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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposition de nouveaux mécanismes de protection contre l'usurpation d'identité pour les fournisseurs de services Internet / Proposal for new protections against identity theft for ISPs

Biri, Aroua 25 February 2011 (has links)
De plus en plus d’organisations sont informatisées et plus une organisation est grande, plus elle peut être la cible d’attaques via Internet. On note également que les internautes utilisent de plus en plus Internet pour faire des achats sur des sites de commerce électronique, pour se connecter à l’administration en ligne, pour voter de manière électronique, etc. Par ailleurs, certains d’entre eux ont de plus en plus d'équipements électroniques qui peuvent être raccordés à Internet et ce dans divers sites (domicile, voiture, lieu de travail, etc.). Ces équipements forment ce qu’on appelle un réseau personnel qui permet la mise en place de nouvelles applications centrées sur l’internaute. Les fournisseurs de services Internet peuvent ainsi étoffer leurs offres de services en présentant une offre de sécurisation de ce genre de réseau. Selon le rapport du cabinet « Arbor Networks » intitulé « Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report », les menaces identifiées comme les plus sévères sont relatives aux attaques de déni de service distribué. Ce type d’attaque a pour but de rendre indisponible un service en empêchant les utilisateurs légitimes de l'utiliser. Il utilise la technique de l’usurpation d’identité qui consiste en la création de paquets (de type IP, ARP, etc.) avec une adresse source forgée et ce dans le but d’usurper un système informatique ou d’usurper l’identité de l’émetteur. La technique de l’usurpation d’identité permet ainsi de rendre un service indisponible, d’écouter, de corrompre, de bloquer le trafic des internautes ou de nuire au bon fonctionnement des protocoles de routage et des réseaux personnels des clients. De plus, la technique de l’usurpation d’identité est également utilisée pour des activités interdites par la loi « Hadopi » en rigueur en France comme le téléchargement illégal. De ce fait, les fournisseurs de services Internet se doivent de prémunir leurs clients des attaques basées sur la technique de l’usurpation d’identité. Ces dits fournisseurs comptent sur les protocoles de routage qu’ils déroulent pour participer au bon acheminement des données de leurs clients. Cependant, le protocole intra-domaine OSPF et le protocole inter-domaine BGP sont vulnérables aux attaques utilisant la technique de l’usurpation d’identité qui peuvent conduire à l’acheminement des paquets vers des destinataires non légitimes ou au déni de service. Nous proposons donc deux mécanismes dédiés respectivement au protocole intra-domaine OSPF et au protocole inter-domaine BGP. D’une part, afin de protéger les routeurs OSPF contre les attaques utilisant la technique d’usurpation d’identité, nous avons préconisé le stockage de l’identité et du matériel cryptographique dans un coffre-fort électronique que sont les cartes à puce. Les cartes déroulent ensuite un algorithme de dérivation de clés avec les cartes des routeurs voisins ainsi qu’avec celle du routeur désigné. Les clés dérivées entre les cartes à puce servent à signer les messages OSPF et à authentifier le niveau MAC. Nous avons décrit par la suite la plateforme du démonstrateur et les scénarios de tests adoptés pour évaluer les performances de notre prototype et les comparer avec ceux du logiciel Quagga sur la base de trois critères : le temps requis pour traiter une annonce d'état de liens, le temps de convergence ainsi que le temps de re-calcul d’une table de routage après un changement. Ces temps augmentent peu avec l’introduction de la carte à puce implémentant les fonctions de sécurité proposées. Ainsi, cette solution permet de renforcer la sécurité du protocole OSPF avec un impact raisonnable sur les performances. D’autre part, afin de protéger les routeurs BGP contre les attaques utilisant la technique d’usurpation d’identité, nous avons préconisé