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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”…vad är det som ger den goda relationen? Är det kommunikationen? Var börjar det? Vad är hönan och ägget?” : En kvalitativ studie om den interna kommunikationen mellan HR-funktionen och linjecheferna i en multinationell koncern

Berggren, Emilia, Nilsson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Studien har tagit avstamp i samtal med en kontaktperson hos en multinationell koncern. Kontaktpersonen beskrev att det fanns en önskan om att undersöka vilka kommunikationsvägar som är lämpliga att använda för att kommunicera med cheferna gällande HR-arbetet. Studien har syftat till att i en multinationell koncern undersöka, beskriva och analysera relationen och kommunikationen mellan HR-funktionen och linjecheferna samt vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns inom dessa områden. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna bestod av teorier kring relationer, kommunikation och organisation. Studien har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ ansats och det empiriska materialet är insamlat genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer samt ett skriftligt svar utifrån intervjuguiden. Materialet har analyserats genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att relationen och kommunikationen mellan HR Business Partners (HRBP) och cheferna i den studerade organisationen uppfattas som relativt god. Intervjuerna visar även att cheferna överlag är nöjda med stödet de får från sin HRBP samt att de helst vill få stöd och information via mail om det inte är frågor som behöver diskuteras. Studien visar vidare att det fysiska avståndet kan påverka relationen och kommunikationen negativt eftersom det minskar antalet informella och spontana möten som kan främja relationen. Idag existerar ingen strategi för den interna kommunikationen i koncernen, något vi anser bör finnas. / The study has taken its starting point in discussions with a contact person in a multinational corporate group. The contact person described a desire to examine which communication channels that would be the most appropriate to use in the communication with line managers regarding HR-practices. The purpose of the study was to, in an multinational corporate group, examine, describe and analyse the relationship and communication between the HR-function and line managers as well as identify which opportunities and obstacles that exist for these areas. The theoretical starting points consisted of theories regarding relationships, communication and organisation. The study is based on a qualitative approach and the empirical material is collected through seven semi-structured interviews as well as one written response based on the interview guide. The material has been analysed by thematic analysis. The results show that the relationship and communication between HR Business Partners (HRBP) and managers in the examined organisation are perceived as quite good. The interviews also show that the managers are happy with the support they get from their HRBP overall and that they rather get support and information through email unless it is issues that need to be discussed. Furthermore the study shows that the physical distance can affect the relationship and communication in a negative way because it reduces the number of informal and spontaneous meetings that can encourage the relationship. There is no strategy for the internal communication in the corporate group today, something that we think should exist.

Successful Human Resource Outsourcing Strategies

Bullock, Michael L 01 January 2018 (has links)
Human resource outsourcing (HRO) is a strategic choice that managers implement because of a variety of anticipated benefits. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to identify HRO strategies managers used to reduce operating costs while maintaining human resource (HR) effectiveness. Data were collected from semistructured interviews using open-ended questions and a review of company documents. Study participants represented 3 midwestern firms with 50 or more employees. The participants drawn from the population consisted of a minimum of 2 participants per organization who had increased their organization's strategic value using HRO strategies. The transaction cost economics (TCE) theory was the conceptual framework for this study. Data were analyzed using methodological triangulation to identify codes from words, phrases, and sentences using multiple sources to identify recurring themes. Five key themes emerged: outsourcing strategies, outsourced functions, operational costs, organizational effectiveness, and success measurement. The findings of this study may lead to social change by supporting managers in making HRO decisions conducive to reducing operating costs while maintaining HR effectiveness, which might positively impact social change by providing core function jobs to the local community thereby decreasing unemployment rates.

The link between Performance Measurements and HRM systems in SMEs : Using Swedish case studies in the trade show industry

Lång, Ida, Johansson, Anna January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Ledarskap och personalomsättning inom mäklarföretag med franchisestruktur : kan HRM bidra till minskad personalomsättning?

