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Immunophänotypisierung des entzündlichen Infiltrates der Arthrose assoziierten SynovialitisRistow, Gerhard 07 April 2003 (has links)
Die Entzündungsreaktion der Arthrose wird als eine sekundäre Reaktion auf einen degenerativen Prozeß des Gelenkknorpels angesehen. Die Ursache für die Degeneration kann im Mißverhältnis zwischen Belastbarkeit und Beanspruchung liegen, es können metabolische Störungen (Urämie, Diabetes mellitus) verantwortlich gemacht werden, weswegen von sekundärer Arthrose gesprochen wird. Die Ursache der primären Arthrose bleibt unbekannt. Es kann als bewiesen angesehen werden der Zusammenhang mit Alter und Geschlecht der Patienten, denn Arthrose ist in der Regel eine Erkrankung jenseits des fünfzigsten Lebensjahres und betrifft vornehmlich Frauen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Synovialis von 20 Patienten aufgearbeitet und hinsichtlich des enthaltenen entzündlichen Infiltrates untersucht. Unter Anwendung der indirekten Immunperoxidase Technik und der indirekten Immunfluoreszenz Technik wurde die Expression der Antigene CD 20, CD 23, CD 40, CD 27, IgG, IgA, IgM, Kappa, Lambda, CD 3, CD 4, CD 8, Ki M4, CD 68, Ki 67 sowie die Expression der Cytokine IL 2 und IL 10 analysiert. Die Synovialmembran zeigte histologisch eine Verbreiterung der Deckzellschicht, Knorpelfragmente innerhalb der Synovialmembran und ein insgesamt schwach ausgeprägtes entzündliches Infiltrat. In lediglich drei von 20 Fällen fand sich eine stärkere entzündliche Infiltration. Diese entzündlichen Infiltrate wiesen eine perivaskuläre Verteilung auf. Am häufigsten wurden in gefäßnahen Regionen B Lymphozyten identifiziert, Plasmazellen wiesen in der Regel einen deutlich größeren Abstand zum Gefäß auf. Unter den nachgewiesenen Plasmazellen fand sich eine prädominante Expression an IgG bei ausgewogener Anwesenheit sowohl der Kappa- als auch der Lambda- Leichtketten. T Lymphozyten waren ebenfalls zirkulär um die Gefäße anzutreffen und zeigten eine prädominante Interleukin 10 Expression. Lymphozytäre Aggregate, mit follikelähnlicher Struktur ließen sich in lediglich in 4 von 20 Fällen nachweisen. Makrophagen waren sowohl perivaskulär als auch in der Deckzellschicht nachweisbar. Ki M4 positive Retikulumzellen (FDC) waren dagegen nur in einem von 20 Fällen nachweisbar. Alle Zellpopulationen der Membrana synovialis wiesen nur eine schwache Proliferationsaktivität auf. Das Fehlen von dem Keimzentrum des Lymphfollikels vergleichbaren Strukturen, die deutliche Abwesenheit von Ki M4 positiver FDC's sowie die schwache Expression von Ki 67, sprechen trotz Anwesenheit der ebenfalls zur Antigenpräsentation befähigten Makrophagen gegen eine Einwanderung und Maturation nativer B Lymphozyten in die Membrana Synovialis. Wandern dagegen Gedächtniszellen in die Membrana synovialis ein, so ist eine Maturation mit Follikelbildung nicht mehr notwendig. Unter der Mithilfe von T Lymphozyten und Makrophagen können die B Lymphozyten zu Plasmazellen differenzieren. T Lymphozyten zeichnen sich ebenfalls durch eine starke perivaskuläre Verteilung aus. Dabei ist die Expression von IL 10 prädominant, was sich als eine Immunantwort von TH2-Typus interpretieren läßt. Diese ermöglicht eine Differenzierung der B Lymphozyten zu Plasmazellen. Reife B Lymphozyten, die unter dem Einfluß einer TH2 Subpopulation von CD 4 positiven T Lymphozyten ohne Keimzentrum zu Plasmazellen differenzieren, könnten ein Grund dafür sein, daß follikuläre Strukturen fehlen. Vorgereifte B Lymphozyten benötigen auch keine inflammatorisch hochpotenten Zytokine um eine schnelle Reifung und eine Immunantwort zu ermöglichen. Dies könnte ein Grund sein, warum die entzündliche Reaktion bei Arthrose so schwach ausgeprägt ist. / Inflammation in osteoarthritis is a secondary reaction to a degenerating process of the articular cartilage. Cause of Degeneration can be a disproportion of mechanical stress and resistance or metabolic diseases like diabetes mellitus. This kind of osteoarthritis is called "secondary osteoarthritis". Primary osteoarthritis has an unknown cause. Age and sex of the patient are a predictor for osteoarthritis, hense it is a disease of people above the age of 50 and more often it is found in women than in men. This paper investigated the synovial membranes of twenty patients to characterize the inflammatory Infiltrate. It characterized the cell surface antigen CD 20, CD 23, CD 40, CD 27, CD 3, CD 4, CD 8, Ki M4, CD 68, the antibodies IgG, IgA, IgM, Kappa, Lambda, the proliferating antigen Ki 67 and the expression profile of the cytokines IL 2 and