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BIM i produktion : En undersökning om hur BIM kan implementeras i produktionHåkansson, Lisa, Dannfors, Julia January 2019 (has links)
The object of this report is to investigate how to implement BIM into the production part of the construction industry. How NCC should act to make the transformation as smooth and easy as possible. BIM, Building Information Modelling, is a way of working where you gather all information in one place. All disciplines work in a 3Dmodel and have information about their component in that model. For example, you can create a specific wall with its different layers, that will make it easier to calculate offers from subcontractors and also make the daily work with other orders easier if you know what the wall is build of. You can also use the model for collision controles. This make everything more efficient and make it easier to collaborate between different disciplines.By interviewing people from the industry, mainly from the production, we found that there already are softwares on the market that NCC are using that is easy to use even if you haven't worked a lot with digital tools before. The problem is how to spread the information about these softwares so that more projects can use them. Another difficulty is how to get the craftsmen to use these softwares. The people we interviewed thought that the lack of interest for digital tools, and the older generation, is the main reason why the implementation will be challenging. Our conclusion is that NCC need to find a systematic way to educate their employees in the digital tools that they are using. They need to get better to spread the word about those digital tools within the company so that their employees understand how much they can help and will start to use them. The craftsmen should use the tools to help visualize what they are building and the on-site manager should have a software with more features. / Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur BIM kan implementeras i byggbranschen på ett bra och smidigt sätt ute i produktion. Detta ger NCC ett underlag för hur de ska gå tillväga för att denna process ska gå så lätt och smidigt som möjligt men också för att minska risken att fokus hamnar på fel ställe och att implementeringen utförs på ett sådant sätt att personalen blir mer negativa mot digitala hjälpmedel i produktionen. Då yrkesarbetarna är de som hittills jobbat minst med digitala hjälpmedel har störst vikt lagts vid att undersöka hur implementeringen kommer att påverka dem och hur man ska göra för att få med dem i denna förändring. BIM, Building Information Modeling, är egentligen byggbranschens digitalisering. Det bygger på att projekteringen utförs i 3D och sedan byggs modellen på med information som gör att arbetet kan effektiviseras och göras smidigare. Det går till exempel att rita upp hur väggarna är uppbyggda i skikt för att underlätta för kalkylatorn vid upphandlingar med underentreprenörer men också i produktion vid beställning av material. Detta minimerar dubbeljobb och effektiviserar produktionen. I projekteringen används det bland annat vid kollisionskontroller där olika discipliners modeller läggs ihop för att se om installationerna krockar någonstans. I förvaltning kan det användas genom att produkterna som använts läggs in i modellen, till exempel vilken armatur, för att sedan lätt kunna hitta den informationen när armaturen senare behöver bytas ut. Det pratas ofta om att BIM är dyrt och det stämmer att det blir en högre kostnad i början av projekten. Däremot sparas tid och pengar i produktion och förvaltning. Fel som tidigare har upptäckts i produktion och har behövt lösas på plats så gott som försvinner. Genom att intervjua personer som börjat använda sig av BIM i produktion har upptäckten gjorts att det finns bra och lätthanterliga program som underlättar och effektiviserar vissa delar av produktionen. Två av dessa program som används på NCC idag är Bluebeam och Dalux. Bluebeam används som dokumenthantering där länkar mellan olika ritningar gör att det går snabbt och enkelt att hoppa mellan ritningar. Dalux är ett lättanvändligt program där du kan se projektet i 2D och 3D samtidigt vilket ger en lättare förståelse för vad som ska byggas genom att du kan gå omkring i projektet i 3D. Dalux har även en gratis app som alla yrkesarbetare skulle kunna använda för att öka förståelsen av vad dom bygger vilket skulle kunna göra att frågorna till arbetsledningen skulle minska. Ett problem är då hur man ska lösa det med mobiler och surfplattor till alla, om man inte får använda sin egen eller äger någon privat. Ett annat problem med digitaliseringen är att hårdvarorna är väldigt ömtåliga och ska användas i en hård miljö samt så har internet en tendens att krascha med jämna mellanrum vilket gör att man alltid måste ha en backup av de aktuella ritningarna och modellerna. En annan fråga är hur man ska få alla att använda sig av de digitala verktygen. Här är de som intervjuats överens om att det med största sannolikhet handlar om hur intresserad man är av teknik och att det är en generationsfråga. De menar att det med generationsskiftet kommer bli lättare att implementera BIM i yrkesarbetarnas arbete. För att implementera BIM i produktion på ett så bra och smidigt sätt som möjligt bör ordentliga utbildningar av platsledning och yrkesarbetarna genomföras för att sprida kunskapen om vilka möjligheter som finns inom företaget men också för att ge personalen en bra grund så att de känner sig säkra i programmen när de ska börja användas. Det kan öka intresset även hos de som varit negativt inställda från början. Yrkesarbetarna bör använda programmen som visuell hjälp genom att gå omkring i 3D modellen och för att snabbare kunna navigera sig mellan olika ritningar genom länkar. Arbetsledarna kan ha en högre svårighetsgrad med fler funktioner, bland annat olika lager och möjligheten att uppdatera ritningar och modeller.
