Spelling suggestions: "subject:"distory off architecture"" "subject:"distory oof architecture""
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A iniciativa privada e o mercado formal de habitação para o trabalhador na cidade de São Paulo, 1942-1964 / The private enterprise and the formal market of housing to the workers in São Paulo, 1942 1964Inoue, Luciana Massami 12 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo principal foi verificar a existência de grandes e pequenos empreendedores capitalistas privados na produção da habitação para o trabalhador no período na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1942 e 1964. O problema habitacional é antigo, e em muito se deve ao fato de que o trabalhador não tenha sido integrado plenamente à sociedade. Os mercados formal e informal do trabalho caminharam em paralelo, o mesmo ocorrendo com o mercado formal e informal da habitação. Os principais aspectos conjunturais detectados no período são: a Segunda Guerra Mundial; o debate nacional sobre o tema do desenvolvimento; a dívida externa; a inflação (que afetou fortemente o padrão de consumo do trabalhador, sua capacidade de poupança e, ao mesmo tempo, todo o complexo da indústria da construção); a industrialização e as migrações internas. Na cidade de São Paulo, verificaram-se os fenômenos de verticalização do centro e horizontalização de suas periferias, juntamente com a metropolização. Como metodologia empregada, recorreu-se à bibliografia especializada, e como fontes primárias, optou-se por percorrer as coleções de revistas econômicas e anúncios de jornais. Após 1942, a iniciativa privada, retraiu-se temporariamente do mercado de locação, contudo, não abandonou as opções de investimento habitacionais anteriores, como os cortiços e as vilas operárias. Atuou principalmente em quatro frentes de investimento voltadas para o trabalhador: venda de casas térreas e sobrados; kitchnettes; edifícios em condomínios; e loteamentos periféricos. / The aim of this research was to verify the existence of big and small private capitalist entrepreneurs in the housing production for workers in São Paulo, between 1942 and 1964. The housing problem is old and it is due very much to the fact that the worker never was fully integrated to Brazilian society. The formal and informal labor market developed simultaneously as the same way it occured with the formal and informal housing market. The major historic features in the period were: the Second World War, the debates about the topic of development, external debt, inflation (that affected strongly the consumption pattern of the workers, their capacity to save money, and at the same time the whole building industry complex), the industrialization, and the internal migration. In the city of São Paulo, there was the phenomena of verticalization downtown and horizontalization at the peripheries, along the metropolization process. Specialized bibliography was studied, and as primary sources, we have consulted the collections of economy periodicals and the real state advertisement in the newspapers. After 1942, the private enterprise stopped to invest in the rental market for a short time, however, it did not abandon the prior housing options of investments before, as shantytowns or cortiços and workers´ villages. The private enterprise has acted mainly in four fields of investment with the focus on the workers housing: sale of one or two storey houses; kitchnettes; condominium buildings, and periphery lots.
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Modernidade paulistana: o paisagismo de Roberto Coelho Cardozo / Modernity of São Paulo: landscaping from Roberto Coelho CardozoGabriela Tie Nagoya Tamari 08 May 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pretende contribuir para os estudos sobre a formação do campo paisagístico na cidade de São Paulo a partir da década de 1950, com enfoque nas expressões do paisagismo moderno. Para tanto, apresenta a trajetória do paisagista norte-americano Roberto Coelho Cardozo, desde a sua formação na UCBerkeley onde teve contato com o movimento de renovação paisagística que permeava o ambiente cultural e urbano da Costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos,passando pela atuação na docência na FAUUSP - quando inaugura a disciplina de paisagismo no curso de Arquitetura - até a sua produção técnica como paisagista, entre 1950 e 1970. Desde sua chegada a São Paulo até a partida à Inglaterra, na qual apreendeu e transformou os princípios da \"corrente californiana\", fez com que sua obra ganhasse uma modernidade específica, diferente dos outros paisagistas à época.O trabalho coloca a obra de Roberto Coelho Cardozo em perspectiva histórica esperando contribuir para o entendimento das questões relacionadas ao surgimento do campo profissional da Arquitetura Paisagística em São Paulo. / This research intends to contribute to the studies on the formation of the landscape architecture field in the city of São Paulo from the 1950sonwards, focusing on the expressions of modern landscaping. Therefore, we trace the trajectory of the American landscape designer Roberto Coelho Cardozo, since his graduation at UCBerkeley where he had his first contact with the landscape architecture renovation movement thatpermeated the cultural and urban environment of the West Coast of the United States; through his teaching at FAUUSP, introducing the Landscape Architecture discipline; up to his technical production as a landscaper between 1950 and 1970 - from his arrival in São Paulo until his departure to England, period in which he captured and transformed the principles of the Californian modernists, such as Garrett Eckbo and Thomas Church, making his work gain a specific modernity, distinct from other contemporary landscape designers. This analysis brings the work of Roberto Coelho Cardozo into a historical perspective, trying to contribute to the questions concerning the emergence of the Landscape Architecture field in São Paulo.
