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Investissement direct et sous-traitance internationale dans les pays du Sud : le cas de la Tunisie. / Direct Investment and international outsourcing in the South : the case of Tunisia.Rahmouni, Oubeid 20 July 2011 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 1980, l'ouverture de l'économie mondiale a conduit à une évolution rapide des flux d'IDE essentiellement vers les pays en voie de développement. Cette croissance est le résultat du changement structurel de l'activité économique vers la spécialisation verticale internationale. Ainsi, elle a fait émerger un nouveau principe d'analyse pour arbitrer entre l'IDE et la sous-traitance internationale.Notre travail s'intéresse au cas de la Tunisie et examine l'évolution des IDE entrants, essentiellement après la signature de l'accord de partenariat avec l'Union Européenne en 1995. Cet accord représente le point fort du processus d'ouverture de l'économie Tunisienne censé consolider les déterminants économiques traditionnels. Notre analyse empirique des flux entrants entre 1992 et 2008 pour l'ensemble des 58 pays originaires des investissements étrangers en Tunisie, montre que ces investissements se sont concentrés principalement dans le secteur énergétique et dans la branche des textiles et habillement. La principale motivation des investisseurs étrangers demeure la recherche d'une main d'œuvre bon marché, dans une logique de division internationale du travail. En outre, mis à part quelques opérations de privatisation générant des flux importants et concentrés dans la télécommunication et la cimenterie, le processus de libéralisation de l'activité économique n'a pas eu les effets escomptés sur les flux entrants d'IDE. / Since the early eighties, the liberalization of the world economy has led to a rapid evolution of the FDI flows essentially to the developing countries. This growth is the result of a structural change of the economic activity towards an international vertical specialization. Consequently, a new principle of analysis has emerged to arbitrate between the FDI and the international outsourcing.Our work is interested in the case of Tunisia and examines the evolution of the FDI inflows after the signing of the partnership agreement with the EU in 1995. This agreement represents a landmark in the liberalization process of the Tunisian economy meant to strengthen the traditional economic determinants.Our empirical study of the inflows between 1992 and 2008 for the 58 countries originating in the foreign investment in Tunisia shows that these investments have concentrated mainly on the sector of energy and on the textile and clothing industry. The main motivation of the foreign investors remains the search for cheap labour in a logical international division of labour. Furthermore, apart from some privatization operations generating important flows and concentrated in telecommunications and cement, the process of liberalization of the economic activity didn't have the expected effects on the incoming FDI flows.
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BlueJ interactive mode enhancement / Doplnění vývojového prostředí BlueJ o funkce využitelné v úvodních kurzech programováníBobusky, Sergej January 2014 (has links)
An indispensable tool of any meaningful application development endeavour is an inte-grated development environment (IDE), and the same naturally applies for coding in Java programming language. There are many IDEs that are readily available to be used, though not all of them are well suited for elementary programming courses. BlueJ stands for a prominent exception here and its usage at hundreds of universities world-wide can be taken as a sound proof of this. The BlueJ value offering and traits are undisputable. That being said, we have to acknowledge that it is not perfect. One can iden-tify enhancements that need to be implemented for the tool to better support teaching ob-ject-oriented programming. The goal of this thesis is to identify the most prominent shortcomings of the BlueJ interac-tive mode and to design an implement features that will address them.
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Goniofotometr / GoniophotometerIvor, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of a goniophotometer and the GUI (Graphical User Interface), capable of evaluating the photometric parameters of light sources and luminaires. The introduction contains theoretical information about photometry, photometric parameters, light sources, lamps, as well as the theory of measuring these parameters, and basic globally used data formats, designed to store the parameters of light sources. The core of this thesis, then describes the hardware, that makes up the proposed device, and the software needed to control the measurement process, visualization and storing the results. The conclusion is an evaluation of the functionality of the described device, and the measurements that were mediated by it, and an overall summary of the results achieved.
