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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Betydelsefulla framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av finansiella regelverk : En studie inför implementeringen av MiFID II  för finansiell rådgivning och  investeringstjänster

Noresson, Josefine, Neziri, Krenare January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att förklara och förstå de centrala faktorer som är av betydelse vid en implementering av ett finansiellt regelverk. Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt har använts för att uppnå vårt syfte, genom att intervjua olika respondenter från olika typer av finansiella företag som står inför den kommande förändringen. Genom att kombinera vårt empiriska resultat med den framtagna teorin om implementeringar, har vi kunnat komma fram till faktorer som är av betydelse vid implementeringar av finansiella regelverk.  De mest betydelsefulla faktorerna för en framgångsrik implementering av finansiella regelverk är anpassningsbarhet, analysförmåga och kommunikation. Genom att redan tidigt följa regelverkets utveckling kan organisationen ha en god uppfattning om hur det senare kommer att utformas på en nationell nivå. På detta sätt blir inte implementeringsprocessen lika begränsad av den långa tid som det tar att stifta de nationella regleringarna. Det är väsentligt att organisationerna kan anpassa sin implementeringsmetod utifrån regelverkets innehåll, men även anpassat till dagens moderniseringen av tekniken. När det gäller att implementera regelverk är det oftast direkt kopplat till de utgivna tjänsterna, vilket sätter mer vikt på medarbetarnas kunskap och förståelse vid en sådan implementering. / This study seeks to explain and understand the key factors that are important when implementing a financial regulation.        A qualitative approach has been used to achieve our purpose, by interviewing different respondents from different types of financial companies facing the coming change. By combining our empirical results with the developed theory of implementations, we´ve been able to find factors that are important when implementing financial regulations.  The most important factors for a successful implementation of financial regulations are adaptability, analysis capability and communication. By following up early with the regulatory developments, the organization can have a good idea of ​​what it will look like when it’s finalized on a national level. In this way, the implementation process will not be limited by the long time that it takes to enact the national regulations. It is essential that organizations can adapt their implementation method based on the content of the regulation, but also adapt it to today's modernized technology. When it comes to implementing regulations, it is usually directly related to the services that are being offered, which puts more emphasis on the employees' knowledge and understanding.


Moe, Krista 01 January 2012 (has links)
Women suffer a high prevalence rate of several mental disorders. National U.S. data (N = 9,282) shows that 23.4% of women meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder, 8.6% for depression, and 11.6% for a mood disorder (Kessler et al., 2005). Compared to men, women are two times more likely to be depressed (Lewinsohn, Rhode, Seeley, & Baldwin, 2001) and two to three times more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders such as panic disorders, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders, and Posttraumatic Stress (Kessler et al., 2005). Due to experiencing a high number of mental disorders, women’s psychological well-being (PWB) has been questioned (OWH, 2009). Considerable research describes the negative influence psychological distress has on women’s lives, but little is understood of what constitutes PWB. Ryff (1989) proposed that existing models of mental health too often focus on illness and disorders, neglecting important aspects of positive functioning. This study was based on Ryff’s (1989) conceptualization that improved PWB would reflect the perception of functioning well in life (Ryff, 1989). The purpose of the present study was to identify factors important in women’s PWB. Factors included: age, household income, education, marital status, race/ethnicity, perceived social support, psychological distress, and PWB. The design of the study was a secondary data analysis based on an existing study, “The Psychological Well-Being of Women Pre- and Post- a Breast Cancer Diagnosis.” Women recalled for a diagnostic mammogram, but not diagnosed, were included in the study (N = 2,746). Measures used included: a demographic questionnaire, Scales of psychological well-being (Ryff, 1989); Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995); and a Visual Analog Scale of Perceived Social Support. Findings showed that income, education, and perceived social support showed statistically significant different PWB scores in the positive direction. Married women scored higher PWB scores than women of other types of marital status, but neither age nor race/ethnicity showed differences in outcome scores. Psychological distress and PWB were strongly and inversely correlated, suggesting that the constructs are more directly related than previously identified. Implications for therapeutic practice and future research are discussed.

