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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pre-Wounding and Connective Tissue Grafts: A Pilot Investigation

Anderson, Eric Paul 28 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Utility of Immediate and Delayed Feedback within the Math to Mastery Intervention Package in a School Setting

Miller, Marylyn Woods 13 December 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to use a single subject research design to examine the effects of immediate feedback and delayed feedback within the Math to Mastery Intervention Package. The participants were 6 elementary school students who were performing approximately 1 year below grade level in math. A combined simple phase change design was used for the study. 3 of the students experienced the design in the A/B/A/C order, while the other 3 students experienced the design in a reversed order for B and C. During this study, ‘A’ represented the baseline phase and the return to baseline phase, ‘B’ represented the immediate feedback intervention phase, and ‘C’ represented the delayed feedback intervention phase. Each feedback phase was implemented separately for up to 4 weeks for each student. The final phase of intervention for each student included use of the most effective intervention condition after the student was exposed to both intervention feedback conditions. 2 weeks after the best intervention, follow-ups were conducted to determine if the students were able to maintain the skills that they were taught during the intervention. Results revealed that both intervention conditions were successful for addressing deficits in math academic performance. Improvement was seen for all 6 students with increases in digits correct per minute on single skill math worksheets, single skill math progress worksheets, and multiple skill math progress worksheets. Implications for school leadership within school settings are provided.

Compound Conceptual Relations in Working Memory: Effects of Relation Priming in Immediate Serial Recall / Compound Conceptual Relations in Working Memory

Greencorn, Michael 11 1900 (has links)
The conceptual relation theory postulates that English noun-noun compound words (e.g., snowman) have an underlying predicate structure that is not present in the surface form, but is recovered during compound processing (e.g., man made of snow). The relational nature of constituent binding in compound words marks them as a linguistic construction that is distinct from both the simplex words (monomorphemic) and other complex words (derived and inflected words) previously examined in the context of verbal working memory. In short-term memory research, a growing body of evidence suggests that semantic properties of words influence verbal recall; however, such effects have not been examined in the context of compound conceptual relations. The present study investigated the possible effects of compound conceptual relations in verbal working memory via an immediate serial recall task. The task was designed to examine whether sharing of an individual relation leads to facilitative or inhibitory effects for compounds associated with that relation and, more generally, whether this semantic property of compound words contributes to their recollection from short-term memory. Evidence from the serial recall experiment suggested an effect of compound relation priming in working memory. Relational similarity between recall list items appeared to inhibit recall performance. The thesis discusses how this may be the result of increased competition between compound constituents as a result of heightened constituent-level activation during word recall. This effect was not observed in relations that appeared to be overly general, suggesting that the effect is only present when compound words are matched according to salient, sufficiently specified relations. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Comparison of neurofuzzy logic and neural networks in modelling experimental data of an immediate release tablet formulation

Shao, Qun, Rowe, Raymond C., York, Peter 14 July 2009 (has links)
No / This study compares the performance of neurofuzzy logic and neural networks using two software packages (INForm and FormRules) in generating predictive models for a published database for an immediate release tablet formulation. Both approaches were successful in developing good predictive models for tablet tensile strength and drug dissolution profiles. While neural networks demonstrated a slightly superior capability in predicting unseen data, neurofuzzy logic had the added advantage of generating rule sets representing the cause-effect relationships contained in the experimental data.

