Spelling suggestions: "subject:"worse riding"" "subject:"horse riding""
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Urbanistický rozvoj města Brna v lokalitě Brno - Žebětín / The urban development of city Brno, locality Brno-ŽebětínNunvářová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the possibilities of a new land use between the southern part of the housing area Kamechy and the northern part of Žebětín. The area is divided into southern and northern part by a distinct terrain fault and the bed of the stream Vrbovec. The northern part is closely connected to the housing area Kamechy. In the central plain of the southern part is located a brownfield area of former agricultural cooperative. The new urban design creates a nice recreational zone near the town which is focused on horse riding. There will be created new park and sport areas and that will ensure that the urban space will be also used by wide public.
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Urbanistický rozvoj města Brna v lokalitě Brno - Žebětín / The urban development of city Brno, locality Brno-ŽebětínHozová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the ways of utilization of the former collective farm and its surroundings in the town district of Brno-Žebětín. The site is quite vast featuring big altitude differences and is located in a densely populated area. That is the reason the project solely supposes the development of leisure time activities which will complete the inhabited areas, thus creating a zone for sports and relaxation, which will offer various opportunities for spending free time to all age groups. The incorporation of the whole area into the active public life and its accessibility to the public is the final outcome of the project. The basic idea is the extension of the current equestrian centre as well as introducing new leisure time activities to the area. From the city planning point of view, the area is divided into the central part attached to the equestrian centre, a part for sports and relaxation located in the south-east part of the area, moreover, there is a part for outdoor activities and relaxation, as well as housing areas in the northern part, and last but not least sites meant for paddocks. An important element is the Vrbovec Stream crossing the area. In the vicinity of the stream, a zone of greenery follows. Being another important element of the area, the current zone of greenery will be enriched with newly planted leafy trees and wind breaking alleys of poplars.
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Efektivita vybraných nekonvenčních rehabilitačních postupů u pacientů s poruchou autistického spektra / The effectiveness of chosen unconventional rehabilitation methods in Autistic Spectrum DisorderIkonomi, Krist January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the science' state of unconventional physical therapies, such as yoga therapy (YT) and equine-assisted therapy (EAT), in the treatment of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children and young adolescents. The aim of this systematic review is to highlight the effects of unconventional physiotherapy in autism. Data from 12 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were retrieved and analyzed to help with the making of this review. Physical, cognitive and social functions were measured in approximately 530 children and adolescents with autism, always partaking in either case or control group. Results indicate that the above mentioned therapies have an overall positive impact in the treatment of autism by reducing the stereotypical behaviors and increasing the cognitive and social functions. Participants vary from 4 to 16 years of age. There is still a gap of knowledge when it comes to all the direct effects and action mechanisms of such therapies in the lives of these children. Therefore a lot of space for further studies is present and also recommended. Future RCTs are needed to better refine treatment choices, in order to come up with new and better ways of dealing with such disorder. Keywords: physiotherapy; yoga therapy; horse riding therapy;...
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Ridningens pedagogikNyström, Camilla January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to look how pedagogic process interacts in horse riding lessons. In order to research this problem I have used an ethnographic approach and during a week I observed ten riding lessons in two separate Riding house in the south of Sweden. In my theoretical frame I have used Michel Foucault “Discipline and punish” as a toll to make clear how dominance and submission is present and active in the horse riding education.The conclusion shows how dominant power rules by its presence and creates submission, stability and feeling of security. The discipline is used to create a feeling that will bring the riders to new experience and develop their talent. To create that you need a good communication between the riding teacher, the horse and the rider and most important is to have a known environment where the rules and regulations are used trough limited surface, geometrical pattern and repetition.
