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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Workplace discrimination against Durban University of Technology (DUT) trainees within the hotel and catering industry

Ramrathan, Sathishah (Nishi) January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Office Management and Technology)-Durban University of Technology, 2005 xv, 129 leaves / The Constitution contains the Bill of Rights, one that is regarded as the corner-stone of democracy, as it enshrines the rights of all people and affirms the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom. Section 9(1) provides for the promotion of a society in which diversity of identity is respected and protected. The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, stipulates that designated employers implement affirmative action, thereby compelling organizations to eradicate all forms of discrimination in organizational processes and procedures. With such legal measures put in place (Promotion of the Equality Act) acceptance and change within organisations has to be accelerated. The purpose of this study is to explore workplace discrimination against trainees within the Hotel and Catering industries. Workplace discrimination is against human rights and can become a legal violation of Labour laws. Although preventative policies are in place, this study would illuminate the extent to which discrimination occurs, how it has manifested itself, and how students would be affected by this discrimination.

Anàlisi dels preus al sector hoteler de la Costa Brava Sud

Espinet i Rius, Josep Maria 25 May 1999 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és analitzar els preus hotelers, que inclouen tant el preu que cobra l'hoteler com el que paga el turista. Més en concret, aquesta tesi pretén entendre i explicar la política de preus del sector hoteler, utilitzant per aquest fi els conceptes, instruments i models de l'anàlisi econòmica. L'explotació exhaustiva dels catàlegs dels operadors turístics representa la principal aposta metodològica d'aquest treball. També s'han creat diferents bases de dades de preus hotelers, s'han explotat les dades i preus de guies hoteleres, i s'han fet enquestes als hotelers per conèixer el preu que paga un turista particular. Les aportacions més importants fan referència als preus del sector hoteler, que és el nucli principal del treball, i es podrien resumir de la manera següent:-Determinar com es determinen els preus en el sector hoteler-Conèixer el grau de competència entre operadors turístics-Disposar d'una evolució temporal i estacional dels preus dels hotels. En aquest sentit, la metodologia i les dades emprades podrien ser un punt de partida per elaborar una sèrie temporal de preus i d'aquesta manera corregir la mancança actual d'un índex de preus hoteler -Identificar els serveis i les característiques dels hotels que no tenen un preu explícit, però que resulten rellevants a l'hora de negociar uns preus superiors-Examinar les estratègies de preus d'alguns operadors turístics estrangers-I, en general, millorar el coneixement sobre els preus hotelers / The aim of this thesis is to analyse hotel prices, which include both the rate the hotel charges and what the tourist pays. More concretely, the thesis aims to understand and explain the charges policy of the hotel sector and uses to this end the concepts, tools and models of economic analysis.The exhaustive examination of tour operators' brochures is the main method used in this study. Various data bases of hotel charges were also created; the data and tariffs in hotel guides were used; and questionnaires were submitted to hoteliers on the tariffs a private tourist pays.The main contributions referred to the prices in the hotel sector, which is the central nucleus of the study, and can be summarised as follows:-To determine how tariffs are set in the hotel sector.-To find how much competition there is between tour operators.-To examine how hotel charges vary over time and seasonally. The methodology and data employed could be a starting-point for working out a series of charges over time, and so rectifying the current lack of an index of hotel prices.-To identify the services and characteristics of those hotels without an explicit charge, but which are relevant when the question of negotiating higher charges arises.-To examine the price strategies of some foreign tour operators.-And, in general, to extend knowledge of hotel tariffs.

