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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Seen it, enjoyed it, bye!”: Using and interacting on the Instagram platform from the perspective of autistic users

Lagerqvist, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Despite the growing interest for autistic users within the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), the research is mostly limited to assistive technology and often neglects autistic users' own perspectives. Exploring autistic users’ experiences of different mainstream technologies that they use may give valuable knowledge. Using Instagram as a case for a qualitative study with 30 autistic adults, this paper contributes with such knowledge and in the process, it challenges preconceptions about autism that are common in HCI-research. Data from interviews and a survey (N=30) is analysed in the context of previous research and design concepts, discussing the implications for design and future research. Findings show that autistic users' needs are often similar to those of users in general, but may be more pronounced, and that if design recommendations are to be useful, researchers need to take the diversity within the autistic population into account more than is currently done.

Visualization Design Effects on Credibility and Data Perception, and the Importance of Digital Interaction

Faronius Hofmann, Therese, Håkansson, Linda January 2021 (has links)
An effective visualization can often give an insight into data that would otherwise be difficult to analyze. The company Assedon aims to make data understandable to their clients by using data visualization in an interactive user interface. The goal of this study was to create an interactive visual representation of data from the Swedish Public Employment Service with the use of dynamically created digital graphs that are considered credible and beneficial for data perception. Moreover, the goal was to study data perception of the digitally displayed and interactive graphs. The study was conducted by interviewing 19 people with different backgrounds, using a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative interview technique. The interviewees were shown three different designs of a graph type, and rated the graph as well as commented on the graph. The results of this study indicated that a graph is more likely to be perceived as credible if it looks modern and professional. This also means that the design of the graphs needs more attention than people might normally appreciate. The perception of data presented in digitally displayed graphs will be affected by several factors, but most prominently the choice of color can either enhance the perception or confuse. Lastly, interaction with the data will benefit the perception and create another dimension of the data, but only to a certain extent. If the graph is too difficult to evaluate, the purpose of the graph is lost and the interaction becomes a necessity instead of an asset. / En graf kan ge insikt i data som annars är svår att analysera. It-företaget Assedons mål är att konvertera data till digitala interaktiva lösningar som gör data förståelig för deras klienter. Målet med denna studie var att skapa en interaktiv visuell representation av Arbetsförmedlingens data i ett användarvänligt gränssnitt. Detta gjordes genom att skapa digitala grafer som anses trovärdiga och fördelaktiga för datauppfattningen. Målet var även att undersöka hur datauppfattningen av digitala grafer påverkades av interaktion med dessa grafer. Studien utfördes genom att intervjua 19 personer från olika bakgrunder med användning av kvalitativa och kvantitativa intervjutekniker. Deltagarna i studien visades tre olika interaktiva designer av en graf typ och betygsatte dessa samt kommenterade. Resultaten visade att en digital graf är mer sannolik att uppfattas som trovärdig om den ser modern och professionell ut. Datauppfattningen påverkades av flera faktorer, främst färgvalen som kan förtydliga data, men även förvirra läsaren. Avslutningsvis, så kan interaktion erbjuda en ytterligare dimension till grafer och därmed förbättra förståelsen av data. Dock till en viss gräns, är grafen för svår att evaluera utan tillgång till interaktionen så förloras syftet med grafen och interaktionen blir en nödvändighet istället för en tillgång.

An analysis of the user perception of an interface enabling recognition and designation of waste on a line in dynamic images / En analys av användarperceptionen av ett gränssnitt som möjliggör igenkännande och klassificering av avfall på en lina i dynamiska bilder

