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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Coelho, Ariel de Almeida 20 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T17:11:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO_ARIEL DE ALMEIDA COELHO.pdf: 1092576 bytes, checksum: 5f74aa9cceb65b68fc6d8633937e2c89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-20 / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E AO DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLÓGICO DO MARANHÃO / This study aimed to verify the effect of bovine somatotrophin (bST) on sexual development, semen and endocrine traits in peripubertal buffalo. A total of 20 male Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) (14 months of age) were randomly distributed into two treatments (bST vs control). The body weight, body condition score, testicular measurements, semen traits and IGF-I levels were evaluated once a month for a year. The ejaculate was collected by electroejaculation and physical and morphological analyzes were proceeded. Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Analysis System for Windows, SAS®. There was no difference (P>0.05) between bST and Control treatments on body weight or body condition score. Testicular measurements also showed no differences (P>0.05) between treatments, but increases significantly in a similar trend. There was no positive effect of bST treatment on age at first appearance of spermatozoa in the ejaculate (P> 0.05), but the bST group showed a significant tendency to increase the number of animals exhibiting puberty at each breeding soundness evaluation (P = 0.054). Sperm motility, vigor and percentage of abnormalities showed no difference (P>0.05). There was no difference (P>0.05) between bST and Control treatments on IGF-I serum concentrations. In conclusion, the use of bST did not result in positive effects on sexual development, semen traits and endocrine profile of male buffaloes in peripubertal period. / Objetivou-se com este estudo verificar o efeito da somatotropina bovina (bST) sobre o desenvolvimento sexual, características seminais e hormonais em bubalinos no período peripuberal. Um total de 20 búfalos machos, não castrados, da raça Murrah (Bubalus bubalis) (12 meses de idade) foram distribuídos em dois tratamentos (bST vs controle) em um delineamento de blocos ao acaso com dez repetições. O peso corporal, escore de condição corporal, biometria testicular, características seminais e os níveis de IGF-I foram avaliados uma vez por mês durante oito meses. O ejaculado foi coletado por eletroejaculação e submetido a análise física e morfológica. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando o Statistical Analysis System for Windows, SAS®. Não houve diferença (P> 0,05) entre os tratamentos bST e Controle no peso e no escore de condição corporal. As mensurações testiculares também não apresentaram diferenças (P> 0,05) entre os tratamentos, mas aumentaram com a idade significativamente em uma tendência similar. Não houve efeito positivo do tratamento com bST sobre a idade ao aparecimento dos primeiros espermatozóides no ejaculado (P>0,05). O bST apresentou uma tendência significativa em antecipar a puberdade (P = 0,054). A motilidade, vigor e percentual de anormalidades espermáticas não apresentou diferença (P> 0,05) entre tratamentos. Não houve diferença (P> 0,05) entre os tratamentos bST e Controle nas concentrações séricas de IGF-I. Em conclusão, o uso de bST não resulta em efeitos positivos sobre o desenvolvimento ponderal e sexual em bubalinos machos no período peripuberal.

Avaliação morfoquantitativa e ultraestrutural da cartilagem do processo condilar da mandíbula e da sincondrose basioccipital de ratos Wistar subnutridos e suplementados com resveratrol / Morphoquantitative and ultrastructural evaluation of the mandibular condylar cartilage and basioccipital synchondrosis of Wistar rats subjected to protein undernutrition and supplementation with resveratrol

