Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hotspots"" "subject:"notspots""
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Computational Investigation of Strain and Damage Sensing in Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nanocomposites with Descriptive Statistical AnalysisTalamadupula, Krishna Kiran 11 September 2020 (has links)
Polymer bonded explosives (PBXs) are composites comprised of energetic crystals with a very high energy density surrounded by a polymer binder. The formation of hotspots within polymer bonded explosives can lead to the thermal decomposition and initiation of the energetic material. A frictional heating model is applied at the mesoscale to assess the potential for the formation of hotspots under low velocity impact loadings. Monitoring of the formation and growth of damage at the mesoscale is considered through the inclusion of a piezoresistive carbon nanotube network within the energetic binder providing embedded strain and damage sensing. A coupled multiphysics thermo-electro-mechanical peridynamics framework is developed to perform computational simulations on an energetic material microstructure subject to these low velocity impact loads. With increase in impact energy, the model predicts larger amounts of sensing and damage thereby supporting the use of carbon nanotubes to assess damage growth and subsequent formation of hotspots. The framework is also applied to assess the combined effects of thermal loading due to prescribed hotspots with inertial effects due to low velocity impact loading. It has been found that the present model is able to detect the presence of hotspot dominated regions within the energetic material through the piezoresistive sensing mechanism. The influence of prescribed hotspots on the thermo-electro-mechanical response of the energetic material under a combination of thermal and inertial loading was observed to dominate the lower velocity impact response via thermal shock damage. In contrast, the higher velocity impact energies demonstrated an inertially dominated damage response.
Quantifying the piezoresistive effect derived from embedding carbon nanotubes in polymers remains a challenge since these nanocomposites exhibit significant variation in their electro-mechanical properties depending upon factors such as CNT volume fraction, CNT dispersion, CNT alignment and properties of the polymer. Of interest is electrical percolation where the electrical conductivity of the CNT/polymer nanocomposite increases through orders of magnitude with increase in CNT volume fraction. Estimates and distributions for the electrical conductivity and piezoresistive coefficients of the CNT/polymer nanocomposite are obtained and analyzed with increasing CNT volume fraction and varying barrier potential, which is a parameter that controls the extent of electron tunneling. The effect of CNT alignment is analyzed by comparing the electro-mechanical properties in the alignment direction versus the transverse direction for different orientation conditions. Estimates of piezoresistive coefficients are converted into gage factors and compared with experimental sources in literature. The methodology for this work uses automated scripts which are used in conjunction with high performance computing to generate several 5 μm ×5 μm realizations for different CNT volume fractions. These realizations are then analyzed using finite elements to obtain volume averaged effective values, which are then subsequently used to generate measures of central tendency (estimated mean) and variability (standard deviation, coefficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis) in a descriptive statistical analysis. / Doctor of Philosophy / Carbon nanotubes or CNTs belong to a class of novel materials known as nanomaterials which are materials with length scales on the order of nanometers. CNTs have been widely studied due to their unique mechanical, electrical and thermal properties in comparison to traditional materials such as metals or plastics. Often times, research and applications concerning the use of CNTs involves embedding the CNTs as a filler within a larger composite material system.
In the present work, CNTs are considered to be embedded within a polymer. It is known that the electrical properties of such a CNT/polymer composite change in response to the application of a mechanical force. This change in electrical properties is caused due to the presence of CNTs and is used as a means of sensing the mechanical state of the composite, i.e. real time structural monitoring. The extent of the change in electrical properties, also known as sensing, depends upon a number of different factors such as the amount of CNTs used per unit volume of the polymer, how well dispersed or clumped together the CNTs are within the polymer and the type of polymer material used, among other factors. A statistical analysis is performed with several case studies where these factors are varied and the resulting change in the sensing response is monitored. Several important conclusions were made from the statistical analysis with some of the results providing new insights into the sensing behavior of CNT/polymer composites. For example, it was found that a key parameter known as barrier potential, which directly influences the extent of sensing achieved through a mechanism known as electrical tunneling, needs to be several orders of magnitude lower than previously reported values to accurately capture the sensing effects. Key metrics quantifying the extent of sensing from the analysis were found to be in agreement with previously reported experimental results.
The significance of such a statistical study lies in the fact that CNT embedded composites are increasingly being proposed and used for sensing applications. The use of CNT embedded polymers to encase explosive crystalline grains such as HMX or RDX is one such example. These explosive grains are used in a number of different civil and military applications such as fuel rocket propellants, industry explosives, military munitions etc. The grains possess extremely high energy densities and are susceptible to undergo violent chemical reaction if a trigger is provided through thermal or mechanical means. As such, the monitoring of the structural state of these explosives is crucial for their safe handling and processing. In this work, the sensing response of a composite material comprising of explosive grains surrounded by polymer material containing CNTs is studied in response to different types of mechanical loads, ranging from mild stimuli to impact. It was found that the sensing mechanism was capable of tracking mechanical damage as well as the resulting temperature increases interior to the composite. In addition to its application to safety and preventative measures, the use of CNTs in this context also provided insight into the mechanisms related to the sudden release of energy in these explosive grains which is of significant interest since this is an active area of research as well.