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L'église Saint-Michel, la fabrique d'un monument : étude historique, artistique et archéologique de l'église Saint-Michel de Bordeaux / The church of St Michael, the fabric of a monument : Historic, artistic and archaeological study about the church of St Michael of BordeauxDrapeau, Samuel 24 October 2016 (has links)
L’église Saint-Michel de Bordeaux est construite à la fin du Moyen Âge au centre d’une paroisse urbaine très dynamique. L’activité portuaire et commerciale fait vivre de nombreux artisans et enrichit les puissants marchands du quartier de la Rousselle. Ils sont investis dans le gouvernement de la commune et financent copieusement le chantier de leur église paroissiale. Leurs pratiques pieuses et leur activité à la tête de l’administration de la fabrique et des confréries sont représentatives de la religion civique à la fin du Moyen Âge. L’église accueille depuis la fin du XVe siècle un collège de prêtres-bénéficiers, au service des nombreuses fondations pieuses et des confréries installées dans les chapelles latérales. Elles sont construites durant le second chantier gothique, qui met en œuvre à partir du second quart du XVe siècle une vaste église flamboyante de plan basilical. Celle-ci succède à une première église gothique menée à son terme durant le XIVe siècle selon un parti-pris architectural de type « halle ». Le chantier de la cathédrale, qui introduit à Bordeaux les formes du gothique rayonnant du Nord de la France, est une source d’inspiration à Saint-Michel, dans le domaine de la modénature et de la sculpture monumentale. Le chantier flamboyant voit l’arrivée de maîtres-maçons dont l’œuvre a pu être identifiée. Elle se réfère aux chantiers normands, parisiens ou financés par le roi de France. Les Lebas de Saintes apportent leur culture artistique et leur technique à l’accomplissement du transept, à la conception de la nef et du clocher isolé. La faible influence de l’œuvre de Saint-Michel sur la création artistique locale est compensée par le rayonnement de son clocher-tour, un des plus hauts clochers du royaume. Son chantier exceptionnel est très bien renseigné par 11 années de comptes de la fabrique. Ils illustrent les conditions de travail et l’équipement nécessaire à la construction à grande hauteur. Un des autres chefs-d’œuvre de l’église, le portail nord, est probablement réalisé vers 1520 par Imbert Boachon, maître-maçon, imagier, menuisier, selon la nature des travaux et selon les villes ou il travaille. Aujourd’hui, la silhouette de l’église et du clocher, tous deux isolés au milieu de plusieurs places, ne reflète plus totalement la morphologie de l’œuvre médiévale. Des faiblesses structurelles obligent les hommes du XIXe siècle à reconstruire le chevet. Le clocher est rénové par Paul Abadie et l’église reçoit une esthétique gothique influencée par l’archéologie monumentale et les doctrines de la restauration patrimoniale de l’époque. / The church of St Michael of Bordeaux has been built in the late Middle Ages, in a very dynamic urban parish. The fluvial and commercial activities of the port generate work for craftsmen and enrich the powerful merchants from the borough of La Rousselle. These merchants are invested in the communal government and finance the building of their parish church. Their pious practices and their activity at the head of the parish fabric and friaries are good examples of the late medieval civic religion. From the end of the fifteenth century, the church receives a college of priest provided by religious benefits. They are in the service of many pious foundations and friaries which are established in the lateral chapels. These chapels are built during the second gothic construction, which makes a big Flamboyant style church with the plan of a basilica. This building follows a first gothic church, conducted at its term during the fourteenth century in accordance to a “halle” architectural volume. The construction of the cathedral of Bordeaux, which introduces the gothic style from the north of France, is an inspiration for St Michael, in the domain of modenature and monumental sculpture. The Flamboyant construction induces the arrival of some master mason, whose work can be identified. That work is influenced by Norman, Parisian and French king’s financed buildings. The Lebas from Saintes give their artistic culture and their technique to the accomplishment of the