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Integrating Ad Hoc Electronic Product Catalogues Through Collaborative Maintenance of Semantic ConsistencyJingzhi, Guo, n/a January 2005 (has links)
Existing electronic markets are fragmented in the sense that each is an information island. The interoperation of product information between them is difficult especially in semantics communication. This prevents the formation of global electronic markets and the lowering distribution cost through market globalisation. The traditional and contemporary ap-proaches of product standardisation and ontology mediation could solve the problem only if all markets could adopt the same product standards, or mediation systems could mediate all heterogeneous standards and markets without semantic conflicts. However, problems generally exist in adopting a universal standard or mediating all markets through existing mediation systems. A reflection of the issue is that there are millions of ad hoc electronic product catalogues (EPCs) situated in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), where each EPC is a semantic community, often not aware of standards and mediation systems due to its ad hoc nature. This thesis focuses on the semantic integration of autonomous ad hoc EPCs, which are semantically inconsistent with each other. Firstly, a novel Collaborative Concept Exchange (CONEX) approach is developed for the se-mantic integration of ad hoc EPCs. Using this approach, a PRODUCT MAP is first built based on the theories of semiotic analysis and market segmentation. It functions as an analytical framework to articulate ad hoc EPCs, and answers the questions: what are the general char-acteristics of ad hoc EPCs, what are their heterogeneous relations, and how they are unevenly distributed in fragmented electronic markets. Within this framework, an abstract representa-tion of ad hoc EPCs is proposed using the articulated elements that are simple and manipu-lable. Major contributions of this framework include: the models of the abstract representa-tion of ad hoc EPCs on their structures, concepts and contexts; the semantic integration conditions of heterogeneous ad hoc EPCs; and a ConexNet of market network topology that captures the characteristics of ad hoc EPCs that are unevenly distributed in fragmented elec-tronic markets. Secondly, a three-layer CONEX information model is proposed to integrate ad hoc EPCs based on the PRODUCT MAP, which provides a trichotomy of systems, designers and users. The strategy behind the model is the separation of structure from concept and context, and hence they can be independently managed to resolve semantic conflicts between ad hoc EPCs. The major contributions of this model include the CONEX framework, collaboration mechanism and context transformation. The CONEX framework presents a formal characteri-sation and reconstruction of the structures of ad hoc EPCs based on a CONEX structure model and a CONEX grammar. It provides a formal specification for representing ad hoc EPCs including concept structure, classifier structure and mapping structure. The semantic conflicts in designing the concepts of ad hoc EPCs are resolved by a collaboration mecha-nism based on a semantic consistency model. The collaboration mechanism includes three key procedures: replicating unique concept identifiers and translating concept definitions be-tween common concepts of common EPCs; localising common concepts to local EPCs; and globalising local concepts to common EPCs. Users in the CONEX information model are not involved in any integration activities. They are provided with automatic and accurate concept exchange services through a mechanism of context transformation, which is designed based on an algorithm called Heterogeneous Concept Transformation. The separate integration of structures, concepts and contexts of ad hoc EPCs guarantees that the requirements of flexi-bility, evolvability and exactness of semantic integration have been met. Thirdly, the feasibility and features of the Collaborative Concept Exchange approach have been demonstrated in a prototype implementation that provides the services of collaborative concept design for semantic conflict resolution, and heterogeneous concept transformation for accurate and automatic concept exchange between ad hoc EPCs. A key contribution in the implementation level is the independent representation of the CONEX