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Origin and properties of microbial hotspots in top- and subsoilHafner, Silke 07 July 2015 (has links)
Mikrobielle Hotspots zeichnen sich durch erhöhte mikrobielle Biomasse und Aktivität im Vergleich zum Gesamtboden aus. Sie umfassen nur einen sehr kleinen Teil des Bodenvolumens, indem jedoch die meisten für Stoffkreisläufe relevanten mikrobiellen biogeochemischen Prozesse ablaufen. In mikrobielle Hotspots sind Prozessraten erhöht, wie beispielsweise verkürzte Umsatzzeiten der organischen Substanz und eine erhöhte Nährstoffmobilisierung im Vergleich zum Gesamtboden. Eine verbesserte Verfügbarkeit von niedermolekularen organischen Substanzen im Vergleich zum Gesamtboden stimuliert das Wachstum und die Aktivität von Bodenmikroorganismen. Mikrobielle Hotspots entstehen in Bodenkompartimenten, die durch Rhizodeposition, den Eintrag von Wurzelstreu, den Eintrag von nährstoffreichem Material von der Bodenfauna und die Auswaschung von organischen Verbindungen aus dem Oberboden einen erhöhten Substrateintrag aufweisen. Im Boden stellen die Rhizosphäre sowie Bioporen wichtige mikrobielle Hotspots dar. Speziell im nährstoffarmen Unterboden sind mikrobielle Hotspots wichtig, da die Nährstoffe in den Hotspots im Vergleich zum Gesamtboden für Pflanzen besser verfügbar sind.
Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden 1) mikrobielle Hotspots anhand molekularer Proxies unterschieden; und 2) das Potential von Vorfrüchten mit Pfahlwurzelsystem zur Ausbildung und Aufrechterhaltung von mikrobiellen Hotspots im Unterboden untersucht; darüber hinaus wurde 3) die mikrobielle Umsetzung des wurzelbürtigen Kohlenstoffs entlag eines Teifengradienten bis in 105 cm Tiefe bestimmt; und 4) die räumliche Ausdehnung der mikrobiellen Hotspots im Ober- und Unterboden anhand der Verteilung und anhand des Umsatzes von wurzelbürtigem Kohlenstoff, sowie anhand von sich ausbildenden pH, Sauerstoff- und Redoxpotentialgradienten von der Wurzeloberfläche in den Gesamtboden bestimmt.
Im Rahmen eines Feldexperimentes wurde Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) zwei Jahre lang auf einem Haplic Luvisol angebaut. Drilsophäre, Rhizosphäre und der Gesamtboden wurden in 15 cm Intervallen bis in eine Tiefe von 105 cm beprobt, um mikrobielle Hotspots anhand von molekularen Proxies zur unterscheiden. Die Proben wurden auf ihre Gehalte an freien extrahierbaren Fettsäuren untersucht. Dafür wurden aus dem Gesamtlipidextrakt die Fettsäuren durch Festphasenextraktion abgetrennt. Die Differenzierung des organischen Materials aus der Drilosphäre, der Rhizosphäre und dem Gesamtboden wurde mittels einer linearen Diskriminanzanalyse durchgeführt. Desweiteren wurde auf der Versuchsfläche neben Luzerne auch Wegwarte (Cichorium intybus L.) angebaut. Um den Kohlenstoffeintrag von Luzerne und Wegwarte in den Boden entlag eines Tiefengradientens zu vergleichen, wurden je drei Luzerne und drei Wegwarteparzellen nach 110 Tage Wachstum in situ mittels 13CO2 pulsmarkiert. Die Verteilung des assimilierten 13C in Spross, Wurzeln und Bodenkohlenstoffpools sowie die Bestimmungen der jeweiligen Kohlenstoffpoolgrößen ermöglichte es, den Kohlenstoffeintrag bis in eine Bodentiefe von 105 cm zu quantifizieren. In einer Laborstudie wurde die räumliche Ausdehnung mikrobieller Hotspots untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde Luzerne in T-förmigen Gefäßen mit drei Kompartimenten zwei Monate lang kultiviert. Die Gefäße waren entweder mit Ober- oder Unterboden gefüllt. Die Wurzeln konnten nur im mittleren Teil der Gefäße wachsen, da eine Nylongaze sie daran hinderte in die seitlichen Rhizosphärenkompartimente vorzudringen. Unterschiedliche Maschenweiten der Gaze verhinderten entweder nur das Wurzelwachstum oder sowohl das Wurzelwachstum als auch das Eindringen der Hyphen von arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilzen in die Rhizosphärenkompartimente. Die Dynamik und Verteilung von wurzelbürtigem Kohlenstoff in der Rhizosphäre, wurde durch die Markierung der Luzerne mit 14CO2 und anschließende Messung der 14C-Aktivität im gelösten organischen Kohlenstoff und im gesamten organischen Kohlenstoff ermittelt. Um Unterschiede im mikrobiellen Abbau der abgegebenen Substanzen in der Ober- und Unterbodenrhizosphäre zu bestimmen, wurden die Aktivitäten extrazellulärer Enzyme gemessen. Zur Messung von Sauerstoff- und Redoxpotentialgradienten bei unterschiedlichem Matrixpotenzial in der Ober- und Unterbodenrhizosphäre wurden ein Sauerstoffmikrosensor und Platinelektroden verwendet.
