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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formal carers in health care and the social services witnessing abuse of the elderly in their homes

Saveman, Britt-Inger January 1994 (has links)
The purpose was to elucidate the reactions of formal carers as witnesses and helpers in situations of elder abuse, to illuminate abusive situations and to reflect on the findings from an ethical point of view. Twenty-one district nurses from one county council were interviewed (I, II, III, IV). They described the problems they had when dealing with cases of elder abuse, the uncertainty they felt when they approached the family, identified the abuse and intervened (I). They used no distinct definition of elder abuse but described it as ’overstepping the boundaries of a person’s integrity/autonomy’ (II). In the 44 cases narrated the elderly people were mostly physically and/or psychologically impaired, the person abused could either be the impaired elderly person, the informal carer or both. Abuse was related to the inability of one party to meet the demands made on him/herself, the other person, or to a history of violence (III). The cases narrated were analysed for reliability and were considered reliable (IV). Questionnaires submitted to 163 district nurses revealed 33 cases of elder abuse (V) and to home service assistants 97 cases (VI). The abused elderly people were often very old women, mostly healthy or unhealthy in equal proportions. The perpetrators were mostly close relatives, responsible or not responsible for the caring. The abusive acts often involved a combination of psychological, physical, and financial abuse and neglect. Mental disturbance and alcohol abuse, as well as financial reasons were reported as contributing to the abuse (V, VI). The attitudes of general practitioners, district nurses and home service assistants towards elder abuse and the interventions suggested in hypothetical cases of elder abuse were investigated (VII). All groups were uncertain about their attitudes towards elder abuse. Their suggested interventions were amalgamated into three groups; sparse and of the social type, more specific and of the health care and voluntary type, or overall types of intervention. The situation, profession and organization seemed to result in different interventions (VII). The findings were reflected on using Lögstrup’s ethic as a framework, and the conclusion was that in order to be able to intervene successfully formal carers need to find solutions on a meta-level. Conventions and norms must be developed and public responsibility is needed. / <p>S. 1-82: sammanfattning, s. 85-199: 7 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Service quality in nursing homes : a construct, measurement and performance model to increase client focus

Lapré, Frederik Albert Ludwig January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the quality of care for the elderly in nursing homes, responding to a critical social and demographic imperative. The aim of this study is to provide a service quality construct for nursing homes to increase client focus and satisfaction. The research is underpinned by the service quality literature. It utilises the SERVQUAL construct to explore the nature of service quality in nursing homes through semi-structured interviews with nursing home residents and resident's families. A service quality scale was constructed comprising six dimensions and 27 scale items capturing service delivery in nursing homes. This scale was purified through a survey of residents and family members (n=263). Through exploratory factor analysis, six importance and four experience factors were identified. Regression analysis was used to identify relationships between the factors, service quality and satisfaction. The results indicate that importance does not predict perceived quality, though experience of responsiveness and hospitality and courtesy and personal approach are indicators of service quality. Furthermore, quality emerges as a predictor of satisfaction. From these outcomes, a service quality construct was developed which comprises of service marketing and service quality dimensions. This thesis contributes to the construction of the concept of service quality in nursing homes, its dimensionality and thus the precursors of satisfaction. These have considerable implications for the management of nursing home services.homes, its dimensionality and thus the precursors of satisfaction. These have considerable implications for the management of nursing home services.

A reassuring presence: An evaluation of Bradford District Hospice at Home service

Lucas, Beverley J., Small, Neil A., Greasley, Peter, Daley, A. January 2008 (has links)
Yes / Within the United Kingdom, a developing role for primary care services in cancer and palliative care has resulted in an increase in palliative home care teams. The provision of professional care in the home setting seeks to provide necessary services and enhanced choice for patients whose preference is to die at home. A mismatch between patient preference for home death and the actual number of people who died at home was identified within Bradford, the locality of this study. In response to this mismatch, and reflecting the policy environment of wishing to enhance community service provision, the four Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in the city sought to offer support to patients who wished to remain in their own homes through the final stages of a terminal illness. To offer this support they set up a dedicated hospice at home team. This would provide services and support for patients in achieving a dignified, symptom free and peaceful death, allowing families to maximise time spent together. The aim of the study was to evaluate the Bradford hospice at home service from the perspective of carers, nurses and General Practitioners. Postal questionnaires were sent to carers (n = 289), district nurses (n = 508) and GP's (n = 444) using Bradford's hospice at home service. Resulting quantitative data was analysed using the Statical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and qualitative data was analysed using grounded theory techniques. The data from carers, district nurses and GPs provide general support for the Bradford hospice at home service. Carers valued highly the opportunity to 'fulfil a promise' to the individual who wished to be cared for at home. District nurses and GPs cited the positive impact of access to specialist expertise. This was a 'reassuring presence' for primary healthcare teams and offered 'relief of carer anxiety' by providing prompt, accessible and sensitive care. Carers and health professionals welcomed the increased possibility of patients being cared for at home. The study identified the need to focus on improving skill levels of staff and on ensuring continuity of care.

