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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

K-theoretic methods in the representation theory of p-adic analytic groups

Csige, Tamás 08 February 2017 (has links)
Sei G eine p-adische analytische gruppe, welche die direkte Summe einer torsionfreien p-adische analytische gruppe H mit zerfallender halbeinfacher Liealgebra und einer n-dimensionalen abelschen p-adische analytische gruppe Z ist. In Kapitel 3 zeigen wir folgenden Satz: Sei M ein endlich erzeugter Torsionmodul über der Iwasawaalgebra von G, welcher keine nichtrivialen pseudo-null-Untermoduln besitzt. Dann ist q(M), das Bild von M in der Quotientenkategorie Q, genau dann volltreu, wenn M als Modul über der Iwasawaalgebra von Z torsionsfrei ist. Hierbei bezeichne Q den Serre-Quotienten der Kategorie der Moduln über der Iwasawaalgebra von G nach der Serre-Unterkategorie der pseudo-null-Moduln. In Kapitel 4 zeigen wir folgenden Satz: Es bezeichne T die Kategorie, deren Objekte die endlich erzeugten Modulen über der Iwasawaalgebra von G sind, welche auch als Moduln über der Iwasawaalgebra von H endlich erzeugt sind. Seien M, N zwei Objekte von T. Wir nehmen an, dass M, N keine nichttrivialen pseudo-null-Untermoduln besitzen und q(M) in Q volltreu ist. Dann gilt: Ist [M]=[N] in der Grothendieckgruppe von Q, so ist das Bild von N ebenfalls volltreu. In Kapitel 5 zeugen wir folgenden Satz: Sei G eine beliebige p-adische analytische Gruppe, welche keine Element der Ordung p besitzt. Dann sind die Grothendieckgruppen der Algebra stetiger Distributionen und der Algebra beschränkter Distributionen isomorph zu c Kopien des Rings der ganzen Zahlen, wobei c die Anzahl der p-regulären Konjugationsklassen des Quotienten von G nach einer offenen uniformen pro-p-Untergruppe H bezeichnet. / Let G be a compact p-adic analytic group with no element of order p such that it is the direct sum of a torsion free compact p-adic analytic group H whose Lie algebra is split semisimple and an abelian p-adic analytic group Z of dimension n. In chapter 3, we show that if M is a finitely generated torsion module over the Iwasawa algebra of G with no non-zero pseudo-null submodule, then the image q(M) of M via the quotient functor q is completely faithful if and only if M is torsion free over the Iwasawa algebra of Z. Here the quotient functor q is the unique functor from the category of modules over the Iwasawa algebra of G to the quotient category with respect to the Serre subcategory of pseudo-null modules. In chapter 4, we show the following: Let M, N be two finitely generated modules over the Iwasawa algebra of G such that they are objects of the category Q of those finitely generated modules over the Iwasaw algebra of G which are also finitely generated as modules over the Iwasawa algebra of H. Assume that q(M) is completely faithful and [M] =[N] in the Grothendieck group of Q. Then q(N) is also completely faithful. In chapter 6, we show that if G is any compact p-adic analytic group with no element of order p, then the Grothendieck groups of the algebras of continuous distributions and bounded distributions are isomorphic to c copies of the ring of integers where c denotes the number of p-regular conjugacy classes in the quotient group of G with an open normal uniform pro-p subgroup H of G.