IL 10 by using immunohistochemical staining (indirect immunoperoxidase technique and indirect immunofluorescence technique) with monoclonal antibodies. The synovial membrane shows in histology a dissemination of cover cells, fragments of cartilage and a slight expression of inflammatory infiltrate with a perivascular allocation. In only three of twenty cases we detected stronger inflammatory infiltrates. Most of the perivascular cells express CD 20. They are B lymphocytes. Plasma cells have more distance to the blood vessels and showed a predominant expression of IgG. T-lymphocytes were also detected perivascular. The expression of IL 10 was predominant. Lymphocytes aggregates like lymph follicle were detected in four of twenty cases. Macrophages were proved perivascular as well as in the cover cells. Ki M4 positive reticulum cells were found in only one of twenty cases. All kind of cells in the synovial membrane showed a low proliferation activity. The absence of germinal centers or comparable structures, the low expression of Ki M4 and Ki 67 speak against the immigration and maturation of native B lymphocytes in the synovial membrane. Memory B-lymphocytes don't need germinal centers or compatible structures for maturation, they can mature to plasma cells by help of T-lymphocytes, macrophages or other B-lymphocytes. It is more probably that the detected B lymphocytes are memory cells. The perivascular T lymphocytes in combination with the predominant expression of IL 10 may be interpreted as a TH2 immune reaction. This supports the maturation of B-lymphocytes to plasma cells. The maturation of memory B-lymphocytes under influence of TH2 immune reaction can be the reason for the missing of germinal centers or comparable structures. Matured B-lymphocytes don't need high-grade inflammatory cytokines for quick immune response. This is the possible reason for the low-grade inflammatory reaction of osteoarthritis.
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Etude des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires impliqués dans la fonction suppressive des lymphocytes T régulateurs / Study of molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in regulatory T cell suppressive activityDenoeud, Julie N.O. 18 June 2010 (has links)
La réponse immune représente une réponse complexe à laquelle correspond une succession d’événements orchestrés finement. Parmi les mécanismes qui régulent la réponse immune, les lymphocytes T régulateurs (Tregs) assurent le maintien de la tolérance en périphérie et le contrôle des réponses immunes adaptatives. Ils représentent une population hétérogène et leurs mécanismes de suppression sont toujours l’objet d’intenses recherches. Suivant le contexte de suppression et leur nature, les lymphocytes Tregs réalisent une inhibition de l’activation des lymphocytes Th, soit directement, soit via la modulation de la fonction des cellules dendritiques (DC). <p>Dans un modèle d’immunisation par des cellules dendritiques chargées de KLH, les lymphocytes Tregs naturels contrôlent sélectivement l’initiation des réponses de type Th1/CTL spécifiques de l’antigène. Le but de ce travail était de définir quels sont les acteurs potentiels du contrôle de cette réponse. A l’aide de l’anticorps PC61 dirigé contre le récepteur CD25 et éliminant les lymphocytes Tregs naturels, nous avons montré que le ligand de costimulation CD70 joue un rôle clé dans leur régulation de la réponse Th1/CTL (Article 1). Ainsi, dans des conditions normales, la cytokine IL-12 induit principalement l’initiation de la réponse Th1 in vivo, tandis qu’en l’absence de lymphocytes Tregs naturels, la voie CD70/CD27 est une voie alternative d’induction de l’IFN-γ. Cette voie d’activation pourrait être opérationnelle dans certains contextes infectieux lorsque les lymphocytes Tregs sont déstabilisés voire éliminés, par exemple lors d’infections par Toxoplasma gondii ou par les virus HTLV1, SIV ou HIV. Nous avons montré que les lymphocytes Tregs naturels diminuent l’expression du ligand CD70 sur les DC, de manière dépendante de son récepteur CD27. <p>Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés à une deuxième population de lymphocytes T régulateurs, les lymphocytes Tregs ICOShigh induits in vivo par le traitement avec l’anticorps anti-CTLA-4. Dans le cadre d’une colite induite par l’agent alkylant TNBS et mettant en jeu une réponse Th1, cette population de lymphocytes Tregs amplifiée par le traitement à l’anticorps anti-CTLA-4 régule la réponse immune via la cytokine anti-inflammatoire IL-10 et l’enzyme immunosuppressive IDO (Article 