Während die relativen Gehalte an ungesättigten Fettsäuren von Drilosphäre, über Rhizosphäre bis zum Gesamtboden abnahmen, verhielten sich die Dicarbonfettsäuren genau umgekehrt. Da diese Unterschiede unabhängig von der Bodentiefe waren, konnten diese Proxies zur Unterscheidung der Herkunft des organischen Materials verwendet werden. Mittels einer linearen Diskriminanzanalyse konnte so das organsiche Material mikrobieller Hotspots von dem des Gesamtbodens durch eine lineare Kombination der relativen Gehalte an ungesättigten Fettsäuren und Dicarbonsäuren unterschieden werden. Die unterschiedlichen Quellen des organischen Materials und dessen intensive mikrobielle Überformung veranschaulichen die Komplexität der Prozessse, die zur Entstehung von mikrobiellen Hotspots beitragen. Um diese Prozesse zu untersuchen, wurde das Potential von Vorfrüchten mit Pfahlwurzelsystem zur Ausbildung und Aufrechterhaltung mikrobieller Hotspots im Unterboden analysiert. Dafür wurde der Kohlenstoffeintrag über die Wurzelbiomasse und durch Rhizodeposition sowie die mikrobielle Aufnahme bis in eine Tiefe von 105 cm quantifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Ausbildung mikrobieller Hotspots im Unterboden während der ersten Vegetationsperiode durch Luzerne stärker ist als durch Wegwarte. Die Gründe hierfür waren: 1) Ein höherer Biomassezuwachs von Luzerne und 2) eine 8 fach höherere Verlagerung des assimilierten Kohlenstoffs in das Wurzelwachstum sowie in Rhizodeposite im Unterboden durch Luzerne. Unter Luzerne wurde durch den erhöhten Eintrag von leichtverfügbarem Kohlenstoff das mikrobielle Wachstum und der Umsatz an mikrobiellem C im Unterboden erhöht. Dies weist auf höhere Nährstoffumsatzraten und damit auf deren höhere Pflanzenverfügbarkeit hin. Das könnte zu einer verbesserten Nährstoffversorgung der Hauptfrüchte beitragen, wenn deren Wurzeln durch die ehemaligen Luzernewurzelporen im Unterboden wachsen. Im Gegensatz zur Luzerne bildete die Wegwarte den größten Teil ihrer Wurzelbiomasse im Oberboden aus wohin sie auch den größten Teil ihrer Rhizodeposite exsudierte. Aus diesem Grund ist die Wegwarte zumindest in der ersten Vegetationsperiode nicht als Vorfrucht zu empfehlen, um die Nährstoffverfügbarkeit im Unterboden zu verbessern.
Um die Relevanz von mikrobiellen Hotspots für Nährstoffkreisläufe besser zu verstehen, ist es notwendig die Ausdehnung des Bodenvolumens mit erhöhten Prozessraten und die Gradienten mit denen diese Prozessraten zum Gesamtboden hin abnehmen zu untersuchen. Dies ermöglichte das oben beschriebene Experiment, bei dem Luzerne in den kompartimentierten Wachstumsgefäßen angezogen wurde. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die Wurzelexsudation in die Oberbodenrhizosphäre verglichen mit der Exsudation in die Unterbodenrhizosphäre deutlich höher war. Allerdings waren die Gradienten der 14C markierten Wurzelexsudate im gelösten organischen Kohlenstoff von der Wurzeloberfläche in Richtung Gesamtboden steiler als im Unterboden. Da zusätzlich zu dem erhöhten Eintrag und den steileren Gradienten auch die Enzymaktivitäten im Oberboden höher waren, kann von einem erhöhtem mikrobiellem Abbau der Wurzelexsudate im Vergleich zur Unterbodenrhizosphäre ausgegeangen werden. Obwohl erwartet wurde, dass erhöhter mikrobieller Abbau zu einer geringeren diffusiven Ausdehnung der Wurzelexsudate in der Oberbodenrhizosphäre führen würde, war dies nicht der Fall. Sowohl in der Oberboden- als auch in der Unterbodenrhizosphäre wurde 14C aus Exsudaten bis in eine Entfernung von 28 mm im DOC und 20 mm im TOC zur Wurzeloberfläche nachgewiesen. Die Sauerstoffkonzentration nahm in Richtung zur Wurzeloberfläche ab, wobei der Gradient in Ober- und Unterbodenrhizosphäre identisch war. Ein Rhizosphäreneffekt auf die Sauerstoffkonzentration konnte bis in 20 mm Entfernung zur Wurzeloberfläche gemessen werden. Das Matrixpotenzial war ausschlaggebend für die diffusive Nachlieferung von Sauerstoff, und damit für die Aufrechterhaltung der aeroben Respiration in der Rhizosphäre. Bei einem Matrixpotenzial von -200 hPa oder weniger fand keine Hemmung der Respirationsprozesse durch mangelnde O2 Nachlieferung zur Wurzeloberfläche statt. Die auf der Sauerstoffkonzentration beruhenden Veränderungen des Redoxpotentials konnten bis in eine Entfernung von 2 mm zur Wurzeloberfläche erfasst werden. Nur unter ständiger Wassersättigung wurden in der Rhizosphäre schwach reduzierende Bedingungen erreicht.
