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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing the hotel requirements of professional sports teams for the hotel industry

Summa, Tosporn 07 April 2009 (has links)
The sports market can produce a consistent and lucrative market for the hotel industry which now is experiencing slow growth and intense competition. In addition to generating revenues, hosting professional sports teams provides excellent public relations and prestige for hotel properties. An extensive literature search indicates that there is a need for descriptive research on targeting professional teams’ markets within the hotel industry. The purpose of this study was to identify the professional sports teams' needs (the requirements they seek) when selecting hotel accommodations. Then, based on the findings of the study, the information was presented as a guide for hotel executives to enhance their marketing strategies in capturing these markets. Also, the findings hoped to make a contribution to the growing body of knowledge of the sports market within the hotel industry. Baseball, football, and basketball were the top three popular sports in terms of attendance in 1988-1990 in the United States; therefore, the sample for this study was 28 Major League Baseball teams, 28 National Football League (NFL) teams, and 27 National Basketball Association (NBA) teams. The principal research tool was a mail survey. Also, telephone interviews were implemented to gather in-depth information and to provide a follow-up of the survey. The results of the study showed that each professional team has different requirements depending on the type of sport. Moreover, individual team policies determine the services a team will want during its stay at a hotel. It is apparent Major League Baseball teams generate the most revenue for the hotel industry compared to the NFL and the NBA teams. / Master of Science

Resorts in Southern Appalachia: A Microcosm of American Resorts in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth centuries.

Fanslow, Mary F. 18 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Five resorts in East Tennessee--Montvale Springs and the Wonderland Hotel in the Smokies, Tate Spring in the Holston River Valley, Unaka Springs on the Nolichucky River, and the Cloudland Hotel at the summit of Roan Mountain--stand testament to the proposition that their region engaged fully with areas outside southern Appalachia. Their origins, clientele, and health and leisure offerings followed those of other resorts of the same time period. Moreover, the effects of national socioeconomic trends on the hotels serve as a contradiction to the stereotype of southern Appalachia as an isolated region barricaded from the outside world by mountainous topography. The East Tennessee resorts covered in this thesis indicate that the region as a whole was emblematic of national socioeconomic and cultural trends.

Examining the gap between employees’ expectations and their experience of HR practices in luxury five-star hotels in Thailand. A cross-sector comparison of local hotels, national and international chains hotels

Suengkamolpisut, Wallapa January 2017 (has links)
Tourism and hospitality play a crucial role in the growth of the Thai economy and hoteliers need to consider how to retain their talented employees. The major output of tourism and hospitality is service and this is most critically driven by the human capital of the organisation and supported by human resource practices. This study examined workforce expectations and experiences of work relationships, job security, WLB, pay and remuneration, PM systems, career promotion, training and development and challenging job roles in luxury five-star hotels in Thailand. It employs a multi-method research design using a pragmatic lens, mixed methods and sequential explanatory design through a survey of 578 respondents, followed by 62 semi-structured interviews, the study shows that national chain hotels are more willing and better able to adapt their HR practices initiatives to local conditions when compared to local and international chain hotels. Thai hotel employees emphasise harmonious social relations and a physical closeness to be taken care of by their supervisors and management team like family members. They are increasingly aware of the need for bundles of HR practices and managers therefore need to understand their workforce and the need to incorporate more flexibility in their working practices as part of a brandconsistent system. Finally, managers need to consider the relational psychological contract of the workforce and understand workforce commitment and how this relates to the broader strategy of the organisation.

Opportunities for small-scale anaerobic digesters for hotels and restaurants in Kathmandu, Nepal

