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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of outdoor attractions application using GIS and Web 2.0technologies

Rusak, Filip January 2014 (has links)
This research aims to investigate different solutions when creating the mostsuitable tool-set for implementation of outdoor attractions Web GISapplication using Web 2.0 technologies. The project has been set incooperation with a local Nedre Dalälven region Leader development teamfor their purposes and needs. Theoretical study has been taken in order todefine a software tool-set which would fit implementation process the best.The research approach includes collection of information about Web 2.0technologies, using available sources (databases which access was providedby University of Gävle), as well as discussion of differences between them.Analysed technologies were compared against applications' requirements.As the results of mentioned research, during development process three-tierarchitecture is going to be considered. The data tier and logical tier are goingto be located on the same server. For the mapping service Google Mapsserver is going to be employed. As an exchange format JSON is going to beused because it is much lighter then XML. On the client side JavaScriptwould suit well for the implementation because of Google Maps JavaScriptAPI and JSON exchange format that are going to be used. The PHP scriptinglanguage is going to implement business logic.The conclusion have been made that three-tier architecture suits thisapplication the best. The information about paths, which should be presentedon the map, is going to be stored in .gpx files rather than database, while filepath on the server side is going to be stored together with other details aboutit.This paper recommends the implementation of such an application and studyof further changes with a purpose of improving performance characteristics.

MPEG-V Based Web Haptic Authoring Tool

Gao, Yu January 2014 (has links)
Nowadays the World Wide Web increasingly provides rich multimedia contents to its users.In order to further enhance the experience of web-users, researchers have sought solutions to integrate yet another modality into the web experience by augmenting web content with haptic properties. In those applications, users are able to interact with web virtual environments (such as games and e-learning systems) enriched with haptic contents. However, it is not easy for designers without pro cient web programming background and basic knowledge regarding haptics, to develop a web application with haptic content enabled. Additionally, there is currently no standard to describe and reuse a well-described haptic application which can be played in web browsers. In this thesis, I present an MPEG-V based authoring tool for facilitating the development procedure of haptics-enabled web applications. The system provides an interface for users to create their own application, add custom 3D models, and modify their graphic and haptic properties. Haptic properties include the speci cation of collision detection mechanism and object surface properties which in turn directly a ect the force simulations. Finally, the user is able to export a haptic-enabled 3D scene in a standard MPEG-V format which can be reconstructed in a web haptic player. A detailed experiment is conducted to evaluate the force simulations, application development process and design of user interface. The results not only verify my proposed methodology, but also show the high acceptance level by users with all levels of programming knowledge of the system.

Kulturpresentations blogg webbplats

Mohsen, Mohsen January 2020 (has links)
This report describes a website that will be created for alsunnah. Alsunnah is a private non-profit organization that helps the Muslims living in Sweden especially the Muslims living in the Östergötland region with the help of knowledgeable young who have different knowledge to teach people their culture in the right way. The task of this report is to create a responsive website that presents their work in different ways. The working environment and tools that will be used are HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery, PHP with mysqli server as database which will build all types of tables that belong to the site and with the help of various literature books and lectures that were during the web development learning. / Den här rapporten beskriver en webbplats som kommer skapas åt alsunnah. Alsunnah är ett privat ideella organisation som hjälper de muslimerna som bor i Sverige framför allt de muslimerna som bor Östergötland region med hjälp av kunniga ungar som har olika kunskaper för att lära folk deras kultur på rätt sätt. Uppgiften i den här rapporten är att skapa ett responsiv webbplats som presenterar deras arbete på olika sätt. De arbetsmiljö och verktyg som kommer användas är HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery, PHP med mysqli server som databas som kommer byggas alla typer av tabeller som kommer tillhöra webbplatsen samt med hjälp av olika litteratur böcker och föreläsningar som var under utbildningen.

Využití WebGL engine pro zobrazování automobilů / WebGL Engine Exploitation for Rendering of Automobiles

Macků, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This paper deals with rendering of automobiles with use of WebGL technology. Aim of this paper is proposal and implementation of method for realistic and stylized rendering of 3D models of automobiles for internal use as a simple preview of automobile in development and presentation or for use in infotainment systems directly in automobiles. Part of this paper is implementation and outline of reachable options and properties of such implementation. This paper is created in cooperation with company SKODA AUTO a.s.

Mobilní aplikace pro subjektivní měření kvality zážitku streamovaného videa / Mobile applications for subjective measurement QoE of streaming video

Šeda, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the subjective measurement of the quality of experience on streaming video through a mobile application. After wide analysis of possibilities how to realize subjective measurement of quality of experience, the mobile and web application were created. These tools enable to obtain user ratings of streaming videos and then evaluate them. The user ratings are stored to the central database via secured REST API.

