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Social and environmental practices and corporate financial performance of multinational corporations in emerging markets: Evidence from 20 oil-rich African countriesAdams, D., Adams, Kweku, Attah-Boakye, R., Ullah, S., Rodgers, W., Kimani, D. 11 January 2023 (has links)
Yes / Studies find that oil-rich African countries (OACs) suffer slow socio-economic growth and development. The petroleum operations in these countries are also primarily in the hands of multinational corporations (MNCs). Motivated by their profit maximisation prospects (PMPs), the MNCs face significant corporate social responsibility (CSR) dilemmas with reference to their contribution to the socio-economic growth of these African economies. Even though there are few studies on CSR and corporate financial performance (CFP) within the African context, little or no attention has been paid to how and the extent to which MNCs' PMPs, CSR and CFP interact to affect the socio-economic growth of OACs. Drawing from legitimacy, institutional, and agency theories we employ a panel data approach covering 14 years (2003–2017) to understand the drivers of these PMPs, how PMPs affect corporate ethical considerations, and CFP and their implications on OACs' socio-economic growth. We find that PMPs of MNCs within OACs impede their CSR commitment. There is a significant positive relationship between CSR and CFP; efficient CSR practices impact CFP positively, and MNCs' contribution to OACs' socio-economic growth is significantly constrained by weak institutional environments. We conclude that institutional reforms and strategic investment in CSR could foster rapid socio-economic growth and development within OACs. Our study contributes to policy and knowledge on MNC's PMPs, CSR practices, CFP and literature on business ethics and the natural resource-curse.
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Anticancer roles of platelets and aspirin tested on A549 cellsShang, Lijun, Zhang, Z., Chen, F. 08 1900 (has links)
No / Aspirin, formally known as acetylsalicylic (ASA), is most widely used and cheapest over-the counter drugs. It is used not only for the common fevers, headaches and inflammation, but also for reducing the risk of heart attacks. In recent years, it is also linked to anti-cancer potential. Recently the US Preventive Services Working Group (UPSTF) release aspirin as a guide for cardiovascular disease and primary prevention of colorectal cancer.
Platelets have been shown to play a crucial role in cancer metastasis for many years and are proposed to have an intimate reciprocal crosstalk with cancer cells. They may alter the properties of each other and have reciprocal effects. But the exact role of platelets in modifying the tumor cell properties has not been established. In clinical, cancer patients may receive platelets from outside to treat thrombocytopenia and bleeding induced by intensive chemotherapy. Therefore understanding the exact role of platelets in carcinogenesis always is a research interest, especially when evaluating anti-cancer drugs.
In this study we exam the effect of platelets on viability, proliferation and adhesion of lung cancer cells A549 in culture conditions, using different concentrations of platelet rich plasma (PRP) with and without the presence of antiplatelet drug aspirin. The tumor cell EMT transformation was also investigated under different combination of PRP and aspirin in vitro.
Our data showed that low-dose of aspirin can promote cell proliferation and high-dose of aspirin could inhibit cell proliferation. High concentrations of platelet-rich plasma can inhibit cell proliferation but low concentrations of platelet-rich plasma had no significant effect on cell proliferation. Platelet-rich plasma can gather around the cell to form a gelatinous film, and this lead us to a promoted tumor cell distant metastasis model.
We further found out that the combination of aspirin and PRP could increase cell viability compared to single use of PRP and Aspirin can affect cell proliferation by inhibiting platelet effects. Platelet-rich plasma reduces the adhesion of A549 cell can be attenuated by aspirin.
Further works will focus on combination of different doses of aspirin and PRP to confirm the above results. Other format of aspirin (nano-form) and other NSAID inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen will also be tested. / Abstract of conference paper.
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Growth factor concentrations in platelet-rich plasma for androgenetic alopecia: an intra-subject, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, pilot studySiah, T.W., Guo, H., Chu, T., Santos, L., Nakamura, H., Leung, G., Shapiro, J., McElwee, Kevin J. 27 January 2020 (has links)
Yes / Background: Platelet rich plasma (PRP), processed from autologous peripheral blood, is used to
treat androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Objective: To determine the efficacy of PRP for hair growth
promotion in AGA patients in a randomized, blinded, placebo controlled, pilot clinical trial
(NCT02074943). Methods: The efficacy of an 8 week, 5 session, PRP treatment course was
determined by measuring hair density and hair caliber changes in 10 AGA affected patients. For
each PRP sample, the concentrations of selected growth factors were determined using a
multiplex assay system. The clinical results were then correlated to the growth factor
concentrations in PRP. Results: At 16 weeks, 8 weeks after the last PRP injection, treated areas
exhibited increased mean hair density (+12.76%) over baseline compared to placebo (+0.99%).
