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Ideal Mariano e doc?ncia: a identidade feminina da Proposta Educativa MaristaNunes, Iran de Maria Leit?o 13 December 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-12-13 / In the teaching history course it s found the female teacher entering, reflecting significantly in the continuous process of her identity redefinitions and reconstruction. This entering brings, even in a silent and not explicit way, the confluence of gender identity to professional identity, in which are present the relations of the proper to female. In the mastership case, these relations are found imbricated in the teaching identity construction and in the translation of this profession as female, based in Virgin Mary, through Mariano ideal diffused by the catholic church. Therefore there is a lanck in educational historiography towards the register
of female teachers presence, mainly in male religious institute, the reason of this study, in which we seek to investigate: how to explain that a female identity can give support to a highly male educational project? What relations can we establish between this female identity and the entering of female teachers in Maristas Province Schools of North Brazil? We performed a bibliographic research in Maristas Schools Libraries, of Marista historial, in Recife, of Pontificia Universidade Cat?lica do Paran? (Catholic University), in Curitiba-PR. We searched for support in studies about pedagogy history, of Marista Institute, Catholic Church, Brasilian Education and of Women; Mariologic studies, the referring to Marista Educational Proposal, to feminization and to teaching identity; and feminist theology productions. The empirical research included 10 schools from referred province and Marista Schools from Lisbon Portugal. Through semi-estructured interviews, we interviewed pioneer female teachers, Marista former Brothers and Brothers from those schools, due to their presence and action within the study period and for the concern to save their memories about the theme. The study reveals the particularities of Mariano ideal as female model and teaching, and her presence in Marista Educational Proposal. This study, in a historical
approach, aims to contribute to give visibility to the woman in history and teaching construction in Brazil, mainly in religious institutions from male origin / No percurso da hist?ria da doc?ncia encontra-se o ingresso da mulher professora, repercutindo significativamente no processo cont?nuo de redefini??es e reconstru??o de sua identidade. Este ingresso traz, mesmo se de modo silencioso e n?o expl?cito, a conflu?ncia da identidade de g?nero ? identidade profissional, em que est?o presentes as rela??es do adequado ao feminino. No caso do magist?rio, estas se encontram imbricadas na constru??o da identidade
docente e na tradu??o desta profiss?o como feminina, embasada na Virgem Maria, mediante o ideal mariano difundido pela Igreja Cat?lica. Por?m h? uma lacuna na historiografia
educacional quanto ao registro da presen?a de mulheres professoras, notadamente em institutos religiosos masculinos, elemento motivador deste estudo, no qual buscamos
investigar: Como explicar que uma identidade feminina pode dar sustenta??o a um projeto educativo eminentemente masculino? Que rela??es podemos estabelecer entre esta identidade feminina e o ingresso de mulheres professoras nos col?gios da Prov?ncia Marista do Brasil Norte? Realizamos pesquisa bibliogr?fica em bibliotecas dos Col?gios Maristas, do Historial Marista, em Recife, da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Paran?, em Curitiba. Buscamos aportes em estudos sobre a Hist?ria da Pedagogia, do Instituto Marista, da Igreja Cat?lica, da Educa??o brasileira e das Mulheres; estudos Mariol?gicos, os referentes ? Proposta Educativa
Marista, ? feminiza??o e ? identidade docente; e produ??es da Teologia Feminista. A pesquisa emp?rica abrangeu 10 col?gios da referida Prov?ncia e o Col?gio Marista de Lisboa-Portugal. Por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, entrevistamos professoras pioneiras, ex-Irm?os e Irm?os Maristas desses col?gios, em raz?o da presen?a e atua??o destes no per?odo em estudo e pela preocupa??o em ter salvaguardadas suas mem?rias sobre o tema. O estudo revela as particularidades do ideal mariano como modelo feminino e de doc?ncia e sua presen?a na Proposta Educativa Marista. Este estudo, numa abordagem hist?rica, visa contribuir para dar visibilidade ? mulher na constru??o da Hist?ria e da doc?ncia no Brasil, especialmente em institutos religiosos de origem masculinos
