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Uppföljning av elevens kunskapsutveckling på APL : Hur APL-processer kan påverka synliggörande av kunskap / Follow-up of the student's knowledge development at APL : How APL-process can affect the visibility of knowledgeEvjenth, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
Yrkeslärare med ansvar för arbetsplatsförlagt lärande (APL) använder sig av olika metoder för att säkerställa att APL följs upp på ett strukturerat sätt. Studien åskådliggör de metoder som lärare med APL-ansvar använder i uppföljningen av APL. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten fokuserar på vilken kunskap som synliggörs genom dessa metoder. Tidigare forskning visar att en strukturerad process skapar förutsättningar för en bättre slutprodukt. Slutprodukten likställs i studien med en mer yrkeskunnig elev. Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer, samtal och dokumentinsamling. Intervjuer har genomförts med åtta APL-ansvariga lärare på fyra olika yrkesprogram inom samma gymnasieskola. Dokumentinsamlingen baseras på de dokument som används i samband med uppföljning av APL. Samtal benämns i studien som vardagliga samtal som har genomförts med APL-ansvariga lärare. Det insamlade materialet sammanställdes och därefter analyserades data i förhållande till studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att avsaknad av en strukturerad process medför att elevens kunskap inte synliggörs. När kunskap inte synliggörs skapas inte förutsättningar för att uppnå syftet med APL. I resultatdiskussionen diskuteras kraven på yrkeslärarens flexibilitet, om bristen på processkunskap kan hindra en strukturerad uppföljning samt hur osynlig kunskap kan bli synlig. / Vocational teachers with responsibility for workplace-based learning (APL) use different methods to ensure that APL will be followed up in a structured way. The study illustrates the methods that teachers with APL-responsibility use in the follow-up of APL. The theoretical basis focuses on the knowledge that is visible through these methods. Previous research shows that a structured process creates the conditions for a better end product. The end product is equated in the study with a more skilled student. The study is based on qualitative interviews, conversations and document collection. Interviews were conducted with eight APL-responsible teachers at four different professional programs within the same school. Document collection is based on the documents used in connection with the follow-up of APL. Conversation is referred to in this study as "everyday" conversation carried out with APL-responsible teachers. The collected material was compiled and analyzed in relation to the questions asked in the study. The result shows that the absence of a structured process causes that knowledge of the student will not get visible. When knowledge is not visible it does not create conditions for achieving the aim of APL. In the final discussion the requirements for vocational teacher’s flexibility, the lack of process knowledge and how to make invisible knowledge visible are further discussed.
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Analysis of turkey' / s visibility on global intrenetOralalp, Sertac 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, Turkey&rsquo / s Internet visibility will be analyzed based on data to be collected from multiple different resources (such as / Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Bing and AOL). Analysis work will involve inspection of DNS queries, Web crawling and some other similar techniques. Our goal is to investigate global Internet and find webs that has common pattern of representing Internet visibility of Turkey and compare their characteristics with other webs' / on the world and discover their similarities and differences.
