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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aderência de cordoalhas em concretos de alta resistência com e sem fibras de aço / Bond of strands embedded in plain and steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete

Dumêt, Tatiana Bittencourt 25 July 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados das investigações teórica e experimental sobre a aderência de cordoalhas pré-tracionadas, em concretos de alta resistência com e sem fibras de aço. Foram utilizadas cordoalhas de sete fios com &#934p 12,7 mm e fibras de aço curtas, com ganchos nas extremidades (DRAMIX) e fator de forma 1/d=45. Foram realizados dois tipos de ensaios: arrancamento e flexão em viga. Os parâmetros estudados foram: comprimento de ancoragem (5&#934p, 7&#934p e 15&#934p), volume de fibra (zero, 40 kg/m3 e 60 kg/m3 e grau de protensão (zero e 0,8fptk). O concreto apresentou resistências à compressão de 50 MPa no momento da transferência da protensão e 68 MPa na data de ensaio, aproximadamente. Os resultados dos dois tipos de ensaio foram analisados e comparados com as prescrições normativas da NBR 6118 (2001), da FIB Bulletin 1 (1999) e do ACI 318 (2002), onde verificou-se que as prescrições se encontram a favor da segurança. A conclusão principal resultante desta pesquisa foi que a utilização de fibras com 40 kg/\'m3 por metro quadrado não influi na aderência. Já para um volume de fibra de 60 kg/\'m3 por metro quadrado há um ganho de aproximadamente 28% na aderência, em relação aos concretos sem fibras de aço, nos ensaios de arrancamento. Para as vigas, não houve ganho de aderência para os volumes de fibra utilizados, nem na determinação do comprimento de transferência, nem na do comprimento de ancoragem necessário. / This study presents the results of a theoretical and an experimental investigation of the bond of pretensioned strands embedded in plain and steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete. There were used seven wires strands with 12,7 mm diameter and short hooked steel fibers with an aspect ratio of 1/d=45. Two types of tests were carried out to obtain the bond characteristics of the strands: pullout tests and beam under flexure tests. The parameters studied were the volume fraction (0%, 0,51% and 0,76%) of the fibers, and the degree of prestress of the strand (zero and 0,8fptk). The concrete compressive strength was 50 MPa at transfer (3 days of age) and 68 MPa at 28 days of age (test date), approximately. The results were analyzed and compared to the provisions of the following Codes: NBR 6118 (2001) (Brazilian code under public consult), ACI-318 (2002) and FIB-Bulletin 1 (1999). The comparison indicated that the codes give a safe design. The main conclusion of this work was that the use of 0,5% of steel fibers does not influence the bond strength of the strand. The use of 0,76% of steel fibers increases the bond stress in 28% when compared with plain concrete, for the pullout tests. For the beam\'s tests there was no bond improvement due to the steel fibers, in both case (0,5% and (0,76%), neither for the transfer length nor for the development length.

Avaliação de pilares de concreto armado colorido de alta resistência, submetidos a elevadas temperaturas. / Evaluation of reinforced HSCC columns at high temperature.

Britez, Carlos Amado 23 March 2011 (has links)
Apesar da quantidade de variáveis envolvidas, ainda persiste uma dúvida na comunidade acadêmica sobre o comportamento do concreto de alta resistência em situação de incêndio, considerando-o como mais ou menos suscetível à ocorrência do fenômeno de desplacamento (spalling) tipo explosivo. Em parte, essa dúvida decorre do fato de que, muitas vezes, os programas experimentais são conduzidos em amostras envolvendo corpos-de-prova padronizados, cilíndricos ou cúbicos, que não levam em consideração a influência de parâmetros relacionados com as dimensões dos elementos estruturais nem com a taxa e configuração das armaduras. Outros aspectos relevantes, como o tipo de agregado utilizado na mistura de concreto, bem como a idade e umidade interna do elemento ensaiado, dificilmente são abordados nas pesquisas e, muitas vezes, simplesmente são omitidos, o que dificulta a visão ampla e real do comportamento térmico do concreto de alta resistência. Esta pesquisa apresenta um programa experimental pioneiro realizado no Brasil em um pilar de concreto de alta resistência, armado, colorido, com idade de oito anos, fc,8anos de 140MPa, agregado graúdo basáltico, agregado miúdo quartzoso, seção transversal de 70cm x 70cm, 200cm de altura, ensaiado sem carregamento e com exposição de três faces pelo período de 180 minutos (3h), sob as temperaturas da curva-padrão de incêndio ISO 834. O pilar protótipo ensaiado é réplica dos pilares reais do edifício e-Tower, construído em 2002, na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que, neste caso, o concreto colorido de alta resistência comportou-se de forma íntegra frente ao fogo e que a utilização de pigmento à base de óxido de ferro, pode atuar também como um excelente termômetro natural, auxiliando na avaliação da condição da estrutura pósincêndio. / In spite of the several factors that influence the behavior of concrete columns under fire conditions, there is a belief among the research community, that the high-strength concrete is more susceptible to explosive spalling than normal-strength concrete. This doubt, in part, is attributed to the small unreinforced concrete samples (specimens) used in experimental programs, to evaluate the fire resistance of structural concrete. On the other hand, relevant aspects as the coarse aggregate type used in the concrete mixture, as well as the age and content moisture (relative humidity) are not considered in the researches and sometimes simply omitted. This research presents a pioneer experimental program, carried out in Brazil on a high strength colored reinforced concrete column (HSCC) with 200cm high, eight yearsold, fc,8years of 140MPa, basalt coarse aggregate, cross section of 700mm x 700mm, tested under no load and with three faces exposed to a standard fire curve ISO 834 for a period of 180min (3h). The column prototype is a replica of the actual columns of the e-Tower Building, constructed in 2002 in São Paulo city, Brazil. The results demonstrated concrete column integrity under experimental fire and that the iron oxide pigments can work as an excellent natural thermometer, contributing in the evaluation of the structure post-fire.

