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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experiences of people who re-enter the workforce following discharge from a forensic hospital

Tregoweth, Jenni Unknown Date (has links)
This critical hermeneutic study explored what it is like to re-enter the workforce following long-term forensic hospitalisation. An in-depth analysis of the phenomenon was completed, with the aim of evoking insights and developing understandings about the lived return-to-work experience. As this research was situated within the critical paradigm, the process of seeking, securing and sustaining employment was viewed in terms of power relationships, and through the multiple positionings of psychiatric disability, employment status and social capital.An unstructured interview process was used to explore the return-to-work experiences of eight purposefully selected informants with a history of mental illness and prior illness-related offending. They were living in the community and had returned to part or full-time employment, which they had sustained for at least six months. The gathered data was interpreted using hermeneutic analysis. This process revealed a number of themes, which were clustered into related groups, under eleven essential overarching themes. Freire's (1972) critical social theory was used to add critical depth to the findings.The findings reveal that returning to work exposes people who are affected by mental illness to an array of challenges and personal opportunities. People who have a forensic psychiatric history can encounter complex employment barriers related to stigma and misunderstanding. Therefore, the selected critical hermeneutic design provided a congruent framework with which to view the informants' quest to seek, secure and sustain employment. Despite significant obstacles, securing employment provides opportunities for individuals to test their skills while engaged in meaningful work activity. The acquisition of work skills can result in individuals' experiencing a strong sense of self-satisfaction. The experience of being bolstered by personal accomplishment often co-exists with, but is not necessarily negated by, difficulties that arise on-the-job.As there is scant reference to forensic rehabilitation within the mental health vocational literature, this study may be a timely contribution. It may also be used to add depth to the knowledge base within the field of mental health rehabilitation, in particular the specialised areas of forensic rehabilitation and vocational practise. Therefore, it may be a positive precursor to further discussion and analysis regarding work and education outcomes from the unique forensic psychiatric perspective.

Ambitionen om det essentiella : Innebörder av urmjölkning utifrån levda erfarenheter för mammor vars barn fötts prematurt

Fransson, Ulrika January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund Många mammor som fött barn prematurt önskar amning som uppfödning för sitt barn för bröstmjölkens immunologiska faktorer och som en kompensation för att graviditeten avslutats för tidigt. Amningens etablering kan vara komplicerad och kräva tålamod när barnet behöver vård. Beroende på barnets känslighet kan det ta olika lång tid tills barnet kan påbörja amningsträning. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för att amningen ska kunna etableras är att mamman får igång en tillräcklig mjölkproduktion motsvarande den mängd ett fullgånget barn skulle kräva. För att få igång en tillräcklig produktion är det bra att komma igång med urmjölkning så fort som möjligt efter barnets födelse. Mamman behöver stimulera mjölkproduktionen tills barnet ammar fullt. Syftet med studien var att belysa innebörden av urmjölkning för mammor vars barn fötts prematurt. Metod Det strategiska urvalet utgörs av sju mammor vars barn fötts före vecka 34 med erfarenhet av urmjölkning. Datainsamlingen består av öppna intervjuer och materialet har analyserades med en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk ansats. Resultatet visar att urmjölkning utförs i en oreflekterad ansträngning men att mammor är måna om de egna behoven samtidigt som behoven åsidosätts. Vårdkontexten kan kännas utlämnade och begränsande. Självtilliten får betydelse liksom strukturen. När utfallet inte blir som planerat kan sorgen innebära att förhålla sig till det som inte kan förändras. Känsla av hanterbarhet, begriplighet och meningsfullhet kan få betydelse för processen. Slutsats Ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv blir det betydelsefullt att utgå från den enskilda mammans upplevelser av urmjölkningen och stärka en god självtillit. / Background Many mothers who have given birth premature wish to breast feed their children for immunological reasons and as a compensation for a pregnancy that ended too early. The breast feeding may be complicated and in need of great patience as the child might need health care. Depending of the baby´s sensitivity it can vary in time for a child to start breast feeding. One of the important reasons for the mother to get her breast feeding started is to make milk production start, corresponding to the amount of milk that a fully mature baby would need. To get a sufficient production it is important to start emptying the breasts quick as possible after having given full extend. Aim with the study was to illuminate the meaning of emptying the breasts for mothers whos baby was born premature. Method Seven mothers who had given birth before week 34 and had experienced emptying breasts. The data collection come from interviews and the results have been analyzed by a fenomenological hermenutichal approach. Results shows that emptying the breasts is done without any effort but that mothers are eager to look at their own needs at the same time as their own needs are being put aside. The hospital care can make the women feel left out and controlled. Self-confidence gets important as well as the structure. When the result is not as you had planned sadness make you realize that things cannot be changed. The feeling of managing, understanding and meaningfulness fills you up. Conclusions looking at it from a scientific perspective it is very important to consider the individual mothers experience in how to empty the breasts from milk and how to strengthen her self-confidence.