Joice Naiara Bertaglia Pereira 30 September 2015 (has links)
A subnutrição é uma doença causada pela ingestão inadequada e/ou insuficiente de energia ou de outras biomoléculas, que pode comprometer o crescimento e o desenvolvimento dos tecidos. Em conjunto, a cartilagem do processo condilar da mandíbula e a sincondrose basioccipital representam os dois centros efetivos do crescimento craniofacial, que depende, dentre outros, de fatores locais como a produção do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina I (IGF-I) e seu receptor (IGF-IR). Alterações tanto no peptídeo quanto no receptor estão associadas a graves atrasos no crescimento e desenvolvimento ósseo. Dentre os nutrientes alternativos com a capacidade de promoção da recuperação nutricional, destaca-se o resveratrol, um polifenol contido na uva e derivados que pode promover a melhora do crescimento através de propriedades osteogênicas, além de atuar como condroprotetor. Assim, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da subnutrição proteica na cartilagem do processo condilar da mandíbula (PC) e na sincondrose basioccipital (SBo) de ratos, bem como os processos de renutrição e suplementação com resveratrol nos períodos pré-púbere (21 dias) e púbere (60 dias). Os grupos nutrido (N) e subnutrido (S) foram formados por filhotes cujas mães receberam dieta normoproteica e hipoproteica, respectivamente, desde o período de acasalamento; ao completarem 21 dias de vida extrauterina, época determinada para o desmame, os filhotes foram eutanasiados. A partir do 22° dia de vida, filhotes dos grupos N e S foram mantidos com as respectivas dietas até o 60° dia de vida quando constituíram, respectivamente, os grupos NN e SS. Dois grupos considerados renutridos foram formados por animais do grupo S, que a partir do 22° dia passaram a receber, o primeiro, a dieta normoproteica com 20% de caseína (grupo RN), e o segundo, a dieta normoproteica acrescida de resveratrol (RRv). A cartilagem do PC e a SBo foram processadas através das técnicas histológicas rotineiras e posteriormente submetidas às colorações da HE, Picrossíruis e Safranina-O, para a evidenciação dos componentes celular e colágeno e imunohistoquímica para a marcação de células reativas ao IGF-I e IGF-IR. Os aspectos ultraestruturais também foram analisados através da microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Os resultados mostraram que a subnutrição foi capaz de alterar os componentes da matriz extracelular (MEC), acarretando em modificações na secreção das fibrilas colágenas e acúmulo de proteoglicanas nos tecidos; diminuição do número de células imunorreativas ao IGF-I e IGF-IR na cartilagem do PC e atraso no crescimento ósseo endocondral, comprovado através das avaliações quantitativas e morfométricas, em ambos os tecidos. A renutrição com dieta normal foi parcialmente eficaz na recuperação dos parâmetros avaliados, e pode ter provocado uma diminuição da capacidade de resposta celular ao IGF-I. Os efeitos condroprotetores do resveratrol foram fundamentados através da recuperação dos componentes da MEC e organelas dos condrócitos e uma possível diminuição da insensibilidade ao IGF-I; o atraso no crescimento ósseo endocondral foi minimizado através do seu potencial osteogênico (mais acentuado na SBo). Muito embora a recuperação dos tecidos não tenha ocorrido totalmente, diante dos dados apresentados, pode-se afirmar que a suplementação de resveratrol na dieta auxiliou de forma mais efetiva no restabelecimento dos parâmetros afetados pela subnutrição do que somente a recuperação proteica com dieta normal / Undernutrition is a disease caused by inadequate and / or insufficient intake of energy or other biomolecules, which can compromise growth and development of tissues. Together, the mandibular condylar cartilage and basioccipital synchondrosis represent the two effective centers of craniofacial growth, which depends of the factors such as the local production of insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I) and receptor (IGF-IR). Changes in both the peptide and receptor are associated with serious delays in growth and bone development. Among the alternative nutrients to the promotion capacity of nutritional recovery, there is resveratrol, a polyphenol contained in grapes and derivatives that can promote improved growth through osteogenic properties, besides acting as chondroprotective. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate in rats the effects of protein undernutrition in the mandibular condylar cartilage and basioccipital synchondrosis, as well renutrition and supplementation with resveratrol in pre pubertal periods (21 days) and pubertal (60 days). The nourished groups (N) and undernourished (S) were formed by young whose mothers received normal protein and hypoproteic diet respectively since the breeding season; to complete 21 days of extra-uterine life, given time to weaning, puppies were euthanized. From the 22nd day of life, puppies from N and S groups were kept with their diets until the 60th day of life when constituted, respectively, NN and SS groups. Two groups considered re-nourished were formed by the S group, which from day 22 began receiving, the first, the normal protein diet with 20% casein (RN group), and the second, the normal protein diet plus of resveratrol (RRv). The cartilage of PC and SBo were processed through routine histological techniques, and then subjected to HE, Sirius red and Safranin-O staining for the disclosure of cellular components and collagen and immunohistochemistry for marking cells responsive to IGF-I and IGF-IR. The ultrastructural aspects were also analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that undernutrition was able to change the components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) leading to changes in the secretion of collagen fibrils and proteoglycans accumulation in the tissues; decrease in the number of immunoreactive cells to IGF-I and IGF-IR in PC cartilage and delayed endochondral bone growth, confirmed by quantitative and morphometric analysis in both tissues. Renutrition with normal diet was partially effective in recovering the parameters evaluated, and may have caused a decrease in cell responsiveness to IGF-I. The chondroprotective effects of resveratrol were founded by recovering the ECM components and organelles of chondrocytes and a possible decrease in the insensitivity to IGF-I; the delay in endochondral bone growth was minimized by osteogenic potential (more pronounced in SBo). Although the tissue recovery has not fully occurred, the resveratrol supplementation in the diet helped more effectively in restoring the parameters affected by undernutrition than just protein recovery with normal diet

Avaliação morfoquantitativa das expressões do IGF-I, Insulina e de seus receptores na polpa dentária e no epitélio juncional de ratos wistar na fase púbere, submetidos à subnutrição proteica pré e pós-natal e à renutrição pós-natal / Morfoquantitative evaluation of the expressions of IGF-I, Insulin and their receptors on dental pulp and junctional ephitelium of pubescent wistar rats subjected to protein undernutrition and postnatal refeeding