Modin, Klas, Christin, Pettersson January 2012 (has links)
Syfte Vi vill undersöka om och beskriva hur Human Resource Management kan bidra till minskad personalomsättning inom franchisedrivna fastighetsmäklarorganisationer.   Huvudfrågor: Hur upplever anställda och före detta anställda fastighetsmäklare att personalomsättning påverkar branschen och deras arbetssituation? Hur skulle en mer omfattande organisationsstyrning med inriktning på HRM kunna minska personalomsättning inom fastighetsmäklarorganisationer styrda enligt franchisestruktur? Metod I arbetet hålls ett Hermeneutiskt synsätt. Ämnet personalomsättning och dess orsaker har tidigare behandlats i uppsatser som berör fastighetsmäklarbranschen och vi ser vårt arbete som en vidareutveckling i denna fråga. För att få en uppfattning om hur medarbetare ser på ledarskap och personalomsättning, används den kvalitativa intervjumetoden. Resultat & Slutsats De svar som framkom av intervjuerna med anställda och före detta anställda, visar att det finns en stark oro för personalomsättningen inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Detta påverkar anställda mäklares redan höga arbetsbelastning. Mäklarna känner även en oro över att personalomsättningen kan komma att urholka förtroendet för branschen om detta fortsätter. Ett exempel på detta är att kunder drabbas då det byts personal under pågående försäljningsuppdrag.  Huvudmotivet för användande av HRM i franchisestyrda fastighetsmäklarorganisationer bedömer vi vara möjligheten att bevara organisationens anseende både som attraktiv för anställda samt att de fortfarande har kvar kundernas förtroende. Förslag till fortsatt forskning För att få en bredare syn inom berört område kan fortsatt forskning ur ledarens perspektiv kring ledarskap och personalomsättning undersökas. Även en studie på just lämpligheten av franchiseformen inom denna bransch, där humankapital är enda tillgången, skulle vara intressant att forska vidare kring. Ett annat ämne som organisationer bör uppmärksamma är hur fastighetsmäklarrollen kan anpassas för att kunna behålla personal som blir äldre och skaffar barn? Varför har anställda synen att de inte kan vara kvar inom yrket när de bildar familj? Uppsatsens bidrag Uppsatsen bidrar till att påvisa de faktorer mäklare upplever som hinder för att stanna kvar inom branschen. Genom dessa ges organisationerna ett verktyg för att arbeta fram personalpolitik och strategier för att minska personalomsättningen utifrån ett HRM-perspektiv. / Aim We want to examine if and describe how Human Resource Management can contribute to lowered employee turnover within franchise based real estate organizations. Main questions: How do real estate agents and former real estate agents experience the impact of employee turnover in the sector and in their work situation? How would a more extensive organizational steering with a focus on HRM lower employee turnover within franchised based real estate organizations? Method In the thesis a Hermeneutic approach is used. The subject of employee turnover and its impact has been discussed earlier in other thesis that covers the real estate sector and therefore we view our assignment as a further study on this subject. To get an understanding on how the view of the sector’s employees are regarding leadership and employee turnover, qualitative interviews are used. The main motive to use HRM in franchise based real estate organizations we assess that the possibility should be to maintain the reputation, both as attractive for employees as well as keeping the client’s trust. Result & Conclusions The answers from the questions in the interviews with employees and former employees show that there is a strong concern regarding employee turnover within the real estate sector. It affects the employed real estate agent’s already heavy workload. The real estate agents feel that the employee turnover can weaken the trust for the real estate sector should it continue. One example of this is that clients are affected when employees are exchanged during a sales process. We assess the main motiv for the usage of HRM in franchise controlled real estate organizations to be the possibility to preserve the organizations’ reputation as attracttive for employees as well as keeping the clients’ trust. Suggestions for further research To get a broader view within the chosen subject, further research from a leader’s perspective on leadership and staff turnover can be made. A study regarding the suitability of franchise as organizational form within the sector, where human capital is the only asset, would be interesting to explore.  One important subject that should be observed by organizations is that how the role of the real estate agent can adapt to keep older employees and employees starting families. Why have employees the view that they can’t stay within the profession when they start having families?  Contribution of the thesis The contribution of the thesis shows the factors the real estate agent experiences as obstacles to stay within the sector. Through this the organization is given tools to work up an employee policy and strategies to lower the staff turnover by the use of a HRM.

