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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimentální stanovení vlivu kapaliny na kmitající těleso / Experimental determination of the liquid influence on an oscillating body

Grešáková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
Damping and natural frequency of a vibrating body or a system is not easy to estimate during the design phase of~project. If the body is submerged in water, estimating becomes even more complicated. This~work focuses on experimental determination of the liquid influence on an oscillating body. The~presented modal analysis was executed on two bodies when being surrounded by air, but~also when gradually and fully submerged in water using two reservoirs with different dimensions. The collected data was analyzed with a suggested hybrid method, which determined the damping ratio and the natural frequency. Added mass was calculated employing the Ansys software. Part of the presented work focuses on the selection of a suitable time window for the Fourier transform.

Ověření vlivu geometrie na dynamické vlastnosti ponořeného tělesa / Verification of geometry influence on dynamic properties of immersed body

Černý, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Immersion of the body into the fluid creates additional effects which must be considered when designing the machines. Additional effects from the fluid influence the dynamic properties of the body. In this work the decrease of the natural frequency and the increase of the damping ratio during the gradual immersion of the body into the fluid are investigated. Diploma thesis is based on an experiment, which is performed on a series of flat strip steel components of various widths. The first three bending and first three torsion shapes of the free-hanging body are examined. Emphasis is placed on the influence of part width. In the next phase of the experiment, the influence of the proximity of the solid wall to the dynamic properties of the cantilever beam is examined. Further, the determination of the added density from the fluid is performed by modal analysis using the ANSYS software.

Détection et segmentation robustes de cibles mobiles par analyse du mouvement résiduel, à l'aide d'une unique caméra, dans un contexte industriel. Une application à la vidéo-surveillance automatique par drone. / A robust moving target detection by the analysis of the residual motion, with a mono-camera, in an industrial context. An application to the automatic aerial video surveillance.

Pouzet, Mathieu 05 November 2015 (has links)
Nous proposons dans cette thèse une méthode robuste de détection d’objets mobiles depuis une caméra en mouvement montée sur un vecteur aérien de type drone ou hélicoptère. Nos contraintes industrielles sont particulièrement fortes : robustesse aux grands mouvements de la caméra, robustesse au flou de focus ou de bougé, et précision dans la détection et segmentation des objets mobiles. De même, notre solution doit être optimisée afin de ne pas être trop consommatrice en termes de puissance de calcul. Notre solution consiste en la compensation du mouvement global, résultant du mouvement de la caméra, puis en l’analyse du mouvement résiduel existant entre les images pour détecter et segmenter les cibles mobiles. Ce domaine a été particulièrement exploré dans la littérature, ce qui se traduit par une richesse des méthodes proposées fondamentalement différentes. Après en avoir étudié un certain nombre, nous nous sommes aperçus qu’elles avaient toutes un domaine d’applications restreint, malheureusement incompatible avec nos préoccupations industrielles. Pour pallier à ce problème, nous proposons une méthodologie consistant à analyser les résultats des méthodes de l’état de l’art de manière à en comprendre les avantages et inconvénients de chacune. Puis, des hybridations de ces méthodes sont alors mis en place. Ainsi, nous proposons trois étapes successives : la compensation du mouvement entre deux images successives, l’élaboration d’un arrière plan de la scène afin de pouvoir segmenter de manière correcte les objets mobiles dans l’image et le filtrage de ces détections par confrontation entre le mouvement estimé lors de la première étape et le mouvement résiduel estimé par un algorithme local. La première étape consiste en l’estimation du mouvement global entre deux images à l’aide d’une méthode hybride composée d’un algorithme de minimisation ESM et d’une méthode de mise en correspondance de points d’intérêt Harris. L’approche pyramidale proposée permet d’optimiser les temps de calcul et les estimateursrobustes (M-Estimateur pour l’ESM et RANSAC pour les points d’intérêt) permettent de répondre aux contraintes industrielles. La deuxième étape établit un arrière plan de la scène à l’aide d’une méthode couplant les résultats d’une différence d’images successives (après compensation) et d’une segmentation en régions. Cette méthode réalise une fusion entre les informations statiques et dynamiques de l’image. Cet arrière plan est ensuite comparé avec l’image courante afin de détecter les objets mobiles. Enfin, la dernière étape confronte les résultats de l’estimation de mouvement global avec le mouvement résiduel estimé par un flux optique local Lucas-Kanade afin de valider les détections obtenues lors de la seconde étape. Les expériences réalisées dans ce mémoire sur de nombreuses séquences de tests (simulées ou réelles) permettent de valider la solution retenue. Nous montrons également diverses applications possibles de notre méthode proposée. / We propose a robust method about moving target detection from a moving UAV-mounted or helicopter-mounted camera. The industrial solution has to be robust to large motion of the camera, focus and motion blur in the images, and need to be accurate in terms of the moving target detection and segmentation. It does not have to need a long computation time. The proposed solution to detect the moving targets consists in the global camera motion compensation, and the residual motion analysis, that exists between the successive images. This research domain has been widely explored in the literature, implying lots of different proposed methods. The study of these methods show us that they all have a different and limited application scope, incompatible with our industrial constraints. To deal with this problem, we propose a methodology consisting in the analysis of the state-of-the-art method results, to extract their strengths and weaknesses. Then we propose to hybrid them. Therefore, we propose three successive steps : the inter-frame motion compensation, thecreation of a background in order to correctly detect the moving targets in the image and then the filtering of these detections by a comparison between the estimated global motion of the first step and the residual motion estimated by a local algorithm. The first step consists in the estimation of the global motion between two successive images thanks to a hybrid method composed of a minimization algorithm (ESM) and a feature-based method (Harris matching). The pyramidal implementation allows to optimize the computation time and the robust estimators (M-Estimator for the ESM algorithm and RANSAC for the Harris matching) allow to deal with the industrial constraints. The second step createsa background image using a method coupling the results of an inter-frame difference (after the global motion compensation) and a region segmentation. This method merges the static and dynamic information existing in the images. This background is then compared with the current image to detect the moving targets. Finally, the last step compares the results of the global motion estimation with the residual motion estimated by a Lucas-Kanade optical flow in order to validate the obtained detections of the second step. This solution has been validated after an evaluation on a large number of simulated and real sequences of images. Additionally, we propose some possible applications of theproposed method.