Aline Gonçalves 10 February 2012 (has links)
Fatores nutricionais e metabólicos são capazes de comprometer o desenvolvimento pleno dos tecidos dentários, especialmente quando impingidos em períodos críticos. Estudos revelam que condições derivadas da subnutrição precoce e também tardia, interferem na atividade da insulina e do sistema IGF, demonstrando possível envolvimento com algumas patologias e apontando, em sua maioria, caráter permanente em alto grau, se não imediato, prospectivo e comprometedor da performance morfológica e funcional dos tecidos. Desta maneira, o presente estudo teve o propósito de avaliar os efeitos da subnutrição proteica pré e pós-natal e da renutrição pós-natal sobre o desenvolvimento da polpa dentária e do epitélio juncional do periodonto de ratos wistar, visando encontrar possível correspondência entre as alterações metabólicas e morfofuncionais decorrentes da subnutrição proteica, previamente relacionadas em estudos relativos à ação desses hormônios. Para tanto, formou-se grupos de animais heterogênicos (n=3) que, de acordo com a ração oferecida, normoproteica ou hipoproteica, e as respectivas idades, foram divididos nos seguintes grupos experimentais: nutridos (N) e subnutridos (S) com 60 dias de vida (fase na qual o período púbere termina) e renutridos (R), recuperados a partir de 22 até alcançarem 60 dias de vida. Após a eutanásia, os espécimes foram submetidos às técnicas de microscopia de luz (coradas com Azo-Carmim, Hematoxilina-Eosina e Picro-Sirius, esta última para a avaliação do componente colágeno) e imunohistoquímica para a identificação da expressão do IGF-I, insulina e respectivos receptores. A polpa dentária apresentou-se debilitada sob subnutrição o que foi verificado através da desorganização da camada odontoblástica e da estagnação dos componentes colágenos nos animais subnutridos. A renutrição não foi capaz de promover a recuperação de nenhum dos dois parâmetros. O estudo morfométrico permitiu verificar que a porcentagem média do número de expressões ao IGF-I foi maior nos animais do grupo N e que houve diferenças estatísticas significantes entre estes e os animais dos grupos S e R. Da mesma forma, a maior expressão de seus receptores (IGF-IR) foi encontrada nos animais do grupo N com indicação de diferença estatística apenas entre este e o grupo de animais subnutridos. A maior porcentagem média das expressões de insulina ocorreu nos animais nutridos (N), mas estatisticamente não foi detectada diferença significativa entre os grupos. Já em relação ao receptor de insulina (IR), foram constatadas diferenças estatísticas significativas entre o grupo N em relação aos grupos S e R. No epitélio juncional, a subnutrição determinou modificações no padrão das células e camadas epiteliais nos animais subnutridos, além de uma maior quantidade de colágeno do tipo III no tecido conjuntivo que o sustenta, caracterizando um atraso no desenvolvimento desses tecidos. A renutrição não foi capaz de recuperar satisfatoriamente os seus componentes estruturais. Sobre as expressões imunohistoquímicas a todos os anticorpos utilizados (para IGF-I, IGF-IR, I e IR), a análise estatística demonstrou não haver diferenças significativas entre os valores encontrados nos diferentes grupos N, S e R no epitélio juncional. / Nutritional and metabolic factors can cause serious injury of the development of dental tissue, especially when occurred in critical periods. Several studies reveal that conditions derived from early and later under nutrition interfere in insulin and IGF system activities; in these studies has been demonstrated the possible involvement of some pathologies most of them pointing to permanent in high degree (if not immediate) prospective and \"possible dangerous\" morphological and functional performance of tissues. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of the pre and post-natal protein under nutrition, and, post-natal refeeding on the development of the dental pulp and periodontal junctional ephitelium of wistar rats, in order to find possible correlation between the metabolic and morph-functional changes arising from protein under nutrition, previously associated with studies related to the effects of these hormones. For this purpose, heterogenic animal groups were formed (n=3) divided in accordance of their diets (protein or hypo protein) and their ages into the following experimental groups: nourished (N) under nourished (S) aged 60 days (final of pubescent l periods) and renourish (R), recovered from the 22nd to 60th day old. After euthanasia, the specimens were analyzed by light microscopy (stained with Azo-carmine, Hematoxylin-Eosin and Picro Sirius, the later for collagen component analysis) and immunohistochemistry examination for identification of IGF-I expression, Insulin and respective receptors. The dental pulp turned out to be impaired in the context of undernutrition. This phenomenom was seen through disorganization of the odontoblastic layer and the stagnation of collagen components in undernourished animals. The refeeding procedure was unable to promote the recovery from any of the two parameters. With the immunohistochemistry on the dental pulp, it was found that the number of IGF-I expression was higher in group N and that there were significant differences involving these animals and those from groups S and R. Similarly, the highest expression of their receptors (IGF-IR) was found in group N, demonstrating statistical difference between this one and the group of undernourished animals. The highest average percentage of the expressions of insulin occurred in nourished animals (N), but no statistically significant difference was detected among the groups. In regard to the insulin receptor (IR), statistically significant differences were found when the group N was compared to groups S and R. In the junctional ephitelium, the undernutrition determined changes in the pattern of epithelial cells in undernourished animals and the prevalence of type III collagen fibers in the connective tissue that supports it, featuring a delay in the development of these tissues. The refeeding was not able to satisfactorily recover their structural components. About immunohistochemical expressions of all antibodies used for IGF-I, IGF-IR, I e IR in the junctional ephitelium, the statistical analysis showed no significant differences among the values found in the groups N, S and R.