Vývojové tendence domácího zpravodajství ČTK / Tendencies of development in internal news service of ČTK

Králová, Vanda January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Development of Home service in the CTK" focuses on the changing news production in the Czech News Agency (CTK), a dominant national news agency in the Czech republic, between 1993 and 2013. From the very beginning of 1990's the agency started to be a public service institution, but obliged to earn money on its own. Already in 1990's it stopped receiving state subsidies, having to severly cut its costs and reduce the number of employees. Despite this,CTK increased range of its services as well as number of clients and also fought succesfully its competitors. This thesis tries to answer the question how have these changes influenced the news service. It follows the changes in number of published news articles, structure of the articles and also focuses on application of chosen theme categories, sources, quatations and with the title. Quantitative content analysis has been chosen as a method of research, using two sampled weeks in 1993 and 2013. There were more than 770 news articles analysed, focusing on 12 areas of research. Theoretical ground for this thesis consisted of methodology of media research as well as sources on CTK's history and function, including its annual reports.

Brandsäkerhet ur hemtjänstens perspektiv : En enkätstudie med Sveriges hemtjänster

Hansson, Petter January 2021 (has links)
9 av 10 bränder där personer omkommer inträffar i bostäder, där. Personer i åldersgruppen 80 år eller äldre är överrepresenterade. Visionen för den svenska nationella strategin för att stärka brandskyddet för individen är att “ingen ska omkomma eller skadas allvarligt till följd av brand”. Delmålsättningen för visionen var att antalet omkomna och allvarligt skadade i bränder ska minska med en tredjedel mellan år 2010 och 2020. När individer bor i sina egna hem, så kallat ordinärt boende, förutsätter bygglagstiftningen att personer själva sätter sig i säkerhet i händelse av brand. Då detta är svårt för äldre med funktionshinder, har MSB har publicerat ett exempel på checklista för kommuner att använda som mall vid riskinventering hos brukare. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur kommunal och privat hemtjänst arbetar med brandskyddsarbete. Men även om synen på brandskydd inom hemtjänsten är olika beroende på vart i landet respondenten är verksam och vilken arbetsform hen har. Metoden som valdes för arbetet var enkätstudie samt litteraturstudie. Enkäten delades upp i olika spår, beroende på om respondenten arbetade ute hos brukare eller inte arbetade ute hos brukare. Målet var att alla enhetschefer (chefer över hemtjänstgrupper) i Sverige skulle få förfrågan att delta i studien. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av respondenterna anser att brandskydd inte är hemtjänstens ansvarsområde. Det pekar även på att det var en skillnad på synen på brandskydd beroende på om respondenten arbetade ute hos brukare eller om hen inte gjorde det. Där respondenter som arbetade ute hos brukare i större utsträckning kontrollerade och jobbade med brukarnas brandskydd än de respondenter som inte arbetade ute hos brukare. Dock var antalet respondenter som arbetade ute hos brukare lägre än de som inte arbetade ute hos brukare. Den visar även att respondenternas syn på brandskydd skiljer sig geografiskt. Detta kunde utgöras av exempelvis användandet av en checklista för riksinventering med avseende på brandskydd, som användes mer frekvent inom vissa regioner än andra. De slutsatser som kan dras av arbetet är att ansvaret för de äldre som inte kan se efter sitt eget brandskydd inte är specificerat. Enligt lagen om skydd mot olyckor så är det den enskildes ansvar att se över sitt brandskydd om hen bor i ordinärt boende. Men om personen inte själv kan göra det, exempelvis på grund av demens eller funktionshinder så finns det ingen klar bild om vem som ska göra det. Socialtjänstlagen kan tolkas så att det är kommunernas ansvar att se över den äldre befolkningen inom kommunen. Dock specificeras brandskydd inte inom lagen. / 9 out of 10 fires in which people die occur in their homes, there. People in the age group 80 years or older are overrepresented in deaths caused by fire. The vision of the Swedish national strategy for strengthening fire protection for the individual is that "no one should die or be seriously injured as a result of fire". The sub-goal for the vision was that the number of fatalities and serious injuries in fires should decrease by one third between 2010 and 2020. When individuals live in their own homes, so-called ordinary housing, the building legislation presupposes that people themselves put themselves in safety in the event of a fire. As this is difficult for the elderly with disabilities, MSB has published an example of a checklist for municipalities to use as a template for risk inventory for individuals. The purpose of the report is to investigate how municipal and private home services work with fire protection work. But even if the view of fire protection in the home care service is different depending on where in the country the respondent is active and what form of work he has. The method chosen for the work was a questionnaire study and a literature study. The questionnaire was divided into different tracks, depending on whether the respondent worked out with users or did not work out with users. The goal was that all unit heads in Sweden would be asked to participate in the study.   The results show that the majority of the respondents believe that fire protection is not the home service's area of ​​responsibility. It also shows that there was a difference in the view of fire protection depending on whether the respondent worked out with patients or did not. Where respondents who worked out at users to a greater extent controlled and worked around the users' fire protection than the respondents who did not work out at users. However, the number of respondents who worked out at users was lower than those who did not work out at users. It also shows that the respondents' views on fire protection differ geographically. This could consist of, for example, the use of a checklist for national inventory with regard to fire protection, which was used more frequently in some regions than others.  The conclusions that can be drawn from the work are that the responsibility for the elderly who cannot look after their own fire protection is not specified. According to the law on protection against accidents, it is the individual's responsibility to review their fire protection if they live in ordinary housing. But if the person cannot do it himself, for example due to dementia or disability, there is no clear picture of who should do it. The Social Services Act may indicate that it is the municipalities' responsibility to review the elderly population within the municipality, but nothing is printed out exactly regarding fire protection.

