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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An?lise da express?o imunoistoqu?mica de regy e de prote?nas envolvidas na regula??o da apoptose em carcinomas epidermoides de l?ngua oral

Brasileiro J?nior, Vilson Lacerda 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-06-13T19:54:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VilsonLacerdaBrasileiroJunior_TESE.pdf: 4045888 bytes, checksum: 528e0e043da00edca077d9ec3116055e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-19T11:30:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 VilsonLacerdaBrasileiroJunior_TESE.pdf: 4045888 bytes, checksum: 528e0e043da00edca077d9ec3116055e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-19T11:30:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VilsonLacerdaBrasileiroJunior_TESE.pdf: 4045888 bytes, checksum: 528e0e043da00edca077d9ec3116055e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / O c?ncer na cavidade oral ? uma das les?es malignas mais frequentes na popula??o mundial. Como o processo de desenvolvimento das neoplasias malignas remete a danos que promovem um desequil?brio na regula??o da divis?o e morte celular, nos ?ltimos anos, diversos estudos foram realizados com o intuito de verificar a influ?ncia desses danos no comportamento global das c?lulas e na evolu??o da doen?a. Nesse contexto, pesquisas recentes mostraram que altera??es na express?o de REGg podem desempenhar um importante papel na progress?o tumoral de v?rias neoplasias malignas, por interferir na regula??o da apoptose. Diante disso, o presente trabalho prop?e investigar a express?o imunoistoqu?mica dos marcadores REGg, p53, MDM-2, Bcl-2 e Bax em carcinomas epiderm?ides de l?ngua (CELs) oral, com a finalidade de promover uma an?lise comparativa da imunoexpress?o destas prote?nas com os par?metros cl?nico-patol?gicos de agressividade da les?o, no intuito de identificar se o REGg contribui para a progress?o do tumor e se interfere na express?o das prote?nas relacionadas a apoptose. Para tanto, foram coletadas informa??es cl?nicas de 58 pacientes acometidos por CELs. Em seguida, foi realizada an?lise histopatol?gica e imunoistoqu?mica dos marcadores supracitados, em amostras de material biol?gico parafinado da les?o. Os resultados mostraram que os tumores sem met?stase nodal e de baixo grau histopatol?gico de malignidade apresentavam percentuais significativamente maiores de REGg (p<0,05). Em adi??o, o confronto dos padr?es de express?o de p53, MDM-2 e Bax com os par?metros cl?nico-patol?gicos avaliados nesse trabalho, n?o revelou diferen?as significativas nos percentuais de imunopositividade desses marcadores. Com rela??o ao Bcl-2, foi visto que tumores de alto grau de malignidade e com ?bitos relacionados a doen?a apresentavam percentual significativamente menor de positividade dessa prote?na (p<0,05). Por fim, o teste de correla??o de Spearman demonstrou existir fraca correla??o positiva, estatisticamente significativa, entre os percentuais de REGg e das prote?nas MDM-2 e Bcl-2. Baseado nesses achados, pode-se concluir que o aumento da express?o de REGg n?o parece contribuir para a progress?o do CEL oral, todavia, pode influenciar na express?o das prote?nas relacionadas a regula??o da apoptose.

Vorgehensweisen zum Einsatz universitärer Produktentwicklung als Innovationstreiber