Dhital, Avinash January 2018 (has links)
About 83% of total energy consumed in Nepal comes directly from the solid fuels. The import of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is also growing at an exponential rate. The hospitality subsector (hotels and restaurants), one of the key economic subsectors in the country, consumes most of the energy within the commercial sector primarily for cooking purposes. The bio-waste generated from growing hospitality subsector and other sectors in Kathmandu is poorly managed. Similarly, on the other hand, Nepal has an extensive knowledge and experience of manure based anaerobic household biogas systems mainly in rural areas. Based upon this situation, the thesis investigates the opportunities for anaerobic biogas production for cooking at hotels and restaurants by utilizing their own organic waste. Currently available biogas technologies, important parameters affecting the biogas yield, policy and financial supports and case studies of various stakeholders employing the biogas technologies in the hotels and restaurants in Nepal were considered. The most applicable technology for the purpose was then chosen. The organic waste sampling study from randomly selected 4-star hotel (Yatri Spa and Suites), tourist standard hotel (Hotel Bliss International) and restaurant (Fren’s Kitchen) in Thamel, the tourist zone of Kathmandu was conducted. Similarly, various data especially focusing on the current cooking energy need, demand, supply, cost, organic waste management of the hotels and the restaurant was collected through questionnaires and series of interviews. The average amount of daily organic waste and organic waste fraction for Yatri, Bliss and Fren’s was found to be 61.3 kg and 63.0%, 18.4 kg and 82.7%, and 16.3 kg and 81.8% respectively. Similarly, the variations in weekly organic wastes and waste generated per guest was also determined. Based upon the amount and characteristics of organic waste from the sampling survey, the theoretical biogas potential of the organic waste at digester output rate of 0.27 kWh/kg/day for JUAS digesters, the technology selected for the biogas conversion, was found to be 18.4 kWh/day, 5.5 kWh/day and 4.9 kWh/day equivalent to 4.9%, 3.0% and 5.4 % of the current daily energy need for Yatri, Bliss and Fren’s respectively. Similarly, the economic implications of the small-scale biogas technology if employed in the hotels and the restaurant was scoped out. It was found that the recommended Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) based 3000 l sized JUAS bio-digesters had positive Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback time of around 5 years on average for all the eateries under study. The monthly life cycle cost of the integrated LPG-JUAS system is found be cheaper for all eateries as compared to the current LPG system. Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) of the JUAS digesters is calculated to be competitive as compared to energy from other renewables in the country. There is, however, need to improve the digester conditions to get higher biogas yields. For the wider adoption of the digesters across urban sectors, the subsidies amount should also be increased together with information dissemination regarding biogas uses and its potential among the stakeholders. / Omkring 83% av den totala energiförbrukningen i Nepal kommer direkt från det fasta bränslet. Importen av flytande petroleumgas (LPG) växer också i exponentiell takt. Underhållningsbranschen (hotell och restauranger), en av de viktigaste ekonomiska delområdena i landet, förbrukar mest energi inom kommersiell sektor, främst för matlagning. Det biologiska avfallet som genereras av växande underhållsbranschen och andra sektorer i Katmandu är dåligt förvaltad. På samma sätt har Nepal en omfattande kunskap och erfarenhet av gödselbaserade anaeroba hushållsbiogasystem, huvudsakligen i landsbygdsområden. Baserat på denna situation undersöker man avhandlingen möjligheterna till anaerob biogasproduktion för att laga mat på hotell och restauranger genom att använda eget organiskt avfall. För närvarande finns biogasteknik, viktiga parametrar som påverkar biogasutbytet, politiska och finansiella stöd och fallstudier av olika intressenter som använder biogasteknik i hotell och restauranger i Nepal. Den mest tillämpliga tekniken för ändamålet valdes sedan. Undersökning av organiska avfallsprov från slumpmässigt utvalt 4-stjärnigt hotell (Yatri Spa and Suites), turisthotell (Hotel Bliss International) och restaurang (Fren's Kitchen) i Thamel, utförs turistområdet Katmandu. På samma sätt samlades olika data som speciellt fokuserade på dagens energibehov, efterfrågan, tillgång, kostnad, organisk avfallshantering av hotellen och restaurangen genom enkäter och intervjuer. Den genomsnittliga mängden dagligt organiskt avfall och organiskt avfallsfraktion för Yatri, Bliss och Fren var visat sig 61,3 kg respektive 63,0%, 18,4 kg respektive 82,7% respektive 16,3 kg respektive 81,8%. På samma sätt bestämdes också variationerna i organiskt avfall per vecka och avfall som genererades per gäst. Baserat på mängden och egenskaperna hos organiskt avfall från provtagningsundersökningen befanns den teoretiska biogaspotentialen hos det organiska avfallet vid kokareutgångshastigheten på 0,27 kWh / kg / dag för JUAS-kokare, den teknik som valts för biogasomvandling, befunnits vara 18,4 kWh / dag, 5,5 kWh / dag och 4,9 kWh / dag motsvarande 4,9%, 3,0% och 5,4% av dagens energibehov för Yatri, Bliss och Fren. På samma sätt scenkades de ekonomiska konsekvenserna av den småskaliga biogastekniken om de anställdes i hotell och restaurangen. Det visade sig att de rekommenderade polyvinylkloridbaserade (PVC) -baserade JUAS-bioförstörare av polyvinylklorid med jämna mellanrum hade positivt nettoförsäkringsvärde (NPV), interna avkastningsräntor och återbetalningstid på cirka 5 år i genomsnitt för alla restauranger som studerades. Den månatliga livscykelkostnaden för det integrerade LPG-JUAS-systemet befinner sig vara billigare för alla matställen jämfört med det aktuella LPG-systemet. Nivånad kostnad för energi (LCoE) hos JUAS-kokare beräknas vara konkurrenskraftig jämfört med energi från andra förnybara energikällor i landet. Det är dock nödvändigt att förbättra kokareförhållandena för att få högre biogasutbyten. För det bredare godkännandet av kokare i städerna bör bidragsbeloppet också ökas tillsammans med informationsspridning avseende biogasanvändning och dess potential bland intressenterna.För det bredare godkännandet av kokare i städerna bör bidragsbeloppet också ökas tillsammans med informationsspridning avseende biogasanvändning och dess potential bland intressenterna.