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La pratique de la monte à cheval au haut Moyen Age (fin V - VII siècle) dans le nord-est de la Gaule. : Εtat des cοnnaissances archéοlοgiques, recherche méthοdοlοgique sur le "syndrοme du cavalier" et applicatiοn d'un nοuveau prοtοcοle d'étude aux pοpulatiοns mérοvingiennes. / The equestrian pratice in the Middle Age (late 5th-7th century) in northeastern of Gaule. : Archaeological knowledge, methodological research on the "horse-riding syndrome" and application of a new study protocol to merovingian populations.Baillif, Christele 27 November 2018 (has links)
Discuter de la pratique équestre des populations archéologiques occidentales aboutit bien souvent à la question : avec ou sans étriers ? Cette réflexion à propos de l’absence ou de la présence de l’étrier dans les techniques de monte des périodes anciennes est indissociable de la pensée de L. T. White à propos de son introduction en Occident. Ce dernier qualifie le caractère de cet objet équestre comme « révolutionnaire ». Pourtant, ce dernier élément de l’équipement équestre du cheval de monte ne favorise pas une meilleure maîtrise de l’animal de la part du cavalier. On peut être un excellent cavalier sans étriers à l’instar des amérindiens d’Amérique du Nord de la période coloniale. En revanche, l’étrier ou les étriers offrent de nouveaux points d’appuis au cavalier et modifient indéniablement sa posture sur sa monture. La posture du cavalier a fait l’objet de nombreuses attentions comme en témoignent les traités équestres antiques, modernes et actuels. Un large ensemble de marqueurs osseux réunis sous un seul et même terme « le syndrome du cavalier », par les études anthropologiques, permettrait de reconnaitre sur l’os sec des lésions osseuses liées à cette activité équestre. Or le changement de position du cavalier sur son cheval, notamment lors de l’introduction de nouveaux équipements équestres tel que l’étrier, remet en cause l’universalité de ce syndrome et ce quelle que soit la période chronologique étudiée : un cavalier grec ne possède pas le même équipement équestre qu’un cavalier du XVIIIe siècle. Par conséquent, tous deux ne se positionnent pas de la même manière sur leur partenaire équin. La révision de ce syndrome du cavalier a contribué à souligner l’importance de mener une recherche interdisciplinaire (archéologie du cheval, anthropologie biologique et données de la médecine du sport équestre) pour pouvoir discuter de manière rigoureuse de l’impact lésionnel de cette activité sur le corps du cavalier ainsi que de l’influence du type d’équipement utilisé sur ce dernier. La période mérovingienne offre un contexte archéologique idéal d’étude, par la présence d’objets équestres dans les tombes et celle de l’étrier à partir de la fin du VIe siècle, pour définir un ensemble pertinent d’indices d’activité équestre permettant l’identification de la pratique équestre, et de cavaliers, au sein des groupes funéraires mérovingiens. / The topic of the equestrian practice of Western archaeological populations often leads to the question of the use of stirrups or not ? This question on the absence or presence of the stirrup in the ancient times is closely related to L. T. White's thought about his introduction to the West. He qualifies the character of this equestrian object as "revolutionary". This element of the equestrian equipment does not favor a better control of the animal, as you can be an excellent rider without stirrups like North American Indians during the colonial period. The stirrup or the stirrups offer new points of support to the rider and undeniably modify his posture on the horse. The posture of the rider has been the subject of many attentions as shown by the ancient, modern and current equestrian treaties. A large group of occupational stress markers described, by anthropological studies, and known with the term "horse-riding syndrome" would make it possible to recognize bone lesions associated with this equestrian activity. The rider’s change of position on the horse, especially during the introduction of new equestrian equipment such as the stirrup, raises the question of the universality of this syndrome regardless of the chronological period studied : a Greek rider does not have the same equestrian equipment as a rider of the 18th century. Therefore, both do not position themselves in the same way on their equine partner. The new study of this syndrome has helped to emphasizing the importance of conducting interdisciplinary research (using horse archeology, biological anthropology and equestrian sport medicine data) in order to rigorously discuss the injury impact of this activity on the rider's body as well as the influence of the equipment used. The Merovingian period offers an ideal archaeological context for such a study because of the presence of both equestrian artifacts and stirrup from the end of the 6th century in the burials, helping in defining occupational stress markers of this equestrian activity, and identifying riders, within the Merovingian funerary groups.
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Elektromyografická analýza rozdílů v provedení vybraných cviků na gymnastickém koni a na koni v kroku / Elektromyographic analysis of differences in selected excercises on pommel horse and riding horsePyšková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Author: Bc. et Bc. Barbora Pyšková Title: Elektromyographic analysis of differences in selected excercises on pommel horse and riding horse Objectives: The aim of the thesis was to measure the activity of selected muscles, expressed as the percentage value of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), during excercises performed by both males and females probands. The effect of treatment (on pommel horse vs riding horse) and proband sex on muscle activity was tested. Methods: Maximal voluntary contraction of each muscle (eight in total) was electromyographically measured in each proband, using the test according to Janda. These values were used as a standard to which the values obtained by excercising on pommel horse and riding horse were related. The values were averages of three repeated measurements. The effect of studied factors was tested by analysis of variance. Results: The tested hypotheses were confirmed. The muscle activity during excercises was statistically significantly affected by the factors studied, therefore the variation in measured values is not random. Muscle activity tended to be higher on riding horse than on pommel horse, and in females compared to males. Key words: horse riding, pommel horse, EMG, electromyography, hipotherapy, correct horse sit
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Self-Tracking v jezdectví / Self-Tracking in horse ridingDoubková, Jitka January 2020 (has links)
Equilab is a specific solution of a self-tracking application specially developed for the field of horse riding. The aim of the thesis is to study the effects of the application on already existing rider-horse relationship from the rider's perspective. The study examines human-horse relationships in history and today, considering the possibilities of Equilab and use of wearable electronics in animals. The qualitative research was based on structured interviews with open questions.
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Outdoorové aktivity v cestovním ruchu ve vybraném regionu - Vyšší Brod, Rožmberk / Outdoor activities in tourism in choice area - Vyšší Brod, RožmberkKORIČAROVÁ, Eliška January 2009 (has links)
This graduation theses describe outdoor activities in the area of Rožmberk and Vyšší Brod and their influence upon development of regional tourism. This work values an offer and an level of outdoor activities and of accompanying services in the area. This work shows significance of these activities for development of regional tourism. This work gives notice of offer of services and of visit rate.