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InGriDE: um ambiente integrado e extensível de desenvolvimento para computação em grade / InGriDE: an integrated and extensible development environment for grid computingGuerra, Eduardo Leal 07 May 2007 (has links)
Recentes avanços proporcionaram às grades computacionais um bom nível de maturidade. Esses sistemas têm sido implantados em ambientes de produção de qualidade na comunidade de pesquisa acadêmica e vêm despertando um grande interesse da indústria. Entretanto, desenvolver aplicações para essas infra-estruturas heterogêneas e distribuídas ainda é uma tarefa complexa e propensa a erros. As iniciativas de facilitar essa tarefa resultaram, na maioria dos casos, em ferramentas não integradas e baseadas em características específicas de cada grade computacional. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo minimizar a dificuldade de desenvolvimento de aplicações para a grade através da construção de um ambiente integrado e extensível de desenvolvimento (IDE) para computação em grade chamado InGriDE. O InGriDE fornece um conjunto único de ferramentas compatíveis com diferentes sistemas de middleware, desenvolvidas baseadas na interface de programação Grid Application Toolkit (GAT). O conjunto de funcionalidades do InGriDE foi desenvolvido com base na plataforma Eclipse que, além de fornecer um arcabouço para construção de IDEs, facilita a extensão do conjunto inicial de funcionalidades. Para validar a nossa solução, utilizamos em nosso estudo de caso o middleware InteGrade, desenvolvido no nosso grupo de pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho mostraram a viabilidade de fornecer independência de middleware para IDEs através do uso de uma interface genérica de programação como o GAT. Além disso, os benefícios obtidos com o uso do Eclipse como arcabouço para construção de IDEs indicam que os recursos fornecidos por esse tipo de arcabouço atendem de forma eficiente as necessidades inerentes ao processo de desenvolvimento de aplicações para a grade. / Computational grids have evolved considerably over the past few years. These systems have been deployed in production environments in the academic research community and have increased the interest by the industrial community. However, developing applications over heterogeneous and distributed infrastructure is still a complex and error prone process. The initiatives to facilitate this task, in the majority of the cases, resulted in isolated, middleware-specific tools. This work has the objective of minimizing the difficulty of developing grid applications through the construction of an integrated and extensible development environment for grid computing, called InGriDE. InGriDE provides a unique set of tools, compliant with different middleware systems, based on the Grid Application Toolkit (GAT). We developed the InGriDE set of features, based on the Eclipse platform, which provides both a framework for building IDEs and the possibility to extend the initial set of features. To validate our solution we used the InteGrade middleware, developed in our research group, as our case study. The results obtained from our work showed the viability of providing middleware independence to IDEs through the use of a generic application programming interface like GAT. Moreover, the benefits obtained through the use of Eclipse as our framework for building IDEs indicates that this kind of framework satisfies the requirements inherent to the grid application development process in a efficient way.
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Strukturelle Untersuchung einer IDE mit dem Ziel einer möglichst frei skalierbaren Anpassung der IDE von LazarusKuhardt, Michael 26 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es eine möglichst frei skalierbare Version der Lazarus-IDE zu entwickeln. Diese soll es dem versierten Lehrer ermöglichen, eine auf seine didaktischen Intentionen und die Leistungsfähigkeit seiner Schüler angepasste Lazarus-Version zu installieren und im Unterricht zu verwenden. Hierfür ist zunächst eine theoretische Analyse der Entwicklungsumgebung Eclipse vorgenommen worden. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, welche didaktischen Anforderungen prinzipiell an eine schulische Entwicklungsumgebung zu stellen sind. Auf Basis dieser Untersuchungen sowie durch gezielte Befragung von Fachlehrern sowie Experten sind die Anforderungen an eine solche IDE verifiziert und diese schließlich implementiert worden.
