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Divine perfection and human potentiality : trinitarian anthropology in Hilary of Poitiers' De TrinitateMercer, Jarred A. January 2015 (has links)
No figure of fourth-century Christianity seems to be at once so well known and so clouded in mystery as Hilary of Poitiers. His work as an historian provides invaluable knowledge of the mid-fourth century, and he was praised as a theologian throughout late antiquity. Today, however, discussions of his theology are founded upon less solid ground. This is largely due to methodological issues. Modern scholarship has often read Hilary through anachronistic historical and theological categories which have rendered his thought incomprehensible. Recent scholars have sought to overcome this and to reexamine Hilary within his own historical, polemical, and theological context. Much remains to be said, however, in regard to Hilary's actual theological contribution within these contextual parameters. This thesis contends that in all of Hilary's polemical and constructive argumentation in De Trinitate, which is essentially trinitarian, he is inherently and necessarily developing an anthropology. In all he says about the divine, he is saying as much about what it means to be human. This thesis therefore seeks to reenvision Hilary's overall theological project in terms of the continual, and for him necessary, anthropological corollary of trinitarian theology-to reframe it in terms of a 'trinitarian anthropology'. My contention is that the coherence of Hilary's thought depends upon his understanding of divine-human relations. I will demonstrate this through following Hilary's main lines of trinitarian argument, out of which flows his anthropological vision. These main lines of argument, namely, divine generation, divine infinity, divine unity, the divine image, and divine humanity, each unfold into a progressive picture of humanity from potentiality to perfection. This not only provides a new paradigm for understanding Hilary's own thought, but invites us to reexamine our approach to fourth-century theology entirely, as it disavows any reading of the trinitarian controversies in conceptual abstraction. Further, theological and religious anthropology are widely discussed in contemporary scholarship, and Hilary's profound exploration of divine-human relations, and what it means to be a human being as a result, has much to offer both historical and contemporary concerns.
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Aristotle's Poetics in Renaissance EnglandLazarus, Micha David Swade January 2013 (has links)
This thesis brings to light evidence for the circulation and first-hand reception of Aristotle's Poetics in sixteenth-century England. Though the Poetics upended literary thinking on the Continent in the period, it has long been considered either unavailable in England, linguistically inaccessible to the Greekless English, or thoroughly mediated for English readers by Italian criticism. This thesis revisits the evidentiary basis for each of these claims in turn. A survey of surviving English booklists and library catalogues, set against the work's comprehensive sixteenth-century print-history, demonstrates that the Poetics was owned by and readily accessible to interested readers; two appendices list verifiable and probable owners of the Poetics respectively. Detailed philological analysis of passages from Sir Philip Sidney’s Defence of Poesie proves that he translated directly from the Greek; his and his contemporaries' reading methods indicate the text circulated bilingually as standard. Nor was Sidney’s polyglot access unusual in literary circles: re-examination of the history of Greek education in sixteenth-century England indicates that Greek literacy was higher and more widespread than traditional histories of scholarship have allowed. On the question of mediation, a critical historiography makes clear that the inherited assumption of English reliance on Italian intermediaries for classical criticism has drifted far from the primary evidence. Under these reconstituted historical conditions, some of the outstanding episodes in the sixteenth-century English reception of the Poetics from John Cheke and Roger Ascham in the 1540s to Sidney and John Harington in the 1580s and 1590s are reconsidered as articulate evidence of reading, thinking about, and responding to Aristotle's defining contribution to Renaissance literary thought.
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“Art had almost left them:” Les Cenelles Society of Arts and Letters, The Dillard Project, and the Legacy of Afro-Creole Arts in New OrleansWood, Derek 13 May 2016 (has links)
In 1942, in New Orleans a group of intellectual and artistic African-Americans, led by Marcus B. Christian, formed an art club named Les Cenelles Society of Arts and Letters. Les Cenelles members both looked to New Orleans’s Afro-Creole population as the pinnacle of African American artistic achievements and used their example as a model for artists who sought to effect social change. Many of the members of Les Cenelles wrote for the Louisiana Federal Writers’ Program (FWP). A key strategy the members of Les Cenelles used to accomplish their goals was gaining the support of white civic leaders, in particular Lyle Saxon. Christian and Saxon’s relationship was unusual in the 1940s Jim Crow era in the sense that it was built upon mutual respect and admiration. This thesis examines both the efforts of Les Cenelles and the black division of the FWP, as well as Christian and Saxon’s relationship.