Tillämpning av kombinerad SWOT och AHP : En fallstudie på en stödverksamhet inom verkstadsbranschen / Application of combined SWOT and AHP : A case study in a support business within the workshop industry

Dakession, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Följande arbete utgör en fallstudie där en hybridanalys bestående av de två analysverktygen SWOT och AHP tillämpats. Syftet med arbetet har varit att identifiera vad den studerade verksamheten bör prioritera för att bli mer effektiv. Med hjälp av SWOT-modellen har styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot kunnat identifieras. SWOT visar dock inte relevansen av de olika faktorerna och därför har modellen kompletterats med hjälp av AHP. Vid tillämpningen av AHP har en numerisk metod införts, vilket gör det möjligt att kvantifiera faktorerna inom SWOT och således kan de relativa viktfaktorerna härledas. Detta skapar ett tillförlitligare underlag för de strategiska beslut som verksamheten bör vidta, jämfört med om SWOT-analysen utförs självständigt. Studien har med signifikans identifierat att byråkratin ligger bakom en del av ineffektiviteten, vilket medför utdragna inköpsprocesser och planeringsprocesser. Studien utvärderar två olika skalor som en del av den numeriska metoden, en linjär och en kvadratisk. Den kvadratiska kräver normalt mer tid, men medför också högre tillförlitlighet. Däremot kan den medföra nackdelar om man inkluderar allokerandet av resurser, såsom tid, pengar eller personal som en tredje dimension inom AHP. Slutligen föreslår denna studie ett upplägg av hybridmodellen där man utnyttjar signifikansmåttet för att undersöka samstämigheten mellan exempelvis två individer kring vad som bör prioriteras. / This thesis presents a case study where a hybrid analysis containing the two frameworks SWOT and AHP has been made. The purpose has been to identify what the studied support business should prioritize in order to be more efficient. Using SWOT, one has been able to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the function. However, SWOT fails to show their relevance and therefor it has been supplemented with an AHP analysis. When applying AHP, a numerical method has been introduced that makes it possible to quantify the factors. Thus, the relative weight of the factors can be derived. This will create a more reliable basis for the strategic decisions that the support business should implement. The study shows, with significance that the biggest issue of the support function lies in bureaucracy, causing the purchase and planning processes to be inefficient. The study also evaluates two different scales as a part of the numerical method, one linear and one quadratic. The quadratic usually requires more time but provides a more reliable result. However, it can bring some disadvantages if one includes allocations of resources, such as time, money or labor as a third dimension within AHP. Finally, the thesis proposes a way of using the hybrid model and the significance measurement to find out how two people agrees regarding what should be prioritized.