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Vorgehensweisen zum Einsatz universitärer Produktentwicklung als InnovationstreiberNeutschel, Bernd, Wiesner, Martin, Schabacker , Michael, Vajna, Sandor 19 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der demografische Wandel in Deutschland geht mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft einher. In einer besonders starken Ausprägung ist Sachsen-Anhalt von diesen Entwicklungen betroffen. Damit bildet dieses Bundesland bei der Betrachtung demografischer Daten das Schlusslicht in Deutschland und gehört zudem im europäischen Vergleich zu den Regionen mit der schlechtesten Bevölkerungsentwicklung (MLV 2013). Die entscheidende Ursache für diesen negativen Trend liegt in der Wirtschaftssubstanz der Region. Sachsen-Anhalts ökonomische Struktur ist von Klein- und Mikrounternehmen mit lokalen und regionalen Aktionsradien geprägt. In der Folge finden nur unzureichende F&E-Aktivitäten in den Unternehmen statt, da die notwendigen Ressourcen nicht vorhanden sind. So stagnieren die F&E-Investitionen des Landes seit 2003 1-1,5 % des BIP (BMBF 2012). Der überwiegende Anteil dieser Mittel stammt aus öffentlichen Finanzierungsquellen. Weiterhin deutet die geringste Exportquote aller Bundesländer (26,6 %) auf eine unzureichende Internationalisierung hin. Ähnliche Sachverhalte zeigen sich bei Ländervergleichen mit Bezug auf die Erfindungstätigkeit und bei den internen F&E-Aufwendungen. Folglich ist das Innovationspotenzial der regionalen Wirtschaft sehr begrenzt und dies geht einher mit dem mangelhaften Entstehen von lukrativen Arbeitsplätzen. Deshalb verlassen derzeit etwa 65 % der Hochschulabsolventen Sachsen-Anhalt (Hartmann et al. 2013), wodurch der demografische Wandel beschleunigt wird.
Dieser Beitrag soll aufzeigen, in welcher Weise Universitäten als Partner für Innovationen der regionalen mittelständischen Wirtschaft agieren können. Hierzu soll mit der interdisziplinären Projektarbeit mit Unternehmen im Rahmen des Integrated Design Engineering (IDE) an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg ein vielfach sehr erfolgreich verwendeter Unterstützungsansatz für die Produktentwicklung vorgestellt werden, der durch eine synergetische Verbindung aus technisch, betriebswirtschaftlich und gestalterisch getriebener Produktentwicklung eine F&E-Kompetenz für Unternehmen ermöglicht, welche durch die Nutzung universitärer und studentischer Ressourcen Mehrfachnutzen für Unternehmen generieren kann.
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InGriDE: um ambiente integrado e extensível de desenvolvimento para computação em grade / InGriDE: an integrated and extensible development environment for grid computingEduardo Leal Guerra 07 May 2007 (has links)
Recentes avanços proporcionaram às grades computacionais um bom nível de maturidade. Esses sistemas têm sido implantados em ambientes de produção de qualidade na comunidade de pesquisa acadêmica e vêm despertando um grande interesse da indústria. Entretanto, desenvolver aplicações para essas infra-estruturas heterogêneas e distribuídas ainda é uma tarefa complexa e propensa a erros. As iniciativas de facilitar essa tarefa resultaram, na maioria dos casos, em ferramentas não integradas e baseadas em características específicas de cada grade computacional. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo minimizar a dificuldade de desenvolvimento de aplicações para a grade através da construção de um ambiente integrado e extensível de desenvolvimento (IDE) para computação em grade chamado InGriDE. O InGriDE fornece um conjunto único de ferramentas compatíveis com diferentes sistemas de middleware, desenvolvidas baseadas na interface de programação Grid Application Toolkit (GAT). O conjunto de funcionalidades do InGriDE foi desenvolvido com base na plataforma Eclipse que, além de fornecer um arcabouço para construção de IDEs, facilita a extensão do conjunto inicial de funcionalidades. Para validar a nossa solução, utilizamos em nosso estudo de caso o middleware InteGrade, desenvolvido no nosso grupo de pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho mostraram a viabilidade de fornecer independência de middleware para IDEs através do uso de uma interface genérica de programação como o GAT. Além disso, os benefícios obtidos com o uso do Eclipse como arcabouço para construção de IDEs indicam que