Análise da viabilidade econômica da utilização de aquecedores solares de água em resorts no nordeste do Brasil

Cardoso, Alessandra Sleman January 2006 (has links)
Dissertação apresentada a Coordenação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências em Planejamento Energético. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro, 2006. / Bibliografia: p.124-141 / Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo analisar a viabilidade econômica da substituição dos sistemas convencionais de aquecimento de água por sistemas solares no setor hoteleiro, especificamente, em resorts, que possuem características de operação e consumo peculiares devido à grande diversidade de serviços oferecidos. Como a eficiência dos sistemas solares depende, dentre outros fatores, do grau de insolação e radiação solar da região em que vão ser implantados, escolheu-se a região Nordeste do Brasil devido às suas condições climáticas favoráveis. Os resorts têm grande preocupação com questões ambientais e um forte apelo ecológico, o que facilitaria a penetração de uma fonte de energia renovável, como a solar. / This dissertation aims at evaluating the economical viability of conventional water heating systems’ substitution by solar systems in hotels, particularly in resorts, whose operational and energetic characteristics show huge diversity of services. As the solar systems’ efficiency depends, among other factors, on the insolation degree and solar radiation at the installation local, the Brazilian Northeast region was chosen due to its favorable climate conditions. Resorts have a great concern about environment issues that would facilitate the penetration of a renewable energy source, such as the solar energy. It was researched the technology’s state of art and its installed capacity worldwide; a description of Brazilian hotels was made and it was evaluated the impact of the substitution of conventional water heating systems by the solar one in the sector energy consumption, through the savings perceived by the hotel during 20 years. An analysis to verify the results’ sensibility to some variables was also made and the final results confirm the project viability.

The influence of service quality on customer satisfaction, customer value and behavioral intentions in the hotel sector of Ethiopia

Tewodros Mesfin Deneke 04 1900 (has links)
The basic purpose of this study was to examine the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction, perceived customer value and behavioral intentions, in three, four and five star hotels in Ethiopia. Additionally, an attempt was made to assess the differences pertaining to these constructs across customer profile (e.g., gender, nationality etc.) and hotel characteristics (e.g., star ratings etc.). A quantitative survey approach was used to obtain primary data from the respondents (hotels’ guests/customers) by administering the structured questionnaire. The original SERVPERF dimensions and related items were modified to best fit with hotel sector, by using desk review and preliminary interviews with manager, consultants and corporate clients of the hotels. A pilot study was carried out with 35 hotel customers to test the initial reliability and validity of the instrument. The final questionnaire was distributed to 440 respondents from 44 hotels (under three, four and five star categories), by using stratified (proportionate) random sampling. Of the distributed questionnaires, 435 were collected back (over 98% return rate), as completely filled, and used for the purpose of analysis. Descriptive statistics (mean score and standard deviation) were used to examine the customers’ perceptions of service quality, customer value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. To identify the key service quality dimensions in the Ethiopian hotel sector, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was employed. The results revealed six underlying factors, namely: Assurance, Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy, Room Tangibles and Food & Beverage Tangibles. Regression analysis was carried out to examine the relationship between the study constructs, whereby perceived service quality was found to be maintaining significantly (p<0.05) positive influence on customer value, satisfaction and behavioral intentions (measured as customer revisits and word-of-mouth recommendations) in the Ethiopian hotel sector. Moreover, both customer value and satisfaction were observed to be partially mediating the influence of service quality on behavioral intentions, with higher contribution from satisfaction than perceived value. Finally, the respondents’ nationality, gender, visit purpose, length of stay, hotel location and star category were found to be determining their perceptions of overall service quality. However, further research is needed before generalizing these relationships to other sectors/contexts. / Business Management / D.B.L.

The relationship between working capital management and the financial performance of listed food and beverage companies in South Africa