Im Rahmen dieses Dissertation konnte gezeigt werden, dass mikrobielle Hotspots im Boden eine größere laterale Ausdehnung erreichen als bislang angenommen. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Hotspots eine Schlüsselfunktion bei der Erhöhung von Kohlenstoff- und Nährstoffumsätzen besitzen. Daher empfiehlt sich der Anbau von tiefwurzelnden Vorfrüchten mit ausgeprägter C-Verlagerung in den Unterboden, wie beispielsweise Luzerne, um die Nährstoffverfügbarkeit aus dem Unterboden in Agrarökosystemen zu verbessern.
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The relationship between traffic congestion and road accidents : an econometric approach using GISWang, Chao January 2010 (has links)
Both traffic congestion and road accidents impose a burden on society, and it is therefore important for transport policy makers to reduce their impact. An ideal scenario would be that traffic congestion and accidents are reduced simultaneously, however, this may not be possible since it has been speculated that increased traffic congestion may be beneficial in terms of road safety. This is based on the premise that there would be fewer fatal accidents and the accidents that occurred would tend to be less severe due to the low average speed when congestion is present. If this is confirmed then it poses a potential dilemma for transport policy makers: the benefit of reducing congestion might be off-set by more severe accidents. It is therefore important to fully understand the relationship between traffic congestion and road accidents while controlling for other factors affecting road traffic accidents. The relationship between traffic congestion and road accidents appears to be an under researched area. Previous studies often lack a suitable congestion measurement and an appropriate econometric model using real-world data. This thesis aims to explore the relationship between traffic congestion and road accidents by using an econometric and GIS approach. The analysis is based on the data from the M25 motorway and its surrounding major roads for the period 2003-2007. A series of econometric models have been employed to investigate the effect of traffic congestion on both accident frequency (such as classical Negative Binomial and Bayesian spatial models) and accident severity (such as ordered logit and mixed logit models). The Bayesian spatial model and the mixed logit model are the best models estimated for accident frequency and accident severity analyses respectively. The model estimation results suggest that traffic congestion is positively associated with the frequency of fatal and serious injury accidents and negatively (i.e. inversely) associated with the severity of accidents that have occurred. Traffic congestion is found to have little impact on the frequency of slight injury accidents. Other contributing factors have also been controlled for and produced results consistent with previous studies. It is concluded that traffic congestion overall has a negative impact on road safety. This may be partially due to higher speed variance among vehicles within and between lanes and erratic driving behaviour in the presence of congestion. The results indicate that mobility and safety can be improved simultaneously, and therefore there is significant additional benefit of reducing traffic congestion in terms of road safety. Several policy implications have been identified in order to optimise the traffic flow and improve driving behaviour, which would be beneficial to both congestion and accident reduction. This includes: reinforcing electronic warning signs and the Active Traffic Management, enforcing average speed on a stretch of a roadway and introducing minimum speed limits in the UK. This thesis contributes to knowledge in terms of the relationship between traffic congestion and road accidents, showing that mobility and safety can be improved simultaneously. A new hypothesis is proposed that traffic congestion on major roads may increase the occurrence of serious injury accidents. This thesis also proposes a new map-matching technique so as to assign accidents to the correct road segments, and shows how a two-stage modelling process which combines both accident frequency and severity models can be used in site ranking with the objective of identifying hazardous accident hotspots for further safety examination and treatment.