Jansson, Christina January 2015 (has links)
Semi-automated processes are becoming more common within the field of waste management. They are often more efficient and improves the waste operators’ work environment in terms of security and health factors. The French company Veolia, engaged in waste management, has for these reasons developed the Tri Télé-Opéré (TTO) - a system where the direct contact between operator and waste is removed, and the waste is separated via a touch screen. The waste line is currently shown with a series of images in the system. This explorative study investigated how a representation of the line was perceived when using dynamic images on the screen. Diverse sequences with various parameters (viewpoint, direction and pace) were studied in order to observe how they supported the recognition and designation of the operators working with the system. Qualitative results from user tests performed with both novices and waste operators identified parameters that should be considered when using dynamic images of the waste line. The study shows that assembled images captured with an angle of 90°, shown in a slideshow mode are preferred. The viewpoint should furthermore be clear and detailed and the information should be displayed in a direction that corresponds to the long side of the screen, while having a size that make use of the screen surface. Moreover, the results suggest that the pace of the waste line could be increased if parameters allowing good recognition are used simultaneously. This study provides a first insight in how users perceive the TTO with dynamic images and which parameters that could facilitate the work. It is furthermore believed that a further development of this representation of information could ameliorate the future work situation for the waste operators, and thus also the efficiency of the sorting process. / Halvautomatiserade processer blir allt vanligare inom området avfallshantering. Det är ofta mer effektiva och förbättrar avfallsoperatörernas arbetsmiljö när det kommer till säkerhet- och hälsoaspekter. Det franska företaget Veolia, som arbetar med insamling och hantering av avfall, har på grund utav detta utvecklat Tri Télé-Opéré (TTO) – ett system där direktkontakten mellan sorterare och avfall har avlägsnats och avfallet istället sorteras via en pekskärm. Systemet visar för tillfället upp avfallslinan med en serie stillbilder. Denna explorativa studie har undersökt hur linan uppfattades med dynamiska bilder på skärmen. Diverse sekvenser med olika parametrar (synvinkel, riktning och hastighet) studerades för att se hur de stödde avfallsoperatörernas igenkänning och klassificering i sorteringen vid skärmen. Kvalitativa resultat från användartest utförda med både nybörjare och avfallsoperatörer identifierade parametrar som bör beaktas när en presentation av avfallslinan med dynamiska bilder används. Studien visar att ett bildspel bestående av bilder tagna med en 90° vinkel föredrogs. Synvinkeln bör vara tydlig och informationen bör visas i en riktning som överensstämmer med skärmens långsida, samt ha en storlek som tar vara på bildskärmens yta. Hastigheten på avfallslinan kan ökas om parametrar som möjliggör ett bra igenkännande används simultant. Denna studie ger en första inblick i hur användarna upplever TTO med dynamiska bilder, och vilka parametrar som skulle kunna underlätta arbetet. En vidareutveckling av denna informationspresentation kan förbättra den framtida arbetssituationen för avfallsoperatörer, och därmed också effektiviteten i sorteringsprocessen.

Internet of Things och äldre : Digital hjälp med kosthållning för ett självständigare liv / Internet of Things and elderly : Digital assistance with diet for a more independent living

Claesson, Rebecka, Elvirsson, Nelly January 2021 (has links)
Internet of things har blivit mer och mer vanligt för att hjälpa äldre bo kvar hemma längre. Det har undersökts och tagits fram medicinpåminnare, fall-detektion med kameror och mycket mer, men få har fokuserat på äldres hälsa när det gäller mat och näring. Att kroppen får i sig rätt näring kan ofta vara det som förhindrar fall men det läggs det lite fokus på och dessutom anpassas inte koncepten efter den äldres behov och preferenser. Vi undersöker därför hur äldres aptit ser ut och hur ett IoT-koncept skulle kunna designas för att hjälpa äldre med deras kosthållning genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Fokus ligger på vilken interaktionsform som passar äldre bäst och vilket behov de har för ett funktionellt och användbart koncept. I uppsatsen skrivs det även huruvida sensorer antingen i hemmet eller som wearables kan uppfattas av den äldre och hur den reagerar på den typen av teknologi. Resultatet visar tydligt att röst-assistans är den form av interaktion de äldre tycker är mest användarvänlig och därför gör det även engagemanget större hos den äldre. Vidare ser vi att framtida forskning bör uppmärksammas på bland annat hur det går, med hjälp av IoT-system, stötta äldre att tillgodose det dagliga näringsintaget utefter den äldre individens behov och preferenser.


