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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prazer e sofrimento no trabalho bancário : um olhar sobre o gestor intermediário

Mattos, Elisangela Carpenedo de January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho propôs a estudar as articulações entre saúde mental e trabalho, mais especificamente a dinâmica prazer-sofrimento bancário dos trabalhadores que ocupam cargo de gestores intermediários em um banco estatal, localizado no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em agências diversas, de diferentes cidades. Fundamenta-se na importância de estudar as experiências relacionadas ao prazer e o sofrimento no trabalho, assim como, no significado do trabalho de gestão, além de interessar-se em investigar se gestores com tempos diferentes no cargo percebem de forma diferente o prazer e o sofrimento relacionado ao trabalho. Isto porque temos poucos estudos que visam aprofundar conhecimentos acerca destes gestores intermediários. Nossa pesquisa fundamenta-se nos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da Clínica em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. O método qualitativo foi utilizado, realizando-se entrevistas individuais, semiestruturadas com gestores intermediários. Com relação as fontes de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho destes gestores intermediários, nossos estudos apontaram que as vivências de prazer podem ser relacionadas à satisfação em resolver os problemas dos clientes. No que diz respeito ao sofrimento, este foi relacionado a excessiva cobrança de metas, consideradas inatingíveis, intensificado pela existência de avaliações individuais, e estas, sendo objetivas, desconsideram esforço empregado para realizar uma tarefa, o que causa frustração. O volume de serviço excessivo também é mencionado como causador de desconforto, além do sofrimento ético, que coloca o trabalhador em um dilema moral, ao não saber se atende aos desígnios da empresa ou as necessidades dos clientes. Esses fatores que provocam sofrimento, muitas vezes, podem culminar no adoecimento do trabalhador. Os fatores identificados ora como fontes de sofrimento, ora como fontes de prazer, foram: o reconhecimento, a sensação de estabilidade e a quantofrenia. No que diz respeito as estratégias defensivas utilizadas pelos trabalhadores para manterem-se trabalhando, as possíveis de serem detectadas foram: a negação, a racionalização, repensar a escolha e não realizar a reflexão. Todas elas objetivam proteger a saúde mental do trabalhador contra a descompensação, porém não modificam a organização do trabalho. O eixo significado do trabalho de gestão nos mostrou que, os gestores entrevistados têm vigorosamente interiorizadas as diretrizes da organização, por conta disto, seu trabalho é essencialmente centrado na tarefa. Há casos mais raros, nos quais o sentido do trabalho está ligado aos valores relativos à construção de identidade, reconhecimento e relacionamento interpessoal, além daqueles de dupla racionalidade, entretanto, entendemos que a racionalidade instrumental ainda se sobrepõe. Portanto, não causa espanto o aparecimento de inúmeras vivências relacionadas ao sofrimento no trabalho, visto a satisfação estar mais intimamente relacionada ao caráter subjetivo daquele. Dentre os achados mais relevantes neste estudo, consideramos a relação entre uma maior adesão à cultura do management, com estratégias defensivas mais efetivas, permitindo aos trabalhadores continuar trabalhando. Por outro lado, a baixa adesão a estes novos modelos satura as defesas, ocasionando mais vivências de sofrimento e, mesmo o risco de adoecimento. / This work aims to study the links between mental health and work, more specifically the banking dynamics pleasure-suffering occupying position of middle managers in a state bank, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in different agencies, different cities. It is based on the importance of studying the experiences related to pleasure and suffering at work, as well as the significance of management work, as well as interest in investigating whether managers with different times in office perceive differently the pleasure and suffering work-related. This is because few studies have aimed to deepen knowledge about these middle managers. Our research is based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the Clinic for work psychodynamics. The qualitative method was used, carrying out semistructured individual interviews with middle managers. With regard to pleasure and pain sources in the work of these middle managers, our studies indicated that the experiences of pleasure can be related to satisfaction in solving customer problems. With regard to suffering, this was related to overcharging goals, considered unattainable, intensified by the existence of individual assessments, and these are objective, disregard effort employed to perform a task, which causes frustration. The excessive volume of service is also mentioned as causing discomfort, beyond the ethical suffering, that puts the worker in a moral dilemma, not knowing whether to meet the company designs, or customer needs. These factors that cause suffering, can often culminate in worker illness. The factors identified either as sources of suffering, either as sources of pleasure, were: recognition, sense of stability and quantofrenia. With regard to defensive strategies used by workers to keep yourself working, possible to detect been denial, rationalization, rethink the choice not to bring about reflection. We design all of them as defense strategies and health, aimed at protecting the mental health of the worker against decompensation, but do not change the organization of work. The axis meaning the management work has shown us that the managers interviewed, has strongly internalized the guidelines of the organization, because of this, his work is mainly focused on the task. There are rare cases in which the meaning of work is linked to values relating to the construction of identity, recognition and interpersonal skills in addition to those of dual rationality, however we understand that the instrumental rationality still overlaps. So do not astonishes the appearance of numerous experiences related to suffering at work, as the satisfaction be more closely related to the subjective nature of that. Among the most important findings in this study, we consider the relationship between greater adherence to the management culture with more effective defensive strategies allowing workers to continue working. On the other hand, the low adherence to these new models, saturate the defenses, causing more experiences of suffering, and even the risk of illness.

