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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Subjektifilosofiasta pedagogisen toiminnan teoriaan

Kivelä, A. (Ari) 26 March 2004 (has links)
Abstract This study examines the paradigm shift from philosophy of subject to the philosophy of intersubjectivity. Modern pedagogic thought is deeply rooted in the philosophy of subjectivity. Its point of departure is the concept of the autonomous subject capable to form and define him-/herself and the world of his/hers. This line of thought is the main conceptual framework of theory of formation (Bildung) tradition. Theory of education (Erziehung) has been built upon a presupposition, that educational influence makes human being able to use reason potential to every human being and thus to realize the process of formation. Pedagogical thought of Immanuel Kant is the most prominent example of modern pedagogical thought. Kant argues that human becomes human through education. Education should force human to the autonomous use of reason. However, the concept of educational influence is in contradiction to the kantian idea of human freedom and autonomy. Despite of educational heteronomy should educatee be recognized as an autonomous subject. This basic problem of the modern theory of education is called pedagogical paradox. Helmut Peukert and Jan Masschelein have tried to find option fort the philosophy of subjectivity and thus the way out from the pedagogical paradox. This can be done by the shift from the philosophy of subject to the philosophy of intersubjectivity. According to Habermas, philosophy and human sciences must abadon the idea of autonomous subject and intersubjectivity must be taken as the basic concept of the theoretical reflection. Intersubjectivity must be seen as basis for the human existence. Thus pedagogical action is seen as communicative action. Peukert and Masschelein have not taken in account the critics against Habermas' and Tugendhat's project. Dieter Henrich and Manfred Frank argue intersubjectivity cant take priority against subjectivity or vice versa. Subjectivity and intersubjectivity have the same origin in human existence. Human beining must be seen as subject and person. The author attempt to reconstruct this line of thought by the conceptual analysis of Johann Gottlieb Fichte's philosophy. This opens possibilities for the educational understanding of Henrich's philosophy and his programmatic theory of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. / Tiivistelmä Työssä tarkastellaan subjektifilosofian ja intersubjektiivisuusteorian välistä suhdetta. Moderni pedagoginen ajattelu nousee subjektifilosofisesta perinteestä. Sen sivistysteoreettisena lähtökohtana on ollut ajatus itseään ja omaa maailmaansa määrittävästä autonomisesta ja itsetoiminnallisesta subjektista, joka kykenee käyttämään omaa järkeään. Kasvatusteoreettisen refleksion kohteena on puolestaan ollut kysymys siitä, kuinka kasvatuksellisen vaikuttamisen avulla on mahdollista tuottaa tai saada aikaan autonomisen subjektin kehittyminen. Immanuel Kantin pedagoginen ajattelu on esimerkki modernista pedagogisesta ajattelutavasta ja sen ongelmista. Kantin mukaan ihminen tulee ihmiseksi kasvatuksen kautta. Kasvatuksen tehtävänä on mahdollistaa, että ihminen oppii käyttämään ihmiselle ominaista potentiaalista järkeä itsenäisesti. Tämä edellyttää kuitenkin ulkoista kasvatuksellista pakkoa, joka on ristiriidassa Kantin ja koko modernin filosofian kannalta keskeisen itseä määrittelevän vapaan subjektiviteetin periaatteen kanssa. Hän kiteytti modernin pedagogiikan dilemman kysymykseen "kuinka kultivoida vapautta pakolla". Kasvatuksellinen pakko on välttämätön järjen autonomisen järjenkäytön empiirisen kehittymisen kannalta. Pakosta huolimatta kasvava on kuitenkin tunnustettava alusta saakka vapaana olentona. Tätä argumentaatiomallia ja sen myöhempiä variantteja on nimitetty pedagogiseksi paradoksiksi. Erityisesti saksalaisella kielialueella on etsitty vaihtoehtoja subjektifilosofiselle paradigmalle. Helmut Peukert ja Jan Masschelein ovat pyrkineet osoittamaan, kuinka pedagoginen paradoksi on ratkaistavissa siirtymällä subjektifilosofisesta paradigmasta intersubjektivistiseen ajattelutapaan. He nojautuvat vahvasti Jürgen Habermasin ohjelmalliseen näkemykseen, jonka mukaan subjektifilosofian umpikujat ja ongelmat siirtyvät pois päiväjärjestyksestä, mikäli filosofiassa ja laajemmin myös ihmistieteissä luovutaan autonomisen itseriittoisen subjektin ensisijaisuuden periaatteesta ja korvataan se oletuksella kielellisen intersubjektiviteetin ensisijaisuudesta subjektiviteettiin nähden. Kasvatustieteessä tämä merkitsee pedagogisen toiminnan samaistamista kommunikatiiviseen toimintaan. Kasvatustieteellisessä keskustelussa ei ole kuitenkaan otettu huomioon intersubjektivistista käännettä kohtaan esitettyä kritiikkiä. Dieter Henrich ja Manfred Frank ovat filosofian alueella kritisoineet Habermasia ja tämän ajatteluun vaikuttanutta Ernst Tugendhatia siitä, ettei intersubjektivistinen käänne ole aivan yksinkertaisesti toteutettavissa. Näin siksi, ettei ainakaan käsiteanalyyttisen tarkastelun tasolla ole mahdollista osoittaa, kuinka subjektiviteetti olisi kielellisen intersubjektiviteetin johdannainen. Henrich onkin esittänyt, että subjektiviteetti ja intersubjektiviteetti ovat yhtä alkuperäisiä ilmiöitä. Tästä seuraa, että konkreettista yksilöä on tarkasteltava sekä subjektina että persoonana. Henrichin ohjelmallista näkemystä on mahdollista eksplikoida Johann Gottlieb Fichten interpersoonallisuusteorian ja subjektiteorian avulla. Fichten ajattelu avaa myös mahdollisuuden kasvatus- ja sivistysteoreettiselle tarkastelulle, joka ei palauta pedagogista toimintaa palauteta joko subjektifilosofiseen tai intersubjektivistiseen paradigmaan. Fichten kasvatus- ja sivistysteoreettisten implikaatioiden avulla on siten mahdollista avata tietä Henrichin subjektiteoreettisten näkemysten kasvatus- ja sivistysfilosofiselle reseptiolle.

