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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mulheres de Homero: o caso das esposas da Odisseia / Homers women: kings wives in the Odyssey

Lilian Amadei Sais 05 October 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa a analisar um grupo específico de personagens femininas na Odisseia de Homero: as esposas de reis. Por esposas entendo as mulheres casadas (mortais) que estão vivas no momento presente da narrativa do poema, a saber: Helena, Arete e Penélope. Escolhi estudá-las de acordo com as funções que me parecem ser as mais importantes desempenhadas por elas nesse poema homérico; desse modo, dividi a pesquisa em duas partes, de acordo com esses papéis: a primeira parte consiste na análise das mulheres em cenas de hospitalidade, a segunda, em cenas de narrativas embutidas enunciadas por elas. Assim, analisarei as mulheres enquanto anfitriãs e narradoras. Em ambos os tipos de cena, faz-se presente o tema da tecelagem, que em Homero constitui tarefa exclusivamente feminina, e que também é importante para compreender as personagens femininas dentro do recorte aqui escolhido. / This study analyses a group of female characters in Homers Odyssey: kings wives. By wives, I mean married (mortal) women alive during the poems plot: Helen, Arete and Penelope. I have studied the most important functions they perform in the epos; each part of the thesis is dedicated to one of them: the first one analyses how wives act in hospitality scenes, the second one, the embedded narratives told by them. Thus, my object is to discuss their role as hostesses and storytellers. Weaving, which is a typical female activity in Homer, is an important theme in both types of scene and proves to be relevant to understanding the aformentioned roles.

Alcínoo versus Odisseu na corte dos feácios: um jogo discursivo / Alcinous versus Odysseus in the Phaeacian court: a discourse game

Rafael de Almeida Semêdo 03 October 2018 (has links)
Dos Cantos 6 a 13 da Odisseia, Homero narra a estada de Odisseu em Esquéria, a terra dos feácios. Durante a recepção de Alcínoo ao herói, uma tensão sutil se desenvolve: enquanto o anfitrião deseja descobrir a identidade de seu misterioso convidado, o herói luta para manter-se anônimo e garantir sua condução para casa. Essa tensão se desenrola num jogo de palavras sutil e elegante, no qual se digladiam o mestre da astúcia, o polúmetis Odisseu, e aquele de forte mente, alkí-nóos, o perspicaz Alcínoo. A essa disputa dou o nome de jogo do discurso. Conforme aqui defendo, tal jogo toma forma abaixo da superfície das palavras, e seus dois participantes conversam muito mais por meio do não-dito do que pelo que de fato dizem. Para que uma análise desse jogo intelectual seja possível, proponho um resgate da figura de Alcínoo, cujo nome defendo significar alkí-nóos, força-mente, como figura astuta e perspicaz, o que vai de encontro à opinião difundida de que o rei dos feácios é anódino ou pouco inteligente. Conforme argumento, ele permanece atento às manobras retóricas de seu convidado, o qual busca a todo custo tecer discursos agradáveis e proveitosos (meilíkhioi kaì kerdaléoi mûthoi), num processo que culmina com sua cartada final: a narrativa das aventuras. Alcínoo, mesmo percebendo os recursos astuciosos e manipulativos de seu convidado, rende-se a seus talentos e regozija-se com sua performance. / From Book 6 till the beginning of Book 13 in the Odyssey, Homer tells us of Odysseus sojourn in Scheria, the land of the Phaeacians. During Alcinous reception of the hero, a subtle tension develops between the two: while the host wishes to discover the identity of his mysterious guest, the hero strives to remain anonymous and secure his conveyance home. This tension unfolds in a subtle and elegant game of words in which the two oponents meet: the master of of tricks, Odysseus polúmetis, and the one of a strong mind, alkí-nóos, shrewd Alcinous. I call this contest the discourse game. As I wish to defend, such game takes place beneath the surface of words, and the participants maintain a conversation in which what remains unexpressed communicates more than what is actually said. For such an analysis to be possible, I propose to rescue Alcinous, whose name I claim to mean strength-mind, from the widespread opinion that the king is foolish or unintelligent. As I argue, he is very attentive to the rhetorical maneuvers of his guest, who is trying to fabricate pleasing and profitable speeches (meilíkhioi kaì kerdaléoi mûthoi), in a process that culminates with his final play: the narrative of the adventures. Alcinous, although detecting and understanding the crafty and manipulative purposes of his guest, surrenders to his talents as a storyteller and enjoys his performance.