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O argumento dos contr?rios e a hip?tese sobre a imortalidade no F?don de Plat?oCosta J?nior, Lourival Bezerra da 20 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / 2020-01-01 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral mostrar que no F?don de Plat?o, a associa??o entre o argumento dos contr?rios e o argumento da reminisc?ncia (72e 77e) seguida da analogia da investiga??o do eclipse do sol (99d-102a), que serve de modelo ao m?todo de investiga??o ideal mostra que o m?todo naturalista de investiga??o direta dos fen?menos (99c-100b) n?o conduz, necessariamente, ao verdadeiro conhecimento. Como m?todo, adotou-se uma leitura comparativa e uma interpreta??o por aproxima??o do texto fonte. O resultado aqui obtido ? a no??o de como se d? o conhecimento no referido di?logo. Como conclus?o se afirma que, nessa obra o conhecimento ? uma esp?cie de recorda??o que se d? como reciprocidade entre um processo negativo de cogni??o e o estado cognitivo inato
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Motivation and will / Motivación y voluntadVásquez, Stella Maris 25 September 2017 (has links)
The paper analyzes the relationship between motivation and volitional processes as described by current motivation theories. The root of the separation between both moments of behavioris traced back to Tetens and Kant’s threefold view of the mind. Sensory perception is reduced to feeling and the will to energy without a proper object. The history of this conception isoutlined. Nuttin’s motivation theory is presented as an alternative to the limitations of other contemporary theories. Some educational consequences are sketched out. / Se hace un análisis de la relación entre la motivación y los procesos volitivos, tal como es presentada por las actuales teorías de la motivación, con la tesis de que la separación que éstas plantean entre ambos momentos de la conducta tiene su raíz teórica en la concepción tripartita de la mente, tal como fue formulada a partir de Kant y de Tetens. A partir de estos autores, el sentir se reduce a sentimiento y la voluntad es conceptuada como energía sin objeto propio. Se presentan los hitos históricos principales de este giro y se hace una consideración sintética de la teoría de la motivación de Nuttin, presentada como alternativa superadora de los límites de otras teorías actuales. Se esbozan algunas consecuencias educativas.
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Demokratiteoretisk analys av läromedel i Samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ studie om det demokratiteoretiska innehållet i läromedel för Samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b under GY-2011 / Democratic theory analysis of educational materials in Civic Education : A qualitative study of theoretical democratic content in educational materials for Civic Education 1a1 and 1b during GY-2011Ahlström, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
This qualitative study is done with the purpose of creating understanding for the theoretical democratic content in educational materials for Civic Education courses 1a1 and 1b during GY-11, so teachers create an intentional approach when using educational materials in their democratic education. This was motivated as important considering the reduction in obligatory Civic Education for the vocational programs. The study was conducted using a hermeneutic qualitative reading method where the educational materials, more specifically two series with one book for each course, was read with purpose of creating understanding for the democratic content according to ideal democratic models: deliberative democracy, participatory democracy and electoral democracy. A text voice analysis was also conducted using Bakhtins theory of dialogic and monologue text that contributed to the general result concerning the democratic content. The results show that the electoral democracy ideal is dominant in all educational materials, there is hence no striking difference between the democratic content in 1a1 and 1b educational materials. Though the study shows intention in the 1a1 educational materials towards a more participatory democracy ideal, the electoral ideal are still clearly dominant. / Denna kvalitativa studie är genomförd med syftet att skapa förståelse för det demokratiteoretiska innehåll som finns i läromedel för Samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b under GY11, så att lärare kan skapa ett medvetet förhållningsätt till läromedel i deras demokratiundervisning. Detta upplevdes som väldigt aktuellt med tanke på nedskärningen av den obligatoriska Samhällskunskapen på yrkesförberedande program. I studien användes kvalitativ hermeneutisk läs metod där läromedlen, närmare bestämt två serier av böcker med en bok för respektive kurs, lästes med syftet att skapa förståelse för det demokratiska innehållet enligt de demokratiteoretiska ideal modellerna: deliberativ demokrati, deltagardemokrati och valdemokrati. En text röst analys genomfördes också där Bakthins teori om dialogiska och monologiska texter användes och detta bidrog till det generella resultatet rörande demokratiteoretiskt innehåll. Resultatet visar att det valdemokratiska idealet är dominerande i samtliga läromedel, det finns alltså ingen slående skillnad mellan det demokratiteoretiska innehållet i läromedel för 1a1 och 1b. Dock visar studien intentioner i läromedlen för 1a1 om en ansats mot mer deltagardemokratiska ideal, trots detta är det valdemokratiska idealet klart dominant också där.