Innovativ modell som speglar försoning i det mänskliga livet / Innovative model that reflects the reconciliation in humanlife

Neftonsson, Linda, Fagerström, Linn January 2015 (has links)
Det vårdvetenskapliga begreppet försoning skapar möjligheter för människan att uppleva emotionell tillfredställelse i livet. Försoning sker inom människan och skapar en möjlighet att förenas med svåra livsöden. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa vad begreppet försoning är och hur det gestaltas i omvårdnad. I resultatet redovisas försoningens olika dimensioner inom människan. Försoning kan gestaltas som ett mänskligt accepterande, som en mänsklig förmåga att återta kontrollen, som ett mänskligt hopp, som en mänsklig förändring och som en mänsklig process. En modell presenteras i resultatet för att visa försoningens olika dimensioner som tillsammans bildar den inre kärnan den oändliga försoningen. De olika dimensionerna av försoning inom människan är i ständig rörelse. Begreppet försoning är inte ett välbeforskat begrepp inom vårdvetenskapen, utan det råder kunskapsluckor kring försoning i omvårdnad. Om mer evidens tas fram om begreppet försoning i omvårdnad, kan sjuksköterskor få redskap att i vårdprocessen förstå och främja försoning hos patienter. / The nursing scientific concept of reconciliation creates an opportunity for people to experience an emotional satisfaction in life. Reconciliation takes place inside the human and creates an opportunity to unite with difficult life situations. The purpose of this study was to explain what reconciliation is and how it takes shape in nursing. The results explain reconciliations different proportions inside the human. Reconciliation can be represented as a human acceptance, as a human's ability to regain control, as a human hope, as a human change and as a human process. A model in the result presents the different proportions of reconciliations. Together the different proportions form the infinite of reconciliation that together creates the inner core of reconciliation. The different proportions of reconciliation are constantly in motion. There is missing evidence for reconciliation in nursing science. If more sciences performed, nurses can get implements for the care process to understand how reconciliation takes shape in human and how nurses can promote reconciliations for patients.

The experiences of people who re-enter the workforce following discharge from a forensic hospital

Tregoweth, Jenni Unknown Date (has links)
This critical hermeneutic study explored what it is like to re-enter the workforce following long-term forensic hospitalisation. An in-depth analysis of the phenomenon was completed, with the aim of evoking insights and developing understandings about the lived return-to-work experience. As this research was situated within the critical paradigm, the process of seeking, securing and sustaining employment was viewed in terms of power relationships, and through the multiple positionings of psychiatric disability, employment status and social capital.An unstructured interview process was used to explore the return-to-work experiences of eight purposefully selected informants with a history of mental illness and prior illness-related offending. They were living in the community and had returned to part or full-time employment, which they had sustained for at least six months. The gathered data was interpreted using hermeneutic analysis. This process revealed a number of themes, which were clustered into related groups, under eleven essential overarching themes. Freire's (1972) critical social theory was used to add critical depth to the findings.The findings reveal that returning to work exposes people who are affected by mental illness to an array of challenges and personal opportunities. People who have a forensic psychiatric history can encounter complex employment barriers related to stigma and misunderstanding. Therefore, the selected critical hermeneutic design provided a congruent framework with which to view the informants' quest to seek, secure and sustain employment. Despite significant obstacles, securing employment provides opportunities for individuals to test their skills while engaged in meaningful work activity. The acquisition of work skills can result in individuals' experiencing a strong sense of self-satisfaction. The experience of being bolstered by personal accomplishment often co-exists with, but is not necessarily negated by, difficulties that arise on-the-job.As there is scant reference to forensic rehabilitation within the mental health vocational literature, this study may be a timely contribution. It may also be used to add depth to the knowledge base within the field of mental health rehabilitation, in particular the specialised areas of forensic rehabilitation and vocational practise. Therefore, it may be a positive precursor to further discussion and analysis regarding work and education outcomes from the unique forensic psychiatric perspective.

