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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den allsidiga läroboken : -En ideologianalys av fyra svenska läroböcker i samhällskunskap

Nyman Gunnarsson, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Previous research has shown that teaching material reproduces ideology; and according to the professor in History of Ideas, Sven-Eric Lied man, ideology can be read out in all sorts of texts. This is in contrast with the Swedish curriculum, which claims that the teaching should be objective and comprehensive. The aim with this study is to investigate if there is any reproduction of ideology in social science textbooks. With this background I have examined four social science textbooks, by using qualitative research methodology and ideology analysis.  Results showed that all four textbooks are reproducing ideology. In the analysis I have been using the methodological framework, ideal types and for this purpose three ideologies; Liberalism, Revisionism and Conservatism were defined. The interpretation of the results was that the dominating reproductions in the textbooks exhibited liberalism and revisionism, but some conservative reproductions could be found in the schoolbooks as well. Many of the reproductions were read out latent in the books. The authors were also using evaluative written language and a lot of watchwords.  The results correspond with the majority of previous research. / <p>2017-01-20</p>

Determination of the Status of Adjustment and Value Indices for Teachers in Certain Large Metropolitan School Systems

Blaser, Frank T., Jr. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the personnel administration application of teachers' self-concept, self-acceptance, self-ideal and self-concept self-ideal discrepancy scores. More specifically the study was to investigate the possible need for personnel administrators of large school systems to use some sort of psychological tool in their personnel work, and to isolate groups of teachers whose adjustment and value indices differed significantly from the indices of other groups.

Perceived Attractiveness and Personality Attributes: A Gender and Racial Analysis

Olby, Brian C. 05 1900 (has links)
Subjects rated 12 female body shapes with respect to their physical attractiveness, and the extent to which they would be expected to possess various personality characteristics. The shapes were varied using 3 levels of overall weight and 4 levels of body shapeliness. The sample was modified to control for socioeconomic factors and results are based on 297 undergraduates from Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic racial backgrounds. Loglinear analyses revealed that men and women, regardless of racial background, rated shapely underweight females as most physically attractive, sexy, and ideal for a woman, followed by normal weight figures of similar proportion. African Americans, women in particular, judged the shapely normal weight figures more favorably than the other subjects. Multidimensional scaling and subsequent frequency analyses showed that those figures judged as most attractive, sexy, and ideal were also expected to be fairly emotionally stable, and most successful and interpersonally competitive, but least faithful, kind, and family-oriented. Overweight female shapes, while rated as least physically attractive, sexy, and emotionally stable, were expected to be most family-oriented, kind, and faithful. Shapely normal weight figures were judged to be attractive and sexy, and were assumed to possess a moderate amount of the personality traits in question. The results suggest that Caucasian and Hispanic subjects prefer shapely underweight women, while African Americans, particularly women, find shapely underweight and shapely normal weight women to be physically appealing. African American women also rate shapely normal weight women favorably with respect to personality traits. This perceptual difference may help inoculate them from developing eating disturbances and account for the low prevalence rate of eating disorders in African Americans compared to women of other racial backgrounds. It is suggested that future research identify those beliefs, values or behaviors that seem to inoculate African American women from developing eating disorders. Once identified, mental health professionals may facilitate their development in those women who are likely to have eating problems.

Ideál rytířského panovníka na příkladu alexandrovské epiky českého středověku / The Ideal of Chivalrous Sovereign. The Case of Czech Medieval Alexandrian Epic

Rajterová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
My final thesis, based on study of primary and secondary sources, is focused on the idea of sovereign around 1300 AD. Old-Czech poem Alexandreida and German version Alexander of Ulrich von Etzenbach are used as primary repository of information. Thesis follows both of them and in their comparison shows, how the idea was formulated. Final thesis deals also with works of historians, literary historians and German studies related to its topic. The goal is not an linguistic analysis but to evaluate the poems as an historiographic source, on which we can study medieval notions of rulers and their role in society. Second main task for this final thesis is to reconstruct niveau of bohemian court surrounding King of Bohemia at the end of 13th century, where the poems were originally written. In the end, thesis describes so called "court culture" in the relation to both of Alexandrian poems and their influence in bohemia society.