Neutschel, Bernd, Wiesner, Martin, Schabacker, Michael, Vajna, Sandor January 2016 (has links)
Der demografische Wandel in Deutschland geht mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft einher. In einer besonders starken Ausprägung ist Sachsen-Anhalt von diesen Entwicklungen betroffen. Damit bildet dieses Bundesland bei der Betrachtung demografischer Daten das Schlusslicht in Deutschland und gehört zudem im europäischen Vergleich zu den Regionen mit der schlechtesten Bevölkerungsentwicklung (MLV 2013). Die entscheidende Ursache für diesen negativen Trend liegt in der Wirtschaftssubstanz der Region. Sachsen-Anhalts ökonomische Struktur ist von Klein- und Mikrounternehmen mit lokalen und regionalen Aktionsradien geprägt. In der Folge finden nur unzureichende F&E-Aktivitäten in den Unternehmen statt, da die notwendigen Ressourcen nicht vorhanden sind. So stagnieren die F&E-Investitionen des Landes seit 2003 1-1,5 % des BIP (BMBF 2012). Der überwiegende Anteil dieser Mittel stammt aus öffentlichen Finanzierungsquellen. Weiterhin deutet die geringste Exportquote aller Bundesländer (26,6 %) auf eine unzureichende Internationalisierung hin. Ähnliche Sachverhalte zeigen sich bei Ländervergleichen mit Bezug auf die Erfindungstätigkeit und bei den internen F&E-Aufwendungen. Folglich ist das Innovationspotenzial der regionalen Wirtschaft sehr begrenzt und dies geht einher mit dem mangelhaften Entstehen von lukrativen Arbeitsplätzen. Deshalb verlassen derzeit etwa 65 % der Hochschulabsolventen Sachsen-Anhalt (Hartmann et al. 2013), wodurch der demografische Wandel beschleunigt wird. Dieser Beitrag soll aufzeigen, in welcher Weise Universitäten als Partner für Innovationen der regionalen mittelständischen Wirtschaft agieren können. Hierzu soll mit der interdisziplinären Projektarbeit mit Unternehmen im Rahmen des Integrated Design Engineering (IDE) an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg ein vielfach sehr erfolgreich verwendeter Unterstützungsansatz für die Produktentwicklung vorgestellt werden, der durch eine synergetische Verbindung aus technisch, betriebswirtschaftlich und gestalterisch getriebener Produktentwicklung eine F&E-Kompetenz für Unternehmen ermöglicht, welche durch die Nutzung universitärer und studentischer Ressourcen Mehrfachnutzen für Unternehmen generieren kann.

Card Sorting basierter Ansatz zur Erarbeitung einer nutzungsgerechten Methodensammlung am Beispiel des IDE-Toolkits

Wiesner, Martin, Kokoschko, Björn, Duy, Linh Bui, Augustin, Laura 03 January 2020 (has links)
Es gibt umfassende Beschreibungen von Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Produktentwicklung und dem Industriedesign in unterschiedlichen Methodensammlungen (Bavendiek et al. 2014; Freisleben, 2001; IDEO.org, op. 2015; LUMA Institute, 2012; Pahl, et al. 2007; Strasseret al. 2014; Vezzoli et al. 2014). In Methodenkatalogen werden diese typischerweise nach Phasen in der Produktentwicklung oder entsprechend von Expertenwissen kategorisiert. Die meisten Produktentwicklungsprozesse zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Anzahl an Iterationen aus, welche sich jedoch mit vielen verbreiteten Prozessmodellen nicht ausreichend abbilden und planen lassen (Lohmeyer, 2013). Daher ist es notwendig, ProduktentwicklerInnen situationsspezifisch mit passenden Methoden zu unterstützen (Albers et al., 2014; Albers et al. 2015). Es stellt sich somit die Frage, wie man aus Prozesssicht und insbesondere auch aus Usability-Sicht, die große Vielfalt an Methoden der Produktentwicklung strukturieren kann. Da bisherige Anordnungen hinterfragt werden sollen, gilt es zu ermitteln, mit welchen alternativen methodischen Mitteln Methoden angeordnet werden können. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt ganz konkret anhand des IDE-Toolkits die Aufstellung und Strukturierung eines solchen Toolkits und dessen Anwendung und Integration innerhalb der Produktentwicklung. Zudem soll dieser Beitrag weiteren Organisationen, Unternehmen, Designagenturen, Forschergruppen etc. eine Vorgehensweise aufzeigen, um Methodensammlungen und deren jeweilige Struktur aufzustellen. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt somit eine übertragbare Vorgehensweise, um eine nutzungsbasierte Kategorisierung von Methoden und Werkzeugen in der Produktentwicklung durchzuführen. [... aus Punkt 1]

Автоматизация процессов проектирования систем отопления на примере программного модуля построения контура теплого пола : магистерская диссертация / Automation of heating systems design processes on the example of warm floor contour building software module

Шабанова, И. Ю., Shabanova, I. Yu. January 2022 (has links)
Процесс проектирования систем отопления сопровождается большим количеством временных затрат, вызванных как расчетами, так и построением большого количества элементов в пространстве модели. Создание дополнительных программных модулей позволяет проектировщиком больше внимания уделять принятию принципиальных решений и тратить меньше времени на выполнение циклически повторяющихся однотипных действий, тем самым ускоряя процесс создания проекта. В ходе данной диссертационной работы был выполнен аналитический обзор методов создания программных модулей, а также был разработан и реализован скрипт по построению теплого пола для компании «Строительное проектирование «КУБ». / The process of heating systems designis accompanied by a large amount of time caused by both calculations and the construction of a large number of elements in model space. Creating additional software modules allows the designer to pay more attention to making fundamental decisions and spend less time performing cyclically repeated actions of the same type, thereby speeding up the process of creating a project. In the course of this dissertation work, an analytical review of methods for creating software modules was carried out, and a script for building a warm floor for the Construction Design KUB company was developed and implemented.