John Locke's investigation into our knowledge of bodies

Esser, Frederick 06 June 2000 (has links)
Da John Locke wiederholt betont, dass seine Theorie von materiellen Körpern, vorgebracht im Essay concerning Human Understanding (1690), eine genuin philosophische Darstellung von Körpern sei, summiert sich das Thema seiner Ausführungen zu einer philosophischen Reflektion der sogenannten wissenschaftlichen Revolution im siebzehnten Jahrhundert auf. In dieser Arbeit werde ich eine Interpretationslinie entwickeln, welche zu bestimmen versucht, worin das genuin philosophische Anliegen von Lockes Analyse von Körpern besteht. Sie führt zu einer umfassenden Neubetrachtung von Lockes Ausführungen, da Unterschiede zu anderen Interpretationen gerade bei den zentralen Fragestellungen und der ihnen entsprechenden Begriffen bestehen, namentlich von: dem Substratum von Körpern, primären und sekundären Qualitäten, Ähnlichkeit, der Rolle der Korpuskulartheorie, Archetypen, realen und nominalen Essenzen, dem Argument zu Spezien und Klassifikation, die Bedeutung von Lockes Sprachanalyse, dem Wissensbegriff, dem Ideal wissenschaftlichem Verstehens und der Bestimmung der Reichweite zeitgenössischen Wissens. Es wird argumentiert, dass er bewusst zeitgenössisches Wissen von Körpern in der Perspektive eines idealen, wissenschaftlichen Verstehens von ihnen bestimmt und dass er so einen philosophischen Rahmen für die Naturwissenschaften entwirft, der: (1) spezifiziert, worin eine Wissenschaft von Körpern idealerweise besteht, (2) zeitgenössisches Wissen in dieser Perspektive bestimmt, (3) eine eigene Konzeption für eine zeitgenössische Wissenschaft beinhaltet, welche Mittel zur Verfügung stellt, dieses Wissen zu erweitern und (4) alternative Ideen von einer Wissenschaft von Körpern zurückweist. / Since John Locke repeatedly insists that his theory of bodies, endorsed in the Essay concerning Human Understanding (1690), is a genuinely philosophical assessment of bodies, the topic of his account adds up to a philosophical reflection on the so-called scientific revolution in the seventeenth century. In this work, I will develop a line of interpretation that undertakes to settle the issue what the genuinely philosophical issue of Locke's analysis of bodies consists in. This leads to a thorough re-examination of Locke's account, since the differences to other interpretations concern most prominent issues on bodies and, correspondingly, many of their crucial concepts: the substratum of bodies, primary and secondary qualities, resemblance, the role of corpuscularian theory, archetypes, real and nominal essences, the argument on species and classification, the significance of the analysis of language, the concept of knowledge, the ideal of scientific understanding, and the account of the scope of contemporary knowledge. As will be argued, Locke consciously assesses contemporary knowledge in the perspective of an ideal scientific grasp of bodies and thus unfolds a philosophical framework for natural science which: (1) specifies what a science of bodies ideally consists in, (2) assesses contemporary knowledge in this perspective, (3) advances an own conception of a contemporary science of bodies that proposes means to enhance contemporary knowledge, and (4) refutes alternative ideas of a science of bodies.

Essays in applied demand and production analysis

Zereyesus, Yacob Abrehe January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agricultural Economics / Vincent R. Amanor-Boadu / This dissertation is composed of two essays in applied microeconomics. Using farm level data, the first essay applied nonparametric methods to test the adherence of individual farm’s production choices to profit maximization objective. Results indicate that none of the farms consistently satisfy the joint hypothesis of profit maximization. The study took into account the uncertainty prevalent in agricultural production by systematically modeling the optimization behavior of farms. Departures of observed data of individual farms from profit maximization objectives were attributed more due to stochastic influences caused by output production decisions than input use decisions. Results also support the existence of technological progress during the study period for Kansas farms. At an alpha level of 5%, assuming both input and output quantities as stochastic, only 5.3% of the farms violated the joint hypothesis of profit maximization with standard error exceeding 10%. Whereas when only input quantities are considered stochastic, a total of 71.73% and 2.09% of the farms had minimum standard errors of greater than 10% and 20% respectively required for the joint profit maximization hypothesis to hold. When only output quantity measurements were assumed as stochastic, a total of 80.10 % and 18.84 % of the farms had minimum standard errors of greater than 10% and 20% respectively required for the profit maximization hypothesis to hold. The second essay examines the demand for alcoholic beverages (beer, wine and distilled spirits) for the U.S. using time series data from 1979-2006. The estimation is done using an error correction form of the Almost Ideal Demand System . Results indicate that there is a significant difference between short run and long run elasticity estimates. The paper addresses the exogeneity of log of prices and log of real expenditures. For the beer and wine equations, the hypothesis of joint exogeneity of price index and real expenditure cannot be rejected at all the conventional levels of significance. For the spirits equation, the tests strongly reject the simultaneous exogeneity of price index and real expenditure. When independently tested, price index appears to be endogenous variable where as real expenditure seems exogenous variable. Based on these results, the real expenditure was considered as an exogenous variable, where as the price index for spirits as an endogenous variable.