Štěstí v seniorském věku / Happiness in the Elderly

Poláková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on happiness in the elderly. It searches answers on questions like: Can be the senior citizens happy? How should we grow old without loosing contentment? The meaning of the word happiness is discussed, as well as multiple points of view on old age. The presence of happiness in elderly is studied including ways toward the happiness. The thesis also includes seven casuistry, which illustrate the happiness of senior citizens. The results of casuistry complement the theoretical parts of the work.

Hedersbrottslighetens ideala offer : En kvantitativ genomgång av polisens utredningar av brott med hederskaraktär

Andersas, Lisa, Engholm, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka om egenskaper och omständigheter kring brottet, som kan kopplas till uppfattningen om det ideala offret, påverkar utfallet av polisers självständiga bedömningar av brott av hederskaraktär. För att studera detta har en kvantitativ metod tillämpas samt en logistisk regression av data baserad på identifierade brott av hederskaraktär i Dalarna genomförts. Studiens resultat visade att 11 variabler som har anknytning till egenskaper hos målsägare och gärningsperson samt omständigheter inom brottet och utredningen, såsom kön, ålder och anmälningstillfälle, har en signifikant betydelse för utfallet av bedömningarna. Studiens viktigaste slutsats är att det inte går att urskilja något tydligt samband mellan utfallet av uppmärksammade brott med hederskaraktär och uppfattningar som beskrivs i teorin om det idealiska offret. / "The ideal victims of honour-related crime" The purpose of this study is to examine if characteristics of victim and perpetrator and circumstances involving the crime, which are described in the theory of "the ideal victim", have an influence on the outcome of police employee’s independent assessment on crimes of honour character. In order to examine this a quantitative method has been applied and a logistic regression has been made of data based on identified crimes whit honour as a motive. The results of the study have shown that eleven variables which has a connection to characteristics and circumstances involving the crime and the investigation, as gender, age and circumstances surrounding reporting the crime, have a significant influence on the outcome. The study’s main conclusion is that no clear connection can be drawn between the outcome of assessments on crimes with an honour motive and the perception of the ideal victim.

En balansakt – att vara lagom bra mamma : En kvalitativ studie om normer kring moderskap och jämställdhet / Balancing – to be a moderately good mother : A qualitative study about norms concerning motherhood and gender equality

Ålander, Katarina, Klar, Elin January 2016 (has links)
This study was conducted to investigate norms for motherhood and gender equality among Swedish mothers. The aim was to find if there are differences in how women relate to the norms, how they control impressions they send out, and if there is any conflict regarding these norms. Used theoretical framework was norms in general and impression management. We used a qualitative approach, and conducted interviews with mothers of young children.   The results show that women relate to the norms about the good mother as a norm, feeling guilt and shame, not being able to reach up to all expectations, but also facing sanctions when being too good. On the other hand we find that the Swedish gender equality ideal, aren’t a norm but an ideal and that some women refer to equality in the household as a question of that both should be satisfied. We believe this is a proof of that the Swedish equality has not yet been integrated in the society norms, for our informants. We also find that norms and ideal affect the impression management. Various number of expectations therefore results into a norm conflict for the mother. All together these expectations are unreachable, and results in sanctions of for example guilt and shame. We introduce a new concept to describe all these norms and the norm conflict within the mother; norm conglomeration. Our conclusion are that to be a good mother you must be moderate both related to motherhood norms and ideals of gender equality.

Mångfald, jag ser dig inte! Med hälsningar till Friskispressens redaktion -En kvalitativ semiotisk analys av Friskispressens ambitioner att representera mångfald på sina omslagsbilder

Wirsén, Frida January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to examine how front cover models are visually depicted in the Friskispressen’ magazine, after the fact that members have pointed a normative non-diversity stereotype permeates the magazine’s images. From a diversity and gender perspective, the representations linked to women and men are studied. Reflections on gender-stereotyped myths and body ideals are also included in this study’s examination. Five cover images of the magazine are analysed, using with a qualitative semiotic method. The results show that stereotypical depictions are both maintained and challenged through various poses, objects, colours and their gaze. Previous research and theories confirm as well as challenge the issue or the influence of the media’s impact on how we interpret diversity and ideals. Furthermore, analysed material demonstrates that Friskispressen’ fails to depart from the received norm criticism about poor representation of diversity. Friskis&amp;Svettis’ core value to include everybody has an impact in their magazine. However, the findings show that the magazine’s representations are still, problematic.


