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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agresyvaus elgesio raiškos ypatumai vaikų globos namuose / Expression peculiarities of children behavior between children with mental disability and normal mentality in a children foster house

Novodvorskienė, Rūta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti vaikų globos namuose gyvenančių vaikų su normaliu ir sutrikusiu intelektu, vaikų globos namų bendruomenės požiūrį į agresyvų elgesį, jo priežastis bei raiškos ypatumus, išnagrinėti kaip ir kodėl pasireiškia agresija tarp minėtų grupių. Buvo iškeltos Hipotezės:1. Egzistuoja agresijos suvokimo skirtumai: tarp sutrikusio ir normalaus intelekto vaikų gyvenančių globos namuose, jų bendraklasių, juos ugdančių auklėtojų bei mokykloje dirbančių mokytojų .2. Dauguma vaikų globos namų ugdytinių mokosi pagal specialiąsias ugdymo programas, o tai sąlygoja jų žemesnį socialinį statusą, todėl jie jaučiasi lengviau pažeidžiamais ir daug platesnes elgesio apraiškas jų atžvilgiu vadina agresyviomis. 3.Pradinėje ir pagrindinėje mokyklose vaikai iš vaikų globos namų patiria agresiją iš savo bendramokslių, ypač vyresnių moksleivių. 4. Patirdami agresiją mokyklose, vaikų globos namų ugdytiniai tampa patys agresyvesni ir pradeda agresyviai elgtis su kitais vaikais iš globos namų, o ypač jų agresyvumas pasireiškia sutrikusio intelekto vaikų atžvilgiu. Šiame darbe apžvelgiama specialiojo ir integruoto ugdymo sistema ir raida. Pateiktos socialinės-psichologinės mokykloje besimokančių specialiųjų poreikių ir vaikų globos namuose gyvenančių vaikų charakteristikos, .Taip pat apžvelgta Vaikų globos namų sistema ir istorinė raida. Apžvelgiamos kelios svarbios agresijos kilmę aiškinančios teorijos. Išsiaiškinti ir konkretizuoti veiksniai, agresyvumo raiškos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this Master’s work was to ascertain attitude of children with mental disability and normal mentality who live in children foster houses, children foster house community’s attitude towards aggressive behavior, its reasons and expression peculiarities, to explore how and why the aggression is expressed between those groups. There were hypothesized some hypothesis: 1. There are some aggression perception differences: between children with mental disability and normal mentality living in children foster houses, their classmates, their housemothers and their school teachers. 2. Most children from children foster houses study under the special education program and this situation leads to lower social status. Consequently, they feel more vulnerable and the wider expression behavior towards them is often called aggression. 3. At Basic and Primary schools children from children foster houses often sustain the aggression from their classmates, especially, from older pupils. 4. To feel aggression at school children from children foster houses became more aggressive with other children in a foster house and, especially, with children having mental disabilities. In this Master’s work there was discussed the special and integrated education development and some special education laws were mentioned too. There were also given the social-psychological character references of children living in children foster houses, the system of the foster house, its... [to full text]

Imtelektinė žiniomis ir prietaisais paremta gyventi palanki mus supanti aplinka / Intelligent knowldege and device based assisted residential environment