Mean hair caliber decreased in both treated and placebo regions (-16.22% and -19.46%
respectively). Serial analysis of PRP significant variability in concentrations between patients.
Overall, there was a positive correlation between GDNF concentration and hair density (p=
0.004). Trends, though not statistically significant, were also observed for FGF2 and VEGF.
Limitations: Small sample size and lack of comparative cohorts receiving protocol variations
limit confidence in the study data. Conclusions: This small pilot clinical trial suggests PRP
treatment may be beneficial for AGA. However, the variable hair growth responses between
patients indicate there is a significant opportunity to improve PRP therapy protocols for hair
growth promotion. The variability in growth factor concentration in PRP suggests
standardization of growth factors post-processing might improve hair growth responses. / RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. (Canada)
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Inactivation of Stac3 causes skeletal muscle defects and perinatal death in miceReinholt, Brad Michael 13 March 2012 (has links)
The Src homology 3 domain (SH3) and cysteine rich domain (C1) 3 (Stac3) gene is a novel gene copiously expressed in skeletal muscle. The objective of this research was to determine the role of Stac3 in development, specifically in skeletal muscle. We achieved this objective by evaluating the phenotypic effects of Stac3 gene inactivation on development in mice. At birth homozygous Stac3 null (Stac3-/-) mice died perinatally and remained in fetal position with limp limbs, but possessed otherwise normal organs based on gross and histological evaluations. The primary phenotypes displayed at term in Stac3-/- mice were reduced late gestational body weights, increased prevalence of myotubes with centrally located nuclei and severe deformities throughout all skeletal muscles. At embryonic day 18.5 (E18.5) Stac3-/- mice displayed a 12.7% reduction (P < 0.001) in weight compared to wild type (Stac3+/+) or heterozygous (Stac3+/-) littermates while at E15.5 body weights and morphology were similar. At birth (P0) and at E17.5, Stac3-/- mice had 59% and 24% (P < 0.001) more myotubes with centrally located nuclei, respectively, than Stac3+/- or Stac3+/+ littermates. Stac3-/- mice also displayed increased myotube and myofiber cross sectional area at P0 (P < 0.001) and E17.5 (P < 0.05) with disorganized fiber bundling. Overall, these data show Stac3 is necessary for development of viable offspring and suggest Stac3 plays a critical role in fetal development where its primary phenotype is exhibited in skeletal muscle. / Master of Science
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Interactions plante - pollinisateur : caractérisation de la qualité du pollen de deux cucurbitacées durant son ontogenèse, sa présentation et son transport sur le corps de l'abeille domestique / Plant – pollinator interactions : characterisation of pollen quality during its ontogenesis, its presentation and its transport on honey bee body in two cucurbitaceaeDibos, Chloé 14 December 2010 (has links)
Chez de nombreuses Angiospermes, la pollinisation croisée est nécessaire pour le succès de la reproduction. La plupart de ces plantes ont évolué afin de favoriser la pollinisation entomophile, principalement assurée par les abeilles. C’est le cas des Cucurbitacées, dont le melon (Cucumis melo L.), importante culture du sud de la France et le concombre d’âne (Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.) plante spontanée endémique du bassin méditerranéen, les deux modèles de cette étude. Afin de mieux comprendre les relations plante-pollinisateur,nous avons choisi de caractériser le couple pollen de Cucurbitacées/abeille domestique (Apis mellifera L.) à travers la production de pollen, sa présentation sur la fleur et son transport sur l’abeille. Nous avons montré que, chez ces plantes, l’ontogenèse du pollen s’accompagne d’erreurs développementales conduisant à la formation de près de 3% de grains de pollen vides. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence que chez E. elaterium, des erreurs méiotiques entraînaient la formation de grains de pollen génétiquement anormaux qui pourraient être source d’autopolyploïdie. Chez C. melo, nos résultats ont révélé que la mise en contact du pollen avec le milieu environnant entraîne une baisse de 30% de sa viabilité, mais que celle-ci reste stable jusqu’à la fin de l’anthèse. L’aptitude à germer, quant à elle, finit d’être acquise juste avant anthèse et décroît de 12% en fin de période d’anthèse. Nous avons montré que le pollen de C. melo transporté sur le corps de l’abeille pouvait soit avoir une viabilité et une aptitude à germer préservée, probablement par protection contre la déshydratation, soit perdre quasi-totalement sa viabilité et son aptitude à germer. Enfin, nous avons détecté des composés biochimiques spécifiques des abeilles protégeant ou diminuant la qualité reproductrice du pollen / For many flowering plant species cross pollination is necessary to ensure