Punção em lajes-cogumelo de concreto de alta resistência reforçado com fibras de aço / Punching shear in high-strength concrete flat slabs reinforced with steel fibre

Zambrana Vargas, Elioth Neyl 16 June 1997 (has links)
Neste trabalho investiga-se o comportamento resistente de lajes-cogumelo de concreto armado, analisando-se as possibilidades de melhoria de desempenho com relação ao fenômeno de punção, pelo emprego de concreto de alta resistência, pelo reforço com fibras de aço e pelo uso de armaduras transversais de combate à punção, através de ensaios de modelos de lajes-cogumelo quadradas que representam a ligação laje-pilar para o caso do pilar interno. Apresenta-se também uma revisão de conhecimentos sobre as lajes-cogumelo, o seu comportamento estrutural com ênfase no fenômeno da punção, e os principais conceitos sobre os concretos de alta resistência e os compósitos constituídos de matriz de cimento reforçada com fibras. Doze modelos de laje-cogumelo foram ensaiados com diferentes combinações de concreto de alta resistência, concreto de resistência convencional, armadura transversal e volume de fibras (0%, 0,75% e 1,5%). Um acréscimo significativo de resistência à punção foi observado, devido ao uso de concreto de alta resistência e à adição de fibras. A combinação de concreto de alta resistência com 1,5% de volume de fibras e armadura transversal proporcionaram o dobro de aumento na resistência à punção em relação ao modelo de concreto convencional sem armadura transversal e sem adição de fibras. A adição de fibras é a suposta responsável por cerca de 50% de acréscimo de resistência e o aumento da ductilidade. Outras comparações incluindo as previsões teóricas (Texto Base da NB1/94, CEB/90, AGI 318/89 e EUROCODE N.2) são comentadas. / This work investigates the behavior of reinforced concrete flat slabs, analysing the possibility of performance improvement, in relation to punching shear phenomenon, regarding to the use of high strength concrete, the addition of steel fibres and the use of transversal steel reinforcement against punching shear, through tests of flat slab square models that represent the slab-column connection, for the case of an interior column. lt introduce a revision of knowledge of flat slabs, their structural behavior with emphasis on the punching shear phenomenon, and the main concepts about high strength concretes and the composites made of cement matrix reinforced with fibres. Twelve flat slab models were tested in different combinations of high strength concrete, ordinary strength, shear reinforcement and steel fibre volume fraction (0%, 0,75% e 1,5%). A significant increase in the punching shear strength was observed, either due to the use of high strength and the addition of steel fibres. The combination of high strength concrete with 1,5% fibre volume fraction and shear reinforcement provide twice the punching shear resistance of an ordinary concrete strength model without shear reinforcement and without fibre. Fibre addition is supposed to be responsible by about 50% of the resistance improvement and the increase of ductility. Other comparisons including theoretical previsions (Texto Base da NB1/94, CEB/90, ACI 318/89 e EUROCODE N.2) are commented.