Repercussões morfológicas da subnutrição protéica pré e pós-natal e da renutrição pós-natal na mucosa lingual de ratos Wistar nas fases púbere e adulta: avaliações estrutural e da expressão do IGF-I e IGF-IR, da insulina e seu receptor / Morphologic repercussions of the protein malnutrition pre and postnatal and postnatal refeeding on the lingual mucosa of Wistar rats in the pubescent and adult phases: structural evaluations and the expressions of the IGF-I e IGF-IR, insulin and your receptor

Lucilene Ferreira Luiz 13 February 2012 (has links)
Como a grande maioria dos tecidos e órgãos, a estrutura da mucosa lingual é influenciada por diversos fatores, dentre eles os nutricionais e os metabólicos. Dessa maneira, a subnutrição protéica pré-natal, associada a inúmeras patologias pós-natais, e a atividade da insulina e de IGF-I, representam importantes pontos a serem correlacionados na avaliação morfológica e funcional do tecido. Assim, avaliou-se no presente estudo, os efeitos da subnutrição protéica pré e pós-natal e da renutrição pós-natal, sobre a taxa de renovação do epitélio, relacionando-a à atividade da insulina e do IGF-I, no intuito de encontrar possível correspondência entre as alterações metabólicas e morfofuncionais, com a atividade desses importantes hormônios sobre o desenvolvimento do epitélio lingual, nas fases púbere e adulta. Para tanto, os grupos experimentais foram formados por animais heterogênicos (n=3) de acordo com a ração oferecida, protéica ou hipoprotéica, e com as respectivas idades, nos grupos N, D (nutridos e desnutridos aos 60 dias de vida, fase na qual o período púbere é finito), R (renutridos a partir de 21 até alcançarem 60 dias de vida), NN (nutridos até 100 dias de vida) e RR (renutridos desde o desmame até alcançarem 100 dias de vida). Após avaliação sob microscopia de luz com técnicas rotineiras de histologia e imunohistoquímicas para a identificação do IGF-I, Insulina e respectivos receptores, verificou-se que as camadas da mucosa lingual não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos estudados. As papila filiformes, de forma triangular ao corte nos animais do grupo N, nem sempre foram detectadas nos grupos S e R, sendo que na fase adulta, (grupos NN e RR) apresentaram-se sob a forma de bastonete. Relativamente à tipificação das fibras colágenas, as do tipo I predominaram no grupo S, sendo verificada uma homogeneidade na distribuição entre as fibras dos tipos I e III nos demais grupos. As densidades de células imunorreativas à Insulina e seu receptor, (IR), bem como IGF-I e seu receptor (IGF-IR) apresentaram-se elevadas nos grupos S e R quando comparadas ao grupo N, e semelhantes nos grupos NN e RR. / Similarly to many tissue and organs, the structure of lingual mucosa is influenced by many factors, among nutritional and metabolic factors. This way, the pre-natal protein under nutrition associated to several post-natal pathologies and the activity of IGF-I and insulin, represents important points to be correlated in the morphological and functional tissue evaluation. Thus, the effects of pre and post-natal protein under nutrition and post-natal re-nutrition on the epithelial renewal taxes relating it to insulin and IGF-I activity, in order to find possible association between the morph functional changes with the activity of these important hormones on the development of the lingual epithelium in the puberal and adult phase. For this purpose, the experimental groups were formed by heterogenic animals (n=3) according to diet (protein and hypoprotein), and, with the respective ages in the groups N and S (nourished and under-nourished at 60 days old, when the puberal period is finite), R (re-nourished from 21 up to 60 days old), NN (nourished up to 100 days old) and RR (re-nourished from weaning up to 100 days of age). After observation under light microscopy with routine histological and immunehistochemical tecnhiques for identification of IGF-I, insulin and respective receptors, it has been verified that the layers of lingual mucosa do not present differences among studied groups. The filliform papillae of triangular shape in group N animals not always been detected in the S and R groups, being in the adult phase (NN and RR groups) presented under bastonete form. Related to tipification of collagen fibers, the type I was predominant in S group, being verified homogeneity in the distribution of type I and III fibers in the other groups. The density of immune reactive cells to insulin and its receptor (IR), as well as IGF-I and its receptor (IGF-IR) were higher in the S and R groups when compared to N group, and were similar in the groups NN and RR.

