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Závislost na počítačových hrách u žáků druhého stupně vybraných základních škol / Computer games addiction among pupils at second grade of selected primary schoolsZatřepálek, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis describes addictive behavior on the Internet and on- line games, the profile of the target group of students in primary schools in connection with a range of personality traits in terms of posing a risk of substance use. The purpose of the research thesis is the implementation of a questionnaire study on the prevalence of addictive behavior in using the Internet to play on-line games and identify links between this behavior and the various activities carried out on the Internet, sociodemographic characteristics, experience with substance use and risk factors for anxiety, hopelessness, search experiences and impulsivity. The basic set consists of all students 6 to 9 years of school districts in Kolin and Kutna Hora. The aim is to get around the 50 respondents showing signs of addictive behavior or threat of execution dependency behavior of the correlation study, the research file contains more than 600 pupils.
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Charakteristika závislosti na internetu návštěvníků a uživatelů svépomocné aplikace internetové poradny adiktologické ambulance 1.LF UK / Characteristics of addictive behavior on the Internet of visitors and users of self-help application of Internet counseling service of Addictologal Clinic at Fist Faculty of MedicineSvobodová, Karolína January 2013 (has links)
The development of computer technology intervened to socio-psychological and psychiatric fields and gave rise to several types of online counseling and therapy. As the latest trends in online counseling and therapy self created applications in the textile even non textile addiction. In the Czech Republic was the first self-help application in the treatment of no cloth addiction, clinic was founded in Addictology, the first Medical Faculty of Charles University within the Internet counseling. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the data after the first year of self-help application and to describe the demographic characteristics of users, to map incoming user self- motivated applications and types of objects the internet addiction. In the research issues the thesis deals with the analysis of demographic data, determines whether they are represented in all potential target groups, the degree of dependence on the Internet within the file, depending on what kind of Internet application in the present, and finally discovers self-help application users' motives for its use. Data analysis was carried out under conditions completely anonymous and includes both quantitative descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis. The results of socio- demographic data repelled the target group for which...
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Aspectos psicológicos do uso patológico de internet / Psychological aspects of pathological internet useFortim, Ivelise 12 April 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-04-12 / Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação Científica - CEPE / The aim of this study was to understand the experience of Pathological Internet Use (PIU) from self-reported users who declare themselves as "internet addicts". This is qualitative research, being a documental, transversal and retrospective study. The data were treated in two approaches: (i) using a statistical program for text analysis; and (ii) using categories of analysis, which were then analyzed by Jungian Psychology. The survey was conducted with a sample of 189 subjects. A total of 278 messages sent by these subjects were collected in the period from 02/2001 until 06/2011. The results indicate that the most frequent use seems to be for communicating, for sexual purposes and for navigation. Men seem to feel more dependent on communication, sex and games, while women consider themselves more dependent on communication and relationships. Four presented more psychological aspects can be highlighted. The first aspect is relative to the control: the internet gives the user a sense of great control over relationships with others and the image of itself. The second is that PIU appears to be a process of coping with situations of stress and anxiety. The pleasure obtained by some Internet activities shown to be additive, which means that life is restricted to the computer; pleasure seems to be coming from the control of activities, the ability to escape that they can provide, the ease and availability of sexual material, the infinitude of information and people. The third is related to the characteristic of the internet being seen at the same time as illusory as real, which enable a "half real" relationship with other. The forth is that many individuals are using the internet because it seems to liberate shadow aspects, sexual behavior, aggressive and also another aspects which are known but not assumed to others (as in shyness), the Internet seems give the user the feeling that he can be free, can be whoever he wants without censorship or social sanctions. Many users report negative consequences, such as negatively impact at studies, work, family and marital conflicts, social impairment, carelessness with themselves and with children. It is concluded that the internet is not harmful itself, but may provide a pathological use with serious consequences for certain users who are in vulnerable situations and use the internet to alleviate problems / O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de compreender a vivência do uso patológico de internet (UPI) a partir do autorrelato de usuários que se declaram viciados de internet . Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, sendo um estudo documental, transversal e retrospectivo. Os dados foram tratados de duas formas: (i) usando um programa estatístico de análise de texto e (ii) usando categorias de análise, que foram posteriormente analisadas pela psicologia junguiana. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma amostra de 189 sujeitos. Foram utilizadas 278 mensagens enviadas por estes sujeitos, coletadas no período de 02/2001 a 06/2011. Os resultados indicam que, com relação ao uso abusivo principal da internet, os mais frequentes na amostra são para comunicação, para fins sexuais e para navegação. Os homens se sentem mais dependentes de comunicação, sexo e jogos, ao passo que as mulheres se consideram mais dependentes de comunicação e relacionamentos afetivos. Quatro aspectos psicológicos mais apresentados podem ser destacados. O primeiro é a dinâmica relativa ao controle: a internet dá ao usuário a sensação de controle grande sobre as relações com os outros e sobre a imagem de si mesmo. O segundo é que o UPI parece ser uma estratégia de coping, de enfrentamento de situações de estresse e ansiedade. O prazer obtido por algumas atividades na internet mostra ser adictivo, o que faz com que a vida fique restrita ao computador. O prazer parece ser advindo do controle das atividades, da capacidade de evasão que elas podem proporcionar, da facilidade e disponibilidade de materiais, da infinidade de informações e pessoas. O terceiro está ligado a característica de as atividades da internet serem vistas, ao mesmo tempo, como ilusórias e como reais; permitem um meio relacionamento com as pessoas. O quarto é que muitos sujeitos se utilizam da internet porque esta parece ter um papel libertador; seja de aspectos sombrios, de comportamentos sexuais, agressivos, seja de aspectos até conhecidos, mas pouco assumidos frente aos outros (como a timidez por exemplo). A internet parece dar a sensação ao usuário de que ali ele pode ser livre; pode ser quem quiser, sem censuras ou sanções sociais. Muitos usuários relatam consequências negativas graves, tais como prejuízos no trabalho, comprometimento social, prejuízos nos estudos, conflitos familiares e conjugais, descuido consigo mesmos e com seus dependentes. Conclui-se que a internet não é nociva em si, mas pode proporcionar um uso patológico com consequências graves para determinados usuários que estejam em situações fragilizadas e se utilizem da internet para alívio dos problemas
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An Exploratory Study on the Interrelationship of Internet Addiction, Internet Usage Motivation, Internet Usage Behavior and User Characteristics for Taiwan High School Students.Tung, Chieh-Ju 12 June 2003 (has links)
An Exploratory Study on the Interrelationship of Internet Addiction, Internet Usage Motivation, Internet Usage Behavior and
User Characteristics for Taiwan High School Students.
Chieh-Ju Tung
The purpose of this study was to examine the interrelationship among motivation and gratification level, activities, personality and Internet addiction for Taiwan¡¦s high school students based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory. The characteristics of those identified as addicted are investigated along with the factors of demographic data, motivation and gratification, web attitude and personality. Moreover, structural equation modeling was used to verify the Theory.
The study was conducted using purposive sampling at two major municipals in Taiwan. Questionnaires including Pathological Internet Use Scale for Taiwan high school student, Diagnoistic Questionnaires, Internet usage Motivation and Gratification Scale, Interpersonal Relationship Scale, Self-Esteem Scale, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, Internet Usage Behavior Questionnaire, Perceptions of the Internet Influences and Demographic Data. Of the 1708 qualified samples, 236 were classified as Internet addicted.
Major findings of the study are:
1. Entertainment is the major factor for high school students to use Internet, information searching stands as second. Surfing with motivation of social and entertainment has positive correlation with Internet addiction. Those classified as addicted have higher motivation on social and entertainment and have higher satisfaction thereafter.
2. Males who own computer, with grades in lower two-thirds of the class, with more than 4 years Internet usage experience, always using cyber-café or surfing during weekday have higher tendency to become addicted.
3. System and location of school, the grade attended or whether access Internet at home have no relationship with addiction.
4. The average weekly hours on Internet is positive correlated with Internet addiction.
5. Students with personality of dependence, shyness, depression or lower self-esteem have higher tendency to become addicted.
6. The probability of males to become addicted is 2.6 times that of females. Vocational high school students have higher tendency to become addicted than non-vocational high school students.