Förbättring av webbportal förexamensarbetsförslag / Improving Web Portal for Degree Project proposals

Risendal, Kristoffer January 2012 (has links)
I ett tidigare examensarbete på skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik på KTH utvecklades exjobbspoolen, en webbportal skapad med syftet att göra det möjligt för företag att annonsera ut examenarbeten som studenter på ICT-skolan kan söka. Men för att kunna börja använda exjobbspoolen behövdes vissa efterfrågade funktioner utvecklas och befintliga förbättras. För att en mer enhetlig känsla med resten av KTH:s hemsidor skulle uppnås samt att presentationen av sidans innehåll skulle visas på ett effektivare sätt behövdes även webbportalens layout göras om. Den här rapporten tar upp hur systemet har vidareutvecklats och varför valda metoder har använts. Arbetet har gjorts utifrån projektmetoden Feature-Driven Development och är konstruerat i HTML5, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery och har en databas av typen PostgreSQL. Resultatet av projektet är en webbportal som ger möjligheten till företag eller institutioner att förmedla exjobb med önskad formatering. Det examensarbetet kan sedan sökas och bokas av studenter som har identifierats sig via KTHs-inloggningstjänst. / In a previous project at the School of Information and Communication Technology at KTH, a web portal called exjobbspoolen was created with the aim of making it possible for companies to advertise graduate jobs that students at the School of ICT could apply for. But in order to start using this webportal some requested featureshad to be developed and some existing improved. For a more consistent feel with the rest of the KTH websites the layout also had to be redone. This report discusses how the system has been developed and why selected methods have been used. The projec have been driven based on Feature Driven Development, and is developed in HTML5, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery and has a PostgreSQL database. The result of the project is a web portal that provides the ability for companies or institutions to submit graduate jobs with the desired formatting. The job can then be searched and booked by students who have been identified via the KTH-login service.

Final report: using HTML to design and utilize interactive learning guides in audio production classes

Harris, Mark E. Unknown Date (has links)
This project is an HTML-based interactive learning guide for the channel strip of an analog audio console. A very important skill for students studying audio production, recording and engineering is to understand the signal flow of an audio console. Much of learning the entire console is understanding the function and signal flow of the mono channel strip. The channel strip is the first signal input of the console and handles many of the essential functions of signal processing while recording and mixing. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how HTML, CSS and JavaScript can effectively be used to design functional interactive learning guides that can be used to supplement textbooks used in audio production classes and also act as reference material for students enrolled in those classes.

Investigating How HTML5 Improves Accessibility

Mirzaee Naeeni, Fatemeh January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays, a lot of activities such as social communications, educational courses, banking processes, different types of entertainment, online registrations and many more are done through Internet websites. Millions of users use these websites to maintain their daily needs. The challenge in front is that these websites are getting more and more complex, and the need to have well-designed websites becomes more important and at the same time more difficult. Knowledge of usability and accessibility according to the user needs can help designing more convenient while competent websites. It is essential to know that users with different levels of ability may visit a website. They should be able to easily interact with the website based on their abilities, likes and dislikes. Users usually leave the website early if they find it difficult to handle. They may look after easier and more practical solutions to do what they need to do. So it is somehow important to design websites by considering all levels of abilities and disabilities. Therefore, there are standards that must be followed by designers. Basically, usability experts define standards for making a website operational for a vast range of users by reducing the sources of complexity which potentially lead to a problem. Standards set by experts for accessibility aspects mainly focus on making a website more approachable to a bigger portion of users including users with disabilities. This thesis investigates the role of HTML5 markup language in improving the accessibility of the websites. To achieve that, the main factors of accessibility in designing websites are considered and based on that the evaluation has been performed. To gain more applicable results, this thesis concentrates on screen readers as a kind of assistive technologies. The results illustrate that HTML5 markup language can improve the accessibility of a website design. Currently, there are still some difficulties to overcome, for example, browsers lack support for HTML5 and the screen readers are not as effective as they are needed to be. This probably means that we still need more research to find optimal ways of constructing websites with a perfect accessibility and usability for screen readers. / Numera finns en hel del aktiviteter såsom social kommunikation, utbildningar, bankprocesser, olika typer av underhållning, online registreringar och många fler som sker genom webbplatser på Internet. Miljontals användare använder dessa webbplatser för sina dagliga behov. Utmaningen är att dessa webbplatser blir mer och mer komplexa, och behovet av att ha väl utformade webbplatser blir både viktigare och samtidigt svårare. Kunskap om användbarhet och tillgänglighet enligt användarnas behov kan hjälpa till att designa webbplatser som samtidigt är både bekväma och kompetenta. Det är viktigt att användare med olika förmågor kan besöka en webbplats. De bör enkelt kunna interagera med webbplatsen med utgångspunkt från sina förmågor och preferenser. Användare lämnar vanligtvis webbplatsen tidigt om de har svårt att hantera den. De kan se sig om efter enklare och mer praktiska lösningar för att göra vad de behöver göra. Så det är någorlunda viktigt att utforma webbsidor genom att beakta alla nivåer av förmågor och handikapp. Därför finns det normer som måste följas av designers. Användbarhetsexperter definierar standarder för att göra en webbplats nyttig för ett stort antal användare genom att minska orsaker till komplexitet som potentiellt leder till problem. Normer som fastställts av experter på tillgänglighetsaspekter fokuserar huvudsakligen på att göra en webbplats mer tillgänglig för en större del av användarna, inklusive användare med funktionshinder. Denna rapport undersöker betydelsen av HTML5 med avseende på att förbättra tillgängligheten av webbplatser. För att uppnå detta, har de viktigaste faktorerna för tillgänglighet i utformning av webbsidor beaktats och grundat på det har en utvärdering genomförts. För att få mer applicerbara resultat, fokuserar denna rapport på skärmläsare som ett hjälpmedel. Resultaten visar att HTML5 kan förbättra tillgängligheten hos en webbdesign. För närvarande finns det fortfarande vissa svårigheter att övervinna, till exempel att webbläsare saknar stöd för HTML5 och att skärmläsare är inte lika effektiva som de behöver vara. Detta innebär förmodligen att vi fortfarande behöver mer forskning för att hitta optimala sätt att bygga webbplatser med perfekt tillgänglighet och användbarhet för skärmläsare.