A Psychological Character Study of Abnormal Escapists as Depicted by Certain Authors

Loy, Mable 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis compares and contrats the abnormal escapism of characters created by Eugene O'Neill, Henrich Ibsen, and Thomas Hardy.

Représentations et stratégies sociales d'un étranger à Québec à la fin du XVIIIe siècle : analyse du journal personnel du marchand Johann Henrich Juncken (septembre 1788-mai 1789)

Cinq-Mars, Marcelle 11 April 2018 (has links)
On redécouvre aujourd'hui l'importance de la voix de l'individu que les synthèses historiques étouffent généralement Ce mémoire tente de mettre au jour, grâce au journal personnel, les représentations d'un marchand loyaliste d'origine allemande, Johann Henrich Juncken; le regard que porte cet étranger sur l'espace physique, sur lui-même et sur l'Autre. Juncken note soigneusement les fluctuations climatiques de son pays d'accueil. Cette connaissance l'aide à s'adapter et à ajuster ses affaires aux caprices du climat québécois. Il ne tarde pas à établir des itinéraires de travail et de loisir dans la ville. Différents mais complémentaires, ces parcours quotidiens, jonchés de repères physiques et temporels, lui permettent de se créer une carte mentale de Québec. Sa maison lui sert principalement dans sa stratégie sociale. Attentif aux problèmes de santé et à son apparence vestimentaire, Henry Juncken est un homme partagé entre sa culture allemande et la culture anglo-saxonne qu'il doit adopter en partie. Il demeure conscient des exigences du milieu anglophone sans pour autant céder sur tout les points. Basée à la fois sur son expérience personnelle et sur de nombreuses lectures, la morale sociale et professionnelle de Juncken se veut stricte. Plein de compréhension envers les faiblesses de la nature humaine, le marchand devient impitoyable lorsqu'il s'agit de ses affaires. Henry Juncken évite de mêler les affaires avec les loisirs. Cette distinction s'applique également dans l'établissement de son réseau de sociabilité. Les individus qu'il intègre à son réseau de sociabilité professionnelle sont presqu'exclusivement anglophones. Presqu'aucun ne se retrouve dans les rencontres non-professionnelles. Les types de relations étroites qu'entretient Juncken se basent sur les attentes du diariste. Il sélectionne méticuleusement ses amis. Même s'il fait ouvertement état de ses relations avec l'Autre, le marchand demeure avare de détails sur sa vie privée aux cotés de son épouse et de ses neveux. Par contre, Henry Juncken n'hésite pas à écrire son opinion sur les francophones, opinion qui reflète celle de la majorité de ses compatriotes. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

