Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inca"" "subject:"nca""
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Le patrimoine subaquatique du lac Titicaca, Bolivie. Utilisation et perception de l’espace lacustre durant la période Tiwanaku (500-1150 PCN)Delaere, Christophe 26 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis plus de 30 ans, de nombreux projets de recherches ont mis en évidence une occupation dense et complexe du bassin lacustre du Titicaca, et en particulier celle de la période Tiwanaku entre le 5e et le 11e siècle de notre ère. Celle-ci sera la première à modifier profondément le paysage lacustre en y laissant une empreinte matérielle indélébile. L’utilisation des plaines, des vallées et des élévations naturelles connectées ou surplombant le lac est donc physiquement marquée par l’occupation de cette culture. Or, l’utilisation ancienne de ces espaces s’arrête-t-elle à la frontière entre la terre ferme et cette vaste étendue d’eau ? Dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche, nous proposons d’élargir - au sens propre et figuré - l’étude de la culture Tiwanaku en agrandissant le territoire usuellement étudié grâce à l’intégration de deux espaces dont l’utilisation ancienne est encore à l’heure actuelle totalement méconnue : l’espace littoral (les côtes) et l’espace lacustre (le lac). La mise en place d’un projet de recherche utilisant les techniques de plongée devenait donc nécessaire et inévitable pour étudier les témoignages matériels directs de l’utilisation du lac par l’homme, et de sa signification pour les populations de la période Tiwanaku. Les conditions naturelles favorables ont motivé les premiers peuplements des rives et des îles, et le lac a progressivement fait partie de l’identité des populations qui s’y sont installées. Que ce soit sur le plan politique, socioculturel ou rituel, le lac a eu une incidence sur l’évolution de ces populations et a favorisé l’émergence de pratiques indissociables d’un espace lacustre. Les géostratégies d’occupation du territoire en sont tributaires, ainsi que les stratégies de subsistance, de vie et de survie, notamment durant les périodes de crise. Sur le plan rituel et sacré, cette « mer intérieure » faisait partie du quotidien et, en tant que telle, a joué un rôle prépondérant dans la relation qu’entretenait l’homme avec l’espace dans lequel il vivait. Il a rationalisé cet espace pour le comprendre (croyances, mythes, etc.), a développé des schémas et des objets symboliques pour le représenter (iconographie, offrandes, etc.), et a créé des rites pour l’entretenir. Dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche, nous proposons principalement d’aborder l’utilisation et la perception de l’espace lacustre Tiwanaku grâce à l’analyse des pratiques d’offrandes subaquatiques de céramiques rituelles de type incensario, en comparaison avec celles attestées sur la terre ferme. Un site d’offrandes sous l’eau ne peut pas en effet être analysé de manière isolée, car il met en évidence des pratiques rituelles du passé en relation avec d’autres espaces non immergés. Les sites d’offrandes représentent par conséquent des espaces d’étude privilégiés, car ils documentent directement la relation de l’homme de Tiwanaku avec son environnement, et en particulier le lac. / Doctorat en Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Quality assurance of a radiotherapy registrySandberg, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
The radiotherapy clinics in Sweden have been without a functioning national platform consisting of dose data from patients undergoing radiotherapy. A national collaboration between clinics will improve the quality of radiotherapy since clinics will be able to compare dose data from treatment plans between clinics. It will also help and improve future researches in radiotherapy. A new national quality registry for radiotherapy in Sweden is under development and is located on the INCA platform. The aim of this study is to do a quality assurance of the INCA registry. The data stored in the registry are calculated from the treatment plans stored locally at the clinics. The quality assurance of the registry is done by creating a program run by Python code and by using Streamlit as the graphical user interface. The program takes dose and volume data from the dose volume histograms located in treatment plans from the INCA database and compares it with the dose and volume data from the local clinics' treatment planning system. The different treatment planning systems considered in the program are Oncentra(Elekta, Sweden), Eclipse(Varian, U.S.), RayStation(RaySearch Laboratories, Sweden) and Monaco(Electa, Sweden). The compared absorbed doses are the dose to 99% of the structure volume(D99%), D98%, D50%, D2% and D1%. The program generates how much the INCA data differs from the TPS data in percent and is named QARS(Quality Assurance of the Radiotherapy Database in Sweden). A verification of the created program and a preliminary evaluation is done on a limited dataset containing three patient groups(prostate patients, lung patients and head and neck patients) with five patients in each group. The dataset is run through the program with patient data from both Oncentra and Eclipse. The result indicates that all the near-maximum doses, D2% and D1% in INCA are very close to their corresponding TPS dose. There is a more noticeable difference in the near-minimum doses, D99% and D98% but also for some D50% where the difference seems to increase in larger structure volumes with very low doses and in very small structure volumes, smaller than 0.01 cm3. It is compared how well INCA agrees with Oncentra and Eclipse respectively and it is clear that Eclipse has a smaller difference to INCA than Oncentra for structures with very small volumes and larger structures with low doses. To summarise the study, it generates a program for quality assurance of the national quality registry for radiotherapy in Sweden which hopefully can help improve the quality of radiotherapy and help future researches in the field.