Debugger Frontend for the SharpDevelop IDE / Debugger Frontend for the SharpDevelop IDE

Koníček, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The overall goal of the thesis is to explore new approaches to debugging managed code, namely visualization of data in the program being debugged. Particular goals of the work are: (a) to build an object graph visualizer, which displays selected data structure used in the program as directed graph, (b) improve visualization of object collections by providing an overview of collection contents and supporting broad range of collection types. The work is implemented for the SharpDevelop open source IDE for .NET. The author cooperates with the SharpDevelop team and the results of the work have been already incorporated into the new version of the IDE.

Enjeux et perspectives du partenariat entre la Russie et l'UE : Institutionnalisation des relations et échanges économiques / Challenges and prospects of the partnership between Russia and European Union : Institutionalization of relations and economic exchanges

Karasseva, Olga 19 February 2019 (has links)
L’intérêt à l’égard des relations économiques entre la Russie et l’Union européenne s’est accentué au cours des années 2000. L’interdépendance économique accrue entre les deux partenaires témoigne de l’importance de cette relation et justifie l’intérêt tant pour son architecture institutionnelle que pour ses conséquences de long terme. Notre démarche consiste à interroger la façon dont ce partenariat se construit sur la base des nouvelles propriétés convergentes entre la Russie et de l’Europe. Cela nous permet de mieux caractériser le rapport entre l’architecture institutionnelle et la dynamique « de facto » des échanges économiques au sein de ce partenariat qui, lui, tient compte de l’évolution des besoins économiques internes des deux partenaires. On est ramenés donc ici à aborder la question du développement économique interne de la Russie. Traiter ce dernier aspect à la lumière de l’évolution des relations Russie-Europe, en particulier à un moment où celles-ci sont grevées par l’hypothèque énergétique et des divergences d’ordre politique, peut paraître paradoxal. Toutefois, la prise en compte de la configuration de ces relations semble être pertinente à plus d’un titre et permet de constater que les échanges économiques entre l’UE et la Russie constituent la première étape d’un processus inéluctable de réalisation des objectifs de développement de long terme des deux partenaires. Les enjeux sont donc manifestes tant pour l’avenir de l’Europe que pour celui de la Russie. Largement lié à la question énergétique, ce partenariat est accompagné d’une ambition originale qui rappelle le vieux rêve d’une Eurasie fondée sur la relation de deux entités à vocation fédérale. Cependant, la forme même que prendrait cette Eurasie ainsi que ses limites posent problème. Ainsi, notre travail interroge la nature de ce modèle inédit de relations internationales, qui aurait la grande originalité de reposer exclusivement sur un équilibre institutionnel. Aussi, nous nous intéressons à la pertinence du qualificatif « partenariat » que l’on a l’habitude d’attribuer aux relations Russie-UE, pour voir s’il n’est pas plus approprié de parler d’une union politique régionale comme solution alternative à la globalisation. Enfin, ce travail entend fournir un cadre méthodologique original nécessaire à l’étude des relations particulières entre la Russie et l’Union européenne dans une perspective dynamique. / The interest regarding economic links between Russia and The European Union has considerably increased during the 2000s. The greater economic interdependence between the two partners is a sign of the importance of this relationship and justifies such an interest as much in its institutional architecture as in the long-term consequences. Our approach is to question the way this partnership is being built, based on new common assets between Russia and Europe. This allow us to better characterise the rapport between institutional architecture and the ‘de facto’ economic exchanges within this partnership, that take into account the evolution of domestic economic needs of both partners. The leads us, therefore, to address the question of Russian domestic economic development. Treating this last aspect in the light of the evolution of Russian-European relationships, particularly at a time when they are strained by the energy hypothesis and divergences of a political order, may seem paradoxical. However, examining the shaping of these relationships seems pertinent for several reasons and enables us to conclude that economic exchanges between the EU and Russia are the first stage in the necessary process towards achieving both partners’ long-term development goals. The stakes are apparent for the future of both Europe and Russia. Strongly linked to the energy question, this partnership is accompanied by an original ambition reminiscent of the old Eurasian dream, founded on the relationship between two entities with a federal vocation. However, the shape that this Eurasia might take, and its limits, pose a problem. Thus, our work questions the nature of this new model of international relations, which would be very original, based exclusively on an institutional equilibrium. We are also interested in the pertinence of the term ‘partnership’ that we tend to use to define Russian-EU relationships, to see if it might not be more appropriate to talk about a regional political union as an alternative solution to globalisation. Lastly, this study intends to propose an original methodical framework necessary for studying specific relationships between Russia and the European Union with a perspective for growth.