7. The average weekly hours on Internet for those addicted is 21.2 hours, it¡¦s 1.75 times that of normal ones.
8. Those identified as addicted always surf in cyber-café and favor on-line games, chat room and sex-related activities.
9. Those identified as addicted have lower self-esteem and higher depression.
10. Internet addiction has significant canonical correlation with motivation on social/entertainment and hours on Internet.
11. Internet addiction has significant canonical correlation with shyness, depression emotion, poor interpersonal relationship, negative self-concept and lower self-esteem.
12. The theoretical model constructed in this study could explain the relationship among main variables by Amos.
13. ¡§Internet usage motivation¡¨ has greatest direct effect on addiction. It has greatest total effect when combines with the factor of ¡§Average weekly hours on Internet ¡¨.
14. The predictability for Internet addiction is 62% when six variables were used (Motivation on social, Motivation on entertainment, Average weekly hours on Internet, Interpersonal relationship, Depression and Self-esteem).
Finally, suggestions on counseling addicted students are made for government and high school authorities, counselors and parents. Issues for futher study are also discussed.
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Online social networking and the impact on well-being : implications for school counselorsButler, Meagan Genell Irish 11 November 2010 (has links)
The current report reviews the recent literature on online social networking (Facebook and MySpace) and its psychological impact on students. Both the negative and positive effects of online social networking are explored. According to the literature, cyberbullying and sexting have the greatest negative impact on students. However, students greatly benefit from the social capital and friendship maintenance that online social networking provides. Intervention and prevention strategies for the negative consequences of online social networking are included. Finally, this report provides suggestions for counselors and teachers to help students safely use technology. / text
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Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2018-02-28T18:39:32Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-07-25 / Technological changes, on the one hand, bring economic benefits to organizations such as increased productivity and efficiency, on the other hand, can produce human and social problems with possible consequences to the mental health of the worker. Internet addiction is also a problem associated with information and communication technologies, as well as the stress resulting from the excessive use of information and communication technology known as techno-stress. This study analyzed the effects of Internet leadership and addiction on techno-stress. The research is based on a quantitative research approach with a single cross-section. The data were analyzed through 379 questionnaires answered by information technology professional’s users. For the hypothesis tests of the study, the analysis of structural equations was performed and satisfactory measures were presented for the constructs investigated and the proposed research model. The results indicate that leadership styles influence positively the techno-stress and internet addiction can act as moderator of these relationships. The study shows that laissez-faire leadership is the style of leadership that most influences techno-stress, when compared to transformational and transactional leadership. It can be argued, therefore, that the moderation effects of Internet addiction are different in the forms studied from the relationships of leadership styles to techno-stress. / As mudanças tecnológicas, por um lado, trazem benefícios econômicos para as organizações como maior produtividade e eficiência, por outro lado, podem produzir problemas humanos e sociais com possíveis consequências à saúde mental do trabalhador. O vício em internet também é um problema associado às tecnologias de informação e comunicação, assim como o estresse resultante do uso excessivo da tecnologia de informação e comunicação conhecido como tecnoestresse. Este estudo analisou os efeitos da liderança e do vício em internet no tecnoestresse. A pesquisa fundamenta-se em uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa com corte transversal único. Os dados foram analisados por meio de 379 questionários respondidos por profissionais usuários de tecnologia de informação. Para os testes de hipóteses do estudo, foi realizada a análise de equações estruturais e apresentadas medidas satisfatórias para os construtos investigados e o modelo de pesquisa proposto. Os resultados indicam que os estilos de liderança influenciam de forma positiva o tecnoestresse e o vício em internet pode atuar como moderador dessas relações. O estudo evidencia que a liderança laissez-faire é o estilo de liderança que mais influência o tecnoestresse, quando comparada com as lideranças transformacional e transacional. Pode-se afirmar, com isso, que os efeitos de moderação do vício em internet são diferentes nas formas estudadas dos relacionamentos dos estilos de liderança com o tecnoestresse.