The impact of immediate reporting on interpretive discrepancies and patient referral pathways within the emergency department: a randomised controlled trial

Hardy, Maryann L., Snaith, Beverly, Scally, Andy J. January 2013 (has links)
Yes / Objective To determine whether an immediate reporting service for musculoskeletal trauma reduces interpretation errors and positively impacts on patient referral pathways. Methods A pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial was undertaken. 1502 patients were recruited and randomly assigned to an immediate or delayed reporting arm and treated according to group assignment. Assessment was made of concordance in image interpretation between emergency department (ED) clinicians and radiology; discharge and referral pathways; and patient journey times. Results 1688 radiographic examinations were performed (1502 patients). 91 discordant interpretations were identified (n=91/1688; 5.4%) with a greater number of discordant interpretations noted in the delayed reporting arm (n=67/849, 7.9%). In the immediate reporting arm, the availability of a report reduced, but did not eliminate, discordance in interpretation (n=24/839, 2.9%). No significant difference in number of patients discharged, referred to hospital clinics or admitted was identified. However, patient ED recalls were significantly reduced (z=2.66; p=0.008) in the immediate reporting arm, as were the number of short-term inpatient bed days (5 days or less) (z=3.636; p<0.001). Patient journey time from ED arrival to discharge or admission was equivalent (z=0.79, p=0.432). Conclusion Immediate reporting significantly reduced ED interpretive errors and prevented errors that would require patient recall. However, immediate reporting did not eliminate ED interpretative errors or change the number of patients discharged, referred to hospital clinics or admitted overall. Advances in knowledge This is the first study to consider the wider impact of immediate reporting on the ED patient pathway as a whole and hospital resource usage.

Struktur-Funktionsanalyse des Immediate-Early Proteins 2 (IE2) des humanen Zytomegalievirus

Asmar, Jasmin 17 January 2005 (has links)
Das Immediate-Early Protein 2 (IE2) des humanen Zytomegalievirus ist ein essentieller Regulationsfaktor des lytischen Infektionszyklus. Es aktiviert verschiedene early Promotoren, autoreprimiert seine eigene Expression und besitzt darüber hinaus auch zellzyklusregulatorische Aktivitäten. Um einzelne Funktionen des IE2 Proteins gezielt analysieren zu können, ist eine genaue Kenntnis seiner regulatorischen Domänen unabdingbar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde daher eine Struktur-Funktionsanalyse des IE2 Proteins durchgeführt mit dem Ziel, seine funktionellen Domänen genauer zu charakterisieren. Hierfür wurden verschiedene IE2-Mutanten hergestellt und ihre Aktivität im Hinblick auf Transaktivierung, Autorepression und DNA-Bindung sowie Zellzylusarrestinduktion bestimmt. Die Untersuchungen ergaben, dass innerhalb einer Core-Region im C-Terminus des Proteins (AS 450-544) die regulatorischen Domänen der untersuchten Funktionen überlappen und hier schon kleinere Mutationen zu einem Funktionsverlust führen. Im Gegensatz dazu ist der Bereich N-terminal des Core deutlich weniger sensitiv gegenüber Mutationen. Hier konnten Sequenzen identifiziert werden, die spezifisch für einzelne Funktionen wie die Transaktivierung oder die Zellzyklusarrestinduktion erforderlich sind. Darüber hinaus hat sich gezeigt, dass eine im bisherigen Verständnis essentielle putative Zinkfingerdomäne außerhalb des Core liegt und für die Funktionalität des Proteins, vor allem für seine DNA-Bindung, nicht benötigt wird. Somit ist der Bereich, in dem die regulatorischen Domänen der untersuchten Funktionen überlappen, deutlich kleiner, als bisher angenommen. Vor diesem Hintergrund lässt sich eine Strategie für die Erstellung von diskriminierenden Virusmutanten ableiten, bei der Einzelfunktionen von IE2 im Viruskontext eliminiert und somit im Sinne ihrer physiologischen Relevanz analysierbar werden. / The Immediate Early Protein 2 (IE2) of human cytomegalovirus is an essential regulatory factor of the viral replicative cycle. It fulfills several functions including transactivation, negative autoregulation and cell cycle regulation. In order to analyse the physiological significance of each of the IE2 functions a precise knowledge of the regulatory protein domains is needed. Therefore, a structure-function analysis of the IE2 protein was performed in this work. Different sets of IE2 mutants were tested in parallel with regard to transactivation, DNA-binding, autoregulation and cell cycle regulation. We found the IE2 protein to contain an unexpectedly clear-cut core domain (amino acids (aa) 450-544) that is defined by its absolute sensitivity to any kind of mutation. In contrast, the region adjacent to the core (aa 290-449) generally displays greater tolerance towards mutations. Although specific sequences correlate with distinct IE2 activities none of the mutations analysed completely abolished any particular function. The core is separated from the adjacent region by the putative zinc finger (428-452) which was found to be entirely dispensable for any function tested. Our work supports the view that the 100 amino acids of the core domain hold the key to most functions of IE2. A systematic, high-density mutational analysis of this region may identify informative mutants which discriminate between various IE2 functions. Such mutants could then be tested in a viral background.