framework called XML PRODUCT MAP (XPM). XPM provides a feature of platform independence by con-forming to the standards of W3C XML, Simple Object Access Protocol and Web Services Description Language in both document specification and document transport. It is also a demonstration that the generic CONEX structure model and CONEX grammar can be imple-mented in any specific language such as XML for the particular scenarios of semantic integra-tion. With the aid of a collection of XPM document templates, two components called Con-cept Collaborator and Concept Transformer of the CONEX prototype are implemented to demonstrate how concepts are collaboratively designed to resolve semantic conflicts and how concepts are automatically and accurately exchanged between autonomous, heterogeneous and distributed ad hoc EPCs.
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Supporting loose forms of collaboration : Using Linked Data to realize an architecture for collective knowledge constructionEbner, Hannes January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is driven by the motivation to explore a way of working collaboratively that closely reflects the World Wide Web (WWW), more specifically the potential of the Web architecture built on Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data. The goal is to describe a generic approach and architecture that satisfies the needs for loose collaboration and collective knowledge construction as exemplified by the applications described in this thesis. This thesis focuses on a contribution-centric architecture which allows for flexible applications that support loose forms of collaboration. The first research question deals with how Web-based collective knowledge construction can be supported. The second research question explores the characteristics of collective knowledge construction with respect to the Open World Assumption (OWA). The OWA implies that complete knowledge about a subject cannot be assumed at any time, which is one of the most fundamental properties of the WWW. The third research question investigates how Semantic Web technologies be used in order to support such a contribution-centric architecture. The thesis and its underlying publications are of a technical character and are always grounded in theoretical models and considerations that have led to functional implementations. The research has evolved in iterative development processes and was explicitly directed at building applications that can be used in collaborative settings and that are based on standardized Web technologies. One of the main outcomes, an information model, was developed together with such an application and provides a number of novel approaches in the context in which it was designed. The validity of the presented research is supported by evaluations from different perspectives: a list of implemented applications and showcases, results from structured interviews that have investigated the suitability for various resource annotation processes, as well as scalability aspects. The thesis concludes that it is ultimately up to the application how "loose" the collaboration should be and to which extent the OWA is incorporated. The presented architecture provides a toolkit to support the development of loosely collaborative applications. The showcased applications allow the construction of collaborative conceptual models and to collaboratively annotate educational resources. They show the potential of the used technology stack and the introduced contribution-centric architecture that sits on top if it. / <p>QC 20140417</p>
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BIM i små väg- och anläggningsprojekt : För- och nackdelar med 3D-projektering kontra 2D-projektering / BIM in small road and construction projects : Pros and cons of 3D-design versus 2D-designHjalmarsson, Markus January 2018 (has links)
The road and construction industry is far behind other industries in terms of the use of modern working methods like BIM. However, as the Swedish Transport Administration and other customers is beginning to request the use of BIM, the industry must adapt and start using the new working methods. The transition is problematic because there are no standards and rules for how and when BIM is to be used. In addition, there are technical difficulties with proprietary file formats and learning projectors that are unfamiliar to the new software. But as the demand for BIM increases, companies need to adapt to win the jobs, the same applies to the smaller projects in the long run. The benefits reported with BIM are many, where the visualization opportunity leads to improved work coordination because everyone in the project sees the same things and thus gains greater understanding is the greatest advantage. The customer also gets a clear picture of the projector's proposal, which simplifies the decision-making process as it can be done faster. The ability to perform collision checks is also seen as an advantage as it can save money later in the project. A BIM can also be used for work preparation, which gives the construction workers a better understanding of what to do, their skills can also