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Georges Canguilhem: combates pela história das ciências / Georges Canguilhem: combats for history of scienceAlmeida, Tiago Santos 30 September 2016 (has links)
Propomos uma investigação simultaneamente histórica e epistemológica dos trabalhos de Georges Canguilhem, buscando alargar e aprofundar nossa compreensão dos critérios que determinam tanto a escolha dos objetos, quanto os métodos de investigação e regras para a escrita da história das ciências. Essa investigação é reforçada por uma reconstrução dos debates intelectuais nos quais Canguilhem esteve envolvido ao longo da sua carreira acadêmica, debates que conduziram a verdadeiras reviravoltas na elaboração do seu pensamento. Assim, essa pesquisa trata da formação acidentada de um pensamento e de uma obra preocupada com a elaboração de uma teoria da História das Ciências a partir da superação da falsa dicotomia entre internalismo e externalismo. / We propose a simultaneously historical and epistemological exploration of Georges Canguilhems work, seeking to broaden and deepen our understanding of the criteria that determine both how objects of study are chosen, and how the investigative methods and rules for writing the history of the sciences are defined. This exploration is further supported by a reconstruction of the intellectual debates in which Canguilhem became involved over the course of his academic career, leading to various twists and turns in his thought. Hence the project involves an inquiry into the eventful formation of a body of thought of key importance to the general theory of the History of Science, seeking to move beyond the dichotomy between internalism and externalism.
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A astronomia das constelações humanas. Reflexões sobre o pensamento de Claude Lévi-Strauss e a História / The astronomy of human constellations. Reflections on Claude Lévi-Strauss thought and HistoryIegelski, Francine 27 April 2012 (has links)
A importância da obra de Claude Lévi-Strauss renasce nas ciências humanas meio século após seu apogeu inicial, a época de ouro do estruturalismo dos anos 1960. O estruturalismo foi um capítulo importante da história intelectual francesa do século XX, com grandes repercussões na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, mas também no Brasil. Na França, trabalhos recentes de comentadores de diversas áreas fazem um balanço e uma retomada crítica dos temas e problemas estudados pela antropologia estrutural. Na historiografia francesa contemporânea, o pensamento de Lévi-Strauss serve como referência para a formulação de noções teóricas aplicadas aos estudos históricos a exemplo da noção de regimes de historicidade, concebida por François Hartog. Nosso trabalho se inscreve nesse novo momento da história da recepção das ideias da antropologia estrutural, em que os trabalhos de Lévi-Strauss são retomados e repensados à luz de novos problemas. A tese examina o lugar (ou, mais propriamente, os lugares) que ocupa a história no pensamento de Lévi-Strauss. Partindo da ideia de que existe uma relação de complementaridade entre os estudos históricos e etnológicos, Lévi-Strauss visava superar as aporias que sempre dominaram as análises nas ciências humanas e sociais: aquelas existentes entre as noções de estrutura e acontecimento, sincronia e diacronia, sistema e transformação. A tarefa principal desse estudo é oferecer uma interpretação de como a história se apresentava ao horizonte lévistraussiano. Assim, esperamos poder traçar algumas contribuições importantes da antropologia estrutural para o conhecimento histórico. / Claude Levi-Strauss work is reborn to the human sciences half a century after its initial height, the golden age of structuralism in the 1960s. Structuralism is an important chapter in the contemporary French intellectual history and the thought of Levi-Strauss had major repercussions in Europe and the United States, but also in Brazil. In France, recent works of authors from different areas review and make a critical appropriation of subjects and issues studied by structural anthropology. In contemporary French historiography, the thought of Levi-Strauss serves as a reference for the formulation of theoretical notions applied to historical studies - such as the notion of regimes of historicity, proposed by François Hartog. Our work inscribes itself in this new moment in the reception history of structural anthropology, in which the works of Levi-Strauss are reviewed and re-appropriated in the light of new problems. The thesis examines the place (or, rather, places) occupied by history at the thought of Levi-Strauss. Starting from the idea that there is a complementary relationship between historical and ethnological studies, Levi-Strauss sought to overcome the aporias that have always dominated the analysis in the humanities and social sciences, i. e., the aporias that rose among the notions of structure and event, synchrony and diachrony, system and transformation. The main tasks of this study are to provide an interpretation of how history rises in the horizon of Lévi-Strauss work and point out some important contributions of structural anthropology to the historical knowledge.
