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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human Resource Management : En studie av svenska dotterbolags lokala anpassning i Östasien

Gullstrand, Carl-Gustav, Hansen, Michael January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund och problem</p><p>Det finns två drivande faktorer som formar grunden för hur multinationella företag agerar vad avser human resource management. Den ena är det tryck som finns att upprätthålla en intern konsistens och det andra är en yttre påverkan från den lokala miljön där företaget verkar. Dagens utveckling har lett till ett behov hos företag att vara flexibla på alla nivåer. Om vi ser till företagens humankapital så finns ett ökat behov inom området att sprida den kunskap som finns till alla nivåer och vidare till de dotterbolag som agerar på den globala marknaden. Detta faktum har medfört ett ökat behov att kunna omplacera personal till olika underavdelningar och även till de dotterbolag som verkar på denna marknad vilket i sin tur medfört ett ökat krav på flexibilitet och anpassningsförmåga hos den enskilda anställde. Denna interna spridning av företagets kunskap, kultur och praxis står ofta i kontrast till den som existerar på den lokala marknaden där företagets olika internationella subdivisioner verkar.</p><p>Då utvecklingen i de industrialiserade länderna de facto går mot en mer och mer avancerad ekonomi med fokus på humankapitalet som en tydlig del i företagets konkurrensstrategi så ökar vikten av forskning om human resource management. En betydelsefull del i denna strategi är att knyta nyckelpersonal till det egna företaget. Detta genom att skapa en sådan miljö som svarar på personalens förväntningar och vidare uppmuntrar dem till effektivitet. Vägen till att skapa dessa förutsättningar är att upprätta ett tydligt och fungerande human resource management system. Vidare understödjer det sistnämnda också det interna kunskapsspridandet inom organisationen. Då detta är upprättat så kan det anses att företagen arbetar för att behålla detta system om det anses framgångsrikt. Dock finns det vissa påverkansfaktorer som influerar human resource management systemet i större eller mindre grad. Detta kan vara ett problem för företag som verkar på den globala marknaden eftersom de av ovanstående nämnda anledningar vill bibehålla den inre företagsstrukturen även hos de dotterbolag som är etablerade på de utländska marknaderna. Problemet blir då vilka av krafterna som är starkast påverkande; de motverkande faktorerna, även kallat kontextuella faktorer, som verkar på den lokala marknaden där dotterbolaget är etablerat eller företagets interna policy vad avser human resource management.</p><p>Syfte</p><p>Studiens primära syfte är att undersöka de krafter som formar human resource management praxis i svenska multinationella företags dotterbolag i den östasiatiska regionen. Detta med ett fokus på sex kärnvärden inom human resource management. Vidare studeras kontextuella faktorer och om eller hur de påverkar graden av anpassning. Fortsättningsvis är det sekundära syftet att granska om de teorier och den forskning som finns på området fortfarande har giltig validitet där en tendens till lokal anpassning påvisats.</p><p>Avgränsning</p><p>Studien kommer att avgränsas till att omfatta den del i forskningen om human resource management som behandlar anpassning till den lokala kulturen, så kallad institutionell teori samt teori kring kontextuella påverkansfaktorer. Vidare avgränsas undersökningen till att endast omfatta svenska företags dotterbolag i den östasiatiska regionen. De länder som anses vara intressanta för studien i detta område är då Kina, Japan och Sydkorea.</p><p>Metod</p><p>Upprättande av hypoteser samt prövning av dessa via en statistisk surveyundersökning där respondenternas svar samlas i en databas för fortsatt analys. Kontakt sker elektroniskt där en bifogad länk erhålles, via denna kommer respondenten direkt i kontakt med informationsinsamlingsbasen.</p><p>Data</p><p>Primärdata hämtas från statistiska undersökningar där fokusen ligger på anpassningsgraden hos de studerade dotterbolagen. Sekundärdata har inhämtats från litteratur, artiklar, tidigare uppsatser, forskning på området etc.</p><p>Analys och slutsats</p><p>Denna undersökning har påvisat att det inte går att finna ett särskilt mönster hur HRM praxis anpassas och i vilken ordning detta sker hos kärnvärdena. Här frångår dessa resultat tidigare forskning. Vidare påvisar studien att de kontextuella faktorerna endast i vissa fall har en gemensam tendens vad avser inverkan på utformningen av HRM praxis. De krafter som inverkar i likhet med tidigare forskning är etableringsmetod, livslängd, lokalt resursberoende, påverkan från facklig verksamhet samt lokala institutioner. Summan blir då att denna studie i sin helhet endast till viss del stöder etablerad forskning.</p>

Ledarutveckling i arbetslivet : Kontexter, aktörer samt (o)likheter mellan utbildningskulturer / Leader Development in Working Life : Contexts, Actors, and (Dis)similarities between Educational Cultures