Tutela de urgência na homologação de sentença estrangeira / Interim protection and provisional measures in the recognition of foreign judgments

Ricardo Fontes Perin 18 August 2005 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo a análise jurídica e a demonstração do cabimento da tutela de urgência na homologação da sentença estrangeira. Para alcançá-lo estuda a homologação de sentença estrangeira, a tutela de urgência em suas modalidades de tutela cautelar e tutela antecipada, nesta incluída a tutela específica das obrigações de fazer ou não fazer e de entrega de coisa e analisa precedentes jurisprudenciais do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre o tema. O estudo sinaliza a importância do assunto e critica as decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal que negaram a tutela de urgência em procedimentos de homologação de sentenças estrangeiras. O fundamento constitucional da tutela de urgência no princípio do acesso à justiça, compreendido em seu sentido de efetividade da jurisdição, desponta como um dos dois argumentos nucleares da posição defendida na dissertação. Considera o trabalho que este princípio constitui um dos princípios gerais de direito comuns a todos os Estados civilizados. Por outro lado, a análise da natureza jurídica constitutivo-integrativa da sentença na ação de homologação, bem como o efeito que possui a sentença estrangeira de fazer nascer a pretensão à homologação proporcionam uma interpretação do artigo 483 do Código de Processo Civil compatível com a tutela de urgência, emergindo como o segundo argumento principal da dissertação. Na conclusão elabora-se a síntese da argumentação demonstrativa da posição assumida na dissertação. / This dissertation aims to present the juridical analysis and the admissibility of interim protection and provisional measures in the recognition of foreign judgments. In order achieve its ends, it studies the recognition of foreign judgments, interim protection and provisional measures, including its application to the obligations to do or not to do a specific thing and to deliver a certain thing, and it analyses the decisions of the Federal Supreme Court on the subject. The work highlights the importance of the issue and criticizes the precedents of the Supreme Court that did not grant interim protection and provisional measures in the recognition of foreign judgments. Interim protection and provisional measures are based in the constitutional principle of access to justice, in its meaning of the effective rendering of judgment. This is the first core argument of the thesis that this dissertation defends, as this principle is one of those general principles of law recognized in all civilized States. On the other hand, the analysis of the constitutive and integrative nature of the final judgment in the recognition of foreign judgment, together with the effect of the foreign judgment of the right of action to its recognition render an interpretation of article 483 of the Code of Civil Procedure compatible with interim protection and provisional measures. This is the second core argument of this dissertation. The conclusion of the work provides a summary of the arguments that sustain the position that it defends.

Suivi de l'évapotranspiration des cultures irriguées du Sud de la Méditerranée par télédétection multi-capteurs et modélisation globale / Monitoring of evapotranspiration over irrigated crops in the South Mediterranean region using multi-sensor remote sensing observations and global modeling