The oestrogen receptor in porcine granulosa cells

Bains, Harvinder January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Growth hormone responsiveness in children : results from Swedish multicenter clinical trials of growth hormone treatment

Lundberg, Elena January 2017 (has links)
The general aims of the thesis were to study GH responsiveness by estimation of pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of injected recombinant human GH (rhGH), of growth response as gain in heightSDS during childhood and puberty, and IGF-I response as change in circulating IGF-ISDS and IGFBP3SDS. Methods Short children were recruited during 1988–1999 into two national randomized multicentre clinical trials on growth until adult height. A group of 117 GHD patients who had been treated from prepuberty with a single GH dose of 33μg/kg/day for at least 1 year were randomized at onset of puberty either to remain on this dose regimen or to an increased dose, GH67μg/kg/day, administered once daily or divided into two doses, GH33x2μg/kg/day. Data on IGF-ISDS and IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP3)SDS were available from 111 patients and analysed as stated below. The 151 short prepubertal non-GHD patients were randomized into three groups: untreated controls, GH33 or GH67μg/kg/day. A subpopulation from both trials, 128 patients examined annually in Gothenburg, formed the study sample on GH uptake. They received sc GH injections to obtain 16–24 hour GH curves and the GH pharmacokinetics and bioavailability was calculated. Results: A dose-dependent effect on Cmax was found with great intra- and inter-individual variability. Of the Cmax variability, 43% was explained by the rhGH dose and proxies for injection depth. Median bioavailability of the injected dose was 71%, with great variation, mainly dependent on injection depth. In the IGHD group a dose-dependent difference in pubertal gain in heightSDS was found, with mean of 0.8 for the GH67 group and 0.4 for GH33, p<0.01. The mean total gain in heightSDS during treatment was 1.9 for GH67 and 1.4 for GH33, p<0.01. A dose-dependent pubertal ΔIGF-ISDS was 0.5 vs −0.1, p=0.007, correlating to pubertal gain in heightSDS, p=0.003; and was the most important variable to explain the variation in pubertal gain in heightSDS. In the non-GHD group the ΔIGF-ISDS from baseline to mean study level was dose-dependent 2.07 vs 1.20, p=0.001; and correlated negatively with baseline values of IGF-ISDS, rho= -0.56 for GH67, p=0.001, vs rho= -0.82 for GH33, p=0.0001, and correlated positively with gain in heightSDS in both GH-treated groups, rho= 0.42, p<0.001. In multivariable regression analyses, ΔIGF-ISDS was always an important explanatory variable for long-term growth response from the prepubertal period until adult height, while the IGF-ISDS study level per se was not. Conclusion: Growth response to GH treatment was dose dependent with great variability between patients. More pubertal growth was attained by an increased rhGH dose, mimicking the physiology of healthy children, in whom GH secretion rate increases during puberty. This resulted in a gain in IGF-ISDS closely correlating to pubertal gain in heightSDS in both IGHD and non-GHD patients. A broad range in GH responsiveness was found for both growth and IGF response in both diagnostic groups, but lower in the non-GHD group. Higher uptake of a given GH dose was observed after a deep injection and a higher GH concentration. These results are clinically applicable for individuals who remain short close to onset of puberty; by identifying and deeply injecting a rhGH dose that accounts for individual responsiveness, we can stimulate an increment in IGF-ISDS that correlates to gain in heightSDS during puberty.

Influence Of Estradiol On The Ability Of Igf-i To Impact Hippocampal-dependent Memory And Hippocampal Synaptic Proteins

January 2014 (has links)
The ability of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) to impact the hippocampus and associated behaviors may vary depending upon estrogenic status. Previous work from our lab demonstrated that chronic antagonism of brain IGF-I receptors (IGF-IR) resulted in increased levels of hippocampal synaptic proteins in control-treated ovariectomized (OVX) rats. In contrast, antagonism of brain IGF-IR decreased levels of synaptic proteins in estradiol-treated OVX rats. The goal of the current experiment was to test the hypothesis that effects of chronic agonism of IGF-IR, via peripheral treatment with IGF-I, on hippocampal-dependent memory would also vary with estrogenic status. Furthermore, we assessed the influence of estrogenic status on the ability of IGF-I to impact levels of hippocampal synaptic proteins. OVX rats received chronic peripheral treatment with estradiol or cholesterol control via silastic implants, as well as IGF-I or vehicle via osmotic minipumps. One week after surgeries, place learning and memory on the Morris water maze was assessed via eight place-training trials on the first day and four place-training trials on the second day of testing. Place learning and memory was measured using mean swim path length. Following place training, a probe trial was conducted to assess memory for the location of the hidden platform. Memory on the probe trial was measured via percent time in the target quadrant. Animals were euthanized 24 hours following behavioral testing, and hippocampi were processed for western blotting to determine levels of hippocampal synaptic proteins PSD-95, spinophilin, and synaptophysin. Results revealed no effects of treatment on behavioral measures or on levels of hippocampal synaptic proteins. These data indicate that chronic peripheral administration of IGF-I does not affect hippocampal-dependent memory in a Morris water maze task and does not impact hippocampal synaptic protein levels in the presence or absence of peripheral estradiol. / acase@tulane.edu