La protection juridique des investissements directs étrangers dans les pays en développement : l'exemple de l'Afrique de l'ouest. / The protectiing law of the foreign investments in countries of development : example West africa

Fall, Cheikh Lo 28 November 2018 (has links)
Les IDE sont au cœur de la mondialisation et des rapports Economiques Nord-Sud. La question de leur protection et de leur régulation juridique se pose avec acuité. Devant la rareté des autres sources de financement du développement et d’accès à la technologie, l'IDE constitue une source importante pour combler l'insuffisances des ressources internes. raison pour laquelle, les pays d'Afrique de l'ouest se livrent à une concurrence farouche pour les accueillir. Dans la sous région ouest africaine le droit et la réglementation sont utilisés comme des instruments importants pour mesurer l'attractivité et la sécurité juridiques des pays. Le sujet s'interroge, analyse la dimension sécuritaire(traitement et garantie) a t'elle permise une plus grande promotion et d'accueil des IDE?. Notre sujet tentera d'analyser et situer l'effectivité du régime juridique des investissements étrangers au plan interne( codes des investissements, codes miniers et codes pétroliers). Mais aussi au plan externe( Traité bilatéraux d'investissement TBI,conventions sectoriels de protection arbitrage et garantie). Le dernier axe de ce travail de recherche, est le phénomène de la Communautarisation de la protection avec les tentatives d'harmonisation et d'uniformisation des réglementations nationales en Afrique de l'Ouest. Le dernier aspect, c'est l'institutionnalisation à travers les Organisations Economique Internationales (Banque Mondiale et Banque Africaine de développement BAD) du système juridique de protection en Afrique de l'Ouest. / "The protection of foreign direct investment in developing countries: the example of West Africa"FDI is at the heart of globalization and north-south economic relations. The question of their protection and legal regulation is acute. Faced with the scarcity of other sources of development finance (development aid) and the difficulties of access to technology, FDI is an important resource for filling the insufficiency of internal resources. This is why African countries in general, and those in West Africa in particular, are competing vigorously to receive foreign capital by providing them with an attractive, secure and non-discriminatory legal and institutional framework. Indeed, in the West African subregion, the law is used by States, but also by subregional integration organizations such as ECOWAS as an important instrument for demonstrating economic attractiveness. Thus, the analysis and measurement of the legal and institutional framework for FDI in West Africa will be discussed. In other words, has the security dimension of the investment (reception, processing, guarantee and settlement of disputes etc.) allowed for greater promotion and reception of investments from these countries?The interest of the subject is multiple. Indeed, at the legal and academic level, it allows to know, analyze and situate the entire legal regime of foreign investment at the internal level (investment code, mining code, oil code). At the external level, there is a multitude of conventions - such as bilateral BIT investment treaties -, accession to the relevant international investment conventions, and of course the increasingly visible and visible role of Community law in through the "communitisation of the law of foreign direct investment". The study of this subject shows the deep gap that exists between theory and practice in the FDI legislation of the countries of this part of Africa. If, upstream, the texts are more or less similar to those of the advanced countries, downstream, the execution of the texts by the public administrations makes mediocre the environment and the practice of the businesses. This theme on the legal protection of investments raises other questions and issues such as: the intervention of more and more actors and the instruments negotiated within them (World Bank, ADB, WTO, OECD, ECOWAS and UEMOA). etc.). There are also new issues related to environmental issues, corporate social responsibility and heritage issues. Finally, the problems posed by new types of investment, particularly PPP public-private partnerships, will be studied. The current nature of the research is striking, as there are several issues related to investment protection in countries such as West Africa. It is about the transfer of technology in a new context, the industrialization by the natural resources, the contribution on the development of the host country and the creation of jobs especially in an international context where Africa became again attractive.