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Modélisation de la détection de défauts et perception de la qualité d'images radiologiques / Modelling the detection of artifacts and the perception of the quality of radiological imagesAcharian, Georges 09 October 2015 (has links)
Depuis la fin du 20ème siècle, l'imagerie médicale s'est fortement développée et représente aujourd'hui un moyen incontournable pour le diagnostic médical. Dans le domaine de la radiologie par rayons X, de nouveaux détecteurs numériques remplacent progressivement les anciennes techniques à film et permettent d'obtenir des images de meilleure qualité. Cette thèse, préparée en collaboration entre l'entreprise Trixell, constructeur de détecteurs plats numériques pour la radiographie, et le laboratoire Gipsa-Lab, s'inscrit dans le cadre général du contrôle qualité de ces détecteurs par analyse d'images. Les applications biomédicales mettant en jeu ces appareils, sont généralement particulièrement sensibles, et le principe de « zéro défaut » est de mise quant à la qualité des produits. Malgré les différents traitements, certains défauts peuvent être présents dans les images. Cette thèse est axée sur le développement de modèles de mesure de la visibilité des défauts, en cohérence avec l'observation d'un humain. Deux approches complémentaires sont développées : la première approche basée sur des expériences psychophysiques et la seconde approche de modélisation basée sur la théorie de décision. Par rapport aux modèles de visibilité existants, notre modèle prend en compte la perception humaine et notamment les saccades et fixations oculaires dans l'analyse des images : le test de visibilité est ainsi le produit de tests de visibilité locaux, calculés aux points saillants de l'image supposés indépendants. Les résultats montrent l'intérêt de notre approche, notamment pour des détecteurs statiques. En se fondant sur les résultats et une dernière expériences d'oculométrie, cette thèse suggère en perspective la prise en compte d'autres caractéristiques comme le nombre de fixations oculaires, et leur durée. / Since the beginning of the 20th century, medical imaging has significantly been improved and represents now an essential mean for medical diagnosis. In the field of radiology, new digital detectors are gradually replacing the old film techniques allowing a better image. This thesis, prepared in collaboration between the company Trixell, manufacturer of X-ray detectors, and the laboratory Gipsa-Lab, is part of the framework of quality control of these detectors by image analysis. Biomedical applications involved by these devices are particularly sensitive, and the principle of “zero artifact” is required to ensure the quality of the product. Despite the various processings, some artifacts may be present in the images.This thesis focuses on the development of models that quantify the visibility of artifacts in concordance to human observation. Two complementary approaches are developed : the first one is based on psychophysical experiments and the second one is a modeling approach based on decision theory. In comparison to existent models, our model takes into account perception characteristics including saccades and eye fixation in image analysis : the visibility test is thus the product of local visibility tests calculated on the salient points of the image and assumed to be independent. The results show the interest of our approach, especially for static detectors. Based on the results and a final eye-tracking experiment, this thesis suggests perspectives taking into account other characteristics such as the number of eye fixations and their duration.
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Visibilidade das revistas científicas da UFRGSFerreira, Ana Gabriela Clipes January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo aborda a visibilidade das revistas pertencentes ao Portal de Periódicos Científicos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPCU/UFRGS). Questiona se os periódicos do PPCU possuem características que promovam a visibilidade. Analisa as características que promovem a visibilidade dos periódicos científicos eletrônicos do PPCU, sendo estas: a presença na Web, o acesso aberto, a buscabilidade, o idioma da publicação e a presença em fontes de informação. Caracteriza as revistas da Universidade. Verifica a buscabilidade dos títulos nos mecanismos de busca. Analisa a visibilidade na Internet através da presença nas fontes de informação nas quais estão presentes estas revistas. Classifica as fontes de informação nas quais estão presentes as revistas da Universidade. O referencial teórico aborda os temas: comunicação científica; periódicos científicos; visibilidade e buscabilidade; fontes de informação na Web; bases de dados bibliográficas; e acesso aberto. O estudo tem caráter descritivo e exploratório, combinando dados qualitativos e quantitativos. O corpus da pesquisa foi formado por 34 títulos. Coletaram-se as informações principais sobre as revistas, com ênfase nas características que promovem visibilidade. Foi constatado que as Ciências Humanas é a área que possui maior número de revistas na Universidade, 29,4% do total de publicações. O acesso aberto é adotado por todas as revistas da amostra. As revistas estão avaliadas em maior número nos estratos do Qualis B2 e B3, cerca de 42%. Mapeadas as fontes de informação, foi verificada a maior presença de periódicos