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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical evaluation of deflector performance in the tailrace of Hells Canyon Dam

Carbone, Michael Joseph 01 May 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to perform a comprehensive evaluation of proposed sluiceway deflectors in Hells Canyon Dam with the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). A CFD model developed and validated by Politano et al. (2010) was used to assess the downstream performance of the deflectors. Relative performance is measured by effects of the deflectors on the flow field, Total Dissolved Gas (TDG) production, and probability of mechanical fish injury. The deflectors evaluated in this model included the deflector with dimensions determined from a physical model as well as three additional deflector geometries that adjusted elevation, length and transition radius based on the physical model deflector. Physical model testing, at a 1:48 scale, of deflectors on Hells Canyon Dam performed by Haug and Weber (2002) provided a baseline deflector for the deflectors modeled in this study. The physical model was built and tested by the IIHR Hydroscience and Engineering. The performance study that this thesis focuses on was performed at two different tailwater elevations, established with two different total river flowrates of 25 kcfs and 45 kcfs. Each deflector was evaluated considering the spillway jet regime, tailrace flow pattern, and total dissolved gas (TDG) production. According to the model, decreasing the deflector length or increasing the transition radius results in more TDG production at all tailwater elevations. At 45 kcfs, the height of the deflector does not appreciably affect the spillway jet regime or the TDG distribution in the tailrace. However, increasing the deflector elevation at this river flow increases the amount of powerhouse entrainment and induces a recirculation in the western region of the tailrace. The baseline deflector performed best because it had the smallest impact on the tailrace flow pattern and produced the least TDG. The performance of the selected deflector was further evaluated for additional river flow rates of 37 kcfs, 45 kcfs and a 7Q10 flow condition of 71.5 Kcfs, with the 7Q10 condition being tested with and without the deflector. Although the deflector was able to prevent the spillway flow from creating a large amount of downstream TDG the 7Q10 flow condition significantly increased the TDG values downstream of the deflector relative to the other tested conditions. With the chosen deflector TDG values returned to forebay levels after 1 and 3.5 miles for the 37 kcfs and 45 kcfs river flowrates, respectively. With the deflector installed the 7Q10 flow condition creates considerable TDG production however the deflectors are able to reduce TDG production by 10% from the test without a deflector installed. For all evaluated river flows, with the chosen deflector, entrainment from the powerhouse is observed in the simulations; this entrainment is caused by the sluiceway surface jets. As powerhouse flow increases there is an observed decrease in entrainment. This is due to the increase of flow velocity in the streamwise direction, or perpendicular to the direction of entrainment. An important western recirculation that is prominent in the 7Q10 flow condition is also caused by the introduction of deflectors onto the spillways. Reversed flows near the fishtrap region and water directed back into the aerated section of the spillway are consequences of this recirculation. The effect causes a 25% percent increase of entrained flow relative to the no deflector 7Q10 flow. Injury of fish traveling over the spillway and through the sluiceway was estimated with the use of inert spherical particles and the computed flow field. Acceleration and strain experienced by the particles was calculated over the length of the spillway region. Numerical results were compared against literature values published by Deng (2005). Including the deflectors in the design increases the probability that fish will be injured. The most extreme cases of fish injury probability were 37 kcfs and the 7Q10 kcfs flowrates. For these cases, injuries experienced by the fish were 10% and 3% for minor and major injuries respectively. With comparison of the 7Q10 flows it appears that the inclusion of the deflector increases the induced minor injury induce from 5% to 10% and the major injury from 1% to 3%. Fish tailrace residence time was calculated using inert particles introduced to the computed fluid flow field. These particles were tracked for 650 feet past the sluiceway inlets and their time to completion was recorded. Particles were released from the sluiceways as well as the powerhouses for the 37 kcfs, 45kcfs and 7Q10 flow conditions. Particles released from the sluiceways reduced in residence time with an increase in sluiceway flowrate. With some amount of powerhouse entrainment increasing the residence time of the particles released from the powerhouse. These particles follow the entrainment to the deep low velocity region in the stilling basin. As the lateral flow increases some of the particles released from the spillway will join the high speed jets produced by the deflectors and their residence time will be reduced. According to the model, deflectors consistently reduce overall residence time and are therefore not expected to increase fish migration time. Water surface elevation near the fishtrap was measured for the 25 kcfs, 37 kcfs, 45 kcfs and 7Q10 flow conditions. The wave height near the fishtrap for the 7Q10 deflector case was predicted to be about one foot above the estimated water surface elevation. According to the model the inclusion of the deflector reduces the wave height.