transept, to the conception of the nave and the isolated bell tower. The low influence of the work of St Michael of Bordeaux on the local artistic creation is balanced with the bell tower, one of the tallest in the French kingdom. Its constructions are well informed thanks to an eleven years’ register for the fabric accounting. It illustrates the work conditions and the necessary equipment for high tall building. One of the masterworks of the church, the north portal, is probably made around 1520 by Imbert Boachon, master mason, sculptor or joiner according to the kind of the work or the town where he works. Nowadays, the silhouette of the church and the bell tower are isolated in the middle of many places and are not totally representative of the medieval made morphology. Some structural frailties oblige the nineteenth century men to rebuild the chevet. The bell tower is renovated by Paul Abadie and the church receives a gothic aesthetic which is influenced by monumental archaeology and the patrimonial restorations doctrines of that period.
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Teatros em São Paulo (1890-1911): cultura, arquitetura e cidade a partir de fontes primárias / Theaters in São Paulo (1890-1911): culture, architecture and city from primary sourcesAmado, Marina Rodrigues 24 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho é resultado de nossa investigação histórica e arquitetônica acerca dos projetos de teatros elaborados entre os anos de 1890 e 1911 no centro de São Paulo, quando se consolidou a tipologia teatral na cidade. A partir de 1890, verifica-se um considerável aumento das casas de espetáculo e a introdução de novos espaços. O período em estudo abarca desde os primeiros teatros particulares, construídos sob a égide do regime republicano, até a inauguração do Teatro Municipal de São Paulo, em 1911, quando se encerra um complexo processo de mais de dez anos entre a concepção e a construção desse teatromonumento. A partir de fontes primárias (documentos contidos na coleção e na série de Obras Particulares e na coleção de Papeis Avulsos do acervo do Arquivo Histórico de São Paulo, periódicos e legislação do período, iconografia e cartografia históricas de variados acervos) e à luz das fontes secundárias, levantamos onze projetos de teatros, que nos permitiram construir um repertório para situar e compreender especificidades do espaço teatral paulistano, tais como tipologia, características arquitetônicas, elementos compositivos e técnicas construtivas. O conjunto de projetos encontrados - construídos ou não construídos - foi organizado a partir de três categorias: um local, um autor e um objeto, o que nos proporcionou uma leitura sobre diversos aspectos da história de São Paulo - seu processo de construção, seu crescimento e suas transformações, constituindo um rico acervo para o estudo de suas questões urbanas, econômicas, políticas, culturais e sociais. / This work is the result of our historical and architectural research about theatre projects created between 1890 and 1911 in the city center, same period when the theatre typology consolidated in São Paulo. Since 1890, we verified a substantial increasing of the number of playhouses and the introduction of some new spaces. The period we have been studying has as marks the construction of the first private theatres built under the aegis of the republican regime and the opening of Teatro Municipal de São Paulo, in 1911, when a complex process of more than ten years between the conception and the construction of this monument-theatre got finished. Based on primary sources (documents from the Arquivo Histórico de São Paulo\'s collections and series of Private Works and Detached Papers, periodicals and laws, historical iconography and cartography from several collections) and on secondary sources, we brought up eleven theatre projects, which have allowed us to construct a repertory to situate and understand the specificities of São Paulo\'s theatrical space: typology, architectural features, compositional elements and construction techniques. The set of theatre projects founded - either built or not - was organized in three categories: location, authorship and object, which provided us a reading of various aspects of São Paulo\'s history: its construction process, growing and transformations, forming a rich collection for the study of urban, economic, political, cultural and social issues.