reproductive success. Most of these plants have evolved to encourage insect pollination which is mainly carried out by bees. Such is the case of plants in the Cucurbitaceae family, including the cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.), an important crop of the South of France, and squirting cucumber (Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.), a wild plant restricted to the Mediterranean Basin, the two vegetal models used in this study. To better understand plant-pollinator relations, we proposed to characterise the interaction between Cucurbitaceae pollen and the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) through pollen production, its presentation and its transport on the honey bee body. Our results showed that developmental anomalies took place during pollen ontogenesis in these species leading to 3% of the pollen grains produced to be empty. Moreover, we demonstrated that meiotic abnormalities in E. elaterium leading to the production of genetically abnormal pollen grains could be a source of autopolyploidy. At anthesis in C. melo, our results showed that pollen viability decreased to 30% when pollen was exposed to environmental conditions, then remained stable during the period of anthesis.The ability for pollen to germinate was completed just before anthesis then decreased to 12% at the end of anthesis. We determined that viability and germinability of cantaloupe pollen carried on the honey bee body can be enhanced or decreased according to which specific honey bee biochemical compounds were detected
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Détection portale des nutriments et contrôle de l'homéostasie énergétique par l'axe nerveux intestin-cerveau / Portal detection of nutrients and control of energy homeostasis by the gut-brain neural axisDe Vadder, Filipe 30 June 2014 (has links)
La production endogène de glucose est une fonction cruciale de l'organisme, permettant de maintenir l'homéostasie glycémique. Alors que la production accrue de glucose par le foie a des effets délétères, la néoglucogenèse intestinale (NGI) exerce des effets bénéfiques sur l'équilibre métabolique de l'organisme. Les régimes hyperprotéiques sont connus pour leurs effets de satiété. Grâce à des travaux physiologiques et moléculaires chez le rat et la souris, nous montrons dans une première partie que l'effet bénéfique des régimes hyperprotéiques passe par une induction de la NGI. Lors de la digestion des protéines alimentaires, des di- et tripeptides sont libérés dans la veine porte. Ces molécules agissent comme des antagonistes des récepteurs μ-opioïdes de la veine porte, initiant un arc réflexe intestin-cerveau induisant la NGI et la satiété. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons un modèle rendant compte des effets bénéfiques des régimes riches en fibres, tels que l'amélioration de la sensibilité à l'insuline et l'induction de la dépense énergétique. Les fibres solubles sont fermentées par le microbiote intestinal, produisant des acides gras à chaîne courte (AGCC), acétate, propionate et butyrate, à l'origine des effets métaboliques observés. Nous montrons que le butyrate active directement les gènes de la NGI dans les entérocytes, et que le propionate se lie aux récepteurs FFAR3 dans le système nerveux périportal, initiant un mécanisme de communication entre l'intestin et le cerveau induisant la NGI. De plus, nous montrons que la modification de la composition du microbiote par les fibres alimentaires n'est pas suffisante en soi pour induire les effets bénéfiques en absence de NGI / Endogenous glucose production is a crucial function for the organism, accounting for the maintenance of glucose homeostasis. While an increase in hepatic glucose production has deleterious effects, intestinal gluconeogenesis (IGN) has beneficial effects on the metabolic balance of the organism. Protein-rich diets are knows for their satiety effects. Thanks to physiological and molecular studies on rats and mice, we first show that the beneficial effects of protein-rich diets are dependent on activation of IGN. When dietary protein is digested, di- and tri-peptides are released into the portal vein. These molecules act as μ-opioid receptor antagonists in the portal vein, initiating a gut-brain neural reflex arc inducing IGN and satiety. In a second study, we propose a model accounting for the beneficial effects of fiber-enriched diets, such as increased insulin sensitivity and induction of energy expenditure. Soluble dietary fiber is fermented by the gut microbiota, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), acetate, propionate and butyrate, which are responsible for the observed metabolic effects. We show that butyrate directly activates IGN in the enterocytes, while propionate binds to FFAR3 receptors in the portal vein nervous system, initiating a gut-brain neural communication mechanism inducing IGN. Moreover, we show that modifications in the microbiota composition by dietary fiber are not sufficient to induce metabolic beneficial effects in the absence of IGN
