedefinieer as ’n gekonvensionaliseerde, meerwoordige simboliese eenheid met ’n werkwoordelike kern, waarvan die geheelbetekenis ’n semantiese uitbreiding is van die gekombineerde betekenisse van die elemente waaruit dit saamgestel is. Die bogenoemde kriteria is in 1 en 2 Samuel toegepas, en daar is 104 idiome geïdentifiseer. Die resultate dui daarop dat die voorgestelde definisie van idiomatisiteit, met inagneming van sekere voorbehoude, ’n effektiewe hulpmiddel vir die indentifisering van idiome is. In lyn met Granger en Paquot se fraseologiese klassifikasie word daar van die veronderstelling uitgegaan dat die meerwoordigheid van idiome ’n werkwoord plus minstens een ander semantiese (teenoor grammatikale) komponent behels. Daar word aangetoon dat semantiese komposisionaliteit ’n komplekse begrip is en dat dit verstaan moet word as ’n uitbreiding van die kombinasie van die betekenisse van die afsonderlike leksikale elemente waaruit ’n uitdrukking saamgestel is, om ’n geheelbetekenis te vorm. Om die konvensionalisering en eenheidstatus van uitdrukkings in die Hebreeuse Bybel met sekerheid vas te stel, blyk feitlik onmoontlik te wees. Navorsers moet ook daarvan bewus wees dat daar ’n onvermydelike mate van subjektiwiteit betrokke is by die toepassing en verstaan van die idioomkenmerke wat in die huidige studie voorgestel word. ’n Voorlopige semantiese klassifikasie van die idiome wat in 1 en 2 Samuel geïdentifiseer is, word voorgestel, gebaseer op die leksikografiese sisteem wat deur De Blois (2000) vir die Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew ontwikkel is. Die resultate van hierdie studie doen aan die hand dat De Blois se raamwerk, met ’n paar veranderinge en verbeteringe, geskik is vir die klassifisering en uiteensetting van idiome in Bybelse Hebreeus. Daar word aangetoon dat die grootste hindernis om die genoemde sisteem te gebruik, die teen-intuïtiewe benaminge van ’n aantal kategorieë is. ’n Volledige alfabetiese lys van die idiome uit 1 en 2 Samuel, met toepaslike semantiese inligting by elk, word in Bylae A aangebied. ’n Klassifikasie van hierdie idiome volgens leksikale semantiese domeine word in Hoofstuk 5 voorgehou en bespreek, terwyl alternatiewe indelings (nl. volgens kontekstuele semantiese domeine, onderliggende konsepsuele metafore en terme vir liggaamsdele) in Bylaes B tot D aangebied word. Hierdie studie toon aan dat idiome semanties gemotiveer word (deur konsepsuele metafore, metonimie, simboliese handelinge ens.), alhoewel hulle betekenis niekomposisioneel is. Die behoefte aan ’n meer sistematiese bewerking van idiome in Bybelse Hebreeuse leksikons word ook uitgewys.