Mabandla, Ndonwabile Zimasa 06 1900 (has links)
Abstract in Xhosa and English / This study aimed to examine the relationship between working capital management and the financial performance of listed food and beverage companies in South Africa. Despite the existing literature on this relationship, no notable studies have investigated it in this particular industrial sector. Various data from a sample of 12 food and beverage companies listed on the JSE during the period 2007 to 2016 were collected from iress McGregor databases. Econometric regression analysis was then conducted on the data to determine the magnitude of relationships between working capital components and the financial performance of these companies. The researcher found that adopting an aggressive working capital management strategy assists in creating shareholder wealth through improved financial performance of the firm. To sum up, the shorter the cash conversion cycle, the more profitable the firm will be. / Injongo yesi sifundo kukuphonononga unxulumano phakathi kolawulo lwemali etyalelwa ukusebenza (inkunzi) nentsebenzo yemali (inzala) eyenziwa ziinkampani ezibhalisiweyo zokutya neziselo eMzantsi Afrika. Nangona kukhona okubhaliweyo malunga nolu nxulumano, akukho sifundo sigqamileyo ngeli candelo lorhwebo. Kukho iinkcukacha ezaqokelelwa kwiinkampani ezikhethiweyo ezili-12 nezibhaliswe kwiJSE. Ezi nkcukacha zazikwingqokelela egciniweyo eyaziwa ngokuba yi ‘iress McGregor databases’. Kuye kwenziwa uhlalutyo ngokuthelekisa inzala eqhele ukwenziwa naleyo kuqikelelwa ukuba iza kwenziwa kwezi nkcukacha zikaMcGregor. Oku bekusenzelwa ukubona ubungakanani bonxulumano phakathi kwenkunzi nenzala eyenziwa zezi nkampani. Umphandi ufumanise ukuba ukwakha icebo lolawulo olungqongqo lwenkunzi kuyanceda ekudaleni ubutyebi babanini zabelo ngokuphucula inzala eyenziwa liqumrhu lorhwebo. Elokuqukumbela lithi, ngokufutshanisa ivili lokuguqula imali, iya kuba ngaphezulu inzala yequmrhu lorhwebo. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Sharing Isn't Caring? : A Qualitative Study Focused on How Industry Incumbents Can Successfully Compete with Sharing Economy Businesses

Aspebo, Philip, Kriegel, Luisa January 2021 (has links)
Sharing economy businesses have increasingly began to inhibit the competitive landscape of many different industries. Their growth can be primary connected to general digitalization developments. At its core, the sharing economy concept is built around efficiently using excess resources. In this thesis, it is argued that sharing economy businesses should be considered disruptive innovations, partly because they present incumbent firms with significant challenges. While the sharing economy business concept facilitates effective peer-to-peer exchange, and in the process provides new possibilities of employment, customer-centric innovation and market development, it can also be tied to a decreasing demand for goods and services offered by incumbents in the same marketplace. Examples of businesses built around the sharing economy concept include – but are not limited to – Airbnb, Vrbo, Uber, Lyft, Zilok, and Hygglo. Prior to the beginning of this research project, very little research regarding potential strategic countermeasures for incumbent firms to employ against sharing economy competitors had been conducted. As a result, this thesis serves the purpose of investigating the impact of sharing economy businesses from the perspective of incumbents and theorizing about potential responses. In order to facilitate this purpose, the hospitality industry was chosen as a representative of an industry that has experienced sharing economy business entrances and sharing economy business competition to a researchable extent. Through this thesis and its accompanying qualitative data collection process, several challenges that are presented to incumbents as a result of sharing economy business entrances were identified. Additionally, a focus was placed on evaluating both tried and prospective strategic measures, using existing theory and insights from the data collection to discover the key aspects needed for the development of potential responses to sharing economy businesses. A similar process was undertaken regarding business models, as the crucial and core elements of a perceived successful business model needed to be identified. The findings generated by the data collection process were then analyzed using a thematic analysis, centered on the themes of: Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry; Current Trends in the Hospitality Sector; Fundamentals of a Successful Hotel Business; and Future Strategy Suggestions and Industry Prospects. After conducting the three identification and analyzation stages, the findings were discussed in the penultimate chapter of the thesis, where the findings’ relation to existing theory was explored. Following the discussion, the possibility to answer the main research question of this thesis appeared. After discussing our findings, our analysis, and the connection to existing theory, we were able to conclude that incumbent firms can successfully compete with sharing economy businesses. Specifically, they could ensure this through strategic changes and business model innovations built around efficiently exploiting the incumbents’ internal strengths and advantages that are currently not easily imitable by sharing economy businesses. As such, they should look to create, deliver, and communicate unique value to its customers, and suggestions on how this could be achieved by both incumbent hospitality managers and others are provided.