Über die Arc-catFISH-Methode als neues Werkzeug zur Charakterisierung der Geschmacksverarbeitung im Hirnstamm der Maus / The arc catFISH method as a new tool to characterize taste processing in the mouse hind brain

Töle, Jonas Claudius January 2013 (has links)
Intensive Forschung hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zu einer sehr detaillierten Charakterisierung des Geschmackssystems der Säugetiere geführt. Dennoch sind mit den bislang eingesetzten Methoden wichtige Fragestellungen unbeantwortet geblieben. Eine dieser Fragen gilt der Unterscheidung von Bitterstoffen. Die Zahl der Substanzen, die für den Menschen bitter schmecken und in Tieren angeborenes Aversionsverhalten auslösen, geht in die Tausende. Diese Substanzen sind sowohl von der chemischen Struktur als auch von ihrer Wirkung auf den Organismus sehr verschieden. Während viele Bitterstoffe potente Gifte darstellen, sind andere in den Mengen, die mit der Nahrung aufgenommen werden, harmlos oder haben sogar positive Effekte auf den Körper. Zwischen diesen Gruppen unterscheiden zu können, wäre für ein Tier von Vorteil. Ein solcher Mechanismus ist jedoch bei Säugetieren nicht bekannt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Verarbeitung von Geschmacksinformation in der ersten Station der Geschmacksbahn im Mausgehirn, dem Nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), mit besonderem Augenmerk auf der Frage nach der Diskriminierung verschiedener Bitterstoffe. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine neue Untersuchungsmethode für das Geschmackssystem etabliert, die die Nachteile bereits verfügbarer Methoden umgeht und ihre Vorteile kombiniert. Die Arc-catFISH-Methode (cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity by fluorescent in situ hybridization), die die Charakterisierung der Antwort großer Neuronengruppen auf zwei Stimuli erlaubt, wurde zur Untersuchung geschmacksverarbeitender Zellen im NTS angewandt. Im Zuge dieses Projekts wurde erstmals eine stimulusinduzierte Arc-Expression im NTS gezeigt. Die ersten Ergebnisse offenbarten, dass die Arc-Expression im NTS spezifisch nach Stimulation mit Bitterstoffen auftritt und sich die Arc exprimierenden Neurone vornehmlich im gustatorischen Teil des NTS befinden. Dies weist darauf hin, dass Arc-Expression ein Marker für bitterverarbeitende gustatorische Neurone im NTS ist. Nach zweimaliger Stimulation mit Bittersubstanzen konnten überlappende, aber verschiedene Populationen von Neuronen beobachtet werden, die unterschiedlich auf die drei verwendeten Bittersubstanzen Cycloheximid, Chininhydrochlorid und Cucurbitacin I reagierten. Diese Neurone sind vermutlich an der Steuerung von Abwehrreflexen beteiligt und könnten so die Grundlage für divergentes Verhalten gegenüber verschiedenen Bitterstoffen bilden. / Intense research in the past decades has led to a detailed understanding of the mammalian taste system. Some important issues, however, have remained unanswered with the established methods that have been applied so far. One of these questions is whether different bitter substances can be distinguished. There are thousands of compounds which taste bitter to humans and elicit innate aversive behavior in animals. Moreover, these bitter substances are very heterogeneous regarding their structure as well as their effect on the organism. While many bitter tastants are potent poisons, others are harmless or even have beneficial effects in the amounts that are typically ingested. The ability to discriminate between those groups of bitter tastants could be an evolutionary advantage. Such a mechanism, however, is not known for mammals. The aim of this thesis was to study the processing of taste information in the first station of gustatory processing in the mouse brain, the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). Of particular interest was the question concerning discrimination of bitter tastants. To this end a new method was established for the taste system combining the advantages of methods used before while circumventing their disadvantages. The Arc catFISH method (cellular compartment analysis of temporal activity by fluorescent in situ hybridization), which allows the characterization of responses of large neuron populations to two stimuli, was used to analyze taste-processing cells in the NTS. In the course of this project a stimulus-induced Arc expression in the NTS was shown for the first time. The results demonstrated that Arc expression in the NTS appears specifically after stimulation with bitter tastants and that the Arc expressing neurons are located primarily in the gustatory part of the NTS. This indicates that Arc expression is a marker for bitter-processing gustatory neurons in the NTS. Upon stimulating twice with bitter compounds, distinct, yet overlapping neuron populations were identified, that reacted differently to the three bitter substances cycloheximide, quinine hydrochloride, and cucurbitacin I. Presumably these neurons are involved in the regulation of aversive reflexes and could form a basis for divergent behavior towards different bitter substances.