Naimavičienė, Jurga 23 July 2008 (has links)
Pirmajame disertacijojos skyriuje analizuojama gyventi palanki būsto aplin-ka, „intelektinio būsto“, „sumanaus namo“ sampratos, nagrinėjamos intelektine gyventi palankia aplinka suinteresuotos grupės, esamos būsto problemos Lietu-voje ir užsienyje. Aptariama kompiuterinių technologijų, nanotechnologijų įtaka gyventi palankios aplinkos kūrimui. Akcentuojamas intelektinis aplinką tausojantis būstas, jo įgyvendinimo būdai ir priemonės. Apibendrinami atlikti moksliniai tyrinėjimai intelektinio būsto kūrimo srityje, nagrinėjami gyventi palankios aplinkos analizės modeliai. Antrajame skyriuje nagrinėjama integruotos intelektinės gyventi palankios aplinkos būsto modelio koncepcija. Pateikiamas ir detaliai analizuojamas integ-ruoto intelektinės gyventi palankios aplinkos būsto modelis, nagrinėjami modelį sudarantys elementai, mikro- ir makroaplinka, jos įtaka, paklausos ir pasiūlos charakteristikos, praktinės modelio realizavimo galimybės. Trečiajame skyriuje analizuojamas intelektinės gyvenamosios aplinkos variantinis projektavimas ir daugiakriterinė analizė. Apibendrinamas daugiakriterinei analizei reikalingų pradinių duomenų paruošimo procesas. Aprašomas auto-rės pasiūlytas intelektinės gyvenamosios aplinkos variantinio projektavimo ir daugiakriterinės analizės modelis, analizės atlikimo eiliškumas, pateikiamos skaičiuoti reikalingos formulės. Atliekamas praktinių uždavinių sprendimas naudojant pasiūlytą modelį. Ketvirtajame skyriuje aprašoma pagal autorės pasiūlytą modelį sukurta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the thesis is the evaluation and enhancement of the effectiveness of Intelligent Assisted Built Residential Environment through the application of the established Model of Intelligent Assisted Built Residential Environment (IABRE). This model is used to establish the Multi-criteria Decision Support System of Intelligent Assisted Built Residential Environment (MDSSIABRE), in which multi-criteria analysis and multi-criteria alternative design methods are used. In order to reach this aim, the following tasks must be solved: • Established models and intelligent systems are analysed in various countries. The experience of Lithuania and foreign countries is analysed in the establishment of ambient assisted living environment through the application of modern internet, intelligent and other technologies and innovations; • A Model of Intelligent Assisted Built Residential Environment is estab-lished (MIABRE); • The system of criteria is established, which describes IABRE in detail; • Data base is established, which describes IABRE in detail; • MDSSIABRE system is established on the basis of the Model of Intelli-gent Assisted Built Residential Environment; • Practical realisation of the established IABRE system is performed. The thesis is divided into four chapters including the conclusion’s chapter. Chapter 1 analyses assisted residential environment, reviews the research on life quality and conditions in Lithuanian and abroad. It analyses the premises and the... [to full text]

Theatre as a Ritual Place: Redefining the Theatre as a House of Storytelling

Pooley, Jay 06 July 2011 (has links)
This project presents the design of a theatre. The theatre site is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia and will serve as the home for the Legacy Centre for the Performing arts. A selection of theatre spaces and ritual spaces, including temples and churches are analyzed, with attention paid to performance theory research in order to interpret the shared activities within these two building types. Architectural connections between these spaces are made as well as a building language common to both. A collection of theatre buildings, including the design for the Legacy Centre, is produced. Each design exhibits the line between front of house and backstage that has been established as being similar to both theatres and ritual spaces and that will enhance the experience of going to the theatre.

Individualaus gyvenamojo namo interjero ir įrangos projektas / Interior and equipment project of individual house

Kuprevičiūtė, Airina 11 February 2012 (has links)
Sukurtas interjeras keturių aukštų name Londono centre - tai tarsi harmonija tarp seno ir naujo. Šis pastatas - klasikinis Viktorijos laikų XIX amžiaus pradžioje statytas šeimos namas su autentiška architektūra bei apdaila. Šis namas yra istorinis paveldas, priklausantis antro žymėjimo pastatų grupei, kuri reiškia, kad pastatui galima keisti tik interjerą, o eksterjerą privaloma išlaikyti tą patį, t.y. interjere sienos gali būti griaunamos, tačiau langai privalo būti nepakeisti. Esamo pastato interjere vyrauja mažos, siauros erdvės , būdingos Viktorijos laikų architektūrai. Kambariai aukšti - sienų aukštis sudaro tris metrus. Viso projektuojamo pastato kvadratūra yra 200 kv.m. Konversijos metu, keičiant individualaus gyvenamojo namo interjerą, siekiama sukurti racionalią funkcinę schemą. Žmonės privalo jaustis patogiai judėdami tiek vertikalia, tiek horizontalia kryptimi. Taip pat interjeras turi atitikti estetinę, grožinę funkciją. Pirmame aukšte pro pagrindinį įėjimą galima patekti į visas projektuojamas zonas. Kadangi visą namą sudaro keturi aukštai, nutarta kiekvieną aukštą pritaikyti vis skirtingai funkcijai, t.y. išskiriamos keturios pagrindinės zonos: valgomojo, svetainės, svečių zona ir savininko privati zona - miegamasis. Kruopščiai išanalizavus erdvę projektuojami nauji baldai: parenkami lengvi ir praktiški. Interjeras įgyja aiškias linijas, erdvė – lengva ir švari. Dominuoja balta spalva, kuri sukuria jaukią atmosferą namuose: ji elegantiška, subtili, rafinuota... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Designed interior of a four-storey building in central London - it is like a harmony between the old and new. This building - a classic Victorian built in the nineteenth century, the family home with original architecture and decoration. This house is a historical heritage that belongs to the second group of buildings, designation, which means that the building can only change the interior and exterior must maintain the same level, in interior walls can be ruined, but the windows must be viewed. Existing building interior dominated by small, narrow space, characterized by Victorian architecture. High rooms - wall height of three meters. Total projected of the building is 200 sq.m. Conversion, changing the interior of the individual house, to create a rational functional scheme. People need to feel comfortable moving both vertically and horizontally. As well as interior to meet the aesthetic, fiction feature. On the ground floor through the main entrance is possible to get to all the projected areas. As a full house of four floors, each floor was decided to adapt in a different function, distinguished four main areas: the dining room, living room, guest area, and the private area of the owner - bedroom. After careful examination of the design of new space, furniture selection easy and practical. The interior becomes clear lines of space - easy and clean. Dominated by white, which creates a comfortable atmosphere at home: it is elegant, graceful, refined. So delicately refined... [to full text]