Friction Bit Joining of Dissimilar Combinations of GADP 1180 Steel and AA 7085 – T76 Aluminum

Atwood, Lorne Steele 01 June 2016 (has links)
Friction Bit Joining (FBJ) is a method used to join lightweight metals to advanced high-strength steels (AHSS). The automotive industry is experiencing pressure to improve fuel efficiency in their vehicles. The use of AHSS and aluminum will reduce vehicle weight which will assist in reducing fuel consumption. Previous research achieved joint strengths well above that which was required in three out of the four standard joint strength tests using DP980 AHSS and 7075 aluminum. The joints were mechanically tested and passed the lap-shear tension, cross-tension, and fatigue cycling tests. The t-peel test configuration never passed the minimum requirements. The purpose of continuing research was to increase the joint strength using FBJ to join the aluminum and AHSS the automotive industry desires to use specifically in the t-peel test. In this study FBJ was used to join 7085 aluminum and GADP1180 AHSS. The galvanic coating on the AHSS and its increased strength with the different aluminum alloy required that all the tests be re-evaluated and proven to pass the standard tests. FBJ is a two-step process that uses a consumable bit. In the first step the welding machine spins the bit to cut through the aluminum, and the second step applies pressure to the bit as it comes in contact with the AHSS to create a friction weld.

Application des structures bainitiques par transformation isotherme et d'un traitement de surface adapté aux vis à haute résistance / Application of austempering and appopriate surface treatment to high strength screws and bolts.

Forgeoux, Didier 15 December 2016 (has links)
La fragilité reconnue des fixations mécaniques conduit à limiter leur utilisation à 1000 MPa afin d'éviter les risquesde rupture fragile par hydrogène, que celui-ci soit d'origine interne ou externe. Connue sur des produits plats defaible épaisseur (clips), la microstructure bainitique obtenue lors de la trempe dans un bain de sels ne présente pasde fragilité liée à l'hydrogène. Cette étude vise à apporter aux industriels les connaissances nécessaires àl'application de ce procédé à des pièces massives.Au-delà de sa résistance à l'hydrogène, seule la microstructure constituée de bainite inférieure peut satisfaire auxexigences de propriétés mécaniques attendues dans les fixations. L'outil d'optimisation de la composition chimiquede l'acier créé permet d'intégrer les critères propres à la transformation de l'austénite en bainite inférieure partrempe isotherme dans un bain de sels mais aussi de prendre en compte l'aptitude de l'acier à être déformé à froidaprès un recuit d'adoucissement préalable.La caractérisation de la sensibilité à l'hydrogène faite sur des goujons après chargement à saturation en hydrogènemontre qu'à 1370 MPa, l'acier à structure bainitique ne présente pas de rupture fragile par l'hydrogène comparé aumême acier à structure martensitique revenue qui est systématiquement fragile. En parallèle, parmi les alliagesternaires Al-Zr-Zn déposés par un procédé de dépôt physique en phase vapeur, il a été possible d'identifier unenuance sacrificielle dont l'effet protecteur vis-à-vis des fixations devra encore faire l'objet d'investigations. / In the objective to prevent brittle fracture due to hydrogen (internal or external origins), the usages of mechanicalfastening parts is restricted above 1000 MPa. As already experienced on low-thickness flat products (clips), thebainitic microstructure generated by salt bath quenching is not subjected to hydrogen embrittlement. The target ofthe present study consists in setting up the required knowledge to extend this process to massive parts.In addition to its resistance to hydrogen, only the lower-bainite microstructure is able to meet the mechanicalpropertyspecifications for fasteners. The optimization tool developed in the present framework, has been designedto integrate the particularities of the austenite to lower bainite transformation in salt bath, as well as the ability tosustain cold forming after annealing treatment.A set of mechanical characterizations has been performed on hydrogen saturated bolts. Under a load of 1370 MPa,the bainitic structure has not shown any sign brittle fracture, while it has systematically been the case for thetempered martensitic structure. Furthermore, among the ternary alloys Al-Zr-Zn that can be deposed in vapor phase,a sacrificial grade presenting a protection effect has been identified. However, this effect must be furtherinvestigated, in order to determine the interest for fastening applications.