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Computer wireless networks : a design plan for building wireless networks using IEEE 802.11 standardAlmantheri, Hamed 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / In spite of the fact that wireless network technology has been available for long period of time, there has been very limited wireless networks deployments around the world before 1997 due to the lack of widely recognized standard for wireless networks. Thanks to the approval of the IEEE 802.11 family of standards in 1997, the world has witnessed tremendous deployment and proliferation of wireless networks in all aspects of life. Although the IEEE 802.11 family of standards has been ratified to design radio transceivers for wireless computer stations capable of interconnecting with other wireless computer stations in close proximity, the technology has been successfully employed to design and implement wireless networks with great number of distant wireless computer stations with reasonable data throughput and flexibility. This thesis explores the wireless network technology and the primary building blocks and components of a wireless network. It also explores the IEEE 802.11 standard and its technical specifications including the Physical layer (PHY), the Media Access Control layer (MAC) and the ongoing task forces. Additionally, the thesis examines the wireless network security including the vulnerabilities, ongoing improvements and recommendations. Next, it investigates the market for available wireless devices compatible with the IEEE 802.11 standard that can be used to build a wireless network with high data throughput and high level of security. Subsequently, the thesis formulates a design plan for civilian wireless network with different scenarios in order to provide a speedy solution to the limited broadband service availability in the Sultanate of Oman. Additionally, the thesis formulates a generic design plan for a military wireless network with different scenarios that can be rapidly deployed in the field of operations. / Computer Engineer, Royal Army of Oman
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La conversion génique biaisée : origine, dynamique et intensité de la quatrième force d’évolution des génomes eucaryotes / Biased gene conversion : origin, dynamics and intensity of the fourth evolutionary force of eucaryotic genomesLesecque, Yann 11 July 2014 (has links)
En génomique comparative, on considère classiquement trois forces déterminant l'évolution des séquences : la mutation, la sélection et la dérive génétique. Récemment, lors de l'étude de l'origine évolutive des variations de la composition en base des génomes, un quatrième agent a été identifié : la conversion génique biaisée (BGC). Le BGC est intimement lié à la recombinaison méiotique et semble présent chez la plupart des eucaryotes. Ce phénomène introduit une surreprésentation de certains allèles dans les produits méiotiques aboutissant à une augmentation de la fréquence de ces variants dans la population. Ce processus est capable de mimer et d'interférer avec la sélection naturelle. Il est donc important de le caractériser afin de pouvoir le distinguer efficacement de la sélection dans l'étude de l'adaptation à l'échelle moléculaire. C'est ce que nous nous attachons à faire dans le cadre de ce travail. Pour cela nous utilisons deux espèces modèles. Premièrement la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae pour laquelle une carte de recombinaison haute résolution permettant l'analyse du processus de conversion, est disponible. L'étude approfondie de cette carte nous a permis de lever le voile sur les mécanismes moléculaires qui sous-tendent le BGC. Deuxièmement, grâce à des découvertes récentes sur la détermination des patrons de recombinaison via la protéine PRDM9 chez les mammifères, nous avons quantifié la dynamique et l'intensité de ce processus dans l'histoire évolutive récente de l'homme. Ces résultats nous ont permis de confirmer la place du BGC comme quatrième force d'évolution moléculaire, mais aussi de discuter de l'origine évolutive de ce phénomène / Usually, three main forces are considered when studying sequences evolution in comparative genomics : mutation, selection and genetic drift. Recently, a fourth process has been identified during the study of base composition landscapes in genomes : biased gene conversion (BGC). This phenomenon introduces an overrepresentation of certain alleles in meiosis products (gametes or spores) leading to an increase of the frequency of those variants in the population. Thus, it is able to mimic and interfere with natural selection. Hence, it is important to describe this phenomenon in order to be able to trustfully distinguish BGC and selection in the study of adaptation at the molecular scale. So, the main goal of this work is to analyze the molecular origin, the intensity and the dynamics of BGC. To do so, we use two model species. First, we use the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae because, for this specie, a high-resolution recombination map is available which allows a fine study of the conversion process. Analyzing this map led us to shed the light on the molecular mechanisms of BGC. Secondly, recent discoveries on the role of the PRDM9 protein in the determination of recombination landscapes in mammals allowed us to quantify the dynamics and intensity of BGC in the recent human history. Thanks to those two studies, we first confirmed that BGC is the fourth force of molecular evolution and we also provided hypotheses about the evolutionary origin of this process
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Study of defects in PV modules : UV fluorescence and Thermographic photography for Photovoltaics (PV) Field ApplicationNylund, Sophie, Barbari, Zahra January 2019 (has links)
For a PV plant it is of fundamental importance that the operation of the PV modules is free from faults or at least that the faults can be detected early, to ensure efficient electricity production. Some defects such as cracks can be seen in visible light while microcracks and damage to the silicon material can only be seen through special lighting. This study focuses on the most common defects in photovoltaic (PV) systems. Compare the infrared (IR) technology with the new ultraviolet (UV) fluorescence image technique for PV characterization, based on their accuracy and uncertainty factors under an experimental field investigation. In this study, first a literature study was conducted to the most common defects in PV system and their impact on electricity generation. Then a simulation model of a PV system was created in PVsyst and exported to Microsoft Excel which was used to evaluate how different defects at different stages of the PV cell's life cycle impact electricity generation, performance parameters and economic exchange. Furthermore, experiments with UV and IR was implemented at a PV system located in Dalarna and some PV modules at MDH. It was conducted that occurrence of snail tracks, delamination and hot spots in combination with bypass failures and non-functioning cell will affect the economic profitability in the long run and the payback time will increase since their impacts on electricity generation and performance parameters are huge. The worst case is when PV modules are affected by the fault in bypass diode and non-functioning cell which result to a payback time longer than the module's lifetime and huge amount electricity losses in different bypass diodes configurations. Since UV and IR are two different methods that are performed in two different ways, different errors occurred during the measurements. The biggest external factor was the weather that determined if the experiment could be implemented. The IR method gave decent results and was quicker to use, but the UV method highlighted some defect which could not be seen with the IR technology.
