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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Classic Driver VR

Chatterjee, Prateek 03 December 2018 (has links)
A VR car-driving simulator for evaluating the user experience of new drivers by helping them to learn driving rules and regulations. The Classic VR Driver helps new drivers to learn driving rules and regulations using various audio and visual feedback. The simulator helps them to get acquainted with the risks and mistakes associated with real life driving. In addition, the users have to play the game in an immersive environment using a Virtual Reality system. This project attempts to fulfill two important goals. The major goal is to evaluate whether the user can learn driving rules and regulations of the road. The game allows the users to take a road test. The road test determines the type of mistakes the user makes and it also determines if they passed or failed in it. I have conducted A/B testing and let the testers participate in user-interviews and user-survey. The testing procedure allowed me to analyze the effectiveness of learning driving rules from the simulator as compared to learning rules from the RMV (Registry of Motor Vehicles) manual. Secondly, the user experience was evaluated by allowing users to participate in user-interviews and user-surveys. It helped me to understand the positives and drawbacks of the game. These feedback are taken into consideration for future improvement. All these factors were considered to make the game as enjoyable and useful in terms of skill training.

Kravanalys och arkitekturell design av en budgetplaneringsapplikation / Requirements Analysis and Architectural Design of a Budget Planning Application

Edlund, Henrik January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents the theory behind prototyping and user interviews as parts of requirements analysis. It further discusses how these were used in the development of a budget planning application. </p><p>The implemented Web-based solution uses a new component-based design rooted in a Model-View-Controller architecture. The application is used today with complete success at the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University.</p>

Kravanalys och arkitekturell design av en budgetplaneringsapplikation / Requirements Analysis and Architectural Design of a Budget Planning Application

Edlund, Henrik January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents the theory behind prototyping and user interviews as parts of requirements analysis. It further discusses how these were used in the development of a budget planning application. The implemented Web-based solution uses a new component-based design rooted in a Model-View-Controller architecture. The application is used today with complete success at the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University.

Exploring Visualization of Sustainability-Related Data in Second-Hand Shopping Application

Ekman, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The demand for transparency within the fashion industry is rising, and retailers are under mounting pressure to become more sustainable. This pressure comes from both consumers becoming more aware of their carbon footprint and from new laws and regulations worldwide. However, the concept green gap indicates that consumers do not behave according to their attitudes. Also, interpreting sustainable related data, such as the amount of emitted CO2e gases, seems to be complex and challenging for consumers to comprehend. This master's thesis aims to get insight into issues regarding how retailers currently gather and communicate sustainability data. Further, this thesis explores how this data can be communicated to consumers through data visualization and user interface design. Thematic analysis is applied to data from interviews with companies and retailers. The results of these interviews point to key issues such as resistance against transparency, lack of an industry standard, and complex product life cycles. A number of prototypes are created and designed to inform users about the environmental impacts of garments and their shopping habits. The results from user tests could not measure behavioral changes. However, the tests pointed to the importance of transparent data, abstraction level in the design of environmental impact graphs, and providing context to data for users to be able to act upon.

Ett designförslag för en undervisningsplanering på IDA / A design proposal for a teaching plan at IDA