Web-Based Data Visualization with 3D Portrayals for Communications Applications

Sharakhov, Nikita Igorevich 25 August 2014 (has links)
The modern web has evolved into a highly capable software platform, which enables near-native performance, while offering installation-free cross-platform applications with a uniform user base and rapid update deployment. SVG, WebGL, and HTML5 Canvas, along with various higher-level JavaScript frameworks allow web applications to drive both 2D and 3D visualization. These technologies allow developing novel visualization applications, which can be applied in the communication domain to geospatially map service quality, and to provide tools research and education in wireless communication. We present two such web applications GeoSpy and CORNET3D. GeoSpy provides 2D and 3D visualization of geospatial data on the web. The application is primarily focused on leveraging 3D portrayals to increase the number of broadband Quality of Service (QoS) metrics, which can be attached to a single point on a map. Additionally, GeoSpy has proven to be a flexible visualization platform by giving the user a high level of customization over HTTP API data. This allows GeoSpy to venture beyond broadband mapping, and provide 3D portrayals of any well-formatted geospatial JSON API. Research of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) can be used to significantly improve the wireless QoS. CORNET3D provides a 3D view of the Virginia Tech CORNET SDR testbed with information on which nodes and radios are operational. The application can also display 2D and 3D plots of the spectrum, which is sensed by the radios in real time. The data is sent to the client over a WebSocket connection to enable low latency, compared to conventional HTTP. CORNET3D can teach students about strategies for optimal use of spectrum resources through a game---"by providing them with real-time scoring based on their choices for radio transmission parameters. CORNET3D has demonstrated that the not only can web applications provide rich portrayals of real-time sensor data, but can also serve as a 3D "serious game" platform. / Master of Science

iCOMB: estudo e reprojeto participativo para redefinição de um sistema para ensino-aprendizagem de combinatória / iComb: study and participative design to redefine a system to teach and learn counting techniques

Silva, Márcia Roberta dos Santos Pires da 13 November 2015 (has links)
Os atuais avanços na área das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC) estão mudando a Educação, com a disponibilização de sistemas educativos para apoiar as atividades no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Embora o tópico de combinatória seja relevante para o ensino médio e para os cursos de Ciências Exatas, este tópico tem sido desconsiderado nos avanços da Informática na Educação, principalmente ao se considerar o uso de ambientes de aprendizagem via Web. Atualmente, o iComb é, no melhor de nosso conhecimento, o único sistema Web integrável a tais ambientes. Ele é um Módulo de Aprendizagem Interativa (iMA) integrável ao Sistema Gerenciador de Cursos (SGC) Moodle, por meio do plugin iTarefa. O iComb oferece atividades de autoria de exercícios, bem como, sua avaliação automática. No entanto, considerando sua usabilidade, foram detectados alguns problemas na interface. O foco deste trabalho está relacionado ao reprojeto do sistema iComb e seu impacto na aprendizagem de combinatória. Para a reconstrução do iComb adotou-se o método de design de interação, buscando-se a participação efetiva de usuários finais do sistema, em todas as atividades desse processo, com (i) sessões de teste de usabilidade utilizando a versão Java do iComb para identificar problemas e guiar o redesenho do sistema, e (ii) prototipagem e avaliação da interface do sistema redesenhado. Esse processo permitiu implementar uma nova versão do iComb utilizando tecnologias associadas ao HTML5, que será brevemente disponibilizado como software livre. / Current advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are changing Education with delivering software to support learning/teaching activities. Although being relevant for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses, Combinatorial Analysis is almost disregarded in these advances, mostly if we consider their integration with earning Management Systems. Currently, iComb is, at the best of our knowledge, the only system with such a possibility. It is an interactive Learning Module (iLM) that can be integrated to Moodle, through the iAssign plugin. iComb provides authoring activities as well as their automatic assessment. Nevertheless, considering the system usability, several interaction problems were detected during sessions with teachers and students. In this work it is described the process of redesigning the iComb system by adopting Interactive Design, to conduct controlled sessions of system use for (i) identifying usability issues for guiding the system redesign; and (ii) prototyping and evaluate the redesigned system interface, with end-users. This process allowed to implement new version of iComb using HTML5 related technologies that will be sooner available as free software, in order to reach a larger audience. Preliminary results on the interface evaluation indicate that both students and teachers felt more comfortable using the new interface of iComb and found it easier to execute common tasks.

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