2). Ainsi, les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de répondre à notre objectif et de définir certains mécanismes de suppression des lymphocytes Tregs naturels et des lymphocytes Tregs induits. <p>Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons cherché à comparer les populations de lymphocytes Tregs naturels et ICOShigh présentes dans l’intestin d’une souris naïve. Une analyse transcriptomique a révélé que ces deux populations s’opposent sur les plans phénotypique et fonctionnel. Nous proposons un modèle dans lequel les deux populations de lymphocytes Tregs agiraient en synergie pour maintenir l’homéostasie intestinale. Les lymphocytes Tregs ICOShigh différenciés au niveau local et continuellement activés contrôleraient la réponse inflammatoire associée à la présence de la flore commensale. Les lymphocytes Tregs naturels, en quiescence dans les ganglions mésentériques, n’interviendraient qu’en cas d’infection par des pathogènes.<p>L’étude des lymphocytes T régulateurs soulève un certain nombre de concepts clés de l’immunité :la spécificité des réponses, la distinction des microorganismes commensaux et pathogènes… Mieux connaître les lymphocytes Tregs dans un modèle murin permettra de mieux comprendre les réponses inflammatoires intestinales chroniques observées chez l'homme et d’envisager, à terme, de nouveaux traitements.<p>/<p>An immune response is complex and implies numerous sequential events. It is regulated by different mechanisms, among which regulatory T cells maintain peripheral tolerance and control adaptive immune responses. Regulatory T cells are very heterogeneous and suppress immune responses through different mechanisms, still under investigation. They can inhibit T cell activation directly or through the modulation of dendritic cell function, depending on their nature and the tissular context.<p>In a dendritic cell-mediated immunization model, naturally occurring regulatory T cells selectively control the priming of antigen-specific Th1/CTL responses. Our goal was to define the potential actors of this control, targeted by natural regulatory T cells. Using the PC61 antibody which targets and depletes these cells, we showed that the costimulation ligand CD70 plays a key role in their control of Th1/CTL responses (first article). We showed that mainly IL-12 provokes Th1 development in normal conditions, wheras CD70 plays a major role in priming Th1 responses in the absence of natural Tregs. This pathway can be operational if regulatory T cells are destabilized or even depleted, for example during infection with Toxoplasma gondii or with HTLV1, SIV or HIV. We showed that natural Tregs downregulate CD70 expression on the surface of DCs.<p>Next, we focused on another regulatory T cell population, induced in vivo by the anti-CTLA-4 mAb treatment. In a model of pro-Th1 colitis, induced by the alkylating agent TNBS, these ICOShigh regulatory T cells exert an IL-10 and IDO-dependant control over the immune response (second article). Thus, we succeeded in determining some control mechanisms of the immune response targeted by two populations of regulatory T cells.<p>Finally, we compared two regulatory T cell populations: naturally occurring regulatory T cells and ICOShigh regulatory T cells from the intestines of naïve mice. A transcriptional analysis revealed two populations phenotypically and functionally distinct. We proposed a model in which these populations act synergistically and both maintain intestinal homeostasis. ICOShigh regulatory T cells might control commensal gut flora-specific inflammatory responses and quiescent natural regulatory T cells from mesenteric lymph nodes might control potential pathogen infections.<p>As a conclusion, this study raises some immunological issues: specificity of immune responses, distinction between commensal and pathogenic microorganisms… A better knowledge of these regulatory populations will lead to a better understanding of human intestinal responses and in the medium term will lead to new therapeutic approaches and tools.