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O Dialogo di Pittura de Paolo Pino, o Dialogo della Pittura, intiolato L\'Aretino de Lodovico Dolce e a reflexão sobre a arte em Veneza no século XVI / The Dialogo di Pittura of Paolo Pino, the Dialogo della Pittura, intitolato L\'Aretino of Lodovico dolce an the reflexion about art in Veneza in XVI centuryRejane Maria Bernal Ventura 14 April 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar alguns aspectos que permitam sistematizar uma teoria da arte na Veneza do século XVI, a partir de dois tratados artísticos: o Dialogo di Pittura, de Paolo Pino (1548) e o Dialogo della Pittura intitolato LAretino, de Lodovico Dolce (1557). Para isto, enfoca cinco problemas: o conceito de mimesis; a estrutura dos tratados em sua relação com a Arte Retórica; Pino e Dolce como representantes da doutrina do ut pictura poesis; o ideal de beleza e a disputa pela primazia da cor sobre o desenho. / This research deals with some aspects that enable to systematize an artistic theory in Venice from sixteenth century, from two artistic treatises: Paolo Pinos Dialogo di Pittura (1548) and Lodovico Dolces Dialogo della Pittura intitolato LAretino (1557). In order to get over this objective we will discuss five problems: mimesis notion; the treatises structure in your relation with Rhetoric; Pino and Dolce as ut pictura poesis doctrine members; the ideal of beauty and the debate for the primacy of colour over design.
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Contribuições à teoria multilinear de operadores absolutamente somantesBERNARDINO, Adriano Thiago Lopes 17 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-10-11T18:36:34Z
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Tese Adriano Thiago.pdf: 1085326 bytes, checksum: 498b2bcfd47961466edce3360e11a858 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-06-17 / Neste trabalho estudamos algumas extens˜oes do conceito de operadores multilineares
absolutamente somantes, generalizamos alguns resultados conhecidos e respondemos
parcialmente alguns problemas abertos. Para a classe das aplica¸c˜oes absolutamente
(p; q; r)-somantes, obtemos alguns resultados de coincidˆencia e inclus˜ao e mostramos
que o ideal de polinˆomios absolutamente (p; q; r)-somantes n˜ao ´e corente, de acordo
com a no¸c˜ao de ideais coerentes devida a D. Carando, V. Dimant e S. Muro. Para
contornar esta falha, introduzimos o conceito de aplica¸c˜oes m´ultiplo (p; q; r)-somantes
e mostramos que, com essa nova abordagem, o ideal de polinˆomios m´ultiplo (p; q; r)-
somantes ´e coerente e compat´ıvel com o ideal de operadores lineares absolutamente
(p; q; r)-somantes. / In this work we investigate some extensions of the concept of absolutely summing
operators, generalize some known results and provide partial answers to some open
questions. For the class of absolutely (p; q; r)-summing mappings we obtain some
inclusion and coincidence results and show that the ideal of absolutely (p; q; r)-summing
polynomials is not coherent, according to the notion of coherent ideals due to D.
Carando, V. Dimant and S. Muro. In order to bypass this deficiency, we introduce
the concept of multiple (p; q; r)-summing multilinear and polynomial operators and
show that, with this new approach, the ideal of multiple (p; q; r)-summing polynomials
is coherent and compatible with the ideal of absolutely (p; q; r)-summing operators.