Antenna design using optimization techniques over various computaional electromagnetics. Antenna design structures using genetic algorithm, Particle Swarm and Firefly algorithms optimization methods applied on several electromagnetics numerical solutions and applications including antenna measurements and comparisons

Abdussalam, Fathi M.A. January 2018 (has links)
Dealing with the electromagnetic issue might bring a sort of discontinuous and nondifferentiable regions. Thus, it is of great interest to implement an appropriate optimisation approach, which can preserve the computational resources and come up with a global optimum. While not being trapped in local optima, as well as the feasibility to overcome some other matters such as nonlinear and phenomena of discontinuous with a large number of variables. Problems such as lengthy computation time, constraints put forward for antenna requirements and demand for large computer memory, are very common in the analysis due to the increased interests in tackling high-scale, more complex and higher-dimensional problems. On the other side, demands for even more accurate results always expand constantly. In the context of this statement, it is very important to find out how the recently developed optimization roles can contribute to the solution of the aforementioned problems. Thereafter, the key goals of this work are to model, study and design low profile antennas for wireless and mobile communications applications using optimization process over a computational electromagnetics numerical solution. The numerical solution method could be performed over one or hybrid methods subjective to the design antenna requirements and its environment. Firstly, the thesis presents the design and modelling concept of small uni-planer Ultra- Wideband antenna. The fitness functions and the geometrical antenna elements required for such design are considered. Two antennas are designed, implemented and measured. The computed and measured outcomes are found in reasonable agreement. Secondly, the work is also addressed on how the resonance modes of microstrip patches could be performed using the method of Moments. Results have been shown on how the modes could be adjusted using MoM. Finally, the design implications of balanced structure for mobile handsets covering LTE standards 698-748 MHz and 2500-2690 MHz are explored through using firefly algorithm method. The optimised balanced antenna exhibits reasonable matching performance including near-omnidirectional radiations over the dual desirable operating bands with reduced EMF, which leads to a great immunity improvement towards the hand-held. / General Secretariat of Education and Scientific Research Libya

Méthode de type Galerkin discontinu en maillages multi-éléments pour la résolution numérique des équations de Maxwell instationnaires / High order non-conforming multi-element Discontinuous Galerkin method for time-domain electromagnetics