"Det måtte vara paradiset" : Pastorala ideal i Victoria Benedictssons Fru Marianne / "It Must be Paradise" : Pastoral Ideals in Victoria Benedictsson's Fru Marianne

Löfling, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Victoria Benedictsson (1850-1888) skrev romanen Fru Marianne i en tid präglad av den industriella revolutionen och en framväxande modernitet. En analys av romanens pastorala ideal – i vilken mån romanen formulerar villkoren för ett gott liv som ett liv närmare naturen – gör det möjligt att placera henne bland de författare från samma tid, däribland August Strindberg och Verner von Heidenstam, som reagerade på det nya samhälle som växte fram under slutet av 1800-talet och skrev en litteratur som visade på ett alternativ. Analysen genomförs med hjälp av ett ekokritiskt perspektiv vilket medför att synen på pastoral går från att uppfatta den lantliga miljön enbart som en kuliss för mänsklig aktivitet till att uppfatta den som medaktör och med ett inneboende värde i likhet med människan. Det ekokritiska perspektivet belyser romanens hållbara förhållningssätt till naturen; genom att låta kvinnans emancipation i ett agrart samhälle öppna upp för en uppvärderande vision av naturen och en jämlik relation mellan natur och människa skapar romanen en framtidsorienterad berättelse med stor aktualitet.