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Metoda dějin umění v díle Heinricha Wölfflina (1864-1945) / The Methodology of Art History in the Work of Heinrich Wölfflin (1864-1945)Mandažiev, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Heinrich Wölfflin (1864-1945) is considered one of the most influential art history scholars. His study entitled "Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe" ("Principles of Art History"), published in 1915, gained considerable response, both critical and favourable. In the study, Wölfflin attempted to explain transpersonal principles of periodically repeating artistic evolution. This evolutionary process, culminating in two phases, conditions entire artistic output (architecture, sculpture, painting, artistic craft), which thus developes within predetermined limits. Wölfflin defined each phase by concepts-pentad that gives a true picture of its character. First of the climaxes is the art oriented according to the analogy with the sense of touch; the second one is the artistic output defined by the analogy with the sense of sight. Wölfflin deduced the contradiction of the "linear style" (fixed to objects) and the "painting style" (wedded to purely optical qualities) from evolutionary degrees of human imaginantion, which developes precisely from haptic to visual projections. This progression - as emphasized by him - is always one-way and can not be reversal. Both these style-types are being permeated by various, historicaly conditioned culturally-historical contents that represent an outer component of the...
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JAPONSKO A MODERNÍ ARCHITEKTURA 1945-1970. Diskurs v Evropě poloviny 20. století / Japan Modern Architecture 1945-1970. Discourse in the mid-20th-century EuropeHojda, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation deals with ideas about Japanese architecture in the Western, namely European discourse between 1945 and 1970. Architects and critics identified striking similarities between the Modernist architectural principles and the Japanese tradition from the 1920s; after the World War II, these similarities sparked a wide interest among the architectural public, which led to numerous publications on Japan unprecedented in scope and depth when compared with any other non-Western culture. The goal of this work is to map the discourse that occurred this way, identify the main themes connected to Japan, and show their significance. The sources for the study are prevalently printed media: architectural magazines and books. The notion of 'image' of Japan proves useful since we study interpretations of a different culture; history of ideas as well as visual representation in photography. At the same time, work also follows the of general issues of understanding the 'other'. An analysis of these various representations of Japan in the printed architectural media makes up the main part of the research presented here. To examine the origins of these ideas we go back to the 1930 with architects-writers Tetsurō Yoshida and Bruno Taut, and subsequently look into of writings about Japan by architects who...
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A iniciativa privada e o mercado formal de habitação para o trabalhador na cidade de São Paulo, 1942-1964 / The private enterprise and the formal market of housing to the workers in São Paulo, 1942 1964Luciana Massami Inoue 12 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo principal foi verificar a existência de grandes e pequenos empreendedores capitalistas privados na produção da habitação para o trabalhador no período na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1942 e 1964. O problema habitacional é antigo, e em muito se deve ao fato de que o trabalhador não tenha sido integrado plenamente à sociedade. Os mercados formal e informal do trabalho caminharam em paralelo, o mesmo ocorrendo com o mercado formal e informal da habitação. Os principais aspectos conjunturais detectados no período são: a Segunda Guerra Mundial; o debate nacional sobre o tema do desenvolvimento; a dívida externa; a inflação (que afetou fortemente o padrão de consumo do trabalhador, sua capacidade de poupança e, ao mesmo tempo, todo o complexo da indústria da construção); a industrialização e as migrações internas. Na cidade de São Paulo, verificaram-se os fenômenos de verticalização do centro e horizontalização de suas periferias, juntamente com a metropolização. Como metodologia empregada, recorreu-se à bibliografia especializada, e como fontes primárias, optou-se por percorrer as coleções de revistas econômicas e anúncios de jornais. Após 1942, a iniciativa privada, retraiu-se temporariamente do mercado de locação, contudo, não abandonou as opções de investimento habitacionais anteriores, como os cortiços e as vilas operárias. Atuou principalmente em quatro frentes de investimento voltadas para o trabalhador: venda de casas térreas e sobrados; kitchnettes; edifícios em condomínios; e loteamentos periféricos. / The aim of this research was to verify the existence of big and small private capitalist entrepreneurs in the housing production for workers in São Paulo, between 1942 and 1964. The housing problem is old and it is due very much to the fact that the worker never was fully integrated to Brazilian society. The formal and informal labor market developed simultaneously as the same way it occured with the formal and informal housing market. The major historic features in the period were: the Second World War, the debates about the topic of development, external debt, inflation (that affected strongly the consumption pattern of the workers, their capacity to save money, and at the same time the whole building industry complex), the industrialization, and the internal migration. In the city of São Paulo, there was the phenomena of verticalization downtown and horizontalization at the peripheries, along the metropolization process. Specialized bibliography was studied, and as primary sources, we have consulted the collections of economy periodicals and the real state advertisement in the newspapers. After 1942, the private enterprise stopped to invest in the rental market for a short time, however, it did not abandon the prior housing options of investments before, as shantytowns or cortiços and workers´ villages. The private enterprise has acted mainly in four fields of investment with the focus on the workers housing: sale of one or two storey houses; kitchnettes; condominium buildings, and periphery lots.