Dieter Henrich對康德<先驗演繹>B版的詮釋

孫雩龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在於對《純粹理性批判》B版〈先驗演繹〉的結構有一定的理解,並希望藉由這個理解能康德的哲學有進一步的掌握。 德國學者Dieter Henrich於1969所發表論文〈康德先驗演繹的證明結構〉中,對於《純粹理性批判》B版〈先驗演繹〉的論證結構提異於過往的詮釋。他以「論證重構」(argumentative reconstruction)的方式重新地闡釋了B版〈先驗演繹〉造成廣泛的迴響。 本文將順著康德在《純粹理性批判》的理路尋找出他的問題意識。第一章將描述康德所處時代的知識論困境以及他為解決此一困境所做的「哥白尼式的革命」。「哥白尼式的革命」也使得康德走向「先驗哲學」之路。 第二章首先說明康德「先驗演繹」任務。為達成「範疇作為主觀思維形式具有客觀有效性」這個任務,康德在A版〈先驗演繹〉由經驗出發,透過對「三重綜合」的分析,得出先驗統覺。再由感性構想力與先驗統覺的結合,使得對象呈顯於意識之中作為實在的表象進而完成「先驗演繹」的任務。B版則由對「聯結」的分析中向上尋找出「先驗統覺」從而推導出範疇。最後知性透過「構想力」使經驗成為可能。知性如同時間空間言形式一般,是為經驗得以可能的必要條件,因而達到先驗演繹的目的。然而,A、B兩版的〈先驗演繹〉如此的差異正導致了兩者孰為先孰為後的優越性爭議,即A、B兩版在論證結構以及對於康德哲學基本立場相適應的問題。 在A、B兩版〈先驗演繹〉的爭論中,Dieter Henrich提出對於B版〈先驗演繹〉著名的「一個證明兩個步驟」見解。他認為先驗演繹作為一個單一的論證。在20節康德論證了範疇對於一切「具有統一性的直觀」的有效性;26節所證明的是:「所有人類的感性直觀皆具有統一性」。範疇的效力達到一切人類所擁有的經驗性直觀。結合這兩個步驟,先驗演繹的完整結論:「範疇對於一切感性經驗的對象皆具有效性」,才能被達成。 透過Dieter Henrich「一個證明兩個步驟」的詮釋顯現出康德哲學「綜合統一」的特性,知性與感性作為意識活動的不可化約作為必要條件,意識活動得以被說明。如此避免了A版中先驗演繹視為某種意識理論的語意分析,或是由自我意識分析地衍生出來的成素,而保持知性與感性各自的獨立並綜合地統一於自我意識的統一性中。 最後,筆者認為將B版〈先驗演繹〉視為一個分為兩部分的單一論證是一個良好的詮釋模型,並於文末再提出另一個學者Henry E. Allison作為此種詮釋模型的另一個展示。

Análise fonética e fonológica da língua Krenak e abordagem preliminar de contos Botocudo / Phonetic and phonological analysis of Krenak Language and preliminary approach of Botocudo tales

