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Archyvo informacinė sistema / Information system of archiveUdras, Pranciškus 23 June 2004 (has links)
There is analyzing problem of document ruling in the Šiauliai university archive and tools in the process of archive practice development in this master qualification work. Aim of work is analyzing action Lithuanian and foreign archives, their standard documents which have influence in the documents ruling to offer the archive information conception and ways how to integrate archive to information system. Research results show limitation of Šiauliai university document ruling (execution of document, preparation saving, timely transmission saving and gathering). It show that Šiauliai university is necessary reformation of archive practice using possibility of modern information technology. Master work has surviving practical value. Using material of research there will be offer to create undivided documents ruling system which will let to optimize saving of document and accessability for society.
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Teritorinės muitinės mokesčių informacinė sistema / Taxation information system of territorial custom offieNastajus, Jonas 05 January 2005 (has links)
In this work the main function of Panevėžys Custom Office (CO) Taxes Subdivision is studied. This function involves an accounting of paid taxes, a superintendence of payments and a control of State Tax Inspectorate (STI) includings. The main purpose of this work was to make Information System (IS), which makes registration and accounting of taxes obligations of economy subjects in CO better, improves their control and analysis, facilitates search and creation of various reports in CO. The situation of tax accounting in Panevėžys CO has been analyzed. The condition of accounting software in Panevėžys CO as well as in another four CO has been analyzed. The review of already installed and being installed IS at Custom of Lithuania was surveyed preparing this work. After the review, the structural – functional projecting method for a creation of IS has been chosen. To form and describe a conceptual model of Date Base (DB) ER modeling is used. IS was created in Microsoft Access 2003 environment. This IS preserves, stores, manages and analyses all data about economy subject’s custom procedures, paid taxes and made inclusions. This IS generates required reports. A trial version of this IS was installed in December 2002 in Utena subdivision accounting department of Panevėžys Custom Office.
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Miškų urėdijos padalinio veiklos apskaitos informacinė sistema / Information system for forestry department bookeepingŠlegeris, Rimantas 09 January 2007 (has links)
This document is a graduation paper for KTU remote master studies of Information Systems. Information system for forestry department bookeeping described in this paper uses client-server architecture. Data are stored in MS SQL server. User interface is created using Visual FoxPro. The program can be used to perform a part of bookeeping tasks of forestry department . It works either in local network or internet access to the database .
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Mokyklos lankomumo IS / Information system of school attendanceRučinskaitė - Špokevičienė, Ramunė 10 July 2008 (has links)
Edukacine prasme svarbu suvaldyti ne tik mokymosi žinias, perteikiamas mokiniui, studentui, bet ir žinias apie mokinamųjų pažangumą, lankomumą. Pastebėtina, kad perteikiamoms žinioms įvertinti naudojami įvairūs testai, testavimo programos, mokinamųjų pažangumui – elektroninės knygelės, o lankomumui – apskaitos žurnalai. Darbe apžvelgsiu jau sukurtus lankomumo žurnalus, išanalizuojant jų trūkumus ir privalumus bei pabandysiu sukurti Panevėžio Skaistakalnio pagrindinei mokyklai unitarinę, unifikuotą sistemą. Lankomumo žurnalas turėtų palengvinti statistinės analizės procesus mokyklos ir švietimo skyriaus lygmenyse, o kartu leistų laiku pastebėti be pateisinamos priežasties pamokų nelankantį vaiką bei imtis efektyvių prevencinių priemonių. / The development of information technology is best seen in the expansion of the internet. It has a huge influence on the whole humanity. Absolutely new models of business and trade, based on the internet technologies, are being created. New social services and ways of their delivery arise. Information and its management is becoming a business. In modern society of knowledge, new work places are based on new technologies, on knowledge where existing work places are changing radically. Also the principles of work management are changing, together with the requirements for the competences. In education, it is not only important to control the knowledge students are taught but also the information about their advancement and attendance. We use online tests for assessments as well as electronic gradebooks and attendance logs for the tracking of their advancement and attendance.
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Investigating and modeling traffic collision frequency and possibility for EdmontonShaheed, Gurjeet Singh Unknown Date
No description available.
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Psichofiziologinės reabilitacijos pacientų informacinės sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas / Information system of psychophysiology rehabilitation patient developing and analysisDirgėlas, Virginijus 29 May 2005 (has links)
During development of information system, we have problems to choose appropriate architecture, technologies and methods. The conception of information system, designing methods, problems, related with information system development is given in this work. There are mentioned the main security requirement for hospital information system. We analyze created system “Information system of psychophysiology rehabilitation patients”. There are mentioned the main cases why client/server architecture, new technology adaptation were selected. The comparison of methods for data interface realization: PL/SQL language written in stored procedures and query generation is given. The selected method rating - how it speed system developing and how it influence system performance are evaluated. There are given experiments, which decrease system performance by selected methods.