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Dissertacao CHARLYAN DE SOUSA LIMA.pdf: 1470206 bytes, checksum: c072b2a6b9776842cdb4885285689178 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-12-17 / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E AO DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLÓGICO DO MARANHÃO / The current study was aimed at evaluate the effect of dietary crude protein reduction with amino acids supplementation, based on the concept of ideal protein in diets for fingerling tambaqui (Colossama macropomum), two experiments were carried the research sector of fish nutrition of Center of Agrarian Sciences and Environmental of Federal University of Maranhão. The fingerlings were kept in 30 polythene tanks with capacity volume of 500 litres in recirculation system. Diets were supplied in five meals a day with duration of 45 days. Performance parameters, carcass yield, corporal composition, the daily protein and fat deposition rates and nitrogen retention efficiency of the fishes were evaluated. The first experiment was aimed to determine the requirement of crude protein (CP) for tambaqui fingerlings diets. 750 fingerlings were used with initial weight 0.35 ± 0.09 g, distributed in completely randomized design with six treatments, five repetitions and twenty five fish per experimental unit. The treatments had consisted of in six isocaloric, isocalcic and isophosphoric experimental diets, with different levels of CP (20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and 40%). We re not observed effects of crude protein levels on feed intake and carcass yield. Crude e protein consumption increased linearly and the protein efficiency ratio decreased linearly with the increase in levels of CP. The weight gain, feed conversion ratio and specific growth rate improved to the level of estimated 31.57, 28.90 and 31.12% of CP, respectively. Quadratic effect was observed in levels of CP on body fat, body fat deposition, body protein deposition of body protein and nitrogen retention efficiency showing estimated minimum level, in the first two, 26.55; 23.77; and maximum estimated, on the others, of 29.26; 32.50; 27.21% PB, respectively. It was concluded that the recommendation of crude protein diets for tambaqui fingerling is 31.57%, which corresponds to a digestible energy ratio (DE): CP of 9.50 kcal of DE/g CP, by providing better weight gain. The second experiment was aimed at evaluate the effect of the reduction of crude protein (CP) of the diet with amino acids supplementation, based on the ideal protein concept in diets of tambaqui fingerlings. 750 fingerlings were used with initial weight 0.44 ± 0.14 g, in completely randomized design with six treatments, five repetitions and twenty five fish per experimental unit. The treatments has consisted of six isocaloric, isocalcic, isophosphoric and isolysinic experimental diets, containing different levels of CP (32.0; 30.5; 29.0; 27.5; 26.0 and 24.5%). With the reduction of the levels of PB after 27.5% PB, observed an improvement in weight gain, in specific growth rate, feed conversion and protein efficiency rate. Feed intake was higher than at level 26.0% of CP, followed by 29.0 and 27.5% of CP, and the remaining levels not varied among themselves. Crude protein consumption reduced with the use of smaller CP content of diet and carcass yield was not influenced by the treatments. The reduction in the protein content of the feed did not influence body composition, protein deposition and body fat. Nitrogen retention efficiency was higher in levels of 26.0 and 24.5% of CP. It is concluded that it is possible to reduction of from 32.0 to 24.5% the content for CP in diets for tambaqui fingerlings and that reduction of CP content for levels between 27.5 and 24.5% enhances the performance of the fish, since rations are supplemented with limiting essential amino acids. / Objetivando-se avaliar os efeitos dos níveis de proteína bruta