Good Works: The Topoi of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Travel and Tourism Industry

Culler, Connie 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the identification and analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) topoi in the travel and tourism industry. A sample set of six companies was selected for the study due to their size and prominence in the industry -- namely Disney, Hilton, Intercontinental, Marriott, Starwood, and Wyndham. Topoi were identified through a blended method of research that employed rhetorical analysis, modified grounded theory, and NVIVO content analysis software. The research followed three guiding principles to recognize textual cues and drive analysis: common and special topoi; topoi as heuristic; topoi for association and amplification; and topoi as fluid and movable. The common CSR topoi, triple bottom line and shared value, were also used as overarching categories for coding the texts. The results of the method yielded six unique topoi that were specific to each company; these included Inspiration, Higher Purpose, Collaborative Innovation, Leadership, The Age of Great Change, and Green. Results also included a set of seven special industry topoi that were common across all of the sample companies; these included Commitment, Management, Alignment, Environment, Engagement, Achievement, and Sustainability. The rhetorical synergy and topological levels identified through this research can inform other studies of CSR about the generative potential of topoi and its fluidity when viewed from different conceptual vantage points.

Attributes Influencing Meeting Planners' Destination Selection A Case Of Orlando, Fl

Hayat, Adi 01 January 2011 (has links)
The meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) industry generates billions of dollars in direct and indirect spending annually, and is considered one of the fastest growing segments of the tourism industry. Destinations that want to capitalize on this industry must understand what drives its planners. The current study used Orlando, Florida as a case study, and investigated whether there are differences between the three meeting planners' types (association, corporate, 3rd party) in regards to destination selection attributes and the recent recession impact. The study further identified attributes that affect future bookings to Orlando. Data was collected from a nationwide survey of meeting planners with a usable sample of 2,388 completed phone surveys and 118 completed online questionnaires. Only one significant difference was found between the three meeting planners' types. This research was performed in the midst of the recent recession. Some effects of the recent economic downturn on the events industry are decreased attendance and more conservative cost management. Most association meeting planners did not cancel or postponed their events, although all planners agree that attendance to their meetings decreased. Third party planners seemed to be the most sensitive to budget allocations. Recommendations for the Orlando Orange County Conventions and Visitor's Bureau include marketing the variety and quality of its meeting facilities better, its extreme weather insurance and its website. It is also wise to pursue more local associations, because those can be the main source of income during recessions.

International Worker Cultural Adaptation: A Qualitative Study

Valenzuela, Luis Romero 01 January 2012 (has links)
International workers are a vulnerable population within the hospitality industry. Their challenges, and needs have an impact on productivity, loyalty and satisfaction of international workers towards the organizations that employ them. The social and cultural impacts of labor migration are felt in their new environment by both domestic and immigrant populations. It is important to understand international workers’ acculturation process in order to provide them with tools necessary to succeed; it is also important to create responsible practices that translate into positive migration outcomes for both domestic and foreign populations. This study collected data on the motivations, processes, challenges, and alternatives experienced by international workers when relocating to the United States. It documents the cultural adaptation process followed by international workers laboring in the hospitality industry, and based on the data collected from interviewers’ responses, it creates new constructs intended to assist hospitality organizations in their operations. By providing tools to support international workers in the acculturation process, and by providing new understandings of the cultural adaptation process undertaken by international workers when relocating, it is plausible to convert a challenge and limitation into an opportunity for hospitality organizations to create value out of their international human capital.

Student evaluation of career readiness after completing the hospitality management curriculum at the International Hotel School

Conradie, Ronette 02 1900 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to determine how the current hospitality management curriculum at The International Hotel School contributes to students’ preparedness from their own perspectives. Generic and curriculum specific skills that can be used for curriculum evaluation were identified, a framework of curriculum variables to rate the level of student preparedness was developed, the effectiveness of the hospitality management curriculum from the perspectives of students’ perceptions of preparedness was analysed, and the aspects that contribute most to student preparedness were identified through a literature study and an empirical investigation. The findings were summarised and it was recommended that The International Hotel School needs to review the hotel and restaurant accounting course and the experiential learning components. Furthermore, lecturers of The International Hotel School should receive training on the implementation of more interactive course content delivery methods. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

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