Dakota G Scott (7042820), Steven F. Son (1605886) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<pre>The plethora of potential homemade explosive (HME) formulations combined with the fact they often exhibit large critical diameters make them expensive to characterize with traditional large-scale tests. A relatively new method for small-scale characterization was investigated using non-ideal explosive charges consisting of ammonium nitrate (AN) and various fuels. This optical characterization technique utilizes the rate of reaction wave velocity decay in the failing detonations of sub-critical diameter charges as a metric for the shock sensitivity of an explosive. The conditions for detonation initiation and failure have long been used to investigate shock sensitivity (critical diameter, gap tests, run-to-detonation experiments); however, the failure regime still remains largely unexplored. The utility of this small-scale characterization technique lies in its ability to determine the relative shock sensitivity of explosive with minimal material and tests while simultaneously providing transient velocity data for potential use in modeling efforts. In this work, high speed imaging was used and analyzed to determine rates of reaction wave velocity decay in the AN-fuel samples. Among the fuels tested with AN were diesel (ANFO), nitromethane (ANNM), and aluminum (ANAl). It was found that nitromethane was the most effective at sensitizing the AN of the systems considered. In both ANNM and ANAl, maximum shock sensitivity occurred at fuel percentages below stoichiometric mixtures. This was speculated to be due to the competing effects of stoichiometry and hot spot criticality. Sensitivity results were compared to run-to-failure distances and published critical diameter trends and showed good agreement. </pre>

Rees algebras and fiber cones of modules

Alessandra Costantini (7042793) 13 August 2019 (has links)
<div>In the first part of this thesis, we study Rees algebras of modules. We investigate their Cohen-Macaulay property and their defining ideal, using <i>generic Bourbaki ideals</i>. These were introduced by Simis, Ulrich and Vasconcelos in [65], in order to characterize the Cohen-Macaulayness of Rees algebras of modules. Thanks to this technique, the problem is reduced to the case of Rees algebras of ideals. Our main results are the following.</div><div><br></div><div><div>In Chapters 3 and 4 we consider a finite module <i>E</i> over a Gorenstein local ring <i>R</i>. In Theorem 3.2.4 and Theorem 4.3.2, we give sufficient conditions for <i>E</i> to be of linear type, while Theorem 4.2.4 provides a sufficient condition for the Rees algebra <i>R(E)</i> of <i>E</i> to be Cohen-Macaulay. These results rely on properties of the residual intersections of a generic Bourbaki ideal <i>I</i> of<i> E</i>, and generalize previous work of Lin (see [46, 3.1 and 3.4]). In the case when <i>E</i> is an ideal, Theorem 4.2.4 had been previously proved independently by Johnson and Ulrich (see [39, 3.1]) and Goto, Nakamura and Nishida (see [20, 1.1 and 6.3]).</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>In Chapter 5, we consider a finite module <i>E</i> of projective dimension one over <i>k</i>[X<sub>1</sub>, . . . , X<sub>n</sub>]. Our main result, Theorem 5.2.6, describes the defining ideal of <i>R(E)</i>, under the assumption that the presentation matrix φ of <i>E</i> is <i>almost linear</i>, i.e. the entries of all but one column of φ are linear. This theorem extends to modules a known result of Boswell and Mukundan on the Rees algebra of almost linearly presented perfect ideals of height 2 (see [5, 5.3 and 5.7]).</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>The second part of this thesis studies the Cohen-Macaulay property of the special fiber ring<i> F(E)</i> of a module <i>E</i>. In Theorem 6.2.14, we prove that the generic Bourbaki ideals of Simis, Ulrich and Vasconcelos allow to reduce the problem to the case of fiber cones of ideals, similarly as for Rees algebras. We then provide sufficient conditions for <i>F(E)</i> to be Cohen-Macaulay. Our Theorems 6.2.15, 6.1.3 and 6.2.18 are module versions of results proved for the fiber cone of an ideal by Corso, Ghezzi, Polini and Ulrich (see [10, 3.1] and [10, 3.4]) and by Monta˜no (see [47, 4.8]), respectively.</div></div><div><br></div>

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