Stress-Strain Model of Unconfined and Confined Concrete and Stress-block Parameters

Murugesan Reddiar, Madhu Karthik 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Stress-strain relations for unconfined and confined concrete are proposed to overcome some shortcomings of existing commonly used models. Specifically, existing models are neither easy to invert nor integrate to obtain equivalent rectangular stress-block parameters for hand analysis and design purposes. The stress?strain relations proposed are validated for a whole range of concrete strengths and confining stresses. Then, closed form expressions are derived for the equivalent rectangular stress-block parameters. The efficacy of the results is demonstrated for hand analysis applied for deriving the moment-curvature performance of a confined concrete column. Results are compared with those obtained from a computational fiber-element using the proposed stress-strain model and another widely used model; good agreement between the two is observed. The model is then utilized in the development of a new structural system that utilizes the positive attributes of timber and concrete to form a parallel. Timber has the advantage of being a light weight construction material, easy to handle, is environmentally friendly. However, large creep deflections and significant issues with sound transmission (the footfall problem) generally limit timber use to small spans and low rise buildings. Concrete topping on timber sub-floors mitigate some of these issues, but even with well engineered wood systems, the spans are relatively short. In this study, a new structural system called structural boxed-concrete, which utilizes the positive attributes of both timber and reinforced concrete to form a parallel system (different from timber-concrete composite system) is explored. A stress-block approach is developed to calculate strength and deformation. An analytical stress-block based moment-curvature analysis is performed on the timber-boxed concrete structural elements. Results show that the structural timber-boxed concrete members may have better strength and ductility capacities when compared to an equivalent ordinary reinforced concrete member.

Stress-Strain Model of Unconfined and Confined Concrete and Stress-block Parameters

Murugesan Reddiar, Madhu Karthik 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Stress-strain relations for unconfined and confined concrete are proposed to overcome some shortcomings of existing commonly used models. Specifically, existing models are neither easy to invert nor integrate to obtain equivalent rectangular stress-block parameters for hand analysis and design purposes. The stress?strain relations proposed are validated for a whole range of concrete strengths and confining stresses. Then, closed form expressions are derived for the equivalent rectangular stress-block parameters. The efficacy of the results is demonstrated for hand analysis applied for deriving the moment-curvature performance of a confined concrete column. Results are compared with those obtained from a computational fiber-element using the proposed stress-strain model and another widely used model; good agreement between the two is observed. The model is then utilized in the development of a new structural system that utilizes the positive attributes of timber and concrete to form a parallel. Timber has the advantage of being a light weight construction material, easy to handle, is environmentally friendly. However, large creep deflections and significant issues with sound transmission (the footfall problem) generally limit timber use to small spans and low rise buildings. Concrete topping on timber sub-floors mitigate some of these issues, but even with well engineered wood systems, the spans are relatively short. In this study, a new structural system called structural boxed-concrete, which utilizes the positive attributes of both timber and reinforced concrete to form a parallel system (different from timber-concrete composite system) is explored. A stress-block approach is developed to calculate strength and deformation. An analytical stress-block based moment-curvature analysis is performed on the timber-boxed concrete structural elements. Results show that the structural timber-boxed concrete members may have better strength and ductility capacities when compared to an equivalent ordinary reinforced concrete member.

Load-carrying and energy-dissipation capacities of ultra-high-performance concrete under dynamic loading

Buck, Jonathan J. 06 April 2012 (has links)
The load-carrying and energy-dissipation capacities of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) under dynamic loading are evaluated in relation to microstructure composition at strain rates on the order of 10⁵ s⁻¹ and pressures of up to 10 GPa. Analysis focuses on deformation and failure mechanisms at the mesostructural level. A cohesive finite element framework that allows explicit account of constituent phases, interfaces, and fracture is used. The model resolves essential deformation and failure mechanisms in addition to providing a phenomenological account of the effects of the phase transformation. Four modes of energy dissipation are tracked, including pressure-sensitive inelastic deformation, damage through the development of distributed cracks, interfacial friction, and energy released through phase transformation of the quartz silica constituent. Simulations are carried out over a range of volume fractions of constituent phases to quantify trends that can be used to design materials for more damage-resistant structures. Calculations show that the volume fractions of the constituents have more influence on the energy-dissipation capacity than on the load-carrying capacity, that inelastic deformation is the source of over 70% of the energy dissipation, and that the presence of porosity changes the role of fibers in the dissipation process. The results also show that the phase transformation has a significant effect on the load-carrying and energy-dissipation capacities of UHPC for the conditions studied. Although transformation accounts for less than 2% of the total energy dissipation, the phase transformation leads to a twofold increase in the crack density and yields nearly an 18% increase to the overall energy dissipation. Microstructure-behavior relations are established to facilitate materials design and tailoring for target-specific applications.