Reconstructing Individual and Population Diet at Fishergate House: Application of a New Microsampling Method for Stable Isotope Analysis

Burt, Nicole M Unknown Date
No description available.

Construction practices in traditional dwellings of Kerala, India

Koduveliparambil, Jacob Joseph. January 1997 (has links)
This thesis examines the construction practices in the traditional domestic architecture of Kerala in India. In doing so, it identifies two vital aspects of the architecture, namely the Vedic planning principles of the Vasthushasthra and the indigenous craft practices. The thesis pays tribute to both: the theories of Vasthushasthra in the construction of houses are examined in detail; the craft practices are documented and analyzed through a field study of 24 houses in Kerala selected across the caste, class and religious structures of the society. The thesis arrives at the proposition that the construction practices in the domestic architecture of Kerala, as evident in the case studies, are the result of a simultaneous presence of both these aspects. The Vedic principles were adapted to the contingencies of the context. The craft and techniques prevalent in Kerala at that time are part of a larger picture of cross-cultural transfer of techniques that occurred in the early historic times. Thus in Kerala, practice and theory worked together towards making a traditional domestic architecture that was meaningful and relevant in the socio-cultural, political and religious context at that time.

Liens de dependance et strategies de developpement : le cas du Havre aux Maisons (Iles de la Madeleine)

Bariteau, Claude January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

Gyvatvorės ir jų įvairovė Šiaulių daugiabučių namų kiemuose / Hedges and their variety in apartment house courtyards Siauliai

Gudinavičius, Justas 07 September 2010 (has links)
Dauguma mūsų vienaip ar kitaip stengiamės padaryti, kad mus supanti aplinka taptų patogesnė ir jaukesnė. Tokia aplinka neįsivaizduojama be želdinių. Šio bakalauro darbo tyrimo objektas yra gyvatvorės, jų asortimentas, urbanizuotose Šiaulių miesto mikrorajonuose. Tai vienas iš želdinių tipų, kuriuos kuriame pagal savo poreikius, norint sukurti vieningą sklypų, teritorijų, aikščių sistemą, besijungiančią į vieną visumą. Bakalauro darbo tikslas – nustatyti gyvatvorių įvairovę, Šiaulių miesto daugiabučių namų kiemuose. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Pateikti literatūros analizę apie gyvatvorių tipus, funkcijas, bei jose auginamus augalus; 2. Nustatyti gyvatvorių augalų rūšis, auginamas Šiaulių miesto daugiabučių namų kiemuose; 3. Nustatyti gyvatvorių tipus, aukščius, bei formas; 4. Įvertinti augalų, auginamų gyvatvorėse, būklę. Pasirinktos tyrimo vietos – Šiaulių miesto daugiabučių namų mikrorajonai: Dainų mikrorajonas, Lieporių mikrorajonas, Centro mikrorajonas. Tyrimui atlikti vadovautasi duomenų rinkimo metodu, faktine analize, faktų konstatavimais, duomenų nagrinėjimu. Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2009 m. Liepos mėn. – spalio mėn. laikotarpiu. Iš 3 pasirinktų tyrimo vietų (Dainų mikrorajono, Lieporių mikrorajono, Centro mikrorajono) iš viso buvo tiriami 94 daugiabučiai gyvenamieji namai. 35 - Dainų mikrorajono, 35 – Lieporių mikrorajono, 24 – Centro mikrorajono. Iš 94 daugiabučių, gyvatvorės auginamos 65 daugiabučių namų kiemuose. Dainų mikrorajone iš 35, augančios gyvatvorės rastos 16 - oje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Most of us are somehow trying to make our surroundings more comfortable and cozier. Such an environment can not be imagined without the green. The aim of this thesis is the subject of hedges, their range of urban neighborhoods of the city of Siauliai. This is one of the types of plantations, which, according to their needs, in order to create a single parcel, land, squares system, merging into a single whole. The objective of this thesis - to establish variety of hedges in apartment house courtyards Siauliai. Job tasks: 1. To submit literary analysis of hedge types, functions, and their crops, 2. To set hedge plant species grown in Siauliai city of apartment house courtyards, 3. To identify the types of hedge, height, and form, 4. To evaluate plants grown hedges the state. Selected test sites - in Siauliai city apartment house block: Dainai region, Lieporiai region, the Center region area. The study was guided by a data collection method, the actual analysis of the facts, findings, examining the data. The study was conducted in 2009 July. - October. period. In three selected test sites (region of Dainai, region of Lieporiai, region of Center) in total were examined in 94 apartment houses. 35 – region of Dainai, 35 – region of Lieporiai, 24 – region of Center. Of the 94 blocks, 65 grown hedges of apartment house courtyards. Dainai microdistricts of 35, were found growing hedges 16 - Part of apartment house courtyards, Lieporiai - 35/33 from the Center - 16 from the 24th. An... [to full text]