e de sua redução com suplementação de aminoácidos, com base no conceito de proteína ideal, em dietas para alevinos de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), foram realizados dois experimentos no setor de pesquisas em nutrição de peixes do Centro de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais da Universidade Federal do Maranhão. Em ambos os experimentos, os alevinos foram mantidos em 30 aquários de polietileno, com capacidade volumétrica de 500 litros, em sistema de recirculação. As dietas experimentais foram fornecidas em cinco refeições diárias durante 45 dias e foram avaliados variáveis de desempenho, rendimento de carcaça, teores de umidade, gordura e proteína corporais, deposições de proteína e gordura corporais, e eficiência de retenção de nitrogênio. No primeiro experimento objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos níveis de proteína bruta (PB) para alevinos de tambaqui. Foram utilizados 750 alevinos, com peso inicial de 0,35 ± 0,09 g, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos, cinco repetições e vinte cinco peixes por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos constaram de seis rações experimentais isoenergéticas, isocálcicas e isofosfóricas, com diferentes níveis de PB (20,0; 24,0; 28,0; 32,0; 36,0 e 40,0 %). Não foram observados efeitos dos níveis de proteína bruta sobre o consumo de ração e o rendimento de carcaça. O consumo de proteína bruta aumentou linearmente e a taxa de eficiência proteica reduziu linearmente com a elevação dos níveis de PB. Já o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar e a taxa de crescimento específico melhoraram até o nível estimado de 31,57; 28,90 e 31,12% de PB, respectivamente. A umidade corporal não foi influenciada pela elevação dos níveis de PB na dieta. Observou-se efeito quadrático dos níveis de PB sobre a gordura corporal, deposição de gordura corporal, proteína corporal, deposição de proteína corporal e eficiência de retenção de nitrogênio apresentando nível mínimo estimado, nos dois primeiros, de 26,55; 23,77; e nível máximo estimado, nos demais, de 29,26; 32,50; 27,21% de PB, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que a recomendação de proteína bruta em dietas para alevinos de tambaqui é de 31,57%, que corresponde a uma relação energia digestível (ED):PB de 9,50 kcal de ED/g de PB, por proporcionar melhor ganho de peso. No segundo experimento, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da redução da PB com a suplementação de aminoácidos, com base no conceito de proteína ideal, em rações para alevinos de tambaqui. Foram utilizados 750 alevinos, com peso inicial de 0,44 ± 0,14 g, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos, cinco repetições e vinte cinco peixes por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram em seis rações experimentais isoenergéticas, isocálcicas, isofosfóricas e isolisínicas, contendo diferentes níveis de PB (32,0; 30,5; 29,0; 27,5; 26,0 e 24,5%). Com a redução do teor de PB a partir de 27,5% de PB observou-se uma melhora no ganho de peso, na taxa de crescimento específico, na conversão alimentar e na taxa de eficiência proteica. O consumo de ração foi superior nos peixes alimentados com dietas contendo 26% de PB, seguidos de 29,0 e 27,5% de PB, os demais níveis não variaram entre si. O consumo de proteína bruta reduziu com a utilização de dietas de menor teor de PB e o rendimento de carcaça não foi influenciado pelos tratamentos. A redução do teor proteico da ração não influenciou composição corporal, a deposição de proteína e gordura corporais. A eficiência de retenção de nitrogênio foi superior nos níveis de 26,0 a 24,5% de PB. Conclui-se que é possível reduzir de 32,0 para 24,5% o teor de PB em rações para alevinos de tambaqui, e que a redução do teor de PB para os níveis entre 27,5 e 24,5% potencializa o desempenho dos peixes, desde que as rações sejam devidamente suplementadas com aminoácidos essenciais limitantes.