From information structure, topic and focus, to theme in Biblical Hebrew

Floor, Sebastiaan Jonathan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Ancient Studies)) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the information structure of Biblical Hebrew narrative, and develop accounts of topic and focus in Biblical Hebrew, respectively. Both topic and focus categories have been determined for Biblical Hebrew (cf. chapters 3 and 5), as well as the information structure strategies that these categories can fulfill in discourse. For topic categories, four different categories of information structure topics in Biblical Hebrew have been distinguished. These are 1. Primary topics 2. Secondary topics 3. Tail topics 4. Topic frames In addition, associated with topics are topic contrastiveness as well as deictic orientations or text-world frames. All these categories, when present, are part of the topical framework of a discourse. For focus structure categories, three different types of focus structure in Biblical Hebrew have been distinguished. These are: 1. Predicate focus 2. Sentence focus 3. Argument focus Again, like in the case of topics, contrastiveness is associated with focus structures. The strategies of information structure topics and focus structures in theme developments were distinguished. For topics, the following information structure strategies or functions stand out: 1. Topic continuity 2. Topic promotion 3. Topic shift 4. Topic deictic text-world framing 5. Topic contrasting For focus structures, the following information structure strategies or functions stand out: 1. Commenting on topics 2. Presenting unidentifiable or inactive participants 3. Reporting, that is, event-reporting and state-reporting of out-of-the-blue, unexpected, discourse new events or states. Some reporting re-directs the theme, other reporting, especially that of states, supports the theme. 4. Identifying referents, either as identifying contrastive, unexpected referents or deictic text-world frames, or by announcing theme macrowords. Contrastiveness is a pragmatic overlay in the case of many focus constituents, especially presupposed information that is focused on. In other words, the three focus structures are used in certain strategies: 1. Predicate focus structures are used for commenting in topic-comment articulations. 2. Sentence focus structures are used for presentational sentences, and for themeredirecting and theme-supporting, event-reporting and state-reporting sentences. The word-order is generally marked. 3. Argument focus is used for unexpected, contrastive identification, and for the announcement of theme macrowords. The word-order is marked, similar to sentence focus structures. All the topic and focus categories and their respective information structure strategies have a link with the theme of a discourse. Theme has been defined in this study as the developing and coherent core or thread of a discourse in the mind of the speaker-author and hearerreader, functioning as the prominent macrostructure of the discourse (chapter 7 (7.4.4)). The information structure with its topics and focus structures and its strategies, can be used as a tool to identify and analyse themes. These categories and strategies together are called theme traces when they occur in marked syntactic constructions or in other prominence configurations like relexicalisation, end-weight, and repetition of macrowords. Theme traces are defined with the following wording: A theme trace is a clue in the surface form of a discourse, viewed from the perspective of information structure, that points to the cognitive macrostructure or theme of a text. This clue is in the form of (1) a marked syntactical configuration, be it marked word-order or marked in the sense of explicit and seemingly “redundant”, all signaling some thematic sequencing strategy, or (2) some recurring concept(s) signaling some prominence and coherence (chapter 7 (7.5.4)). By investigating these theme traces, the analyst will have a tool to study themes in discourse. This theme traces tool will assist in the demarcation of the sections in the developing theme of a text by means of a variety of boundary features, and once these thematic units have been established, the study of the topic framework together with the focus content will yield a verifiable understanding of the macrostructure of a text in Biblical Hebrew. Global themes are contrasted with local themes. Global themes occur in the higher-level thematic groupings, like whole narratives and smaller episodes within the narratives. Within the episodes are sub-units like scenes and thematic paragraphs, the smallest thematic unit. In scenes and thematic paragraphs, local themes occur. Between the different thematic units, a variety of theme sequential strategies occur. Theme shifting is a wider information structure strategy that is in operation in discourse. For instance, topic promotion, topic shift, and topic text-world framing are all cases of theme shifting. To study the theme of a narrative discourse from the perspective of the information structure, four steps of a theme-tracing model have been suggested, and applied to Genesis 17.

Shemot be-mishkali mem tehilit ve-tav tehilit be-ketav-yad P'armah A shel ha-Mishnah be-hashiva'ah le-Mikra ule-masorot aherot shel ha-Mishnah / A description of nominal patterns (with prefixes 'mem' and 'tav) in Mishnaic Hebrew according to the pradition of the Parma 'A' manuscript in comparison with Biblical Hebrew and othermanuscripts of the Mishna

Amrosi, Yosi, Amroussi, Yossi 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Hebrew with English Summary / This research describes nominal patterns with prefixes m and t as appearing in Parma A in comparison with other traditions viz. Kaufinan, Paris and Y emenite manuscripts. This research has 3 aims: 1. To describe all relevant evidence in Parma A 2. To compare evidence with data in other traditions, including the Bible and Mishnaic Hebrew and Aramaic sources 3. To elaborate on those unique forms in manuscripts which represent genuine Mishnaic Hebrew / Classics and Modern European Languages / D. Litt et Phil. (Semitic Languages)