The effects of photoperiod manipulation on growth and reproduction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Taylor, John Frank January 2004 (has links)
Photoperiod is an important signal involved in the timing and co-ordination of many processes such as growth and reproduction in salmonids. Both growth and reproduction appear to be controlled by endogenous rhythms, which under natural conditions, is entrained by the seasonal changes in daylength, that is accurately reflected by the diel pattern of melatonin. This thesis investigates the influence of photoperiod on growth and reproduction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and examines the effect on plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). These studies aim to further our scientific understanding of the endocrine mechanisms controlling growth and reproduction and transfer this knowledge to commercial trout farming practices. Studies at fry (<5g) and fingerling (>25g) stages investigated the effect of exposure to constant long-days (LD18:6) and constant light (LL) on growth performance. In all experiments, there was a significant growth enhancing effect following exposure to extended light regimes relative to those under ambient or constant short-day photoperiods. Growth enhancement appeared to be caused through direct photo-stimulation or a phaseshift in an underlying endogenous rhythm dependent on the timing of photoperiod application. Measurement of plasma IGF-I accurately reflected growth rate during juvenile development. Furthermore, a clear autumnal increase in IGF-I was observed that was apparently up-regulated by long-day photoperiods. Additionally, it was shown that melatonin implants significantly reduced growth rate below that of unimplanted controls irrespective of photoperiod, but did not reduce circulating IGF-I levels suggesting that elevated melatonin levels masked the perception of daylength but did not act directly on the somatotropic axis to control growth. As size or one of its correlates (growth rate, energy balance or nutritional status) is regarded as an important determinant of the ability to undergo puberty, the interaction of natural (SNP) and advancing (ADV: long-short day) photoperiods with growth, IGF-I and reproduction was investigated in virgin female broodstock. Under SNP 63% of the population attained maturity while only 29% spawned in the ADV regime. Under SNP both size and growth rate in late spring/early summer appeared to determine whether an individual may initiate maturation. Conversely, under ADV, condition factor appeared to be a better predictor. A complete seasonal relationship between plasma IGF-I, daylength and temperature was demonstrated for the first time in rainbow trout under natural conditions, and provides direct evidence for the relationship between maturation and IGF-I. IGF-I levels showed a negative correlation with testosterone as fish initiated maturation. Furthermore, IGF-I levels accurately reflected growth rate prior to the initiation of vitellogenesis, suggesting that IGF-I may provide an endocrine signal between the somatotropic and reproductive axes that nutritional status, growth rate and/or size is sufficient to initiate maturation. In addition, maturing individuals under both photoperiods typically expressed higher circulating IGF-I levels than those that remained immature and may reflect a greater opportunity for IGF-I to act on the pituitary to stimulate gonadotropin production. In this sense, the observation of elevated levels for 3 months under SNP compared to only 1 month under ADV may reflect a reduction in the window of opportunity to initiate maturation under advancing photoperiods and hence explain the reduction in fish spawning. Finally, using a commercially available ELISA kit provided evidence of a possible detection method for measurement of a leptin-like peptide as absolute levels differed significantly between mature and immature fish. This provides preliminary evidence for a possible involvement of a leptin-like peptide in rainbow trout reproduction and energy homeostasis. Given the above evidence of a growth enhancing effect of photoperiod in covered systems, the transfer of constant light (LL) regimes to uncovered commercial trout farming practices was also examined. The application of LL regimes during either fry grow-out in tanks using floating lights or ongrowing to harvest size during winter in cages using submersible lights was investigated. In all trials conducted, the exposure to LL in autumn significantly enhanced winter growth rate and feeding efficiency by up to 30% and 25% respectively relative to those maintained under ambient light. Furthermore, the effect of light intensity was clearly shown to be an important requirement in successfully applying photoperiod regimes onto the ambient photoperiod in order to enhance commercial production in "uncovered systems". These studies clearly indicate the importance of photoperiod in influencing growth and reproduction in rainbow trout. Furthermore, the use of plasma IGF-I as an indicator of growth provides a practical tool for studying growth-photoperiod-reproduction interactions in this species. However, further studies are necessary to further our understanding of the endocrine pathways governing physiological mechanisms, especially growth and reproduction. Overall, this work has provided important information to improve both scientific understanding and commercial development although it is clear that substantial research is still required.

