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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation de la capacité adaptative des socio-écosystèmes forestiers français face au changement climatique : le cas de la migration assistée / Adaptive capacity assessment of French forest social-ecological systems face to climate change : the case of assisted migration

Sansilvestri, Roxane 17 December 2015 (has links)
Dans la problématique du changement climatique, la mise en place de nouvelles stratégies d’adaptation apparaît comme un des grands challenges de nos sociétés actuelles. C’est au début des années 2000, que la communauté scientifique a proposé une option de gestion de la biodiversité afin de limiter les impacts dus à la vitesse du changement climatique, cette option étant connue sous le nom de migration assistée (MA). Cependant, malgré une justification théorique intéressante, l’application de cette pratique a soulevé de nombreuses questions autant éthiques, écologiques, économiques que politiques. Tout au long de cette thèse, je me suis intéressée à la capacité d’adaptation des acteurs face au changement climatique, via la mise en place de nouvelles pratiques de gestion, en s’intéressant tout particulièrement au cas de la MA. Compte tenu du rythme de migration lent des espèces forestières, les forêts représentent un écosystème pertinent pour la mise en place de la MA, et plus spécifiquement pour la France, qui compte plus de 29% de son territoire en surface boisée avec une forte problématique de fragmentation. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au débat que la MA a suscité et j’ai analysé les blocages qui existent actuellement dans sa conception et sa mise en place. Sur la base d’une analyse comparative entre la France et le Canada, j’ai pu mettre en évidence que les différentes conceptions d’adaptation et de MA entre les acteurs politiques et les scientifiques représentaient des barrières à l’application de programmes de MA. Ainsi, j’ai proposé une nouvelle conception de la MA, avec un volet écosystémique, permettant de limiter les approches économico-centrée de ces programmes. De plus, j’ai démontré que l’action de MA ne s’inscrit pas seulement dans une démarche de précaution mais également de prévention, dénouant ainsi le blocage présent sur la question du « quand doit-on agir ? ». Après une analyse théorique et empirique de la MA et de son contexte, dans la seconde partie, nous nous sommes posés la question de sa réelle application sur le terrain. J’ai donc analysé la capacité des acteurs forestiers locaux à mettre en œuvre des stratégies d’adaptation grâce à une méthode originale d’estimation des capitaux locaux. Malheureusement, cette analyse a montré qu’à l’heure actuelle, les forestiers mettent plus facilement en place des stratégies favorisant la robustesse que des stratégies plus complexes de résilience globale ou de transformabilité, telle que la MA, augmentant ainsi la fragilisation des socio-écosystèmes et risquant des transitions brutales. / In a climate change context, the implementation of adaptive strategies appears as one of the greatest challenges for our societies. At the beginning of the 21st century, the scientific community proposed an adaptation option to limit climate change impacts on biodiversity, the assisted migration (AM). Despite a good theoretical justification, the AM application raises several questions about ecological, economical, ethical and political issues. Along this thesis, I was interested in the adaptive capacity of society actors concerning the changing climate, through the implementation of new practices as AM. Given the slow migration capacity of tree species, forests represent a relevant ecosystem for AM application, especially in France which has more than 29% of its surface as forest areas that are highly fragmented. In the first part of this thesis, I concentrated on the AM debate and I analyzed the actual barriers in its conception and its implementation. On the basis of a comparative analysis between France and Canada, I highlighted that different acceptations of adaptation and AM between policy and scientific actors represent a barrier for the implementation of adaptive strategies, as AM. Hence, I proposed a new concept of AM at the ecosystem scale, allowing limiting the focus on economic issues of AM programs. Moreover, I demonstrated that the AM actions are not constrained in a precautionary approach but could be applied in a prevention context. These results unties the deadlock about the “when to act?” question. After an empirical and theoretical analysis of AM and its context, in the second part of this thesis, I was interested on the real application of AM in the field. Therefore, I evaluated the capacity of forest actors to change their practices in a climate change context, with an original method based on the estimation of local capitals. Sadly, this analysis showed that for the moment, foresters implement more easily strategies for increasing robustness than resilient or transformative strategies, increasing the fragility of socio-ecosystems and risking a violent collapse of them.

Assessing the Potential of Water Reuse Uptake Through a Private–Public Partnership: a Practitioner’s Perspective

Georgiou, Isabella, Caucci, Serena, Morris, Jonathan Clive, Guenther, Edeltraud, Krebs, Peter 04 April 2024 (has links)
Around 20% of the global water abstractions are originated by the industrial sector, while water demand overall will increase by 20–33% by 2050. Wastewater could provide an alternative source of water for industrial activities. There are not many studies exploring the potential of treated wastewater use under a private–public partnership (PPP), despite their potential of contributing to an effective integrated water management through the creation of inter-sectorial synergies. This paper aims therefore to provide a holistic overview of the main factors that affect the effectiveness of PPPs in using treated municipal wastewater in the industrial sector. Through a systematic literature review, the main barriers, drivers, industries and different applications of water use are analysed. Barriers and drivers are classified through the inductive Gioia method into seven categories. The results showed that economic and technical aspects related to the feasibility of the scheme were most prominent in the literature, while water availability seems to be central driving factor for such water reuse schemes. The conclusion of PPPs in water reuse, however, relies on the possibilities for such a partnership and on bridging the needs of the two parties, which entails effective communication through negotiation and information sharing. This paper is a first step to understanding how water circularity practices under an interconnected and sustainable urban environment can be facilitated and explored.