be used to review the model for detecting design errors and locating dangerous work operations. The information associated with the model makes it easier to make readjustments and the changes are reflected directly as the changes are made - this reduces drawing revisions and the actual costs of the project becomes clearer. To use 3D design instead of 2D design in smaller road and construction projects may imply a longer planning phase, for Tullholmsviken stage 3, the 3D design took 8 hours longer to create than when using traditional methods, which corresponds to 6400 kr in increased costs. This leads to increased design costs, but the benefits that modeling imply is estimated to compensate for the increased costs. In the previous phase of Tullholmsviken, there was a coordination problem between the architect and the land projector. The cost of fixing the problem was estimated to 32000 SEK, but with a 3D-modell that problem would probably been fixed earlier in the process and the costs would not be as high as 32000 kr. Increased projection costs for a 3D-modell would therefore be economically justifiable for that particular project
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Vägen mot en integration av BIM och Internet of Things : En modell över fördelar och förutsättningar vid användning av Internet of Things i BIM / The road towards an integration of BIM and Internet of ThingsHahne, Johannes, Karlsson, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
This thesis considers the integration of BIM and IoT in the building process of offices. The thesis is hopefully going to create knowledge about BIM and IoT and describe what needs to be done to carry out an integration.The planning of offices today consists of the use of BIM and a lot of smart solutions. But what are the benefits from an integration of BIM and Internet of Things and how can this be used throughout the building process? New and smart solutions are invented all the time and although not all are possible to use in everyday offices, some can already be of great use. For the future there is a great need for smart and sustainable solutions that helps to conserve energy but at the same time are economically sustainable. This needs to become a part of our everyday to help conquer one of our times biggest challenges, the environmental issue. This thesis highlights the advantages, disadvantages and requirements of an integration of BIM and IoT. It concerns the technology behind IoT and what the future has to offer.The result of the written thesis is a model that describes how an integration of BIM and IoT can be carried out during the different stages of the building process. The model is going to work like a cycle where information from sensors constantly flows to the BIM model during the entire building process. Information and experiences gained from the different stages of the building process can be used to evaluate the construction and its different systems and the experience gained is used in the next project.An integration will be hard to do on a big scale due to different factors. The technology is here but the pathway and standards for it are not.
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Application of IEC 61970 for data standardization and smart grid interoperability. / AplicaÃÃo da norma IEC 61970 para padronizaÃÃo de dados e interoperabilidade de redes elÃtricas inteligentesMario Barreto de Moura Neto 28 February 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / In the context of the current modernization process through which the electrical power systems go through, the concept of Smart Grids and their foundations serve as guidelines. In the search for interoperability, communication between heterogeneous systems has been the subject of constant and increasing developments. Under this scenario, the work presented in this dissertation focuses primarily on the study and application of the data model contained in the IEC 61970 series of standards, best known as the Common Information Model (CIM). With this purpose, the general aspects of the standard are exposed and assisted by the concepts of UML and XML, which are essential for a complete understanding of the model. Certain features of the CIM, as its extensibility and generality are emphasized, which qualify it as ideal data model for the establishment of interoperability. In order to exemplify the use of the model, a case study was performed which modeled an electrical distribution network in medium voltage so as to make it suitable for integration with a multi-agent system in a standardized format and, consequently, adequate to interoperability. The complete process of modeling an electrical network using the CIM is shown. Finally, the development of an interface is proposed as a mechanism that enables human intervention in the data flow between the integrated systems. The use of PHP with a MySQL database, are justified because of their suitability in various usage environments. / No processo atual de modernizaÃÃo pelo qual passam os sistemas de energia elÃtrica, o conceito de Redes ElÃtricas Inteligentes e seus fundamentos tÃm servido de diretrizes. Na busca pela