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Assister la conduite de la conception en architecture : vers un système d'information orienté pilotage des processus / Facilitating the steering of design in architecture : towards a process steering-oriented information systemLaaroussi, Ahmed 29 October 2007 (has links)
De nos jours, les projets d’architecture font participer de nombreux acteurs différents de plus en plus éloignées géographiquement et cependant regroupées dans le cadre de l’élaboration d’un seul et même projet. Intégrer les points de vue de tous ces acteurs de la conception en prenant en compte le cycle de vie du bâtiment suggère une certaine « transversalité » de la conception et est rendu possible par une prise en compte très tôt dans les processus, de contraintes ou de paramètres gérés beaucoup plus tard dans les organisations traditionnelles. Cette étude souligne l’exigence forte d’une conduite de la conception pour améliorer la qualité de cette dernière et réduire ainsi l’apparition des dysfonctionnements. En ce sens, nous mettons en exergue les caractéristiques multidisciplinaires et les aspects prédictifs et réactifs de la conduite de la conception en architecture. Ensuite sur la base des modèles cognitifs existants, nous proposons un modèle combinant de façon simple trois activités primitives (analyse, proposition, évaluation). Ensuite nous enrichissons ce modèle pour couvrir les aspects prédictifs et réactifs de la conduite de la conception. Cela se fait sur la base de notre analyse de la conduite de la conception qui a permis de révéler deux entités, généralement implicites mais omniprésentes dans les projets de conception : la situation problématique et la situation visée. Enfin, nous spécifions et présentons une maquette d’un outil d’un niveau supérieur par rapport aux outils existants et qui peut être qualifié d’outil réactif. Cela signifie qu’il ne permet pas de définir une solution, mais de déterminer quand l’intervention de l’acteur pilote est souhaitable / Nowadays, numerous architecture projects require different actors who are more and more remotely located to work together on the elaboration of a common project. The inputs of these actors of design need to be integrated by taking into account the life cycle of the buildings, which requires that design have a "transversal" dimension. This can be achieved by including, in the early stages of process, constraints and parameters that are usually managed much later in traditional organizations. This study highlights the strong demand for design steering aiming at improving the quality of design and thus reducing the appearance of dysfunctions. With regard to this, we highlight the multidisciplinary characteristics as well as the predictive and reactive aspects of design steering in architecture. Then, based on existing cognitive models, we propose a model combining - in a simple way - three primary activities (analysis, proposition, evaluation). Then we enrich the model so that it covers the predictive and reactive aspects of design steering. This is done on the basis of our analysis of design steering, which allowed to uncover two narrowly linked entities. These two entities, which are generally implicit but are actually present in design projects, are: the problematic situation and the aimed situation. Finally, we specify and present the mock-up of a tool that is superior to the existing drawing, CAD, calculation or simulation tools. The tool that we present doesn't belong to the same "family". In fact, it can be called "reactive", which means that instead of allowing to define a solution, it allows to determine when the intervention pilot actor is needed
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Small-worlds och rich-clubs bland bloggar : En nätverksanalys av den svenska bloggosfären under FRA-debatten 2008 / Small-worlds and rich-clubs amongst blogs : A network study of the blogosphere during the National Defence Radio Establishment law debate in Sweden 2008Öberg, Emil January 2008 (has links)
Purpose/Aim: To find power structures within the blog network. Material/Method: Using keywords to find all available blog posts about the National Defence Radio Establishment from the blog search engine Twingly, and thereafter using the same blog search engine to find inlinks from other blogs, to those posts. The data is set into the context of the small-world networks models of Duncan J. Watts and rich-club models of Sergi Valverde och Ricard V. Sole. Main results: 5183 unique blogs have written about the subject in 22779 blog posts to which 28128 inlinks from other blogposts are made. Just over one fifth of the blogs are linkted to each other in one big network, where the remaining blogs stand without any ingoing or outgoing links. The first bloggers are the one who continue to write for longer period of time and also the ones who attracts most inlinks. The blogosphere around this subject is highly connected, shows features as one would find in a small-world network, displays a power-law distribution for inlinks and is highly clustered around a few rich- club nodes.
