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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of parental involvement in improving discipline in secondary schools of the Kgakotlou circuit

Manamela, Lenny Masadi 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the role played by parents in improving discipline in rural secondary schools, particularly those in the Kgakotlou Circuit of the Capricorn district. The problem is investigated using a literature study and empirical investigation with school management teams, teachers and the parents of learners in four secondary schools in the Kgakotlou circuit. The literature review explores the development of parental involvement in education during the pre-apartheid, apartheid and post-apartheid eras. The benefits of parental involvement and barriers thereto are also explored as well as the management of parental involvement. The empirical study is done qualitatively and data is collected face-to-face from the participants during interviews. The interview questions examine the extent to which parents are involved in their children’s education, school policies on parental involvement, communication between parents and educators and the duties of the school governing bodies. The findings indicate that some of the parents are willing to participate in their children’s schoolwork, but do not know how to achieve this. Schools do not create enough opportunities for parental involvement. Based on the literature review and empirical investigation, recommendations are made for school management teams, educators, and parents. The school management teams should design parental involvement plans according to their schools’ unique characteristics. Educators are urged to guide parents as they are more knowledgeable. Parents should try to devise strategies to overcome their barriers to parental involvement in their children’s education. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Investigating teachers' perceptions of integrated quality management system effectiveness on teaching and learning in a rural secondary school

Sekgale, Ngatane Zachariah 03 1900 (has links)
In the quest for education transformation, the South African government employed Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) in the belief that if teachers were appraised and developed, their performances would be enhanced and the quality of education would be improved. However, teachers had different views and experiences of the effectiveness of IQMS in their work stations. Consequently, the author was interested in “Investigating teachers’ perceptions of Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) effectiveness on teaching and learning in a rural secondary school”. The investigation was conducted using face to face interviews and document analysis. This study’s findings indicated that IQMS was introduced as a matter of policy compliance, as shown by many teachers’ misunderstandings of its concept. The findings of this study will help to improve IQMS effectiveness or to undertake further research on the feasibility, viability and practicability of IQMS and/or alternatively, the development of a new appraisal system. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)

The impact of parent involvement on effective secondary school governance in the Breyten Circuit of Mpumalanga

Nhlabati, Mzungezi Nelson 03 1900 (has links)
The decentralisation of governance in South African schools as embodied in the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 has placed considerable responsibility in the hands of parents for the governance of schools through the School Governing Bodies. In the light thereof, research was conducted in 5 secondary schools in the Breyten Circuit, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. A phenomenological qualitative approach was used to gather data from a purposeful sample of members of School Governing Bodies from selected secondary schools in the Breyten Circuit. The purpose was to explore the impact of parental involvement on effective secondary school governance in the Breyten Circuit. The findings revealed that many parents did not take their role seriously due to poor educational levels and the lack of training and familiarity with the legislation embodied in the Act. This compromised their ability to govern schools. Based on the findings, recommendations are made for improvement of practice. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Educator perceptions of the impact of the departmental matric intervention strategies on selected under-performing schools in the Queenstown district

Mrali, Amos Mzoxolo January 2012 (has links)
The problem of school under-performance as defined by the level of pass rates of learners in the matric examinations has been a point of educational debate in South Africa for a number of years, especially after the attainment of democracy. In the Eastern Cape, Matric Intervention Strategies (MIS) have been used to address the problem. The aim of this study was to investigate educator perceptions of the impact of the MIS on selected under-performing high schools in the Queenstown District.Two case study schools classified as consistent under-performers participated in the study. Data was collected through in-depth interviews of key educators in these schools. There were five main findings. First, educators felt that Departmental intervention strategies had not made any significant improvement in addressing underperformance in the two case study schools. Second, participants saw underperformance by schools as caused by a myriad of factors which include those related to leadership and management at school and district levels and educator and learner factors, as well as teacher union interference. They did not see MIS as being able to address the causes simultaneously. Third, the implementation of the (MIS) at school level was poorly monitored by the Departmental officials. It was reported that under-performing schools were hardly visited and supported by the subject advisors and (MIO)s. Fourth, educators perceived the role of subject advisors to be limited to CASS moderation as they did not provide any developmental support to educators experiencing content gaps. Finally, educators saw the MIS as a money making scheme for certain educators and district officials. They claimed this was linked to corrupt practices during the appointment of tutors. The teachers did not have confidence in the appointment procedures used by the district for tutors.It can be concluded that the Matric Intervention Strategies in the two schools arenot likely to achieve the intended results as long as educators do not think thatthe strategies are addressing the problems they face. Another conclusion is that the Matric Intervention Strategies are seen as ‘quick fix’ responses to what arereally deep-seated and systemic problems in education. Given the findings of this study, it is recommended that the impact of Matric Intervention Strategies be the focus of a survey research for which a probability sample must be drawn that can generate findings that are generalisable across the participating target population. For the delivery of the MIS it is recommended that the weaknesses identified by educators of the two schools be further investigated so that new implementation plans can be developed.