Personalo valdymo veiklų tobulinimas Lietuvos organizacijose, teikiančiose paslaugas žmonėms su proto negalia / Development of personnel management activities in the organizations, providing services for people with mental disabilities

Bartnykaitė, Jurgita 30 April 2009 (has links)
Šio tiriamojo darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti ir apibrėžti personalo valdymo veiklų (toliau – PVV), joms atlikti taikomų metodų bei jų subjekto teorinius aspektus, ištirti PVV situaciją Lietuvos organizacijose, teikiančiose paslaugas žmonėms su proto negalia lyginant ją su PVV atliekamomis organizacijoje, teikiančioje tokio paties pobūdžio paslaugas labiau ekonomiškai išsivysčiusioje šalyje, įvardinti problemiškas PVV sritis Lietuvos organizacijose ir pateikti konkrečius projektinius sprendimus. Tiriamojo darbo pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjami personalo valdymo (toliau PV) teoriniai aspektai, pateikiama PVV samprata ir PVV subjektas. Antroje dalyje, pasitelkiant palyginamąją analizę, nagrinėjamos personalo valdymo veiklos (sutrumpintai PVV) Kauno neįgaliojo jaunimo užimtumo centre (toliau – KNJUC), Vilijampolės vaikų ir jaunimo pensionate (toliau – VVJP) (Kaunas), Kauno vaikų abilitacijos centre (toliau – KVAC). Pateikiama PVV situacijos palyginamoji analizė šiose organizacijose bei apibendrinti anketinės apklausos rezultatai. Trečioje darbo dalyje įvardijamos pagrindinės PVV probleminės sritys Lietuvos organizacijose ir jų sprendimo būdai, apimantys personalo planavimo, adaptavimo, vertinimo, judėjimo valdymo ir karjeros planavimo, ugdymo bei atlygio už darbą veiklų tobulinimą, subjekto pasirinkimo alternatyvos. / The goal of this Master’s paper work is to analyse and provide the definition of the Human Resource Management (HRM), Human Resource Management Activities HRMA), methods used to implement them and theoretical aspects of the subject, in Lithuanian organizations, providing services for people with mental disabilities, by comparing them to a similar organization in more economically developed country, to name the problematic areas of HRM in Lithuanian organizations and to provide with the concrete solution projects. Theoretical aspects of HRM, HRMA, methods and subject are analyzed and defined in the 1st part of this Master’s paper work. Generalized results of the inquiries on the HRM, HRMA and its subject in Kaunas Day Centre for Disabled Youth (KDCDY), Vilijampolės Children and Youth Boarding - School (VCYBS), Kaunas Adaptation Center for Children with Autism Syndrome (KACCAS) and comparative analysis with HRM, HRM and its subject in Sunbeam House Services, Ireland (SHS) are provided in the 2nd part of this paper work. The 3rd part of this paper work is intended to name the main problematical areas of the HRM, HRMA in KDCDY, VCYBS, KACCAS and to provide with the concrete solution projects. The solution projects are designed for the following HRMA improvement: human resource planning, adaptation, appraisal, movement and career planning, training and development, remuneration.

Žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymas Šiaulių miesto įmonėse / Human resource management in companies of Siauliai

Žemrietaitė, Asta 03 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalaurinio baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama žmogiškųjų išteklių svarba organizacijai, žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo sritys bei žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo problemos Lietuvoje ir sprendimų galimybės. Bakalauro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo aspektus Šiaulių miesto įmonėse. Tikslui įgyvendinti buvo atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas (anketa), kuris leido nustatyti žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tendencijas ir problemas Šiaulių miesto įmonėse. Bakalauro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje aptariami teoriniai žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo aspektai. Antrojoje dalyje pateikiami gauti tyrimo rezultatai, kurie parodė, kad Šiaulių miesto įmonėse žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo veikla nėra išplėtota.Bakalaurinio baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama žmogiškųjų išteklių svarba organizacijai, žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo sritys bei žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo problemos Lietuvoje ir sprendimų galimybės. Bakalauro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo aspektus Šiaulių miesto įmonėse. Tikslui įgyvendinti buvo atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas (anketa), kuris leido nustatyti žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tendencijas ir problemas Šiaulių miesto įmonėse. Bakalauro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje aptariami teoriniai žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo aspektai. Antrojoje dalyje pateikiami gauti tyrimo rezultatai, kurie parodė, kad Šiaulių miesto įmonėse žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo veikla nėra išplėtota. / In the bachelor’s final work the human resource importance for organization, human resource management functions and human resource management problems in Lithuania and their solution possibilities were analyzed. The goal of bachelor’s final work is to analyze human resource management aspects in companies of Šiauliai. For this reason, a quantitative research based on questionnaire was made, which allowed to find out human resource management tendencies and problems in companies of Šiauliai. Bachelor’s final contains of two parts. In the first part human resource management theoretical aspects are discussed. In the second part are given the results of research, which have shown that human resource management in companies of Šiauliai isn’t explicated.