Norlander, Lotta January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the project was to create a design proposal for the teaching plan at the institution for computer science at Linköpings Universitet. A good teaching plan can be of great help for teachers when having to plan their time and their teaching. The current teaching plan has been criticized by its users to not be useful. The plan is made by and distributed by the director of studies at the institution and is presented in a HTML file. To come up with the design proposal, the study formed three research questions that aimed to find out the users' experience of the product, how the product should look and how useful the design is. To answer the research questions, the study followed a design process containing three main parts: the concept phase, the processing phase and the detailing phase. The concept phase was about getting the users' image and consisted of data collection where the users shared their thoughts about the product. The phase resulted in an affinity diagram, a use-quality analysis, persona, scenario, design goals and a concept design proposal. During the processing phase, requirements for the design were formulated, sketch work was carried out and a prototype was created, which also became the result of the phase. In the last phase, the prototype was tested with the help of tasks and questions. It resulted in a usability scale in terms of SUS, task success, time per task and free response. The result was then used to create a final product. / Syftet med projektet var att skapa ett designförslag för undervisningsplanen vid institutionen för datavetenskap vid Linköpings Universitet. En bra undervisningsplan kan vara till stor hjälp för lärare när de ska planera sin tid och sin undervisning. Den nuvarande undervisningsplanen har kritiserats av dess användare då den inte anses vara användbar. Undervisningsplaneringen skapas av och distribueras av studierektorn vid institutionen och presenteras i en HTML-fil. För att komma fram till designförslaget utformade studien tre forskningsfrågor som syftade till att ta reda på användarnas upplevelse av produkten, hur produkten ska se ut och hur användbar designen är. För att besvara forskningsfrågorna följde studien en designprocess som innehöll tre huvuddelar: konceptfasen, bearbetningsfasen och detaljeringsfasen. Konceptfasen handlade om att få användarnas syn på produkten och bestod av datainsamling där användarna delade med sig av sina tankar om produkten. Fasen resulterade i ett affinitetsdiagram, en brukskvalitetsanalys, persona, scenario, designmål och ett konceptdesignförslag. Under bearbetningsfasen formulerades krav på designen, skissarbeten utfördes och en prototyp skapades som också blev resultatet av fasen. I den sista fasen testades prototypen med hjälp av uppgifter och frågor. Det resulterade i en användbarhetsskala i form av SUS, uppgiftsframgång, tid per uppgift och fritt svar. Resultatet användes sedan för att skapa en slutprodukt.

Adapting for Remote UX Design Practices with Video Conferencing Tools and Online Digital Whiteboards : For User Interviews and Stakeholder Engagement Workshops

Daníelsson, Freyr January 2021 (has links)
Due to unprecedented circumstances brought about by a global health pandemic, User Experience (UX) design professionals have had to adapt their user research practices to keep on working. This has meant that methods such as user interviews and stakeholder engagement workshops are required to run entirely online. Previous literature has often favoured in-person settings for user interviews, claiming it produced the highest quality of the data collected and remote workshop facilitation has not been researched thoroughly. With a thematic analysis of transcripts from 4 in-depth user interviews and a naturalistic observation of a remote workshop facilitation, this study presents findings on the applied remote practices when it comes to both facilitation and preparation of remote user interviews and workshops. The results from the qualitative data analysis find that in contrast to previous literature, UX professionals do not experience lower data quality when opting for remote modes. The applied practices that contribute to that experience are acknowledging one anothers’ physical environment during initial bonding with interview subjects, spending more time for casual conversation before conducting the interview and sending out preparation documents to the interview participant to inform them about where to be located (private or work setting) and to use a desktop if they are expected to interact with online prototypes. I then unpack the applied practices of designing and facilitating remote workshops where I presents a workshop journey process constructed of different phases that UX professionals follow when designing workshop journeys. The practice of designing these workshop journeys and facilitating them online can serve as design documentation as UX professionals design for the desired experience throughout the workshop beforehand and can validate the experiences afterwards. New workshop facilitation practices have also emerged in the form of actively engaging with participants in order to gather signals that would otherwise naturally present themselves in in-person settings allowing facilitators to probe the workshop atmosphere. / På grund av oöverträffade omständigheter orsakade av en global hälsopandemi, har professionella UX designers (User Experience) fått anpassa sina metoder inom användarstudier för att kunna fortsätta arbeta. Detta har inneburit att metoder som användarintervjuer och workshops ämnade för att engagera intressenter har blivit tvingade att genomföras online. Tidigare litteratur har ofta förespråkat fysiska uppsättningar för användarintervjuer och hävdar att detta producerar den högsta kvaliteten på insamlad data, dessutom är tidigare forskning kring workshop-ledning genomförd på distans begränsad. Med en tematisk analys av transkriptioner från fyra djupgående användarintervjuer och en naturalistisk observation av workshop-ledning genomförd på distans, presenterar denna studie resultat kring tillämpade metoder när det gäller både underlättande och förberedelse av användarstudier och workshops genomförda på distans. Resultaten från den kvalitativa dataanalysen visar att till skillnad från tidigare litteratur upplever professionella UX designers inte lägre datakvalitet när de väljer metoder för att arbeta på distans. De tillämpade metoderna som bidrar till den upplevelsen är att erkänna varandras fysiska miljö under inledande introduktion med intervjupersoner, spendera mer tid för avslappnad konversation innan intervjun genomförs och skicka ut förberedelsedokument till intervjudeltagaren för att informera dem om var de bör befinna sig (i privat eller arbetsmiljö) och att använda ett skrivbord om de förväntas interagera med online-prototyper. De tillämpade metoderna används sedan för att designa och underlätta workshops på distans där jag presenterar en workshop-process konstruerad av olika faser som UX designers vanligtvis följer när de utformar workshops. Tillämpningen med att utforma dessa workshops och leda dem online kan fungera som designdokumentation när UX designers designar för den önskade upplevelsen för workshopen i förväg och för att validera upplevelserna efteråt. Genom aktivt samarbete med deltagarna i studien har också nya metoder för att leda workshops visat sig. Dessa kretsar kring information och reaktioner som annars naturligt skulle visa sig i fysiska uppsättningar och gör det möjligt förworkshop-ledare att mer effektivt undersöka stämningen i workshops.