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Dinâmica temporal e influência de variáveis ambientais no recrutamento de peixes recifais do Banco dos Abrolho, BA, Brasil. / Temporal dynamics and influence of environmental variables in the recruitment of reef fish of the Abrolhos Bank, BrazilSartor, Daniel 25 June 2015 (has links)
O recrutamento é extremamente importante no ambiente recifal, sendo o principal responsável pelo reabastecimento de populações adultas de peixes. Esse fenômeno é altamente complexo, não sendo claro se é influenciado apenas por processos estocásticos ou também por processos determinísticos. No presente estudo avaliamos a dinâmica temporal do recrutamento de diversas espécies de peixes recifais, identificando sítios de berçário (i.e. recrutamento estável e alto) e a influência de variáveis ambientais. Para tal, utilizamos dados de um monitoramento de médio prazo (i.e. 2001 a 2014) realizado no Banco dos Abrolhos (BA-Brasil). Foram amostrados mais de 45 sítios, sendo levantados dados sobre a comunidade de peixes, comunidade bentônica e outras variáveis ambientais. A partir desses dados, avaliamos a variação do recrutamento por sítio em dois períodos distintos (i.e. 2001-2008/2006-2014) e a influência de variáveis ambientais no recrutamento, através da técnica Boosted Regression Trees. Constatamos que diversas espécies de peixe apresentam-se com recrutamento estável em distintos sítios de amostragem. Também observamos um efeito positivo da densidade de peixes recifais coespecíficos adultos e da cobertura relativa de algas frondosas no recrutamento de diversas espécies analisadas. No geral, observamos que há certa espécie especificidade no processo de recrutamento, porém, em escalas espaciais maiores, os padrões podem estar ligados a características mais gerais, relacionadas a um grupo taxonômico mais elevado. Em relação aos sítios de berçário, um se destacou, sendo berçário de 5 diferentes espécies, incluindo Scarus trispinosus, uma das espécies prioritárias para conservação na região de Abrolhos. Assim, recomendamos a criação de uma área marinha de proteção integral que englobe o sítio em questão. Além disso, as descobertas deste trabalho nos permitem reforçar a teoria de que o recrutamento de peixes recifais pode ser influenciado por fenômenos determinísticos e não varia simplesmente de maneira estocástica. / Recruitment is extremely important in the reef environment, because it is the main source of population replenishment. Reef fish recruitment is a highly complex process and it is not clear whether it is influenced only by stochastic processes or also by deterministic processes. Herein, we aimed to investigate temporal dynamics of reef fish recruitment, identify nursery sites (i.e. predictably high recruitment sites) and evaluate the influence of environmental variables on recruitment. We used data from a medium-term time series (i.e. 2001-2014) of scientific surveys in Abrolhos Bank (BA-Brazil). We sampled more than 45 sites, for several consecutive years and recorded data about fish community, benthic community and other environmental variables. We assessed the variation of recruitment on each site, during two distinct periods (i.e. 2001-2008 / 2006-2014), and used the Boosted Regression Trees technique to evaluate the influence of environmental variables in recruitment. We found that several reef fish species present a low variable recruitment at different sampling sites. BRT showed a positive effect of the coverage of flesh algae and abundance of conspecific in the abundance of recruits (i.e. young-of-year) of many species. Overall, we notice that the recruitment traits seems to be species specific, but we also found indications that in larger spatial scales, recruitment spatial and temporal patterns may be related to general characteristics among species of the higher taxa. Nursery sites varied among species and one site was a nursery to 5 different reef fish species, including Scarus trispinosus, a species that require priority conservation in the Abrolhos Bank. Therefore, we recommend the creation of a new no-take marine protected area that encompasses this site. Our results also indicated that reef fish recruitment may be influenced by deterministic processes and do not vary only stochastically.
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Evolução morfológica e sedimentológica do Arco Praial de Massaguaçú, litoral norte de São Paulo / Morfological e and sedimntological evution on Massaguaçu Bay Beach,North Costal of São Paulo\'s StateNuber, Eduardo 30 October 2008 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresenta-se a evolução morfológica e sedimentológica no Arco Praial de Massaguaçú, Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, em uma escala espaço-temporal histórica e de eventos. O Arco Praial de Massaguaçú localiza-se ao norte da Baia de Caraguatatuba e tem uma extensão de aproximadamente 7,5km. A metodologia consistiu na determinação da variação da linha de costa através da análise de fotografias aéreas de 1962, 1977, 1994 e 2001 e GPS para 2006. Foram obtidos 174 perfis bidimensionais e 16 perfis tridimensionais coletados em cinco levantamentos de campos entre os meses de novembro de 2006 e março de 2008 utilizando o método de DGPS. Foram coletadas ainda 176 amostras sedimentares na zona de espraiamento do Arco Praial, junto ao último ponto de cada perfil bidimensional, sendo uma coleta por perfil. Os resultados demonstraram que a maior parte da praia sofreu progradação entre os anos de 1962 e 1994, sendo observada mudança nesta tendência entre 1994 e 2006. Os dados de morfologia e sedimentologia mostraram grande variabilidade espaço temporal, sendo que estas parecem estar relacionadas a variações anuais de energia de onda. Foi identificada uma Zona de Erosão Acentuada (ZEA) na Parte Central do Arco Praial e dividiu-se a praia em cinco áreas de risco, onde este é menor nas extremidades do Arco Praial e aumenta em direção a região central. / This dissertation characterize the morphological and sedimentological evolution of Massaguaçú Bay Beach, São Paulo State, Northeast Brazil, in a Historical and events spatial-temporal scale. Massaguaçú Bay Beach is localized northward of Caraguatatuba Bay and has approximately 7.5Km length. The methodology consisted on the determination of the shoreline changes with Aerophotographic analyses of 1962, 1977, 1994 and 2001, 2006 shoreline was taken with GPS. The DGPS Method was used to obtain 174 two-dimensional profiles and 16 tri-dimensional profiles in 5 field campaigns conducted between November, 2006 and March, 2008. 176 sand samples were collect in the swash zone, next to the last position of each two-dimensional profile. Data showed that almost all beach demonstrated shoreline progradation between 1962 and 1994, this tendency change between 1994 and 2006 with the possibility of increase of the retraction processes. It was observed a great variability in morphological and sedimentological data, this appear to be related with variations on the wave height pattern during the year. It has identified an Erosional Hotspot in the central area of the beach and the beach has divided in five risck areas where the risck increase from the extremities to the center of the beach.
