Spelling suggestions: "subject:"encrease"" "subject:"fncrease""
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Enhancement of the free amino acid and protein content of cassava storage roots and evaluation of root-specific promoters in cassavaLeyva-Guerrero, Elisa 21 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Utmaningar med hyressättning efter renovering : En analys av lagstiftningen kring hyreshöjningar vid renoveringar inom miljonprogrammet / The challenges of the rent setting system during renovation : Analysis of Legislation on Rent Increases During Renovations Within the Million ProgrammeMikho, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Bostadshusen från miljonprogrammet är i behov av genomgripande renoveringar. Samtidigt riskerar detta att medföra omfattande hyreshöjningar för hyresgästerna som utgör en socioekonomiskt utsatt grupp i samhället. De hyreshöjningar som hyresgästerna står inför, och som har stöd i rådande lagstiftning, kan resultera i en renovräkning som innebär att ett flertal hyresgäster behöver lämna sina hem. Syftet med detta arbete är att erhålla en djupare förståelse för hur hyressättningssystemet i samband med renovering fungerar för att undersöka dels rimligheten i de hyreshöjningar som sker, dels om rådande lagstiftning skyddar hyresgästen i samband med detta. Främst fokus har riktats mot hyreslägenheterna som tillhör miljonprogrammet. Tre centrala frågeställningar har väglett arbetet: Vilka lagar och regler styr hyreshöjningar vid renoveringar av lägenheter inom miljonprogrammet? Hur bedöms rimligheten i en hyreshöjning efter renoveringar ur ett juridiskt perspektiv? Skyddar dagens lagstiftning hyresgäster från markanta hyreshöjningar? För att besvara samtliga frågeställningar har en rättsdogmatisk ansats tillämpats, där utgångspunkten har tagits i lagstiftning, rättspraxis, lagförarbeten, viss rättshistoria och doktrin. Vidare har tillhörande litteratur samt rättsfall studerats för att undersöka hur hyressättningssystemet kring renoveringar ter sig i praktiken. Arbetet konstaterar att hyreshöjningar följt av renoveringar kan få betydande konsekvenser för hyresgästerna, speciellt i områden som tillhör miljonprogrammet, som präglas av socioekonomisk utsatthet. Rådande regelsystem möjliggör betydande hyreshöjningar där hyresgäster har ett begränsat inflytande trots de skyddsregler som idag finns för att tillgodose ett skydd för dem. Dagens lagstiftning står därmed inför stora utmaningar, inte minst när det gäller att tillgodose behovet av en rimlig bostadsstandard samtidigt som hyresgästens ekonomiska situation ska beaktas. / The residential buildings from the Million program are in need of extensive renovation. This can lead to substantial rent increases for the tenants, who represent a socio-economically vulnerable group in society. The rent increases, which are supported by current legislation, may result in renovation eviction, where several tenants are forced to leave their homes due to rent increase. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how the rent setting system during renovation works, in order to examine both the reasonableness of the rent increases and whether current legislation protects the tenant in such cases. The focus has been on rental apartments from the Million program. Three central questions have guided this work: What laws and regulations govern rent increases when renovating apartments from the Million program? How is the reasonableness of a rent increase after renovations assessed from a legal perspective? Does current legislation protect tenants from significant rent increases? To answer the questions presented, different methods, including a legal-dogmatic approach, have been applied, where the current legislation, case law, selective legislative history and doctrine have been studied. Other literature on the subject have also been studied, in order to obtain an insight of the rent setting system during renovation, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. This work finds that rent increases followed by renovation can have significant consequences for tenants, especially in areas belonging to the Million program with high socio-economic vulnerability. The current legislation allows for extensive rent increases where tenants have limited influence despite the current influence that is supported by law to provide protection for them. Today's legislation thus faces major challenges, not least when it comes to meeting the need for a reasonable standard of housing while taking into account the tenant's financial situation.
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Návrh sportovních vaček pro motocyklový motor / Design of sport cams for motorcycle engineZávodník, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis contains a theoretical part with the topic of valve train. It contains measured data and their processing. The processed data are used to create the 1D engine’s simulation. Valve train’s parameters were modified for increased power and torque. Contained two variants of changes can serve as guide for final draft because of next adjustments.