Pessoa, Katia Nepomuceno, 1980- 01 June 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Lucy Seki / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T17:23:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pessoa_KatiaNepomuceno_D.pdf: 32464697 bytes, checksum: d889efd1819683032b3b3b0071e3161c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Botocudo é um nome genérico aplicado aos índios que tinham como padrão de cultura o uso de botoques de madeira, auriculares e labiais, prezando por adornos corporais (pulseiras, perneiras, colares e pintura no corpo) (MARCATO, 1979). Esses índios ocupavam as regiões do interior do leste e sudeste brasileiro, vivendo em faixas florestais da Mata Atlântica e Zona da Mata e foi sobre eles que se deu a maior repressão oficial e extraoficial do homem branco contra uma população indígena já registrada no Brasil, o que levou ao desaparecimento de quase todos os membros pertencentes a este grupo. Atualmente, os únicos representantes sobreviventes são os índios Krenak, que habitam a Aldeia Krenak, às margens do rio Doce, entre as cidades de Conselheiro Pena e Resplendor, no Estado de Minas Gerais. A língua Krenak é considerada como uma língua em situação de extremo risco de extinção. Mesmo assim, assumimos que a língua continua viva e que deve, portanto ser descrita, a fim de que possamos contar com estudos cada vez mais recentes e que ofereçam mais informações linguísticas sobre as línguas da família Botocudo/ Krenak Neste trabalho, temos como objetivo principal descrever aspectos fonéticos e fonológicos da língua Krenak. De modo complementar, apresentamos uma descrição da morfossintaxe da língua, segundo Seki (2000, 2001, 2004) e, a partir destes estudos, propomos uma análise preliminar de contos Botocudo, coletados pelo pesquisador russo Heri Herikovich Manizer, em 1915. Os dados de áudio foram coletados por Seki, entre os anos de 1979 e 1981. O estudo fonético revelou características articulatórias das nasais surdas e dos segmentos de contorno (as nasais pré e pós oralizadas) da língua. A descrição fonológica permitiu distinguir vogais orais e nasais, diferentemente do que fora proposto anteriormente no estudo de Silva (1986). As reflexões fonológicas tiveram por base a Geometria dos Traços (Clements e Hume, 1995) e a tipologia proposta por Wetzels (2008), a qual nos permitiu argumentar em favor da existência de uma classe /B/ como subjacente no sistema da língua, mesmo que sua manifestação superficial seja predominantemente realizada por meio da forma bifásica [mb]. Na coda, foi possível identificar a presença de segmentos de contorno parcialmente orais/nasais, os quais ocorrem como uma estratégia da língua para preservar a distinção entre vogais orais x nasais. Estas considerações foram determinantes para a definição do padrão silábico e dos processos fonológicos observáveis na língua. Ainda, o estudo fonológico permitiu verificar características referentes ao acento do Krenak. Ainda, a fim de apresentar uma visão mais ampla da língua, incluímos em nossa discussão um resumo do estudo de Seki acerca das características morfossintáticas da língua Krenak. A partir dos estudos apresentados, passamos para uma apreciação dos contos Botocudo coletados por Manizer em 1915. Estes contos apresentam-se como um material inédito e podem vir a contribuir para a recuperação de aspectos lingüísticos e culturais do grupo Krenak. Veremos que, apesar de ser possível ter uma compreensão geral sobre o funcionamento da língua, existem ainda vários aspectos que precisam ser esclarecidos, como a função de alguns morfemas e partículas. No entanto, estes avanços talvez sejam viáveis apenas por meio de uma nova coleta que conte com a colaboração direta dos falantes atuais / Abstract: Botocudo is a common name applied to the natives who has a cultural pattern used to use wooden, lip and auricular botoques, valuing body adornments (bracelets, necklaces, body painting and others) (MARCATO, 1979). These natives used to occupy the Brazilian east and southeast hinterland, living in forest belts of the Atlantic Forest and Forest Zone and it was over them that there was the greater official and "off the record" white man repression against an indigenous population ever registered in Brazilian records, which led to the disappearance of almost all the members belonging to this group. Nowadays, the only remaing survivors are the Krenak indians who live in the Krenak village, on the banks of Rio Doce, between the cities of Conselheiro Pena and Resplendor, in the state of Minas Gerais. The Krenak language is considered as in extreme extinction risk. Even though, it is assumed that it is still alive and, therefore, it must be described hence we can count on new and recent studies which provide more linguistic data on the Botocudo/Krenak family. In this dissertation, the main goal is to describe phonetic and phonologic aspects of the Krenak language. As a complement, we present a description of the language's morphosyntax, according to Seki (2000, 2001, 2004) and, from these studies, we propose a preliminary analysis of Botocudo tales, collected by the Russian researcher Heri Herikovich Manizer, in 1915. The audio data was collected by Seki, between the years of 1979 and 1981. The phonetic study revealed articulatory characteristics of voiceless nasals and the contour segments (the pre and post oralized nasals) of the language. The phonological description allowed distinguishing oral and nasal vowels, differently from what was posed by Silva (1986). The phonological analysis were based on the Feature Geometry (Clements e Hume, 1995) and the typology on Wetzels (2008), which granted us talking about the existence of a class /B/ as an underlying segment of the language system, even if its superficial manifestation is mostly done through its biphasic form [mb]. In the coda it was possible to identify the presence of contour segments partially oral/nasal, which occur as a language strategy to preserve the distinction between oral and nasal vowels. These considerations were determinant to define the syllabic pattern and the language observable phonological processes. Yet, the phonological study allowed verifying characteristics related to the Krenak accent. In order to present a wider perspective of the language, we included in this work a summarized Seki's study concerning morphossyntatic characteristics of Krenak language. From the present studies, we go for an analysis of the Botocudo tales collected by Manizer in 1915. These tales are presented as an unpublished material and might contribute to the recovery of cultural and linguistic aspects of Krenak. We will see that, besides the possibility of having a general understanding of the language functionality, there are, still, many aspects which must be clarified such as, the function of certain morphemes and particles. However, these improvements may become impossible to happen until its done a new collection relied on the directly contribution of the current speakers / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutor em Linguística