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Cosmología y supervivencia en las crónicas de Felipe Guamán Poma de AyalaPassalacqua-Estremadoyro, W. Jorge. January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Examination of inclusion size distributions in duplex stainless steel using electrolytic extractionShoja Chaeikar, Siamak January 2010 (has links)
Nowadays due to large demand for clean and defect-free steels, several techniques based on different characteristics of particles are applied to investigate the steel cleanness. Outokumpu Stainless AB in Avesta has performed extensive work in this field by applying several methods, which all of them have specific advantages and limitations. However, it is necessary to find an accurate technique to investigate real properties of inclusions in duplex stainless steels. For routine analytical methods, calibration and parameters adjustment can be followed by help of these investigation results. The aim of present work is to apply automated INCA-Feature method for controlling cleanness of LDX 6112 duplex stainless steels after electrolytic extractions (EE) as a reference method. Three methods of investigations, INCA-Feature on polished samples as two-dimensional and on film-filter as three-dimensional and EE as three-dimensional analyses, were compared. The results of comparison between running INCA-Feature on polished samples and film filters show an acceptable agreement which proves the possibility of performing EE on this steel grade and using INCA-Feature for investigating this as a fast method. These methods are compared statistically and quantitative results are reported in details.
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Requirements analysis and architectural design of a web-based integrated weapons of mass destruction toolsetJones, Richard B. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / In 1991, shortly after the combat portion of the Gulf War, key military and government leaders identified an urgent requirement for an accurate on-site tool for analysis of chemical, biological, and nuclear hazards. Defense Nuclear Agency (now Defense Threat Reduction Agency, DTRA) was tasked with the responsibility to develop a software tool to address the requirement. Based on extensive technical background, DTRA developed the Hazard Prediction Assessment Capability (HPAC). For over a decade HPAC addressed the users requirements through on-site training, exercise support and operational reachback. During this period the HPAC code was iteratively improved, but the basic architecture remained constant until 2002. In 2002, when the core requirements of the users started to evolve into more net-centric applications, DTRA began to investigate the potential of modifying their core capability into a new design architecture. This thesis documents the requirements, analysis, and architectural design of the newly prototyped architecture, Integrated Weapons of Mass Destruction Toolset (IWMDT). The primary goal of the IWMDT effort is to provide accessible, visible and shared data through shared information resources and tem plated assessments of CBRNE scenarios. This effort integrates a collection of computational capabilities as server components accessible through a web interface. Using the results from this thesis, DTRA developed a prototype of the IWMDT software. Lessons learned from the prototype and suggestions for follow-on work are presented in the thesis. / Major, United States Army
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Redescubriendo la arquitectura precolombina: la deriva como método de lectura en el caso de Tambo ColoradoYupa Villanueva, Luisa Janet 07 February 2019 (has links)
La tesis tiene como propósito realizar una investigación en torno a la arquitectura
precolombina y el carácter que adquiere en la contemporaneidad. Se toma como caso de
estudio el Complejo Tambo Colorado, con la finalidad de indagar y poner a prueba otras
formas de lectura que enfaticen la experiencia con el lugar, entre la arquitectura y el
Son las disciplinas de la arqueología y arquitectura las que entregan herramientas valiosas
para el estudio de estos sitios, debido a que parten de variables analíticas y de
documentación estudiada para la compresión histórica o formal, sin embargo ¿En qué
medida se puede generar una lectura personal de estos espacios preexistentes? ¿Es posible
darles uso o habitarlos?