Natural Language Based AI Tools in Interaction Design Research : Using ChatGPT for Qualitative User Research Insight Analysis

Saare, Karmen January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of Artificial Intelligence, specifically the Large Language Model (LLM) application ChatGPT in the context of qualitative user research, with the goal of enhancing the user research interview analysis process. Through an empirical study where ChatGPT was used in the process of a typical user research insight analysis, the limitations and opportunities of the AI tool are examined. The study's results highlight the most significant insights from the empirical investigation, serving as examples to raise awareness of the implications of using ChatGPT in the context of user interview analysis. The study concludes that ChatGPT has the potential to enhance the interpretation of primarily individual interviews by generating well-articulated summaries, provided their accuracy can be verified. Additionally, ChatGPT may be particularly useful in low-risk design projects where the consequences of potential misinterpretations are minimal. Finally, the significance of clearly articulated written instructions for ChatGPT for best results is pointed out.

User Interface Design of Head-Up Display Using Scenarios : An Early Stage Innovation Project at Bombardier / Användargränssnittsdesign av head-up-display : - En tidig fas i ett innovationsprojekt vid Bombardier Transportation

Agarwal, Rohit January 2018 (has links)
Head-up display (HUD) är en beprövad teknik inom flyg och bil, vilken gör det möjligt för piloter och förare att få tillgång till information utan att uppmärksamheten avleds från omvärlden. Liknande fördelar kan uppnås genom installation av HUD i tåg. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla ett användargränssnitt för HUD baserat på European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). HUD kommer att vara en extra säkerhetsfunktion för tågen för att förhindra förare från att skifta fokus mellan instrumentpanelen och omgivningen, vilket leder till minskad förareutmattning och bättre observation av spåren framåt. Scenario Based Design-metoden har använts för att genomföra projektarbetet och i rapporten diskuteras metodens  fördelar och begränsningar. Användningen av scenarier har gjort det möjligt för designteamet att på djupet förstå de situationer som förarna står inför samt  har hjälpt till att under workshops få en bättre förståelse för drivrutinerna. Dessutom har rekommendationer för hårdvara, installation och framtida arbete beskrivits för fortsatt genomförande av projektet. / Head-up display (HUD) has a proven track record in the aviation and automobile sectors, allowing pilots and drivers to access information without diverting attention from the outside world. Similar benefits may be realized by the installation of HUD in locomotive cabs. The objective of this thesis work is to develop the user interface for HUD based on the ERTMS system. The HUD will be an added safety feature to the trains to prevent drivers from refocusing between the instrument panel and the outside view thus leading to reduced driver fatigue and better observation of the tracks ahead. Scenario Based Design method has been used to implement the project work with discussions regarding its advantages and limitations. The use of scenarios has allowed the design team to understand the scenarios that the drivers face in depth and has aided during the workshops to understand the drivers’ routine better. Additionally, recommendations for the hardware, installation and future work have been provided to support further implementation of the project.

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