Rabelais et la magie / Rabelais and magic

Sekimata, Kenichi 14 February 2015 (has links)
La présente étude se consacre à examiner les attitudes de Rabelais vis-à-vis de la magie. Sous l’angle biographique il est connu que notre humaniste ne manque pas d’occasions de se familiariser avec ce courant de pensée. Ses connaissances de l’occultisme se reflètent profondément dans son oeuvre. L’ironie de Rabelais face à la magie, qui existe certes dans son texte, n’est pourtant pas totale, vu qu’il puise son inspiration sincère dans le réservoir magique. Le sujet de la magie chez Rabelais, constituant une problématique complexe, attire souvent l’attention des critiques, mais fait rarement l’objet d’études sérieuses malgré son importance. En prenant comme fil conducteur le manuel de magie à grand succès, De occulta philosophia, d’Henri-Corneille Agrippa von Nettesheim, notre thèse tente d’éclaircir ce que Rabelais doit à des humanistes versés dans la magie, tels que Marsile Ficin ou Coelius Rhodiginus. Suivant la classification d’Agrippa, notre analyse textuelle porte successivement sur la magie céleste, la magie naturelle et la magie cérémonielle, ainsi que la magie démonique. En s’inspirant de saint Augustin et de Ficin, Rabelais distingue la magie blanche de type nécessaire, studieux et scientifique de la magie noire de caractère vain, curieux et ostentatoire. Mais en même temps, la stratégie littéraire de Rabelais laisse en suspens des choix possibles et variés pour expliquer les phénomènes admirables en parsemant son texte d’indices fabuleux pour inciter le lecteur à plus haut sens.a mon avis, Rabelais subit leur influence de façon plus profonde qu'on ne le dit, et puise son inspiration dans la lecture de leurs livres. l'hermétisme étant à la fois une pensée philosophique, religieuse, chimique et syncrétique, mon sujet nous permet de réexaminer globalement des problèmes variés concernant Rabelais. tout cela contribuera à l'interprétation de l'œuvre de Rabelais. / The present study aims to examine Rabelais’s attitudes towards magic. From a biographical point of view, it is known that our humanist did not lack opportunities to familiarise himself with this current of thought. And hisknowledge of occultism is profoundly reflected in his works. Although Rabelais can be seen to treat the topic of magic with a degree of irony, he nonetheless appears to draw sincere inspiration from magical works and texts. While magic in Rabelais’s works, and its resultant complexities, have always attracted the attention of critics, its use and significance have not been sufficiently investigated in previous studies. Led by clues found in the bestsellingmanual of magic, De occulta philosophia by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, this study attempts to clarify the influence on Rabelais of humanists well-versed in the art of magic, such as Marsilio Ficinoor Coelius Rhodiginus. Employing Agrippa’s classification taxonomy, our textual analysis deals successively with celestial magic, natural magic and ceremonial magic, as well as demonic magic. Analysis reveals that Rabelais, inspired by Saint Augustine and Ficino, distinguishes white magic of necessary, studious, and scientific type from black magic of vain, curious, and ostentatious character. The literary strategy of Rabelais, however, leaves open a number of possible method of elucidating admirable phenomena, scattering the text with fabulous indices in order to invite readers to interpret them in a higher sense.