Diarra, Alhousseine 20 December 2017 (has links)
Avec la pression croissante sur les ressources en eau accentuée par la menace des changementsglobaux, l'agriculture irriguée, surtout dans les régions semi-arides, se trouve confrontée à denouvelles exigences. Une gestion optimale des ressources en eau est indispensable dans les périmètresirrigués afin d'éviter à la fois l'irrigation excessive et le stress hydrique dommageable aux cultures.Dans ce contexte, proposer un outil simple, parcimonieux et robuste, facile à mettre en placepermettant de suivre le besoin réel en eau des cultures, à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles,permettrait d’apporter un indicateur tangible quant à l’efficience de l’irrigation dans les périmètresirrigués. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d’évaluer et d’adapter plusieurs outils de suivi del’évapotranspiration des cultures irriguées de l’échelle parcellaire à l’échelle régionale par l’utilisationde la télédétection multi-capteurs et multi-résolution. Notre zone d’étude est le bassin versant duTensift au Maroc, objet d’étude du LMI TREMA (Jarlan et al., 2015) et support de l’observatoireTensift. Nous avons identifié 3 outils : un modèle de bilan d’énergie de surface (TSEB ; Norman et al.,1995) piloté par une observation de température radiométrique qui renseigne indirectement sur l’étathydrique de surface ; l’approche à coefficient cultural double de la FAO-56 (Allen et al., 1998) quiprédit l’état hydrique de surface par la résolution d’un bilan hydrique mais nécessite en contre-partiede connaître précisément les apports d’eau, grandeur très incertaine sur les périmètres irrigués àl’échelle parcellaire ; la modélisation globale qui, par opposition aux deux autres, est une approcheautonome ne nécessitant aucun forçage externe. Dans un premier temps, la confrontation dessimulations du modèle TSEB à un ensemble de mesures expérimentales recueillies à l’échelleparcellaire durant 2 saisons agricoles ainsi qu’à l’approche FAO-56 préalablement calibrée sur lesprincipales cultures de notre région d’étude sur la base de travaux antérieurs a permis de montrer que :- le modèle TSEB est très robuste et offre des performances acceptables pour la prédiction del’évapotranspiration (RMSE < 1mm/jour sur 4 sites lors de deux saisons agricoles) ; - les bonnescapacités de cet outil pour la détection de stress hydrique ; - une bonne aptitude également àpartitionner l’évapotranspiration entre évaporation du sol et transpiration de la plante. Dans un 2èmetemps, nous avons évalué les capacités prédictives d’un modèle global que nous avons développé surla base d’une série temporelle d’évapotranspiration observée sur le terrain. La modélisation globale estbasée sur la théorie des systèmes dynamique non-linéaire. Si elle ne possède pas les capacitésexplicatives des modèles mécanistes évoqués ci-dessus, peut être une bonne alternative pour laprévision de l’évapotranspiration. L’analyse de l’horizon de prévisibilité du modèle global que nousavons obtenu montre un intérêt limité pour les agriculteurs ou les gestionnaires puisque cet horizonn’excède pas 3h. Néanmoins, cette approche, très originale dans ce contexte, reste particulièrementséduisante et ouvre plusieurs perspectives. Enfin, nous avons développé un prototype « tout satellite »,basé sur le modèle TSEB et qui utilise uniquement les produits gratuits MODIS et les ré-analysesERA-Interim, pour le suivi spatialisée et à long terme de la consommation en eau des cultures dans lebassin versant du Tensift. Après une évaluation des forçages ERA-Interim, nous avons évalué laperformance du prototype par (1) confrontation des prédictions des composantes du bilan d’énergieaux données expérimentales de l’observation Tensift et (2) confrontation de la consommationmensuelle prédite au niveau des principaux périmètres irrigués de la région aux apports d’eaumensuels fournis par l’office régional qui gère ces périmètres... / With the increasing pressure on water resources accentuated by the climate change threat, irrigated agriculture, especially in semi-arid zone, faced more challenges. Optimal management of water resources is essential in irrigated areas in order to avoid both excessive irrigation and water stress that is harmful to the growth of crops. In this context, proposing a simple, parsimonious and robust, easyto- use tool for monitoring the crop water requirement at different spatial and temporal scales would provide a tangible indicator of irrigation efficiency over irrigated perimeters. This thesis aims to evaluate and adapt several tools for monitoring the evapotranspiration of irrigated crops from the plot scale to the regional scale through the use of multi-sensor and multi-resolution remote sensing observations. Our study area is the Tensift watershed in Morocco, studied by LMI TREMA (Jarlan et al., 2015) and supported by the Tensift observatory. We identified 3 tools: a surface energy balance model (TSEB; Norman et al., 1995) driven by a radiometric temperature observation that provides indirect information on surface water status; the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach predicts the hydric status by computing the water balance but requires the know precisely the water input, very difficult to obtain on the plot scale of irrigated perimeters ; global modeling which, as opposed to the first two, is an autonomous approach requiring no external forcing. Firstly, the comparison of the TSEB model simulations with a set of experimental measurements collected on a plot scale during 2 consecutive agricultural seasons and with the results of the calibrated FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach has shown that : - the TSEB model is very robust and offers acceptable performance for the prediction of evapotranspiration (RMSE <1mm / day during the two agricultural seasons); - a good capabilities of TSEB model for detection water stress; - a good ability also to partition the evapotranspiration between evaporation of the soil and transpiration of the plant. In the second step, we evaluated the predictive capacities of a global model that we developed on the basis of a time series of evapotranspiration observed in the field. Global modeling is based on the theory of the nonlinear dynamic systems theory. If it does not have the explanatory capabilities of the mechanistic models mentioned above, it may be a good alternative for predicting evapotranspiration. The analysis of the horizon of predictability of the global model that we obtained shows a limited interest for the farmers or the managers since this horizon does not exceed 3h. Nevertheless, this approach, very original in this context, remains particularly attractive and opens perspectives. Finally, we have developed a prototype, based on the TSEB model and using only MODIS free products and ERAInterim reanalyses, for monitoring evapotranspiration at Tensift watershed scale and over long periods. After an evaluation of the ERA-Interim products, we evaluated the prototype performance by (1) comparing the predictions of the energy balance components to the experimental data from Tensift observatory and (2) comparing the predicted monthly consumption at the main irrigated perimeters of the region with monthly water supplies provided by the regional office which manages these perimeters. Thus, there is a strong overestimation (almost a factor of 2) of the water consumed compared to the inflow of water, which could be related to the high number of boreholes in the region. This work and the tools developed opens perspectives for piloting and managing agricultural water in semi-arid regions.