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Die funktionelle Modifikation der proinflammatorischen M-DC8+ dendritischen Zellen durch zyklisches Adenosin-Monophosphat / Functional modification of the proinflammatory M-DC8+ dendritic cells by cyclic adenosine monophosphateEbling, Annette 23 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, the influence of the second messenger cAMP on the functional plasticity of M-DC8+ dendritic cells (DC) was examined. The marker M-DC8 defines a population of native DC first described in blood. After their isolation, M-DC8+ DC acquire a mature CD83+ phenotype during a short culture ex vivo. After a challenge with LPS and IFN-g, M-DC8+ DC secrete large amounts of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-12(p70) and TNF-a surpassing by far other DC populations and monocytes. Due to their preferential induction of TH1-dominated T cell responses, M-DC8+ DC might play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. Different cAMP-elevating agents suppressed the proinflammatory cytokine production and enhanced the secretion of anti-inflammatory IL-10. Activity of phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4, the most important cAMP-hydrolysing enzyme in immune cells, was detected and RT-PCR revealed the expression of PDE4 subtypes 4A, 4B and 4D in M-DC8+ DC, whereas 4C was not detectable. The PDE4-specific inhibitors AWD12-281 and Roflumilast were then used to elevate cAMP concentrations. These substances have been proven to be efficient in anti-inflammatory therapies. In the presence of PDE4 inhibitors, the LPS/IFN-g-induced production of IL-12 and TNF-a was decreased by 90 % and 60 %, respectively, whereas the IL-10-release was doubled. These effects were only observed, if the PDE4 inhibitors where present from the beginning of the culture. The inhibition of the IL-12 secretion was reverted using an a-IL-10-receptor antibody. PDE4 inhibitor-treated M-DC8+ DC showed a reduced capacity to polarize TH1-cells, which was demonstrated analysing culture supernatants by ELISA and by single-cell analysis detecting intracellular IFN-g und IL-4. These results suggest that PDE4 inhibitors may not only be useful in the therapy of TH2-mediated diseases but also in TH1-dominated indications such as multiple sclerosis and Crohn´s disease. Despite the shift of the cytokine profile, the in vitro maturation of M-DC8+ DC was not affected by PDE4 inhibitors. The expression of CD83, CD80, CD86, MHC-molecules as well as CD54 and CD58, was assessed by FACS analysis. Correspondingly, in the presence of AWD12-281, M-DC8+ DC efficiently stimulated the proliferation of allogeneic CD4+CD45RA+ T-cells. In the second part of this study, the effects of an inhibition of cAMP-synthesis in M-DC8+ DC were analyzed. Two adenylyl cyclase (AC) inhibitors, 2,5-Dideoxyadenosine and SQ22536, clearly hampered the in vitro maturation of M-DC8+ DC. The expression of the DC maturation marker CD83 could be reconstituted using the stable cAMP-analogon 8-Br-cAMP. Measuring the intracellular cAMP concentration in M-DC8+ DC, initially low cAMP-levels were observed, but within 30 min the concentration raised and returned to original levels within 2 hrs. Blocking the cAMP synthesis by AC inhibitors, the LPS/IFN-g-induced production of IL-12, TNF-a and IL-10 was strongly reduced. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that M-DC8+ DC can only release IL-12 after a transient elevation of cAMP, i.e. they acquire a &quot;license&quot;. Such a regulation of the IL-12 production has not been described before. Protein kinase A is an important effector molecule of cAMP. Inhibiting its activity resulted in a reduced expression of the DC maturation marker CD83 and a lower cytokine production underlining the importance of cAMP-signalling for the activation of M-DC8+ DC. In conclusion, this study provides evidence for a new concept of the immune-regulatory function of cAMP. Here, cAMP is essentially involved in the initial activation and maturation of DC and enables them to secrete large amounts of IL-12 and TNF-a upon stimulation with a TLR ligand. Conversely, a long-term elevation of cAMP-concentrations inhibits the proinflammatory effector functions of M-DC8+ DC and can induce anti-inflammatory responses by enhancing the secretion of IL-10. / In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des second messengers cAMP auf die funktionelle Plastizität von M-DC8+ dendritischen Zellen (DC) untersucht. Der Oberflächenmarker M-DC8 definiert eine zunächst im Blut beschriebene Population nativer DC. Nach ihrer Isolation erlangen M-DC8+ DC während einer kurzen Kultur einen maturen CD83+ Phänotyp. Nach Stimulation mit LPS und IFN-g produzieren native M-DC8+ DC deutlich höhere Mengen der proinflammatorischen Zytokine IL-12(p70) und TNF-a als andere DC-Populationen oder Monozyten. Dies resultiert in einer Programmierung TH1-dominierter T-Zellantworten. M-DC8+ DC könnten daher an der Pathogenese entzündlicher Krankheiten beteiligt sein. Unterschiedliche cAMP-erhöhende Substanzen supprimierten die proinflammatorische Zytokinproduktion und verstärkten gleichzeitig die Sekretion des anti-inflammatorischen