Nilsson, Peter January 2005 (has links)
<p>This dissertation is about leader development. It focuses on similarities and differences between contents in different in-house leader development programs, and on how these programs are organized. The purpose is to contribute knowledge about leader development in Swedish working life, by describing and analyzing different organizations’ ways of doing leader development from a context-actor perspective. Very little research has been undertaken about leader development from a comparative perspective, although leader development is a question of current interest, and can be viewed as a fashion now in the beginning of the 21st century. The context-actor perspective that I use as theoretical point of departure is influenced partly by Bhaskar’s transformational model of social activity, partly by institutional theory and the notion of isomorphic processes, containing powers in the context of the organization in combination with local actors. An educational culture is seen as a single organization’s specific way to manage leader development. The dissertation is chiefly based on a case study of six organizations’ leader development. I have interviewed 13 persons that had the responsibility for creating, carrying out and developing leader development efforts in these organizations. I also studied different documents from these organizations, and observed when actors from one of the organizations met their colleagues from similar organizations for discussions concerning leader development. The analysis of the data has had a distinct feature of abduction, and I used eight constructed aspects and 131 variables when comparing the organizations. My results suggest that the organizations’ educational cultures had both overarching similarities and considerable differences. The deeper I probed into the ways in which the organizations did leader development, the more specific details I found. Most of the dissimilarities that appeared in the comparison turned out to be exclusive to specific organizations rather then to groups of organizations. The organizational level appeared as the most important context for shaping the specific characteristic of the different leader development programs. Likewise, the branch level and national level seem to play a central role, but the sector level turned out to be the context with the least importance for the organizations’ ways of doing leader development. For the national level it is possible to argue that the similarities the organizations showed may constitute an example of the spirit of the times and everyday talk about leader development that can be found in Swedishworking life. The actors turned out to be part of the organizations’ human resources, and they were not seldom human resource managers and women. It was above all these actors that had the responsibility for and organized the leader development. The interplay between the actors and the context can be described in terms of the actors as creators of culture and bearers of culture respectively. There is consequently a potential for both transformation and reproduction as a result of the interplay between the powers that contexts and actors constitute. From the actors’ statements it is obvious that they saw themselves as active actors. Overall, the research indicates that it is reasonable to describe an organization’s educational culture as a result of how the actors have interacted with different contexts. The existence of certain leader development ideals in Swedish working life is not necessarily a determining factor for how a single actor chooses to work with the leader development in a certain organization, though it depends on the latter.</p>

Narrative of Working Experience for the Managers Dispatched to China Return to Taiwan

Chen, Ming-Tien 31 July 2012 (has links)
In recent years, with the economic development in China and the direct flights between Taiwan and China; there are more and more Taiwanese enterprises invest in China industrial market. This business environment change results in the increasing Taiwanese employees travelling between China and Taiwan frequently, or even been dispatched to China for long-term. In the future, the opportunities of work exchange between Taiwan and China will increase rapidly. Taiwan and China has no language barrier, however, the thinking logic, attitude towards work, and corporate management style between two places are fairly divergent. All these differences impact both Taiwanese and Chinese enterprises development. Today, China¡¦s workers strive for their work and almost catch up with Taiwan. Do Taiwan¡¦s workers notice it? The author has been dispatched to China for more than five years, and returned to Taiwan for three years. We can see the way of business management and the working environment between Taiwan and China through the experience of author. This narrative will give an overview and suggestions to those Taiwanese who is willing to work in China, and to those Taiwanese who plan to return to Taiwan market. For the workers who are seeking for opportunities of work exchange, the author suggests they should have abilities such as authorization management, regulate the rhythm of the work, resource integration, and excellent communication skill with local workers. On the other hand, for the workers who return to Taiwan job market, face to the primary depression, adjust mindset, and balance work and family lives are the keys to a successful transfer.

Soziale Verantwortung und Unternehmenserfolg : die Bedeutung der Unternehmenskultur und des Human Resources Management für den ökonomischen Erfolg