Aplicativo de barberia a domicilio “daily cut barber”

Huamán Cuenca, Brissila Del Rosario, Povis Chávez, Javier Daniel, Rivera Calderón, Kevin Arnold, Romero Trujillo, Mónica, Solar Velásquez, Rodrigo Gonzalo 18 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por finalidad demostrar la viabilidad del proyecto de negocio llamado “Daily Cut Barber”, con una proyección de 5 años. Nuestro proyecto es un aplicativo móvil que permitirá brindar el servicio de barbería a domicilio para hombres y niños, ofreciendo a los usuarios la posibilidad de determinar el lugar, barbero y el horario según sus necesidades. Esta aplicación estará disponible en los sistemas operativos de Android y IOS, buscando ser masiva al segmento al cual nos dirigimos. Tras un breve registro el cliente podrá solicitar cualquiera de nuestros servicios, esta acción traerá como consecuencia que todos nuestros barberos asociados responderán a ese servicio para aparecer como opción al cliente. Este tendrá a la mano: el perfil, la cantidad de servicios realizados y el ranking para poder tomar la decisión con total seguridad. Nuestro público objetivo está orientado a dos tipos de clientes, por un lado están los usuarios que son varones desde los 13 años hasta 55 años de los niveles socioeconómicos A y B en la ciudad de Lima, por otro lado están los barberos(as) con experiencia en el rubro. Finalmente, la difusión de la propuesta de negocio será a través de redes sociales, tales como Facebook e Instagram, y página Web, las cuales nos permiten interactuar con los clientes y dar a notar los servicios que brindamos. / The purpose of this research work is to demonstrate the viability of the business project called “Daily Cut Barber”, with a projection of 5 years. Our project is a mobile application that will allow us to provide the home barber service for men and boys, offering users the possibility of determining the place, barber and the schedule according to their needs. This application will be available in Android and IOS operating systems, seeking to be massive to the segment we are targeting. After a brief registration, the client may request any of our services, this action will result in all our associated barbers responding to that service to appear as an option to the client. This will have at hand: the profile, the number of services performed and the ranking to be able to make the decision with total security. Our target audience is oriented to two types of clients, on the one hand there are male users from 13 years to 55 years of socioeconomic levels A and B in the city of Lima, on the other hand there are barbers with experience in the field. Finally, the dissemination of the business proposal will be through social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram, and the website, which allow us to interact with customers and publicize the services we provide. / Trabajo de investigación

Servicios de belleza a domicilio exclusivo para mujeres: Yve Beauté / Exclusive beauty services at home: Yve Beauté