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Minimering av slöserier och kapacitetsbegränsningar för att öka produktionskapaciteten : En fallstudie på företaget Svensson & LinnérKarlsson, Therese, Eriksson, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Formgivningsprocessen på Svensson & Linnér är en produktionsprocess som syftar till att förändra produktens form genom pressning samt böjning. I en produktionsprocess existerar det oftast ett flertal slöserier och kapacitetbegränsningar som inte kan identifieras förrän en processkartläggning är gjord. Kartläggning av processer möjliggör därför att företag blir medvetna om de slöserier och kapacitetsbegränsningar som existerar. Detta gör att företag kan förbättra sina processer genom att eliminera ledtider, väntetider och onödiga rörelser. Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera slöserier och kapacitetsbegränsningar i formgivningsprocessen på Svensson & Linnér samt förklara dess bakomliggande orsaker. Syftet är vidare att föreslå förbättringsåtgärder som borde göras för att öka kapaciteten i processen. Metod: Studien som genomförts är en fallstudie på företaget Svensson & Linnér där data samlats in genom deltagande och strukturerade observationer samt genom ostrukturerade och semi-strukturerade intervjuer. En processkartläggning och beräkningar av kapacitetsutnyttjandet har gjorts för att kunna identifiera slöserier och kapacitetsbegränsningar. Orsak-verkandiagram har sedan upprättas för att identifiera bakomliggande orsaker och ge förslag på förbättringsåtgärder som bör göras för att öka kapaciteten i processen. Slutsatser: Studien har kommit fram till att det i formgivningsprocessen existerar slöserier i form av onödiga lager, rörelser, transporter, väntan, inkorrekta processer, defekta produkter och outnyttjad kreativitet hos medarbetarna. Efter beräkningar av kapacitetsutnyttjandet i processen identifierades det att funktionen skär- och sliproboten är kapacitetsbegränsningen i processen. Utifrån de bakomliggande orsakerna har fem förbättringsförslag identifierats som kan leda till kapacitetsökning i formgivningsprocessen. Svensson & Linnér bör endast ha ett lager för stansat faner där FIFO-principen och ställagring av pallat gods bör användas. I processen bör fel och brister åtgärdas långsiktigt istället för provisoriskt och arbetssättet bör standardiseras. I robotcellerna bör soptunnor placeras ut så att avfall kan slängas direkt och inte vid skiftbytet senare. För att öka kapaciteten i kapacitetsbegränsningen, skär- och sliproboten, föreslås det att fallföretaget ska anpassa kapaciteten efter efterfrågan på produkten genom att utnyttja övertid i processen. / Background: The shaping process at Svensson and Linnér is a process that aims to change the shape of the product by pressing and bending. In a production process there usually exists a number of wastes or capacity constraints which not can be identified until a process mapping is made. A mapping of a process therefore enables companies to become aware of the waste and the capacity constraints that exist. This enables companies to improve their processes by eliminating lead times, waiting times and unnecessary movements. Purpose: The aim of this thesis to identify waste and capacity constraints in the shaping process at Svensson & Linnér and to explain its underlying causes. The aim is then to propose improvements that should be done in order to increase the capacity in the shaping process. Method: The study is conducted as a case study at the company Svensson & Linnér where data was collected through participant and structured observations and through unstructured and semi-structured interviews. A process mapping and calculations of capacity utilization has been made to identify waste and capacity constraints. Cause - effect diagrams was then established to identify the underlying causes and to suggest improvements that could lead to increased capacity. Conclusions: The study has concluded that it in the shaping process exists wastes in terms of unnecessary inventory, motion, transportation, waiting, incorrect procedures, defective products and untapped creativity of the operatives. After calculations of capacity utilization in the process, it was identified that the cutting and grinding robot is the capacity limit of the process. Based on the underlying causes have five suggestions for improvements been identified that could lead to increased capacity in the shaping process. Svensson & Linnér should only have one stock for punched veneer where the FIFO principle and rack storage of palletized goods should be used. In the process should errors and flaws be fixed in long terms instead of provisionally and working methods should be standardized. In the robot cells should dustbins be placed so that waste can be disposed immediately and not at the shift change later. To increase the capacity of the capacity constraint, cutting and grinding robot, it is suggested that the company should adjust their capacity to demand for the product by using overtime in the process.
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Le droit préférentiel de souscription / The preferential subscription rightHage, Zeinab 19 April 2013 (has links)
Le droit préférentiel de souscription est un droit individuel de l'actionnaire dont le régime d'exercice a été souligné par une actualité récente. Ce droit a été évoqué à propos des actions de préférence, des abus de majorité et des avantages particuliers. Il est expressément consacré par la loi. La comparaison du droit préférentiel de souscription dans les systèmes juridiques libanais et français a dévoilé la parenté d'origine des deux systèmes, ainsi que des failles dans le premier. Des projets de réformes sont proposés pour placer les sociétés libanaises à égalité avec leurs concurrentes étrangères qui bénéficient d'un règlement mieux adaptées à leurs exigences. Le droit préférentiel de souscription n'est pas reconnu comme un droit intangible. Notre thèse démontre, d'une part, que ce droit constitue la meilleure protection pour les actionnaires. D'autre part, elle montre que la suppression du droit préférentiel de souscription ne peut intervenir que sous la double condition d'une information suffisante des actionnaires et d'un prix d'émission d'actions nouvelles minimum. / The preferential subscription right is an individual right of shareholders which the regime of exercise has been highlighted by recent events. This right has been mentioned regarding preference shares, majority abuse and special advantages. This right is expressly dedicated by the law. The comparison of preferential subscription right in the Lebanese and French legal systems points out the historical relation between the two systems, as well as presence of faults in the first. Reform projects are suggested in order to put the Lebanese companies at the same level with her competing companies. The preferential subscription right is not recognized as an intangible right. Our thesis reveals, firstly, that this right constitutes a perfect protection for the shareholders. Secondly, it indicates that the suppression of the preferential subscription right can only occur under the double condition of sufficient information of the shareholders and an issue price of new shares.