Palilonis, Jennifer Ann 17 April 2015 (has links)
To study a text, learners often engage in active reading. Through active reading, learners build an analysis by annotating, outlining, summarizing, reorganizing and synthesizing information. These strategies serve a fundamental meta-cognitive function that allows content to leave strong memory traces and helps learners reflect, understand, and recall information. Textbooks, however, are becoming more complex as new technologies change how they are designed and delivered. Interactive, touch-screen tablets offer multi-touch interaction, annotation features, and multimedia content as a browse-able book. Yet, such tablet textbooks-in spite of their increasing availability in educational settings-have received little empirical scrutiny regarding how they support and engender active reading. To address this issue, this dissertation reports on a series of studies designed to further our understanding of active reading with tablet textbooks. An exploratory study first examined strategies learners enact when reading and annotating in the tablet environment. Findings indicate learners are often distracted by touch screen mechanics, struggle to effectively annotate information delivered in audiovisuals, and labor to cognitively make connections between annotations and the content/media source from which they originated. These results inspired SMART Note, a suite of novel multimedia annotation tools for tablet textbooks designed to support active reading by: minimizing interaction mechanics during active reading, providing robust annotation for multimedia, and improving built-in study tools. The system was iteratively developed through several rounds of usability and user experience evaluation. A comparative experiment found that SMART Note outperformed tablet annotation features on the market in terms of supporting learning experience, process, and outcomes. Together these studies served to extend the active reading framework for tablet textbooks to: (a) recognize the tension between active reading and mechanical interaction; (b) provide designs that facilitate cognitive connections between annotations and media formats; and (c) offer opportunities for personalization and meaningful reorganization of learning material.


Sneha Lekha Uppala (11979974) 06 June 2023
<p>With the advent of the Internet, the digital market saw growth in online businesses, and now, it is impossible to imagine a world without the Internet. The prevalence of online services increased the internet user base, and employing different UX designs attracted more customers. With increased competition, profits, and growth in mind, businesses started using various dark design pattern strategies to seek data, profits, and attention. Dark patterns are user interface design techniques that manipulate user behavior in deceptive ways, often leading to unintended outcomes. As the use of these patterns continues to grow, it is crucial to understand how users respond to them based on their Individual differences. Earlier research revealed how effective these dark pattern strategies are, how prevalent they are, and how users perceive and feel about them. However, there needs to be more research on how users respond to these dark pattern strategies based on individual differences. The research aims to understand what individual differences predict their responses to different types of dark patterns. </p> <p>The study recruited participants through Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), a widely used online marketplace for paid tasks. The survey consisted of several questionnaires, including demographic information, individual differences (such as the Big Five personality traits, impulsivity, and internet addiction), and vignettes containing dark patterns. </p> <p>Data was collected from 259 participants and imported into SPSS for analysis. The correlational analysis identified statistically significant variables related to dark pattern strategies. The results indicated that extroversion and agreeableness were significant predictors of dark pattern compliance. Specifically, individuals who scored higher in extroversion and lower in agreeableness were more likely to comply with the dark patterns presented in the vignettes. These findings have important implications for designers, policymakers, and consumers. Designers should consider individual differences when designing user interfaces to avoid using manipulative techniques that could lead to unintended outcomes. Policymakers should consider regulating the use of dark patterns to protect consumers from potentially harmful practices. Consumers should be aware of the dark patterns and how they may affect their behavior, making informed decisions when interacting with online platforms. </p> <p>The results of this study also contribute to the growing body of literature on individual differences and their relationship to user behavior. Previous studies revealed that personality traits, cognitive styles, and other individual differences can influence how users interact with technology. This study expands on this research by explicitly investigating the role of Big Five personality traits, impulsivity, and internet addiction in predicting user responses to dark patterns. In conclusion, this research paper contributes to understanding how individual differences can predict user responses to dark patterns. The study highlights the importance of considering individual differences when designing user interfaces to avoid using manipulative techniques. </p>