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Trajetórias intelectuais: professoras do Curso de Ciências Sociais da FFCL-USP (1934-1969) / Trajectories intellectuals: teachers of the Course of Social Sciences FFCL-USP (1934-1969)Spirandelli, Claudinei Carlos 16 February 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho, cujo objetivo principal é interpretar sociologicamente a atuação de produtores da chamada ciência social uspiana, investiga aspectos da trajetória intelectual de algumas professoras do Curso de Ciências Sociais da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, da Universidade de São Paulo, examinando disputas simbólicas típicas de grupos intelectuais e voltadas para a conquista da afirmação acadêmica nas Cátedras do Curso. Tais disputas seriam inerentes à busca de afirmação, poder e legitimação, por parte dos cientistas sociais em geral, e corresponderiam a clivagens que são analisadas a partir das origens sociais dessas professoras e das relações de sociabilidade em que elas se enredavam. O autor mostra que tais origens e relações teriam interferido na carreira delas (posições, cargos, títulos conquistados e obras produzidas). Ele usa como referenciais teóricos, principalmente, obras de Pierre Bourdieu e de Norbert Elias, e se vale de textos biográficos, autobiográficos, depoimentos, entrevistas, memoriais e cartas. O trabalho se insere no âmbito dos estudos da sociologia da cultura, mais especificamente na chamada história intelectual ou sociologia da vida intelectual. / This paper, whose principal objective are make a sociological interpretation about the actuation of productors of Social Sciences from USP, research aspects of the intellectual trajectories of female professors from the Socials Science course of Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, of the Universidade de São Paulo, inquire symbolic arguments typical of intellectual groups and with the intention obtaining academic affirmation in the Cathedras of this Course. In addition, such arguments matches would be inherent in the search of affirmations, power and legitimation, by social scientists in general, and they would correspond to cleavages that are analyzed starting from the social origins of these female professors and from the sociability relationship in which they are entangled. The author shows which these origins and relationships would have been interferenced in their careers (positions, achieved titles and produced works). He uses like theoretical references, mainly, works of Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias, and to have recourse of biographical and autobiographical texts, testimonies, interviews, memorials and letters. The paper is inserting in the environment of studies of sociology of culture, more specifically in the called intellectual history or intellectual life sociology.