論康德的第二版〈純粹知性概念之推證〉 / On Kant's "Deduction of the Pure Concepts of Understanding" in the second edition

林正昊, Lin, Cheng Hao Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 〈論純粹知性概念之推證〉一章可以說是《純粹理性批判》當中最重要的章節之一。康德在這個章節中企圖證明完全根源於知性自身的純粹知性概念(也就是範疇)運用到經驗對象上的可能性,並藉此劃定認知的有效範圍。這是《純粹理性批判》企圖解決形上學紛爭的一個重要關鍵。然而,這個章節同時也是康德宣稱他花費了最大心力,並在第二版《純粹理性批判》當中完全改寫的篇章之一,在這個短短的五六十頁的篇幅當中卻包含了許多詮釋上的爭議。而本論文則以第二版〈推證〉為主要討論範圍,並嘗試回答其中三個詮釋上的問題:1. 〈推證〉是否包含了一個反懷疑論的論證?2. 第二版〈推證〉可區分出的兩個部份分別負擔了什麼任務?3. 先驗統覺在〈推證〉中扮演了什麼角色?並在確立對以上幾個問題的觀點之後,提供一個的對第二版〈推證〉的細部解釋。 為了回答這幾個問題,筆者比較了Paul Guyer、Dieter Henrich、Henry Allison等幾個詮釋者的觀點。而本論文總共包含了五個章節。第一章作為導論,介紹筆者在本論文中所欲處理的問題以及對論文所安排的架構。在第二章當中,筆者以Guyer作為一個反懷疑論式詮釋〈推證〉的類型,並指出這種詮釋方式與文本的不合之處。在第三章當中,筆者將介紹Henrich針對第二版〈推證〉所提出的「一個證明兩個步驟」的詮釋架構以及對兩個步驟的詮釋,並藉由Allison的批評,介紹另一種同樣在「一個證明兩個步驟」下且筆者認為更適當的詮釋方式。在第四章當中,筆者嘗試回答關於解釋統覺的諸問題,它們包括了統覺的含義、統覺與雜多表象的關係、統覺原理的邏輯地位、統覺原理在〈推證〉中起的作用等。在確立了以上諸觀點後,筆者在第四章和第五章當中,按照兩個步驟的架構提供一個對第二版〈推證〉的完整解釋。 / Abstract "On the Deduction of the Pure Concepts of Understanding" is widely agreed to be the most important chapter in the Critique of the Pure Reason. In this chapter Kant attempts to demonstrate that the pure concepts of understanding, namely, categories, which completely stem from understanding itself, can be applied to empirical objects and thereby define the boundary of cognition. This is critical to resolve the dispute in the metaphysics of his predecessors. However, Kant also claims that this chapter is the part, which costs him the greatest effort and which he entirely rewrites in the second edition of the Critique. There are so many controversial interpretations related to this chapter, which is yet only complied up to 50-60 pages. In this thesis I focus on Deduction in the second edition of the Critique and try to answer the following three questions about these controversies: 1. Whether the Deduction contains an anti-skeptical argument? 2. What are the tasks of the two parts respectively that can be distinguished in B-Deduction? 3. What is the role that transcendental apperception plays in the Deduction? After establishing these answers, I will contribute a detailed explanation of whole B-Deduction. In order to answer the questions, I compare the perspectives of three interpreters of Kant, namely, Paul Guyer, Dieter Henrich and Henry E. Allison. This article is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, in which I introduce the problems that I hope to resolve and the structure of the thesis. In Chapter 2, I introduce Guyer's interpretation of Deduction, which is an anti-skeptical Model, and I will indicate that his interpretation doesn't conform to the Kant's text. In Chapter 3, I introduce Henrich's famous thesis about the structure of the B-Deduction, namely, the thesis of two-steps-in-one-proof, and his interpretation of the contents of the two steps.Then I introduce Allison's criticism against Henrich and his alternative interpretation of B-Deduction under the frame of two-steps-in-one-proof. I believe this interpretation is more consistent and more conformable to the text. In Chapter 4, I try to answer the questions about the interpretation of apperception, where the issues such as the meaning of apperception, the relation between apperception and manifold, the principle of apperception's logical status, the apperception's role in the Deduction etc. will be discussed. After establishing my perspectives about these interpretative problems, I will present a complete and detailed explanation of B-Deduction according to the two-step structure.