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Kontextsensitive Informationsvisualisierung mit kompositen Rich Internet Applications für EndnutzerVoigt, Martin 14 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Das stetig wachsende Datenaufkommen - die weltweite Datenmenge verdoppelt sich alle zwei Jahre - ist eine wesentliche Herausforderung für den Menschen in allen Bereichen des beruflichen und privaten Alltags. Um trotzdem relevante Informationen zu identifizieren und auch zu verstehen, nehmen Techniken und Anwendungen zur InfoVis einen immer größeren Stellenwert ein. Leider hat sich die Vision der "InfoVis for and by the masses" aufgrund des notwendigen Daten-, Visualisierungs- und Programmierwissens noch nicht durchgesetzt. Zudem sind heutige InfoVis-Softwareanbieter mit dem Problem konfrontiert, verschiedenste Kontexte, wie Nutzergruppen oder Hard- und Softwareplattformen, unterstützen zu müssen.
Ein möglicher Lösungsansatz für dieses Problem ist das Paradigma der kompositen Webanwendungen. Auf deren Basis können Daten und UI-Widgets je nach Anwendungsfall teils automatisch kombiniert werden. Dies erhöht die Wiederverwendbarkeit und spart Zeit sowie Entwicklungskosten. Unter Zuhilfenahme von (semantischen) Modellen ist es zudem möglich, eine komposite RIA an die vorliegende Situation zu adaptieren. Um dem Endanwender Zugang zu den kompositen RIA zu verschaffen, mangelt es jedoch an einem Integrationsprozess, der den speziellen Anforderungen der InfoVis gerecht wird.
Diese Dissertation stellt deshalb neue Konzepte für einen ganzheitlichen Semantik-gestützten InfoVis-Prozess vor, der bspw. die Endnutzer-gerechte Filterung großer Datensätze, die kontextsensitive Auswahl von InfoVis-Komponenten, die Nutzerunterstützung bei der Exploration und Interpretation der Daten sowie die Gewinnung und Wiederverwendung von Visualisierungswissen adressiert.
Zur Unterstützung des InfoVis-Prozesses werden weiterhin Konzepte für eine formale Wissensbasis mit Domänenwissen vorgeschlagen. Die modulare, mit W3C-Standards prototypisch realisierte Visualisierungsontologie definiert u.a. Konzepte und Relationen zu Daten, graphischen Vokabular, menschlicher Aktivität sowie veränderliches Faktenwissen. Ein weiterer, wesentlicher Beitrag der Arbeit liegt in der Architekturkonzeption für modellbasierte, komposite RIA für die InfoVis-Domäne, womit ein neues Anwendungsfeld des Software-Paradigmas erschlossen wird. Damit steht nun erstmals für eine komposite, webbasierte InfoVis-Lösung ein ganzheitliches Architekturkonzept zur Verfügung, das die Ausführbarkeit der Anwendungen in der heute existierenden, heterogenen Landschaft der (mobilen) Endgeräte gewährleisten kann.
Durch die Implementierung entscheidender Architekturkonzepte sowie einer beispielhaften InfoVis-Anwendung für semantische Daten wurde die Tragfähigkeit der geschaffenen Konzepte nachgewiesen. Anhand einer Vielzahl von formativen sowie einer summativen Nutzerstudien konnte validiert werden, dass sich aus den neuen Konzepten Vorteile für den Endanwender bei der Erstellung einer InfoVis ergeben.
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Webclipse – Rich Internet Applications auf Grundlage serverseitiger PluginsLorz, Alexander, Peukert, Eric, Moncsek, Andy 23 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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