«El irracional es el otro»: Los mecanismos de la interpretación en Antropología

Ricard Lanata, Xavier 25 September 2017 (has links)
Este artículo examina dos diálogos entre el antropólogo y pastores de alpacas de la cordillera del Ausangate (región Cusco, provincia de Canchis). A partir de la descripción y del análisis de los mecanismos concretos de interpretación utilizados en la disciplina antropológica (establecimiento de un léxico, inferencias lógicas, etc.), y de sus consecuencias (en particular, la atribución de una mentalidad prerracional o irracional, por parte del antropólogo, a sus interlocutores campesino-indígenas), el artículo propone una reflexión sobre los obstáculos metodológicos para una adecuada interpretación antropológica de las culturas otras. De esta manera pretende contribuir a la definición, desde la práctica hermenéutica de la Antropología, de resguardos metodológicos que garanticen la constitución de reales espacios de diálogo intercultural. / This article examines two dialogues between the anthropologist and alpaca shepherds of the Ausangate mountains (Cusco region, province of Canchis). Parting from the description and analysis of the concrete interpretation mechanisms used in the anthropological discipline (establishment of a lexicon, logical inferences, etc.), and of its consequences (in particular, the attribution of a pre-rational or irrational mentality, on behalf of the anthropologist, to his farmer-indigent interpreters), the article proposes reflection on the methodological obstacles for an adequate anthropological interpretation of the other cultures. It attempts in this way, to contribute to define, from the hermeneutic practice of anthropology, methodological protection that guarantee the constitution of real spaces of intercultural dialogue.

Klangfarben in George Crumbs Vox Balaenae: Eine hermeneutische Analyse

Hayward, Klara 26 October 2023 (has links)
George Crumb ist bekannt dafür, dass er in seinen Kompositionen mit einer großen Palette an Klangfarben arbeitet. Im Trio Vox Balaenae findet sich mit der Besetzung Electric Flute, Electric Cello, Electric Piano – drei Instrumentalgruppen plus elektronische Verstärkung – ein besonders vielfältiger Klangfarbenreichtum. Die vorliegende Analyse zeigt, dass ein wesentlicher Ausdruckgehalt des Stückes von den Klangfarben selbst transportiert wird. Als Rahmen für die hermeneutische Analyse dieser Klangfarbenstruktur dient Rebecca Leydons psychoakustischer Ansatz evidence of bodies: Timbre verweise grundsätzlich auf den Körper zurück, der den gehörten Klang hervorgebracht hat. So weist Leydon verschiedenen Klängen verschiedene Grade an Körperlichkeit zu und knüpft an das musikalische Spiel mit den verschiedenen Körperlichkeiten von Klängen dramaturgische Konzepte. Die vorliegende Analyse greift diesen Ansatz auf und entwickelt ihn weiter, um den Ausdrucksgehalt von Vox Balaenae herauszuarbeiten. / George Crumb is known for using a great variety of timbre in his compositions. This is most certainly true for his Trio Vox Balaenae for Electric Flute, Electric Cello, Electric Piano, a composition which employs three different types of instruments; winds, strings, and keys, with electric amplification. The presented analysis will show that the expressive content of the piece is transported by timbre. This timbral analysis builds on Rebecca Leydon’s psychoacoustic theory of timbre, which she calls ›evidence of bodies‹: namely, a sound’s timbre is the audible evidence of the material nature of the body which produced the sound. Following this, Leydon connects different degrees of embodiment to different timbres ranging from the disembodied to sheer materiality of matter. This allows her to reveal timbral trajectories in pieces from which narratives can be drawn. The presented hermeneutic analysis of Vox Balaenae builds on Leydon’s theory and explores further timbral trajectories and narratives in order to reveal the expressive content of the piece.