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Värdehöjande avkap : -Öka värdet genom att kapa bort kvalitetsfel i skogen / Value adding cuts : - Value increase through quality defects cuts in forestSvalin, Mathias January 2019 (has links)
Derome skog råvaruförsörjer fem sågverk i en tuff bransch med hård konkurrens. För att öka konkurrenskraften skall de testa värdehöjande avkap. Värdehöjande avkap innebär att kvalitetsfel kapas bort direkt i skogen av skördarföraren. Detta skall förutom ökande konkurrenskraft leda till högre timmerandel, mindre vrakandel, mer timmer snabbare och säkrare arbetsmiljö för entreprenörer som minimerar det manuella arbetet i skogen. Syftet är att undersöka om värdehöjande avkap ger en värdeökning samt att se vilka variabler som har störst betydelse för eventuell värdeökning. Data samlades in från en fältundersökning samt skördarens HPR- filer för att sammanställas via programmet Virkesvärde. Resultatet visade att användningen av värdehöjande avkap gav en positiv värdeökning. I fältundersökningen visades en 35 % värdeökning där värdehöjande avkap användes. Och via Virkesvärde visades en 43 % värdeökning i de fall där värdehöjande avkap förekom. Slutsatsen blev att begreppet värdehöjande avkap blev en värdehöjande handling samt att två variabler hade störst betydelse på värdeökningen, diameter samt kvalitetsklassen. / Derome forest´s main task is to provide five sawmills in the Derome Group´s industries with raw material from timber. To increase timber exchange from the forest they want to test value-adding cuts direct in to the forest. Value-adding cuts means that the harvester cuts off quality defects that lowers the value of the tree. Such quality defects is rot, buttress or crook. In this case, Derome forest wants to increase timber proportion, reduce wasted log, better timber quality and less disruptions at their industries. The purpose with this study is to investigate if the concept with value-adding cuts increases the value on individual logs and further increases all harvest. To investigate the value-adding cuts a quantitative method in shape of a field investigation was used to provide different data about the tree when value-adding cuts was applied. Except for the field investigation a program developed by Skogforsk called Virkesvärde was used to analyze the whole logging operation. The study was delimit to esclusively manage tree species used in Derome Group´s sawmills, spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris).In those cases where value-adding cuts were applied during the field investigation an average value increase was made with 39 SEK/tree and 35 % on the first stock. There is obvious connections between diameter, timber class and increase of value. A new timber proportion with 42,6 m3fub or 1,4 % was created from the analysis in Virkesvärde for the whole cutting operation. The value increase of the cutting operation was 43 % on the first stock on the trees where value-adding cut was applied. Price lists for different assortments from Derome forest was used in the calculations. In the field investigation there was value increases on lumps up to 18 dm. Only when the quality defects did not disappear the cut was unsuccessful. The result of the study gave a clear answer that value-adding cuts really was a value-adding action.
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La protection des actionnaires à l’occasion de l’augmentation de capital des sociétés anonymes : étude comparée des droits français et irakien en vue d’une amélioration du droit irakien / The protect shareholders during the capital increase of the joint stock companys : comparative study French and Iraqi law in order to improve Iraqi lawMuhi, Husam Abdulateef 20 October 2016 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur la protection des actionnaires à l’occasion de l’augmentation de capital des sociétés anonymes - étude comparée des droits français et irakien en vue d’une amélioration du droit irakien. Elle se focalise sur les risques pouvant toucher les droits pécuniaires, les droits politiques et les droits patrimoniaux des actionnaires et sur leurs traitements. Nous remarquons que la protection en droit français paraît plus avantageuse pour les actionnaires qu’en droit irakien. Nous démontrons que, même si cette protection des actionnaires dans le droit irakien comprend des points forts, elle n’est pas suffisante afin de garantir leur égalité de traitement. Cette protection peut être améliorée par le législateur irakien en s’inspirant des propositions auxquelles nous arrivons dans la conclusion générale de notre recherche. / Our study focuses on the protect shareholders during the capital increase of the joint stock companys - comparative study French and Iraqi law in order to improve Iraqi law. It focuses on the risks that may affect financial rights, political rights and the property rights of shareholders and their treatments. We note that the protect under French law seems more beneficial to shareholders that Iraqi law. We demonstrate that, although the protect of shareholders in Iraqi law includes strengths, it is not sufficient to guarantee their equal treatment. This protect can be improved by the Iraqi legislature on the basis of proposals which we reach the general conclusion of our research.