Care in revolt : Labor conflict, gender, neoliberalism

Granberg, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis is an exploration of normalization processes and the problem of appropriation in labor conflict. More specifically, it analyses the way contemporary labor conflicts in nursing relate to, and thereby help to illuminate, changes in modes of gender normalization under neoliberalism, and how nurse labor conflict thereby sheds light on wider patterns of labor strife. Analysis shows how a “virtue script” bound up with long-lasting patterns of gender normalization in nursing becomes tangled with forms of abstract labor related to “new public management” reform. Although the restructuring of work threatens public professionals’ autonomy, at the same time, it provides opportunities for resistance through collective action. What is more, this restructuring process facilitates the appropriation by nurses and, by implication, other public workers, of the discourses and ideals that belonged to the ethos of the Keynesian welfare state. However, this is a contradictory process, since the discourses and ideals thus appropriated inhere in modes of labor exploitation and normalization. Analysis indicates that although appropriation risks to reinforce gendered and exploitative ideas about work, the strategy can be a lever of collective mobilization, and one of its possible outcomes is the radical transformation of the entities it takes possession of. This interview study is mainly based on four journal articles, attending to different aspects of an act of collective resignation taken by registered nurses at a Swedish hospital ward. This is an emerging form of collective action and the thesis provides one of the first analyses of this new grassroots and workplace-based phenomenon, which may be considered its particular empirical contribution. On the other hand, the chapters of the cover essay unfold a sustained argument on normalization and appropriation, thereby elaborating theoretical themes broached in the articles. The focal point of this discussion is a certain concept of form, deployed in Marxist and feminist theory, a concept pointing to the identity of thought-forms and practically enacted forms. Further, these forms migrate: they are evoked in practices wherein “the mind is not active as sentient” (Hegel), later to be projected by the mind onto different entities. The results of the discussion thus question common approaches to normalization. In particular, it is untenable to oppose a tacit and internal mode of control where individuals are induced to comply by attaching to identifications (by becoming/being made into subjects) to an overt and external mode reliant on sheer coercion. This matter–form dichotomy should be dissolved, and modes of coercion should be understood to leave subjective imprints—not at the level of identity but at the level of thought’s infrastructure, that is, form. / Föreliggande avhandling utforskar normaliseringsprocesser och problem rörande appropriering i samband med arbetskonflikter. Avhandlingen analyserar hur sam-tida arbetskonflikter i sjuksköterskeprofessionen relaterar till och sålunda belyser förändrad genusnormalisering i en nyliberal tid, samt hur dessa konflikter belyser övergripande konfliktmönster i arbetslivet. Analysen påvisar hur en ”dygdighets-norm” kopplad till långlivade modaliteter av genusnormalisering sammanvävs med en form av abstrakt arbete relaterad till sentida NPM-reformer. Men medan denna omstruktureringsprocess urholkar den autonomi som professioner i offentlig sektor länge innehaft medför den också möjligheter till kollektiva motståndshandlingar. Vidare möjliggör denna nyliberala omstrukturering sjuksköterskors—liksom andra offentliga professioners—appropriering av diskurser och ideal som var centrala i den tidigare, keynesianska, välfärdsstaten; men detta är en motsägelsefull process då dessa diskurser och ideal är sprungna ur, och präglade av, historier av utsugning och normalisering. Analysen visar att medan appropriering visserligen riskerar att reproducera former av normalisering underlättar denna strategi mobilisering och kan i förlängningen omvandla övertagna diskurser och ideal. Denna intervjustudie är huvudsakligen baserad på fyra artiklar: de analyserar olika aspekter av en kollektiv uppsägningsaktion bland sjuksköterskor vid en sjukhus-avdelning. Detta är en framväxande typ av aktion i Sverige och avhandlingen är en av de första studierna av denna gräsrots- och arbetsplatsbaserade kampform, vilket kan ses som dess empiriska forskningsbidrag. I kappan förs, å andra sidan, en kon-tinuerlig teoretisk diskussion kring normalisering och appropriering som utvecklar teman som lyfts i de enskilda artiklarna. Diskussionen kretsar kring ett visst form-begrepp, som härrör ur marxistisk och feministisk teori och som påvisar en identitet mellan tankeform och praktiskt artikulerad form. Dessa former migrerar; de uttrycks omedvetet i praktiker där individens fokus är annorstädes och projiceras sedan på andra praktiker. I diskussionen ifrågasätts sålunda vedertagna förståelser av norma-lisering: det är teoretiskt ofruktbart att ställa omedvetna, interna, former av kontroll där lydnad eller konformitet uppnås via internaliseringen av påbjudna identiteter mot medvetna, externa, eller tvingande, former av kontroll. En häri latent dikotomi om materia respektive form bör upplösas i syfte att synliggöra hur ett slags kontroll över arbete lämnar subjektiverande avtryck, inte genom att påbjuda identifikationer utan genom att forma vad som kan beskrivas som tänkandets minsta beståndsdelar. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 2 och 4 inskickat.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 2 and 4 submitted.</p>