IL-10. In M-DC8+ DC konnte die Aktivität von Phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4, dem wichtigsten cAMP-hydrolysierenden Enzym in Immunzellen, nachgewiesen werden. Durch RT-PCR wurde die Expression der PDE4-Subtypen 4A, 4B und 4D gezeigt, nicht aber 4C. Zur Erhöhung der cAMP-Konzentration wurden dann die PDE4-spezifischen Inhibitoren AWD12-281 und Roflumilast eingesetzt, deren klinische Effizienz bei anti-inflammatorischen Therapien belegt ist. Auch diese Substanzen verringerten die LPS/IFN-g-induzierte Produktion von IL-12 und TNF-a durch M-DC8+ DC um 90 % bzw. 60 %, während die IL-10-Freisetzung etwa verdoppelt wurde. Diese starken Effekte konnten nur erzielt werden, wenn die PDE4-Inhibitoren von Beginn der Kultur an eingesetzt wurden. Die Hemmung der IL-12-Sekretion wurde in Gegenwart eines a-IL-10-Rezeptor-Antikörpers aufgehoben. Unter dem Einfluss von PDE4-Inhibitoren war die TH1-Programmierung durch M-DC8+ DC deutlich reduziert, was sowohl durch die Analyse der Zellüberstände mittels ELISA als auch auf Einzelzell-Ebene durch intrazelluläre Detektion von IFN-g und IL-4 nachgewiesen wurde. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass PDE4-Inhibitoren nicht nur für TH2-vermittelte Erkrankungen sondern auch für TH1-dominierte Indikationen wie Multiple Sklerose oder Morbus Crohn von Nutzen sein könnten. Trotz der starken Modulation des Zytokinprofils blieb die in vitro-Ausreifung M-DC8+ DC unbeeinflusst von PDE4-Inhibitoren. Untersucht wurde die Expression von CD83, CD80, CD86, MHC-Molekülen, CD54 und CD58 mittels FACS-Analyse. Entsprechend induzierten M-DC8+ DC auch in Anwesenheit von AWD12-281 die Proliferation allogener CD4+CD45RA+ T-Zellen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie sich die Blockade der cAMP-Synthese auf M-DC8+ DC auswirkt. Zwei Adenylatcyclase-Inhibitoren, 2,5-Dideoxyadenosine und SQ22536, hemmten die in vitro-Maturation von M-DC8+ DC deutlich. Die CD83-Expression wurde mit 8-Br-cAMP rekonstituiert. Messungen der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration in unbehandelten M-DC8+ DC zeigten initial niedrige cAMP-Spiegel, die innerhalb von 30 min anstiegen und nach 2 h wieder auf das Ausgangsniveau abfielen. Die LPS/IFN-g-induzierte Produktion von IL-12, TNF-a und IL-10 wurde durch AC-Inhibitoren deutlich vermindert. M-DC8+ DC erhalten nur nach einer transienten cAMP-Erhöhung die &quot;Lizenz&quot; IL-12 freizusetzen. Eine derartige Regulation der IL-12-Sekretion ist bisher nicht beschrieben. Eine Hemmung des cAMP-Effektormoleküls Proteinkinase A resultierte in der reduzierten Expression des DC-Maturationsmarkers CD83 und einer verringerten Zytokinproduktion. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung von cAMP für die Aktivierung M-DC8+ DC. Zusammenfassend gibt diese Arbeit am Beispiel nativer humaner DC Anhalt für ein neues Konzept der immunregulatorischen Funktion von cAMP. Hierbei ist cAMP wesentlich an der Ausreifung von M-DC8+ DC beteiligt, woraufhin diese große Mengen IL-12 und TNF-a sekretieren können. Dagegen wirkt eine langfristige cAMP-Erhöhung durch die Induktion von IL-10 anti-inflammatorisch.
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Differential functions of Interleukin-10 derived from different cell types in the regulation of immune responsesSurianarayanan, Sangeetha 16 December 2011 (has links)
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is an important regulator of immune responses secreted by different cell types. Previous results from our group suggested that the biological effects of this cytokine critically depend on its cellular source. Recent studies reported IL-10 dependent immunosuppressive functions of a specialized subset of regulatory B cells and mast cells. These results relied on adoptive cell transfers, a technique which can potentially introduce artifacts. Therefore, we aimed to readdress these questions in independent models using IL-10 transcriptional reporter mice and various conditional IL-10 mutant mice.
Findings in IL-10 reporter system suggested prominent IL-10 transcription in regulatory B cells upon LPS administration. Exposure of mice to contact allergen revealed robust reporter expression in CD8 T cells, moderate to mild reporter expression in CD4 T cells and dendritic
cells (DC) respectively, and lack of reporter expression in B cells, mast cells and NK cells in allergen challenged ears.
We generated cell-type specific IL-10 mutants by Cre/LoxP-mediated conditional gene inactivation. Efficiency and specificity of Cre-mediated recombination was demonstrated by Southern blot and PCR methods.