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Déficit de connaissances de la biodiversité et biologie de la conservation : le cas de l’herpétofaune d’Algérie / Biodiversity shortfalls and biodiversity conservation : the case of Algerian herpetofaunaBeddek, Menad 30 November 2017 (has links)
L’Algérie est un cas d’école en matière d’ignorance en biodiversité. A ce jour, on ne dispose d'aucun inventaire complet pour aucun taxon ni aucun atlas à l’échelle du pays ! Pourtant, l’Algérie est d’une grande importance pour la biodiversité mondiale. La façade littorale de l’Algérie fait partie du hostpot de biodiversité mondial qui est le pourtour méditerranéen et compte plusieurs points rouges de biodiversité régionaux. Par ailleurs, la partie saharienne contient une diversité d’organismes endémiques adaptés aux fortes conditions de sécheresse. Les autorités algériennes déploient un projet ambitieux pour la conservation en fixant 50 % de la surface du pays comme objectif pour les aires protégées ! Mais, l’emplacement de ces aires protégées et leur gestion n’obéit pas à des critères basés sur une bonne connaissance de la diversité, mais sont plutôt panifiés à dire d’expert. L’objectif général de cette thèse c’est l’étude de la distribution de l’ignorance en biodiversité en Algérie en se concentrant sur les « Linnean, Wallacean et Darwinian Shortfalls » et de contribuer à les réduire. J’ai consacré un chapitre qui a pour but de réduire le Linnean Shortfall en proposant 1) une première checklist des reptiles et amphibiens d’Algérie qui est le fruit d’un examen précis des publications scientifiques sur ces taxons en Afrique du Nord. 2) une première pré-évaluation des statuts de conservations des reptiles et amphibiens d’Algérie pour la production de la première liste rouge nationale. La deuxième partie de ce manuscrit traite la question de l’ignorance de la distribution géographique des espèces. Le but de cette partie est de cartographier l’ignorance qui est la différence entre la diversité la richesse spécifique attendue et la richesse spécifique observée. La richesse spécifique attendue a été modélisée avec deux approches : 1 l’utilisation des modèles de niches avec la méthode de maximum d’entropie (MaxEnt) pour prédire les habitats favorables pour chaque espèce puis additionner les différentes couches binaires de présence des espèces pour calculer la richesse spécifique. 2) l’addition des couches des aires d’occurrences des espèces construite par la méthode du minimum convex polygon pour produire la carte de distribution de la richesse spécifique. Les deux approches ont montré la même tendance à l’échelle nationale, c’est-à-dire la concentration des zones les plus riches sur le long de l’Atlas Saharien et des hauts plateaux qui sont la zone de transition entre le Sahara et la partie méditerranéenne de l’Algérie. L’opposition de la partie saharienne globalement pauvre en espèce et la moitié nord plus riche. En fin, les massifs sahariens du Hoggar et Tassili forment une zone très distincte avec une richesse nettement supérieure par rapport au reste du Sahara. Pour ce qui est des lacunes, dans la Partie nord, la Kabylie, le parc national d’El Kala et la région d’Oran sont assez bien prospectées. Dans le Sahara, seuls quelques points sont assez bien prospectés comme Biskra, Béchar et quelques zones du Hoggar et Tassili. En fin, la troisième partie porte sur la distribution des lignées génétiques dans le Maghreb. Les objectif de cette partie est localiser les zones de sutures entre les lignées génétiques divergentes des populations de l’est et de l’ouest du Maghreb et d’essayer de comprendre les mécanismes qui ont conduit à ce patron de diversité génétique. Pour répondre à ces questions, j’ai effectué une phylogéographie comparées sur 11 espèces de reptiles et amphibiens à distribution continue et large dans le Maghreb. Deux zones de sutures ont été identifiées : une zone à la frontière de l’Algérie et du Maroc, l’autre EN Kabylie à l’ouest de la vallée de la Soummam. Les divergences entre les clades est et les clades ouest ont eu lieu entre la période pré-messinienne jusqu’au à la limite plio-pleistocène et se seraient maintenues dans des refuges climatiques à l’est et à l’ouest du Maghreb. / Algeria is a case study of biodiversity ignorance. To date, there are neither complete inventories for any taxa nor atlas across the country! Yet, Algeria is of great importance for global biodiversity. The coastal area of Algeria is part of the global biodiversity hostpot which is the Mediterranean perimeter and has several regional red spots of biodiversity. Moreover, the Saharan part encompasses a diversity of endemic organisms adapted to the strong conditions of drought. The Algerian authorities are deploying an ambitious project for conservation aiming to reach 50% of the country's surface as protected areas! However, the location of these protected areas and their management don’t obey to a scientific evidence based, but are rather based on experts opinion. The main aim of this thesis is the study of the biodiversity ignorance distribution in Algeria by focusing on the "Linnean, Wallacean, and Darwinian Shortfalls" and to contribute to reduce them. The first chapter aims at reducing the Linnean Shortfall by proposing 1) a first checklist of reptiles and amphibians of Algeria which is the result of an accurate review of scientific publications on these taxa in North Africa. 