Durochat, Clément 30 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude d’une méthode de type Galerkin discontinu en domaine temporel (GDDT), afin de résoudre numériquement les équations de Maxwell instationnaires sur des maillages hybrides tétraédriques/hexaédriques en 3D (triangulaires/quadrangulaires en 2D) et non-conformes, que l’on note méthode GDDT-PpQk. Comme dans différents travaux déjà réalisés sur plusieurs méthodes hybrides (par exemple des combinaisons entre des méthodes Volumes Finis et Différences Finies, Éléments Finis et Différences Finies, etc.), notre objectif principal est de mailler des objets ayant une géométrie complexe à l’aide de tétraèdres, pour obtenir une précision optimale, et de mailler le reste du domaine (le vide environnant) à l’aide d’hexaèdres impliquant un gain en terme de mémoire et de temps de calcul. Dans la méthode GDDT considérée, nous utilisons des schémas de discrétisation spatiale basés sur une interpolation polynomiale nodale, d’ordre arbitraire, pour approximer le champ électromagnétique. Nous utilisons un flux centré pour approcher les intégrales de surface et un schéma d’intégration en temps de type saute-mouton d’ordre deux ou d’ordre quatre. Après avoir introduit le contexte historique et physique des équations de Maxwell, nous présentons les étapes détaillées de la méthode GDDT-PpQk. Nous réalisons ensuite une analyse de stabilité L2 théorique, en montrant que cette méthode conserve une énergie discrète et en exhibant une condition suffisante de stabilité de type CFL sur le pas de temps, ainsi que l’analyse de convergence en h (théorique également), conduisant à un estimateur d’erreur a-priori. Ensuite, nous menons une étude numérique complète en 2D (ondes TMz), pour différents cas tests, des maillages hybrides et non-conformes, et pour des milieux de propagation homogènes ou hétérogènes. Nous faisons enfin de même pour la mise en oeuvre en 3D, avec des simulations réalistes, comme par exemple la propagation d’une onde électromagnétique dans un modèle hétérogène de tête humaine. Nous montrons alors la cohérence entre les résultats mathématiques et numériques de cette méthode GDDT-PpQk, ainsi que ses apports en termes de précision et de temps de calcul. / This thesis is concerned with the study of a Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain method (DGTD), for the numerical resolution of the unsteady Maxwell equations on hybrid tetrahedral/hexahedral in 3D (triangular/quadrangular in 2D) and non-conforming meshes, denoted by DGTD-PpQk method. Like in several studies on various hybrid time domain methods (such as a combination of Finite Volume with Finite Difference methods, or Finite Element with Finite Difference, etc.), our general objective is to mesh objects with complex geometry by tetrahedra for high precision and mesh the surrounding space by square elements for simplicity and speed. In the discretization scheme of the DGTD method considered here, the electromagnetic field components are approximated by a high order nodal polynomial, using a centered approximation for the surface integrals. Time integration of the associated semi-discrete equations is achieved by a second or fourth order Leap-Frog scheme. After introducing the historical and physical context of Maxwell equations, we present the details of the DGTD-PpQk method. We prove the L2 stability of this method by establishing the conservation of a discrete analog of the electromagnetic energy and a sufficient CFL-like stability condition is exhibited. The theoritical convergence of the scheme is also studied, this leads to a-priori error estimate that takes into account the hybrid nature of the mesh. Afterward, we perform a complete numerical study in 2D (TMz waves), for several test problems, on hybrid and non-conforming meshes, and for homogeneous or heterogeneous media. We do the same for the 3D implementation, with more realistic simulations, for example the propagation in a heterogeneous human head model. We show the consistency between the mathematical and numerical results of this DGTD-PpQk method, and its contribution in terms of accuracy and CPU time.

Um método SN híbrido direto para cálculos de sistemas combustível-moderador em geometria unidimensional / A direct hybrid SN method for slab-geometry fuel-moderator lattice calculations

Davi José Martins e Silva 10 June 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Desenvolvemos nesta dissertação um método híbrido direto para o cálculo do fator de desvantagem e descrição da distribuição do fluxo de nêutrons em sistemas combustível-moderador. Na modelagem matemática, utilizamos a equação de transporte de Boltzmann independente do tempo, considerando espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico no modelo monoenergético e espalhamento isotrópico no modelo multigrupo, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), em geometria unidimensional. Desenvolvemos nesta dissertação um método híbrido direto para o cálculo do fator de desvantagem e descrição da distribuição do fluxo de nêutrons em sistemas combustível-moderador. Na modelagem matemática, utilizamos a equação de transporte de Boltzmann independente do tempo, considerando espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico no modelo monoenergético e espalhamento isotrópico no modelo multigrupo, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), em geometria unidimensional. Descrevemos uma análise espectral das equações de ordenadas discretas (SN)a um grupo e a dois grupos de energia, onde seguimos uma analogia com o método de Case. Utilizamos, neste método, quadraturas angulares diferentes no combustível (NC) e no moderador (NM), onde em geral assumimos que NC > NM . Condições de continuidade especiais que acoplam os fluxos angulares que emergem do combustível (moderador) e incidem no moderador (combustível), foram utilizadas com base na equivalência entre as equações SN e PN-1, o que caracteriza a propriedade híbrida do modelo proposto. Sendo um método híbrido direto, utilizamos as NC + NM equações lineares e algébricas constituídas pelas (NC + NM)/2 condições de contorno reflexivas e (NC + NM)/2 condições de continuidade para determinarmos as NC + NM constantes. Com essas constantes podemos calcular os valores dos fluxos angulares e dos fluxos escalares em qualquer ponto do domínio. Apresentamos resultados numéricos para ilustrar a eficiência e a precisão do método proposto. / In this masters dissertation we describe a hybrid direct method for calculating the disadvantage factor and the neutron flux distribution in fuel-moderator lattices. For the mathematical model, we used the discrete ordinates (SN) transport equation, considering linearly anisotropic scattering in the monoenergetic model and isotropic scattering in the energy multigroup model in slab geometry. We describe a spectral analysis of the monoenergetic and two-group SN equations, in a way which is very similar to the Case method. The basic idea is to use higher order angular quadrature set in the highly absorbing fuel region (SNF)and lower order angular quadrature set in the diffusive moderator region (SNM) i.e., NF > NM. Therefore, we apply special continuity conditions for the fuel existing fluxes that constitute the incoming fluxes for the moderator region, and conversely for the moderator existing fluxes that constitute the incoming fluxes for the fuel region, based on the equivalence of the SN and PN-1 equations, which characterize the hybrid model. As a direct hybrid method, we use NF + NM linear algebraic equations composed of (NF + NM)/2 reflexive boundary conditions and (NF + NM)/2 continuity conditions to solve for the NF + NM expansion coefficients. With these coefficients we can calculate the numerical values for the angular fluxes and for the scalar fluxes at any location of domain. We present numerical results to illustrate the efficiency and the accuracy of the offered method.