os recursos fornecidos por esse tipo de arcabouço atendem de forma eficiente as necessidades inerentes ao processo de desenvolvimento de aplicações para a grade. / Computational grids have evolved considerably over the past few years. These systems have been deployed in production environments in the academic research community and have increased the interest by the industrial community. However, developing applications over heterogeneous and distributed infrastructure is still a complex and error prone process. The initiatives to facilitate this task, in the majority of the cases, resulted in isolated, middleware-specific tools. This work has the objective of minimizing the difficulty of developing grid applications through the construction of an integrated and extensible development environment for grid computing, called InGriDE. InGriDE provides a unique set of tools, compliant with different middleware systems, based on the Grid Application Toolkit (GAT). We developed the InGriDE set of features, based on the Eclipse platform, which provides both a framework for building IDEs and the possibility to extend the initial set of features. To validate our solution we used the InteGrade middleware, developed in our research group, as our case study. The results obtained from our work showed the viability of providing middleware independence to IDEs through the use of a generic application programming interface like GAT. Moreover, the benefits obtained through the use of Eclipse as our framework for building IDEs indicates that this kind of framework satisfies the requirements inherent to the grid application development process in a efficient way.
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Strukturelle Untersuchung einer IDE mit dem Ziel einer möglichst frei skalierbaren Anpassung der IDE von LazarusKuhardt, Michael 30 March 2010 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es eine möglichst frei skalierbare Version der Lazarus-IDE zu entwickeln. Diese soll es dem versierten Lehrer ermöglichen, eine auf seine didaktischen Intentionen und die Leistungsfähigkeit seiner Schüler angepasste Lazarus-Version zu installieren und im Unterricht zu verwenden. Hierfür ist zunächst eine theoretische Analyse der Entwicklungsumgebung Eclipse vorgenommen worden. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, welche didaktischen Anforderungen prinzipiell an eine schulische Entwicklungsumgebung zu stellen sind. Auf Basis dieser Untersuchungen sowie durch gezielte Befragung von Fachlehrern sowie Experten sind die Anforderungen an eine solche IDE verifiziert und diese schließlich implementiert worden.
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Vägen till utvecklarens val av utvecklingsmiljöPatrik, Eklund, Parke, Leonard January 2016 (has links)
Dagens system har blivit allt mer komplexa och därmed även processen att utveckla systemen. Det finns många olika tillvägagångssätt för systemutvecklare att arbeta och flera olika verktyg att använda sig av. Den utvecklingsmiljö en utvecklare använder sig av kan därmed ha en påverkan på hur utvecklingsprocessen ser ut. Utvecklingsmiljön är ett viktigt verktyg i dagens utvecklande samhälle och vilka för- och nackdelar olika verktyg för med sig diskuteras flitigt mellan utvecklare på olika nätforum. Från dessa forum framkommer det att vissa utvecklare föredrar att använda textredigerare istället för integrerade utvecklingsmiljöer och vice versa. Tidigare forskning har exempelvis undersökt hur kännedom kring verktyg sprids effektivt mellan utvecklare (Murphy-Hill & Murphy, 2011), men denna uppsats syftar till att förklara varför utvecklare använder olika utvecklingsmiljöer och bakomliggande faktorer till detta. För att åstadkomma detta har respondenter med bred kunskap inom ämnet intervjuats och nämnt faktorer som påverkat deras val av utvecklingsverktyg. Samtliga intervjupersoner har arbetat i både integrerade utvecklingsmiljöer och textredigerare och har därmed åsikter om båda miljöerna. Enligt vår studie finns inga tydliga indikeringar för vilken utvecklingsmiljö som är att föredra i alla lägen. En utvecklare använder det verktyg som passar dess arbetsprocess bäst, men kan ibland använda andra verktyg för att komplettera sin verktygslåda. Vad som styr utvecklaren har att göra med personliga preferenser, hur utvecklaren har påverkats av utbildning och erfarenheter