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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Undervisning i tidsbristens klassrum : En kvalitativ studie rörande tidsbristens inverkan på den svenska gymnasiala historieundervisningen / Teaching when in lack of time : A qualitative study about the influence of the lack of time in the Swedish upper secondary history teaching

Pääjärvi, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the study presented in this report was to analyse how the lack of time in the subjectof history, in Swedish upper secondary school, tend to influence the process of history didacticsthat affects teachers’ implementation of the curriculum. Furthermore, the study aimed toanalyse the outcome of the history didactics process in the vocational and theoretical programs.The process was examined through qualitative interviews with six history teachers that teach in two basic history courses and the analysis was based on a theoretical framework consisting of Street-Level Bureaucracy, Curriculum Theory and Vertical and Horizontal discourses. The result shows that the lack of time influences the execution of the history teaching in many ways. The history teaching in the vocational programs is though affected to a greater extent than the theoretical programs. Furthermore, the teachers in the present study find themselves in a complicated dilemma when it comes to balancing the ideal of the curriculum and the ideal of history teaching. The teachers shall both live up to the curriculum, while also adjusting the teaching to available time and students’ individual needs. The study also reaches the conclusion that the students in the vocational programs tend to have fewer opportunities to practise both vertical and horizontal knowledge, when compared to students in the theoretical programs. Based on Bernstein, this can be said to indicate that a reproduction of the prevailing social order and inequalities in society occur within the subject of history in Swedish upper secondary school. Finally, the teachers’ ability to deal with the prevailing problems could be facilitated through better conditions to execute the curriculum’s content, such as extended teaching time or a smaller amount of content to process and examine, especially within the vocational program where the implementation of the curriculum is most problematic.

Vilka var vi som grävde guld i USA? : Om banal nationalism under fotbolls-VM 1994

Börjegren, Per January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att studera uttryck för banal nationalism i svenska dagstidningar under världsmästerskapen i fotboll för herrar i USA 1994. Dels för att vidga begreppet nationalism, dels bidra med exempel på hur den kan synliggöras i vardagliga sammanhang och därigenom riskerar reproducera nationella föreställningar. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk har varit Michael Billigs diskursteori banal nationalism med understöd av Marianne Winther Jørgensens och Louise Phillips begreppsmetaforer för nationella diskurser. För att kunna genomföra en fördjupad analys har uppsatsen haft kompletterande forskningsfrågor om hur Sveriges spelare och tränare samt hur Sveriges motståndarspelare och motståndartränare framställs i materialet. Empirin har bestått utav 157 publiceringar inklusive tidningarnas omslag fördelat över 26 utgåvor av Aftonbladet (9), Expressen (9) samt Dagens Nyheter (8). Analysen visar att banal nationalism i hög utsträckning, på ett till synes omedvetet sätt, varit del i utgåvornas publiceringar kring världsmästerskapen. De uttryck för banal nationalism som förekommer kan ses som försök till att skapa engagemang och intresse hos läsare, men dessa språkliga val bidrar likväl till att producera och reproducera en närmast självklar nationell gemenskap. Därtill är skildringar av Sveriges spelare och tränare likartad mellan tidningar och utgåvor, samt står i kontrast till skildringar av motståndare. De förstnämnda ges egenskaper såsom ödmjuka och lojala, kloka och beslutsamma. Motståndare porträtteras inte sällan som irrationella och oberäkneliga. Styrdokument och historiedidaktisk forskning föreskriver att en elevcentrerad undervisning bör bedrivas, vilket ställer krav på historielärare att vara förtrogen med begrepp som nationalism. Uppsatsen visar att nationella föreställningar på ett oreflekterat sätt kan produceras och reproduceras i till synes vardagliga sammanhang. Resultatet kan således anses bidra med ett angeläget perspektiv för blivande historielärare att reflektera över. / The purpose of this essay has been to study expressions of banal nationalism in Swedish media during the World Cup in the United States 1994. It is meant to expand the knowledge of nationalism in day-to-day life, and how nationalistic ideas might be reproduced and reinforced. The theoretic framework of this essay relies on Michael Billigs discourse theory of banal nationalism, supplemented by Marianne Winther Jørgensens and Louise Phillips theories on metaphors in relation to national discourse. The investigated material consists of 157 different kinds of publications including first pages spread over 26 issues of Aftonbladet (9), Expressen (9) and Dagens Nyheter (8). The analysis shows that banal nationalism is prominent in the issue’s printed materials during the World Cup. The portrayals of Swedish’s players and coach are similar between newspapers and issues and stand in stark contrast to portrayals of the opponents. First mentioned are characterized as humble, loyal, wise and determined. Opponents are often characterized as unpredictable and inconstant. These expressions can be seen as attempts to create engagement and involvement, but nevertheless they´re also a part of producing and reproducing an almost self-explanatory national community. Ruling school documents and history didactic research shows that student-centered learning is preferrable, which demands a history teacher who is confidant with terms like nationalism. This essay shows that national conceptions can be produced and reproduced in ordinary life situations, in a seemingly unreflected way. The results can therefore be considered a meaningful perspective for soon-to-be history teachers to reflect upon.