Resilience-enhancement through Renewable Energy Microgrid Systems in rural El Salvador

Alarcón, Mathias, Landau, Robin January 2019 (has links)
This Master thesis investigates how Renewable Energy Microgrid Systems (REMS) can enhance resilience for a rural grid-connected community in El Salvador. The study examines the optimally resilient design of a grid-connected PV-Wind-Battery hybrid energy system. The optimally resilient system configuration was determined based on energy affordability, defined as minimum net present cost (NPC) and energy reliability, which was defined as a 1% maximum annual capacity shortage. The system modelling and optimisation was performed in the HOMER (Hybrid Optimisation of Multiple Energy Resources) software, where the system was optimised for different scenarios. The results of this study show that REMS can enhance resilience by lowering electricity costs for the community and thus increasing energy affordability. However, the REMS did not manage to make an equally substantial impact on energy reliability, due to the grid performance that proved to be high with few annual power outages. Besides the grid connection, the optimally resilient system was driven entirely by PV energy since it proved to be highly profitable. Wind power and battery storage were excluded from the optimally resilient system since they did not contribute to affordability and the capacity shortage limit was met already from the PV unit and the grid. Furthermore, the results show that self-sufficiency can be provided with REMS from the local energy resources, but that it is unrealistic with current costs due to the high battery prices. The study concludes that REMS should be considered as a legitimate resilience measure in rural El Salvador.

Design of an off-grid renewable-energy hybrid system for a grocery store: a case study in Malmö, Sweden

Ghadirinejad, Nickyar January 2018 (has links)
On planet Earth, fossil fuels are the most important sources of energy. However, these resources are limited and being depleted dramatically throughout last decades. Finding feasible substitutes of these resources is an essential duty for humanity. Fortunately, Mother Nature is providing us a number of good solutions for this crucial threat against our planet. Solar irradiance, wind blowing, oceanic and maritime waves are natural resources of energy that are capable of completely covering the annual consumption of all inhabitants on the Earth. In this research a set of components including “Northern Power NPS 100-24” wind generators, “Kyocera KD 145 SX-UFU” PV arrays, “Gildemeister 10kW-40kWh Cellcube” battery bank and HOMER bi-directional converter system were considered and successfully applied on HOMER tool and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The main design goals of the presented hybrid system are to use 100% renewable energy resources in the commercial sector, where all power is produced in the immediate vicinity of the business place, adding strong advertising values to the setup. In order to supply hourly required load for a grocery store   (1000 ) in Malmö city with 115 kW peak load and 2002 kWh/d with maximum 0.1% unmet, the system was optimized to achieve minimum Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and the lowest Net Present Cost (NPC). The HOMER simulation for quantitative analysis, along with a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) solution method is proposed and the results are compared. The results show that an optimized hybrid system with 3.12  LCOE, and power production of 28.5% by PV arrays and 71.5% by wind generators, is the best practice for this case study. / De fossila bränslena är idag de viktigaste energikällorna på jorden. Dessa resurser är dock begränsade och har utarmats i en allt högre takt under de senaste decennierna. Att hitta möjliga ersättare för dessa resurser är därför viktigt. Lyckligtvis tillhandahåller naturen ett antal bra lösningar för detta avgörande hot mot vår planet. Solstrålning, vind, havsströmmar och -vågor är naturliga resurser av energi som kan täcka hela den årliga globala förbrukningen. I den här rapporten studeras ett hybridsystem bestående av Northern Power NPS 100-24 vindkraftverk, Kyocera KD 145 SX-UFU solcellerspaneler, Gildemeister 10kW-40kWh Cellcube batteribank och HOMER dubbelriktad växelriktare. Detta modellerades och optimerades dels i mjukvaran HOMER, dels via optimeringsmetoden Particle Swarm Optimaization (PSO). Det övergripande designkravet för det presenterade hybridsystemet är att använda 100% förnyelsebar energi i en kommersiell verksamhet, där all elektricitet produceras i närhet av verksamheten, vilket kan ge tydliga marknadsföringsvärden till installationen. För att kunna möta energibehovet varje timme för en livsmedelsbutik (1000 ) i Malmö med 115 kW toppförbrukning och 2002 kWh/dag, med maximalt 0,1% ej mött behov, optimerades systemet för att uppnå minimal energikostnad (Levelized Cost of Energy, LCOE) och lägsta nettonuvärde (Net Present Cost, NPC). En HOMER-simulering för kvantitativ analys, tillsammans med en PSO-optimering, har genomförts och resultaten har jämförts. Resultaten visar att ett optimerat hybridsystem med LCOE på 3,12 SEK/kWh, där solceller står för 28,5% av kraftproduktionen och vindkraftverk för 71,5%, är den bästa lösningen för denna fallstudie.