Rätt skatt på rätt plats? : En studie av hinder och drivkrafter för implementeringen av den svenska skatten på plastbärkassar / The right tax in the right place? : A study of barriers and drivers for the implementation of the Swedish tax on plastic carrier bags

Sjulander, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Skatten på engångsplastbärkassar som implementerades i Sverige år 2020 möttes med ideologiskt motstånd. Den forskning som gör gällande skatt på plastbärkassar finns främst i internationell kontext och är fokuserad på konsumenters beteenden och reaktioner. Denna studie gör gällande hur berörda verksamheter och organisationer resonerar kring skattens införande, samt dess resultat. Studien syftar också till att identifiera hinder och drivkrafter för implementeringen. För att undersöka förhållandet användes en explorativ ansats där intervjuer med en variation av berörda verksamheter utgjorde materialet för studien. Resultaten visar på att implementeringen mötts av missnöje av hälften av deltagarna på grund av skattens singulära syfte, samtidigt som den andra hälften anser att tillämpningsområdet var tillfredsställande. De hinder som identifierades var svårigheter att definiera engångs-, respektive flergångskassar, samt bristen på synkronisering eller kombination med andra styrmedel. De drivkrafter som identifierades relaterade till organiseringen och kommunikationen mellan de berörda verksamheterna, till trots förbättringsmöjligheter för dessa aspekter. En av slutsatserna är att styrmedel som detta bör nyttja både ett teknocentriskt perspektiv om plastbärkassens miljö-, och klimatpåverkan, samt ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv utgående från berörda verksamheter och organisationers behov. / The Swedish tax on plastic carrier bags that was implemented in 2020 was initially met with dissatisfaction from the public and stakeholders. Current research investigating the tax on plastic carrier bags was done in other countries and is focused on the reactions and behaviours of consumers. Thus, this study investigates stakeholders’ reasoning around the implementation of the tax as well as its results. Another aim is to identify obstacles and driving forces for the implementation. To do so, an explorative approach in combination with interviews of stakeholders were used. The results show that implementation was met with dissatisfaction by half of the participants in the study, owing to the singular aim of the tax. The other half of participants viewed the tax purpose as satisfactory. The obstacles that were identified was difficulties in distinguishing single-use from multi-use plastic carrier bags, as well as the lack of synchronization or combination with other measures. The driving forces that were identified related to the organization and communication between stakeholder, despite opportunities for improvement. One of the conclusions of the study was that policy measures like this tax should use a technocentric perspective on the environmental impact of the plastic carrier bag, in combination with a socioeconomic perspective on the needs of stakeholders.

Indicators for Evaluating End-of-life Recovery Strategies - Circular Economy : Drivers and Barriers for Implementation / Evaluering av Cirkulära Produktstrategier - Cirkulär Ekonomi : Faktorer för Omställning

Madsen, Stine, Rodriguez Romo, Maria Fernanda January 2022 (has links)
Enforcing EoL recovery strategies is critical to shifting the paradigm from a linear to a circular economy that enables future growth. This study identifies relevant evaluation indicators for End of-life recovery strategies in the Outdoor Power Equipment industry, as well as the drivers and barriers to implementation of End-of-life recovery strategies. Furthermore, it contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 12 and serves as a starting point for increasing product circularity in the Outdoor Power Equipment industry through End-of-life recovery strategies. For this purpose, a structured literature review and an exploratory case study was conducted in collaboration with the market leader, Husqvarna Group. The results showed the relevant evaluation indicators selected by the case company, addressing the three sustainability dimensions. From an organizational perspective, this study emphasizes the role of different factors acting as drivers and barriers to EoL recovery strategy implementation for industry to drive a successful implementation. / Att genomdriva cirkulära produktstrategier är avgörande för omställningen till cirkulär ekonomi, vilket möjliggör framtida ekonomisk tillväxt. Den här studien identifierar relevanta utvärderingsindikatorer för cirkulära produktstrategier inom tillverkningsindustrin, samt drivkrafter och barriärer för genomförande av dessa. Studien bidrar till Förenade Nationerna Globala Mål för Hållbar Utveckling 8 och 12 och fungerar som en utgångspunkt för att öka livslängden för produkter och komponenter inom industrin. För detta genomfördes en explorativ fallstudie genom en strukturerad litteraturgenomgång, workshops och intervjuer i samarbete med marknadsledaren Husqvarna Group. Resultaten visade att relevanta utvärderings indikatorer är klimatpåverkan, kundnöjdhet och intäktspotential, som tar upp de tre hållbarhetsdimensionerna. Från ett organisatoriskt perspektiv betonar denna studie barriärer mellan affärsutveckling och organisation, vilket hotar framgångsrik implementering. För att driva en framgångsrik implementering, är anpassat resultatmål, utbildning och ökad teknisk kapacitet sätt att övervinna den nuvarande verkligheten.