na fonte de informação LAPTOC, seguida pela LATINDEX. Apesar da presença pouco expressiva em fontes de informação internacionais, concluiu-se que as revistas pertencentes ao PPCU buscam ampliar as características que promovem a sua visibilidade. Esta pesquisa também sugere uma série de novos estudos, aprofundando as análises, abordando outros temas ligados à visibilidade, em especial estudos bibliométricos. / This study addresses the visibility of journals belonging to the Web Portal of Scientific Journals of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPCU/UFGRS). It discusses if the journals from PPCU have characteristics which promote visibility. It analyses the characteristics which promote visibility of scientific journals from the PPCU, which are: Web presence, open access, searchability, language of the publication and the presence in information sources. It characterises the journals of the University. It verifies the searchability of titles in search engines. It analyses the visibility on Internet through the presence in information sources in which those journals are present. It classifies the information sources in which the journals of the University are present. The theoretical reference addresses the following themes: scientific communication; scientific journals; visibility and searchability; information sources on Web; bibliographic databases and open access. The study is descriptive and exploratory, combining qualitative and quantitative data. The corpus of the research was composed by 34 titles. Essential information about the journals was collected, with emphasis on characteristics which promote visibility. It was found that Human Sciences is the area with the largest number of journals at the University, 29.4% of total publications. Open access is adopted by all journals in the sample. The journals are evaluated in larger numbers in the strata of Qualis B2 and B3, about 42%. Once the information sources had been mapped, the largest presence of journals was found at the information source LAPTOC, followed by LATINDEX. Despite the presence of limited significance in international information sources, it was found that the journals belonging to PPCU aim at widening the characteristics which promote their visibility. It suggests a string of new studies, deepening the analyses, addressing other themes related to visibility and, especially, bibliometric studies.
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La politique d'immigration à l'échelle d'une collectivité : entre intégration et communication : le cas de la ville de Strasbourg / Immigration policy in a community scale : between integration and communication : the case of StrasbourgGeiger, Johanne 28 September 2012 (has links)
Alors que les étrangers n’ont plus été les bienvenus suite aux bouleversements économiques et sociaux consécutifs à la fin de Trente Glorieuses, que la France a pris diverses mesures pour endiguer le flot de l’immigration, il est aujourd’hui évident, au vu de la recrudescence des discriminations, que le pays doit trouver une alternative à une politique d’intégration dont l’universalisme ne parvient plus à garantir les valeurs françaises fondatrices de la Nation. En s’appuyant, grâce à l’outil du Conseil des Résidents Etrangers, sur des associations référées à l’immigration, la politique d’intégration de Strasbourg s’inscrit de façon originale dans cette discussion: elle permet d’utiliser comme ressources des groupes fondés sur des identités particulières afin d’entrer dans des négociations ou des débats politiques et sociaux. Mais la politique est un art, selon G. BOUTHOUL (1967) et la communication politique vise à faire adhérer l’électeur à des perceptions publiques orientées (J. GERSTLE, 2004). Dans notre société, où la diversité est largement prônée, il est judicieux pour Strasbourg de mettre en évidence une politique d’intégration basée sur la différence. Le CRE devient tribune de la Ville et stratégie électorale. Notre objectif est alors de saisir dans quelle mesure la politique d’intégration menée par Strasbourg s’inscrit dans une stratégie de communication. / While foreigners were no longer welcome in response to economic shocks and social consecutive late-warboom, that France has taken various measures to stem the flow of immigration, it is now obvious, given the resurgence of racism, anti-Semitism or discrimination, that the country needs an alternative to a policy of integration whose universalism is no longer able to guarantee the fundamental French values and founding of the nation. Relying on associations referred to immigration found by using a tool of the Council of foreign residents (CRE), the integration policy of Strasbourg fits as original in this discussion: it allows the use of groups based on particular identities as resource to enter into negotiations or political and social debates. But politics is an art, according to G. BOUTHOUL (1967) and political communication aims to make the voter join public oriented perceptions (J. GERSTLE, 2004). In our society, where diversity wins by being promoted by the Right-wing as well as Left-wing, it is judicious for Strasbourg to bring out an integration policy based on the difference. The CRE becomes tribune of the City and electoral strategy. Based on our qualitative study, we aim to understand the extent of the integration policy conducted by the City of Strasbourg in the communication strategy.