la « clustérisation » des domaines Internet et la sécurisation des liens entre les clusters ainsi qu’au sein de chacun d’eux grâce aux paradigmes de « web of trust » et de la cryptographie sans certificats […] / More and more organizations are computerized and more an organization is great, plus it can be the target of Internet attacks. Moreover, some of them have a growing number of electronic equipments that can be connected to the Internet from various locations (home, car, workplace, etc.). These devices form a so-called personal area network that allows the development of new applications centered on users. The ISPs can then expand their service offerings by providing a secure supply of such networks. According to the report of the firm “Arbor Networks”, entitled "Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report ", the most severe threats are related to distributed denial of service. This type of attack aims to make available a service by preventing legitimate users from using it. It uses the technique of identity theft that involves the creation of packages (like IP, ARP, etc.) with a forged source address and that in order to usurp the Identity of the issuer or of the computer system. Thus, the technique of identity theft allows to render a service unavailable, to listen, to corrupt, to block traffic from Internet users or to undermine the legitimate operation of routing protocols and personal networks. Moreover, the technique of identity theft is also used for prohibited activities by "HADOPI" law in France and related to illegal downloading issues. Thus, the ISPs have a duty to protect their customers from attacks based on the technique of identity theft. The mechanisms of protection against spoofing attacks for access networks are crucial for customer adoption of new applications offered by Internet service providers. This part of the doctoral thesis is part of the European project “MAGNET Beyond" whose vision is to put into practice the concept of personal networks, with the ultimate objective to design, develop, prototype and validate the concept. In the context of user equipment’s access to the network of an Internet services provider from a public place, we proposed a cross-layer protocol based on the principles of information theory. This protocol fixes the security hole not addressed by other proposals that is the attack of identity theft that occurs at the beginning of communication and thus protects users against the middle man attacks. We proposed that the person who wants to have secure access to the Internet must be on a specific circle has been called "RED POINT" so that the attacker is not able to be on the same circle at the same time. The proposed cross-layer protocol can be divided into three phases: the phase of checking the position of the user, the extraction phase of the shared secret of the physical layer and the phase of the derivation of the shared key at the MAC layer. We subsequently validated our solution through a formal tool AVISPA and presented the results of its implementation. In a private context, communication between devices convey users' personal data which may be confidential, so we must prevent equipment not belonging to the legitimate user to access its network. Thus, we proposed two mechanisms of protection against attacks based on spoofing so that illegitimate equipment is unable to impersonate legitimate equipment. The first phase will be dedicated to personal networks and the second will be dedicated to the particular case of medical networks. Regarding the mechanism dedicated to personal networks, we have proposed the use of a protocol based on out-of-band channel in order to provide certificates to user equipments. We derive bilateral key for personal network’s equipments of the same site and between equipments at remote sites. Concerning the particular case of medical networks, we proposed to cover their deployment phases and their operational phases. This proposal was submitted to the IEEE 802.15.6 working group that conducts research for the standardization of medical networks […]