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Equestrian sport is a popular exercise choice for females of all ages, although the links between this exercise choice, health outcomes, and risk to health have not been thoroughly examined. These issues are of particular interest because the female equestrian has the opportunity to ride and/or compete for decades, from early to very late in life, covering almost the full sequence of the female lifespan. Equestrian sports provide physical activity through riding and caring for the horse, and promote positive mental outcomes through tangible practices, such as engaging in physical activity and hard work, goal-setting, acquisition of skills, and participation in a strong community of practice. Equestrianism is an under-researched activity and sport, but increased understanding of female equestrian health and wellness outcomes may contribute to better health and wellness outcomes for female riders. Since equestrian sports participants are predominantly female, with 74% to 80% of the riding population being women, it is important to understand and potentially improve the health and wellness of female riders. This improved understanding may provide their riding careers with increased longevity, comfort, and healthy. It may allow them to enjoy the sport, whatever their age, minimizing or preventing any health issues. A deeper understanding of mental and physical changes from riding will educate and empower women so they are making informed decisions as they ride, talk to their coaches and doctors, and invest in equipment ranging from sport-specific bras to saddles. Manufacturers may also become aware of the potential opportunity to market female-focused products to this community of practice, which has a demonstrated commitment to the horse and accompanying expenditures. Most research is centered on the horse or major equestrian injuries (death, concussion, bone breakage), but it is hypothesized that having an increased understanding of other health issues, ranging from breast, bladder, and groin health to bone density, weight, and body image, may be of great value. The following master’s thesis will review the current literature related to female health as it relates to equestrian sports; report results of a research survey conducted about female equestrian health and wellness, with a focus on breast health and bra use; discuss the survey results; and make recommendations for future research in this area.
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Effekter av hästunderstödd terapi på balans, gångförmåga och livskvalitet efter en stroke : En litteraturstudie / Effects of horse-assisted therapy on balance, walking ability and quality of life after a stroke : A literary studyEriksson, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hästunderstödd terapi, HUT, är en sedan länge existerande vårdform för allehanda besvär. Evidensen för HUT som vårdverktyg har framtill nyligen dock varit svag, men allt fler studier har visat att HUT är en effektiv träningsform för balans och gångförmåga hos barn och ungdomar med CP-skador, förmågor som är tätt förknippade med människors livskvalitet. En diagnos som är lik CP och ofta ger liknande symtom är stroke. Trots likheterna mellan stroke och CP finns inte alls samma mängd evidens för effekten av HUT vid stroke som vid CP. Samtidigt råder det brist på effektiv strokerehabilitering i vissa delar av Sverige. Det är därför av intresse att utvärdera huruvida HUT kan vara ännu ett verktyg att använda vid just strokerehabilitering. Syfte: Att systematiskt granska forskningen och gradera evidensen för effekten av HUT på balans, gångförmåga och livskvalitet hos patienter som tidigare drabbats av en stroke. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie av randomiserade kontrollerade studier Resultat: Åtta studier hittades och de visade en förbättrande effekt av HUT på de undersökta områdena. Fem av studierna var av tillräckligt hög kvalitet för att graderas via GRADEstud. Graderingen visade att evidensvärdet var mycket låg för effekt av HUT på gångförmåga, låg för effekt av HUT på livskvalitet, och måttligt hög för effekt av HUT på balans. Konklusion: På grund av begränsat antal studier och begränsade mätmetoder i dem kan ingen fast slutats dras, mer forskning behövs för att svara på frågeställningarna. / Background: Horse-Assisted Therapy, HAT, has since a long time been used as a health-care-tool for an assorted group of problems. The evidence for HAT as a health-care-tool has until recently been weak, however an increasing number of studies has shown HAT to be an effective way to train balance and gait in children and youths with cerebral palsy, abilities that are closely linked to a persons quality of life. A diagnosis that is similar to CP and often gives similar symptoms is stroke. Despite the similarities between stroke and CP there is far less evidence for the effects of HAT on stroke than there is for that on CP. At the same time some parts of Sweden are lacking in0 ways to rehabilitation-train after a stroke, therefore it is of interest to evaluate whether HAT can be yet another tool to use in stroke-rehabilitation. Purpose: To systematically review and evaluate the evidence for the effect of Horse-Assisted Therapy on balance, gait and quality of life in patients who earlier has suffered a stroke. Result: Eight studies were found and showed that HAT has an enhancing effect on the examined values. Five studies were of high enough quality to be graded using GRADEstud. The evidence grading showed a very low evidence grade for the effect of HAT on gait, low for the effect on quality of life, and moderately high for the effect on balance. Conclusion: Due to a limited number of studies, and limitations in the ways to measure the effect no conclusion can be drawn, more research is needed in order to answer the issues in question.
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