Kompetens och Evidens : inom boendestöd socialpsykiatri i Värmland och Dalsland / Competence and Evidence : within housing support social psychiatry in Värmland and Dalsland

Granath, Inger, Bergfeldt, Ann January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vilka förutsättningar boendestödjare i Värmland och Dalsland har att hantera sina arbetsuppgifter utifrån kompetens och evidens. Vi använde oss av en kvantitativ metod och gruppenkäter för att kunna göra denna kartläggning. Studien riktade sig till enhetschefer inom socialpsykiatrin samt dess personal som jobbar inom boendestöd mot brukare med egen bostad. Två enkäter gjordes varav den ena riktades mot enhetscheferna och den andra mot personal. Totalt tillfrågades 23 kommuner att delta i studien och av de svarade 17 kommuner på enkäterna vilket ger en svarsfrekvens på 74 %. Svarsfrekvensen bland boendestödjarna var 63 %. Studien ger en överblick hur verksamheterna inom boendestöd i Värmland och Dalsland arbetar med kompetens och evidens. Studiens resultat visade att majoriteten av personal inom boendestöd i Värmland och Dalsland hade den utbildning som fanns att tillgå för att jobba inom socialpsykiatrin, vilket är vård- och omsorgsutbildning. För att få reda på hur det ser ut med kompetensutveckling i kommunerna slogs tre frågor samman och bildade ett index. De flesta kommuner i studien hade kompetensutvecklingsplaner och studien visade ingen skillnad mellan stora och små kommuner. Personalen hade en positiv attityd till hur genomförandeplaner används. När det gäller att arbeta med ny forskning bör det enligt studiens resultat ske en förändring då det var få som hade en positiv attityd till hur ny forskning tas in i arbetet. / The purpose of the study was to identify preconditions for housing support within competence and evidence- based work in Värmland and Dalsland. We used a quantitative method with questionnaires. The study was directed to unit managers in social psychiatry and its staff working in housing support for clients in their own homes. Two questionnaires were maid, one which was directed to unit managers and the other towards staff. A total of 23 municipalities were asked to participate in the study and of the 17 municipalities that responded to the questionnaire giving a response rate of 74%. The response among using support was 63%. The study provides an overview how competence and evidence- based work are used of housing support in Värmland and Dalsland. The results of the study show that the majority of staff in housing support in Värmland and Dalsland has the education that is available to work in social psychiatry, which is health and social care education. Most municipalities in the study has development plans, and there is no difference between large and small municipalities. The test gave a positive result showing a high reliability value. The staff had a positive attitude towards the execution plans used in work. When it comes to working with new research a change should take place according to the result of the study because the attitude was not positive how new research are used in work.