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Trois essais en finance d'entreprise / Three Essays in Corporate FinanceBoulland, Romain 09 December 2013 (has links)
Les investisseurs n’exploitent pas toujours toute l’information disponible lorsqu’ils prennent des décisions, en raison à la fois d’une surabondance de l’information et de capacités cognitives limitées. Le premier essai de cette thèse montre que les sociétés tirent parti de l’inattention des investisseurs en communiquant plus ou moins longtemps à l’avance la date à laquelle aura lieu les annonces de résultats. Des résultats positifs sont notifiés très en amont tandis que des résultats décevants font l’objet d’un délai de notification plus court. Le second essai traite de la visibilité internationale des sociétés et étudie l’impact d’une communication en anglais via des canaux de diffusion à grande échelle. Cette diffusion plus large augmente l’attention des investisseurs et les informations contenues dans les annonces de résultat sont plus rapidement intégrées dans le prix des titres. Le troisième essai traite des conséquences d’une visibilité accrue des sociétés sur leur politique d’investissement. Une diffusion élargie des informations financières améliore à la fois l’environnement informationnel des sociétés et l’efficacité de leur politique d’investissement. / Investors often fail to incorporate all relevant information when they make decisions. This is a consequence of both information overload and investors’ limited cognitive abilities. The first essay shows that firms take advantage of investors’ inattention by managing the advance notice period of earnings announcements. Firms notify the date of positive earnings announcement several weeks in advance while disappointing earnings are notified at late notice. The second essay deals with firms’ international visibility and studies how communicating on English-speaking wire services impacts investors’ attention. Higher dissemination of news increases investors’ attention and improves the incorporation of information into stock prices. The third essay deals with the effects of firms’ visibility on investment policy. It shows that higher dissemination of disclosures improves firms’ informational environment and investment efficiency.
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Visibilidade das revistas científicas da UFRGSFerreira, Ana Gabriela Clipes January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo aborda a visibilidade das revistas pertencentes ao Portal de Periódicos Científicos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPCU/UFRGS). Questiona se os periódicos do PPCU possuem características que promovam a visibilidade. Analisa as características que promovem a visibilidade dos periódicos científicos eletrônicos do PPCU, sendo estas: a presença na Web, o acesso aberto, a buscabilidade, o idioma da publicação e a presença em fontes de informação. Caracteriza as revistas da Universidade. Verifica a buscabilidade dos títulos nos mecanismos de busca. Analisa a visibilidade na Internet através da presença nas fontes de informação nas quais estão presentes estas revistas. Classifica as fontes de informação nas quais estão presentes as revistas da Universidade. O referencial teórico aborda os temas: comunicação científica; periódicos científicos; visibilidade e buscabilidade; fontes de informação na Web; bases de dados bibliográficas; e acesso aberto. O estudo tem caráter descritivo e exploratório, combinando dados qualitativos e quantitativos. O corpus da pesquisa foi formado por 34 títulos. Coletaram-se as informações principais sobre as revistas, com ênfase nas características que promovem visibilidade. Foi constatado que as Ciências Humanas é a área que possui maior número de revistas na Universidade, 29,4% do total de publicações. O acesso aberto é adotado por todas as revistas da amostra. As revistas estão avaliadas em maior número nos estratos do Qualis B2 e B3, cerca de 42%. Mapeadas as fontes de informação, foi verificada a maior presença de periódicos na fonte de informação LAPTOC, seguida pela LATINDEX. Apesar da presença pouco expressiva em fontes de informação internacionais, concluiu-se que as revistas pertencentes ao PPCU buscam ampliar as características que promovem a sua visibilidade. Esta pesquisa também sugere uma série de novos estudos, aprofundando as análises, abordando outros temas ligados à visibilidade, em especial estudos bibliométricos. / This study addresses the visibility of journals belonging to the Web Portal of Scientific Journals of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPCU/UFGRS). It discusses if the journals from PPCU have characteristics which promote visibility. It analyses the characteristics which promote visibility of scientific journals from the PPCU, which are: Web presence, open access, searchability, language of the publication and the presence in information sources. It characterises the journals of the University. It verifies the searchability of titles in search engines. It analyses the visibility on Internet through the presence in information sources in which those journals are present. It classifies the information sources in which the journals of the University are present. The theoretical reference addresses the following themes: scientific communication; scientific journals; visibility and searchability; information