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A Project Management Information System with Key Performance Indicators in a Multi-Project environment - An action research with IKEA ABJakobsson, Johan, Fosse, Nora January 2014 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe how IKEA AB, works with projects today. Further, the aim is to give a suggestion on how a Project Management Information System could look like in the multi-project organization IKEA AB. In order to control and monitor, this study also includes performance measurements, in the form of KPIs, into the Project Management Information System. Background: In today’s business life many companies are a multi-project organization with several ongoing projects at the same time. By using a Project Management Information System organizations are able to monitor, control and support projects. IKEA AB described having a set project methodology, but that project managers often work in their own way, and that this lead to a problem with monitoring and supporting project. Methodology: The methodological approach in the study is action research. The contacts and interviews were conducted thru a semi-structured approach with people related to projects in different ways, project managers and management board members. Findings: The findings of the study are that projects at IKEA AB are not conducted in a cohesive way. The suggestion for a Project Management Information System at IKEA AB containing of several parts; the system need to include a project plan, KPIs to monitor cost, time and resources, and project members feelings needed to be monitored during execution. The information also needed to be presented in two separate dashboards to deliver the right information to the right person.
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Ligand-based Methods for Data Management and ModellingAlvarsson, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Drug discovery is a complicated and expensive process in the billion dollar range. One way of making the drug development process more efficient is better information handling, modelling and visualisation. The majority of todays drugs are small molecules, which interact with drug targets to cause an effect. Since the 1980s large amounts of compounds have been systematically tested by robots in so called high-throughput screening. Ligand-based drug discovery is based on modelling drug molecules. In the field known as Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship (QSAR) molecules are described by molecular descriptors which are used for building mathematical models. Based on these models molecular properties can be predicted and using the molecular descriptors molecules can be compared for, e.g., similarity. Bioclipse is a workbench for the life sciences which provides ligand-based tools through a point and click interface. The aims of this thesis were to research, and develop new or improved ligand-based methods and open source software, and to work towards making these tools available for users through the Bioclipse workbench. To this end, a series of molecular signature studies was done and various Bioclipse plugins were developed. An introduction to the field is provided in the thesis summary which is followed by five research papers. Paper I describes the Bioclipse 2 software and the Bioclipse scripting language. In Paper II the laboratory information system Brunn for supporting work with dose-response studies on microtiter plates is described. In Paper III the creation of a molecular fingerprint based on the molecular signature descriptor is presented and the new fingerprints are evaluated for target prediction and found to perform on par with industrial standard commercial molecular fingerprints. In Paper IV the effect of different parameter choices when using the signature fingerprint together with support vector machines (SVM) using the radial basis function (RBF) kernel is explored and reasonable default values are found. In Paper V the performance of SVM based QSAR using large datasets with the molecular signature descriptor is studied, and a QSAR model based on 1.2 million substances is created and made available from the Bioclipse workbench.
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Outlining benefits and barriers for employing four types of information system in fourth-party logisticsZhang, Li, Kong, Yanjun January 2014 (has links)
This paper examines the process of employing four kinds of information systems in fourth-party logistics. The paper mainly tries to answer research questions: what is fourth-party logistics and information systems; what are benefits and barriers for using four kinds of information systems (RFID, WMS, EDI, Electronic marketplace) with the help of fourth-party logistics; what are unique benefits and barriers for fourth-party logistics to employ the four kinds of information systems and how to overcome the difficulties. To answer the research question, qualitative case study approach was employed and two case companies were chosen. Information in literature review was collected from secondary data for example scientific paper. Information in findings was collected from interviews of people in charge of the project and internal reports. Definitions of fourth-party logistics and information system were reviewed in literature review. The differences between fourth-party logistics and third-party logistics were presented as well. In addition, categorization of various kinds of advanced information systems was also listed. Benefits and barriers organized from literature and case studies were gathered and compared in discussion. Two significant benefits were identified: opportunities to do businesses with leading companies and improved efficiency. Two main barriers are confusion of the concept of fourth-party logistics and terminology of information system and financial justification. There are different opinions between the two case companies, literature review and empirical data, and between different literature. The paper concluded that there are many benefits and barriers for employing the four kinds of information systems in fourth-party logistics, and the future development of it is promising.
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MolabIS: A Labs Backbone for Storing, Managing and Evaluating Molecular Genetics DataTruong, Van Chi Cong 13 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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