An Investigation of Links Between Simple Sequences and Meiotic Recombination Hotspots

Bagshaw, Andrew Tobias Matthew January 2008 (has links)
Previous evidence has shown that the simple sequences microsatellites and poly-purine/poly-pyrimidine tracts (PPTs) could be both a cause, and an effect, of meiotic recombination. The causal link between simple sequences and recombination has not been much explored, however, probably because other evidence has cast doubt on its generality, though this evidence has never been conclusive. Several questions have remained unanswered in the literature, and I have addressed aspects of three of them in my thesis. First, what is the scale and magnitude of the association between simple sequences and recombination? I found that microsatellites and PPTs are strongly associated with meiotic double-strand break (DSB) hotspots in yeast, and that PPTs are generally more common in human recombination hotspots, particularly in close proximity to hotspot central regions, in which recombination events are markedly more frequent. I also showed that these associations can't be explained by coincidental mutual associations between simple sequences, recombination and other factors previously shown to correlate with both. A second question not conclusively answered in the literature is whether simple sequences, or their high levels of polymorphism, are an effect of recombination. I used three methods to address this question. Firstly, I investigated the distributions of two-copy tandem repeats and short PPTs in relation to yeast DSB hotspots in order to look for evidence of an involvement of recombination in simple sequence formation. I found no significant associations. Secondly, I compared the fraction of simple sequences containing polymorphic sites between human recombination hotspots and coldspots. The third method I used was generalized linear model analysis, with which I investigated the correlation between simple sequence variation and recombination rate, and the influence on the correlation of additional factors with potential relevance including GC-content and gene density. Both the direct comparison and correlation methods showed a very weak and inconsistent effect of recombination on simple sequence polymorphism in the human genome.Whether simple sequences are an important cause of recombination events is a third question that has received relatively little previous attention, and I have explored one aspect of it. Simple sequences of the types I studied have previously been shown to form non-B-DNA structures, which can be recombinagenic in model systems. Using a previously described sodium bisulphite modification assay, I tested for the presence of these structures in sequences amplified from the central regions of hotspots and cloned into supercoiled plasmids. I found significantly higher sensitivity to sodium bisulphite in humans in than in chimpanzees in three out of six genomic regions in which there is a hotspot in humans but none in chimpanzees. In the DNA2 hotspot, this correlated with a clear difference in numbers of molecules showing long contiguous strings of converted cytosines, which are present in previously described intramolecular quadruplex and triplex structures. Two out of the five other hotspots tested show evidence for secondary structure comparable to a known intramolecular triplex, though with similar patterns in humans and chimpanzees. In conclusion, my results clearly motivate further investigation of a functional link between simple sequences and meiotic recombination, including the putative role of non-B-DNA structures.