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Varsågod, här är din drömman! : Bilden av ideal manlighet i Veckorevyn: en ideationell analys och kritisk diskursanalys / The man of your dreams! : The image of ideal masculinity in Veckorevyn magazine: an ideational and critical discourse analysisWestin, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine the ideal image of masculinity in the monthly Swedish women magazine Veckorevyn, nr.2 2016. The intention is to explore how Veckorevyn’s own policy correspond to the construction of the ideal image of masculinity. The analysed material contains three texts from the same number of copy: two texts of which explicitly refers to masculinity and one text describing the feminist-policy of the magazine. The magazines feminist-policy is about the magazines work of changing sexist attitudes towards young women. The essay refers to a social constructivist perspective in defining gender and language. The method used is based upon Michael Halliday’s social semiotic approach SFG, systemic functional grammar, when analysing the text material, as well as Faircloughs critical discourse analysis. The results of the text analysis indicate that the image of masculinity presented in the magazine is closely connected to stereotypical ideas of men as sexually confident and independent. The analysed material contains a high level of material and relational processes, constructing a concrete, predefined and less negotiable image of masculinity towards the reader. The critical discourse analysis shows a high frequency of different discourses co-existing in the texts linked to the magazines ideal reader of young women: commercial/consumer-discourse (such as advertisements), health-discourse and men-women-discourse – all of which are closely linked to desire and consumption. These desire-discourses fail to relate to the magazines own feminist-policy, describing both men and women as stereotypically linked to sexuality and desire. The result of the critical discourse analysis indicates that the different discourses of the magazines own anti-sexist policy co-exist and collides with a sexist and stereotypical commercial/consumer-based discourse. These results adhere to previous research of Veckorevyn by Anja Hirdman (2001). The indications contribute in defining the Veckorevyn-magazine targeted to young women as a complex, contradictive and multi-discursive platform of ideas and values. According to Litosseliti (2006:121), the presence of the magazines own feminist-policy also risks producing new forms of sexism due to the magazines contradictive and stereotypical discourses. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den ideala bilden av manlighet i det svenska kvinnomagasinet Veckorevyn. Vidare undersöks hur Veckorevyns egna kravställande policy överensstämmer med konstruktionen av den ideala bilden av manlighet. Det analyserade materialet innehållet tre texter från samma upplaga av Veckorevyn nummer 2, 2016. Två texter som explicit refererar till manlighet och en text som beskriver Veckorevyns egna feministiska policy. Veckorevyns feministiska policy handlar om tidningens arbete mot skeva könsroller och att förändra sexistiska attityder gentemot unga kvinnor. Uppsatsen bygger på ett socialkonstruktivistisk perspektiv i definitionen av genus och språk. Metoden bygger på Michael Hallidays sociala lingvistiska angreppssätt SFG, systemisk-funktionell grammatik, i analysen av textmaterialet samt Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys. Resultatet av textanalysen indikerar att bilden av manlighet som presenteras i Veckorevyn är nära förknippat med stereotypa idéer av män som sexuellt självsäkra och självständiga. Det analyserade materialet innehåller en hög andel materiella och relationella processer, vilket konstruerar en konkret, fördefinierad och mindre förhandlingsbar bild gentemot läsaren. Den kritiska diskursanalysen visar en hög frekvens av olika diskurser som samexisterar i texterna kopplade till tidningens läsarideal av unga kvinnor: kommersiell/konsument-diskurser (t.ex. reklam), hälso- och förbättringsdiskurser and män-kvinno-diskurser. Alla diskurser är nära sammanlänkade med begär och konsumtion. Dessa begärs-diskurser misslyckas med att relatera till Veckorevyns egna kravställande feministiska policy. Policyn undermineras i det analyserade materialet då både män och kvinnor länkas till stereotypa drag av sexualitet och begär. Detta ligger även i linje med tidigare forskning av Anja Hirdman (2001:257). Resultaten av den kritiska diskursanalysen indikerar att diskurserna av Veckorevyns egna anti-sexism- och feministiska policy kolliderar med en stereotyp kommersiell- och konsumentbaserad begärsdiskurs. Dessa resultat relaterar även till tidigare forskning av Veckorevyn av Anja Hirdman (2001). Sammantaget bidrar dessa indikationer till att ge en bild av Veckorevyns textproduktion riktat mot ett läsarideal av unga kvinnor som komplex, motsägelsefull och multidiskursiv plattform av idéer och värderingar. I likhet med Litosseliti (2006:121), kan Veckorevyns egna feministiska policy, som en del av en postfeministisk diskurs, bidra till att producera nya former av sexism med anledning av Veckorevyns motstridiga och stereotypa diskurser.