Developing an Application for Visualisation of Personnel Locations in Disaster Response Operations / Applikationsutveckling för visualisering av positioner på personal vid katastrofinsatser

Bertmar, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
This master's thesis presents the development and evaluation of an application visualising the operators' current positions in disaster area operations. The application was developed to address limitations in their current working methods, which currently rely on verbal communication and manual position mapping. The requirements and needs of the end-users were identified at the beginning of the study. Then, the application was developed over three iterations and improved iteratively based on the requirements and results of the evaluations. The proposed solution visualises the operators' positions on a map that can be supported in an off-the-grid environment. End-users evaluated the application to measure the level of usability and the impact the new system would have. The findings indicated that an application can impact today's operations by providing operators with better situational awareness. Further, the application could lead to more safe and efficient operations. Overall, this master's thesis adds to the continuous improvement of operational capabilities in disaster areas using technology.

The Development of a Gamified System for Fall Prevention : with a usability perspective / Utvecklingen av ett spelifierat system för att förebygga fallskador

Gallon, Clara, Södereng, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
Fall injuries are affecting many individuals' physical and psychological well-being, especially among older adults. Moreover, fall accidents are found to be the most common type of work-related accident in various industries. Thus, there is a need for fall prevention exercises supported by a gamified system to ensure user engagement and motivation. The system's usability is also highly relevant to guarantee the acceptance and satisfaction of the users. This study examined the characteristics regarding usability required within such a system with the goal of preventing falls among adults between 45 to 69 years old. The intention was to implement and design a web-based system that incorporates usability and gamification features. The system was developed through an iterative user-centered design approach utilizing user tests in each iteration and conducted in collaboration with Atea and a research team at Mälardalens University. The study revealed that among the user group, simplicity, consistency, and motivation through gamification were all key characteristics of the system. Furthermore, personalization was found to be an important characteristic to ensure a satisfactory user experience. Overall, the thesis contributed to the development of a gamified web-based system for fall injury prevention, focusing on usability.

Exploring Visualization of Sustainability-Related Data in Second-Hand Shopping Application

Ekman, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The demand for transparency within the fashion industry is rising, and retailers are under mounting pressure to become more sustainable. This pressure comes from both consumers becoming more aware of their carbon footprint and from new laws and regulations worldwide. However, the concept green gap indicates that consumers do not behave according to their attitudes. Also, interpreting sustainable related data, such as the amount of emitted CO2e gases, seems to be complex and challenging for consumers to comprehend. This master's thesis aims to get insight into issues regarding how retailers currently gather and communicate sustainability data. Further, this thesis explores how this data can be communicated to consumers through data visualization and user interface design. Thematic analysis is applied to data from interviews with companies and retailers. The results of these interviews point to key issues such as resistance against transparency, lack of an industry standard, and complex product life cycles. A number of prototypes are created and designed to inform users about the environmental impacts of garments and their shopping habits. The results from user tests could not measure behavioral changes. However, the tests pointed to the importance of transparent data, abstraction level in the design of environmental impact graphs, and providing context to data for users to be able to act upon.

Interface Design to Increase Consumers’ Engagement with Energy Usage

Frestadius, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Energy feedback systems have the potential to support households in utilizing their energy more efficiently and making sustainable decisions. However, the feedback must be carefully designed and delivered to resonate with the individual and change behavioral patterns. This thesis investigates the prerequisites needed to increase awareness and engagement of energy usage and presents a prototype of an energy feedback mobile application. The requirements were found through a qualitative study where eleven households of GodEl with varying characteristics participated in semi-structured interviews. The responses were analyzed through thematic analysis and contributed to a deeper understanding of an energy feedback system’s user needs and requirements. A prototype was created aiming to meet the needs and requirements found. Results suggest that households respond to feedback individually. However, the data presented in the system must be reliable, relatable, and assist the user in decision-making to accommodate the individual needs of each household. Evaluation through user testing reveals that the prototype would increase the users’ knowledge and awareness. However, the prototype’s effect on behavioral changes could not be confirmed without letting the users test the system over some time in a real-world context.

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