Degener, Mirko January 2003 (has links)
In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur, in der betrieblichen Praxis und in der gesellschaftlichen Diskussion wird wieder zunehmend mehr die Bedeutung der Beschäftigten für den Unternehmenserfolg hervorgehoben und diskutiert. Unternehmen, die zielgerichtet geeignete Managementstrategien mit Blick auf den Umgang mit ihren Beschäftigten einsetzen, werden in bezug auf ihre ökonomische Wertschöpfung als erfolgreicher charakterisiert. Besonders im Bereich Human Resources Management lassen sich erste Belege finden, die es ermöglichen, den ökonomischen Erfolg von Unternehmen kausal auf einzelne Personalmanagementstrategien zurückzuführen. Ziel eigener Untersuchungen in der IT- und Softwarebranche war es, Unternehmenserfolg auf der Grundlage ökonomischer Erfolgsmaße und des subjektiven Erlebens der Beschäftigten in kleinen und mittleren Softwareunternehmen unter besonderer Fokussierung des Human Resources Management und der Unternehmenskultur zu untersuchen. / In scientific literature, operational practice, and societal discussion, the importance of the employees for the company success is increasingly accentuated. Organizations applying precise management strategies with focus on their employees are characterized more successful in terms of added value. Especially in Human Resource Management, research has shown that companies economical success can causally be ascribed by personnel management strategies.<br /> Aim of this study in the IT- and Software sector was the investigation of company success on the basis of economical success measures and the subjective experience of the employees in small and middle sized software companies, focusing especially on Human Resource Management.

Hur många kan klona sig varje måndag? : en studie av hur HRM påverkas av projektifiering / Is it possible to duplicate yourself every Monday? : a study of the impact projectification has on HRM

Bredin, Karin, Forsström, Carl-Fredrik January 2003 (has links)
Bakgrund: Projektifiering innebär att företag går från en stark linjeorganisation mot att betona projektdimensionen. Denna förändring skapar nya förutsättningar för medarbetare och torde även ha samband med företagets syn på sin personal som strategisk resurs. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga och analysera de förändringar som sker inom Human Resource Management i samband med företags projektifiering. Genomförande: Det empiriska materialet består huvudsakligen av intervjuer med nyckelpersoner på Posten och Saab Aerospace. Resultat: HR-funktionen har en viktig roll i projektifieringsprocessen. Två sätt att organisera HR-funktionen har identifierats, vilka påverkar möjligheten att anta denna roll. HR-relaterade problem får olika proportioner beroende på hur företag väljer att organisera projektverksamheten.

Ledarutveckling i arbetslivet : Kontexter, aktörer samt (o)likheter mellan utbildningskulturer / Leader Development in Working Life : Contexts, Actors, and (Dis)similarities between Educational Cultures

Nilsson, Peter January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is about leader development. It focuses on similarities and differences between contents in different in-house leader development programs, and on how these programs are organized. The purpose is to contribute knowledge about leader development in Swedish working life, by describing and analyzing different organizations’ ways of doing leader development from a context-actor perspective. Very little research has been undertaken about leader development from a comparative perspective, although leader development is a question of current interest, and can be viewed as a fashion now in the beginning of the 21st century. The context-actor perspective that I use as theoretical point of departure is influenced partly by Bhaskar’s transformational model of social activity, partly by institutional theory and the notion of isomorphic processes, containing powers in the context of the organization in combination with local actors. An educational culture is seen as a single organization’s specific way to manage leader development. The dissertation is chiefly based on a case study of six organizations’ leader development. I have interviewed 13 persons that had the responsibility for creating, carrying out and developing leader development efforts in these organizations. I also studied different documents from these organizations, and observed when actors from one of the organizations met their colleagues from similar organizations for discussions concerning leader development. The analysis of the data has had a distinct feature of abduction, and I used eight constructed aspects and 131 variables when comparing the organizations. My results suggest that the organizations’ educational cultures had both overarching similarities and considerable differences. The deeper I probed into the ways in which the organizations did leader development, the more specific details I found. Most of the dissimilarities that appeared in the comparison turned out to be exclusive to specific organizations rather then to groups of organizations. The organizational level appeared as the most important context for shaping the specific characteristic of the different leader development programs. Likewise, the branch level and national level seem to play a central role, but the sector level turned out to be the context with the least importance for the organizations’ ways of doing leader development. For the national level it is possible to argue that the similarities the organizations showed may constitute an example of the spirit of the times and everyday talk about leader development that can be found in Swedishworking life. The actors turned out to be part of the organizations’ human resources, and they were not seldom human resource managers and women. It was above all these actors that had the responsibility for and organized the leader development. The interplay between the actors and the context can be described in terms of the actors as creators of culture and bearers of culture respectively. There is consequently a potential for both transformation and reproduction as a result of the interplay between the powers that contexts and actors constitute. From the actors’ statements it is obvious that they saw themselves as active actors. Overall, the research indicates that it is reasonable to describe an organization’s educational culture as a result of how the actors have interacted with different contexts. The existence of certain leader development ideals in Swedish working life is not necessarily a determining factor for how a single actor chooses to work with the leader development in a certain organization, though it depends on the latter.