Tutela de urgência na homologação de sentença estrangeira / Interim protection and provisional measures in the recognition of foreign judgments

Ricardo Fontes Perin 18 August 2005 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo a análise jurídica e a demonstração do cabimento da tutela de urgência na homologação da sentença estrangeira. Para alcançá-lo estuda a homologação de sentença estrangeira, a tutela de urgência em suas modalidades de tutela cautelar e tutela antecipada, nesta incluída a tutela específica das obrigações de fazer ou não fazer e de entrega de coisa e analisa precedentes jurisprudenciais do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre o tema. O estudo sinaliza a importância do assunto e critica as decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal que negaram a tutela de urgência em procedimentos de homologação de sentenças estrangeiras. O fundamento constitucional da tutela de urgência no princípio do acesso à justiça, compreendido em seu sentido de efetividade da jurisdição, desponta como um dos dois argumentos nucleares da posição defendida na dissertação. Considera o trabalho que este princípio constitui um dos princípios gerais de direito comuns a todos os Estados civilizados. Por outro lado, a análise da natureza jurídica constitutivo-integrativa da sentença na ação de homologação, bem como o efeito que possui a sentença estrangeira de fazer nascer a pretensão à homologação proporcionam uma interpretação do artigo 483 do Código de Processo Civil compatível com a tutela de urgência, emergindo como o segundo argumento principal da dissertação. Na conclusão elabora-se a síntese da argumentação demonstrativa da posição assumida na dissertação. / This dissertation aims to present the juridical analysis and the admissibility of interim protection and provisional measures in the recognition of foreign judgments. In order achieve its ends, it studies the recognition of foreign judgments, interim protection and provisional measures, including its application to the obligations to do or not to do a specific thing and to deliver a certain thing, and it analyses the decisions of the Federal Supreme Court on the subject. The work highlights the importance of the issue and criticizes the precedents of the Supreme Court that did not grant interim protection and provisional measures in the recognition of foreign judgments. Interim protection and provisional measures are based in the constitutional principle of access to justice, in its meaning of the effective rendering of judgment. This is the first core argument of the thesis that this dissertation defends, as this principle is one of those general principles of law recognized in all civilized States. On the other hand, the analysis of the constitutive and integrative nature of the final judgment in the recognition of foreign judgment, together with the effect of the foreign judgment of the right of action to its recognition render an interpretation of article 483 of the Code of Civil Procedure compatible with interim protection and provisional measures. This is the second core argument of this dissertation. The conclusion of the work provides a summary of the arguments that sustain the position that it defends.