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The Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition and suburban modernity, 1908-1951Ryan, Deborah S. January 1995 (has links)
This thesis examines the ways in which the Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition educated (, and entertained the public in the first half of the twentieth century by promoting a modern way of life, helping to establish a commercial culture of homemaking. By exploring the ways in which the Exhibition represented popular conceptions of the 'modern' within their social and historical contexts, the thesis challenges the dominance of Modernist aesthetics and values on writing on design, architecture and consumption. Chapter one explores the unease felt by a particular group of writers towards the Ideal Home Exhibition, which it locates in relation to a wider intellectual condemnation of modernity and suburbia. Chapter two looks at the founding of the Exhibition by the Daily Mail in 1908. Chapter three analyses how the Daily Mail and the Exhibition constructed an 'ideal audience' and why the idea of an 'ideal home' was so appealing. Chapter four looks at the ways in which ideas about 'labour-saving', which were part of a concern with national efficiency that drew on the doctrines of scientific management, have constructed the 'ideal home' as a site of change and experimentation. Chapter five explores how the 'Tudorbethan' semi and the popular appropriation of the Modern Movement in the Exhibition represented tensions between the longings for the past and aspirations for the future. Chapter six investigates the representation of non-English peoples and places and the display of Empire in the Exhibition. Chapter seven looks at how the Exhibition addressed the question of the 'house that women want', focusing on the actual participation of women in the Exhibition, as 'natural' experts and paid professionals. Chapter eight makes some conclusions on the ways in which the audience's experience of 'suburban modernity' in the Exhibition was dependent on the interaction of the themes outlined in the earlier chapters. The thesis ends with a review of the past, present and future of the Ideal Home Exhibition.
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Quelle place pour l’utopie dans la philosophie politique ?Cayer, Nicholas 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose d’analyser la place de la réflexion utopique au sein de la philosophie politique. En tant qu’idéal permettant de porter un regard critique sur la société ainsi qu’une mise en lumière des perspectives de transformation de celle-ci, l’utopie est un concept pertinent pour la réflexion politique. L’utilisation de l’utopie selon ces termes est toutefois critiquée. Pour justifier la réactualisation de l’utopie, nous analysons deux critiques qui ont été formulées à son égard avant de proposer une reconceptualisation de celle-ci. Le premier chapitre traite de la critique concernant l’incapacité de la réflexion idéale à être appliquée dans le monde. Nous mobilisons les apports théoriques du débat entre la théorie idéale et non idéale afin d’y répondre. Cette discussion nous fournit une meilleure compréhension du concept de faisabilité ainsi que de la capacité de la théorie idéale à guider l’action. Le deuxième chapitre se concentre sur l’autoritarisme inhérent aux idéaux utopiques. L’utopie serait la recherche d’un idéal de perfection absolue qui doit être imposé par la violence. Cette critique est partiellement répondue par des exemples d’utopies ne se conformant pas à cette définition. Le troisième chapitre propose de repenser le concept d’utopie. L’utopie réaliste de Rawls est analysée, mais elle s’avère inadéquate pour notre propos. Notre attention est tournée vers les perspectives de Böker et McKenna nous permettant de jeter les bases d’une nouvelle conception de l’utopie. Nous terminons par un retour positif sur notre question principale : l’utopie doit être réactualisée dans la philosophie politique comme une dimension essentielle. / The purpose of this master’s is to analyze the role of utopian thinking within political philosophy. Utopia, being an ideal used to criticize and transform present society is a useful concept for political thought. However, using utopia in these terms is criticized. To justify reintroducing this concept within political philosophy, we analyze two criticisms against utopia before reconceptualizing our main concept. The first chapter deals with the inability of ideal thought to address real world issues. To respond to this criticism, we analyze the recent debate between ideal and non-ideal theory. This discussion provides us with a renewed understanding of the role of feasibility and action-guiding in ideal theory. The second chapter deals with the authoritarian character of utopian ideals. Within this perspective, utopia is a pursuit of social perfection which can only be enforced through violence. This criticism is partially responded with examples of utopia which do not conform with this definition. The third chapter proposes to rethink the concept of utopia. The first perspective to be analyzed is Rawls’s realist utopia, but it does not adequately reintroduce utopian thought within political philosophy. In turn, the theories of Böker and McKenna enable us to think of utopia in a more open and dynamic perspective. To finish this master’s, we return to our first inquiry. Not only does utopia has a role within political philosophy, it should be seen as an essential part.
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