Undervisning i Källhantering : En studie om historielärares resonemang kring arbetet med källor, källkritik och källhantering / Teaching Sourcing : A study of how history teachers’ reasoning about sources, source criticism and handling of sources

Schöld, Jack January 2021 (has links)
The use of historical source material and teaching in how to do historical analysis of sources is specific subject goal and knowledge requirements in all the upper secondary school's history courses. Previous research has shown that when historical sources and how the handling of these are the content of teaching, social science source criticism is practiced. Which means that the focus is not on historical disciplinary skills, which means that Swedish upper secondary school students' skills in managing sources in a disciplinary way are relatively low. The purpose of this study is to find new knowledge about which understandings history teachers have of analysis historical sources and which underlying reasoning form the basis for teachers' design of history teaching where sources and handling of them is the lesson content. The idea is that a study like this should be able to contribute with new knowledge about the problems with source handling in schools. The study uses interviews, four history teachers were interviewed, all active in upper secondary school. The results from the study partly confirm the previous research but also contribute with new knowledge. When history teachers talk and describe the teaching of source handling is based on an absolute source concept, it is likely that the teaching is conducted in an absolute and reconstructivist approach. In the process of handling historical sources, the teachers in this study describe that great emphasis is placed on source-critical criteria, arranged and simplified source exercises as well as conveying certain predetermined perspectives on history. This provides a knowledge contribution where insight and understanding are given on how history teachers perceive historical sources, how these should be handled and how they describe the implementation of their practical teaching. Previous research has been action-based or at an overall level examined source management. Through this study, new knowledge is provided that deepens and variegate the previous research knowledge of history teachers' handling of sources. / Användandet av historiskt källmaterial och undervisning i källhantering utgör ett specifikt ämnesmål och kunskapskrav i alla gymnasiets historiekurser. Den tidigare forskningen har visat att när historiska källor och hanteringen av dessa utgör historieundervisningens innehåll praktiseras ett samhällsvetenskapligt källkritiksbegrepp.  Detta gör att fokus inte är på ämnesdisciplinära förmågor, något som i sin tur medför att svenska gymnasieelevers färdigheter i att hantera källor på ett historiskt sätt på goda grunder kan antas vara förhållandevis låga. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka förståelser till källhantering av historiskt källmaterial som historielärare har och vilka bakomliggande resonemang som ligger till grund för deras utformning av historieundervisning där källor och källhantering utgör lektionsinnehållet. Tanken är att en sådan undersökning ska kunna bidra med ny kunskap om problemen med källhantering i skolorna. Undersökningen utgår från forskningsintervjuer intervjuades fyra stycken historielärare, alla verksamma i gymnasieskolan.  Resultatet från studien bekräftar delvis den tidigare forskningen men bidrar också med ny kunskap. När historielärare talar och beskriver undervisningen i källhantering utifrån ett absolut källbegrepp så är det sannolikt att undervisningen bedrivs på ett absolut och rekonstruktivistiskt sätt. I processen att hantera källor beskriver lärarna i denna studien att stor vikt läggs på källkritiska kriterier, tillrättalagda och förenklade källövningar samt förmedling av lärarens förbestämda perspektiv på historien. Därigenom lämnas ett kunskapsbidrag där det ges inblick och förståelse om hur historielärare uppfattar historiska källor, hur dessa bör hanteras och hur de beskriver genomförandet av deras praktiska undervisning. Tidigare forskning har varit aktionsbaserad eller på övergripande nivå undersökt källhanteringen. Genom denna studie ges ny kunskap som fördjupar och nyanserar forskningens kunskap om historielärares källhantering.

Historielärares Historia : En undersökning om Umeås Historielärarutbildning / History teachers History : A study about Umeås history teachers’ education

Myrlund Nordell, Moa January 2023 (has links)
The point of this study is to understand how Umeå university’s curriculum for the subject of history evolved in the time period 1970 to 2015. Therefore, this study will analyze Umeå university’s curriculum for the course History AB 1, that is included in the history teacher training education. Furthermore, this study will take this analyzation of the curriculum and compare it to the Swedish high school curriculum. This is to better understand the evolution of the education program for teachers, but also to study the symbiotic relationship between schools and universities. Moreover, this assignment will be using Stina Hallsén’s description of policy analyzes to examine the valuation and norms from Umeå’s curriculum, and then take the analyzation further by comparing it to the Swedish high school curriculum. It will thereafter be analyzed with Gert Biesta’s three concepts, Qualification, Socialization and subjectification. Biesta’s concepts will help to measure how good the education at the teacher education program in Umeå is. The results of the study can shortly be described that there’s a long line of changes happening at the teacher education program at Umeå university and the subject of history in the time period 1970 to 2015. The changes range from small differences like the curriculum changing pace, to big changes like entire course moments getting removed and new ones getting added. In addition, the curriculum from Umeå university gets compared to the Swedish high school curriculum. This comparison alongside the study’s framing of question serves to give better insight into how the teachers education program has changed and evolved during the time period. Lastly the results of this study show that yes, there is a symbiotic relationship between Umeå university’s education for teachers and the Swedish high school curriculum. Furthermore, the students attending the teacher training education are taught that becoming a teacher is a lifelong mission to evolve and understand the changes happening in the schools.

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