On the design of sparse hybrid linear solvers for modern parallel architectures / Sur la conception de solveurs linéaires hybrides pour les architectures parallèles modernes

Nakov, Stojce 14 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le contexte de cette thèse, nous nous focalisons sur des algorithmes pour l’algèbre linéaire numérique, plus précisément sur la résolution de grands systèmes linéaires creux. Nous mettons au point des méthodes de parallélisation pour le solveur linéaire hybride MaPHyS. Premièrement nous considerons l'aproche MPI+threads. Dans MaPHyS, le premier niveau de parallélisme consiste au traitement indépendant des sous-domaines. Le second niveau est exploité grâce à l’utilisation de noyaux multithreadés denses et creux au sein des sous-domaines. Une telle implémentation correspond bien à la structure hiérarchique des supercalculateurs modernes et permet un compromis entre les performances numériques et parallèles du solveur. Nous démontrons la flexibilité de notre implémentation parallèle sur un ensemble de cas tests. Deuxièmement nous considérons un approche plus innovante, où les algorithmes sont décrits comme des ensembles de tâches avec des inter-dépendances, i.e., un graphe de tâches orienté sans cycle (DAG). Nous illustrons d’abord comment une première parallélisation à base de tâches peut être obtenue en composant des librairies à base de tâches au sein des processus MPI illustrer par un prototype d’implémentation préliminaire de notre solveur hybride. Nous montrons ensuite comment une approche à base de tâches abstrayant entièrement le matériel peut exploiter avec succès une large gamme d’architectures matérielles. À cet effet, nous avons implanté une version à base de tâches de l’algorithme du Gradient Conjugué et nous montrons que l’approche proposée permet d’atteindre une très haute performance sur des architectures multi-GPU, multicoeur ainsi qu’hétérogène. / In the context of this thesis, our focus is on numerical linear algebra, more precisely on solution of large sparse systems of linear equations. We focus on designing efficient parallel implementations of MaPHyS, an hybrid linear solver based on domain decomposition techniques. First we investigate the MPI+threads approach. In MaPHyS, the first level of parallelism arises from the independent treatment of the various subdomains. The second level is exploited thanks to the use of multi-threaded dense and sparse linear algebra kernels involved at the subdomain level. Such an hybrid implementation of an hybrid linear solver suitably matches the hierarchical structure of modern supercomputers and enables a trade-off between the numerical and parallel performances of the solver. We demonstrate the flexibility of our parallel implementation on a set of test examples. Secondly, we follow a more disruptive approach where the algorithms are described as sets of tasks with data inter-dependencies that leads to a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representation. The tasks are handled by a runtime system. We illustrate how a first task-based parallel implementation can be obtained by composing task-based parallel libraries within MPI processes throught a preliminary prototype implementation of our hybrid solver. We then show how a task-based approach fully abstracting the hardware architecture can successfully exploit a wide range of modern hardware architectures. We implemented a full task-based Conjugate Gradient algorithm and showed that the proposed approach leads to very high performance on multi-GPU, multicore and heterogeneous architectures.