Pesquisadores, educadores e pais: a construção coletiva de saberes educativos

Franco, Fernanda Santini 13 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:56:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Santini Franco.pdf: 1444627 bytes, checksum: ac9ab524fd8f01c34b33364efae5a090 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this study was to understand and show/clarify the dialogical and emancipating practices that sustain/ support the work with parents and educators in the construction and exchanging educational knowledge in a multipliers training course for educational study/work with families, led by Ecofam Group from PUC- SP. We identify nowadays a demand for a knowledge based on experience, different from the functional objective and pragmatic knowledge that prevails in the Western tradition. Relying on references and phenomenological thought of Paulo Freire a hermeneutic analysis was done with multipliers, performed/ carried out on a course of two years/ during a length of two years of studies/ during a period of two years. The result, described the changes in all participants and identified aspects that allowed such changes. Multipliers and parents had initial difficulties to understand the dialogical practices, but along the way/ but overtime they showed the development of a more autonomous attitude with the spontaneous creation of critical and substantiated interventions to education and community issues. The researchers needed to deal with the loss/ to deal with the breakdown of their initial expectations, making a constant review of their practices and proposals and presenting an opening for alterations/ for modifications only possible with a permanent contact with the principles that guided/ that shaped this work. For these changes, it was considered as fundamental aspects, a close relationship between doing and thinking and the possibility of experiencing the concepts presented in a theory , besides that, the confidence that the multipliers could think and act as critical and reflective people. It was always essential to have the visions of the human being/ man , world and education that guide the choices of actions during the course. The dialogue was seen as a tool for the construction and exchange of a knowledge in a perspective different to the reproduction of technical naturalized knowledge / Este trabalho teve como objetivo compreender e explicitar as práticas dialógicas e emancipadoras que sustentam o trabalho com educadores e pais na construção e troca de saberes educativos em um curso de formação de agentes multiplicadores para o trabalho educativo com famílias, conduzido pela equipe do Grupo Ecofam, da PUC-SP. Identifica, no cenário da atualidade, a demanda de um conhecimento que se constitua a partir do vivido, diferenciado do saber de cunho funcional, objetivo e pragmático, que prevalece na tradição ocidental. Apoiando-se em referências fenomenológicas e no pensamento de Paulo Freire, realizou uma análise hermenêutica a partir da descrição e narrativa dos encontros com multiplicadores, realizados durante dois anos de curso. Como resultado, descreveu as transformações ocorridas em todos os participantes e identificou aspectos que possibilitaram tais mudanças. Multiplicadores e pais apresentaram dificuldades iniciais para compreender as práticas dialógicas, mas, ao longo do curso, mostraram o desenvolvimento de uma postura mais autônoma, com a criação espontânea de intervenções críticas e fundamentadas para questões do âmbito educativo e da comunidade. Os pesquisadores precisaram lidar com a quebra de suas expectativas iniciais, fazendo uma constante revisão de suas práticas e propostas e apresentando uma abertura para modificações, só possível com um contato permanente com os princípios que norteavam o trabalho. Para essas mudanças, considerou-se como aspectos fundamentais uma estreita relação entre o fazer e o pensar, a possibilidade de experienciar os conceitos apresentados teoricamente e a confiança de que os multiplicadores pudessem pensar e agir de forma crítica e reflexiva. Foi fundamental ter sempre presentes as visões de homem, mundo e educação que nortearam as escolhas de ações durante o curso. O diálogo mostrou-se como ferramenta para a construção e troca de saberes nessa perspectiva alternativa à reprodução de técnicas e saberes naturalizados

Domestic violence: the experiences of young adult females

Themistocleous, Nicola 08 1900 (has links)
There has been a vast amount of research regarding domestic violence. However, the literature is centered on a linear, cause and effect approach. This study aimed to explore domestic violence from the experiences of young female adults, and will be approached from a postmodern perspective. The participants were selected based on purposive sampling and willingness to participate. The sample consists of two participants and the data was obtained through their written stories and semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Themes were then extracted from the data and were explored through hermeneutic analysis which is consistent with the postmodern approach. A qualitative methodological design was used in order to allow meaning to emerge. The results were then presented in an interpretive and descriptive manner. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Domestic violence: the experiences of young adult females

Themistocleous, Nicola 08 1900 (has links)
There has been a vast amount of research regarding domestic violence. However, the literature is centered on a linear, cause and effect approach. This study aimed to explore domestic violence from the experiences of young female adults, and will be approached from a postmodern perspective. The participants were selected based on purposive sampling and willingness to participate. The sample consists of two participants and the data was obtained through their written stories and semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Themes were then extracted from the data and were explored through hermeneutic analysis which is consistent with the postmodern approach. A qualitative methodological design was used in order to allow meaning to emerge. The results were then presented in an interpretive and descriptive manner. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

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