"Take a Taste" : Selling Isak Dinesen's Seven Gothic Tales in 1934

Matthis, Moa January 2014 (has links)
This study explores the marketability of Isak Dinesen's Seven Gothic Tales, published in the US in 1934. The term marketability is used to refer to the book as a potentially desirable object for sale on the market, successfully promoted by the Book-of-the-Month-Club whose members were intent on educating themselves and refining their taste. The set-up and marketing strategies of the Book-of-the-Month-Club are considered in relation to the role of advertising as a discourse teaching social and personal values in a developing consumer culture where identity and personality were represented as never-ending, imperative projects.  The consuming self is an individual freed from the restraints of tradition and communal values, making her free choice of whom to be on an increasingly diverse market, endlessly reinventing her identity. But this self is also a commodity on an increasingly complex and impersonal market where appearance is destiny. A historically contextualized reading of Seven Gothic Tales makes it possible to use the term marketability to refer to the work itself as a literary investigation of the conditions of identity-construction in a culture dominated by market-mediated relationships. In this reading, the Great Depression figures as a moment that reveals the degree to which consumerist ideology and logic had come to determine the possibilities of imagining being and identity, a condition that Seven Gothic Tales both reflects and resists. The effect of globalized transformation of production and consumption were felt in the two places that went into the making of Seven Gothic Tales: the US where it was first published and colonial Kenya where the author lived between 1914 and 1931 and where the book was begun. This study argues that the success of Seven Gothic Tales in the US depended on the way in which Blixen/Dinesen's experience of colonial Kenya was an experience of commercial modernity that reverberated with the experience of the American readers. Central to this argument is the ideal of feudalism as an explicit and decisive element in the creation of colonial Kenya. The aristocratic theme that permeates Seven Gothic Tales must be understood in relation to a colonial socioeconomic context that reinvented the feudal ideal as a marketable commodity at a time when social status and identity had become negotiable on a consumer market.

Cultural change in organisations and the implementation of family-friendly policies

Callan, Samantha January 2005 (has links)
Using a grounded theory approach, two case studies were carried out in large organisations which have recently implemented family-friendly policies. The studies asked whether or not cultural change has taken place as a result of the implementation of these policies. Using Shein's (1992) three level model and definition of culture, attention was focused on underlying assumptions or 'root' facets of organisational culture (and conceptual distinctions made between culture, image and identity). After establishing which facets are present and how they exist in combination with each other, shifts which have taken place as a direct or indirect result of the introduction of policies were identified. Especial interest was taken in the way the primacy of work was expressed through the ideal worker type and the extent to which this type has been replaced by the integrated worker type (Rapoport et al 2002), which acknowledges that family and other commitments are as legitimate as occupational demands. Both studies conclude that, as yet, there have been only slight adjustments in the construction of this ideal worker type and that employees do not make a permanent shift towards the integrated worker type but `toggle' between these two types. Explanations are developed for shifts in other cultural facets, such as the importance of autonomy, emphases on equality or individuation, sense of entitlement and attitudes to change. The utility of the notion of purposive cultural change is considered, given that high levels of anxiety are released when unconscious and shared mental structures are destabilised in such processes of organizational learning. The merits of a more evolutionary model are explored.

Sex, normer, roller och ideal : En komparativ textanalys om mäns och kvinnors sexualitet inom islam

Thorsberg, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie har haft som syfte att undersöka hur mäns och kvinnors roller, sexualitet och ideal inom en muslimsk kontext ser ut. Detta gjordes genom en analys av tre olika böcker, vilka hade tre olika perspektiv och var producerade under tre olika tidsperioder. Böckerna var Den doftande trädgården från år 1966, vilket var det orientalistiska perspektivet, The muslim marriage guide från år 1995, vilket var det neo-traditionella perspektivet samt Sexual Ethics and Islam från år 2006, vilket var det feministiska perspektivet. För att kunna undersöka dessa böcker analyserades dem utifrån verktyg från lingvistisk och visuell textanalys samt kategoriserades och komparerades. Resultatet blev att böckerna både hade likheter och skillnader gällande mäns och kvinnors roller, sexualitet och ideal. Kvinnor framställdes genom feminina egenskaper som omsorgsfull, hemmafru, vacker och sexuell tillgänglighet, medan män framställdes genom maskulina egenskaper som ledare, styrka, ansvarsfull och sexuell skicklighet. Män kunde också oftare ses som önskvärda deltagare och utföra fler handlingar än kvinnor. I vissa delar av materialet förekom även orientalistiska framställningar.