Contra Timarco de Ésquines: tradução e estudo introdutório / \"Aeschines Against Timarchos: translation and introduction\"

Pereira, Luiz Guilherme Couto 30 March 2016 (has links)
Tradução e estudo do discurso \"Contra Timarco\", de Ésquines. O estudo se concentra na condição tríplice do texto, como discurso jurídico, retrato do comportamento sexual masculino da Atenas do Período Clássico e exemplo da recepção primitiva da obra homérica em uma situação distante do contexto dos festivais e simpósios. / Translation and study of the speech \"Against Timarchos\", by Aeschines. The analysis focus on the trifold condition of the text, as a juridical speech, a portrait of the male sexual behavior in Classic Athens and an example of early reception of Homer\'s poetry, in a condition that differs from festivals and symposiums.

Man as hero - hero as citizen: models of heroic thought and action in Homer, Plato and Rousseau.

Stefanson, Dominic January 2004 (has links)
Ever since Homer told the tales of magnificent men and called these men heroes, the siren song of heroic achievement has been impossible to resist. By consistently acting in a manner that is above the capacity of normal human beings, a hero becomes a model of emulation and inspiration for ordinary, lesser mortals. This thesis traces the development of normative models of heroic thought and action in the work of Homer, Plato and Rousseau. It argues that models of heroism have evolved according to changing conceptions of the political institutions that comprise a polis and, in turn, notions of citizenship. Homer establishes the heroic ideal and offers an image of Man as Hero. The Homeric hero is a man of transparent action who is never incapacitated because he acts upon his instincts. Unrestrained by doubt, he soars above humanity and performs deeds that assure him of everlasting fame and glory. The Homeric hero is a warrior-prince who lives in the absence of a polis. He rules his community as a patriarch who places his personal quest for glory above the dictates of the common good. The Homeric hero is consequently limited in his ability to act as a model of emulation for those who live in a polis. In an historical period that gave rise to the polis as a desirable and unavoidable aspect of human life, Plato remodels heroic ideals. Thus Plato's ideals of heroism could survive and prosper alongside political structures and institutions guided by the demands of the common good. The philosophical hero exalted in the Platonic dialogues gains true knowledge, which enables him to excel at all activities he undertakes. The philosopher is impelled to channel his vast superiority into the realm of political leadership. Plato recasts the Hero as Citizen, an elite citizen who rules for the benefit of all. Plato's model of heroism, like Homer's, is premised on an anti-egalitarian, hierarchical conception of human worth. In the Social Contract, Rousseau aims to reconcile modern ideals of human equality with Homeric and Platonic hierarchical notions of heroic excellence. The Social Contract attempts to make all citizens equally heroic by insisting that men can only excel when they all participate equally in political sovereignty. Failing to reconcile heroism and equality, however, Rousseau chooses heroism and reverts firstly to aristocratic political formulas before finally abandoning politics altogether as a positive force for humanity. His work nevertheless inspired both a lasting notion of human equality that shaped the modern political landscape and evoked the romantic modern notion of an isolated individual, as epitomised by Rousseau himself, heroically climbing the peaks of human achievement. Rousseau's model of individual heroism effectively completes the cycle and returns the notion of heroism to where it begun with Homer, Man as Hero. The concept of the heroism, traced through these theorists, shows it to be a changing terrain yet consistent in its allure. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of History and Politics, 2004.

Toward a Material History of Epic Poetry

Hampstead, John Paul 01 May 2010 (has links)
Literary histories of specific genres like tragedy or epic typically concern themselves with influence and deviation, tradition and innovation, the genealogical links between authors and the forms they make. Renaissance scholarship is particularly suited to these accounts of generic evolution; we read of the afterlife of Senecan tragedy in English drama, or of the respective influence of Virgil and Lucan on Renaissance epic. My study of epic poetry differs, though: by insisting on the primacy of material conditions, social organization and especially information technology to the production of literature, I present a discontinuous series of set pieces in which any given epic poem—the Iliad, the Aeneid, or The Faerie Queene—is structured more by local circumstances and methods than by authorial responses to distant epic predecessors. Ultimately I make arguments about how modes of literary production determine the forms of epic poems. Achilleus’ contradictory and anachronistic funerary practices in Iliad 23, for instance, are symptomatic of the accumulative transcription of disparate oral performances over time, which calls into question what, if any artistic ‘unity’ might guide scholarly readings of the Homeric texts. While classicists have conventionally opposed Virgil’s Aeneid to Lucan’s Bellum Civile on aesthetic and political grounds, I argue that both poets endorse the ethnographic-imperialist ideology ‘virtus at the frontier’ under the twin pressures of Julio-Claudian military expansion and the Principate’s instrumentalization of Roman intellectual life in its public library system. Finally, my chapter on Renaissance English epic demonstrates how Spenser and Milton grappled with humanist anxieties about the political utility of the classics and the unmanageable archive produced by print culture. It is my hope that this thesis coheres into a narrative of a particularly long-lived genre, the epic, and the mutations and adaptations it underwent in oral, manuscript, and print contexts.