Retail Experience Marketing : A study on customer perceptions of successful in-store experience marketing within retailing

Tengström, Michaela, Björkman, Hanna, Egardsson, Patricia January 2015 (has links)
It has been shown that in today’s society, businesses will need to consider not only selling products or services, but also experiences in order to fulfil customers’ increasing demand for more stimuli in purchase situations. Additionally, brick and mortar retailers will need to respond to the increased use of online sales channels through finding ways of attracting customers to their stores. One way of responding to both trends can be to practise Experience Marketing and thereby offer holistic, stimulating and memorable customer experiences at every purchase situation. With this insight, this thesis will investigate which specific factors that are perceived as important when creating successful in-store experiences. From this, the aim is to create a framework based on customers’ perceptions that can be useful for brick and mortar retailers when implementing experience marketing. Five propositions of what factors to include in order to create successful experiences are presented. These are tested and further developed through both quantitative and qualitative research. The empirical investigation results in the creation of a final suggested framework including the supported propositions, one new Additional Factor and several suggested subcategories within each factor. The final framework suggests following factors as important when creating successful experience marketing: Store Environment, Employee Characteristics, Senses and Additional Factor.

Crucial Factors in Customer Relationship Management : A Chinese Perspective of the Telecommunication Industry

Song, Yan, Wei, Bin January 2011 (has links)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) which focuses on the relationship with customers has become more and more important in business management. CRM is a managerial system based on technological applications which can help companies to get competitive advantages. In our paper, we focus on the CRM in the Chinese context and our purpose is to identify important factors during the management of customer relationship in China. We have studied one of the largest Chinese Telecom companies.

Investigation of IoT camera solutions in Smart Cities from a Technology, Information Security and Trust point of view

Lukacs, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Smart cities utilize IoT cameras in a rushing pace. However, these high technological connected devices are back doors to safe systems. Implementation of high technological solutions without concerning other important aspects as information security and the factor of trust violates not only the quality aspect of the solutions, but also breaches the privacy of individuals. Secure solutions that reserve the trust of individuals with the help of high technological solutions is therefore significant. This study is aimed to investigate and find answer to how IoT camera solutions for smart cities can include all three of the important factors, which contributes for a deeper understanding of the whole product development process` possible improvements. Through a qualitative approach the research questions are investigated which resulted in a contribution that support the academic world of information security in presenting the importance of correct communication, collaboration and the including of the three factors during the development process of IoT camera solutions for smart cities. The results are open for further investigation as observed during research, but also key findings and recommendations are offered to the stakeholders of the IoT camera solution development industry.

"Mycket ligger på oss biståndshandläggare" : En kvalitativ studie om hur biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen upplever arbetet med äldre som har en alkoholproblematik / "Much is on us care managers" : - A qualitative study on how care managers in elderly care experience the work with the elderly who have an alcohol problem

Idre, Emma, Shala, Mimoza January 2018 (has links)
Although alcohol consumption among the elderly is rising this is still modestly noted. Care managers in elderly care come in contact with elderly people. The purpose with the study was therefore to examine how care managers experience the work with elderly people with alcohol problems and six qualitative interviews have been conducted. Empirical data has been analyzed with thematic analysis and linked to previous research and Hasenfelds theory about people-processing, people-sustaining and people-changing. The results show that care managers experience routines regarding elderly with alcohol problems, does not differ much from traditional elderly cases. These cases demand a higher level of cooperation between different departments, because they lack resources to help the elderly. Important factors in the work are considered to be motivational work, building a trust and a functioning interaction. They request more knowledge about elderly and alcohol, support from colleagues and the substance abuse unit are considered important. / Även om alkoholkonsumtionen bland den äldre generationen stiger är detta fortfarande blygsamt uppmärksammat. Biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen kommer i kontakt med många äldre i sitt arbete. Syftet med studien var därför att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare upplever arbetet med äldre som har en alkoholproblematik. För att besvara studiens syfte har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med sex biståndshandläggare i skilda kommuner. Empirin har analyserats med tematisk analys och kopplats till tidigare forskning samt Hasenfelds teori om people-processing, people-sustaining och people-changing. Resultatet visar att biståndshandläggare upplever att det som skiljer ärenden rörande äldre med alkoholproblematik rutinmässigt från traditionella äldreomsorgsärenden är att de kräver en högre grad av samverkan mellan olika funktioner då biståndshandläggare inte besitter resurser att hjälpa dessa äldre. Viktiga faktorer i arbetet anses vara motivationsarbete, skapa en förtroendefull relation och uppnå en fungerande samverkan. Biståndshandläggarna efterfrågar mer kunskap om äldre och alkohol och stöd från kollegor samt missbruksenheten upplevs vara viktigt.