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Teatros em São Paulo (1890-1911): cultura, arquitetura e cidade a partir de fontes primárias / Theaters in São Paulo (1890-1911): culture, architecture and city from primary sourcesMarina Rodrigues Amado 24 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho é resultado de nossa investigação histórica e arquitetônica acerca dos projetos de teatros elaborados entre os anos de 1890 e 1911 no centro de São Paulo, quando se consolidou a tipologia teatral na cidade. A partir de 1890, verifica-se um considerável aumento das casas de espetáculo e a introdução de novos espaços. O período em estudo abarca desde os primeiros teatros particulares, construídos sob a égide do regime republicano, até a inauguração do Teatro Municipal de São Paulo, em 1911, quando se encerra um complexo processo de mais de dez anos entre a concepção e a construção desse teatromonumento. A partir de fontes primárias (documentos contidos na coleção e na série de Obras Particulares e na coleção de Papeis Avulsos do acervo do Arquivo Histórico de São Paulo, periódicos e legislação do período, iconografia e cartografia históricas de variados acervos) e à luz das fontes secundárias, levantamos onze projetos de teatros, que nos permitiram construir um repertório para situar e compreender especificidades do espaço teatral paulistano, tais como tipologia, características arquitetônicas, elementos compositivos e técnicas construtivas. O conjunto de projetos encontrados - construídos ou não construídos - foi organizado a partir de três categorias: um local, um autor e um objeto, o que nos proporcionou uma leitura sobre diversos aspectos da história de São Paulo - seu processo de construção, seu crescimento e suas transformações, constituindo um rico acervo para o estudo de suas questões urbanas, econômicas, políticas, culturais e sociais. / This work is the result of our historical and architectural research about theatre projects created between 1890 and 1911 in the city center, same period when the theatre typology consolidated in São Paulo. Since 1890, we verified a substantial increasing of the number of playhouses and the introduction of some new spaces. The period we have been studying has as marks the construction of the first private theatres built under the aegis of the republican regime and the opening of Teatro Municipal de São Paulo, in 1911, when a complex process of more than ten years between the conception and the construction of this monument-theatre got finished. Based on primary sources (documents from the Arquivo Histórico de São Paulo\'s collections and series of Private Works and Detached Papers, periodicals and laws, historical iconography and cartography from several collections) and on secondary sources, we brought up eleven theatre projects, which have allowed us to construct a repertory to situate and understand the specificities of São Paulo\'s theatrical space: typology, architectural features, compositional elements and construction techniques. The set of theatre projects founded - either built or not - was organized in three categories: location, authorship and object, which provided us a reading of various aspects of São Paulo\'s history: its construction process, growing and transformations, forming a rich collection for the study of urban, economic, political, cultural and social issues.