Padrão espaço temporal dos componentes do balanço de energia em clima subtropical úmido

Schirmbeck, Juliano January 2017 (has links)
Resumo: Considerando a importância da compreensão da dinâmica espaço temporal dos componentes do balanço de energia (BE) em escala regional para o gerenciamento de recursos hídrico e o manejo agrícola, o objetivo principal desta tese foi construir e analisar uma série temporal dos componentes do BE adequada às condições de clima subtropical úmido do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, inicialmente foi avaliada a adequação de modelos de estimativa de BE para o Estado. Nesta etapa foram utilizados produtos MODIS e dados de referência medidos em uma torre micrometeorológica instalada em Cruz Alta – RS, usando valores instantâneos para um período de estudo de 2009 a 2011. Na sequência foi avaliada a adequação dos modelos em representar a variabilidade espacial dos componentes do BE. Nesta etapa foram usados produtos MODIS, dados de reanálise ERA Interim, dados de referência da torre micrometeorológica e dados de estações meteorológicas do INMET, para o mesmo período de estudo. Na última etapa do trabalho foi construída a série temporal dos componentes do BE usando o modelo METRIC, a qual abrangeu um período de 14 anos, de 2002 a 2016. Os resultados demonstraram que os três modelos analisados apresentam coerência com as medidas de referência, sendo as maiores limitações apresentadas pelo modelo SEBAL, as quais se atribui principalmente às condições ecoclimáticas do Estado e a baixa resolução espacial das imagens. Na análise da variabilidade espacial, o modelo METRIC apresentou maior consistência nos resultados e proporcionou maior número de dias com resultados válidos, sendo assim apontado como o mais apto para realização do restante do estudo. A série temporal construída possibilitou a compreensão dos padrões de distribuição espaço temporal dos componentes do BE no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Há uma marcada sazonalidade nos componentes do BE, com maiores valores no verão e menores no inverno. G (fluxo de calor no solo) é o componente de menor magnitude e sua distribuição espacial e temporal é determinada pela distribuição de Rn (saldo de radiação). Já os componentes LE (fluxo de calor latente) e H (fluxo de calor sensível), são os que mostram magnitude maior e apresentam padrões de distribuição espacial e temporal coerentes com as condições climáticas e com os tipos de uso e cobertura na área de estudo. Observase um padrão inverso, com um gradiente de LE no sentido noroeste para sudeste e para o componente H, no sentido sudeste para noroeste. Sendo estas informações de grande importância para gerenciamento de recursos hídricos em escala regional, para estudos de zoneamento agrícola. / Abstract: Given the importance of understanding the temporal and spatial dynamics of of the energy balance (EB) components in a regional scale for the management of water resources and agricultural, the main objective of this thesis was to construct and analyze a time series of the components of BE appropriate to the subtropical humid climate conditions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In order to reach the objective initially, the adequacy of the models for the humid climate conditions was evaluated, in this step we used MODIS data and reference data measured in a micrometeorological tower installed in Cruz Alta - RS. The analyzes performed with instantaneous values and the study period was from 2009 to 2011. The next step evaluate the spatial variability of the BE components, the data used were the MODIS products, ERA Interim reanalysis data, reference data of the micrometeorological tower and INMET meteorological stations, for the same study period. In the last stage the time series of the BE components was constructed from the METRIC model. The period series was 14 years from 2002 to 2016.The results showed that the three models analyzed were consistent with the reference measurements, with the greatest limitations presented by the SEBAL model, which are mainly attributed to the state's eco-climatic conditions and the low spatial resolution of the images In the analysis of the spatial variability, the METRIC model presented greater consistency in the results and provided greater number of days with valid results, this model thus indicated as the most suitable for the rest of the study. The time series constructed allowed us to understand the temporal distribution patterns of BE components in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. There is a marked seasonality in the BE components, with higher values in summer and lower in winter. G is the smallest magnitude component and its spatial and temporal distribution is determined by the Rn distribution. On the other hand, the LE and H components are those that show higher magnitude and present spatial and temporal distribution patterns consistent with the climatic conditions and the types of use and coverage in the study area. An inverse pattern is observed, with a LE gradient from north-west to south-east and for H-component, from southeast to northwest.