Exploration potenzieller Barrieren für die Akzeptanz eines interdisziplinären sektorenübergreifenden Versorgungsnetzwerkes für Patient*innen mit Morbus Parkinson

Lang, Caroline, Timpel, P., Müller, G., Knapp, A., Falkenburger, B., Wolz, M., Themann, P., Schmitt, J. 30 May 2024 (has links)
Hintergrund Mit dem ParkinsonNetzwerk Ostsachsen (PANOS) soll ein intersektorales, pfadbasiertes und plattformunterstütztes Versorgungskonzept etabliert werden, um trotz steigender Behandlungszahlen eine flächendeckende Parkinson-Versorgung mit adäquaten Therapien zu unterstützen. Fragestellung Welche Barrieren könnten die Akzeptanz und eine erfolgreiche Verstetigung des PANOS-Behandlungspfades gefährden? Methode Implementierungsbarrieren wurden über eine selektive Literaturrecherche identifiziert und in einer Onlinebefragung von 36 projektassoziierten Neurolog*innen und Hausärzt*innen priorisiert. Die Auswertung der Ergebnisse erfolgte anonymisiert und deskriptiv. Ergebnisse Dreizehn mögliche Implementierungsbarrieren wurden identifiziert. Es nahmen 11 Neurolog*innen und 7 Hausärzt*innen an der Onlineumfrage teil. Die befragten Neurolog*innen sahen in Doppeldokumentationen sowie in unzureichender Kommunikation und Kooperation zwischen den Leistungserbringenden die größten Hindernisse für eine Akzeptanz von PANOS. Hausärzt*innen beurteilten u. a. die restriktiven Verordnungs- und Budgetgrenzen und den möglicherweise zu hohen Zeitaufwand für Netzwerkprozesse als hinderlich. Diskussion Doppeldokumentationen von Patienten- und Behandlungsdaten sind zeitintensiv und fehleranfällig. Die Akzeptanz kann durch adäquate finanzielle Kompensation der Leistungserbringenden erhöht werden. Das hausärztliche Verordnungsverhalten könnte durch die Verwendung interventionsbezogener Abrechnungsziffern positiv beeinflusst werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen u. a. einen Bedarf an integrativen technischen Systemlösungen und sektorenübergreifenden Dokumentationsstrukturen, um den Mehraufwand für Leistungserbringende zu reduzieren. Schlussfolgerung Eine Vorabanalyse der Einflussfaktoren von PANOS sowie die Sensibilisierung aller mitwirkenden Akteure für potenzielle Barrieren sind entscheidend für die Akzeptanz des Versorgungsnetzwerkes. Gezielte Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung und Vermeidung identifizierter Barrieren können die anwenderseitige Akzeptanz erhöhen und die Behandlungsergebnisse optimieren. / Introduction The ParkinsonNetwork Eastern Saxony (PANOS) aims to establish an intersectoral, path-based and platform-supported care concept in order to support comprehensive care with adequate therapies despite the increasing number of patients to be treated. Objective Which barriers may limit the acceptance and successful implementation of PANOS? Methods Implementation barriers were identified through a selective literature review and prioritized in an online survey of 36 project-associated neurologists and general practitioners. The results were analyzed anonymously and descriptively. Results Thirteen potential implementation barriers were identified. Eleven neurologists and seven general practitioners participated in the online survey. The surveyed neurologists assessed double documentation and inadequate communication and cooperation between the service providers as the biggest obstacles to the acceptance of PANOS. General practitioners rated the restrictions for prescription and budget and the potentially high time expenditure required for network activities as barriers. Discussion Double documentation of patient and treatment data is time consuming and prone to errors. Adequate financial compensation could increase service providers’ willingness to participate in such measures. In addition, the prescribing behavior of general practitioners may be influenced positively by the use of intervention-related accounting numbers. The results indicate a need for integrative technical system solutions and intersectoral documentation structures in order to reduce the additional effort for service providers. Conclusion Analyzing the influencing factors of the PANOS network, and raising the awareness of all participating service providers to potential barriers, are decisive measures for the acceptance of the care network. Targeted measures to reduce and avoid identified barriers can increase user acceptance and optimize treatment results.

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