Echeverría Arévalo , Yvette Angelita, Sánchez Lozano, Erika Hilda, Ayón Ruiz, Jorge Hugo, Otero Fajardo, Daniel, Paredes Terry, Oscar Alberto 06 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal es describir y analizar el negocio: Yve Beauté. El empoderamiento femenino ha permitido que la mujer de hoy se preocupe por su imagen, cuidado personal no por belleza sino por su salud, contando con presupuesto de gastos mensuales, sin embargo, cuenta con algunas necesidades que resolver por la falta de tiempo y falta de confianza en los estilistas que no cuentan con medidas de bioseguridad adecuadas en un Salón de Belleza. La solución es un servicio de belleza integral a domicilio exclusivo para mujeres, con el uso de tecnología como el escáner facial y un aplicativo móvil para agendar su cita. Lo cual le permitirá recibirlo en la comodidad de su hogar sin tiempo de espera, con la confianza garantizada por la empresa y con los protocolos de bioseguridad durante la recepción del servicio. El proyecto es innovador en su rubro, ya que hoy en día no hay un servicio en nuestro país como el que proponemos ya que el servicio que ofrecemos es único en nuestro mercado en donde predomina un excelente servicio al cliente, insumos de calidad, medidas de bioseguridad y la tecnología. La metodología utilizada es, mixta: revisión bibliográfica, entrevistas, focus group, campañas de redes sociales, landing page, entre otros. Los resultados del análisis del negocio nos indica que es atractivo financiar. Se concluye que es negocio altamente rentable e innovador gracias a la gestión de sus estrategias en especial de marketing y ventas. / The main objective of this research work is to describe and analyze the business: Yve Beauté. Female empowerment has allowed today's woman to worry about her image, personal care not for beauty but for her health, with a monthly expense budget, however, she has some needs to solve because of a lack of time and lack of confidence in stylists who do not have adequate biosecurity measures in a Beauty Salon. The solution is a comprehensive beauty service at home exclusively for women, with the use of technology such as a facial scanner and a mobile application to schedule your appointment. This will allow you to receive it in the comfort of your home without waiting time, with the confidence guaranteed by the company and with biosecurity protocols during the reception of the service. The project is innovative in its field, since today there is no service in our country like the one, we propose since the service we offer is unique in our market where excellent customer service, quality inputs, biosecurity measures and technology predominate. The methodology used is, mixed: bibliographic review, interviews, focus group, social media campaigns, landing page, among others. The results of the business analysis tell us that it is attractive to finance. It is concluded that it is a highly profitable and innovative business thanks to the management of its strategies, in particular marketing and sales. / Trabajo de investigación

Les services à domicile pour les personnes âgées et les personnes handicapées : solvabilisation de l’accès aux services et protection des bénéficiaires / Home services for the elderly and the disabled persons : solvency of access to services and users protection

Delor, Pierre 23 June 2016 (has links)
Depuis une cinquantaine d’années l’action sociale en faveur des personnes âgées et des personnes handicapées s’est construite par empilements successifs de dispositifs législatifs et réglementaires sans une volonté d’harmonisation et de cohérence.Les services à domicile, sanitaires ou médico-sociaux, créés ces vingt dernières années n’échappent pas à ce mouvement, qu’ils soient en direction des enfants ou des adultes handicapés, ou des personnes âgées.Cette thèse fait l’état de ce qui existe en recherchant comment les bénéficiaires utilisateurs ont accès aux services, par leurs propres moyens financiers, par un financement public ou par le biais de la solidarité nationale. Des propositions de simplification des dispositifs, de mise en cohérence entre eux sont faites pour permettre un plus large accès.La recherche de la protection des bénéficiaires y est présente notamment d’une part, par la qualité du service, dans l’étude des processus de professionnalisation des acteurs à travers leur formation ou l’organisation professionnelle du secteur. D’autre part, la protection des bénéficiaires est également étudiée sous l’angle des dispositifs juridiques existants, pour lesquels il semble nécessaire d’y apporter un renforcement. Enfin, pour développer le soutien aux aidants familiaux, pilier essentiel de la prise en compte de la dépendance des personnes âgées et des personnes handicapées, il faut modifier le droit actuel. / Since fifty years the social action for the elderly and disabled persons has been built by successive stacks of legislation and regulations without desire for harmonization and consistency.Home services created in the last twenty years are no exception to this trend, whether towards children and adults with disabilities and the elderly, health or medico-social.This thesis is the state that exists by searching how recipient users have access to services through their own financial resources, through public funding or through national solidarity. Proposals for simplification of the devices, to ensure consistency between them are made to allow wider access.The search for the protection of beneficiaries is present, especially in the study of processes of professionalization, through training or professional organization of the sector. Proposals are made there. The protection of beneficiaries is also studied in terms of existing legal frameworks, where it seems necessary to make it stronger. Finally to expand the support for family caregivers, an essential pillar of taking into account the dependence of the elderly and disabled persons, we have to change the current law.

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