The Power Politics of Hells Canyon

Alford, John Matthew 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines the controversy regarding Hells Canyon on the Snake River, North America's deepest gorge. Throughout the 1950s, federal and private electric power proponents wrangled over who would harness the canyon's potential for generating hydroelectricity. After a decade of debate, the privately-owned Idaho Power Company won the right to build three small dams in the canyon versus one large public power structure. The thesis concludes that private development of Hells Canyon led to incomplete resource development. Further, support of private development led to extensive Republican electoral losses in the Pacific Northwest during the 1950s.

Identifizierung und Charakterisierung neuer Interaktionspartner von E2F3

Eyß, Björn von 09 July 2010 (has links)
Der pRB/E2F-Signalweg ist ein zentraler Regulator der Proliferationskontrolle in Säugerzellen, der in fast allen auftretenden Tumoren dereguliert ist. Durch unterschiedliche Mutationen in Komponenten dieses Signalwegs kommt es letzten Endes zu einer erhöhten Aktivität der E2F-Transkriptionsfaktoren und somit zu einer verstärkten Transkription von E2F-Zielgenen in diesen Tumoren. Um die molekularen Mechanismen der Rolle von E2F3 in der Zellzykluskontrolle und der Tumorigenese besser zu verstehen, wurden in dieser Arbeit per GST-Pulldown mit anschließender Massenspektrometrie neue potenzielle Interaktions-partner von E2F3 identifiziert. Ein identifizierter Interaktionspartner war die SNF2-ähnliche Helikase HELLS. HELLS interagiert in vitro und in vivo spezifisch mit der Marked Box-Domäne von E2F3, aber nicht mit anderen untersuchten E2F-Transkriptionsfaktoren, wie durch GST-Interaktionsstudien und Ko-Immunpräzipi-tationsexperimente demonstriert werden konnte. Durch Chromatin-Immunpräzipitation konnte zusätzlich gezeigt werden, dass E2F3 für die Rekrutierung von HELLS an E2F-regulierte Promotoren wie z. B. CDC6 oder p107 verantwortlich ist. Die shRNA-vermittelte Depletion von HELLS führte zu einer stark verminderten Induktion von allen untersuchten E2F-Zielgenen nach Serumstimulation und einem verspäteten Eintritt in die S-Phase der HELLS-depletierten Zellen, was zeigt, dass HELLS essenziell für die Induktion von E2F-Zielgenen ist. Bei der immunhistochemischen Untersuchung der E2F3- und HELLS-Expression in humanen Prostatakarzinomen zeigte sich, dass sowohl E2F3 als auch HELLS in späten aggressiven Stadien dieser Tumore sehr stark exprimiert sind, jedoch nur sehr schwach in den weniger aggressiven Tumoren. Diese Versuche zeigen, dass es sich bei HELLS um einen neuen Bestandteil des pRB/E2F-Signalwegs handelt, der eventuell in der Entstehung gewisser Tumorarten eine Rolle spielt und somit ein neues potenzielles Ziel für neuartige Krebstherapien darstellt. / The pRB/E2F pathway is a key regulator of proliferation in mammalian cells and is commonly mutated in human tumors. These mutations in the components of the pRB/E2F pathway lead to deregulated activity of the E2F transcription factors resulting in increased expression of E2F target genes. To further understand the molecular mechanisms of E2F3 in cell cycle control and its role in tumorigenesis new interaction partners for E2F3 were identified in the course of this thesis with the help of a GST-Pulldown approach coupled to mass spectrometric analysis. One of the identified interaction partners was the SNF2-like helicase HELLS. With the help of GST-interaction studies and Co-Immunoprecipitation assays it could be demonstrated that HELLS interacts specifically with E2F3 via its Marked Box domain but does not bind to the other investigated E2F transcription factors. HELLS could be detected at E2F target genes like p107 and CDC6 in vivo with the help of Chromatin-Immunoprecipitation assays. Furthermore, the forced recruitment of E2F3 to E2F target genes led to an enhanced binding of HELLS to these promotors suggesting that HELLS is recruited to E2F target genes via protein-protein interaction with E2F3. The shRNA-mediated depletion of HELLS led to a strongly reduced induction of E2F target genes and a delay in S-phase entry, showing that HELLS is essential for the induction of E2F target genes. During the immunohistochemical analysis of human prostate cancer specimens it became evident that both E2F3 and HELLS are strongly expressed in the more aggressive late stages but only weakly expressed in the early stages of this tumor type. These findings demonstrate that HELLS is a new component of the E2F/pRB pathway which might play a role in the development of certain tumors and might represent a new target for novel cancer therapies.