sources on Web; bibliographic databases and open access. The study is descriptive and exploratory, combining qualitative and quantitative data. The corpus of the research was composed by 34 titles. Essential information about the journals was collected, with emphasis on characteristics which promote visibility. It was found that Human Sciences is the area with the largest number of journals at the University, 29.4% of total publications. Open access is adopted by all journals in the sample. The journals are evaluated in larger numbers in the strata of Qualis B2 and B3, about 42%. Once the information sources had been mapped, the largest presence of journals was found at the information source LAPTOC, followed by LATINDEX. Despite the presence of limited significance in international information sources, it was found that the journals belonging to PPCU aim at widening the characteristics which promote their visibility. It suggests a string of new studies, deepening the analyses, addressing other themes related to visibility and, especially, bibliometric studies.
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Modélisation de l’évacuation des personnes en situation d’incendie / Human egress modelling in fire situationsGasparotto, Thomas 13 February 2018 (has links)
Ce travail, mené conjointement entre CNPP et le Laboratoire d’Énergétique et de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée, est consacré à la mise en place d’un modèle d’évacuation de personnes, dans l’optique d’une application en Ingénierie de Sécurité Incendie. Le modèle de cheminement de personnes développé dans ce manuscrit est un modèle physique reposant sur une équation de conservation de la densité de personnes. Il est basé sur des hypothèses simples et réalistes résultant de l’observation de mouvements de foule, et utilise une vision macroscopique des personnes caractérisées par une densité moyenne. Ce modèle est mis en œuvre sur des cas de vérification et de comparaison issus de la littérature. Des expériences d’évacuation sont réalisées à échelle réelle afin de récolter des données quantitatives sur le mouvement des personnes et de valider de façon pertinente le modèle de cheminement de personnes. En outre, une stratégie est proposée afin d’intégrer dans la modélisation les contraintes thermiques et optiques liées au feu ainsi que leur impact sur le processus d’évacuation. Enfin, des simulations d’évacuation intégrant les effets du feu sont effectuées sur une configuration à grande échelle / This work was conducted as a collaboration between CNPP and the laboratory LEMTA. It was devoted to the implementation of an emergency egress model offering prospects for use in Fire Safety Engineering. The pedestrian movement model described in this manuscript is a physical model relying on a people density balance equation. This model is based on three fundamental assumptions resulting from pedestrian phenomena commonly observed, especially in crowds. Its mathematical formulation assumes that people are regarded as a mean density in a macroscopic way. The pedestrian model was tested on verification and comparison cases extracted from literature. Evacuation drills were also performed at real scale without fire constraints to collect some quantitative data like egress times or flows, and to validate the people motion model. Furthermore, a mathematical strategy is propounded in order to integrate thermal and optical stresses into the evacuation model and to take into consideration their incidence on evacuation processes. Finally, egress simulations are achieved on a large-scale configuration considering different scenarios involving fires
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"Constructions inachevées": Smysl literárního fragmentu a nedokončenosti, jejich význam v konstrukci lidského já. Stendhal, Deml, Michaux. / « CONSTRUCTIONS INACHEVEES » : The meaning of the literary fragment and of the incomplete, their signification in the construction of the human self. Stendhal, Deml, MichauxProkop, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this work is to analyze the relation of a literary text to one's identity, to its understanding and to its formation through the written language. The relation between man and the world founded on the awareness of one's own visibility serves as the basis for this analysis. Further, the analysis draws on a hypothesis that one's own visibility within the world is perceived as both a threat and as something inauthentic. Thus, human beings make considerable effort to form themselves according to their own principles or to become someone else with the help of literary text, to take on various disguises and masks, but also to use language as a tool enabling them to uncover their own authenticity. On the onset, such approach was represented by Stendhal's work that is considered as the founding stone of literary egotism. The reason is that, in his work, Stendhal focuses exclusively on himself, which is manifested by a double gesture: self-analysis and self-construction. Both these gestures, performed by the means of language, have a number of successors in various literatures, including Czech literature and the work of Jakub Deml. In Deml's texts, too, the double gesture of self-analysis and self-construction can be recognized. By modifying his own identity, mainly through the inclusion of other...