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Community care of mentally retarded children : an exploratory study of support systemsChinkanda, Esther Nozizwe January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Social Work)) -- University of Limpopo, 1987 / Refer to document / Human Science Research Council (HSRC) and
University of the North
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The Effectiveness of an Intervention Designed to Increase the Positive to Negative Ratio of Instructor Interactions During After-School ProgrammingWheatley, Rikki K. 01 May 2015 (has links)
Correlational research has shown the ratio of positive to negative interactions (PN ratio) between students and teachers may have an effect on the frequency and type of student behavior displayed in the context of teaching. Based on this research, PN ratio has become a prominent feature of many school improvement and teacher evaluation measures. While a variety of correlational data show a positive relationship between high PN ratios and improved student behavior in the classroom, there is little evidence assessing the extent to which instructors will increase PN ratios following didactic workshop training (relatively passive, one-session workshops with few opportunities for skill building). Additionally, the limited amount of available data suggests that increasing these ratios may be more difficult than expected. The purpose of this research was to assess the effectiveness of two interventions used to train after-school instructors to increase PN ratios. The first intervention (workshop training) followed a didactic workshop-training model. The second intervention (coaching) included the components of the didactic workshop model with the addition of modeling, role-play, and performance feedback. In this study four instructors in an after-school program were randomly assigned to one of two groups to participate in training programs. These programs were designed to help them increase PN ratios when interacting with students during homework time in the after-school program. Group 1 received only the workshop training, and Group 2 received the workshop training as well as the coaching intervention. Instructor behaviors were recorded during 15-minute observation sessions, and PN ratios were calculated for each instructor. All observation sessions took place in the context of homework time during regularly scheduled after-school programming. The study used AB/ABC design to assess the success of the two training models. Instructors in Group 1 showed no increases in the frequency of positive interactions or PN ratios. Instructors in Group 2 showed an increased frequency of positive interactions and increased PN ratios in the coaching condition. Results are discussed in terms of increases and decreases in the daily frequency of positive and negative interactions as well as the overall increases in PN ratio.
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Direct Effects of Warming Increase Woody Plant Abundance in a Subarctic WetlandCarlson, Lindsay G. 01 December 2017 (has links)
Climate change is expected to continue to cause large increases in temperature in Arctic and sub-Arctic ecosystems which has already resulted in changes to plant communities; for example, increased shrub biomass and range. It is important to understand how warmer temperatures could affect the plant community in a wetland system because this region provides crucial high-quality forage for migratory herbivores during the breeding season. One mechanism by which warming could cause change is directly, where warming influences the vital rates of a species; these effects may be either positive or negative. Warmer temperatures may also affect a species indirectly, by impacting neighboring plants which compete with, or facilitate that species. Altering interspecific interactions may affect the abundances of the surrounding species. Recent research shows these ‘indirect’ effects which are mediated by biotic interactions may be important enough to reverse ‘direct’ effects of climate change in some plant communities. Furthermore, herbivores have been shown to mediate the effects of warming, in some systems, even preventing shrub expansion. However, the abundance of herbivores may change because of climate change so it is important to understand the role of herbivores in mitigating climate change effects to inform management strategy. Therefore, we aimed to determine the importance of direct and indirect effects of warming on this plant community while considering changing herbivore pressures.
We conducted a two-year field experiment in the coastal wetlands of western Alaska to investigate how warming and herbivory will impact the abundances of two common species, a sedge and a dwarf shrub. We used the results from the experiment to predict the equilibrium abundances of the two species under different climate and herbivory scenarios and determine the contribution of direct and indirect effects to predicted community change.
The sedge, Carex ramenskii, remained dominant in under ambient conditions, but the dwarf shrub, Salix ovalifolia, became dominant in warmed treatments. Herbivory mediated some of the effects of warming; where grazing was present community composition did not change as much as where it was not grazed. Results suggest that in the absence of goose herbivory, a 2°C increase could cause a shift from sedge to woody plant dominance on the coast of western Alaska. However, if grazing pressure by geese continues at the present rate, it may help retain the current community composition, though herbivory pressure was not sufficient to entirely reverse the effect of warming. Finally, we found that direct effects were more important than indirect effects in causing changes to this plant community.
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