Clean coding i team : En fallstudie om hur ett team går tillväga för att etablera ettgemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean codes riktlinjer / Clean code in team : - A case study to describe how a team works to establish acommon mindset based in the guidelines of Clean code

Emretsson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Idag byggs många system som består av svårlästa kodbaser med låg förvaltningsbarhet. En anledning till detta är att utvecklarna av systemet har olika bakgrund och kunskap i hur de skriver kod. Att skriva sin kod på helt skilda sätt är något som kan skapa problem i takt med att system blir större och allt mer komplexa. Nethouse i Borlänge har sedan 2015 arbetat med förvaltningsuppdraget TRAP (Transportstyrelsens Administrativa Processystem) där en problematiskt förvaltning upplevts i och med att systemet är uppbyggt med hjälp av olika tekniker. Tekniken i TRAP ska lyftas och målet med detta är att skapa en mer lättläst och förvaltningsbar kodbas jämfört med hur TRAP ser ut idag. För att uppnå detta är planen att i teamet etablera ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i de riktlinjer som Clean code förespråkar. Studien syftar till att beskriva hur ett team arbetar med etableringen av ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean Codes riktlinjer samt faktorer som anses vara viktiga att beakta. För att uppnå syftet användes två frågeställningar:  Hur arbetar teamet med etableringen av det gemensamma tankesättet idag?  Vilka faktorer kan anses som viktiga att beakta när ett nytt gemensamt tankesätt ska etableras? En fallstudie utfördes med intervjuer och enkäter som datainsamlingsmetoder för att ha möjlighet att besvara frågeställningen. Resultatet från studien visar att teamet på Nethouse använder sig av par- och mobprogrammering samt i enstaka fall kodgranskning för att etablera det gemensamma tankesättet. Resultatet beskriver även fyra faktorer som är viktiga att beakta när ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean codes riktlinjer ska etableras. De fyra faktorerna är ömsesidigt förtroende, ömsesidighet kring det arbete som utförs, tvåvägskommunikation och tillvägagångssätt. / Many of todays systems are made of code bases with low readability which leads to low maintainability. One reason to this is that developers of the system have different experience and knowledge in how to write code. When code is written in totally different ways it can create problems as the system grows and becomes more complex. Since 2015, Nethouse in Borlänge has managed a system called TRAP (Transportstyrelsens Administrative Process System). TRAP is built with different techniques and during the maintainability process a lot of problems has occured because of that. The technique in TRAP is about to be lifted and by doing this one part of the goal is to create a code base which is more easy to read and maintain compared to todays code base. To achieve this goal the plan is to establish a common mindset in the team. A common mindset which is based in a set of guidelines called Clean code. The purpose of this study is to describe how a team is working to establish a common mindset based in the guidelines of Clean code and to describe important factors to consider in this situation. Two research questions was used to achieve the purpose of this study:  How is the team working today to establish a common mindset?  Which factors can be considered as important when a common mindset is about to establish? A case study with the help of interviews and questionnaries was conducted to answer these two questions. The result shows that the team is using pair programming, mob programming and also code review to establish a common mindset. The result also shows that the four factors mutual trust, mutual performance monitoring, closed loop communication and method are more important to consider in this situation.