The HELLS-Join: A Heterogeneous Stream join for ExtremeLy Large windows

Karnagel, Tomas, Habich, Dirk, Schlegel, Benjamin, Lehner, Wolfgang 19 September 2022 (has links)
Upcoming processors are combining different computing units in a tightly-coupled approach using a unified shared memory hierarchy. This tightly-coupled combination leads to novel properties with regard to cooperation and interaction. This paper demonstrates the advantages of those processors for a stream-join operator as an important data-intensive example. In detail, we propose our HELLS-Join approach employing all heterogeneous devices by outsourcing parts of the algorithm on the appropriate device. Our HELLS-Join performs better than CPU stream joins, allowing wider time windows, higher stream frequencies, and more streams to be joined as before.

Reflexão teológica da descida de Cristo à mansão dos mortos: origens e desdobramentos de um artigo da fé

Silva, Roberto Marcelo da 09 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:27:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roberto Marcelo da Silva.pdf: 1314933 bytes, checksum: 093521f7022bd5ab3ecf7c62d4b0228d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-09 / The statement of Christ's descent to the abode of the dead (or hell) has been the target of many theological interpretations since the sixth century II. Formulated in a biblical context, where expressions like Sheol, Hades were ye wear, refers to the time elapsed between death and resurrection of Jesus, he would have performed the activities during this period and the salvific meaning of these activities. The issue was thoroughly discussed by the Fathers and its main lines of interpretation soteriological, preaching to the dead and the victory over the infernal powers, are present in all genres of Christian literature and art of the time. For some early Fathers of the related statement of the descent into hell the enigmatic verses of the First Letter of Peter from 3.18 to 22, an association not at all clear that the issue became even more complex. The attempt to interpret the same verses relating them to the apocryphal Book of Enoch, made at the beginning of the twentieth century seems to have increased further this difficulty. The theme of the descent to hell was also present in medieval theology and modern periods in which it was established, which can be given the traditional Catholic interpretation. The theme persists in contemporary theological reflection, which, besides reviewing the classic interpretations (like the victory over death and infernal powers), develop interpretations that emphasize aspects that had not been sufficiently addressed by the ancients, as the solidarity of Christ with sinners. Our work aims to show that, about twelve hundred years after its incorporation in the Apostles' Creed, the article asserts that Christ's descent into hell continues to maintain its relevance for Christian theology and praxis of the century. XXI / A afirmação da descida de Cristo à morada dos mortos (ou aos infernos) tem sido alvo de muitas interpretações teológicas desde o séc II. Formulada num contexto bíblico, onde expressões como Sheol, Hades eram usais, refere-se ao tempo transcorrido entre a morte e ressurreição de Jesus, às atividades ele teria realizado nesse período e ao significado salvífico dessas atividades. O tema foi abundantemente discutido pelos Padres e suas grandes linhas de interpretação soteriológica, a pregação aos mortos e a vitória sobre os poderes infernais, estão presente em todos os gêneros de literatura e arte cristãs da época. Relativamente cedo alguns Padres relacionaram a afirmação da descida aos infernos aos enigmáticos versículos da Primeira Carta de Pedro 3,18-22, associação não de todo evidente, que tornou o tema ainda mais complexo. A tentativa de interpretação dos mesmos versículos relacionando-os ao Livro apócrifo de Henoc, feita no início do século XX, parece ter aumentado ainda mais essa dificuldade. O tema da descida aos infernos esteve também presente na teologia medieval e moderna, períodos em que foi estabelecida, o que podemos chamar, sua interpretação tradicional católica. O tema persiste na reflexão teológica contemporânea, a qual, além de retomar as interpretações clássicas (como a vitória sobre a morte e poderes infernais), desenvolveu interpretações que privilegiam aspectos que não haviam sido suficientemente abordados pelos antigos, como a solidariedade de Cristo com os pecadores. Nosso trabalho pretende mostrar que, cerca de mil e duzentos anos após sua incorporação ao Símbolo Apostólico, o artigo que afirma a descida de Cristo à mansão dos mortos continua mantendo sua relevância para a teologia e a práxis cristã do séc. XXI