Analyzing the Trends and Spatial Patterns of Moose Vehicle Collisions in Västernorrland County

Tzimos, Alexandros Theodoros January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Estratégias de planejamento da mitigação do atropelamento de fauna em rodovias

Gonçalves, Larissa Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
Infraestruturas lineares, como as estradas, estão por todos os lugares no mundo e os impactos causados por elas são inúmeros e intensos. Focando no impacto de mortalidade de fauna por colisão com veículos, esta tese teve o objetivo de propor diferentes abordagens para identificar locais para a implementação de medidas de mitigação desse impacto. Além da introdução geral, a tese tem três capítulos que correspondem a três artigos científicos. O primeiro capítulo explorou dados de répteis atropelados em 33 meses de monitoramento mensais em 277 km da BR-101 e avaliou tanto o padrão espacial quanto o padrão temporal de fatalidades além de estimar a magnitude de atropelamentos de répteis na estrada. O segundo e o terceiro capítulo exploram abordagens preditivas de atropelamento de fauna para dois diferentes contextos: uma única estrada e uma rede de estradas. O segundo capítulo teve o objetivo de testar se usando características da paisagem, da rodovia e dos animais, nós podemos predizer onde estão os locais com maior chance de um animal ser atropelado. Para isso, também para a BR-101, calculei a probabilidade de travessia através de mapas de conectividade e a probabilidade de colisão através de uma equação que considera o tráfego de veículos, o tamanho dos animais e dos veículos e a velocidade dos animais para duas espécies de mamíferos nativos do Brasil: o furão (Galictis cuja) e o zorrilho (Conepatus chinga). Para o terceiro capítulo, foi utilizado a rede de estradas do estado de Victoria na Austrália, na qual calculei a probabilidade de travessia e de colisão para o canguru cinza oriental (Macropus giganteus), espécie nativa da Austrália. No primeiro capítulo, demonstrei que: 15.377 cágados, lagartos e serpentes são atropelados a cada ano na BR-101 no sul do Brasil; hot moments de atropelamentos de répteis ocorreram no verão, especialmente em dezembro para lagartos e serpentes; hotspots de atropelamentos foram coincidentes para tartarugas, lagartos e serpentes; existiu um efeito positivo do tráfego e da rizicultura nos atropelamentos e negativo da silvicultura; medidas de mitigação nos hotspots prioritários poderiam evitar 45% das fatalidades de répteis. No segundo capítulo, concluí que a probabilidade de fatalidade através da multiplicação das probabilidades de travessia e colisão não teve um bom poder de predição dos atropelamentos e que a probabilidade de colisão sozinha foi melhor em predizer os atropelamentos do que a probabilidade de travessia, entretanto as espécies apresentaram padrões diferentes. No terceiro capítulo, concluí que um modelo aditivo das duas probabilidades foi melhor em predizer os atropelamentos de cangurus do que os modelos individuais de probabilidades de travessia e colisão, entretanto o modelo integrado não apresentou a predição esperada. A probabilidade de travessia foi um preditor melhor dos atropelamentos de cangurus que a probabilidade de colisão para a rede de estradas. Portanto, concluo que: 1) os atropelamentos de fauna podem ser bastante acentuados em determinados contextos e que é possível identificar locais de maior agregação que seriam efetivos para mitigação; 2) é possível usar dados de tráfego de veículos e tamanho e velocidade dos animais para predizer locais de mais atropelamentos, entretanto deve se ter cuidado pois isso é específico para cada espécie; 3) para o contexto de rede de estradas, é possível predizer o atropelamento utilizando a probabilidade de travessia e a probabilidade de colisão em um mesmo modelo. Ainda é necessário explorar outras maneiras de calcular e integrar as probabilidades aqui propostas, mas nesta tese eu demonstrei uma forma possível de predizer atropelamentos para um contexto em que não há dados dessa natureza disponíveis, seja para estradas novas ou para uma rede de estradas. / Linear infrastructures, such as roads, are worldwide and impacts caused by them are innumerable and intense. We focused on impact of road-kills due to wildlife-vehicle collisions and aimed to propose different approaches to identify locations to implement mitigation measures for this impact. Besides the general introduction, this thesis has three chapters which correspond to three scientific papers. The first chapter examined reptile road-kill data from monthly road survey during 33 months in a 277 km of BR-101 road. We evaluated spatial and temporal patterns of road-kills and estimated the magnitude of reptile road-kills on that road. The second and third chapters examined predictive approaches of wildlife road-kills for two different contexts: a single road and a road network. The second chapter aimed to test if it is possible to use of landscape, road, animals features to predict locations where there are more road-kills. For the same road (BR-101), I calculated crossing probability using connectivity maps and collision probability using an equation which considers traffic volume, animal and vehicle size, and animal speed for two native mammal species from Brazil: the Lesser Grison (Galictis cuja) and the Molina’s Hog-nosed Skunk (Conepatus chinga). To the third chapter, I used the road network of Victoria state in Australia, which I calculated crossing and collision probabilities for eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), a native species from Australia. In the first chapter, I demonstrated that: 15,377 freshwater turtles, lizards and snakes are road-kills each year in Br-101 in Southern Brazil; road-kill hot moments occur in the summer, specially in December for lizards and snakes; road-kill hotspots are coincident among freshwater turtles, lizards and snakes; there is a positive effect of traffic and rice plantation on road-kills and a negative effect of silviculture; mitigation measures of priority hotspots could avoid 45% of reptile fatalities. In the second chapter, I concluded that fatality probability though multiplication of crossing and collision probabilities did not have a good predictive power of road-kills and collision probability alone was better to predict road-kills than crossing probability, however species showed different patterns. In the third chapter, I concluded that an additive model with the two probabilities was better to predict kangaroo road-kills than individual models of crossing and collision probabilities, however the integrated model did not present an expected prediction. Crossing probability was a better predictor of kangaroos road-kills than collision probability for the road network. Therefore, I concluded that: 1) wildlife road-kills can be really high in some contexts and it is possible to identify locations with more road-kill aggregations which would be effective for mitigation; 2) it is possible to use traffic volume, animals size and speed to predict location of road-kills, however it is specific for each species; 3) for road network context, it is possible to predict kangaroo road-kills using crossing and collision probability in the same model. Exploring another ways to calculate and integrate the probabilities used here is necessary, however in this thesis I demonstrated one possible manner to predict road-kills in a context which road-kill are not available, such as new roads or road networks.

Carbon Turnover in Subsoil Hotspots: Are Biopores more than Voids?