Associa??o da resist?ncia a glicocortic?ides com resist?ncia a m?ltiplas drogas na artrite reumat?ide

Borowski, Luciana da Costa 31 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:50:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 348262.pdf: 518310 bytes, checksum: b4abe116886b44ee5a0831dd7e1d8b58 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-31 / A artrite reumat?ide (AR) ? uma doen?a auto-imune associada com inflama??o sinovial cr?nica caracterizada por infiltra??o de linf?citos que danifica ossos e cartilagens e eventualmente conduzindo para a destrui??o das articula??es. Ambos o envelhecimento e o tratamento cr?nico com glicocortic?ides (GCs) freq?entemente conduzem ? resist?ncia esteroidal. Aqui, n?s investigamos se a resist?ncia aos GCs est? associada com resist?ncia a m?ltiplas drogas (MDR). Setenta e quatro pacientes com AR e 26 controles saud?veis fizeram parte deste estudo. C?lulas mononucleares de sangue perif?rico foram isoladas e a sensibilidade das c?lulas T aos GCs foi avaliada in vitro. A atividade funcional da P-gp, uma mol?cula bombeadora que diminui as concentra??es intracelulares de drogas por aumento do efluxo das drogas, foi avaliada em linf?citos perif?ricos bem como os polimorfismos do gene ABCB1/MDR1. Os pacientes mostraram aumento da prolifera??o de c?lulas T estimuladas e basais comparados com os controles. O envelhecimento significativamente reduziu a prolifera??o de c?lulas T somente no grupo controle. Pacientes e controles apresentaram sensibilidades semelhantes aos GCs. As c?lulas n?o estimuladas dos pacientes com meiaidade foram mais sens?veis a dexametasona que as dos sujeitos jovens ou idosos. Pacientes apresentaram uma maior porcentagem de linf?citos extru?ndo rodamina 123 (Rh123dim) que os controles apesar da semelhante atividade da P-gp. A distribui??o dos gen?tipos ABCB1 nos pacientes n?o diferiu significativamente dos controles. Estes dados sugerem que as c?lulas mononucleares de pacientes com AR sob tratamento com m?ltiplas drogas s?o plenamente responsivas aos GCs in vitro e apresentam maior extrus?o de drogas apesar da fun??o normal da P-gp.

Associa??o entre horm?nios tireoideanos e temperamento

Kist, Luiza Wilges 18 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:50:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 410542.pdf: 194355 bytes, checksum: 1ebc57398ef39f3d171e80084726ad27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-18 / Temperament is the automatic emotional and motivational bias, influencing mood, behavior and personality development. Thyroid dysfunction is more prevalent in patients with mood disorder and may interfere with treatment responsiveness, but the relationship between thyroid function and temperament has been less studied. Methods: 143 subjects (103 females) who completed the Combined Emotional and Affective Temperament Scale were evaluated for TSH, free T4 and free T3 levels. Results: There was a significantly higher proportion of cyclothymics than euthymics in the high TSH group (>4 mIU/L, p<0.05). Female volunteers with TSH<4 mIU/L had significantly higher scores for anxious and lower scores for irritable temperaments. Among volunteers with TSH<4 mIU/L, there was a positive correlation of free T4 with apathetic temperament score (r=0.23, p<0.01). This correlation persisted in males (r=0.33, p=0.037) and females (r=0.22, p=0=0.026) and if only volunteers with no medication at all were included (r=0.23, p=0.015, n=108). Conclusion: Thyroid hormones seem to be associated with temperament in a non-linear way. Findings in patients with mood disorders and subclinical hypothyroidism cannot be generalized to understand the physiological role of thyroid hormones on emotion and affect. / O temperamento ? o vi?s autom?tico no terreno das emo??es e da motiva??o, influenciando humor, comportamento e o desenvolvimento da personalidade. A disfun??o da tireoide ? mais prevalente em pacientes com transtorno de humor e pode interferir na resposta ao tratamento. No entanto, a rela??o entre a fun??o da tireoide e o temperamento tem sido pouco estudada. M?todos: 143 sujeitos (103 mulheres) preencheram a Escala de Temperamento Afetivo e Emocional (ETAFE) e foram avaliados os n?veis s?ricos de TSH, T4 livre e T3 livre. Resultados: Houve uma propor??o significativamente maior de ciclot?micos do que eut?micos no grupo com TSH elevado (>4 mIU/L, p<0.05). Mulheres com TSH<4 mIU/L tiveram escores significativamente maiores de temperamento ansioso e menores de temperamento irrit?vel. Entre volunt?rios com TSH<4 mIU/L, houve uma correla??o positiva de T4 livre com escores de temperamento ap?tico (r=0.23, p<0.01). Esta correla??o persistiu em homens (r=0.33, p=0.037) e em mulheres (r=0.22, p=0=0.026) e na an?lise incluindo somente volunt?rios sem qualquer medica??o (r=0.23, p=0.015, n=108). Conclus?o: Os horm?nios tireoideanos parecem estar associados com o temperamento de modo n?o linear. Achados em pacientes com transtornos de humor e hipotireoidismo subcl?nico n?o podem ser generalizados para o entendimento do papel fisiol?gico dos horm?nios tireoideanos nos temperamentos afetivos e emocionais