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Jaime Cortesão, trajetória intelectual e projeto historiográfico (1910-1960) / Jaime Cortesão, intellectual trajectory and historiographic project (1910-1960)Peruzzo, Eduardo Holderle 29 May 2018 (has links)
Filho precoce do modernismo lusitano, Jaime Cortesão (1884-1960) surge no cenário contemporâneo investindo-se de um papel já típico da modernidade, a figura do intelectual. Tendo originalmente se formado em Medicina e com significativa inserção no meio literário da época, fora, todavia, à História que dedicou maior parte de sua vida. Seus trabalhos acerca do Portugal medieval e moderno, expansão territorial, colonização, entre outros temas, contribuíram para dar uma orientação atlântica e visão de conjunto do império marítimo português. A pesquisa pretende reconstituir aspectos de sua entrada na vida cultural e política portuguesa sob o advento da I República, em 1910. Explorando, para tanto, componentes de sua trajetória pessoal e seu combate a uma visão positivista/naturalista da figura do gênio histórico. O que culmina em destacada participação no grupo Seara Nova e consequente engajamento nas forças de oposição à Ditadura e ao Estado Novo portugueses. Retomando sua produção inicial busca-se compreender o sentido de seu projeto historiográfico que tinha por intuito restituir a consciência nacional, destacando os recursos mobilizados pelo autor frente a institucionalização da História, enquanto campo disciplinar. Procurando, por fim, elucidar como a aproximação com as demais ciências sociais, algumas tendências da historiografia contemporânea e, sobretudo, a incorporação da Geografia, viriam compor seu saber e fazer historiográficos. Elementos que alcançam sua obra da maturidade, revelando também uma interpretação única da formação do Brasil, proveniente ainda de seu largo período de exílio e intercâmbio intelectual neste país. / Precocious son of Portuguese modernism, Jaime Cortesão (1884- 1960) appears in the contemporary scenery assuming a typical role inside the modernity, the intellectual figure. In spite of graduating in Medicine firstly and with a distinguished insertion on the literary environment of his time, he dedicated most of his life to Historical studies. His works regarding medieval and modern Portugal, territorial expansion, colonization, among others subjects, have contributed to an Atlantic view and a global perspective of the Portuguese Seaborn Empire. This study aims to reconstruct some aspects of his entrance in Portuguese cultural life and politics during the rise of the First Republic in 1910, exploring components of Cortesão\'s personal trajectory and his fight against a positivist/naturalist view of the historic genius figure. Which has culminated in his distinctive participation of the Seara Nova group and consequent activism in the resistance against Portuguese Dictatorship and Salazar\'s Government. Then, his initial production is recapitulated in order to understand the meaning of his historiographic project which aimed the restoring of a national consciousness, highlighting the main resources mobilized by the author forward the institutionalization of History, as a disciplinary field. Thus, this study aims to elucidate how the approximation with other social studies, some trends of contemporary historiography, and, mostly, Geographys incorporation, would add to his historiographical knowledge and making. These elements would culminate in his work of maturity and so revealing an unique interpretation of making of Brazil, also result of his long period of exile and intellectual exchange in this country.
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Milagre acadêmico: a institucionalização das ciências sociais brasileiras (1964-1985) / Academic Miracle: the institutionalization of the Brazilian social sciences (1964-1985)Adriana Naomi Leite 12 December 2014 (has links)
O trabalho que se segue buscará analisar o processo de institucionalização das ciências sociais brasileiras durante o período de 1964-1985. Entendendo essa fase como um momento de notável expansão desse campo de conhecimento no Brasil, a pesquisa analisará diferentes dimensões desse processo, atenta aos novos projetos acadêmicos empreendidos, às lideranças consolidadas, assim como aos debates de maior destaque promovidos durante o período. Analisando institutos de pesquisa, programas de pósgraduação, assim como a própria Universidade de São Paulo, a dissertação oferece um panorama dessa etapa do desenvolvimento das ciências sociais brasileiras. / The following research aims to analyze the process of institutionalization of the social sciences in Brazil during the period 1964-1985. Understanding this phase as a time of significant expansion of this field of knowledge in Brazil, the research will examine different dimensions of this process, attentive to new academic projects undertaken, consolidated leadership, as well as the most prominent debates promoted during the period. Analyzing research institutes, graduate programs, as well as his own University of São Paulo, the dissertation provides an overview of this stage of development of the Brazilian social sciences.