Banfield, Callum Colin 08 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Hybrid solid-state/fluidic cooling for thermal management of electronic components

Sahu, Vivek 31 August 2011 (has links)
A novel hybrid cooling scheme is proposed to remove non-uniform heat flux in real time from the microprocessor. It consists of a liquid cooled microchannel heat sink to remove the lower background heat flux and superlattice coolers to dissipate the high heat flux present at the hotspots. Superlattice coolers (SLC) are solid-state devices, which work on thermoelectric effect, and provide localized cooling for hotspots. SLCs offer some unique advantage over conventional cooling solutions. They are CMOS compatible and can be easily fabricated in any shape or size. They are more reliable as they don't contain any moving parts. They can remove high heat flux from localized regions and provide faster time response. Experimental devices are fabricated to characterize the steady-state, as well as transient performance, of the hybrid cooling scheme. Performance of the hybrid cooling scheme has been examined under various operating conditions. Effects of various geometric parameters have also been thoroughly studied. Heat flux in excess of 300 W/cm² has been successfully dissipated from localized hotspots. Maximum cooling at the hotspot is observed to be more than 6 K. Parasitic heat transfer to the superlattice cooler drastically affects its performance. Thermal resistance between ground electrode and heat sink, as well as thermal resistance between ground electrode and superlattice cooler, affect the parasitic heat transfer from to the superlattice cooler. Two different test devices are fabricated specifically to examine the effect of both thermal resistances. An electro-thermal model is developed to study the thermal coupling between two superlattice coolers. Thermal coupling significantly affects the performance of an array of superlattice coolers. Several operating parameters (activation current, location of ground electrode, choice of working fluid) affect thermal coupling between superlattice coolers, which has been computationally as well as experimentally studied. Transient response of the superlattice cooler has also been examined through experiments and computational modeling. Response time of the superlattice cooler has been reported to be less than 35 µs.

Génétique de l'infertilité masculine

Elinati, Elias 10 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le génotypage d'une famille jordanienne consanguine constituée de 5 frères globozoospermiques et de 3 frères fertiles sur puce Affymetrix, a permis d'identifier un nouveau gène responsable de la globozoospermie situé dans un intervalle de 6.4Mb en 12q14.2. Au regard de son expression prédominante dans le testicule et l'implication de son orthologue, chez C. elegans, dans la polarisation cellulaire, le gène DPY19L2 est un gène candidat parfait. Le gène, codant pour une protéine transmembranaire, est flanqué par deux séquences répétées (LCRs) qui partagent 96,5% d'identité. Dans une première étude, une délétion de 200Kb englobant l'ensemble du gène a été mise en évidence chez les 4 frères infertiles de cette famille jordanienne ainsi que chez 3 autres patients non apparentés. Nous avons ensuite recruté une plus grande cohorte de 54 patients. Parmi ces patients, 20 sont homozygotes pour la délétion de DPY19L2 et 7 sont hétérozygotes composites associant la délétion hétérozygote et une mutation ponctuelle. En outre, nous avons identifié, 4 patients avec des mutations ponctuelles homozygotes. Par conséquent, la fréquence d'implication de DPY19L2 s'élève à 66.7%. En tout, 9 points de cassures, regroupés en deux hotspots au sein des LCRs, ont pu être mis en évidence. Ceci confirme que le mécanisme sous-jacent de la délétion est une recombinaison homologue non allélique (NAHR) entre les LCRs. En conclusion, nous confirmons que DPY19L2 est le principal gène de la globozoospermie et nous élargissons le spectre des mutations possible dans ce gène.

Standardizing quarter degree grid data for plant species in the Western Central Bushveld for more explicit use in spatial models / Sabine Eva Maria Johanna Kurzweg