The management of patial absenteeism and late coming at four public secondary schools of the Tshwane west (D15) / Management of partial absenteeism and late coming at four public secondary schools of the Tshwane West (D15)

Boshego, Lepono Peter 01 1900 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to determine the management of the phenomenon of learners’ partial absenteeism and late coming at four public secondary schools of the Tshwane West (D15), in the light of the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) Circular 13 of 2002. Respondents targeted for data collection were members of the School Management Teams (SMTs) of the four public secondary schools (n35). To address the initial propositions of this study, a qualitative case study research design and its techniques for data collection and analysis were used. The emergent findings indicated that: absenteeism during school hours (partial absenteeism) and late coming, which also applies to educators, are rife across the four participating public schools. SMT members’ limited knowledge of school management in general, and the GDE’s Circular 13 in particular, were found to be the main barrier to the effective management of partial absenteeism and late coming. Additional contributory factors were learner’s attitude and conduct and poor school infrastructure. Recommendations to help address the problem under inestigation are also made. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Educational Management and Leadership)

School management imperatives in addressing the needs of impoverished secondary school learners in rural areas

Tekete, Zoleka Mizper 01 1900 (has links)
The study focuses on management strategies of the highly impoverished secondary schools of the Mount Fletcher District in the Eastern Cape. Challenges facing the impoverished learners and managerial experiences of principals of these schools have been discussed in the study. A literature review provided a conceptual framework and covered definitions of poverty, school management strategies, leadership styles and qualities required for a successful principal heading a secondary school with impoverished learners. An empirical investigation using a qualitative approach was conducted and data gathered by means of interviews with principals, Life Orientation teachers and parents. Finally a synopsis of findings and recommendations were made to assist the policy makers, Departmental officials, principals, teachers and parents in proper management of secondary schools in the poor rural communities. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Challenges facing educators in the implementation of National Curriculum Statement in Malamulele North East Circuit

Chabalala, Tsaki Dollence 03 1900 (has links)
MEd / Department of Curriculum Studies / See the attached abstract below

The roles of the principal in the implementation of the culture of learning, teaching, and service (colts) in the secondary schools in Mopani District of Limpopo Province - South Africa

Sebopetsa, Ngwako Stephen 21 September 2018 (has links)
DEd (Educational Management) / Department of Educational Management / The study aims to compare the role of the principal in implementing the culture of learning, teaching and service (COLTS) in the effective, ineffective and schools experiencing fluctuating NSC results for the past five years. The study explores why secondary schools located within the same socio-economic environment, with the same resources, uniformly funded and controlled by the same government and ultimately there are commitment variation, hence effective schools, ineffective schools and schools with fluctuating results. Therefore, in an attempt to attempt to answer the main research question for this thesis: What role should be played by the secondary school principals in implementing the culture of learning, teaching and service? Other identified sub-questions were raised. Furthermore, a review of relevant literature was conducted and uncovered what makes a good and good school leadership, management and provision of quality service on international scale, that is, in developed, developing and under-developed countries. The Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) of Hersey and Blanchard was regarded as the most suitable theory since the theory proposes that individuals can change their leadership style (behaviour) depending on the situation and the readiness of the followers. Mopani District consists of 24 circuits and 6 circuits were purposively sampled and data was collected from these 6 circuits which have effective, ineffective and secondary schools experiencing fluctuating NSC results for the past five years. Quantitatively, a total number of 38 secondary school principals as key-informants subjects were given a questionnaire to respond on the set questions which was later analysed through the SPSS version 17.1 programme and empirical deduction was made. Additionally, qualitative method of data collection was used on 20 participants, on-site observation and document analysis. The researcher utilised the focus group (semi-structured) interview on 7 secondary school principals and 7 SGB members and one-on-one semi-structured interview on 3 Curriculum advisors and 3 Governance officers in order to gather rich qualitative data. The principle of anonymity was utilised on which codes were used in order to conceal the identity of the participants so that they could participate freely in data collection. The researcher analysed data collected from focus group interview and visited vi schools (on-site observation) of the principals who participated in the interview in order to verify the authenticity of data and also checked school records to validate collected data. All the collected qualitative data (from interviews) and confirmed through site-observation and school records. Collected data was analysed and themes were developed linked to the objectives of the study. A number of findings emanated from this study. The principals were found to be the final authority and accounting officer for the school on which teaching, learning and service is the primary duty. The study revealed that the principals play a substantial impact for the implementation of the culture of learning, teaching and service. The study recommends that principals must ensure that planning, monitoring and support of teaching and learning must be a priority duty of the principal. Furthermore, basic policies that are necessary for the school to be effective must be compulsory to all schools and the DBE must ensure that its implementation is strictly monitored, for instance school starting and departure time and school uniform. The researcher developed a model which contributes to the new body of knowledge which emphasises the support from different stake-holders that can contribute extensively towards the implementation of the culture of learning, teaching and service in schools. / NRF