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Rastros e rostos do protestantismo brasileiro: uma historiografia de mulheres / Traces and faces of Brazilian Protestantism: a historiography of women MethodistsRibeiro, Margarida Fátima Souza 29 September 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-29 / This research deals with women who are active in so-called historical Protestantism, principally related to the Methodist Church of Brazil. The work intends to make visible
lay women and their networks, generally informal, of articulation, and call to attention their role in the constitution of these communities of faith. It deals with an aspect little
explored in investigations regarding Protestantism in Brazil that, when dealt with, is often restricted to certain feminine icons. The principle focus of the work is restricted
to the period from 1930, the year in which the Methodist Church in Brazil became an independent institution and formally separated itself from its historical beginning point
in the EUA, until 1970/71, when Methodist women were first admitted as clergy, or, in other words, the ordination of women as pastors. Beyond discussing bibliographic
production, principally in the area of the history of Protestantism, the research is based in primary sources such as bulletins, denominational journals, reports of events,
correspondence, and information contained in a variety of sources. The primary theoretical reference is the micro-history, as a search for highlighting the forgotten
characters and revealing the narratives that had been hidden by the official history. Beyond making more visible the actuation of women in Brazilian Protestantism,
silenced both in institutional memory and in historiography in its various expressions, the research intends to contribute to a critical evaluation of the mentality of women
regarding their action in the religious field, between adaptation to dominant cultural standards and traces of autonomous thought in the light of specific demands.(AU) / Esta pesquisa abrange mulheres atuantes no chamado protestantismo histórico, principalmente vinculadas à Igreja Metodista do Brasil. O trabalho pretende visibilizar
especialmente mulheres leigas e suas redes, geralmente informais, de articulação e chamar a atenção para seu papel na constituição destas comunidades de fé. Trata-se de
um aspecto pouco explorado nas investigações sobre o protestantismo no Brasil que, quando abordado, se restringe a alguns ícones femininos. O foco principal do trabalho
se restringe ao período de 1930, ano em que a Igreja Metodista do Brasil se constituiu como instituição autônoma, desvinculando-se formalmente de sua congênere nos EUA,
até 1970/71, quando mulheres metodistas passam a ser admitidas no presbiterato, ou seja, podem solicitar a ordenação ao pastorado. Além de discutir a produção
bibliográfica principalmente no âmbito da história do protestantismo, a pesquisa se baseia em fontes primárias, como boletins e jornais denominacionais, relatórios de
eventos, correspondências e informações dispersas em diferentes materiais. Como referencial teórico a pesquisa se valeu da micro-história, procurando assim dar vida a
personagens esquecidos e desvelar enredos ocultados pela história oficial. Portanto, além de demonstrar aspectos da atuação de mulheres no protestantismo brasileiro,
silenciados tanto na memória institucional como na historiografia em suas diferentes matizes, a pesquisa pretende contribuir para uma avaliação crítica da mentalidade de
mulheres sobre sua atuação no campo religioso, entre a adequação aos padrões culturais dominantes e os indícios de autonomia de pensamento diante de demandas específicas.(AU)
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