תחת : a cognitive linguistic analysis of the Biblical Hebrew lexeme

Rodriguez, D. L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Ancient Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis spreek die probleem aan van polisemie in die beskrywing van die Bybels- Hebreeuse lekseem תחת in die Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Tradisioneel word die lekseem meestal as ‘n voorsetsel beskou. In hierdie ondersoek word aangetoon dat die lekseem ook as as ‘n naamwoord, bywoord of voegwoord gebruik kan word. ‘n Kritiese analise van standaard Bybels-Hebreeuse woordeboeke toon aan dat hierdie bronne mank gaan ‘n leksikografies begronde raamwerk in terme waarvan polisimiese lekseme ge-orden kan word. Wat nodig is vir hierdie doeleindes, is leksikale beskrywings eerder as ‘n lys “oënskynlike” betekenisse. Dit word verder duidelik aangetoon dat vertalingsekwivalente nie altyd gelykgestel kan word aan die betekenis van ‘n lekseem nie – ‘n praktyk wat al jare lank onkrities aanvaar word. Kognitief-linguistiese instrumente ten opsigte van kategorisering en leksikale semantiek word dan ingespan om die lekseem תחת beter te beskryf. Hierdie studie verteenwoordig so ‘n kognitief-linguistiese analise van die polisemiese dimensies van die semantiese netwerk van תחת , wat ook bruikbaar kan wees in digitale leksikografie. Die voorgestelde netwerk word gekomplementeer deur semantiese diagramme wat die betekenis grafies uitbeeld in plaas daarvan om dit met behulp van vertalingsekwivalente te beskryf. Die betekenisonderskeidings wat getref word, is die volgende: substantief (onderkant), plek (spesifieke plek “spot”), substitusie (in die plek van), uitruiling (in ruil vir), oorsaaklikheid (omdat) en implisiete perspektief (x onder [die spreker]). Hierdie betekenisonderskeidings word georganiseer met behulp van ‘n grafiese netwerk wat die semantiese verhouding tussen die verskillende nuanse illustreer. Die semantiese netwerk stel ook ‘n ontwikkelingsprofiel van die lekseem voor. Hierdie diagram bied ‘n moontlike verklaring waarom תחת ‘n bepaalde reeks polemiese onderskeidings simboliseer. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis addresses the problem of polysemy in describing the biblical Hebrew lexeme תחת in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Traditionally treated as mainly a preposition, it is demonstrated in this study that תחת can also be used as a noun, adverb or conjunction. A critical analysis of standard biblical Hebrew lexica reveals that they typically lack a clear lexicographic framework with which polysemous lexemes can be organized. Ideally, this would offer lexical explanations to users of a lexicon rather than supply lists of alleged meanings. Further, it is also made clear that target language glosses can no longer be accepted as "meaning", a practice which has been uncritically accepted for years. In order to move beyond English glosses, cognitive linguistic tools for categorization and lexical semantics are utilized. This thesis contributes a cognitive linguistic analysis of the polysemous lexeme תחת and a semantic network of תחת that can be useful for digital lexicography. The proposed network is complemented by frame semantic diagrams which describe meaning imagically rather than only with a target language gloss. The various senses established are: substantive (underpart), place (spot), substitution (in place of), exchange (in exchange for), vertical spatial (under), approximately under (at the foot of), control (under the hand), causation (because), and implied perspective (x below [the speaker]). These senses are organized in the proposed network showing the semantic relationship between the senses. The semantic network also provides an evolutionarily plausible explanation of how תחת came to symbolize so many distinct polysemies.