Sprängningar & Kalasjnikovs : En kritisk diskursanalys av rapporteringen om förortsgäng och mc-gäng i svensk press. / Explosions and Kalasjnikovs. : A critical discourse analysis of the reporting on suburban gangs and motorcycle gangs in the Swedish press.

Kajsa, Morenius, Jimmy, Roth January 2021 (has links)
In the aftermath of the conflict between motorcycle clubs Hells Angels and Bandidos in the 90´s, with shootings that resulted in many casulties it seems that they have been silent since then. When a new conflict between gangs from the suburbs emerge it seems that they had taken the place of the motorcycle clubs in news media as the worst criminals in Sweden. The fact that motorcycle clubs are larger in number and tend to more criminal activities than the suburban networks, this study aims to make a greater understanding of how the two types of gangs are constructed and their representation in news media in the year of 2019.  Studies shows that suburban gangs sprout from especially vulnarble areas, that have low income and are the most immigrant-dense areas in Sweden. On the opposit side of suburban gangs, the motorcycle clubs show more of swedish-born members. It is interesting to see what type of representation the two different gangs get in news media. And how the representation and the construction differs depending on which gang that is described.  To go deeper in the analysis we used a critical discourse analysis (CDA) as a tool to answer our aim of this studie. The result was not surprising as the suburban gangs were constructed more often as the Other and seen as a problem caused by the immigration wave of 2015. The motorcycle club members was constructed more as individuals caught in the moment and triggered for some reason on a personal level. Motorcycle clubs were also constructed as a brotherhood where you could find comradeship and a sense of family.

Être motard : Hells Angels malgré tout

Petit, Sévrine 09 1900 (has links)
Les Hells Angels (HA) sont un groupe de motards qui surprennent par leur longévité. Implantés dans la province en 1977, ils sont toujours présents et actifs. Pourtant, ils ont évolué dans un contexte où les risques endogènes et exogènes furent croissants : conflits internes chez les motards, hostilités et rivalités inter groupes, opérations policières, incarcérations massives et changements législatifs sont autant d’obstacles qui se sont dressés devant eux. Que signifie être un motard et comment sont-ils demeurés résilients? Bien que différentes forces matérielles et organisationnelles aident les HA à surmonter les difficultés, nous avançons que l’élément clé de cette continuité réside dans leur réputation. En ce sens, nous adhérons à la thèse de Gambetta (2009) qui affirme que la persistance de la croyance en l’immortalité de la mafia provoque un phénomène de self-fulfilling prophecy qui rend l’organisation effectivement résiliente. Cet argument est ici appliqué aux Hells du Québec. Des entrevues auprès de motards incarcérés et non incarcérés, de délinquants non motards et de membres du personnel du Service correctionnel du Canada, ont permis de constater que l’étiquette de « Hells Angels » influence la vie des individus qui la portent. Les résultats supportent l’hypothèse que la réputation d’être une organisation dangereuse offre au groupe une valeur économique et symbolique. Néanmoins, la réputation des Hells Angels engendre des aspects négatifs pour les individus qui endossent ce nom. Il devient intéressant de comprendre l’impact d’une telle étiquette à travers différentes phases d’une carrière collective. / Regardless of the intense public focus, members of the Hells Angels organization in Quebec continue to be active in illegal markets. What does it means to be a Hells Angels and how has the organization remained resilient to law enforcement and internal conflicts in the criminal underworld? Although financial and organizational strengths help the members overcome difficulties, the main argument in this study places a focus on the Hells Angels reputation as the key element accounting for their continuity. I embrace Gambetta’s thesis (2009) which states that the persistence of belief in the immortality of the criminal group generates a self-fulfilling prophecy that renders the organization increasingly resilient. This thesis is extended to the Hells Angels context and applied to interviews conducted with bikers, non-biker inmates and staff members in Quebec penitentiaries. Findings support the main thesis in that the organization’s reputation for being dangerous offers that group an effective economic and symbolic value. However, there is a drawback of this reputation that has to be considered. The Hells Angels label in Quebec generates negative aspects for individuals who endorse it. It is interesting to understand the impact of such a labelling phenomenon, through different phases of their collective career.