Synthetic porous materials : a study of adsorption selectivity and structure-property relationships

De Villiers, Dawie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis was to study structure-property relationships in porous materials using various adapted analytical techniques and in-house instruments. The thesis is divided into two sections, and the first section of work constitutes the majority of the thesis. The first section of work deals with the theoretical versus experimental classification of sorption selectivity in porous compounds. A transiently porous metallocycle that can adsorb acetylene and carbon dioxide served as a model host for this experiment. A volumetric sorption instrument had to be constructed to carry out sorption with acetylene. Even though the metallocycle should theoretically be selective for acetylene over carbon dioxide based on single-gas sorption isotherms, this was not the case during the sorption of a mixture of the two gases. Furthermore, high-pressure single-crystal diffraction was carried out utilising an in-house environmental gas cell, and structural elucidation indicated that both acetylene and carbon dioxide coexist in a single cavity of the host. Additional complementary techniques are discussed that were used to confirm that both gases are present in a single host cavity. The techniques included infrared spectroscopy as well as high-pressure florescence and Raman spectroscopy, which had to be conducted with a specially designed pressure vessel and with adapted instrumentation. Finally, density functional theory calculations were employed to explain how host-guest and guest-guest interactions lead to the change in adsorption selectivity. It is concluded that researchers need to show experimentally that a compound is selective for the adsorption of a specific gas, because theoretical models are not always accurate. The second part of this work focuses on a fundamental study of the structure-property relationships in a porous hydrogen-bonded organic framework. The section starts off by exploring the activation conditions and thermal stability of the framework. This is followed by an exploration of a possible phase transformation or thermal expansion in the framework, but neither of these occurred. Thereafter, an extended study of the framework’s sorption behaviour with various gases is discussed. Then, a structural study of its solvated phase is used to explain the framework’s stability. Finally, a novel analytical method is introduced, and two examples are used to demonstrate why the instrument is useful in the field of supramolecular chemistry. The chapter is concluded by stating the importance these fundamental studies, as well the development of new analytical techniques. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis was om die struktuur-afhanklike eienskappe van poreuse materiale te ondersoek. Die studie het gebruik gemaak van verskeie aangepasde analitiese metodes asook instrumente wat spesifiek vir die studie gebou was. Die werk word in twee dele verdeel, en die meerderheid van die tesis word in die eerste deel bevat. In die eerste deel van die tesis word die validiteit van teoretiese- teen eksperimentele adsorpsie selektiwiteit opgeweeg. ʼn Gasheer wat bestaan uit ringvormige koördinasie-verbindings en wat asetileen asook koolstof dioksied kan adsorbeer, dien as ʼn model gasheer vir die studie. ʼn Volumetriese sorpsie instrument was spesiaal vir die studie gebou sodat asetileen sorpsie gedoen kon word. Volgens asetileen en koolstof dioksied se enkel-gas adsorpsie isoterme moet asetileen teoreties met voorkeur geadsorbeer word gedurende ʼn adsorpsie eksperiment waarin beide gasse teenwoordig is, maar eksperimenteel was dit bepaal dat dit nie so is nie, dus is daar ʼn verandering in die gasheer se adsorpsie selektiwiteit. Hierna word strukturele data van die gasheer, onder ʼn hoë druk van die gas mengsel, versamel deur gebruik te maak van enkel-kristal diffraksie en ʼn spesiaal-gemaakde gas sel. Die strukturele data toon dat beide asetileen en koolstof dioksied teenwoordig is binne elke porie van die gasheer. Daar word dan van addisionele analitiese metodes gebruik te maak om die observasie te bevestig. Die analitiese metodes sluit in infrarooi spektroskopie asook hoë-druk fluoressensie en Raman spektroskopie wat geëis het dat ʼn spesiale druk-bestande monster houer gebou moes word en dat analitiese instrumente gemodifiseer moet word. Ten slotte was daar van “density functional theory” gebruik gemaak om te verduidelik dat die interaksie tussen die gasheer en gas sowel as die interaksie tussen twee gasse lei tot die verandering in adsorpsie selektiwiteit. Uit hierdie bevinding word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat navorsers met meer eksperimentele data vorendag sal moet kom voordat ʼn gevolgtrekking gemaak kan word dat ʼn raamwerk selektief een gas adsorbeer. Die tweede afdeling van die werk fokus op ʼn fundamentele studie van die struktuur-afhanklike eienskappe van ʼn poreuse waterstof-verbinde organies raamwerk. Die afdeling begin deur ʼn ondersoek van die aktivering kondisies sowel as die temperatuur-afhanklike stabiliteit van die raamwerk. Dit word gevolg deur te soek na moontlike fase veranderings of temperatuur-afhanklike uitsetting van die raamwerk, maar nie een van die twee eienskappe word waargeneem nie. Daarna word die deeglike ondersoek van die raamwerk se adsorpsie vermoë met verskeie gasse bespreek. Dit word gevolg deur ʼn strukturele studie van die solvaat van die raamwerk, wat dan gebruik word om die stabiliteit van die raamwerk te verduidelik. Ten slotte word ʼn analitiese metode bekend gestel, en twee voorbeelde word gebruik om te wys hoe nuttig die metode is om ʼn kombinasie van resultate te bekom. Die hoofstuk word saamgevat deur te verduidelik hoekom dit belangrik is om hierdie tipe fundamentele studies te doen asook waarom nuwe analitiese metodes ontwerp moet word.