Influência da alteração do escore de condição corporal e de hormônios metabólicos pós-parto na eficiência reprodutiva de vacas nelore inseminadas em tempo fixo / Influence of body condition and metabolic hormones postpartum changes in the reproductive efficiency of nelore cows inseminated in fixed time

Carvalho, Rafael Silveira 10 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by RAFAEL SILVEIRA CARVALHO null (rafaelcarvalho28@hotmail.com) on 2017-12-14T17:40:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Rafael Carvalho.pdf: 836357 bytes, checksum: 0aee1415ea86903f46e6a546c7ae32bb (MD5) / Rejected by ROSANGELA APARECIDA LOBO null (rosangelalobo@btu.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: problema 1: o arquivo submetido deve, obrigatoriamente, estar em formato PDF. Seu arquivo está em word. Assim que tiver efetuado essa correção submeta o arquivo, em PDF, novamente. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2017-12-14T18:52:31Z (GMT) / Submitted by RAFAEL SILVEIRA CARVALHO null (rafaelcarvalho28@hotmail.com) on 2017-12-14T20:27:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Rafael Carvalho.pdf: 836357 bytes, checksum: 0aee1415ea86903f46e6a546c7ae32bb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Lucia Martins Frederico null (mlucia@fca.unesp.br) on 2017-12-19T10:39:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 carvalho_rs__me_bot_int.pdf: 836357 bytes, checksum: 0aee1415ea86903f46e6a546c7ae32bb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-19T10:39:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carvalho_rs__me_bot_int.pdf: 836357 bytes, checksum: 0aee1415ea86903f46e6a546c7ae32bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-10 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Para entender melhor a influência da nutrição na eficiência reprodutiva de vacas Nelore lactantes, utilizou-se o seguinte experimento: 593 primíparas, 423 secundíparas e 893 multíparas Nelore lactantes foram sincronizadas com 38,3 ± 0,4 DPP, utilizando protocolo de IATF à base de P4/E2, e inseminadas 49,2 ± 0,3 DPP. Trinta dias após IATF foi realizado DG para ressincronização das vacas não gestantes, e 30 dias após termino da EM um segundo DG foi realizado. O ECC das vacas foi avaliado no parto, na IA e no DG. O peso corporal das matrizes foi mensurado na IA e no DG, e o peso corporal dos bezerros no desmame. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 535 vacas (sendo, 38% de primíparas, 24% de secundíparas e 38% de multíparas) após o parto (21 ± 0,4 DPP), na IA e no DG para dosagem das concentrações séricas de IGF-I e BHB, por ELISA. Os dados do experimento foram analisados através do programa SAS® 9.4 (SAS Inst., Cary, NC). O efeito de DPP sobre o ECC se comportou de maneira diferente de acordo com a paridade, em que as secundíparas e as multíparas começaram a se recuperar entre 20 e 60 DPP e as primíparas seguiram perdendo ECC até 80 DPP (P < 0,0001). Um maior ECC ao parto melhorou os resultados reprodutivos durante a EM, em diferentes intensidades de acordo com ECC e com a paridade (P < 0,05). Não foi identificado o efeito da alteração de ECC entre o parto e a IA nos resultados da primeira IATF (P > 0,26). Maior ECC na inseminação melhorou a taxa de prenhez à primeira IATF, independente da paridade (P < 0,08). Houve efeito positivo do aumento do ECC pós-IATF na taxa de prenhez à primeira IATF (P < 0,07), exceto em multíparas com ECC ≥ 2,75 na IA, onde houve efeito quadrático com baixa variação dos resultados (P < 0,02). As concentrações séricas de IGF-1 influenciaram de forma quadrática em primíparas no pós-parto e IA, em secundíparas no DG e em multíparas na IA a taxa de prenhez à primeira IATF (P < 0,05). As concentrações séricas de BHB demonstraram ter baixa influência na probabilidade de prenhez à primeira IATF. A alteração negativa do ECC das vacas nos primeiros 80 DPP, independente do ECC no parto ou paridade, aumentou o peso dos bezerros no desmame (P < 0,05). Adequado ECC ao parto, por si só, não foi capaz de garantir altos índices produtivos em todas as situações, no entanto demonstrou ser fundamental para garantir boa eficiência dentro do sistema de cria, devido à dificuldade em se ganhar ECC no pós-parto. / This experiment was developed to better understand how nutrition can influence the reproductive efficiency of suckled Nelore cows. Cows, 593 primiparous, 423 second parity and 893 multiparous were assigned at 38.3 ± 0.4 days postpartum to an estrus synchronization + fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocol, then inseminated at 49.2 ± 0.3 days postpartum. Thirty days after FTAI, an initial pregnancy diagnosis (PD) was performed via transrectal ultrasound to identify non-pregnant cows for resynchronization, which was followed by a second PD 30 days after the end of the breeding season. The body condition score (BCS) of cows was evaluated at calving, at artificial insemination (AI) and at initial PD. Body weight of the cows was measured at AI and at PD, and the body weight of calves taken at weaning. Blood samples were collected from 535 cows (38% of primiparous cows, 24% of second parity cows and 38% of multiparouscows) after calving (21 ± 0.4 days postpartum) at AI, and at initial PD. Concentrations of IGF-I and BHB were measured by ELISA assay. Data were analyzed using SAS® 9.4 (SAS Inst., Cary, NC). There was an effect of days postpartum on BCS by parity, where the nadir of curve occurred between 20 and 60 days postpartum in second parity cows and multiparous cows, but the primiparous cows continued to lose BCS up to 80 days (P < 0.0001). Greater BCS at calving positively impacted the reproductive results during the breeding season at different levels based on score and parity (P < 0.05). Positive changes in BCS between calving and AI did not improve pregnancy rate of the first FTAI (P > 0.26), however, increased BCS at AI improved pregnancy rate at the first FTAI (P < 0.08), except in multiparous cows with BCS ≥ 2,75, where there was a quadratic effect with low variation of results (P < 0.02). There was a positive correlation between BCS between AI and PD and pregnancy rate at the first FTAI, regardless of parity (P < 0.07). Serum concentration of IGF-1 influenced the pregnancy rate at first FTAI quadratically in primiparous cows at postpartum and AI, in second parity cows at PD and in multiparous cows at AI (P < 0.05). Serum BHB concentration had a lowly influenced on the probability of pregnancy at the first FTAI. 27 Negative BCS change in cows in the first 80 days postpartum, regardless of BCS at calving or parity, increased calf weight at weaning (P < 0.05). Adequate BCS at calving is the best predictor of improved reproductive results vital to ensuring efficiency within a cow-calf operation as it is more difficult to gain BCS during the early postpartum period, however it cannot guarantee high reproductive success in all situations. / 2016/01325-9