Various immunogenic challenges in conditional IL-10 mutants did not reveal a role for B cell-derived IL-10 in restraining innate TLR or T cell-dependent inflammatory responses. Likewise, mice with selective inactivation of the il10 gene in mast cells exhibited normal CHS responses and unaltered immune response to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides. On the other hand, DC-specific IL-10 mutants developed excessive inflammatory responses to contact allergens, while innate responses to TLR ligands were not altered. This indicates a non-redundant role for DC-derived IL-10 in contact allergy.
Thus, the conditional IL-10 ‘‘knockout’’ mice combined with the novel transcriptional IL-10 reporter system can serve as ideal tools to understand the cell-type specific contributions to IL-10-mediated immune regulation.
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L'impact des cellules dendritiques dans la dérégulation des cellules B dans un contexte d'infection au virus d'immunodéficience humaineChagnon-Choquet, Josiane 12 1900 (has links)
Les cellules dendritiques (DC) sont parmi les premières cellules à rencontrer le virus d’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) au niveau des muqueuses. De plus, le fait que les DC sont, de manière directe ou indirecte par le virus et ses composantes, altérées tant par leur nombre, leur phénotype et leur fonction suggère leur implication dans les dérégulations des cellules B. Selon cette hypothèse, des études longitudinales impliquant des individus infectés au VIH-1 présentant différents profils de progression clinique menées dans notre laboratoire ont démontré que les altérations des cellules B sont concomitantes à une augmentation de l’expression de BLyS/BAFF dans le sang ainsi que par les DC myéloïdes (mDC) sanguines. De plus, lors de travaux antérieurs utilisant le modèle murin VIH-transgénique, les altérations des cellules B ont démontré une implication des DC et d’un excès de BLyS/BAFF, et ce, dépendamment du facteur négatif du VIH (Nef). Dans cette optique, nous investiguons dans cette présente étude l’implication de Nef dans la modulation du phénotype des DC ainsi que dans les dérégulations des cellules B. Chez tous les patients virémiques infectés au VIH-1, nous avons détecté la présence de Nef dans le plasma ainsi qu’au niveau des mDC et de leurs précurseurs d’origine monocytaire, tout au long du suivi de la progression clinique et au-delà de la thérapie antirétrovirale (ART). La surexpression de BLyS/BAFF est associée à la présence de Nef au niveau des mDC et de leur précurseur.. Des essais in vitro ont permis de démontrer l’induction d’un phénotype proinflammatoire par des mDC dérivés de monocytes lorsqu’en présence de Nef soluble, via l’augmentation de l’expression de BLyS/BAFF et de TNF-α, et où cet effet est bloqué par l’ajout de l’acide rétinoïque. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que Nef est impliquée dans le déclenchement et la persistance des dérégulations des cellules B retrouvées chez les individus infectés au VIH-1. Basé sur nos observations, une thérapie adjointe impliquant le blocage de BLyS/BAFF et/ou Nef pourrait contribuer au contrôle de l’inflammation et des altérations des cellules B. De plus, la quantification de Nef post-ART pourrait s’avérer utile dans l’évaluation du statut des réservoirs.
Précédemment, nous avons démontré que les dérégulations des cellules B sanguines de ces mêmes individus présentant un profil de progression rapide et classique sont accompagnées par l’augmentation de la fréquence d’une population partageant des caractéristiques des cellules B transitionnelles immatures (TI) et des cellules B de la zone marginale (ZM), que nous avons nommé les cellules B précurseur de la ZM. Toutefois, cette population est préservée chez les contrôleurs élites, chez qui nous avons trouvé une diminution significative de la fréquence des cellules B de la ZM présentant des marqueurs phénotypiques plus matures. Récemment, ces cellules ont été associées à un potentiel de fonction régulatrice (Breg), motivant ainsi notre poursuite, dans cette étude, de la caractérisation de ces cellules B. Comme pour les individus non infectés au VIH-1, nous avons démontré que les cellules B matures de la ZM contrôlent leur capacité de production d’IL-10 chez les contrôleurs élites, contrairement à une augmentation chez les progresseurs rapides et classiques. Aussi, les cellules B précurseur de la ZM des contrôleurs élites fournissent une expression importante de LT-α lorsque comparés aux individus non infectés au VIH-1, alors que cet apport de LT-α est attribué aux cellules B TI chez les progresseurs. Le contrôle de la progression clinique semble associé à un ratio en faveur de LT-α vs IL-10 au niveau des cellules B précurseur de la ZM. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’un maintien de l’intégrité du potentiel régulateur ainsi qu’une expression augmentée de LT-α par les cellules B de première ligne, telles les populations de la ZM, sont impliqués dans le contrôle de la progression clinique du VIH-1, possiblement par leur contribution à la modulation et l’homéostasie immunitaire. De telles populations doivent être considérées lors de l’élaboration de vaccins, ces derniers cherchant à générer une réponse protectrice de première ligne et adaptative. / In the context of HIV-1 infection, DC are amongst the first cells to encounter the virus at the mucosal surfaces, and are directly and indirectly affected by the virus or its components. The fact that DC are altered in number, phenotype and function in the context of HIV, suggest they may be involved in driving B cell dysregulations, which occur as early as in the acute phase of HIV-infection and are not fully restored by therapy. As such, in recent longitudinal studies involving HIV-infected individuals with different rates of disease progression, we have shown that B cell dysregulations were associated with increased BLyS/BAFF expression in plasma and by blood myeloid DC (mDC). In previous work with HIV-transgenic mice, B cell dysregulations involved DC, excess BLyS/BAFF and were dependant on the HIV negative factor (Nef). We therefore aim to investigate the impact of HIV-Nef in modulating DC phenotype and B cell dysregulations. Blood samples from the same HIV-infected individuals as mentioned above were studied, following the identical longitudinal scheme. HIV-Nef was detected in plasma and beared by blood mDC and mDC precursors of all viremic HIV-infected patients, throughout follow-up and beyond therapy. Detection of HIV-Nef in mDC and their precursors was associated with BLyS/BAFF over-expression. In vitro, soluble HIV-Nef drove monocyte-derived mDC towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype by increasing the expression of BLyS/BAFF and TNF-α. Futhermore, this effect was blocked by the addition of retinoic acid. These data suggest that HIV-Nef is involved in the driving and persistence of B cell dysregulations in HIV-infected individuals. Based on our observations, therapeutic blocking of BLyS/BAFF and/or Nef could help control inflammation and B cell disorders. Moreover, measurement of HIV-Nef post-therapy may be useful in assessing reservoir status.
We have previously shown that B cell dysregulations in the blood of HIV-infected rapid and classic progressors were accompanied by the increased frequency of a population presenting characteristics of both transitional immature (TI) and marginal zone (MZ) B cells, which we have termed “MZ-like precursors”. However, this population was unaltered in ELITE controllers (EC), even though we found significantly lower frequencies of more mature MZ-like B cells. These results suggest that such first line B cell populations may be involved in the battle against HIV-1. Interestingly, MZ-like B cell populations have recently been associated with Breg potential. As such, we found that as for HIV negative individuals, mature MZ-like B cells control their capacity of IL-10 production in EC. In contrast, HIV-1-infected rapid and classic progressors presented increased relative frequencies of MZ-like B cells expressing IL-10. Interestingly, in EC, blood MZ-like precursors provided substantial LT-α expression when compared to HIV negative individuals, and in contrast to that found in rapid and classic progressors, where significant LT-α expression was provided by TI B cells. In fact, the degree of control of disease progression seems associated with greater LT-α to IL-10 ratio within the MZ-like precursors population. Our results therefore suggest that maintenance of Breg integrity and increased LT-α expression by first line B cells, such as MZ-like populations, is involved in the control of HIV-1 disease progression, possibly trough contribution to immune modulation and homeostasis. Soliciting such populations should be beared in mind in the design of vaccine strategies aiming at generating both first line and adaptive protective responses.