Optimal objective achievement via balance of control

Pienaar, Gideon Johannes 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations need assurance that strategy is executed as planned and objectives are met, when matching organisational capabilities with the opportunities in the market. Control can give management such an assurance and is ultimately the responsibility of management. It is not however only management that may be interested with proper control in an organisation, all stakeholders wants some degree and form of control to safeguard their interest in an organisation. Management has a daunting task on their hands to ensure an organisation achieve its objectives as effectively, efficiently and economically as possible, while keeping all stakeholders informed and happy. Vast amounts of resources will be used to achieve objectives and management needs to strike a balance between protection of these resources and empowering employees to utilise these resources. A balance between the control systems over the different resources must also be in place. Management needs to have a balanced focus regarding the measurement of activities and behaviour relating to specific objectives, due to the time, cost, quality and innovation effects of control systems. A balance between costs and benefits of control systems must also be obtained. Control needs to be integrated as part of the management process to ensure optimal achievement of objectives. A holistic approach towards control and the usage of a sound control environment combined with relevant, organisational specific control systems that are flexible can ensure balance of control. All employees of an organisation have control responsibilities and must give inputs in the control process. Employees must view control as an aid and not as a stumbling block, when trying to achieve objectives. Management must be empowered and empower employees to have the relevant knowledge regarding control and control systems that can be used, when to use them and how to use them. These control systems must be continuously improved to ensure sustained, optimal achievement of objectives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies benodig versekering dat strategie uitgevoer word soos beplan en dat doelwitte bereik word, wanneer die organisasie se vermoë gepas word teen geleenthede in die mark. Beheer kan vir bestuur so 'n versekering gee en is eintlik bestuur se verantwoordelikheid. Dit is egter nie net bestuur wat belang kan stel in voldoende beheer nie, maar alle belanghebbers soek 'n mate en vorm van beheer oor 'n organisasie, om hul belange te beskerm. Bestuur het 'n uitdagende taak op hande om te verseker dat doelwitte doeltreffend, doelmatig en ekonomies bereik word, terwyl alle belanghebbers ingelig en gelukkig gehou word. Groot hoeveelhede hulpbronne word gebruik om doelwitte te bereik en bestuur moet 'n balans verkry tussen die beskerming van hulpbronne en die bemagtiging van werkers in die aanwending van die hulpbronne. 'n Balans tussen die beheer stelsels oor die verskillende hulpbronne moet ook in plek wees. Weens die tyd, koste, kwaliteit en innovasie effek van beheer moet bestuur 'n gebalanseerde fokus hê rakende die meting van aktiwiteite en gedrag betreffende spesifieke doelwitte. 'n Balans tussen die kostes en voordele van beheerstelsels moet ook verkry word. Beheer moet 'n ge-integreerde deel van die bestuursproses wees om optimale doelwit bereiking te verseker. 'n Holistiese benadering rakende beheer en die gebruik van 'n voldoende beheer omgewing, gekombineer met relevante, organisasie spesifieke beheer stelsels wat buigsaam is, kan balans van beheer verseker. Alle werkers in 'n organisasie het beheer verantwoordelikhede en moet insette verskaf in die beheer proses. Werkers moet beheer as 'n hulpmiddel ag en nie 'n struikelblok nie, wanneer doelwit bereiking nagestreef word. Bestuur moet bemagtig wees en werkers bemagtig om oor die nodige kennis rakende beheer en beheer stelsels te beskik, watter beheer stelsel gebruik kan word, wanneer om dit te gebruik en hoe om dit te gebruik. Die beheer stelsels moet aaneenlopend verbeter word om volgehoue, optimale doelwit bereiking te verseker.

Impact of data quality on utilisation and usefulness of integrated Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)

Dlamini, Khulekani Enock January 2012 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / Impact of data quality on utilisation and perceived usefulness of integrated Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS). Integrated HR Information systems have become prevalent in modern organisations. These systems promise operational efficiencies and competitive advantage. In order to deliver these benefits, the systems should be effectively utilised and perceived as a useful business tools. The utilisation and perceived usefulness of the HRIS could be influenced by quality of data it produces. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of data quality on the utilisation and usefulness of the HRIS. The aim was to ensure that organisations realise their investments in HRIS. This would be achieved by improving qualities that ensures effective utilisation of HRIS. Moreover, the study sought to enhance the body of academic knowledge in HRIS as far data quality is concerned. Mixed research method was used to meet the objectives of the study. Survey research and qualitative interviews techniques were employed. Statistical and deductive analysis was applied to raw data in order to draw conclusions. The study found that data quality positively influence utilisation and usefulness of HRIS. Moreover, findings revealed that the HRIS was predominantly used for operational, rather than strategic tasks. HRIS data is also not generally perceived to be of poor quality. HR practitioners emphasise accuracy over other quality dimensions. Organisations that seek to maximise their investment in HRIS should implement data quality improvement initiatives. This will ensure that the system is effectively utilised and produces high quality information for decision-making. This could lead to competitive advantage. Further research could be undertaken to understand; success factors for HRIS data quality initiatives, determinants of HRIS user satisfaction, drivers for dedicated HRIS management roles and the impact of having HRIS manager among others.

Supply chain management applicable to the South African Army camouflage clothing commodity