Être motard : Hells Angels malgré tout

Petit, Sévrine 09 1900 (has links)
Les Hells Angels (HA) sont un groupe de motards qui surprennent par leur longévité. Implantés dans la province en 1977, ils sont toujours présents et actifs. Pourtant, ils ont évolué dans un contexte où les risques endogènes et exogènes furent croissants : conflits internes chez les motards, hostilités et rivalités inter groupes, opérations policières, incarcérations massives et changements législatifs sont autant d’obstacles qui se sont dressés devant eux. Que signifie être un motard et comment sont-ils demeurés résilients? Bien que différentes forces matérielles et organisationnelles aident les HA à surmonter les difficultés, nous avançons que l’élément clé de cette continuité réside dans leur réputation. En ce sens, nous adhérons à la thèse de Gambetta (2009) qui affirme que la persistance de la croyance en l’immortalité de la mafia provoque un phénomène de self-fulfilling prophecy qui rend l’organisation effectivement résiliente. Cet argument est ici appliqué aux Hells du Québec. Des entrevues auprès de motards incarcérés et non incarcérés, de délinquants non motards et de membres du personnel du Service correctionnel du Canada, ont permis de constater que l’étiquette de « Hells Angels » influence la vie des individus qui la portent. Les résultats supportent l’hypothèse que la réputation d’être une organisation dangereuse offre au groupe une valeur économique et symbolique. Néanmoins, la réputation des Hells Angels engendre des aspects négatifs pour les individus qui endossent ce nom. Il devient intéressant de comprendre l’impact d’une telle étiquette à travers différentes phases d’une carrière collective. / Regardless of the intense public focus, members of the Hells Angels organization in Quebec continue to be active in illegal markets. What does it means to be a Hells Angels and how has the organization remained resilient to law enforcement and internal conflicts in the criminal underworld? Although financial and organizational strengths help the members overcome difficulties, the main argument in this study places a focus on the Hells Angels reputation as the key element accounting for their continuity. I embrace Gambetta’s thesis (2009) which states that the persistence of belief in the immortality of the criminal group generates a self-fulfilling prophecy that renders the organization increasingly resilient. This thesis is extended to the Hells Angels context and applied to interviews conducted with bikers, non-biker inmates and staff members in Quebec penitentiaries. Findings support the main thesis in that the organization’s reputation for being dangerous offers that group an effective economic and symbolic value. However, there is a drawback of this reputation that has to be considered. The Hells Angels label in Quebec generates negative aspects for individuals who endorse it. It is interesting to understand the impact of such a labelling phenomenon, through different phases of their collective career.

Hells Angels, positionnement stratégique et réussite criminelle : analyse des transactions monétaires d’un réseau illicite de distribution de drogues