Job Satisfaction - A Key Factor or Not for the Luxurious Hotels In Bulgaria?

Borisova, Viliana Miroslavova, McIntyre, Derin Kate, Nenova, Desislava Stoyanova January 2023 (has links)
Background: Given the impact of job satisfaction on service quality and the value, job satisfaction holds significant importance in the hospitality industry. Understanding the drivers and hinders of job satisfaction is vital in an industry influenced by globalization and market competition. Job satisfaction is a widely debated and important topic in the hospitality sector, particularly in the hotel industry. Job satisfaction has a positive effect on the turnover of the company, employees’ fulfillment, and overall quality of goods and services. However, there is still not a clear statement which are the exact factors influencing the job satisfaction in the hospitality industry. Purpose: The focus of this paper is to determine how certain components impact the job satisfaction, specifically within the Bulgarian hospitality industry. By answering the research question, the study intends to contribute to the understanding of job satisfaction itself and how it affects employees’ performance in the hospitality and service industry. The findings will also provide a foundation for future research in this field, advancing knowledge on the influence of the drivers and hinders for job satisfaction. Method: This research paper has taken a qualitative, abductive approach. This approach fits the study as new concepts and ideas can occur by exploring various theories. Interviews were executed with employees, holding different positions in luxurious hotels in Bulgaria. The aim of the qualitative research is to attain a more profound comprehension regarding the topic based on personal experience of each respondent. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this paper, it can be concluded that the drivers indeed have a significant influence on employees' performance, which results with an increase on job satisfaction.  On the other hand, it can be stated that the hinders effect job satisfaction less compared to the drivers. Furthermore, the section indicates additional research that could have been done to determine the relationship between all the factors.

Minefield, Railway, Temple: The Violent Making of Space and Time in Israel/Palestine

Elmakias, Zohar January 2024 (has links)
Israel’s spatial imaginary, as an unsettled project, is in constant negotiation, revision, and transmutation. At the heart of this dissertation is an ethnographic endeavor driven by a reading of the past, present, and future of political and religious struggles in Israel/Palestine through an analysis of actors, practices, and material palimpsests of three sites: a French Mandate building and former Syrian military base in the Golan Heights, turned into a boutique hotel by a security entrepreneur; the longed-for and imagined Third Temple in Jerusalem—today’s Temple Mount—a once marginal messianic scheme currently in revival; and the Jaffa Ottoman train station, reopened as a high-end shopping center and later as a light rail station. Through these sites, this dissertation asks how Israel understands itself vis-à-vis its narrative of a biblical past, its present ‘indigenous’ presence, and its vision or imaginaries of the future.