Efeito do fator de crescimento IGF-I sobre a maturação in vitro de oócitos caninos (Canis familiaris): avaliação da maturação nuclear e citoplasmática

Machado, Marco Antonio [UNESP] 05 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-02-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:46:13Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 machado_ma_dr_jabo.pdf: 454873 bytes, checksum: f0e2d02e3267e96118f80b1075dda8c3 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de avaliar os prováveis efeitos do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina I (IGF-I) sobre a maturação in vitro (MIV), nuclear e citoplasmática, de oócitos caninos retirados de ovários de cadelas. Os complexos cumulus oócitos (COCs) foram maturados in vitro em meio SOF (“synthetic oviductal fluid”). Foram utilizadas 40 cadelas submetidas ovario-histerectomias para esterilização cirúrgica ou para o tratamento de piometra. As doadoras foram classificadas em grupos conforme raça, faixa etária, condição reprodutiva e fase do ciclo estral. Os COCs (n=1474) foram liberados dos folículos pela técnica de fatiamento dos ovarios e maturados por 72 horas, exceto o grupo M0 (momento zero). O meio de cultivo base, foi o SOF, suplementado ou não com o IGF-I. Foram selecionados apenas COCs classificados como grau 1 para a MIV. Os COCs foram distribuidos em três grupos / This study was performed to identify the possible effects of insulin-like growth factor-i (IGF-I) on in vitro maturation (IVM) evaluated by nuclear and cytoplasmic of bitch cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) matured in vitro in synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) medium. For this purpose ovaries were collected from 40 bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy for neutering or due to pyometra. The donors females were classified into groups based on breed, age, reproductive status and stage of the estrous cycle. The COCs (n=1474) were released from the follicles by slicing the ovaries and matured in vitro for 72 hours in the base culture medium SOF supplemented or no with IGF-I. Only grade 1 COCs were used for IVM, and were divided into three groups: M0 (zero collection time), C (SOF) and E (SOF + IGF-I). After incubation period, the maturation of the nucleus was examined by staining the oocytes with Hoechst 33342 and the cytoplasmic maturation by means of Lens culinaris agglutinin. The M0 group also was examined to cytoplasmic and nuclear maturation with the same staining dyes. From all females donors were collected 35.21, 39.69, 39.83 and 39.2% COCs per bitch were collected from mongrel, adult (>10 months), multiparous, and diestrus females, respectively (P<0.05). The percentage of degenerated oocytes was very high in the total sum (74.0%) and amongst experimental groups (M0=59.43; C=75.44; E=80.52%) with significant statistical differences (P<0.05) between them. And from all groups only 3.02% oocytes reached MI (M0= 2.83; C=4.19; E=2.10%). Alike nuclear meiotic resumption the cytoplasmic maturation rates were low, 15.83% in the total and 12.90 (M0); 25.58 (C); E (8.69%)...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)

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