Women Characters as Heroines in Derek Walcott's Omeros

Yeh, Yi-chun 10 September 2010 (has links)
A stunning poem that draws the attention of the reading public, Omeros is often regarded as the most famous and most successful of Derek Walcott¡¦s works. In one sense, Omeros is the Greek name for Homer, and Walcott chose it for the title of the poem to show his ambition to be a Caribbean Homer, a poet developing an epic from a West Indian perspective. With the epic form and resonant mythic Greek namesakes, Omeros is built upon Walcott¡¦s innate love for St. Lucia. Structurally, the epic form provides the vast framework he needs to describe the multicultural Creole society. However, after a close reading of the text, we can actually find that it does not follow so much the conventions of a classical tradition, since it is not actually a heroic poem. Unlike the superhuman characters in Homeric epics, the male protagonists in Omeros are common people who endure the suffering of individual in exile and try to put down roots in a place where they think they belong. One famous critic, Robert D. Hamner, reads Omeros as an epic of the dispossessed, one in which each of its protagonists is a castaway in one sense or another. In this respect, the male characters are injured (either spiritually or physically). In contrast, the female characters in Omeros, though few in number, play the important roles of heroines to heal the wounds of the male protagonists and to help them trace their roots. This thesis will, therefore, analyze three female characters in the poem. Chapter 1 will focus on Ma Kilman, a black obeah woman. She embodies the memories of the past as well as the connection between African experience and West Indian culture. Through the practice of obeah, a holistic healing method different from Western diagnosis, she is capable of soothing wounds caused by past sufferings. Chapter 2 will examine Maud Plunkett, a white Irish housewife. She represents the physical link between Ireland and St. Lucia due to their inherent similarities ¡Vboth are being colonized with St. Lucia being divided by race and class, while Ireland is split along religious and class lines. Maud¡¦s existence symbolizes the alienation gap on the island; her death, at the end, bridges the gap and relieves historical traumas. Chapter 3 will deals with Helen, an ebony local woman. Appropriating mythical as well as historical allusions, Walcott gives new voice to this Caribbean Helen. She demonstrates her autonomy to male characters and becomes an unapproachable goddess that they attempt to possess. She reestablishes peace and achieves a new harmony in St. Lucia as a way of cross-cultural healing.

Toward a Material History of Epic Poetry

Hampstead, John Paul 01 May 2010 (has links)
Literary histories of specific genres like tragedy or epic typically concern themselves with influence and deviation, tradition and innovation, the genealogical links between authors and the forms they make. Renaissance scholarship is particularly suited to these accounts of generic evolution; we read of the afterlife of Senecan tragedy in English drama, or of the respective influence of Virgil and Lucan on Renaissance epic. My study of epic poetry differs, though: by insisting on the primacy of material conditions, social organization and especially information technology to the production of literature, I present a discontinuous series of set pieces in which any given epic poem—the Iliad, the Aeneid, or The Faerie Queene—is structured more by local circumstances and methods than by authorial responses to distant epic predecessors. Ultimately I make arguments about how modes of literary production determine the forms of epic poems. Achilleus’ contradictory and anachronistic funerary practices in Iliad 23, for instance, are symptomatic of the accumulative transcription of disparate oral performances over time, which calls into question what, if any artistic ‘unity’ might guide scholarly readings of the Homeric texts. While classicists have conventionally opposed Virgil’s Aeneid to Lucan’s Bellum Civile on aesthetic and political grounds, I argue that both poets endorse the ethnographic-imperialist ideology ‘virtus at the frontier’ under the twin pressures of Julio-Claudian military expansion and the Principate’s instrumentalization of Roman intellectual life in its public library system. Finally, my chapter on Renaissance English epic demonstrates how Spenser and Milton grappled with humanist anxieties about the political utility of the classics and the unmanageable archive produced by print culture. It is my hope that this thesis coheres into a narrative of a particularly long-lived genre, the epic, and the mutations and adaptations it underwent in oral, manuscript, and print contexts.

Le Corpus Theocriteum et Homère un problème d'authenticité, Idylle 25 /

Kurz, André. January 1900 (has links)
Thèse : Lettres : Neuchâtel : 1980. / Bibliogr. p. 185-194. Index.

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