Biblical Hebrew lexicology and cognitive semantics : a study of lexemes of affection

Bosman, Tiana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Ancient Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the conceptualization of love or affecion in the Old Testament is investigated. The most prototypical Biblical Hebrew lexeme for affection, namely אהב , forms the focus of the study. It is hypothesized that the analysis of אהב in terms of its valency and the conceptual frames associated with each of its valency patterns will contribute to a more informative lexicographical description of אהב . Since אהב forms part of a much larger semantic field of lexemes that can convey the attitude of affection, it is neccessary to study these lexemes as well. While the first chapter introduces the topic under investigation, i.e. a study of lexemes of affection, the second chapter aims at demarcating the list of lexemes of affection that needs to be considered. This list amounts to fifteen lexemes in total; fourteen of which can belong to the domain of affection, and one antonym. In Chapter 3 the methodology of the current study is explained. The researcher advocates a Cognitive Linguistic approach. Renier de Blois employed Cognitive Linguistics for his model which is aimed towards compiling the Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew. While his model is used as starting point in the present study, some more areas of Cognitive Linguistics are identified that could assist us to refine the model of De Blois. These areas include prototype theory, semantic potential, the notion of radial networks, as well as conceptual frames. Chapter 4 consists of a detailed study of אהב in all its occurrences in the Old Testament, while the remainder of the lexemes of affection as well as its antonym are studied in Chapter 5. In the concluding chapter, Chapter 6, an exposition of the findings is given. This thesis ends with a concise summary of אהב in which all conceptual frames and scripture references where the אהב appear are given. This is followed by a schematic presentation of the lexemes of affection as they occur in relation to the prototypical sense(s) of אהב. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word die konseptualisering van liefde of affeksie in die Ou Testament ondersoek. Die mees prototipiese Bybels-Hebreeuse lekseem vir affeksie, naamlik אהב , is die fokus van die studie. Dit word veronderstel dat die analise van אהב in terme van die lekseem se valensie en die konseptuele raamwerke wat met die valensie patrone geassosieer word, sal bydra tot „n meer informatiewe leksikografiese beskrywing van אהב . Aangesien אהב deel vorm van „n veel groter semantiese veld van lekseme wat die houding van affeksie beskryf, is dit nodig dat hierdie lekseme ook bestudeer word. Terwyl die eerste hoofstuk die tema van die huidige ondersoek inlei, naamlik die bestudering van lekseme van affeksie in die Bybels-Hebreeuse teks, is die tweede hoofstuk daarop gerig om die lys van lekseme van affeksie vir die ondersoek af te baken. Hiedie lys bestaan uit vyftien lekseme altesaam; veertien lekseme wat deel uitmaak van die domein van affeksie, en een antoniem. In Hoofstuk 3 word die metodologie van die huidige studie uiteengesit. Die navorser staan „n Kognitiewe Linguistiese benadering voor. Renier de Blois het Kognitiewe Linguistiek aangewend vir sy model wat daarop gerig is om die Semantic Dictionary for Biblical Hebrew saam te stel. Alhoewel sy model as beginpunt vir die huidige studie gebruik word, is daar sommige areas binne die veld van Kognitiewe Linguistiek wat aangewend sou kon word om De Blois se model te verfyn. Hierdie areas sluit prototipe teorie, semantiese potensiaal, die idee van straalvormige netwerke, asook konseptuele raamwerke in. Hoofstuk 4 bestaan uit „n gedetailleerde studie van אהב in al sy voorkomste in die Ou Testament, terwyl die res van die lekseme van affeksie sowel as die antoniem in Hoofstuk 5 bestudeer word. In die slot hoofstuk, Hoofstuk 6, is daar „n uiteensetting van die bevindinge. Die tesis eindig met „n kort opsomming van אהב waarin al die konseptuele raamwerke en skrifverwysings waarbinne אהב voorkom, gegee word. Daarna volg „n skematiese voorstelling van die lekseme van affeksie na aanleiding van hul voorkomste in verhouding tot die prototipiese betekenis(se) van אהב.

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