interoperabilidade, a comunicaÃÃo entre sistemas heterogÃneos tem sido objeto de constantes e crescentes avanÃos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo e a aplicaÃÃo do modelo de dados da sÃrie de normas IEC 61970, denominado Common Information Model (CIM). Com esse objetivo, os aspectos gerais da norma sÃo apresentados, auxiliados pelos conceitos de UML (Unified Modeling Language) e XML (eXtensible Markup Language), essenciais para a compreensÃo integral do modelo. Determinadas caracterÃsticas do modelo CIM, como sua extensibilidade e generalidade, sÃo enfatizadas, as quais o credenciam como modelo com excelentes caracterÃsticas para o estabelecimento da interoperabilidade. Com o intuito de exemplificar a utilizaÃÃo do modelo, realizou-se um estudo de caso em que se modelou uma rede elÃtrica de distribuiÃÃo em mÃdia tensÃo de maneira a tornÃ-la prÃpria para integraÃÃo com um sistema multiagente em um formato padronizado e, consequentemente, adequado à interoperabilidade. O processo completo de modelagem da rede elÃtrica utilizando o CIM foi demonstrado. Por fim, uma interface foi desenvolvida como mecanismo de manipulaÃÃo dos dados nos documentos XML que possam fazer parte do fluxo de informaÃÃes. A utilizaÃÃo do PHP, juntamente com um banco de dados MySQL, à justificada em decorrÃncia de sua adequaÃÃo de uso em ambientes diversos. Os conjuntos formados pela interface, simulador da rede elÃtrica e sistema multiagente para recomposiÃÃo automÃtica, constituÃram um sistema cujas informaÃÃes foram plenamente integradas.
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Smart Process for Automated Engineering Tasks : A case study at Volvo Group Trucks OperationsVäänänen, André January 2020 (has links)
Volvo Group Trucks Operations is a subordinate organization to the Volvo Group concern, which is one of the world's largest manufactures of trucks, buses, construction equipment, marine and industrial engines. Volvo Group Trucks Operations organization encompasses all production of the Volvo Group’s engines and transmissions as well as all production of Trucks. Volvo Group Trucks Operations is looking into digitize the methods utilized for information handling within their assembly plant in Tuve, Sweden, and this thesis project part in the digitization process. The currently used assembly work instructions at the assembly plant in Tuve are printed on paper and contains excessive amounts of information that makes it challenging for the assembly operators to consume the work instructions efficiently. Therefore, Volvo Group Truck Operations want look into the possibility to introduce dynamically adjustable and digital work instructions that could be tailor fitted to an operator's experience level and presented with smart technologies. The project is divided into two parts where the first part was assigned to identify the information need for smart process capable of generating dynamic digital work instructions and the second part to research how this information need could be satisfied with currently used simulation tools. The information needs analyses showed that the smart process needs to be divided into two sub-processes, one for gathering and processing production specific data into a fully detailed work instruction and the other one for filtering the fully detailed work instruction to tailor fit an operator independent of their skill level within assembly work. A framework containing three information aspects is stated to describe the information need for the smart process. These information aspects are Inputs, Smart process and Outputs. The information aspects are then further broken down into five required information areas that is important for the smart process functionality. The required information areas are Data, Attributes, Inputs, Instruction and Information structure and Instruction consummation. When combining the results for the information aspects and the required information areas, the framework for the smart process needed to be able to generate dynamic digital work instruction could be stated. Using the simulation software IPS IMMA to simulate a generic assembly demo case to generate and export production specific data in the human readable XML coding language showed that it is possible to satisfy the framework for the smart process. However, comparing the simulated data with the information need for the framework resulted in the discovery that the IPS IMMA version used in the project, PMTS event exporter, withholds information regarding the assembly work. The generated data provides information regarding movement distances, movement times and grip types when interacting with work objects. For the smart process to be able to generate fully detailed instructions it needs to be supplied with additional information regarding the work objects in action and directions of movements conducted during the assembly work. Despite this withhold of information from the export data, it would still be possible to fully satisfy the framework for the smart process. All the missing information is contained within the IPS IMMA hence the software needs an update that adds the additional information to the data export.