samt potentiella restriktioner inom organisationer. / Today's systems have become more complex and thus the process of developing systems. There are many different approaches for developers to work and several tools that can be used. The environment a developer uses can therefore have an impact on how the development process proceeds. The development environment is an essential tool in today’s evolving society, and what advantages and disadvantages different tools bring are being discussed frequently between developers on various online forums. From these forums, it appears that some developers prefer to use text editors instead of integrated development environments and vice versa. Previous research has shown, for example, how knowledge about the tools is spread effectively between developers (Murphy Hill & Murphy, 2011). But this paper seeks to explain why developers are using different development environments and the factors behind this. To achieve this, we interviewed respondents with broad knowledge about the subject that stated the factors that influenced their choice of development tools. All the interviewees have worked in both integrated development environments and text editors and therefore have opinions about both environments. According to our study, there are no clear indications that a specific development environment is preferred in all situations. A developer is using the tool that fits their work process best, but sometimes uses other tools to complement their toolbox. In choosing a tool the developer is influenced by personal preferences, how surroundings have influenced the developer through education and experience, and potential constraints within organizations.
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Express?o imuno-histoqu?mica de metaloproteinases em carcinoma epiderm?ide de l?bio inferior e l?nguaBarros, Simone Souza Lob?o Veras 14 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-14 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / O carcinoma epiderm?ide oral ? uma neoplasia maligna de alta incid?ncia e uma importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade, que exibe, entretanto, vari?vel comportamento biol?gico, em fun??o de diversos fatores. O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em avaliar a express?o imuno-histoqu?mica de MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-7, MMP-9 e MMP-26 em carcinomas epiderm?ides, em rela??o ? localiza??o da les?o e ao seu grau histol?gico de malignidade. Foram selecionados 15 carcinomas epiderm?ides de l?bio inferior e 15 de l?ngua, que, ap?s avalia??o morfol?gica, foram classificados em neoplasias de baixo grau de malignidade (n=17) e alto grau (n=13), e subseq?entemente submetidos ? marca??o imuno-histoqu?mica para as MMPs. Todos os esp?cimes investigados expressaram pelo menos duas das metaloproteinases pesquisadas, que foram mais evidentes no citoplasma das c?lulas tumorais localizadas no front de invas?o. Os carcinomas epiderm?ides de l?ngua exibiram maior marca??o imuno-histoqu?mica de MMPs pelas c?lulas neopl?sicas que aqueles de l?bio inferior, com diferen?a significativa estatisticamente para a MMP-9 (p=0,030). Os carcinomas epiderm?ides de alto grau demonstraram maior express?o de metaloproteinases, exceto para MMP-2, em compara??o ?s les?es de baixo grau, com diferen?a significativa estatisticamente para MMP-7 (p=0,0001) e MMP-26 (p=0,016). Adicionalmente foi evidenciada uma rela??o direta entre os escores morfol?gicos de malignidade e a imunopositividade ?s MMPs, com signific?ncia estat?stica para MMP-7 e MMP-26. Com base nestes resultados, pode-se concluir que a maior express?o de MMPs pelas c?lulas tumorais, especialmente MMP-9, pode contribuir para o maior potencial invasivo dos carcinomas de l?ngua em compara??o aos labiais. Al?m disso, a gravidade histol?gica dos carcinomas epiderm?ides parece estar relacionada ? marca??o imunohistoqu?mica de metaloproteinases, especialmente matrilisinas, o que sugere que a capacidade de degradar membrana basal parece ser determinante no padr?o de diferencia??o histol?gica das neoplasias pesquisadas. Os altos ?ndices de positividade ?s MMPs encontrados nos esp?cimes estudados refletem a marcante participa??o destas enzimas no desenvolvimento dos carcinomas epiderm?ides de l?bio inferior e l?ngua
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