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Roteiros americanos: as viagens de Mindlin e Artigas pelos Estados Unidos , 1943-1947 / American Roadmaps: the travels of Mindlin and Artigas by the United States, 1943-1947João Clark de Abreu Sodré 17 June 2016 (has links)
A tese investiga as possíveis aproximações entre arquitetura e viagens de formação a partir das experiências de deslocamentos de dois arquitetos de São Paulo pelos Estados Unidos, entre 1943 e 1947. Formados respectivamente pelas escolas de engenharia do Mackenzie e da USP na década anterior, Henrique Mindlin (1911-1971) e João Vilanova Artigas (1915-85) empreenderam suas viagens aos EUA em anos decisivos de modelagem de sua atitude e liderança no campo profissional, de modernização do campo arquitetônico no Brasil, bem como de ampliação dos mecanismos de cooperação entre os dois países. Propõe-se entender estas viagens tanto em seus aspectos comuns, como um expediente caro à própria história da arquitetura, quanto nas particularidades de cada uma delas, dos arquitetos que as empreenderam, dos itinerários que desenvolveram e no momento mesmo em que o fizeram. / The thesis investigates the possible approximations between architecture and training trips based on the experiences of two US architects traveling from São Paulo between 1943 and 1947. They were graduated respectively from Mackenzie and USP engineering schools in the previous decade, Henrique Mindlin (1911-1971) and João Vilanova Artigas (1915-85) undertook their travels to the United States in decisive years modeling their attitude and leadership in the professional field of modernizing the architectural field in Brazil, as well as expanding cooperation mechanisms between The two countries. It is proposed to understand these journeys both in their common aspects, as a costly expedient for the history of architecture itself, as well as the particularities of each one of them, the architects who carried them out, the itineraries they developed and the moment they did so.
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Tintas da terra tintas do reino: arquitetura e arte nas Missões Jesuíticas do Grão-Pará (1653-1759) / Tintas da Terra, Tintas do Reino: Art and Architecture in the Grão-Pará Jesuit Missions (1653-1759)Renata Maria de Almeida Martins 01 October 2009 (has links)
A presente tese estuda a produção arquitetônica e artística nas Missões Jesuíticas situadas no território do antigo Estado do Maranhão e Grão-Pará (criado em 1621), com particular destaque à região da Capitania do Grão-Pará. O arco temporal compreende os anos de 1653 (estabelecimento da Companhia de Jesus em Belém) a 1759 (expulsão dos jesuítas das colônias portuguesas). A tese enfoca, em particular, o trabalho artístico de jesuítas e índios nas oficinas que funcionaram no Colégio Jesuítico de Santo Alexandre em Belém a partir do século XVIII; procurando identificar a irradiação de modelos criados nas mesmas em direção às igrejas e capelas implantadas pelos jesuítas ao longo do Rio Amazonas e seus afluentes; sobretudo, àquelas que estavam localizadas em vilas, aldeias ou fazendas jesuíticas mais próximas a Belém (Vila de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré da Vigia, Vila Souza do Caeté, Mortigura, Gibirié, Mamaiacú, Jaguarari, entre outras). É colocada a hipótese de que Belém, como um pólo criador de modelos (também pólo econômico e comercial), alimentou toda a produção artística dos jesuítas no Grão-Pará, ao difundir seus métodos de trabalho e suas experiências técnicas. O título Tintas da Terra, Tintas do Reino sintetiza a idéia central da tese, de que o legado dos jesuítas na arquitetura e na arte nas missões do Grão-Pará é resultado do trabalho de europeus e de índios, e do emprego de suas tradições culturais. / This thesis is a study of the artistic and architectural production of the Jesuit Missions in the former State of Maranhão and Grão Pará, which was established in 1621, with a special emphasis on the Captaincy of Grão Pará. The period under study spans the time from 1653, when the Society of Jesus settled in the city of Belém, to 1759, when the Jesuits were expelled from Portuguese colonies. This thesis focuses in particular on the artistic work of both jesuits and indians carried out in the workshops at the Jesuit School of Santo Alexandre in Belém in the 18th century. The thesis seeks to trace the dissemination of the models created in such workshops throughout the Jesuit churches and chapels that were built along the borders of the River Amazon and its tributaries, especially those located in the Jesuit aldeias, vilas and fazendas closer to Belém (Vila de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré da Vigia, Vila Souza do Caeté, Mortigura, Gibirié, Mamaiacú, Jaguarari, among others). The hypothesis under investigation in this study is that Belém, in addition to being an economic and commercial hub, was also an artistic center providing models, working methods and technical expertise for the entire Jesuit artistic community in the Grão Pará. The title Tintas da Terra, Tintas do Reino summarizes the core idea underlying this thesis, namely that the Jesuit legacy in the art and architecture of the Grão Pará missions is the result of the work of europeans and indians, who in doing so resorted to their respective cultural traditions.
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