Information Technology Outsourcing in Large Companies in Sweden : A Perspective on Risks, Relationships and Success Factors

Hodosi, Georg January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates large private companies in Sweden that have outsourced their information technology (IT). A considerable proportion of IT outsourcing (ITO) is unsuccessful. For IT service buyers, this could cause IT that does not fully work, entailing problems with the network, application, infrastructure and security, with serious consequences such as a loss of customers’ confidence and significantly increased costs. Therefore, the main research goal was to analyse and define ways to improve ITO for buyer organizations. This main research goal was accomplished through three research goals that are the followings: 1) To develop a method for risk assessment in IT outsourcing; 2) To identify the important factors in IT outsourcing relationship; and 3) To identify the success factors in IT outsourcing.                       The research strategies applied in conducting this research were design science research and survey research. To achieve the first research goal, a method was developed for assessing the ITO risks, including support for mitigating these risks. This method could help both researchers and practitioners in estimating the ITO risks and in this way improve ITO. An application based on the developed method was used to facilitate the testing of this method by several ITO decision makers in large companies concerning its usability, correctness and functionality. Moreover, a study was performed to explore ITO decision makers’ acceptance of the developed method and their use of it for assessing the ITO risks.             The second research goal investigated how to improve service buyers’ ITO relationship with their providers. A well-working ITO relationship is a critical determinant of successful ITO and is relevant to the whole ITO life cycle. This research goal was achieved by identifying and analysing the most important factors in ITO relationships, including a prioritized list of those factors that are highly recommended for use in creating and maintaining a good ITO relationship.                       The third research goal examined how to improve ITO by identifying and prioritizing the success factors (SFs) in ITO. This research identified the ITO SFs in large companies and provided a prioritized list of them to be applied in these companies with a description of the value that they could create from implementation during the ITO life cycle. Moreover, the SFs identified in large companies were compared with those identified in medium-sized companies, which could give an indication to the researchers in this field that company size matters in regard to the implementation order of the identified SFs.               In summary, the research presented in this thesis contributes with: 1) a method for assessing the risks of outsourcing IT and, in the case that IT has been outsourced, suggested ways to mitigate them; 2) the important factors that could improve ITO relationships and 3) a prioritized list of success factors that could improve IT outsourcing. / Denna avhandling undersöker stora privata företag i Sverige som har outsourcat sin IT verksamhet. Som vi uppmärksammade har en stor del av IT-outsourcingen (ITO) misslyckats. För köparen av IT-tjänsten kan det leda till bristande IT funktionalitet med allvarliga konsekvenser som i värsta fall leder till förlorade kunder och betydande kostnadsökningar. Därför är det övergripande forskningsmålet är att analysera och fastställa hur ITO:n för köparen av IT tjänsten kan förbättras. För att lösa det övergripande forskningsmålet forskningen undersökte: 1) Utvecklingen av en metod för att bedöma riskerna med IT-outsourcing; 2) Identifiering av de viktiga faktorerna inom IT-outsourcingsrelationer; och 3) Identifiering av en lista över framgångsfaktorer i IT-outsourcing. De använda forskningsstrategierna för att genomföra forskningen var ”design science research" och kartläggning. För att uppnå först huvudforskningsmålet, har en metod tagits fram för att bedöma riskerna och vägleda hur man kan minska dem. Den här metoden kan hjälpa både forskare och de som utövar IT-outsourcing med att bedöma ITO-riskerna och på så sätt förbättra sina IT-outsourcing.  En programvara baserad på den metoden har utvecklats för att underlätta testningen av metoden vilket har genomförts med IT beslutsfattare på stora organisationer, beträffande användbarhet, korrekthet och funktionalitet. Dessutom har en studie utförts för att bedöma om programvaran kan accepteras av IT beslutsfattare och få reda på om de skulle använda metoden för att bedöma ITO riskerna. Det andra forskningsmålet har undersökt hur köparna av den outsourcade IT-tjänsten kan förbättra relationen med sina leverantörer. En bra ITO-relation är en avgörande faktor för en framgångsrik ITO och den är viktig för hela livscykeln. Forskningsmålet har uppnåtts genom analys för att hitta de viktigaste faktorerna ITO-relationsfaktorer, som studien rekommenderar för att skapa och underhålla en bra ITO relation. Det tredje forskningsmålet har undersökt hur ITO kan förbättras genom att identifiera och prioritera framgångsfaktorerna i ITO. Studien har identifierat framgångsfaktorerna i stora företag och tagit fram en lista med prioriterade framgångsfaktorer som bör implementeras i de undersökta företagen. Dessutom så har nyttan av dessa framgångsfaktorer beskrivits under ITO livscykeln. Dessutom har de identifierade framgångsfaktorerna från stora företag jämförts med framgångsfaktorerna som har identifierats för medelstora företag. Denna jämförelse ger en indikation till forskarna på det här området att prioriteringen av framgångsfaktorerna är beroende av företagsstorlek. Sammanfattningsvis, den beskrivna forskningen i den här uppsatsen bidrar med: 1) En metod för att bedöma risker och förslag på hur minska dessa risker; 2) En lista med de viktiga faktorerna för att förbättra ITO relationen inom IT-outsourcing och; 3) En prioriterad lista av framgångsfaktorer som kan förbättra IT outsourcing.