2) a first pre-assessment of the conservation status of reptiles and amphibians of Algeria for the production of the first national red list. The second part of this manuscript deals with the ignorance of the geographical distribution of species. The purpose of this part is to map the ignorance which is defined as the difference between the expected specific richness diversity and the observed specific richness. The predicted species richness was modelled with two approaches: 1 ecological niche modeling with the maximum entropy method (MaxEnt) to predict the suitable habitats for each species and then add the different binary layers of species presence to calculate the specific richness. 2) Minimum convex polygon method was used to create range maps of each species and were auditioned to obtain predicted species richness. Both approaches have shown the same trend at a national scale: the concentration of the richest areas along the Saharan Atlas and the high plateaux which are the transition zone between the Sahara and the the Mediterranean part of Algeria. The opposition of the Saharan with a low species richness and the northern part with a higher species richness. Finally, the Saharan massifs of the Hoggar and Tassili form a very distinct zone with a much greater wealth compared to the rest of the Sahara. In terms of gaps, in the northern part, Kabylie, El Kala National Park and the Oran region are fairly well surveyed. In the Sahara, only a few points are clearly well prospected as Biskra, Bechar and some areas of the Hoggar and Tassili. The third part deals with the distribution of genetic llineages in the Maghreb. The aim of this section is to locate the phylogeographic breaks between the divergent eastern and western populations of the Maghreb and to try to understand the mechanisms that led to this pattern of genetic diversity. To answer these questions, I carried out a comparative phylogeography on 11 species of reptiles and amphibians with continuous and wide distribution in the Maghreb. Two suture zones have been identified: one zone on the border of Algeria and Morocco, the other in Kabylia west of the Soummam valley. The divergences between the eastern clades and the western clades occurred between the pre-Messinian periods up to the plio-pleistocene boundary and were maintained in climatic refugia in the east and west of the Maghreb.
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Physiological and ecological aspects of winter torpor in captive and free-ranging striped skunksHwang, Yeen Ten 12 May 2005
<p>The principle objective of this investigation was to develop an understanding of the physiological response and ecological aspects of winter torpor of small carnivores, specifically striped skunks (<i>Mephitis mephitis</i>) in the northern environment. An experiment was undertaken to investigate the physiological response of skunks to solitary and communal over-winter strategies. Solitary skunks were able to undergo daily torpor to conserve energy to survive the winter, whereas communal skunks were able to use social huddling to reduce energy expenditure and rarely entered torpor. Due to seasonal changes in life requirements, den selection criteria change throughout the year. I examined the landscape metrics and habitat characteristics surrounding dens to evaluate the hierarchical selection and use of dens during winter (i.e., for torpor) and summer (i.e., for parturition). Den structures commonly used for winter dens were buildings, whereas den structures used for maternity dens were rockpiles and underground burrows. Habitat surrounding den sites influenced den use; animals chose den sites closer to roads, water sources, habitat edges, and crop fields. Seasonal movements of skunks from winter dens to the following summer home ranges were examined with respect to winter grouping (i.e., solitary or communal) and winter den structure (i.e., underground burrow or building) to investigate factors that influence spatial distribution of skunks. Male and female skunks moved similar distances (~1.5 km) from winter dens to the center of home ranges established in summer, irrespective of winter grouping status and winter den structure use. Due to limited movement in spring, skunks from communal winter dens had higher spatial overlap of summer home ranges than did skunks from solitary dens, producing spatial aggregation of skunk activities surrounding winter communal den sites. Consequently, winter communal dens represent localized hotspots in the landscape. The effects of extrinsic variables (i.e., environment and diseases) and intrinsic characteristics (i.e., age, gender, and body condition) on cumulative winter survival rate were examined. Winter survival rates were driven mostly by winter condition (i.e., low ambient temperature and snow depth), rabies, and body condition. These results suggest that winter severity probably poses a limit on the northern distribution of the species.</p>
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