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Modeling Architecture to manage Energy, Social, and Governance (ESG) data of commercial buildingsChungath, Joseph January 2023 (has links)
A Green building is a well-managed building both in its technical and managerial senses. To achieve a Green Building standard, real estate developers should have frameworks in place to monitor and provide information regarding the sustainable aspects of the building. ESG data of a building is related to the Energy, Social, and Governance impact made by a building during its operations, and building a standardized and scalable solution to monitor this data will allow the developers to achieve a Green Building status easily. A Building Information Model is an architectural model that can be used to manage data from within a building to help provide its stakeholders with relevant data. This thesis aimed to design a BIM to manage the ESG data of a commercial building allowing the real estate developers to monitor and manage the building more sustainably with improved transparency and with the ability to make faster data-driven decisions. Action Design Research was the research strategy used to carry out the research and semi-structured interviews along with literature reviews were conducted to collect data. Thematic Analysis was done to identify themes in the collected data and the analyzed data was used to create the artifact. The artifact was then tested in the industry by gaining feedback from the industry. The thesis successfully designed an architecture model by collaborating with the industry and suggesting a universally applicable model to manage ESG data more efficiently. The model also gives importance to external software vendors and data consumers to help make the system more scalable and adaptable.
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Data Modeling for Shipboard Power SystemWu, Jian 08 May 2004 (has links)
With the improvements in computer technology, users in utilities expect to receive more advanced functions of their power system management applications by using the data distributed among computer applications. The conventional method of point-to-point interface is not efficient for building large-scale computer systems and is especially difficult for system integration. Integration efforts are carried on to facilitate software applications communicating with others. Defining the same description for a central database and exchangeable data format among applications is the first step for integration. Since current data models in the Common Information Model (CIM) are designed mostly for analyzing the terrestrial transmission power system, they are not sufficient for Shipboard Power Systems (SPS). In order to facilitate software integration in SPS, a fundamentally common semantic for SPS applications needs to be extended from the current CIM. Therefore, these analysis applications for SPS could communicate with each other based on a standard model. In this thesis, a pulsed load model is extended from CIM. This model is a general time dependent pulsed load and the simulation of pulsed railgun load validates the proposed data model. Also, stress upon the power grid caused by the pulsed load is analyzed and the continuous railgun operation is simulated. In addition, new CIM data models are built for passive and active filters to facilitate system simulation and further application. As an active filter is a device that incorporates complicated control strategies, much work focused on finding a general data model to accommodate most common active filters. Finally the simulation for active filter validates the proposed data model.
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Analysis of BIM and GIS integration: results from literature review and questionnaireRuixue, Liu, Yicheng, Zhong January 2021 (has links)
Abstract. BIM (Building Information Model) and GIS (Geographic Information System) have been rapidly developed in recent years due to their respective strengths in projects. But these two systems are totally different on focus, reference systems and data storage. With the increasing discussion about integrated BIM-GIS and technologies development, application fields, solutions and challenges are continuously updated and developed. However, the actual application of BIM and GIS integration has not been better implemented because it is restricted to certain extent by different regions, different projects and certain technical constraints. To better explore the integration of BIM and GIS, this paper reviews the development progress of BIM and GIS integration, the exiting integration methods at data level, process level and application level, and the remaining integrated challenges through the studies of 43 relevant research articles, and analyzes the actual situation of integration application through the results of questionnaire. Based on the literature review and a questionnaire, there are still technical problems in BIM-GIS integration including transformation accuracy, semantic simplification and geometric information filtering and so on, and integrated BIM-GIS is currently rarely used in the AEC industry. But due to the benefits of the integration, there is no doubt that integrated BIM-GIS system can bring significant value to the AEC industry.
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