Investigation and evaluation of high-rise buildings in IDA ICE : A comparative study of energy efficient residential high-rise buildings in different climates

Hasselrot, Rasmus January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is part of the major EU project EE-Highrise. The main objective of the EU project is to investigate high-rise buildings in different climates considering energy use, sustainability and cultural and economic differences in different countries. A demo high-rise building has been built in the capital of Slovenia. The purpose of this thesis was to build a model of the demo building in the simulation program IDA Indoor Climate and Environment. The model’s energy performance was then to be simulated in three different regions: Scandinavia, Central Europe and in the Mediterranean. Improvements to the climate shell and the ventilation system were to be examined and the results were then to be compared to European and Swedish Passive House certification schemes. A model was built in the simulation program IDA Indoor Climate and Environment according to the provided drawings of the demo building in Slovenia. Most of the building’s parameters were provided by the project group in Slovenia. When specific parameters were missing or difficult to motivate, standardized values were assumed. The model was modified into five cases: the base case, increased insulation of the external walls, improved glazing and frames for the windows, increased effective heat recovery efficiency and a combination of the energy saving measures. The model’s energy performance was then simulated at five different locations: Naples in Italy, Ljubljana in Slovenia, Malmo in southern Sweden, Karlstad in the middle of Sweden and Kiruna in the northern Sweden. When comparing the results to the requirements for the European Passive House certification, none of the investigated cases met the requirements due to a too large primary energy demand. However, if the requirement regarding the primary energy demand were to be disregarded, then the building in Slovenia would pass the requirements with an increased effective heat recovery efficiency for the ventilation system. Also the building in southern Sweden would pass the requirements with a combination of increased insulation for the external walls, improved windows and increased effective heat recovery efficiency. The Swedish Passive House certification would be fulfilled for the models in Malmo and Karlstad with an increased effective heat recovery efficiency, while the model in Kiruna did not pass the requirements. However, with a combination of the energy saving measures the model in Kiruna came very close to meeting the requirements.   The conclusion was that an increased effective heat recovery efficiency had the largest impact on the building’s space heating demand and that improving the windows increased the cooling demand in Naples by a large amount.

T-Score Model. A default prediction model for software companies.

Petz, Thomas 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The dissertation deals with credit risk and default prediction for software companies in the light of Basel II, the new capital accord for financial institutions. A credit risk model was developed which can be used by lenders to predict the default of software companies. Such model was developed by using three independent approaches: In a first approach, a model was created which was based solely on quantitative data (i.e. accounting data). In a second approach, a model was developed which was based entirely on qualitative information, including management skills, know how, quality of services and others. In a third approach, the quantitative and the qualitative models were combined. The results indicate that a credit risk model which is based on both quantitative and qualitative information yields the strongest predictive power. (author´s abstract)

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