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REFLEXOS INDIVIDUAIS DO USO PESSOAL E EXCESSIVO DE COMUNICADORES INSTANTÂNEOS NO AMBIENTE DE TRABALHO / Individual reflections of the personal and excessive use of isntant messengers in the workplaceMUNIZ, LEONARDO MAIRENE 15 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Timbo Noeme (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2016-08-09T17:10:01Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-15 / The internet is part of every people daily life and becomes increasingly accessible through different types of devices. Several studies have been conducted in order to assess the consequences of their excessive use in personal, academic and professional life. This paper aimed to identify if the concentration and social isolation are some of the reflections by the excessive use of instant messaging applications in the workplace. Some of the variables that assess aspects of excessive use of instant messaging are diminished impulse control, loneliness, social comfort, and digital distraction. Through a quantitative research approach, it was used scales applied to a sample of 283 people, the data was analyzed by multivariate techniques like Exploratory Factor Analysis and Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study confirm that the excessive use of instant messaging is positive related to loss of concentration and the variable digital distraction exerts a greater influence than the diminished impulse control. However, according to the results, loneliness and social comfort cannot be said that there is a relationship in increasing social isolation due to lack of significance of the relationship. / A Internet está inserida no cotidiano do indivíduo, e torna-se cada vez mais acessível por meio de diferentes tipos de dispositivos. Com isto, diversos estudos foram realizados com o intuito de avaliar os reflexos do seu uso excessivo na vida pessoal, acadêmica e profissional. Esta dissertação buscou identificar se a perda de concentração e o isolamento social são alguns dos reflexos individuais que o uso pessoal e excessivo de aplicativos de comunicação instantânea podem resultar no ambiente de trabalho. Entre as variáveis selecionadas para avaliar os aspectos do uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos tem-se a distração digital, o controle reduzido de impulso, o conforto social e a solidão. Através de uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, utilizaram-se escalas aplicadas a uma amostra de 283 pessoas. Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas como a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e para auferir a relação entre as variáveis, a Regressão Linear Múltipla. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que o uso excessivo de comunicadores instantâneos está positivamente relacionado com a perda de concentração, e a variável distração digital exerce uma influência maior do que o controle reduzido de impulso. De acordo com os resultados, não se podem afirmar que a solidão e o conforto social exercem relações com aumento do isolamento social, devido à ausência do relacionamento entre os construtos.
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Personality and risk of addiction to Internet in university students / Personalidad, hábitos de consumo y riesgo de adicción al Internet en estudiantes universitariosAstonitas Villafuerte, Lya Mainé 25 September 2017 (has links)
The articles studies the frequency and purpose of Internet use, the indicators of risk for Internet addiction and the persona lit y of 66 university students from a private university in Lima. These variables are analyzed together with the dimensions and facets of the NEOPI-R, based in the big five model. An association was found between the facets values (04) and actions (06), which belong to the Openness dimension (O), and the risk of Internet addiction. A deeper analysis reveals a positive relationship between the number of symptoms of Internet addiction and the Neuroticism (N) dimensiono Additionally, there is a negative relationship between the number of symptoms and the Consciousness (C) dimension,especially on the facets self-discipline (CS), dutifulness (C3), achievement-striving (C4) and deliberation (C6). / Se analizan los hábitos de consumo en Internet: frecuencia y finalidad de uso; los indicadores de riesgo de adicción al Internet, y la personalidad de 66 estudiantes de una universidad particular de Lima Metropolitana. Estas variables se analizan junto con las dimensiones y facetas del Inventario de Personalidad NEO-PI-R a partir del modelo de los cinco factores . Se encuentra una asociación entre las facetas valores (04) y acciones (06), pertenecientes a la dimensión Apertura (O), y el riesgo de adicción al Internet. Un análisis más profundo revela una relación positiva entre el número de síntomas de adicción al Internet y la dimensión Neuroticismo (N). Existe también una relación negativa entre el número de síntomas de adicción al Internet y la dimensión Conciencia (C), especialmente con las facetas autodisciplina (CS), sentido del deber (C3), motivación de logro (C4) y reflexión (C6).
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Relación entre la presencia de síntomas de ansiedad social (medido con escala de SIAS) y la presencia de síntomas de dependencia al internet (medido con test de Young) en estudiantes de medicina de una niversidad privada en Lima / The relationship between symptoms of social anxiety measured with sias scale and symptoms of internet addiction measured with young’s internet addiction test in medical students from a private university in LimaArévalo Revelo, Diego Cesar, Kianman Maceda, Antonella del Milagro 01 February 2021 (has links)
Introducción: Existe un número reducido de estudios que han explorado la asociación entre síntomas de ansiedad social y síntomas de uso excesivo de internet.