Prazer e sofrimento no trabalho bancário : um olhar sobre o gestor intermediário

Mattos, Elisangela Carpenedo de January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho propôs a estudar as articulações entre saúde mental e trabalho, mais especificamente a dinâmica prazer-sofrimento bancário dos trabalhadores que ocupam cargo de gestores intermediários em um banco estatal, localizado no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em agências diversas, de diferentes cidades. Fundamenta-se na importância de estudar as experiências relacionadas ao prazer e o sofrimento no trabalho, assim como, no significado do trabalho de gestão, além de interessar-se em investigar se gestores com tempos diferentes no cargo percebem de forma diferente o prazer e o sofrimento relacionado ao trabalho. Isto porque temos poucos estudos que visam aprofundar conhecimentos acerca destes gestores intermediários. Nossa pesquisa fundamenta-se nos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da Clínica em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. O método qualitativo foi utilizado, realizando-se entrevistas individuais, semiestruturadas com gestores intermediários. Com relação as fontes de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho destes gestores intermediários, nossos estudos apontaram que as vivências de prazer podem ser relacionadas à satisfação em resolver os problemas dos clientes. No que diz respeito ao sofrimento, este foi relacionado a excessiva cobrança de metas, consideradas inatingíveis, intensificado pela existência de avaliações individuais, e estas, sendo objetivas, desconsideram esforço empregado para realizar uma tarefa, o que causa frustração. O volume de serviço excessivo também é mencionado como causador de desconforto, além do sofrimento ético, que coloca o trabalhador em um dilema moral, ao não saber se atende aos desígnios da empresa ou as necessidades dos clientes. Esses fatores que provocam sofrimento, muitas vezes, podem culminar no adoecimento do trabalhador. Os fatores identificados ora como fontes de sofrimento, ora como fontes de prazer, foram: o reconhecimento, a sensação de estabilidade e a quantofrenia. No que diz respeito as estratégias defensivas utilizadas pelos trabalhadores para manterem-se trabalhando, as possíveis de serem detectadas foram: a negação, a racionalização, repensar a escolha e não realizar a reflexão. Todas elas objetivam proteger a saúde mental do trabalhador contra a descompensação, porém não modificam a organização do trabalho. O eixo significado do trabalho de gestão nos mostrou que, os gestores entrevistados têm vigorosamente interiorizadas as diretrizes da organização, por conta disto, seu trabalho é essencialmente centrado na tarefa. Há casos mais raros, nos quais o sentido do trabalho está ligado aos valores relativos à construção de identidade, reconhecimento e relacionamento interpessoal, além daqueles de dupla racionalidade, entretanto, entendemos que a racionalidade instrumental ainda se sobrepõe. Portanto, não causa espanto o aparecimento de inúmeras vivências relacionadas ao sofrimento no trabalho, visto a satisfação estar mais intimamente relacionada ao caráter subjetivo daquele. Dentre os achados mais relevantes neste estudo, consideramos a relação entre uma maior adesão à cultura do management, com estratégias defensivas mais efetivas, permitindo aos trabalhadores continuar trabalhando. Por outro lado, a baixa adesão a estes novos modelos satura as defesas, ocasionando mais vivências de sofrimento e, mesmo o risco de adoecimento. / This work aims to study the links between mental health and work, more specifically the banking dynamics pleasure-suffering occupying position of middle managers in a state bank, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in different agencies, different cities. It is based on the importance of studying the experiences related to pleasure and suffering at work, as well as the significance of management work, as well as interest in investigating whether managers with different times in office perceive differently the pleasure and suffering work-related. This is because few studies have aimed to deepen knowledge about these middle managers. Our research is based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the Clinic for work psychodynamics. The qualitative method was used, carrying out semistructured individual interviews with middle managers. With regard to pleasure and pain sources in the work of these middle managers, our studies indicated that the experiences of pleasure can be related to satisfaction in solving customer problems. With regard to suffering, this was related to overcharging goals, considered unattainable, intensified by the existence of individual assessments, and these are objective, disregard effort employed to perform a task, which causes frustration. The excessive volume of service is also mentioned as causing discomfort, beyond the ethical suffering, that puts the worker in a moral dilemma, not knowing whether to meet the company designs, or customer needs. These factors that cause suffering, can often culminate in worker illness. The factors identified either as sources of suffering, either as sources of pleasure, were: recognition, sense of stability and quantofrenia. With regard to defensive strategies used by workers to keep yourself working, possible to detect been denial, rationalization, rethink the choice not to bring about reflection. We design all of them as defense strategies and health, aimed at protecting the mental health of the worker against decompensation, but do not change the organization of work. The axis meaning the management work has shown us that the managers interviewed, has strongly internalized the guidelines of the organization, because of this, his work is mainly focused on the task. There are rare cases in which the meaning of work is linked to values relating to the construction of identity, recognition and interpersonal skills in addition to those of dual rationality, however we understand that the instrumental rationality still overlaps. So do not astonishes the appearance of numerous experiences related to suffering at work, as the satisfaction be more closely related to the subjective nature of that. Among the most important findings in this study, we consider the relationship between greater adherence to the management culture with more effective defensive strategies allowing workers to continue working. On the other hand, the low adherence to these new models, saturate the defenses, causing more experiences of suffering, and even the risk of illness.