Role sestry ve screeningu deprese u seniorů. / Role of the nurse in screening for depression in the elderly.

VRZALOVÁ, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of depression in older people. Mainly the work is focused on identifying and analyzing the role of nurses in screening for depression in older people in primary care, acute care, long-term care and home care. This thesis was focused on theoretical direction and was used the method of design and demonstration. In this thesis was set one main goals with five research questions. The main goal was to identify and analyze the role of nurses in screening for depression in the elderly. RQ 1: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in the elderly? RQ 2: What is the role of the nurse in the primary care in screening for depression in the elderly? RQ 3: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in hospitalized patients in acute care? RQ 4: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in seniors in long-term and home care? RQ 5: What rating scales and methods are used in screening for depression in the elderly? The thesis introduce the concept of depression. The following are specified the causes of and the important factors that affect depression in the elderly. It also deals the differences in the clinical symptomatology of depression in old age. It explains possibilities and various barriers in the diagnosis of depression. Another chapter introduces complete geriatric examination, diagnostic classification systems, possible screening methods and scales for detection of depression in the elderly population. It also deals methods of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment and its possible complications associated with older age. By reason of increased suicide rate caused by depressive disorder the issue of suicidal behavior in the elderly is introduced. The next chapter deals with the nursing process, which is used by nurses in practice. It consists of the evaluation of the patient's health condition, making nursing diagnosis, creating nursing plan and subsequent implementation and evaluation. The nursing process is also needy for providing quality care. The nursing process in the stage of nursing diagnosis, introduces possible nursing diagnosis for a patient suffering from depression, which are based on the latest classification. Finally is described the role of nurses in screening for depression in the elderly in different health facilities and their contribution to the timely evaluation of depression in the elderly. This chapter introduces the role of nurses, nursing screening and collaboration with a physician. The role of nurses in screening for depression in different medical facilities is based on the first phase of the nursing process of assessment. On the basis of objective and subjective information, the nurse will assess the overall health and mental condition of the patient. Primarily, it was investigated what is the role of the nurse in screening for depression. On the basis of content analysis and synthesis it was necessary to used and processed domestic and foreign literature. A number of relevant sources are the results of various studies and Meta-analyzes, mostly from abroad, but also from the Czech Republic. The thesis can serve as a basis for nurses. The result of this thesis is to create e-learning material available for students in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice in the tutorial called Moodle.

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