Prote?na oligom?rica da matriz cartilaginosa/trombospondina 5(COMP/TSP-5) como biomarcador em diferentes est?gios funcionais da artrite reumat?ide

Andrade, Fernanda Duarte de 31 January 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:34:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 399977.pdf: 590001 bytes, checksum: 485a15e7428b697b28d0b0d2383db707 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-01-31 / Introdu??o: A artrite reumat?ide (AR) ? o exemplo cl?ssico de artropatia cr?nica erosiva. ? uma doen?a potencialmente severa e incapacitante. Seu curso e sua progress?o s?o bastante vari?veis. A prote?na oligom?rica da matriz cartilaginosa/trombospondina-5 (COMP/TSP-5) ? considerada um potencial biomarcador de progn?stico na AR. N?o h?, entretanto, estudos detalhados acerca da associa??o entre grau funcional da AR e n?veis s?ricos de COMP/TSP-5. Objetivo: Avaliar os n?veis s?ricos de COMP/TSP-5 em pacientes com AR estratificados para grau funcional e em controles sadios. Pacientes e m?todos: O estudo foi transversal controlado. Cinq?enta e oito pacientes com AR, em acompanhamento no Ambulat?rio de Reumatologia do Hospital S?o Lucas da PUCRS compuseram a popula??o-alvo. A classifica??o de Hochberg foi utilizada para estimar grau funcional destes pacientes. O grupo-controle consistiu de 100 doadores de sangue consecutivamente selecionados. Os n?veis de COMP/TSP-5 foram avaliados atrav?s imunoensaio enzim?tico (AnaMar Medical TM, Lund, Su?cia). N?veis acima de 12 U/I foram considerados positivos. A testagem para fator reumat?ide foi efetuada por nefelometria. Anticorpos anti-CCP foram detectados por imunoensaio enzim?tico. A compara??o entre os grupos foi obtida por an?lise de vari?ncia. Um n?vel de signific?ncia de 5% foi considerado para valores P. Resultados: A m?dia de idade foi de 48?6 anos para o grupo-controle e de 54?14 anos para pacientes com AR (P>0,05). O sexo feminino predominou no grupo de pacientes com AR (P<0,05). Ap?s ajuste para sexo e idade, os n?veis m?dios de COMP/TSP-5 foram de 7,0 U/L (IC95% 6,1-7,9) para o grupo-controle e de 12,6 U/L (IC95% 11,1-14,1) para o grupo de AR (P<0,01). Entre os pacientes com AR, 25 apresentaram grau funcional I (43,1%), 14 grau funcional II (24,13%), 10 grau funcional III (17,2%) e 9 grau funcional IV (15,5%). Com exce??o de indiv?duos de classe funcional III, pacientes de outras classes funcionais tiveram maior freq??ncia de n?veis superiores de COMP/TSP-5 superiores a 12 U/L do que controles (P<0,001). Em cada uma das classes funcionais, os n?veis m?dios de COMP/TSP-5 foram significantemente maiores do que os do grupo-controle (P<0,05). Os 28 pacientes reumat?ides com COMP/TSP-5 elevada distribu?ram-se uniformemente entre as 4 classes funcionais (P=0,365). De forma similar, pacientes com AR positivos para fator reumat?ide (P=0,360) e para anticorpos anti-CCP (P=0,450) se distribu?ram homogeneamente em todas as classes funcionais. Conclus?es: Os n?veis de COMP/TSP-5 foram significativamente maiores em pacientes com AR do que em controles. Os n?veis m?dios de COMP/TSP-5 se mantiveram acima dos controles para todas as classes funcionais da doen?a. Com exce??o da classe III, a positividade para COMP/TSP-5 foi mais freq?ente em todas as outras classes funcionais, comparativamente a controles. A testagem positiva para COMP/TSP-5, fator reumat?ide e anticorpos anti-CCP, ocorreu uniformemente em todas as classes funcionais da doen?a. A presen?a destes biomarcadores associou-se a variados graus de incapacidade funcional na AR.

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