Analysis and Design of Conformal Array Antennas

Persson, Patrik January 2002 (has links)
Today there is a great need for communication between people and even between things, using systems onboard e.g. aircraft, cars, ships and satellites. As a consequence, these communications needs require antennas mounted on or integrated in the surfaces of different vehicles or platforms, i.e. conformal antennas. In order to ensure proper operation of the communication systems it is important to be able to determine the characteristics of these antennas. This thesis is about the analysis and design of conformal antennas using high frequency asymptotic methods. Commonly used eigenfunction solutions or numerical methods such as FDTD, FEM or MoM are difficult to use for arbitrarily shaped electrically large surfaces. However, the high frequency approximation approach together with an accurate ray tracing procedure offers a convenient solution for these surfaces. The geodesics (ray paths) on the surfaces are key parameters in the analysis and they are discussed in detail. In the first part of the thesis singly and doubly curved perfectly electrical conducting (PEC) surfaces are studied, with respect to the mutual coupling among aperture type elements. A synthesis problem is also considered where the effect of the mutual coupling is taken into account. As expected, the mutual coupling must be included in the synthesis procedure to be able to realize the prescribed pattern, especially in the shaped main lobe. Furthermore, the polarization of the antenna elements is very important when considering antennas on generally shaped surfaces. For such antennas the polarization must most likely be controlled in some way for a proper function. For verification of the results two experimental antennas were built at Ericsson Microwave Systems AB, Mölndal, Sweden. The first antenna is a circular cylinder with an array of rectangular waveguide fed apertures and the second antenna is a doubly curved surface (paraboloid) with circular waveguide fed apertures. It is found that it is possible to obtain very accurate results with the asymptotic method when it is combined with the Method of Moments, i.e. a hybrid method is used. The agreement compared to measurements is good at levels as low as –80 dB in many cases. The second part of the thesis is about the development of a high frequency approximation for surface field calculations on a dielectric covered PEC circular cylinder. When using conformal antennas in practice they have to be covered with a radome for protection and with the method developed here this cover can be included in the analysis. The method is a combination of two different solutions, one valid in the non-paraxial region of the cylinder and the other is valid in the paraxial region. The method is verified against measurements and reference results obtained from a spectral domain moment method code. / QC 20100616

Extending standard outdoor noise propagation models to complex geometries / Extension des modèles standards de propagation du bruit extérieur pour des géométries complexes

Kamrath, Matthew 28 September 2017 (has links)
Les méthodes d'ingénierie acoustique (e.g. ISO 9613-2 ou CNOSSOS-EU) approchent efficacement les niveaux de bruit générés par les routes, les voies ferrées et les sources industrielles en milieu urbain. Cependant, ces approches d'ingénierie sont limitées à des géométries de forme simple, le plus souvent de section rectangulaire. Ce mémoire développe donc, et valide, une approche hybride permettant l'extension des méthodes d'ingénierie à des formes plus complexes, en introduisant un terme d’atténuation supplémentaire qui représente l'effet d'un objet réel comparé à un objet simple.Le calcul de cette atténuation supplémentaire nécessite des calculs de référence, permettant de quantifier la différence entre objets simple et complexe. Dans la mesure où il est trop onéreux, numériquement, '’effectuer ce calcul pour tous les chemins de propagation, l'atténuation supplémentaire est obtenue par interpolation de données stockées dans un tableau et évaluées pour un large jeu de positions de sources, de récepteurs et de fréquences. Dans notre approche, le calcul de référence utilise la méthode BEM en 2.5D, et permet ainsi de produire les niveaux de référence pour les géométries simple et complexe, tout en tabulant leur écart. Sur le principe, d'autres approches de référence pourraient être utilisées.Ce travail valide cette approche hybride pour un écran en forme de T avec un sol rigide, un sol absorbant et un cas avec bâtiments. Ces trois cas démontrent que l'approche hybride est plus précise que l'approche d’ingénierie standard dans des cas complexes. / Noise engineering methods (e.g. ISO 9613-2 or CNOSSOS-EU) efficiently approximate sound levels from roads, railways, and industrial sources in cities. However, engineering methods are limited to only simple box-shaped geometries. This dissertation develops and validates a hybrid method to extend the engineering methods to more complicated geometries by introducing an extra attenuation term that represents the influence of a real object compared to a simplified object.Calculating the extra attenuation term requires reference calculations to quantify the difference between the complex and simplified objects. Since performing a reference computation for each path is too computationally expensive, the extra attenuation term is linearly interpolated from a data table containing the corrections for many source and receiver positions and frequencies. The 2.5D boundary element method produces the levels for the real complex geometry and a simplified geometry, and subtracting these levels yields the corrections in the table.This dissertation validates this hybrid method for a T-barrier with hard ground, soft ground, and buildings. All three cases demonstrate that the hybrid method is more accurate than standard engineering methods for complex cases.

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