La politique de formation idéologique de la SS (1933-1945) : Institutions, discours, pratiques, acteurs et impact de la Weltanschauliche Schulung / The Policy of Ideological Schooling within the SS 1933-1945 : Institutions, Discourses, Practices, Protagonists and Impact of Weltanschauliche Schulung

Gallo, David 29 November 2014 (has links)
La présente recherche doctorale retrace l’histoire de la politique de « formation idéologique » (weltanchauliche Schulung ou weltanschauliche Erziehung) mise en oeuvre entre 1933 et 1945 par la SS (Schutzstaffel), organisation qui se voulait l’élite du nazisme. Elle s’attache à croiser quatre approches : L’histoire du réseau des institutions chargées de l’elaboration et de l’application de cette politique, au centre duquel se trouvait l’ « office de l’instruction » (Schulungsamt) de la SS, qui supervisait le travail d’un « appareil d’instruction » (Schulungsapparat) de plus d’un milliers d’instructeurs présents a tous les échelons de l’organisation; l’étude des discours idéologiques et des pratiques éducatives élaborés par ces institutions et de leurs tentatives pour vulgariser et transmettre l’ideologie nazie ; les biographies des hommes qui animèrent ces institutions, constituant un groupe particulier au sein de la hiérarchie nazie; et enfin l’analyse de l’impact de ces politiques sur la masse des militants et hommes des unités militaires et policières SS. En analysant la nature de la formation prodiguée par la SS à ses hommes – à la fois tentative de forger par l’education un homme nouveau considérant tous les domaines de l’existence à l’aune du national-socialisme et volonté de constituer un corps homogène de « soldats politiques » au service du regime – et en reconstituant l’evolution de cette formation dans le contexte de la croissance, de l’expansion et des transformations de la SS, cette étude tente d’apporter une contribution à la compréhension des mentalités des hommes qui se sont engagés et ont persécuté, combattu et tué au service du « Troisième Reich ». / The following doctoral research traces the history of the policy of « ideological schooling » (weltanschauliche Schulung or weltanschauliche Erziehung) developed between 1933 and 1945 by the SS (Schutzstafel), the organization that considered itself the elite of Nazism. It combines four complementary methodological approaches: an institutional history of the network of organizations tasked with elaborating and implementing the SS’s schooling program, at the center of which stood the SS-Schulungsamt (educational office), that oversaw the work an « educational apparatus » (schulungsapparat) of more than a thousand instructors present at all levels; an analysis of the ideological discourses and teaching methods elaborated by these institutions in their attempts to relay nazi ideology to the rank and file of the SS; the biographies of the men who operated the « educational apparatus », constituting a specific group of perpetrators in the Nazi hierarchy; and an evaluation of the way the SS’s own brand of education impacted those who served in its civil, military or police units. By assessing the nature of the ideological training the SS provided to its members, fruit of the attempt of forging both a new man seeing all fields of life through the lens of Nazi ideology and an homogenous troop of « political soldiers » at the service of the regime, and tracing the evolution of this educational project within the framework of the SS’s growth and transformations, this study seeks to bring a new perspective to the understanding of the mentalities of the men who committed to the cause of the « Third Reich » and fought and murdered in its name.

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