Θεωρητική και υπολογιστική μελέτη του εγκλωβισμού και της αποδέσμευσης μακρομοριακών αλυσίδων από νανοδοχεία/νανοκαψίδια

Χατζηάδη, Αργυρώ 30 April 2014 (has links)
Ο περιορισμός αλυσιδωτών μακρομορίων σε νανο-πόρους με διαστάσεις συγκρίσιμες με τις χαρακτηριστικές διαστάσεις της μοριακής αλυσίδας όπως και η δυνατότητα αποδέσμευσης (απελευθέρωσης) της αλυσίδας από το νανο-πόρο παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο σε πολλές βιολογικές διαδικασίες και βιοτεχνολογικές εφαρμογές. Η διαδικασία της αποδέσμευσης μιας αρχικά εγκλωβισμένης πολυμερικής αλυσίδας εξαρτάται από μια σειρά παράγοντες όπως: το μοριακό βάρος της αλυσίδας, το μέγεθος του νανο-δοχείου σε σχέση με το μήκος της αλυσίδας, το σχήμα του νανο-δοχείου, το μέγεθος του πόρου διαφυγής/εισόδου της αλυσίδας στο νανοδοχείο, η ποιότητα του διαλύτη εντός και εκτός του νανοδοχείου κ.α. Το φαινόμενο και ο ρόλος των παραμέτρων που το επηρεάζουν θα μελετηθούν με αναλυτικές μεθόδους περιγράφοντας το μακρομόριο με μοντέλα ιδανικών αλυσίδων και το νανοδοχείο ως ένα αδιαπέραστο περιορισμό (σφαιρικού σχήματος) με ένα πόρο διαφυγής για την αλυσίδα. Η μελέτη αυτή αποτελεί το πρώτο βήμα για την εφαρμογή ρεαλιστικών μοντέλων για την περιγραφή των διαδικασιών δέσμευσης/αποδέσμευσης γραμμικών πολυμερών σε σφαιρικές κοιλότητες νανοσκοπικών μεγεθών. / The confinement of the macromolecules into nanopores with dimensions translocation of the chain through the nanopore has a key role in many biological processes and biotechnological applications. The process of packing/releasing of the polymer chain depends on many factors like molecular weight of the chain, the size of the nano-container in comparison with the length of the chain, the shape of the nano-container, the size of the nanopore, the quality of the solvent into and out of the nano-container etc. In the present work we will study the translocation of an ideal chain, confined initially into an impenetrable spherical cavity, through a tiny pore on the surface of the spherical cavity. Using analytical tools and Monte Carlo simulations we examine the effects of the molecular weight and the size of the spherical cavity in the translocation process. This study is a first step towards more realistic descriptions of the confinement/translocation problem of linear polymers from nanopores.

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