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la presencia de síntomas de ansiedad social y síntomas de dependencia al internet en estudiantes universitarios de segundo a quinto año de la carrera de medicina humana en el año 2018 en una universidad privada de Lima, Perú.
Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico con una población de 600 estudiantes de 2do a 5to año de medicina de 18 años a más en una universidad privada en el año 2018 en Lima, Perú. El desenlace (síntomas de uso excesivo de internet) fue medido con el Test de Young y categorizado en ausencia de síntomas, síntomas leves y síntomas moderados- severos, mientras que para la exposición (síntomas de ansiedad social) se utilizó la escala de SIAS y fue categorizada en presencia o ausencia de síntomas. Para el análisis multivariado se empleó el modelo de regresión logística multinomial; con ello se calculó el OR crudo y ajustado con un intervalo de confianza de 95%.
Resultados: El 57.6% del total de estudiantes fueron mujeres y la mediana de edad para ambos géneros fue de 21 años con un rango intercuartílico entre 20 a 22 años. Se encontró que el 51.2% de los participantes presentaron síntomas de uso excesivo de internet, 27.8% corresponden a síntomas leves y 23.4% a síntomas moderados/ severos. 20.5% de los estudiantes presentaron síntomas de ansiedad social. Se encontró asociación entre síntomas de ansiedad social y los síntomas de uso excesivo de internet (p<0.001).
Discusión y Conclusiones: Los estudiantes con síntomas de ansiedad social tuvieron más probabilidad de presentar síntomas de uso excesivo de internet. Se recomienda realizar estudios longitudinales para verificar la persistencia de los resultados durante el tiempo. / Introduction: There are only a few studies that have explored the association between symptoms of social anxiety and symptoms of excessive use of internet.
Objetive: To determine the relationship between the presence of symptoms of social anxiety and symptoms of internet dependence in university students from the second to fifth year of the human medicine career in 2018 at a private university in Lima, Peru.
Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted with a population of 600 medical students 18 years old or older from 2nd to 5th year at a private university in the year 2018 in Lima, Peru. The outcome (symptoms of excessive use of the Internet) was measured with Young's Internet Addiction Test and was classified in three categories: absence of symptoms, mild symptoms and moderate to severe symptoms, whilst the exposure (symptoms of social anxiety) was measured with SIAS scale and was categorized in two: presence or absence of symptoms. For multivariate analysis, the multinomial logistic regression model was employed; the crude OR as well as the adjusted OR were calculated and a confidence interval of 95% was used.
Results: 57.6% of total students were women and median age for both genders was 21 years with an interquartile range of 20 to 22 years. It was found that 51.2% of participants had symptoms of excessive use of internet; 27.8% corresponded to mild symptoms and 23.4% to moderate to severe symptoms. 20.5% of the students had symptoms of social anxiety. We found a strong association between symptoms of social anxiety and the symptoms of excessive use of Internet (p<0.001).
Discussion and Conclusions: Students with symptoms of social anxiety were more likely to have symptoms of excessive use of internet. Nevertheless, longitudinal studies are recommended in order to verify the persistence of the results over time. / Tesis
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Problematické užívání internetu u dospívajících hematoonkologických pacientů / Problematic internet use in adolescent hematooncological patientsMládková, Petra January 2020 (has links)
BACKGROUND: The Problematic Internet use among adolescents is an increasingly discussed topic in connection with the continuous development of technologies. If it enters to the period of adolescent age factor of hematoncological disease, which requires long term tratment and isolation for a long time, the risk of growth of non-substance addictive behavior is likely to increase in this context. AIM: The main aim of the research was to find out the prevalence of Problematic Internet use in a group of adolescent patients after the intensive cancer treatment within the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology of the University Hospital in Motol (KDHO). Another aim was to map specific characteristics that may be a predictor of later risk behavior and to find out possible correlation between these characteristics and problematic Internet use. METHODS: The concept of the research is based on quantitative methods of epidemiological cases and controls study. The data were collected through a screening questionnaire survey using a compilation of a short version of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIU Q- SF 6) and Substance Use Risk Profile (SURPS) personality traits). Data were evaluated using descriptive statistics and the χ2 test. The p value p < 0,05 was determined as statistically...
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