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Inflammatory Reactions in Peritonitis and Malignant Obstructive Jaundice : Clinical and Experimental Studies with Special Emphasis on the Cellular Immune ResponseÖsterberg, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Patients with peritonitis or malignant obstructive jaundice (HPB<sup>+</sup>) have an increased morbidity and mortality due to sepsis. An altered cell-mediated immunity in the intestinal mucosa might promote gut barrier failure, increased endotoxin and cytokine release and bacterial translocation (BT) in these conditions. A clinically relevant rat model of polymicrobial peritonitis induced sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) was used. Septic animals demonstrated a superficial injury in the small intestinal mucosa, and a significant reduction in T lymphocytes in the villi, as well as increased number of macrophages in the villi and in the MLNs as compared to sham. CLP caused increased concentration of TNF-α and IL-6 in ascitic fluid. CLP + the immunomodulator Linomide decreased the TNF-α level, reduced mucosal damage and attenuated the changes in T lymphocytes and macrophages observed following CLP. CLP + selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor (SC-236) or nonselective COX inhibitor (indometacin) decreased the amount of macrophages in the mucosa and the MLNs compared to untreated CLP. CLP + indometacin decreased T lymphocytes in the villi and MLNs. SC-236 + CLP reduced mucosal injury and cytokine release as compared to indometacin. An increased rate of apoptosis in both the mucosa and MLNs was seen following CLP; COX inhibitors enhanced this phenomenon in the MLNs.</p><p>BT occurred infrequently in patients with acute peritonitis and in HPB<sup>+</sup> there was no evidence of BT. Peritonitis and HPB<sup>+ </sup>causes significant inflammatory cellular reactions as increased endotoxin and cytokine plasma levels and an altered immune cell distribution in MLNs, in HPB<sup>+ </sup>a high rate of apoptosis in MLNs was observed. </p><p>An altered pattern of immunocompetent cells within the mucosa and in MLNs was found in experimental and clinical peritonitis as in HPB<sup>+</sup>.<sup> </sup>Lymphocyte depletion may be a result of increased apoptosis, which could reduce the ability of septic or jaundice patients to eradicate infection.</p>
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Inflammatory Reactions in Peritonitis and Malignant Obstructive Jaundice : Clinical and Experimental Studies with Special Emphasis on the Cellular Immune ResponseÖsterberg, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
Patients with peritonitis or malignant obstructive jaundice (HPB+) have an increased morbidity and mortality due to sepsis. An altered cell-mediated immunity in the intestinal mucosa might promote gut barrier failure, increased endotoxin and cytokine release and bacterial translocation (BT) in these conditions. A clinically relevant rat model of polymicrobial peritonitis induced sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) was used. Septic animals demonstrated a superficial injury in the small intestinal mucosa, and a significant reduction in T lymphocytes in the villi, as well as increased number of macrophages in the villi and in the MLNs as compared to sham. CLP caused increased concentration of TNF-α and IL-6 in ascitic fluid. CLP + the immunomodulator Linomide decreased the TNF-α level, reduced mucosal damage and attenuated the changes in T lymphocytes and macrophages observed following CLP. CLP + selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor (SC-236) or nonselective COX inhibitor (indometacin) decreased the amount of macrophages in the mucosa and the MLNs compared to untreated CLP. CLP + indometacin decreased T lymphocytes in the villi and MLNs. SC-236 + CLP reduced mucosal injury and cytokine release as compared to indometacin. An increased rate of apoptosis in both the mucosa and MLNs was seen following CLP; COX inhibitors enhanced this phenomenon in the MLNs. BT occurred infrequently in patients with acute peritonitis and in HPB+ there was no evidence of BT. Peritonitis and HPB+ causes significant inflammatory cellular reactions as increased endotoxin and cytokine plasma levels and an altered immune cell distribution in MLNs, in HPB+ a high rate of apoptosis in MLNs was observed. An altered pattern of immunocompetent cells within the mucosa and in MLNs was found in experimental and clinical peritonitis as in HPB+. Lymphocyte depletion may be a result of increased apoptosis, which could reduce the ability of septic or jaundice patients to eradicate infection.
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Možnosti a limity stanovení specifických markerů zánětu oka na základě analýzy slz / Determination of inflammatory markers of the eye based on the analysis of tears - potential and limitsMandíková, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
In this study, we aimed to determine the levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-4, IL-10, IFN-γ, MIF and VEGF in tears derived from healthy subjects. We tested cytokines as potential markers of inflammation for their potential use in clinical practice. Having reliable method for measuring cytokine levels in tears would enable an early diagnosis of eye diseases. In two phases, cytokines in tears of healthy individuals were analyzed using Bio-Plex Cytokine Assay (Bio-Rad). We assessed the suitability of methods for diagnostic purposes as well as the suitability of our selected cytokines. Statistically significant positive correlations of cytokines were confirmed: IL-10 with IFN-γ (r = 0,81), MIF with VEGF (r = 0,42 / r = 0,49), IL-1β with IL-10 (r = 0,52), IL-1β with IFN-γ (r = 0,55), IL-1β with VEGF (r = 0,38), IFN-γ with VEGF (r = 0,45) and IL-4 with VEGF (r = 0,48) in healthy subjects in tears. IL-4 (r = -0,37) and IFN-γ (r = -0,42) correlate negatively with age. In healthy individuals, there seem to be no differences with regard to gender, BMI, body fat, time of meal consumption prior to tear collection, eye strain when using a computer, dry eyes. Thus, studied cytokines are suitable for diagnostic purposes. Significant differences in concentrations of four (IL-1β, IL-10, IFN-γ a VEGF) of the five...
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Regulatory Mechanisms of the Immune System Downstream of Host and Microbial GlycansZhou, Julie Y. 25 January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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IL-10 and TGF-beta Increase Connexin-43 Expression and Membrane Potential of HL-1 Cardiomyocytes Coupled With RAW 264.7 MacrophagesCox, Cora B. 02 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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