Challenges facing subject heads of departments in promoting quality teaching and learning of dysfuctional secondary schools of Mopani District

Malatji, Maruping William 21 September 2018 (has links)
MEd (Educational Management) / Department of Educational Management / Subject heads of departments (SHDs) play pivotal role in the leadership and curriculum delivery in secondary schools; yet they are still expected to lead departmental teams and to promote quality of teaching and learning. They find themselves in complex situations of leading departmental teams and of leading instructions in secondary schools. The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges facing SHDs in promoting quality teaching and learning of dysfunctional Secondary schools. Qualitative research methodology was employed using case study research design to collect data through interviews and on-site observation checklists. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select four (4) out of seven (7) dysfunctional secondary schools. Sixteen (16) SHDs from the seven secondary schools were the population of this study. A total of ten (10) SHDs were sampled to be the participants in this study. Semi-structured individual interview schedules and on-site observation check list were used to collect data from participants. A voice recorder was used to record interviews and data collected was interpreted verbatim. The purpose of using on-site observation was to serve check the practicability and verification of data collected during interviews. Data from the two instruments was triangulated, analysed and interpreted verbatim. Common themes were drawn followed by interpretations and conclusions. The researcher presented general views of participants and linked them with relevant literature. The researcher hoped that this study will benefit teachers, school management teams (SMT) and researchers in understanding the challenges facing SHDs in promoting quality teaching and learning in dysfunctional Secondary schools (DSS). Empirical findings revealed that SHDs are facing complex challenges of promoting quality teaching and learning in dysfunctional Secondary Schools. Furthermore, it is recommended that SHDs should be supported internally by Principals and deputy principals. Equally importance is that external support by curriculum advisors should be ongoing. / NRF

Managing community and parent partnership in the iLembe district of Kwazulu-Natal Province

Owusu, Michael Yaw 04 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate and examine the management and leadership skills that are needed for managing community and parent partnership in the Ilembe District of the KwaZulu-Natal province. The study sought to determine how ineffective management and leadership of parent partnership in rural schools can be detrimental to school, learners, parents and the community at large. The literature study investigated existing theories, programmes, management and leadershipof parental participation and partnership. The theoretical frameworks that informed this study were Epstein’s theories of overlapping sphere and her typology of parentalinvolvement. These frameworks emerging from the review of literatureprovided an expressive perspective for the interpretation of data and recommendations in the final chapter of the study.The study used aqualitative methodologyapproach with a case studyresearch design. This was deemed appropriate as data wascollectedthrough the medium of semi-structured individual interviews andfield notes with 15 participants,and data were analysed using content analysis. The findings revealed that in most schools, ineffective management and leadership of parental participation exist through relationship limitation between the schools and the parents and the community. The study established that ineffective leadership and management of parental, family and community participation revolve around issues like indifferentattitudes of parents, poor communication and a lack ofcordial relationship between parents and the schools. The study recommended that comprehensive knowledge concerning the phenomenon of parent, family and community partnership shouldbecompiled into a national policy on parent, family and community partnership,which is considered vital forrural schoolsin South Africa. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management and Leadership)

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