Internal factors affecting the organizational internationalization process : Evidence from Huawei case study

yu, cui, zhang, ting January 2010 (has links)
The relevance of global economy are being enhanced day by day, organizational internationalization is becoming more and more important nowadays. Many companies have stated their internationalization process, but not all of them are successful. Thus, the main purpose and aim of this study is to research the relationship between the internal management of organization and firm internationalization process, and find out the most important internal factors (entrepreneur, corporate culture, organizational human resource management) which could push organization to identify the internationalization opportunity and to operate the internationalization process. In this paper, authors construct an original theoretical framework, and chooses Huawei Company as a real example to examine the theoretical results which are concluded from the existing studies.

Strategic Human Resource Management : A study of EWES Stålfjäder AB's HR Strategies alignment to corporate strategies

Fagerholm, Sebastian, Lorentzson, Patrik, Moritz, Robin January 2010 (has links)
Background: It is important to develop and execute human resource practices that generate employee competencies and behaviours the company needs to achieve its strategic goals. SHRM is about how to align HR strategies with corporate strategies, and implemented in a correct way SHRM can be an efficient tool to use for enhancing organisational performance. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the alignment between EWES Stålfjäder AB´s corporate strategies and its HR strategies. Method: To study this we believe it was accurate to use a qualitative method approach. The empirical study consists of semi-structured interviews as well as written documents. Analysis: The structure of the analysis follows the theoretical framework. We have used the model developed by Dessler (2008, p. 95), “How to Align HR Strategy and Actions with Business Strategy”. Conclusions: We found that EWES Stålfjäder AB need to clarify their corporate strategies throughout the whole organisation. This will help them to identify and implement HR strategies that are in line with them. Working in this manner, we believe it will help EWES to conceptualize and execute accurate changes the organisation needs to accomplish their corporate strategies. Furthermore, we found that most of EWES’ HR practices become more like add-ons than strategic activities that are aligned with their corporate strategies.

Recruitment process outsourcing and organisational culture, connecting the dots

Masinovic, Dinka January 2010 (has links)
Outsourcing has been around for over twenty years and is still growing, while outsourcing of recruitment is a relatively new phenomenon. Organisations outsource primarily because of the cost benefit and time saving, since there are also several reasons to outsource, there are also several types of outsourcing. Business process outsourcing is when an organisation outsources a whole business process such as Human Resources, which Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a part of. Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a process used to increase organisation‟s efficiency through managerial time saving, moving the recruitment process to external recruiting agencies providing trust and the proper competitive expertise needed. The purpose of this study is to see how organisational culture is affected by Recruitment Process Outsourcing. This study examined how RPO affects organisational culture, more precisely three factors were examined, motivation, performance orientation and effective orientation. Five international banks in Sweden were investigated and the results showed that motivation was not affected at all by RPO, effective orientation was affected by the most of the companies studied and the performance orientation was affected by circum one third of the companies by RPO. Human Resource study field has a lack of research in RPO and this study is a contribution to that field, regarding the outsourcing of recruitment in the Swedish bank industry.

Towards an understanding of Human resource management In Furniture Company

Yao, Tianxiang January 2010 (has links)
Aim: With today’s rapid economic development, human resource is the only major success in continuing operations. In fact, my parents are engaged in furniture retail industry in south of China, Guangzhou. In the company’s daily operations, we found a lot of issues about human resource management. Employee’s demission and training, and the negative attitude become major obstacles in the way of our company’s development. Through HRM study, I want to understand what factors affect staff movement behavior and loyalty to the company, in order to deal with the staff situation in the company more efficiently. Method: In this thesis, the case study approach was used. Case study research is suitable for explanatory, descriptive and exploratory. Our research chooses two in-depth case studies that base on the interviews with human resource managers. The information that we collect is from qualitative interviews. Through loyalty and movement theory, to identify which factors are affecting staff movement behavior and loyalty to company, as well as analyze how to solute the issue in my family company. Result &amp; Conclusions: After discussion and analysis, the study found: high wages is not the only way to retain employees. Money as reward can cost a lot, and it’s impersonal. Workplace, leadership style, enterprise potential, training opportunity and promotion space also can affect employee loyalty. According to Motivator-Hygiene Theory, to establish motivation system, exciting staff’s enthusiasm for the work. Let staff realize that the successes of the company are directly connected to their performances; staff have responsibility for company’s successes. This is a powerful way to keep employee motivated. For company development of long standing, organization should command constantly more new technology. Staff as the work of actors, to learn more work skills is essential. Employees and the company’s desire is the same. Companies focus on their own development, but also to enhance staff capacity. For development of the company, it should give staff more training and promotion opportunities. Suggestions for future research: It has to note that the limitation of this study is the small number and the limited scope of interviewees. Contribution of the thesis: In this study, I mainly find the solutions that the issues in my family company. After discussion and analysis, I am cognizant of the long-term relationship between staff and organization is important for company development. The rewards for the employee are not just money, but also can be other. That effect and help my family firm staff management.

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