Wessels, Nelmarie (Nelmarie Jacolien) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICABLE TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN ARMY CAMOUFLAGE CLOTHING COMMODITY There are many reasons for the popularity of the supply chain or the supply chain management concept. Through globalisation, entities are forced to look for more effective ways to coordinate the flow of goods and material between facilities, into and out of the business. Customers are consistently demanding products that are delivered faster, exactly on time, and with no damage. Supply chain management is the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular entity and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual entities and the supply chain as a whole. One key objective of supply chain management is to lower the costs required to provide the necessary level of customer service, in order to gain a competitive advantage within a market segment. To be fully effective in today’s competitive environment, entities must expand their integrated behaviour to incorporate customers and suppliers. Low cost and differentiated service help build a competitive advantage for the supply chain. When entities take up a supply chain management philosophy, they must determine and establish management practices that permit them to operate and behave consistent with this philosophy. Performance measurement provides the necessary assistance for performance improvement in pursuit of supply chain excellence. The efficient and effective management of this supply chain with performance measurement and internal controls establishes a solid base for competitive advantage. The SA Army camouflage clothing logistics reveals elements of improvement, as compared to supply chain management principles. Camouflage clothing forms an important element of the total supplies of a soldier in sustaining military and warfare capabilities. Camouflage clothing logistics in the SA Army is a complex mix of physical entities, processes and rules that is governed by mostly conceptual concepts and principles. The SA Army lacks an integrated supply chain philosophy and clear supply chain management principles. Supply chain management can enhance camouflage clothing logistics in the SA Army, if the principles are properly applied. The SA Army is a military institution with peacekeeping operations as their core function. The manufacturing and distribution of clothing is not a core function of the SA Army and can therefore be outsourced to address most of the concerns raised under the present system. Although it would be difficult and cumbersome to implement an integrated supply chain, with supply chain management philosophy and practices, the principle will enhance efficiency and effectiveness in today’s economic environment. The level of outsourcing and the effectiveness of control will determine the degree of success the SA Army will achieve. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: AANVOERKETTINGBESTUUR VAN TOEPASSING OP DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE LEëR KAMOEFLEERDRAG KOMMODITEIT Daar is verskeie redes vir die populariteit van die aanvoerketting of die aanvoerkettingbestuurskonsep. Globalisasie het entiteite gedwing om ondersoek in te stel na meer effektiewe maniere om die vloei van goedere en materiaal, tussen fasilitieite, asook in en uit die entiteit te koördineer. Kliënte eis gereeld produkte wat vinniger, presies op tyd en met geen skade afgelewer word. Aanvoerkettingbestuur is die sistemiese, strategiese koordinasie van al die tradisionele besigheidsfunksies, asook taktieke oor hierdie besigheidsfunksies, binne ‘n entiteit en oor besighede binne die aanvoerketting, met die doel om die langtermyn prestasie van die individuele entiteite en die aanvoerketting as geheel te verbeter. Een sleuteldoel van aanvoerkettingbestuur is om kostes te verminder. Hierdie kostes word geassosieer met ‘n sekere vlak van kliëntediens, wat voorsien moet word om ‘n kompeterende voordeel in die marksegment te verkry. Om in vandag se kompeterende omgewing ten volle effektief te wees moet entiteite hul geïntegreerde gedrag uitbrei om kliënte en verskaffers in te sluit. Lae koste en gedifferensieërde diens help om kompeterende voordeel binne die aanvoerketting te bou. Sodra entitieite ‘n aanvoerkettingfilosofie aanneem, moet hulle bestuurspraktyke bepaal en vastel hoe om in lyn met dié filosofie op te tree en te funksioneer. Prestasiemeting voorsien die nodige riglyn vir prestasieverbetering in die strewe na aanvoerketting uitnemendheid. Kamoefleerdrag vorm ‘n belangrike element in die uitrusting van die soldaat wanneer militêre- en oorlogsvermoë hanteer moet word. Kamoefleerdraglogistiek in die SA Leër is ‘n komplekse mengsel van fisiese entiteite, prosesse and reëls wat meestal deur konseptuele beginsels geregeer word. Die SA Leër kamoefleerdrag logistiek reflekteer elemente van verbetering, wanneer vergelyk word met aanvoerkettingbestuursbeginsels. Die SA Leër kort ‘n geïntegreerde aanvoerkettingfilosofie, asook duidelike aanvoerkettingbestuursbeginsels. Aanvoerkettingbestuur kan die kamoefleerdrag logistiek in die SA Leër verbeter, as die beginsels reg toegepas word. Die SA Leër is ‘n militêre instelling met vredesoperasies as primêre funksie. Die vervaardiging en verspreiding van klerasie is nie die SA Lëer se primêre funksie nie en kan daarom geprivatiseer word. Dit sal primêr die probleme wat onder die huidige stelsel voorkom, aanspreek. Al word dit voorsien dat dit moeilik en omslagtig sal wees om ‘n geïntegreerde aanvoerkettingfilosofie en -beginsel in die SA Leër te implimenteer, dit die doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid van die huidige stelsel in vandag se ekonomie sal verbeter.

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