Saghaian, Sayed M. 01 January 2015 (has links)
NiTiHf shape memory alloys have been receiving considerable attention for high temperature and high strength applications since they could have transformation temperatures above 100 °C, shape memory effect under high stress (above 500 MPa) and superelasticity at high temperatures. Moreover, their shape memory properties can be tailored by microstructural engineering. However, NiTiHf alloys have some drawbacks such as low ductility and high work hardening in stress induced martensite transformation region. In order to overcome these limitations, studies have been focused on microstructural engineering by aging, alloying and processing. Shape memory properties and microstructure of four Ni-rich NiTiHf alloys (Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20, Ni50.7Ti29.3Hf20, Ni51.2Ti28.8Hf20, and Ni52Ti28Hf20 (at. %)) were systematically characterized in the furnace cooled condition. H-phase precipitates were formed during furnace cooling in compositions with greater than 50.3Ni and the driving force for nucleation increased with Ni content. Alloy strength increased while recoverable strain decreased with increasing Ni content due to changes in precipitate characteristics. The effects of the heat treatments on the transformation characteristics and microstructure of the Ni-rich NiTiHf shape memory alloys have been investigated. Transformation temperatures are found to be highly annealing temperature dependent. Generation of nanosize precipitates (~20 nm in size) after three hours aging at 450 °C and 550 °C improved the strength of the material, resulting in a near perfect dimensional stability under high stress levels (> 1500 MPa) with a work output of 20–30 J cm– 3. Superelastic behavior with 4% recoverable strain was demonstrated at low and high temperatures where stress could reach to a maximum value of more than 2 GPa after three hours aging at 450 and 550 °C for alloys with Ni great than 50.3 at. %. Shape memory properties of polycrystalline Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20 alloys were studied via thermal cycling under stress and isothermal stress cycling experiments in tension. Recoverable strain of ~5% was observed for the as-extruded samples while it was decreased to ~4% after aging due to the formation of precipitates. The aged alloys demonstrated near perfect shape memory effect under high tensile stress level of 700 MPa and perfect superelasticity at high temperatures up to 230 °C. Finally, the tensioncompression asymmetry observed in NiTiHf where recoverable tensile strain was higher than compressive strain. The shape memory properties of solutionized and aged Ni-rich Ni50.3Ti29.7Hf20 single crystals were investigated along the [001], [011], and [111] orientations in compression. [001]-oriented single crystals showed high dimensional stability under stress levels as high as 1500 MPa in both the solutionized and aged conditions, but with transformation strains of less than 2%. Perfect superelasticity with recoverable strain of more than 4% was observed for solutionized and 550 °C-3h aged single crystals along the [011] and [111] orientations, and general superelastic behavior was observed over a wide temperature range. The calculated transformation strains were higher than the experimentally observed strains since the calculated strains could not capture the formation of martensite plates with (001) compound twins.


Kaya, Irfan 01 January 2014 (has links)
NiTi is the most commonly used shape memory alloy (SMA) and has been widely used for bio-medical, electrical and mechanical applications. Nickel rich NiTi shape memory alloys are coming into prominence due to their distinct superelasticity and shape memory properties as compared to near equi-atomic NiTi shape memory alloys. Besides, their lower density and higher work output than steels makes these alloys an excellent candidate for aerospace and automotive industry. Shape memory properties and phase transformation behavior of high Ni-rich Ni54Ti46 (at.%) polycrystals and Ni-rich Ni51Ti49 (at.%) single-crystals are determined. Their properties are sensitive to heat treatments that affect the phase transformation behavior of these alloys. Phase transformation properties and microstructure were investigated in aged Ni54Ti46 alloys with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to reveal the precipitation characteristics and R-phase formation. It was found that Ni54Ti46 has the ability to exhibit perfect superelasticity under high stress levels (~2 GPa) with 4% total strain after 550°C-3h aging. Stress independent R-phase transformation was found to be responsible for the change in shape memory behavior with stress. The shape memory responses of [001], [011] and [111] oriented Ni51Ti49 single-crystals alloy were reported under compression to reveal the orientation dependence of their shape memory behavior. It has been found that transformation strain, temperatures and hysteresis, Classius-Clapeyron slopes, critical stress for plastic deformation are highly orientation dependent. The effects of precipitation formation and compressive loading at selected temperatures on the two-way shape memory effect (TWSME) properties of a [111]-oriented Ni51Ti49 shape memory alloy were revealed. Additionally, aligned Ni4Ti3 precipitates were formed in a single crystal of Ni51Ti49 alloy by aging under applied compression stress along the [111] direction. Formation of a single family of Ni4Ti3 precipitates were exhibited significant TWSME without any training or deformation. When the homogenized and aged specimens were loaded in martensite, positive TWSME was observed. After loading at high temperature in austenite, the homogenized specimen did not show TWSME while the aged specimen revealed negative TWSME.

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