Liu, Meng 01 January 2017 (has links)
Phase II clinical trials aim to potentially screen out ineffective and identify effective therapies to move forward to randomized phase III trials. Single-arm studies remain the most utilized design in phase II oncology trials, especially in scenarios where a randomized design is simply not practical. Due to concerns regarding excessive toxicity or ineffective new treatment strategies, interim analyses are typically incorporated in the trial, and the choice of statistical methods mainly depends on the type of primary endpoints. For oncology trials, the most common primary objectives in phase II trials include tumor response rate (binary endpoint) and progression disease-free survival (time-to-event endpoint). Interim strategies are well-developed for both endpoints in single-arm phase II trials. The advent of molecular targeted therapies, often with lower toxicity profiles from traditional cytotoxic treatments, has shifted the drug development paradigm into establishing evidence of biological activity, target modulation and pharmacodynamics effects of these therapies in early phase trials. As such, these trials need to address simultaneous evaluation of safety as well as proof-of-concept of biological marker activity or changes in continuous tumor size instead of binary response rates. In this dissertation, we extend a predictive probability design for binary outcomes in the single-arm clinical trial setting and develop two interim designs for continuous endpoints, such as continuous tumor shrinkage or change in a biomarker over time. The two-stage design mainly focuses on the futility stopping strategies, while it also has the capacity of early stopping for efficacy. Both optimal and minimax designs are presented for this two-stage design. The multi-stage design has the flexibility of stopping the trial early either due to futility or efficacy. Due to the intense computation and searching strategy we adopt, only the minimax design is presented for this multi-stage design. The multi-stage design allows for up to 40 interim looks with continuous monitoring possible for large and moderate effect sizes, requiring an overall sample size less than 40. The stopping boundaries for both designs are based on predictive probability with normal likelihood and its conjugated prior distributions, while the design itself satisfies the pre-specified type I and type II error rate constraints. From simulation results, when compared with binary endpoints, both designs well preserve statistical properties across different effect sizes with reduced sample size. We also develop an R package, PPSC, and detail it in chapter four, so that both designs can be freely accessible for use in future phase II clinical trials with the collaborative efforts of biostatisticians. Clinical investigators and biostatisticians have the flexibility to specify the parameters from the hypothesis testing framework, searching ranges of the boundaries for predictive probabilities, the number of interim looks involved and if the continuous monitoring is preferred and so on.

Examining the Relationship Among Middle School Students’ Performance on the TNReady Assessment, District Checkpoints, and Teacher-Assigned Grades

Dempsey, Kristina 01 August 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this nonexperimental, quantitative study was to determine if there is a significant correlation among teacher-assigned grades (TAG), district checkpoint scores (CP), and student scale-scores on TNReady tests. The focus was on 1,445 seventh and eighth grade students who were enrolled at a middle school in northeast Tennessee during the academic years of 2017-2018 and 2018-2019, specifically for the content areas of English Language Arts and mathematics. The second purpose of this study was to examine any moderating effects of the categorical variable, students with disabilities (SWD) status, on the correlations among the district and state assessments and students’ final teacher-assigned grades in math and English Language Arts. Sixteen research questions served as the framework of the study. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Results of the analysis revealed that there were significant correlations among teacher-assigned grades, district checkpoint scores, and student-scale scores on TNReady tests for both math and English Language Arts for seventh and eighth grade students at this middle school during the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years. These correlations were all positive and strong for the general population for both years and both content areas with the values of r ranging between .61 and .89. In general, the results suggest that high scores in any area are associated with high scores in the other two areas. These positive high correlations for the overall population acknowledge the efforts of the school and district to align its teaching practices and district assessments with one another along with the state assessments. The study also concluded that there were not significant effects of the categorical variable of students with disabilities status (SWD) on the correlations.

Reparability of UDMA resin 3D printed for interim dental prostheses.

Ibarra, Gabriela A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Being Interim: Leading in a Transitional Appointment

Ondercin, Gina K. 29 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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