Exploring the Impacts of COVID-19 on Hotel Booking Intentions: An Application of the Protection Motivation Theory

Calderon, Araceli Hernandez 05 1900 (has links)
After the hit of the COVID-19 pandemic, the hotel industry's efforts need to focus on recovering travelers' confidence by introducing new safe and clean programs or seals. However, there is a lack of guidelines regarding which hotel safety/cleaning programs and what communication strategies are more effective when approaching guests. This study aims to address this gap by using a 2 (COVID-19 Message Type: Fear Appeals vs. Hope Appeals) × 2 (Hotel Safety/Cleaning Program Type: Internal vs. Third-Party) between-subject experiment design. Specifically, it applies the protection motivation theory in investigating the effects of different messages (hope vs. fear) along with different types of hotel safety/cleaning programs (internal vs. third-party) on guests' booking intentions. The moderating role of risk propensity was also explored. The data were collected in a public university located south of the U.S. Different ANOVA and MANOVA tests were conducted. The results suggest that hope appeal messages and hotel internal cleaning programs arouse higher booking intentions. When presenting COVID-19 related information provided by hotels, hope appeals represent a better communication strategy. In addition, the coping and threat appraisals showed to be correlated with hotel guests' booking intentions. Moreover, response efficacy was the strongest predictor with a positive correlation, whereas perceived severity was the second strongest predictor with a negative correlation. Last, risk propensity was found a significant moderator between guests' response efficacy and booking intentions. Participants under the risk-taker category reported higher booking intentions even when their self-efficacy perceptions were low.

How digitalization and package deals can be measured and compared for hotels in the tourism sector : A comparative study of hotels in the counties of Halland and Kalmar

Svensson, Hugo, Sundén, William January 2023 (has links)
Tourism plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and regional development for countries worldwide as well as spurring economic growth in counties within regions. This thesis delves into the unexplored potential of two Swedish counties, Halland and Kalmar, as tourist destinations. Focusing on their degree of digitalization and digitization, we conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis to understand the current state of tourism and identify opportunities for sustainable growth within digitalization. All hotels in both of the counties were studied and compared to see how present they were online on third party booking sites.  The thesis has used secondary data from official tourism statistics sites simultaneously as well as combining them with gathered data from all of the different hotels own websites as well as third party sites used for booking. By examining the two key factors of presence online and package deals we evaluate potential room for improvement for the respective county.  Our findings show that there are several similarities between Halland and Kalmar when it comes to the degree of digitalization and how the regions offer package deals on a broad spectrum. There seems however to be room for improvement for both counties when analyzed to what the literature states. Hotels in Halland have a larger presence online than the hotels in Kalmar, when looking at how many guest nights per hotel the county has, Hallad comes out on top by a large margin. We argue that because of the larger online presence of hotels in Halland they achieve to attract more tourists than Kalmar, despite having fewer hotels in total.  To increase growth in the hospitality industry this thesis proposes a few actionable recommendations for both counties. Implementing more package deals and diversifying the contents of these package deals and focusing more on the digital marketing platforms that are readily available for every business in the hospitality business.  This thesis contributes to a deeper insight into how business owners should act to increase their odds of success as well as how policymakers might help business in their region to develop further. This thesis also gives stakeholders a way of measuring the online presence of hotels and by extension then a way of comparing presence online.

The restructuring of the Montreal tourism industry : a sectoral analysis

Pohlmann, Corinne January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

An empirical examination of mature service environments and high performance strategies within those environments: the case of the lodging and restaurant industries

Crawford-Welch, Simon 14 October 2005 (has links)
This study contributes to the hospitality and strategic management literature through the development of a mid-range approach to the study of environment and strategy. Through the use of cluster analysis and multiple discriminant analysis, four commonly recurring environmental settings were identified. These were (1) a high growth environment, (2) a complex environment, (3) a dynamic environment, and (4) a low growth environment. The significance of the environmental typology was then determined by investigating the proposition that different strategies are associated with high profit performance in each type of environment. In order to investigate this proposition use was made of Miles and Snow's (1978) strategic typology of generic business strategies. No Significant relationship was found between environment, strategic posture and performance. A description of the methodology and statistical approaches used for the investigating the research propositions is included. / Ph. D.

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