Kurzweg, Sabine Eva Maria Johanna January 2011 (has links)
South Africa is a megadiverse country, and its biodiversity is endangered by population pressure and the development needs of a developing country. In order to address the rapid decline in biological diversity, biodiversity planning has become a key focus area that aims at identifying priority areas for species and ecosystem conservation within and outside of formally protected areas. Plant conservation hotspots are identified by the quantification of indicator taxa such as plant taxa richness, rarity and endemism. But the urgent and enormous task of biodiversity assessment for conservation planning requires that we make most of what we know. Therefore, this study seeks to make a contribution by finding new ways of biodiversity pattern estimation from the extrapolation of incomplete sets of plant species distribution data at the Quarter Degree Grid level. Incomplete sampling across the grids of a study area results in false records of species absence and thus a biased biodiversity estimation. As a possible solution, plant distribution data for the western Central Bushveld Bioregion has been standardized using two profiles, namely the ‘Centroid Grid’ and ‘Integrated Grid’ profile. The former involves the strengthening of under-sampled grids by extrapolating species occurrences from three adjacent grids with the most similar vegetation units, whereas the latter integrates phyto-diversity data for the four grids intersecting at each grid reference point. Standardized data has proved to provide a means to counter the bias in plant diversity data linked to Quarter Degree Grids by a) strengthening of under-sampled grids and b) visibly smoothing out the gaps between under- and well-sampled grids, which resulted in improved biodiversity estimation for more representative spatial biodiversity modelling. Interpolation created geo-referenced polygons for more explicit use in the identification of areas of conservation concern at bioregional scale. However, well-sampled grids still dominate the outcomes of the analysis by creating spatial sampling bias. Therefore, this approach to calibrate Quarter Degree Grid resolution of spatial data is an additional attempt to achieve more representative mapping of biodiversity patterns, which is a prerequisite for strategic conservation planning for ‘living landscapes’. / Thesis (MSc (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Standardizing quarter degree grid data for plant species in the Western Central Bushveld for more explicit use in spatial models / Sabine Eva Maria Johanna Kurzweg

Kurzweg, Sabine Eva Maria Johanna January 2011 (has links)
South Africa is a megadiverse country, and its biodiversity is endangered by population pressure and the development needs of a developing country. In order to address the rapid decline in biological diversity, biodiversity planning has become a key focus area that aims at identifying priority areas for species and ecosystem conservation within and outside of formally protected areas. Plant conservation hotspots are identified by the quantification of indicator taxa such as plant taxa richness, rarity and endemism. But the urgent and enormous task of biodiversity assessment for conservation planning requires that we make most of what we know. Therefore, this study seeks to make a contribution by finding new ways of biodiversity pattern estimation from the extrapolation of incomplete sets of plant species distribution data at the Quarter Degree Grid level. Incomplete sampling across the grids of a study area results in false records of species absence and thus a biased biodiversity estimation. As a possible solution, plant distribution data for the western Central Bushveld Bioregion has been standardized using two profiles, namely the ‘Centroid Grid’ and ‘Integrated Grid’ profile. The former involves the strengthening of under-sampled grids by extrapolating species occurrences from three adjacent grids with the most similar vegetation units, whereas the latter integrates phyto-diversity data for the four grids intersecting at each grid reference point. Standardized data has proved to provide a means to counter the bias in plant diversity data linked to Quarter Degree Grids by a) strengthening of under-sampled grids and b) visibly smoothing out the gaps between under- and well-sampled grids, which resulted in improved biodiversity estimation for more representative spatial biodiversity modelling. Interpolation created geo-referenced polygons for more explicit use in the identification of areas of conservation concern at bioregional scale. However, well-sampled grids still dominate the outcomes of the analysis by creating spatial sampling bias. Therefore, this approach to calibrate Quarter Degree Grid resolution of spatial data is an additional attempt to achieve more representative mapping of biodiversity patterns, which is a prerequisite for strategic conservation planning for ‘living landscapes’. / Thesis (MSc (Environmental Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Comparing and mapping ecosystem service use across interest groups in the Upper Peace River Watershed

Darvill, Rachel 04 February 2014 (has links)
The ecosystem service (ES) approach to conservation normally uses economic or biophysical assessments for valuating nature's services. In contrast, even though ES are required for human well-being, the actual uses of services by differing interest groups are rarely considered, nor are intangible cultural ES. The aim of this research was to quantify different uses for 15 cultural and provisioning ES indicators across seven groups on a regional scale, as well assess spatial differences in ES across eight groups using participatory GIS. Results demonstrate that different interest groups use ES differently; in terms of ES type, frequency of use, as well as spatial location of ES use. In particular, this work highlights the importance of considering cultural ES (e.g. aesthetic/scenic, sense-of-place) during decision making processes. Spatial locations of ES hotspots were also shown to correspond with established areas of high biodiversity, both required for effective and legitimate decisions regarding land use.

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