Dermal cell trafficking : from microscopy to microdialysis /

Sjögren, Florence, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2005. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Perceived Work-related Factors and Turnover Intention : A Case Study of a South Korean Construction Company

Yang, Jinseok, Wittenberg, Philip January 2016 (has links)
Purpose – Employee turnover entails considerable costs and is a major problem for the construction industry. By creating an extensive framework, this study aims to examine whether perceived work-related factors affect turnover intention in South Korean construction companies. Research design – The paper is based on the results of a questionnaire of 136 employees that was conducted and provided by a Korean construction company. Research hypotheses were tested via correlation analyses. The most influencing work-related factors, as well as differences among job levels, were determined by multiple regression analyses. Findings – Communication, immediate leaders, organizational commitment, and organizational pride substantially affect turnover intentions. All of these factors can be considered as relational factors. The most influencing factors differ among job levels. Discussion/practical implications – Immediate leaders should be aware of their role in retaining employees and enhance communication, organizational commitment and pride. This study shows how the importance of certain variables differs for groups of employees. Theoretical implications/limitations– This study is based on a sample of employees from a Korean construction company. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings has to be tested. Future research should test the proposed framework with other factors or resources. Originality/value – This study shed light on the turnover subject in the South Korean construction industry. It shows that different factors can influence turnover intention among job levels. A framework was created, which is based on 16 work-related factors including organizational factors, HRM practices and job attitudes.

Wearable Fall Detection using Barometric Pressure Sensor

Liu, Congrui January 2017 (has links)
Wearable wireless sensor devices, which are implemented by deploying sensor nodes on objects, are widely utilized in a broad field of applica-tions, especially in the healthcare system for improving the quality of life or monitoring different types of physical data from the observed objects. The aim of this study is to design an in-home, small-size and long-term wearable fall detection system in wireless network by using barometric pressure sensing for elderly or patient who needs healthcare monitoring. This threshold-based fall detection system is to measure the altitude of different positions on the human body, and detect the fall event from that altitude information. As a surveillance system, it would trigger an alert when the fall event occurs so that to protect people from the potential life risk by immediate rescue and treatment. After all the performances evaluation, the measurement result shows that standing, sitting and fall state was detected with 100% accuracy and lying on bed state was detected with 93.3% accuracy by using this wireless fall detection system. Furthermore, this system with low power consumption on battery-node can operate continuously up to 150 days.

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