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Ciência moderna e newtonianismo no projeto pedagógico de Luís António Verney / Modern Science and newtonianism in the educational project of Luís António VerneyOliveira, Daniel de Lara 29 August 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa a recepção das ideias de Isaac Newton que está expressa na obra do português Luís António Verney (1713 1792). Trata-se de um estudo de caso sobre o newtonianismo, fenômeno histórico da cultura iluminista, realizado aqui a partir de uma investigação acerca da compreensão conceitual da filosofia natural de Newton a que chegou Verney, bem como de algumas das intenções deste autor ao adotar determinadas concepções da ciência moderna e aplicá-las em seu projeto pedagógico, voltado a uma reforma no sistema de ensino português. As análises do texto de Verney estão problematizadas a partir de questões em torno do empirismo, do instrumental matemático e da concepção mecanicista de natureza, buscando avaliar suas respectivas relações com a física de Newton, e assim melhor conhecer as concepções que operavam nos seguintes intentos de Verney: afastar a influência dos jesuítas sobre a educação em Portugal, evitar as possíveis contradições entre sua fé católica e as concepções da filosofia natural moderna e, finalmente, adotar uma física que a ele se apresentava como muito promissora para o desenvolvimento econômico do reino. / This research analyzes the reception of Isaac Newtons ideas which is expressed in the work of the Portuguese Luís António Verney (1713-1792). This is a case study on the Newtonianism, historical phenomenon of the Enlightenment culture, held here from an investigation of the conceptual understanding of Newton\'s natural philosophy reached by Verney, as well as some of the authors intentions to adopt certain modern science concepts and apply them in his educational project, aimed at a reform in the Portuguese education system. The analysis of Verneys text are problematized from issues of the empiricism, the mathematical tools and the mechanistic conception of nature, seeking to evaluate their relationships with Newtonian physics. Then, to understand deeply the concepts which worked in the following attempts to Verney: repel the influence of Jesuits on Portuguese education, avoid the possible contradictions between his Catholic faith and modern conceptions of natural philosophy and, eventually, embrace a physics which had presented to him as very promising for the kingdoms economic development.
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Leopold von Ranke e a Questão Oriental: o caso d\' A Revolução Sérvia (1829-1879) / Leopold von Ranke and the Eastern Question: the Case of the Serbian Revolution (1829-1879)Moreira, Viviane Venancio 25 August 2014 (has links)
Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886), considerado um dos mais importantes historiadores do século XIX e de toda a história da historiografia, produziu prolificamente durante toda sua carreira profissional, tendo como um de seus principais objetos de estudos a formação das nações ocidentais modernas e sendo conhecido por sua abordagem metodológica da História. Mas seu trabalho também pode ser uma fonte considerável de novos temas e interpretação, especialmente quando seus trabalhos menos conhecidos são tomados em consideração. A presente pesquisa analisa um tema ainda pouco explorado no trabalho de Ranke, ou seja, a posição desse historiador em relação aos grupos orientais através da interpretação das três edições (1829, 1844 e 1879) do seu livro A Revolução Sérvia (Die serbische Geschichte). Algumas características desses textos merecem destaque: 1) o período de cinquenta anos no qual Ranke trabalhou o texto torna possível o estudo do desenvolvimento de suas ideias; 2) trata-se do estudo de um tema contemporâneo, o que significa que Ranke a escreveu enquanto as ações que estudava ainda faziam parte do presente; 3) a obra tem caráter colaborativo, já que foi concebida pela união de Ranke e do Círculo Eslavo de Viena; 4) a forma com que Ranke descreveu os povos orientais (turco e sérvio) aponta para a relação entre essas noções e uma série de representações do Oriente, as quais estavam conectadas com ideias românticas bastante difundidas / Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886), considered one of the most important historians of the 19th century and of the whole history of historiography, produced prolifically during his entire professional carrier, having as one of his main objects the of study the formation of the Western Modern Nations and being famous for his historical methodological approach. But his work can also be a considerable source of new themes and new interpretations, especially when his less known books such as The Ottoman and the Spanish empires in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries or The Serbian Revolution are taken under consideration. This research analyses a theme somewhat yet to be explored in Rankes work, that is to say, the position of this historian in respect of oriental groups through the interpretation of the three editions (1829, 1844 and 1879) of his book The Serbian Revolution (Die serbische Geschichte). Some characteristics of this works deserve highlight: 1) the period of fifty years in which Ranke retook the text makes it possible to study the development of his ideas; 2) it is about the study of a contemporary theme, which means that Ranke wrote while the actions he studied still were part of the present; 3) the work has a collaborative nature, which was conceived by the union of Ranke and the Viennese Slavonian Circle; 4) the way Ranke described the eastern people (Turkish and Serbian) indicates the relation between these notions and a series of representations of the East, which were connected to widespread Romanticist ideas
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