En busca de responder estas interrogantes se propone una investigación hacia otra forma
de aproximación y apropiación de estos espacios preexistentes.
Esto se realiza a partir de dos rutas, ambas extraídas de prácticas artísticas del siglo XX,
la primera como base teórica a través de la aplicación del concepto de entropía propuesto
por Robert Smithson, que permite la lectura del objeto arquitectónico en otra dimensión
de valoración temporal; y la segunda por medio del método de la Deriva Situacionista,
cuyo empleo genera el descubrimiento sobre lo existente a partir de pautas e instrucciones
que buscan un recorrido dirigido por lo sensorial.
La aplicación de tales prácticas se resuelve a partir del traslado de ambos métodos o
procedimientos del campo artístico al arquitectónico, lo que resulta en otra manera de
lectura del sitio.
Se habita a través de un componente experimental que sirve como mediación entre la
arquitectura, lugar y el visitante, logrando generar un método replicable que pueda
ponerse en práctica en otros vestigios precolombinos, incluso más allá de Tambo
Colorado. / The purpose of this thesis is to research pre-Columbian architecture and the character it
acquires in contemporary times. To achieve this, the Tambo Colorado archeological
complex is used as a case study in order to test and investigate different forms of reading
the architecture that emphasize experience and sense of place between architecture and
its territory.
Archeology and architecture are the two disciplines that provide valuable tools for the
study of archeological sites. They both use analytical variables and study documentation
to reach a formal and/or historical compression. However, to what extent can you generate
a personal reading of these pre-existing spaces? Is it possible to use or inhabit them?
In an attempt to answer these questions, the thesis proposes to complementary forms of
approximation and appropriation of these preexisting spaces that may exist outside the
realm of traditional architectural and archeological research.
These complementary forms come from two artistic practices of the twentieth century,
the first, the application of the concept of entropy proposed by Robert Smithson, the
second the Situationist Derivation method. Entropy allows for the reading of the
architectural object in another dimension of temporal assessment while the Derivation
generates new discoveries on existing things from guidelines and instructions that look
for a path directed by the senses.
To apply these two practices or methods in the architectural field, they are directly
transferred from the artistic field. This results in another way of reading the site.
These methods aim to create mediation between the architecture, the place and the visitor
that is replicated in a case-by-case basis, even beyond Tambo Colorado / Tesis
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État du patrimoine archéologique Inca péruvien : étude du Sanctuaire de Pachacamac, du Parc archéologique de Sacsayhuaman (PAS) et du Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu (SHMP)Alary-Lavallée, Julie January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire présente une analyse sur l'état du patrimoine archéologique péruvien et plus particulièrement des vestiges architecturaux datant de l'époque inca. Il a pour objectif de déterminer si les actions posées par les acteurs impliqués dans sa mise en valeur ont assuré son intégrité par l'application de mesures adéquates de conservation. Pour atteindre cet objectif, ce mémoire s'attarde sur la matérialité des vestiges archéologiques. Des définitions et explications des diverses catégories de biens culturels sont proposées dans le chapitre I afin de faciliter la compréhension du sujet. Les auteurs impliqués dans la gestion et la protection de ce patrimoine sont présentés au chapitre II alors que les principaux enjeux qui empêchent un respect maximal de ces biens nationaux sont exposés au chapitre III. Les trois derniers chapitres renferment des études de cas, lesquelles énoncent les actes de patrimonialisation et de mise en valeur de trois sites incas: le Sanctuaire de Pachacamac, le Parc archéologique de Sacsayhuaman (PAS) et le Sanctuaire historique de Machu Picchu (SHMP). Pour évaluer leurs conditions physiques, l'approche historiographique met en évidence les étapes de mise en patrimonialisation de chacun d'eux et souligne l'histoire autochtone qui leur est rattachée. L'approche sociologique contribue, quant à elle, à questionner la responsabilité des acteurs sociaux dans la conservation des sites mentionnés. Ce mémoire est le fruit d'une étude de terrain, de recherches assidues dans divers lieux de documentation et d'entretiens avec des individus qui participent à la mise en valeur et à la protection de ces sites. Tous ces éléments rassemblés en conclusion permettent la formulation de recommandations qui contribuent à soutenir l'importance de la conservation du patrimoine bâti péruvien de l'époque précolombienne par l'accentuation de la participation populaire, l'implantation d'un programme éducatif en vue de sensibiliser les générations à venir, un remaniement gouvernemental ainsi qu'un appui prononcé à la recherche et à la formation d'une main-d'oeuvre qualifiée. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Pérou, Incas, Patrimoine bâti, Conservation, Politique culturelle, Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, Pachacamac.
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Arquitectura residencial en el Sector B de Caral Valle de SupeVizconde García, Cristián E. January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Periodización e identidad cultural en el ensayo latinoamericano : tres puntos de vista: Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Domingo F. Sarmiento y José MartíChachagua, Freddy Antonio 05 1900 (has links)
To date, the Latin American essay remains little studied, certainly
compared to other literary genres such as the novel, poetry and theater.
This thesis examines prevailing theorists' conceptions of the essay and
its historical development in Latin America. Employing the notions of
cultural identity and difference, which have long been central to Latin
American critical thought, this study distances the development of the
essay in Latin America from Spanish colonial writings of the sixteenth
century. In its place, this study proposes an innovative classification
scheme that incorporates cultural codes as its main criteria in order to
provide a more equitable treatment of essays from areas that have
traditionally been marginalized in standard chronologically based
classification schemes.
Some of the paradigms used in this study to defend the integrity
and specificity of the Latin American essay and culture are Inca
Garcilaso de la Vega's affirmation of the values of the continent's
indigenous pre-columbian heritage, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento's
discursive reinvention of South America, and Jose Marti's notion of
hibridez—a cultural and racial complex mixture rooted in the region's
history—as an affirmation of a continental Latin American cultural
This thesis demonstrates that since Latin American essays diverge
thematically from colonialist discourse, studies of the origins of the
Latin American essay do not have to perpetuate the colonialist legacy.
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Periodización e identidad cultural en el ensayo latinoamericano : tres puntos de vista: Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Domingo F. Sarmiento y José MartíChachagua, Freddy Antonio 05 1900 (has links)
To date, the Latin American essay remains little studied, certainly
compared to other literary genres such as the novel, poetry and theater.
This thesis examines prevailing theorists' conceptions of the essay and
its historical development in Latin America. Employing the notions of
cultural identity and difference, which have long been central to Latin
American critical thought, this study distances the development of the
essay in Latin America from Spanish colonial writings of the sixteenth
century. In its place, this study proposes an innovative classification
scheme that incorporates cultural codes as its main criteria in order to
provide a more equitable treatment of essays from areas that have
traditionally been marginalized in standard chronologically based
classification schemes.
Some of the paradigms used in this study to defend the integrity
and specificity of the Latin American essay and culture are Inca
Garcilaso de la Vega's affirmation of the values of the continent's
indigenous pre-columbian heritage, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento's
discursive reinvention of South America, and Jose Marti's notion of
hibridez—a cultural and racial complex mixture rooted in the region's
history—as an affirmation of a continental Latin American cultural
This thesis demonstrates that since Latin American essays diverge
thematically from colonialist discourse, studies of the origins of the
Latin American essay do not have to perpetuate the colonialist legacy. / Arts, Faculty of / French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, Department of / Graduate
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