Provost, Chloé 08 1900 (has links)
Les travaux traditionnels sur le crime organisé indiquent que le statut d’un individu déterminerait son succès individuel. Des recherches alternatives sur les réseaux des organisations criminelles et de la réussite criminelle indiquent que le rang est moins important que la croyance générale et que les mesures de positionnement stratégique de réseau sont plus susceptibles de déterminer le succès criminel. Ce mémoire étudie les variations des gains criminels au sein de l’organisation de distribution illicite de stupéfiants des Hells Angels. Son objectif est de distinguer, à l’aide de données de comptabilité autorévélées, les éléments influençant ces différences dans le succès criminel en fonction du positionnement plus stratégique ou vulnérable d’un individu au sein de son réseau. Les résultats révèlent des moyennes de volume d’argent transigé beaucoup plus élevées que ce qui est généralement recensé. La distribution de ces capitaux est largement inégale. La disparité des chances liées à l’association criminelle se retrouve aussi dans la polarisation entre les individus fortement privilégiés et les autres qui ont une capacité de positionnement médiocre. Le croisement entre les positions et l’inégalité des gains présente que le positionnement de l’individu dans son réseau est un meilleur prédicteur de réussite criminelle que toute autre variable contextuelle ou de rang. Enfin et surtout, en contradiction avec la littérature, le fait d’atteindre de haut rang hiérarchique nuirait au succès criminel, les résultats montrant que cet état réduit l’accès au crédit, réduit les quantités de drogue par transaction et augmente le prix de la drogue à l’unité. / Traditional work on organized crime indicates that one’s status determines his individual success. Alternative research on criminal organization’s networks and criminal success however, reveal that the rank is less important than generally believed and that the measures of strategic positioning in a network are more likely to influence criminal achievement. This thesis examines income fluctuations within the Hells Angels Nomads, an illegal drug distribution organization in Québec. The purpose of this study is to distinguish the factors contributing to these differences in criminal success according to an offender’s strategic or vulnerable positioning within its network, using self-report account data. The results show that the average amount of money traded is much higher than what is usually identified in the literature and its distribution is largely uneven. The disparity of opportunity related to criminal association is also reflected in the polarization between highly privileged individuals and other individuals who have a poor positioning capacity. The interaction between position and earning inequalities demonstrates that the positioning of an individual in its network is a better predictor of success than rank or any other criminal context variable. Most importantly, and in opposition with the literature, achieving high rank would be detrimental to one’s criminal success. Results demonstrate that this state reduces access to credit, reduces the amount of drug per transaction and increases the price of drugs per unit.

Hells Angels, positionnement stratégique et réussite criminelle : analyse des transactions monétaires d’un réseau illicite de distribution de drogues

Provost, Chloé 08 1900 (has links)
Les travaux traditionnels sur le crime organisé indiquent que le statut d’un individu déterminerait son succès individuel. Des recherches alternatives sur les réseaux des organisations criminelles et de la réussite criminelle indiquent que le rang est moins important que la croyance générale et que les mesures de positionnement stratégique de réseau sont plus susceptibles de déterminer le succès criminel. Ce mémoire étudie les variations des gains criminels au sein de l’organisation de distribution illicite de stupéfiants des Hells Angels. Son objectif est de distinguer, à l’aide de données de comptabilité autorévélées, les éléments influençant ces différences dans le succès criminel en fonction du positionnement plus stratégique ou vulnérable d’un individu au sein de son réseau. Les résultats révèlent des moyennes de volume d’argent transigé beaucoup plus élevées que ce qui est généralement recensé. La distribution de ces capitaux est largement inégale. La disparité des chances liées à l’association criminelle se retrouve aussi dans la polarisation entre les individus fortement privilégiés et les autres qui ont une capacité de positionnement médiocre. Le croisement entre les positions et l’inégalité des gains présente que le positionnement de l’individu dans son réseau est un meilleur prédicteur de réussite criminelle que toute autre variable contextuelle ou de rang. Enfin et surtout, en contradiction avec la littérature, le fait d’atteindre de haut rang hiérarchique nuirait au succès criminel, les résultats montrant que cet état réduit l’accès au crédit, réduit les quantités de drogue par transaction et augmente le prix de la drogue à l’unité. / Traditional work on organized crime indicates that one’s status determines his individual success. Alternative research on criminal organization’s networks and criminal success however, reveal that the rank is less important than generally believed and that the measures of strategic positioning in a network are more likely to influence criminal achievement. This thesis examines income fluctuations within the Hells Angels Nomads, an illegal drug distribution organization in Québec. The purpose of this study is to distinguish the factors contributing to these differences in criminal success according to an offender’s strategic or vulnerable positioning within its network, using self-report account data. The results show that the average amount of money traded is much higher than what is usually identified in the literature and its distribution is largely uneven. The disparity of opportunity related to criminal association is also reflected in the polarization between highly privileged individuals and other individuals who have a poor positioning capacity. The interaction between position and earning inequalities demonstrates that the positioning of an individual in its network is a better predictor of success than rank or any other criminal context variable. Most importantly, and in opposition with the literature, achieving high rank would be detrimental to one’s criminal success. Results demonstrate that this state reduces access to credit, reduces the amount of drug per transaction and increases the price of drugs per unit.

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